Exemple #1
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    config_file = options['config']
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

    print('CLI options: {}'.format(options.items()))

    print('Reading Config File: {}...'.format(config_file))

    print('preprocessing dataset...')

    # stream 1
    s1_data = load_mat_file(config.get('stream1', 'data'))
    s1_imagesize = tuple([int(d) for d in config.get('stream1', 'imagesize').split(',')])
    s1 = config.get('stream1', 'model')
    s1_inputdim = config.getint('stream1', 'input_dimensions')
    s1_shape = config.get('stream1', 'shape')
    s1_nonlinearities = config.get('stream1', 'nonlinearities')

    # lstm classifier
    fusiontype = config.get('lstm_classifier', 'fusiontype')
    weight_init = options['weight_init'] if 'weight_init' in options else config.get('lstm_classifier', 'weight_init')
    use_peepholes = options['use_peepholes'] if 'use_peepholes' in options else config.getboolean('lstm_classifier',
    use_blstm = True if config.has_option('lstm_classifier', 'use_blstm') else False

    windowsize = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'windowsize')
    output_classes = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'output_classes')
    output_classnames = config.get('lstm_classifier', 'output_classnames').split(',')
    lstm_size = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'lstm_size')
    matlab_target_offset = config.getboolean('lstm_classifier', 'matlab_target_offset')

    # capture training parameters
    validation_window = int(options['validation_window']) \
        if 'validation_window' in options else config.getint('training', 'validation_window')
    num_epoch = int(options['num_epoch']) if 'num_epoch' in options else config.getint('training', 'num_epoch')
    learning_rate = options['learning_rate'] if 'learning_rate' in options \
        else config.getfloat('training', 'learning_rate')
    epochsize = config.getint('training', 'epochsize')
    batchsize = config.getint('training', 'batchsize')

    weight_init_fn = las.init.GlorotUniform()
    if weight_init == 'glorot':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.GlorotUniform()
    if weight_init == 'norm':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Normal(0.1)
    if weight_init == 'uniform':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Uniform()
    if weight_init == 'ortho':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Orthogonal()

    s1_data_matrix = s1_data['dataMatrix'].astype('float32')


    targets_vec = s1_data['targetsVec'].reshape((-1,))
    subjects_vec = s1_data['subjectsVec'].reshape((-1,))
    vidlen_vec = s1_data['videoLengthVec'].reshape((-1,))
    iter_vec = s1_data['iterVec'].reshape((-1,))

    if matlab_target_offset:
        targets_vec -= 1

    s1_data_matrix = presplit_dataprocessing(s1_data_matrix, vidlen_vec, config, 'stream1', imagesize=s1_imagesize)

    indexes = create_split_index(len(s1_data_matrix), vidlen_vec, iter_vec)
    s1_train_vidlens, s1_val_vidlens = split_videolen(vidlen_vec, iter_vec)

    # split the data
    s1_train_X = s1_data_matrix[indexes == True]
    s1_train_y = targets_vec[indexes == True].reshape((-1,))
    s1_val_X = s1_data_matrix[indexes == False]
    s1_val_y = targets_vec[indexes == False].reshape((-1,))

    s1_train_X, s1_val_X = postsplit_datapreprocessing(s1_train_X, s1_val_X, config, 'stream1')

    s1_has_encoder = config.getboolean('stream1', 'has_encoder')

    # IMPT: the encoder was trained with fortan ordered images, so to visualize
    # convert all the images to C order using reshape_images_order()
    # output = dbn.predict(test_X)
    # test_X = reshape_images_order(test_X, (26, 44))
    # output = reshape_images_order(output, (26, 44))
    # visualize_reconstruction(test_X[:36, :], output[:36, :], shape=(26, 44))

    window = T.iscalar('theta')
    inputs1 = T.tensor3('inputs1', dtype='float32')
    mask = T.matrix('mask', dtype='uint8')
    targets = T.imatrix('targets')

    print('constructing end to end model...')
    if s1_has_encoder:
        ae1 = load_decoder(s1, s1_shape, s1_nonlinearities)
        network = deltanet_majority_vote.create_model(ae1, (None, None, s1_inputdim), inputs1,
                                                      (None, None), mask,
                                                      lstm_size, window, output_classes, weight_init_fn,
                                                      use_peepholes, use_blstm)
        network = deltanet_v1.create_model((None, None, s1_inputdim), inputs1,
                                           (None, None), mask, window,
                                           lstm_size, output_classes, weight_init_fn, use_peepholes, use_blstm)
    # draw_to_file(las.layers.get_all_layers(network), 'network.png')
    print('compiling model...')
    predictions = las.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=False)
    all_params = las.layers.get_all_params(network, trainable=True)
    cost = temporal_softmax_loss(predictions, targets, mask)
    updates = adam(cost, all_params, learning_rate=learning_rate)

    train = theano.function(
        [inputs1, targets, mask, window],
        cost, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True)
    compute_train_cost = theano.function([inputs1, targets, mask, window],
                                         cost, allow_input_downcast=True)

    test_predictions = las.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=True)
    test_cost = temporal_softmax_loss(test_predictions, targets, mask)
    compute_test_cost = theano.function(
        [inputs1, targets, mask, window], test_cost, allow_input_downcast=True)

    val_fn = theano.function([inputs1, mask, window], test_predictions, allow_input_downcast=True)

    # We'll train the network with 10 epochs of 30 minibatches each
    print('begin training...')
    cost_train = []
    cost_val = []
    class_rate = []
    STRIP_SIZE = 3
    val_window = circular_list(validation_window)
    train_strip = np.zeros((STRIP_SIZE,))
    best_val = float('inf')
    best_cr = 0.0

    datagen = gen_lstm_batch_random(s1_train_X, s1_train_y, s1_train_vidlens, batchsize=batchsize)
    val_datagen = gen_lstm_batch_random(s1_val_X, s1_val_y, s1_val_vidlens, batchsize=len(s1_val_vidlens))

    # We'll use this "validation set" to periodically check progress
    X_val, y_val, mask_val, idxs_val = next(val_datagen)

    # reshape the targets for validation
    y_val_evaluate = y_val
    y_val = y_val.reshape((-1, 1)).repeat(mask_val.shape[-1], axis=-1)

    for epoch in range(num_epoch):
        time_start = time.time()
        for i in range(epochsize):
            X, y, m, batch_idxs = next(datagen)
            # repeat targets based on max sequence len
            y = y.reshape((-1, 1))
            y = y.repeat(m.shape[-1], axis=-1)
            print_str = 'Epoch {} batch {}/{}: {} examples using adam with learning rate = {}'.format(
                epoch + 1, i + 1, epochsize, len(X), learning_rate)
            print(print_str, end='')
            train(X, y, m, windowsize)
            print('\r', end='')
        cost = compute_train_cost(X, y, m, windowsize)
        val_cost = compute_test_cost(X_val, y_val, mask_val, windowsize)
        train_strip[epoch % STRIP_SIZE] = cost

        gl = 100 * (cost_val[-1] / np.min(cost_val) - 1)
        pk = 1000 * (np.sum(train_strip) / (STRIP_SIZE * np.min(train_strip)) - 1)
        pq = gl / pk

        cr, val_conf = evaluate_model2(X_val, y_val_evaluate, mask_val, windowsize, val_fn)

        print("Epoch {} train cost = {}, val cost = {}, "
              "GL loss = {:.3f}, GQ = {:.3f}, CR = {:.3f} ({:.1f}sec)"
              .format(epoch + 1, cost_train[-1], cost_val[-1], gl, pq, cr, time.time() - time_start))

        if val_cost < best_val:
            best_val = val_cost
            best_cr = cr
            best_conf = val_conf
            best_params = las.layers.get_all_param_values(network)

        if epoch >= validation_window and early_stop2(val_window, best_val, validation_window):

    print('Final Model')
    print('CR: {}, val loss: {}'.format(best_cr, best_val))

    # plot confusion matrix
    table_str = plot_confusion_matrix(best_conf, output_classnames, fmt='pipe')
    print('confusion matrix: ')

    if 'save_plot' in options:
        prefix = options['save_plot']
        plot_validation_cost(cost_train, cost_val, savefilename='{}.validloss.png'.format(prefix))
        with open('{}.confmat.txt'.format(prefix), mode='a') as f:

    if 'write_results' in options:
        print('writing results to {}'.format(options['write_results']))
        results_file = options['write_results']
        with open(results_file, mode='a') as f:
            f.write('{},{}\n'.format(best_cr, best_val))

    if 'save_best' in options:
        print('saving best model...')
        las.layers.set_all_param_values(network, best_params)
        save_model_params(network, options['save_best'])
        print('best model saved to {}'.format(options['save_best']))
Exemple #2
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    config_file = options['config']
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

    print('CLI options: {}'.format(options.items()))

    print('Reading Config File: {}...'.format(config_file))

    print('preprocessing dataset...')

    # stream 1
    s1_data = load_mat_file(config.get('stream1', 'data'))
    s1_imagesize = tuple(
        [int(d) for d in config.get('stream1', 'imagesize').split(',')])
    s1 = config.get('stream1', 'model')
    s1_inputdim = config.getint('stream1', 'input_dimensions')
    s1_shape = config.get('stream1', 'shape')
    s1_nonlinearities = config.get('stream1', 'nonlinearities')

    # lstm classifier
    fusiontype = config.get('lstm_classifier', 'fusiontype')
    weight_init = options[
        'weight_init'] if 'weight_init' in options else config.get(
            'lstm_classifier', 'weight_init')
    use_peepholes = options[
        'use_peepholes'] if 'use_peepholes' in options else config.getboolean(
            'lstm_classifier', 'use_peepholes')
    use_blstm = True if config.has_option('lstm_classifier',
                                          'use_blstm') else False

    windowsize = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'windowsize')
    output_classes = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'output_classes')
    output_classnames = config.get('lstm_classifier',
    lstm_size = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'lstm_size')
    matlab_target_offset = config.getboolean('lstm_classifier',

    # capture training parameters
    validation_window = int(options['validation_window']) \
        if 'validation_window' in options else config.getint('training', 'validation_window')
    num_epoch = int(
        options['num_epoch']) if 'num_epoch' in options else config.getint(
            'training', 'num_epoch')
    learning_rate = options['learning_rate'] if 'learning_rate' in options \
        else config.getfloat('training', 'learning_rate')
    epochsize = config.getint('training', 'epochsize')
    batchsize = config.getint('training', 'batchsize')

    weight_init_fn = las.init.GlorotUniform()
    if weight_init == 'glorot':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.GlorotUniform()
    if weight_init == 'norm':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Normal(0.1)
    if weight_init == 'uniform':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Uniform()
    if weight_init == 'ortho':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Orthogonal()

    s1_data_matrix = s1_data['dataMatrix'].astype('float32')


    targets_vec = s1_data['targetsVec'].reshape((-1, ))
    subjects_vec = s1_data['subjectsVec'].reshape((-1, ))
    vidlen_vec = s1_data['videoLengthVec'].reshape((-1, ))
    iter_vec = s1_data['iterVec'].reshape((-1, ))

    if matlab_target_offset:
        targets_vec -= 1

    s1_data_matrix = presplit_dataprocessing(s1_data_matrix,

    indexes = create_split_index(len(s1_data_matrix), vidlen_vec, iter_vec)
    s1_train_vidlens, s1_val_vidlens = split_videolen(vidlen_vec, iter_vec)

    # split the data
    s1_train_X = s1_data_matrix[indexes == True]
    s1_train_y = targets_vec[indexes == True].reshape((-1, ))
    s1_val_X = s1_data_matrix[indexes == False]
    s1_val_y = targets_vec[indexes == False].reshape((-1, ))

    s1_train_X, s1_val_X = postsplit_datapreprocessing(s1_train_X, s1_val_X,
                                                       config, 'stream1')

    s1_has_encoder = config.getboolean('stream1', 'has_encoder')

    # IMPT: the encoder was trained with fortan ordered images, so to visualize
    # convert all the images to C order using reshape_images_order()
    # output = dbn.predict(test_X)
    # test_X = reshape_images_order(test_X, (26, 44))
    # output = reshape_images_order(output, (26, 44))
    # visualize_reconstruction(test_X[:36, :], output[:36, :], shape=(26, 44))

    window = T.iscalar('theta')
    inputs1 = T.tensor3('inputs1', dtype='float32')
    mask = T.matrix('mask', dtype='uint8')
    targets = T.imatrix('targets')

    print('constructing end to end model...')
    if s1_has_encoder:
        ae1 = load_decoder(s1, s1_shape, s1_nonlinearities)
        network = deltanet_majority_vote.create_model(
            ae1, (None, None, s1_inputdim), inputs1, (None, None), mask,
            lstm_size, window, output_classes, weight_init_fn, use_peepholes,
        network = deltanet_v1.create_model(
            (None, None, s1_inputdim), inputs1, (None, None), mask, window,
            lstm_size, output_classes, weight_init_fn, use_peepholes,
    # draw_to_file(las.layers.get_all_layers(network), 'network.png')
    print('compiling model...')
    predictions = las.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=False)
    all_params = las.layers.get_all_params(network, trainable=True)
    cost = temporal_softmax_loss(predictions, targets, mask)
    updates = adam(cost, all_params, learning_rate=learning_rate)

    train = theano.function([inputs1, targets, mask, window],
    compute_train_cost = theano.function([inputs1, targets, mask, window],

    test_predictions = las.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=True)
    test_cost = temporal_softmax_loss(test_predictions, targets, mask)
    compute_test_cost = theano.function([inputs1, targets, mask, window],

    val_fn = theano.function([inputs1, mask, window],

    # We'll train the network with 10 epochs of 30 minibatches each
    print('begin training...')
    cost_train = []
    cost_val = []
    class_rate = []
    STRIP_SIZE = 3
    val_window = circular_list(validation_window)
    train_strip = np.zeros((STRIP_SIZE, ))
    best_val = float('inf')
    best_cr = 0.0

    datagen = gen_lstm_batch_random(s1_train_X,
    val_datagen = gen_lstm_batch_random(s1_val_X,

    # We'll use this "validation set" to periodically check progress
    X_val, y_val, mask_val, idxs_val = next(val_datagen)

    # reshape the targets for validation
    y_val_evaluate = y_val
    y_val = y_val.reshape((-1, 1)).repeat(mask_val.shape[-1], axis=-1)

    for epoch in range(num_epoch):
        time_start = time.time()
        for i in range(epochsize):
            X, y, m, batch_idxs = next(datagen)
            # repeat targets based on max sequence len
            y = y.reshape((-1, 1))
            y = y.repeat(m.shape[-1], axis=-1)
            print_str = 'Epoch {} batch {}/{}: {} examples using adam with learning rate = {}'.format(
                epoch + 1, i + 1, epochsize, len(X), learning_rate)
            print(print_str, end='')
            train(X, y, m, windowsize)
            print('\r', end='')
        cost = compute_train_cost(X, y, m, windowsize)
        val_cost = compute_test_cost(X_val, y_val, mask_val, windowsize)
        train_strip[epoch % STRIP_SIZE] = cost

        gl = 100 * (cost_val[-1] / np.min(cost_val) - 1)
        pk = 1000 * (np.sum(train_strip) /
                     (STRIP_SIZE * np.min(train_strip)) - 1)
        pq = gl / pk

        cr, val_conf = evaluate_model2(X_val, y_val_evaluate, mask_val,
                                       windowsize, val_fn)

        print("Epoch {} train cost = {}, val cost = {}, "
              "GL loss = {:.3f}, GQ = {:.3f}, CR = {:.3f} ({:.1f}sec)".format(
                  epoch + 1, cost_train[-1], cost_val[-1], gl, pq, cr,
                  time.time() - time_start))

        if val_cost < best_val:
            best_val = val_cost
            best_cr = cr
            best_conf = val_conf
            best_params = las.layers.get_all_param_values(network)

        if epoch >= validation_window and early_stop2(val_window, best_val,

    print('Final Model')
    print('CR: {}, val loss: {}'.format(best_cr, best_val))

    # plot confusion matrix
    table_str = plot_confusion_matrix(best_conf, output_classnames, fmt='pipe')
    print('confusion matrix: ')

    if 'save_plot' in options:
        prefix = options['save_plot']
        with open('{}.confmat.txt'.format(prefix), mode='a') as f:

    if 'write_results' in options:
        print('writing results to {}'.format(options['write_results']))
        results_file = options['write_results']
        with open(results_file, mode='a') as f:
            f.write('{},{}\n'.format(best_cr, best_val))

    if 'save_best' in options:
        print('saving best model...')
        las.layers.set_all_param_values(network, best_params)
        save_model_params(network, options['save_best'])
        print('best model saved to {}'.format(options['save_best']))
Exemple #3
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    config_file = options['config']
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

    print('CLI options: {}'.format(options.items()))

    print('Reading Config File: {}...'.format(config_file))

    print('preprocessing dataset...')
    data = load_mat_file(config.get('stream1', 'data'))
    has_encoder = config.getboolean('stream1', 'has_encoder')
    stream1_dim = config.getint('stream1', 'input_dimensions')
    imagesize = tuple([int(d) for d in config.get('stream1', 'imagesize').split(',')])
    if has_encoder:
        stream1 = config.get('stream1', 'model')
        stream1_shape = config.get('stream1', 'shape')
        stream1_nonlinearities = config.get('stream1', 'nonlinearities')

    # lstm classifier
    output_classes = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'output_classes')
    output_classnames = config.get('lstm_classifier', 'output_classnames').split(',')
    lstm_size = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'lstm_size')
    matlab_target_offset = config.getboolean('lstm_classifier', 'matlab_target_offset')

    # lstm classifier configurations
    weight_init = options['weight_init'] if 'weight_init' in options else config.get('lstm_classifier', 'weight_init')
    use_peepholes = options['use_peepholes'] if 'use_peepholes' in options else config.getboolean('lstm_classifier',
    use_blstm = True if config.has_option('lstm_classifier', 'use_blstm') else False
    windowsize = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'windowsize')

    # capture training parameters
    validation_window = int(options['validation_window']) \
        if 'validation_window' in options else config.getint('training', 'validation_window')
    num_epoch = int(options['num_epoch']) if 'num_epoch' in options else config.getint('training', 'num_epoch')
    learning_rate = options['learning_rate'] if 'learning_rate' in options \
        else config.getfloat('training', 'learning_rate')

    epochsize = config.getint('training', 'epochsize')
    batchsize = config.getint('training', 'batchsize')

    weight_init_fn = las.init.GlorotUniform()
    if weight_init == 'glorot':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.GlorotUniform()
    if weight_init == 'norm':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Normal(0.1)
    if weight_init == 'uniform':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Uniform()
    if weight_init == 'ortho':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Orthogonal()

    data_matrix = data['dataMatrix'].astype('float32')
    targets_vec = data['targetsVec'].reshape((-1,))
    subjects_vec = data['subjectsVec'].reshape((-1,))
    vidlen_vec = data['videoLengthVec'].reshape((-1,))
    iter_vec = data['iterVec'].reshape((-1,))

    data_matrix = presplit_dataprocessing(data_matrix, vidlen_vec, config, 'stream1', imagesize=imagesize)

    indexes = create_split_index(len(data_matrix), vidlen_vec, iter_vec)
    train_vidlen_vec, test_vidlen_vec = split_videolen(vidlen_vec, iter_vec)

    if matlab_target_offset:
        targets_vec -= 1

    # split the data
    train_data = data_matrix[indexes == True]
    train_targets = targets_vec[indexes == True]
    train_targets = train_targets.reshape((len(train_targets),))
    test_data = data_matrix[indexes == False]
    test_targets = targets_vec[indexes == False]
    test_targets = test_targets.reshape((len(test_targets),))

    train_data, test_data = postsplit_datapreprocessing(train_data, test_data, config, 'stream1')

    inputs = T.tensor3('inputs', dtype='float32')
    window = T.iscalar('theta')
    mask = T.matrix('mask', dtype='uint8')
    targets = T.imatrix('targets')

    print('constructing end to end model...')
    if not has_encoder:
        network = deltanet_v1.create_model((None, None, stream1_dim), inputs,
                                           (None, None), mask, window,
                                           lstm_size, output_classes, weight_init_fn, use_peepholes, use_blstm)
        ae1 = load_decoder(stream1, stream1_shape, stream1_nonlinearities)
        network = deltanet_majority_vote.create_model(ae1, (None, None, stream1_dim), inputs,
                                                      (None, None), mask,
                                                      lstm_size, window, output_classes, weight_init_fn, use_peepholes)

    draw_to_file(las.layers.get_all_layers(network), 'network.png', verbose=True)
    # exit()
    print('compiling model...')
    predictions = las.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=False)
    all_params = las.layers.get_all_params(network, trainable=True)
    cost = temporal_softmax_loss(predictions, targets, mask)
    updates = las.updates.adam(cost, all_params, learning_rate)

    train = theano.function(
        [inputs, targets, mask, window],
        cost, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True)
    compute_train_cost = theano.function([inputs, targets, mask, window], cost, allow_input_downcast=True)

    test_predictions = las.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=True)
    test_cost = temporal_softmax_loss(test_predictions, targets, mask)
    compute_test_cost = theano.function(
        [inputs, targets, mask, window], test_cost, allow_input_downcast=True)

    val_fn = theano.function([inputs, mask, window], test_predictions, allow_input_downcast=True)

    # We'll train the network with 10 epochs of 30 minibatches each
    print('begin training...')
    cost_train = []
    cost_val = []
    class_rate = []
    STRIP_SIZE = 3
    val_window = circular_list(validation_window)
    train_strip = np.zeros((STRIP_SIZE,))
    best_val = float('inf')
    best_conf = None
    best_cr = 0.0

    datagen = gen_lstm_batch_random(train_data, train_targets, train_vidlen_vec, batchsize=batchsize)
    val_datagen = gen_lstm_batch_random(test_data, test_targets, test_vidlen_vec,

    # We'll use this "validation set" to periodically check progress
    X_val, y_val, mask_val, idxs_val = next(val_datagen)
    # reshape the targets for validation
    y_val_evaluate = y_val
    y_val = y_val.reshape((-1, 1)).repeat(mask_val.shape[-1], axis=-1)

    for epoch in range(num_epoch):
        time_start = time.time()
        for i in range(epochsize):
            X, y, m, batch_idxs = next(datagen)
            # repeat targets based on max sequence len
            y = y.reshape((-1, 1))
            y = y.repeat(m.shape[-1], axis=-1)
            print_str = 'Epoch {} batch {}/{}: {} examples at learning rate = {:.4f}'.format(
                epoch + 1, i + 1, epochsize, len(X), learning_rate)
            print(print_str, end='')
            train(X, y, m, windowsize)
            print('\r', end='')
        cost = compute_train_cost(X, y, m, windowsize)
        val_cost = compute_test_cost(X_val, y_val, mask_val, windowsize)
        train_strip[epoch % STRIP_SIZE] = cost

        gl = 100 * (cost_val[-1] / np.min(cost_val) - 1)
        pk = 1000 * (np.sum(train_strip) / (STRIP_SIZE * np.min(train_strip)) - 1)
        pq = gl / pk

        cr, val_conf = evaluate_model2(X_val, y_val_evaluate, mask_val, windowsize, val_fn)

        print("Epoch {} train cost = {}, validation cost = {}, "
              "generalization loss = {:.3f}, GQ = {:.3f}, classification rate = {:.3f} ({:.1f}sec)"
              .format(epoch + 1, cost_train[-1], cost_val[-1], gl, pq, cr, time.time() - time_start))

        if val_cost < best_val:
            best_val = val_cost
            best_conf = val_conf
            best_cr = cr

        if epoch >= validation_window and early_stop2(val_window, best_val, validation_window):

    print('Best Model')
    print('classification rate: {}, validation loss: {}'.format(best_cr, best_val))
    print('confusion matrix: ')
    plot_confusion_matrix(best_conf, output_classnames, fmt='latex')
    plot_validation_cost(cost_train, cost_val, class_rate)
Exemple #4
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    config_file = options['config']
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

    print('CLI options: {}'.format(options.items()))

    print('Reading Config File: {}...'.format(config_file))

    print('preprocessing dataset...')
    data = load_mat_file(config.get('stream1', 'data'))
    stream1 = config.get('stream1', 'model')
    imagesize = tuple(
        [int(d) for d in config.get('stream1', 'imagesize').split(',')])
    stream1_dim = config.getint('stream1', 'input_dimensions')
    stream1_shape = config.get('stream1', 'shape')
    stream1_nonlinearities = config.get('stream1', 'nonlinearities')

    # lstm classifier
    output_classes = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'output_classes')
    output_classnames = config.get('lstm_classifier',
    lstm_size = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'lstm_size')
    matlab_target_offset = config.getboolean('lstm_classifier',

    # data preprocessing options
    reorderdata = config.getboolean('stream1', 'reorderdata')
    diffimage = config.getboolean('stream1', 'diffimage')
    meanremove = config.getboolean('stream1', 'meanremove')
    samplewisenormalize = config.getboolean('stream1', 'samplewisenormalize')
    featurewisenormalize = config.getboolean('stream1', 'featurewisenormalize')

    # lstm classifier configurations
    weight_init = options[
        'weight_init'] if 'weight_init' in options else config.get(
            'lstm_classifier', 'weight_init')
    use_peepholes = options[
        'use_peepholes'] if 'use_peepholes' in options else config.getboolean(
            'lstm_classifier', 'use_peepholes')
    windowsize = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'windowsize')

    # capture training parameters
    validation_window = int(options['validation_window']) \
        if 'validation_window' in options else config.getint('training', 'validation_window')
    num_epoch = int(
        options['num_epoch']) if 'num_epoch' in options else config.getint(
            'training', 'num_epoch')
    learning_rate = options['learning_rate'] if 'learning_rate' in options \
        else config.getfloat('training', 'learning_rate')

    epochsize = config.getint('training', 'epochsize')
    batchsize = config.getint('training', 'batchsize')

    weight_init_fn = las.init.GlorotUniform()
    if weight_init == 'glorot':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.GlorotUniform()
    if weight_init == 'norm':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Normal(0.1)
    if weight_init == 'uniform':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Uniform()
    if weight_init == 'ortho':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Orthogonal()

    train_subject_ids = read_data_split_file(
        config.get('training', 'train_subjects_file'))
    val_subject_ids = read_data_split_file(
        config.get('training', 'val_subjects_file'))
    test_subject_ids = read_data_split_file(
        config.get('training', 'test_subjects_file'))

    data_matrix = data['dataMatrix'].astype('float32')
    targets_vec = data['targetsVec'].reshape((-1, ))
    subjects_vec = data['subjectsVec'].reshape((-1, ))
    vidlen_vec = data['videoLengthVec'].reshape((-1, ))

    if reorderdata:
        data_matrix = reorder_data(data_matrix, (imagesize[0], imagesize[1]))

    train_X, train_y, train_vidlens, train_subjects, \
    val_X, val_y, val_vidlens, val_subjects, \
    test_X, test_y, test_vidlens, test_subjects = split_seq_data(data_matrix, targets_vec, subjects_vec, vidlen_vec,
                                                                 train_subject_ids, val_subject_ids, test_subject_ids)
    if matlab_target_offset:
        train_y -= 1
        val_y -= 1
        test_y -= 1

    if meanremove:
        train_X = sequencewise_mean_image_subtraction(train_X, train_vidlens)
        val_X = sequencewise_mean_image_subtraction(val_X, val_vidlens)
        test_X = sequencewise_mean_image_subtraction(test_X, test_vidlens)

    if diffimage:
        train_X = compute_diff_images(train_X, train_vidlens)
        val_X = compute_diff_images(val_X, val_vidlens)
        test_X = compute_diff_images(test_X, test_vidlens)

    if samplewisenormalize:
        train_X = normalize_input(train_X)
        val_X = normalize_input(val_X)
        test_X = normalize_input(test_X)

    if featurewisenormalize:
        train_X, mean, std = featurewise_normalize_sequence(train_X)
        val_X = (val_X - mean) / std
        test_X = (test_X - mean) / std

    ae1 = load_decoder(stream1, stream1_shape, stream1_nonlinearities)

    # IMPT: the encoder was trained with fortan ordered images, so to visualize
    # convert all the images to C order using reshape_images_order()
    # output = dbn.predict(test_X)
    # test_X = reshape_images_order(test_X, (26, 44))
    # output = reshape_images_order(output, (26, 44))
    # visualize_reconstruction(test_X[:36, :], output[:36, :], shape=(26, 44))

    window = T.iscalar('theta')
    inputs1 = T.tensor3('inputs1', dtype='float32')
    mask = T.matrix('mask', dtype='uint8')
    targets = T.imatrix('targets')

    print('constructing end to end model...')
    network = deltanet_majority_vote.create_model(
        ae1, (None, None, stream1_dim), inputs1, (None, None), mask, lstm_size,
        window, output_classes, weight_init_fn, use_peepholes)

    print('compiling model...')
    predictions = las.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=False)
    all_params = las.layers.get_all_params(network, trainable=True)
    cost = temporal_softmax_loss(predictions, targets, mask)
    default_learning_rate = theano.shared(las.utils.floatX(learning_rate),
    lr_config = {
        'fc1': theano.shared(las.utils.floatX(0.001)),
        'fc2': theano.shared(las.utils.floatX(0.001)),
        'fc3': theano.shared(las.utils.floatX(0.001))
    lr_map = custom.updates.generate_lr_map(all_params, lr_config,
    # updates = adam(cost, all_params, default_learning_rate)
    updates = custom.updates.adam_vlr(cost, all_params, lr_map)

    train = theano.function([inputs1, targets, mask, window],
    compute_train_cost = theano.function([inputs1, targets, mask, window],

    test_predictions = las.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=True)
    test_cost = temporal_softmax_loss(test_predictions, targets, mask)
    compute_test_cost = theano.function([inputs1, targets, mask, window],

    val_fn = theano.function([inputs1, mask, window],

    # We'll train the network with 10 epochs of 30 minibatches each
    print('begin training...')
    cost_train = []
    cost_val = []
    class_rate = []
    STRIP_SIZE = 3
    val_window = circular_list(validation_window)
    train_strip = np.zeros((STRIP_SIZE, ))
    best_val = float('inf')
    best_cr = 0.0

    datagen = gen_lstm_batch_random(train_X,

    val_datagen = gen_lstm_batch_random(val_X,
    test_datagen = gen_lstm_batch_random(test_X,

    # We'll use this "validation set" to periodically check progress
    X_val, y_val, mask_val, idxs_val = next(val_datagen)

    # we use the test set to check final classification rate
    X_test, y_test, mask_test, idxs_test = next(test_datagen)

    # reshape the targets for validation
    y_val_evaluate = y_val
    y_val = y_val.reshape((-1, 1)).repeat(mask_val.shape[-1], axis=-1)

    for epoch in range(num_epoch):
        time_start = time.time()
        for i in range(epochsize):
            X, y, m, batch_idxs = next(datagen)
            # repeat targets based on max sequence len
            y = y.reshape((-1, 1))
            y = y.repeat(m.shape[-1], axis=-1)
            print_str = 'Epoch {} batch {}/{}: {} examples using adam with learning rate = {}'.format(
                epoch + 1, i + 1, epochsize, len(X), learning_rate)
            print(print_str, end='')
            train(X, y, m, windowsize)
            print('\r', end='')
        cost = compute_train_cost(X, y, m, windowsize)
        val_cost = compute_test_cost(X_val, y_val, mask_val, windowsize)
        train_strip[epoch % STRIP_SIZE] = cost

        gl = 100 * (cost_val[-1] / np.min(cost_val) - 1)
        pk = 1000 * (np.sum(train_strip) /
                     (STRIP_SIZE * np.min(train_strip)) - 1)
        pq = gl / pk

        cr, val_conf = evaluate_model2(X_val, y_val_evaluate, mask_val,
                                       windowsize, val_fn)

        if val_cost < best_val:
            best_val = val_cost
            best_cr = cr
            test_cr, test_conf = evaluate_model2(X_test, y_test, mask_test,
                                                 windowsize, val_fn)
                "Epoch {} train cost = {}, val cost = {}, "
                "GL loss = {:.3f}, GQ = {:.3f}, CR = {:.3f}, Test CR= {:.3f} ({:.1f}sec)"
                .format(epoch + 1, cost_train[-1], cost_val[-1], gl, pq, cr,
                        time.time() - time_start))
            best_params = las.layers.get_all_param_values(network)
            print("Epoch {} train cost = {}, val cost = {}, "
                  "GL loss = {:.3f}, GQ = {:.3f}, CR = {:.3f} ({:.1f}sec)".
                  format(epoch + 1, cost_train[-1], cost_val[-1], gl, pq, cr,
                         time.time() - time_start))

        if epoch >= validation_window and early_stop2(val_window, best_val,

        # Show that learning rates are changed by exploding learning rates for encoder layers
        # The training loss should increase dramatically and learning should diverge
        if epoch + 1 == 4:
            print('explode fc1,fc2,fc3 learning rates to 100.0')

    print('Final Model')
    print('CR: {}, val loss: {}, Test CR: {}'.format(best_cr, best_val,

    # plot confusion matrix
    table_str = plot_confusion_matrix(test_conf, output_classnames, fmt='pipe')
    print('confusion matrix: ')

    if 'save_plot' in options:
        prefix = options['save_plot']
        with open('{}.confmat.txt'.format(prefix), mode='a') as f:

    if 'write_results' in options:
        print('writing results to {}'.format(options['write_results']))
        results_file = options['write_results']
        with open(results_file, mode='a') as f:
            f.write('{},{},{}\n'.format(test_cr, best_cr, best_val))

    if 'save_best' in options:
        print('saving best model...')
        las.layers.set_all_param_values(network, best_params)
        save_model_params(network, options['save_best'])
        print('best model saved to {}'.format(options['save_best']))
def main():
    options = parse_options()
    config_file = options['config']
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

    print('CLI options: {}'.format(options.items()))

    print('Reading Config File: {}...'.format(config_file))

    print('preprocessing dataset...')
    data = load_mat_file(config.get('stream1', 'data'))
    stream1 = config.get('stream1', 'model')
    imagesize = tuple([int(d) for d in config.get('stream1', 'imagesize').split(',')])
    stream1_dim = config.getint('stream1', 'input_dimensions')
    stream1_shape = config.get('stream1', 'shape')
    stream1_nonlinearities = config.get('stream1', 'nonlinearities')

    # lstm classifier
    output_classes = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'output_classes')
    output_classnames = config.get('lstm_classifier', 'output_classnames').split(',')
    lstm_size = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'lstm_size')
    matlab_target_offset = config.getboolean('lstm_classifier', 'matlab_target_offset')

    # data preprocessing options
    reorderdata = config.getboolean('stream1', 'reorderdata')
    diffimage = config.getboolean('stream1', 'diffimage')
    meanremove = config.getboolean('stream1', 'meanremove')
    samplewisenormalize = config.getboolean('stream1', 'samplewisenormalize')
    featurewisenormalize = config.getboolean('stream1', 'featurewisenormalize')

    # lstm classifier configurations
    weight_init = options['weight_init'] if 'weight_init' in options else config.get('lstm_classifier', 'weight_init')
    use_peepholes = options['use_peepholes'] if 'use_peepholes' in options else config.getboolean('lstm_classifier',
    windowsize = config.getint('lstm_classifier', 'windowsize')

    # capture training parameters
    validation_window = int(options['validation_window']) \
        if 'validation_window' in options else config.getint('training', 'validation_window')
    num_epoch = int(options['num_epoch']) if 'num_epoch' in options else config.getint('training', 'num_epoch')
    learning_rate = options['learning_rate'] if 'learning_rate' in options \
        else config.getfloat('training', 'learning_rate')

    epochsize = config.getint('training', 'epochsize')
    batchsize = config.getint('training', 'batchsize')

    weight_init_fn = las.init.GlorotUniform()
    if weight_init == 'glorot':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.GlorotUniform()
    if weight_init == 'norm':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Normal(0.1)
    if weight_init == 'uniform':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Uniform()
    if weight_init == 'ortho':
        weight_init_fn = las.init.Orthogonal()

    train_subject_ids = read_data_split_file(config.get('training', 'train_subjects_file'))
    val_subject_ids = read_data_split_file(config.get('training', 'val_subjects_file'))
    test_subject_ids = read_data_split_file(config.get('training', 'test_subjects_file'))

    data_matrix = data['dataMatrix'].astype('float32')
    targets_vec = data['targetsVec'].reshape((-1,))
    subjects_vec = data['subjectsVec'].reshape((-1,))
    vidlen_vec = data['videoLengthVec'].reshape((-1,))

    if reorderdata:
        data_matrix = reorder_data(data_matrix, (imagesize[0], imagesize[1]))

    train_X, train_y, train_vidlens, train_subjects, \
    val_X, val_y, val_vidlens, val_subjects, \
    test_X, test_y, test_vidlens, test_subjects = split_seq_data(data_matrix, targets_vec, subjects_vec, vidlen_vec,
                                                                 train_subject_ids, val_subject_ids, test_subject_ids)
    if matlab_target_offset:
        train_y -= 1
        val_y -= 1
        test_y -= 1

    if meanremove:
        train_X = sequencewise_mean_image_subtraction(train_X, train_vidlens)
        val_X = sequencewise_mean_image_subtraction(val_X, val_vidlens)
        test_X = sequencewise_mean_image_subtraction(test_X, test_vidlens)

    if diffimage:
        train_X = compute_diff_images(train_X, train_vidlens)
        val_X = compute_diff_images(val_X, val_vidlens)
        test_X = compute_diff_images(test_X, test_vidlens)

    if samplewisenormalize:
        train_X = normalize_input(train_X)
        val_X = normalize_input(val_X)
        test_X = normalize_input(test_X)

    if featurewisenormalize:
        train_X, mean, std = featurewise_normalize_sequence(train_X)
        val_X = (val_X - mean) / std
        test_X = (test_X - mean) / std

    ae1 = load_decoder(stream1, stream1_shape, stream1_nonlinearities)

    # IMPT: the encoder was trained with fortan ordered images, so to visualize
    # convert all the images to C order using reshape_images_order()
    # output = dbn.predict(test_X)
    # test_X = reshape_images_order(test_X, (26, 44))
    # output = reshape_images_order(output, (26, 44))
    # visualize_reconstruction(test_X[:36, :], output[:36, :], shape=(26, 44))

    window = T.iscalar('theta')
    inputs1 = T.tensor3('inputs1', dtype='float32')
    mask = T.matrix('mask', dtype='uint8')
    targets = T.imatrix('targets')

    print('constructing end to end model...')
    network = deltanet_majority_vote.create_model(ae1, (None, None, stream1_dim), inputs1,
                                                  (None, None), mask,
                                                  lstm_size, window, output_classes,
                                                  weight_init_fn, use_peepholes)

    print('compiling model...')
    predictions = las.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=False)
    all_params = las.layers.get_all_params(network, trainable=True)
    cost = temporal_softmax_loss(predictions, targets, mask)
    default_learning_rate = theano.shared(las.utils.floatX(learning_rate), 'default_lr')
    lr_config = {
        'fc1': theano.shared(las.utils.floatX(0.001)),
        'fc2': theano.shared(las.utils.floatX(0.001)),
        'fc3': theano.shared(las.utils.floatX(0.001))
    lr_map = custom.updates.generate_lr_map(all_params, lr_config, default_learning_rate)
    # updates = adam(cost, all_params, default_learning_rate)
    updates = custom.updates.adam_vlr(cost, all_params, lr_map)

    train = theano.function(
        [inputs1, targets, mask, window],
        cost, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True)
    compute_train_cost = theano.function([inputs1, targets, mask, window],
                                         cost, allow_input_downcast=True)

    test_predictions = las.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=True)
    test_cost = temporal_softmax_loss(test_predictions, targets, mask)
    compute_test_cost = theano.function(
        [inputs1, targets, mask, window], test_cost, allow_input_downcast=True)

    val_fn = theano.function([inputs1, mask, window], test_predictions, allow_input_downcast=True)

    # We'll train the network with 10 epochs of 30 minibatches each
    print('begin training...')
    cost_train = []
    cost_val = []
    class_rate = []
    STRIP_SIZE = 3
    val_window = circular_list(validation_window)
    train_strip = np.zeros((STRIP_SIZE,))
    best_val = float('inf')
    best_cr = 0.0

    datagen = gen_lstm_batch_random(train_X, train_y, train_vidlens, batchsize=batchsize)

    val_datagen = gen_lstm_batch_random(val_X, val_y, val_vidlens, batchsize=len(val_vidlens))
    test_datagen = gen_lstm_batch_random(test_X, test_y, test_vidlens, batchsize=len(test_vidlens))

    # We'll use this "validation set" to periodically check progress
    X_val, y_val, mask_val, idxs_val = next(val_datagen)

    # we use the test set to check final classification rate
    X_test, y_test, mask_test, idxs_test = next(test_datagen)

    # reshape the targets for validation
    y_val_evaluate = y_val
    y_val = y_val.reshape((-1, 1)).repeat(mask_val.shape[-1], axis=-1)

    for epoch in range(num_epoch):
        time_start = time.time()
        for i in range(epochsize):
            X, y, m, batch_idxs = next(datagen)
            # repeat targets based on max sequence len
            y = y.reshape((-1, 1))
            y = y.repeat(m.shape[-1], axis=-1)
            print_str = 'Epoch {} batch {}/{}: {} examples using adam with learning rate = {}'.format(
                epoch + 1, i + 1, epochsize, len(X), learning_rate)
            print(print_str, end='')
            train(X, y, m, windowsize)
            print('\r', end='')
        cost = compute_train_cost(X, y, m, windowsize)
        val_cost = compute_test_cost(X_val, y_val, mask_val, windowsize)
        train_strip[epoch % STRIP_SIZE] = cost

        gl = 100 * (cost_val[-1] / np.min(cost_val) - 1)
        pk = 1000 * (np.sum(train_strip) / (STRIP_SIZE * np.min(train_strip)) - 1)
        pq = gl / pk

        cr, val_conf = evaluate_model2(X_val, y_val_evaluate, mask_val, windowsize, val_fn)

        if val_cost < best_val:
            best_val = val_cost
            best_cr = cr
            test_cr, test_conf = evaluate_model2(X_test, y_test, mask_test, windowsize, val_fn)
            print("Epoch {} train cost = {}, val cost = {}, "
                  "GL loss = {:.3f}, GQ = {:.3f}, CR = {:.3f}, Test CR= {:.3f} ({:.1f}sec)"
                  .format(epoch + 1, cost_train[-1], cost_val[-1], gl, pq, cr, test_cr, time.time() - time_start))
            best_params = las.layers.get_all_param_values(network)
            print("Epoch {} train cost = {}, val cost = {}, "
                  "GL loss = {:.3f}, GQ = {:.3f}, CR = {:.3f} ({:.1f}sec)"
                  .format(epoch + 1, cost_train[-1], cost_val[-1], gl, pq, cr, time.time() - time_start))

        if epoch >= validation_window and early_stop2(val_window, best_val, validation_window):

        # Show that learning rates are changed by exploding learning rates for encoder layers
        # The training loss should increase dramatically and learning should diverge
        if epoch + 1 == 4:
            print('explode fc1,fc2,fc3 learning rates to 100.0')

    print('Final Model')
    print('CR: {}, val loss: {}, Test CR: {}'.format(best_cr, best_val, test_cr))

    # plot confusion matrix
    table_str = plot_confusion_matrix(test_conf, output_classnames, fmt='pipe')
    print('confusion matrix: ')

    if 'save_plot' in options:
        prefix = options['save_plot']
        plot_validation_cost(cost_train, cost_val, savefilename='{}.validloss.png'.format(prefix))
        with open('{}.confmat.txt'.format(prefix), mode='a') as f:

    if 'write_results' in options:
        print('writing results to {}'.format(options['write_results']))
        results_file = options['write_results']
        with open(results_file, mode='a') as f:
            f.write('{},{},{}\n'.format(test_cr, best_cr, best_val))

    if 'save_best' in options:
        print('saving best model...')
        las.layers.set_all_param_values(network, best_params)
        save_model_params(network, options['save_best'])
        print('best model saved to {}'.format(options['save_best']))