def FeedbackControl(X, X_d, X_d_next, K_p, K_i, dt):

    global runningError  # This is the integral error over time (0, now)
    global updateCount  # Describes if we should store the
    # Current point on trajectory's error

    # Compute the desired twist using Modern Robotics 13.4 and 13.5
    AdjointResult = mr.Adjoint(np.matmul(mr.TransInv(X), X_d))

    v_d = (1.0 / dt) * (mr.MatrixLog6(np.matmul(mr.TransInv(X_d), X_d_next)))

    v_d = mr.se3ToVec(v_d)

    X_err = mr.MatrixLog6(np.matmul(mr.TransInv(X), X_d))
    X_err = mr.se3ToVec(X_err)

    # Store every kth error term
    if (updateCount == 2):
        updateCount = 0
        updateCount = updateCount + 1

    # Increment our integral error term
    runningError = runningError + (X_err * dt)

    return np.matmul(AdjointResult, v_d) + np.matmul(K_p, X_err) + np.matmul(
        K_i, runningError)
    def feedback_control(self, x_d, x_d_next, x):
        """Returns a commanded end effector twist in the end effector frame given the current configuration, reference
        configurations and gains
        x_d (array in SE(3)): The current end effector reference configuration
        x_d_next (array in SE(3): the end effector reference configuration at the next timestep in the reference trajectory
        x (array in SE(3)): the actual end effector configuration

        v: the end effector twist in the end-effector frame

        x_err = se3ToVec(MatrixLog6(, x_d)))

        # calculate feedforward reference twist
        v_d = se3ToVec(
            (1 / self.dt) * MatrixLog6(, x_d_next)))
        print(f' x_err {x_err}')

        v =, x_d)), v_d) +
            self.k_p, x_err) +, self.x_err_integral)

        self.x_err_integral = np.add(self.x_err_integral, x_err)

        return v, x_err
Exemple #3
def feedForwardControl(X, Xd, XdNext, currentState, controls, Kp, Ki):
    sets the controVector to be passed on to the next state function.
    T_eb =,
                  basePosition(currentState.chasisState))  ###doubt

    Jbase =, youBotProperties.F6)
    Jarm = mr.JacobianBody(youBotProperties.Blist, currentState.jointState)

    Je = np.concatenate((Jbase, Jarm), axis=1)
    # Je = np.concatenate((Jarm,Jbase),axis=1)
    invJe = np.linalg.pinv(Je)
    VdBracket = (1 / youBotProperties.deltaT) * mr.MatrixLog6(, XdNext))
    Vd = mr.se3ToVec(VdBracket)

    Xerr = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, Xd)))
    youBotProperties.ErrorInt = youBotProperties.ErrorInt + Xerr * youBotProperties.deltaT

    feedForward =, Xd)), Vd)
    V = feedForward +, Xerr) *, youBotProperties.ErrorInt)

    u_thetadot =, V)
    controls.wheelSpeeds = u_thetadot[0:4]
    controls.jointSpeeds = u_thetadot[4:9]

    return Xerr
Exemple #4
    def Feedforward_Control(self,X,Xd,Xd_next):
        calculate the joint velocitys 
        based on the current eef configuration and the next(t+dt)  eef configuration
            The current actual end-effector configuration X
            The current end-effector reference configuration Xd
            The end-effector reference configuration at the next timestep in the reference trajectory,Xd_next at a time Δt later.
            The eef twist and error
        #calculate X error 
        X_err      = mr.MatrixLog6(np.matmul(mr.TransInv(X),Xd))
        X_next_err = mr.MatrixLog6(np.matmul(mr.TransInv(Xd), Xd_next))

        #calculate Vd
        Vd = mr.se3ToVec(1/self.dt * X_next_err )

        #calculate intergal error (kepp the sum in variable error_intergal)
        self.error_intergal = self.error_intergal + X_err*self.dt

        #calculate eef velocity twist 
        AdJoint_mat = mr.Adjoint(np.matmul(mr.TransInv(X),Xd))
        Kp_var = mr.se3ToVec(np.matmul(self.Kp,X_err))
        Ki_var = mr.se3ToVec(np.matmul(self.Ki,self.error_intergal))
        V = np.matmul(AdJoint_mat,Vd) + Kp_var + Ki_var
        return V, mr.se3ToVec(X_err)
Exemple #5
def IKinBodyIterates(Blist, M, T, thetalist0, eomg, ev):
    Computes inverse kinematics in the body frame for an open chain robot and saves the report in a log.txt file

    :param Blist: The joint screw axes in the end-effector frame when the
                  manipulator is at the home position, in the format of a
                  matrix with axes as the columns
    :param M: The home configuration of the end-effector
    :param T: The desired end-effector configuration Tsd
    :param thetalist0: An initial guess of joint angles that are close to
                       satisfying Tsd
    :param eomg: A small positive tolerance on the end-effector orientation
                 error. The returned joint angles must give an end-effector
                 orientation error less than eomg
    :param ev: A small positive tolerance on the end-effector linear position
               error. The returned joint angles must give an end-effector
               position error less than ev
    :return thetalist: Joint angles that achieve T within the specified
    :return success: A logical value where TRUE means that the function found
                     a solution and FALSE means that it ran through the set
                     number of maximum iterations without finding a solution
                     within the tolerances eomg and ev.
    Uses an iterative Newton-Raphson root-finding method.
    The maximum number of iterations before the algorithm is terminated has
    been hardcoded in as a variable called maxiterations. It is set to 20 at
    the start of the function, but can be changed if needed.
    thetalist = np.array(thetalist0).copy()
    thetamatrix = thetalist.T
    i = 0
    maxiterations = 20
    Tsb = mr.FKinBody(M, Blist, thetalist)
    Vb = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, T)))
    omg_b_norm = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]])
    v_b_norm = np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]])
    err = omg_b_norm > eomg or v_b_norm > ev
    saveLog(i, thetalist, Tsb, Vb, omg_b_norm, v_b_norm)

    while err and i < maxiterations:
        thetalist = thetalist \
                    +, \
                                                         thetalist)), Vb)
        thetamatrix = np.vstack((thetamatrix, thetalist.T))
        i = i + 1
        Tsb = mr.FKinBody(M, Blist, thetalist)
        Vb = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, T)))
        omg_b_norm = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]])
        v_b_norm = np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]])
        err = omg_b_norm > eomg or v_b_norm > ev
        # print details to log.txt
        saveLog(i, thetalist, Tsb, Vb, omg_b_norm, v_b_norm, isappend="a")

    np.savetxt("iterates.csv", thetamatrix, delimiter=",")

    return (thetamatrix, not err)
Exemple #6
    def get_V_command(self, i):
        Returns the feedforward + feedback body twist V as the control command for the robot. 
        Input: index of the current trajectory point in the trajectory list
        Output: Body Feedforwad Twist V that takes the robot from the current pose to the next desired pose. 
        self.current_X, self.Teb = get_poses(self.pose_8_list)

        Xd = to_X(self.trajectory_list[i])
        Xd_next = to_X(self.trajectory_list[i + 1])

        self.gripper_state = self.trajectory_list[i][-1]
        X_d2dnext = np.linalg.inv(Xd).dot(Xd_next)
        X_err = np.linalg.inv(self.current_X).dot(
            Xd)  #current_x is the end effector pose in the world frame
        Adj = mr.Adjoint(X_err)
        V_feedforward = 1.0 / DELTA_T *

        #feedforward + feedback
        X_err_vec = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(X_err))
        self.total_error_vec_list = np.vstack(
            (self.total_error_vec_list, X_err_vec))  #add to total error list

        if self.mode == 'overshoot':
            Kp = 1.0*np.array([[30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],\
                         [0.0, 20.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],\
                         [0.0, 0.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],\
                         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 0.0, 0.0],\
                         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 0.0],\
                         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 30.0]])
            Kp = 1.0*np.array([[30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],\
                          [0.0, 20.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],\
                          [0.0, 0.0, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],\
                          [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 0.0, 0.0],\
                          [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 30.0, 0.0],\
                          [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 30.0]])

        Ki = 1.0*np.array([[0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],\
                      [0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],\
                      [0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],\
                      [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0],\
                      [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0],\
                      [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2]])

        self.X_err_vec_integral += DELTA_T * X_err_vec

        V = V_feedforward + +
        #V = X_err_vec )

        return V
def FeedbackControl(X, Xd, Xd_next, Kp, Ki, dt, accumulated_error):
    iX_Xd = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(X), Xd)
    Adj_iX_Xd = mr.Adjoint(iX_Xd)
    Vd = mr.se3ToVec(1/dt*(np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(Xd),Xd_next)))
    Xerr = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6((np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(X),Xd))))
    accumulated_error = Xerr+accumulated_error
    feedback_error = np.matmul(Kp,Xerr)+np.matmul(Ki, accumulated_error*dt)

    V = np.matmul(Adj_iX_Xd, Vd)+feedback_error

    return V, Xerr
    def step_ik(self):
        # grab current joint angles and SE(3) target:
        q = self.q
        with self.mutex:
            g_sd = self.goal
        # Calculate transform from current EE pose to desired EE pose
        err =, smr.Blist, q)), g_sd)
        # now convert this to a desired twist
        Vb = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(err))
        # calculate body Jacobian at current config
        J_b = mr.JacobianBody(smr.Blist, q)
        # now calculate an appropriate joint angle velocity:
        # qdot =, Vb)
        idim = J_b.shape[-1]
        qdot =,J_b) + self.damping*np.eye(idim)), J_b.T), Vb)
        # increase velocity in each joint
        multiplier = 4
        # print np.amax(qdot), " --to--> ", np.amax(qdot*multiplier)
        qdot = qdot*multiplier
        # clip down velocity in each joint
        if np.amax(qdot) > self.joint_vel_limit:
            qdot = qdot/np.amax(qdot)*self.joint_vel_limit
        names = ['right_j0', 'right_j1', 'right_j2', 'right_j3', 'right_j4', 'right_j5', 'right_j6']
        # print "max vel joint : ", names[qdot.index(np.amax(qdot))], " : ", qdot[qdot.index(np.amax(qdot))]
        # print "max vel joint : ", names[np.where(qdot == np.amax(qdot))[0]], " : ", qdot[np.where(qdot == np.amax(qdot))[0]]

        if np.amax(qdot) > self.joint_vel_limit:
            print "joint limit reach !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
        self.q_sim += self.step_scale*qdot
        self.joint_cmd.velocity = qdot 
    def step_ik(self,tdat):
        with self.mutex:
            g_sd = self.goal
            current_js = self.js
        # Calculate transform from current EE pose to desired EE pose
        err =, smr.Blist, current_js)), g_sd)
        # now convert this to a desired twist
        Vb = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(err))
        if (self.ik_begin == True and self.xPos < .55 and self.xPos > -.7):
            Vb[3] = self.vely
        elif (self.ik_begin == True and self.xPos > .55 or self.xPos < -.7):
            self.ik_begin = False
            self.slow = True
        if (self.vely == 0):
            self.ik_begin = False
            self.slow = True
        if (self.count < pi/2 and self.slow == True):
            Vb[3] = self.xdot*cos(self.count) + Vb[3]*sin(self.count/4)
            self.count = self.count + .015
        elif (self.count >= pi/2 and self.count < 2*pi and self.slow == True):
            Vb[3] =  Vb[3]*sin(self.count/4)
            self.count = self.count + .015
        elif (self.count >= 2*pi and self.slow == True):
            self.count = 0
            self.slow = False

        # calculate body Jacobian at current config
        J_b = mr.JacobianBody(smr.Blist, current_js)
        # now calculate an appropriate joint angle velocity:
        qdot =, Vb)
        joint_command = {"right_j0":qdot[0], "right_j1":qdot[1], "right_j2":qdot[2],
                            "right_j3": qdot[3], "right_j4":qdot[4], "right_j5":qdot[5], "right_j6":qdot[6]}
Exemple #10
 def step_ik(self):
     # grab current joint angles and SE(3) target:
     q = self.q
     with self.mutex:
         g_sd = self.goal
     # Calculate transform from current EE pose to desired EE pose
     err =, smr.Blist, q)), g_sd)
     # now convert this to a desired twist
     Vb = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(err))
     # calculate body Jacobian at current config
     J_b = mr.JacobianBody(smr.Blist, q)
     # now calculate an appropriate joint angle velocity:
     # qdot =, Vb)
     idim = J_b.shape[-1]
     qdot =,J_b) + self.damping*np.eye(idim)), J_b.T), Vb)
     # increase velocity in each joint
     multiplier = 4
     qdot = qdot*multiplier
     ########Clip down algorithm
     # joint vel lim dict
     vel_lim = {'right_j0': 1.74, 'right_j1': 1.328, 'right_j2': 1.957, 'right_j3': 1.957, 'right_j4': 3.485, 'right_j5': 3.485, 'right_j6': 4.545}
     qdot_unclip = dict(zip(self.joint_names, qdot))
     qd_over_vel = [qd for qd in qdot_unclip if qdot_unclip[qd] > vel_lim[qd]]
     if qd_over_vel != []:
         print "joint limit reach in: ", qd_over_vel
         qd_vel_lim_min = min(qd_over_vel, key=qd_over_vel.get)
         f = 0.7
         qdot = qdot/qdot_unclip[qd_vel_lim_min]*vel_lim[qd_vel_lim_min]*f
         print "reduce to: ", qdot
         print "with limit: ", vel_lim
     self.qdot_dict = dict(zip(self.joint_names, qdot))
Exemple #11
def IKinBodyIterates(Blist, M, T, thetas_guess, eomg, ev, max_iteration=20):
    thetas = np.array(thetas_guess).copy().astype(np.float)
    Tsd = np.array(T).copy().astype(np.float)
    success = False
    guesses = [thetas_guess]

    print("Initial Guess: {0}".format(thetas))

    for i in range(max_iteration):
        print("Iteration {0}\n".format(i))
        # Calculate space frame transform from end effector to desired position.
        Tsb = mr.FKinBody(M, Blist, thetas)
        print("joint vector: {0}".format(thetas))
        print("SE3 end effector config: \n{0}".format(Tsb))
        Tbd = np.linalg.inv(Tsb) @ Tsd
        # Twist in matrix form.
        Vb_se3 = mr.MatrixLog6(Tbd)
        Vb = mr.se3ToVec(Vb_se3)
        print("error twist: {0}".format(Vb))
        print("angular error magitude || omega_b ||: {0}".format(
        print("linear error magnitude || v_b ||: {0}".format(
        # Check if result is a success.
        if np.linalg.norm(Vb[0:3]) < eomg and np.linalg.norm(Vb[3:6]) < ev:
            success = True
        Jac = mr.JacobianBody(Blist, thetas)
        thetas = (thetas + np.linalg.pinv(Jac) @ Vb) % (2 * np.pi)

    return (thetas, success, np.array(guesses))
 def calc_joint_vel_2(self):
     """ Joint velocity command computation based on PI feedback loop.
     Tbs = self.M0 # 
     Blist = self.Blist # 
     with self.mutex:
         q_now = self.q #1x7 mx
     with self.mutex:
         T_sd = self._get_goal_matrix() # 
     dT = self.get_dt()
     e =, Blist, q_now)), T_sd) # Modern robotics pp 230 22Nff
     # get Error vector.
     Xe = r.se3ToVec(r.MatrixLog6(e)) # shape -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
     dXe = Xe - self.last_error
     # numerical integration of the error
     if np.linalg.norm(self.int_err) < self.int_anti_windup:
         self.int_err += Xe # * dT
     # numerical differentiation of the error
     if dT > 0:
         self.der_err = dXe / dT
     Vb =, Xe) +, self.int_err) #+, self.der_err) # Kp*Xe + Ki*intg(Xe) + Kd*(dXe/dt)
     Vb += self.get_feed_forward()
     # self.V_b =, self.X_e) +, self.int_err)
     self.J_b = r.JacobianBody(Blist, self.q)
     n = self.J_b.shape[-1] #Size of last row, n = 7 joints
     invterm = np.linalg.inv(, self.J_b) + pow(self.damping, 2)*np.eye(n)) # 
     self.q_dot =, self.J_b.T),Vb) # It seems little bit akward...? >>Eq 6.7 on pp 233 of MR book
     self.q_dot = self.scale_joint_vel(self.q_dot)
     qdot_output = dict(zip(self.names, self.q_dot))
     # self.stop_oscillating()
     self.last_error = Xe
     self.last_time = self.current_time
Exemple #13
def FeedbackControl(X, Xd, Xdn, Kp, Ki, del_t, Xerr_int):

    Xerr = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, Xd)))
    Xerr_int += Xerr * del_t

    Vd = mr.se3ToVec(
        (1 / del_t) * mr.MatrixLog6(, Xdn)))
    Adxxd =, mr.Adjoint(Xd))
    V =, Vd) +, Xerr) +, Xerr_int)

    # print('Vd:',Vd)
    # print('Adxxd.Vd:',,Vd))
    # print('Xerr:',Xerr)
    # print('V:',V)

    return V, Xerr, Xerr_int
Exemple #14
def FeedbackControl(Xd, Xd_next, X, Kp, Ki, dt, Jarm, Jbase):
    global add_err
    Vd_se3 = mr.MatrixLog6(, Xd_next))*(1/dt)
    Vd = mr.se3ToVec(Vd_se3)
    x_in_xd =, Xd) #X^-1*X_d
    X_error_se3 = mr.MatrixLog6(x_in_xd)
    X_error = mr.se3ToVec(X_error_se3)
    adjoint = mr.Adjoint(x_in_xd)
    forward_control =,Vd) #Forward controller term
    proportional =, X_error) #proportional controller term
    add_err  = add_err+X_error*dt  #for integral error adding
    integral =, add_err) 
    V = forward_control+proportional+integral
    Je = np.append(Jbase, Jarm, axis=1)
    velocity =, rcond=1e-4), V)
    return velocity, X_error
Exemple #15
def FeedbackControl(X, XD, XDN, KP, KI, dt):

    XDI = np.linalg.inv(XD)
    XDDN =, XDN)
    se3VD = (1 / dt) * mr.MatrixLog6(
        XDDN)  # Calculating Feedforward Twist in desired frame
    VD = mr.se3ToVec(se3VD)

    XI = np.linalg.inv(X)
    XIXD =
        XI, XD
    )  # Calculating Adjoint for converting twist in desired frame to end effector frame
    A = mr.Adjoint(XIXD)

    se3XE = mr.MatrixLog6(XIXD)
    XE = mr.se3ToVec(se3XE)  # Error twist

    I = dt * XE
    V =, VD) +, XE) +
        KI, I)  # Twist in end effector frame using PID controller,XE) +,I)

    T0E = mr.FKinBody(M, Blist, thetalist)
    T0EI = np.linalg.inv(T0E)
    TB0I = np.linalg.inv(TB0)
    TEB =, TB0I)
    C = mr.Adjoint(TEB)

    FM = 0.011875 * np.array([
        [-2.5974, 2.5974, 2.5974, -2.5974],
        [1, 1, 1, 1],
        [-1, 1, -1, 1],

    F6 = np.zeros((6, 4))
    F6[2:5, :] = FM

    JB =, F6)  # Calculating Base Jacobian
    JA = mr.JacobianBody(Blist, thetalist)  # Calculating Arm Jacobian

    JE = np.zeros((6, 9))
    JE[:, 0:5] = JA
    JE[:, 5:9] = JB

    JEI = np.linalg.pinv(JE)
    Matrix =, V)  # Calculating speed and angular velocity
    return Matrix
Exemple #16
def FeedbackControl(X, Xd, Xd_next, gains, timeStep):
    """Calculates the kinematic task-space feedforward plus feedback control law
         :param Tse: The current actual end-effector configuration X (also written Tse)
         :param Tse_d: The current end-effector reference configuration Xd (i.e., Tse,d)
         :param Tse_dNext: The end-effector reference configuration at the next timestep in the reference trajectory, 
                       Xd,next (i.e., Tse,d,next), at a time delta_t later
         :param gains: The PI gain matrices Kp and Ki
         :param timeStep: The timestep delta_t between reference trajectory configurations

         :return: The commanded end-effector twist V expressed in the end-effector frame {e}
                  and Xerr

         Calculates the kinematic task-space feedforward plus feedback control law, 
         written both as Equation (11.16) and (13.37) in the textbook

    global XerrSum

    Terr =, Xd)
    Xerr_se3 = mr.MatrixLog6(Terr)
    Xerr = mr.se3ToVec(Xerr_se3)
    Ad_Terr = mr.Adjoint(Terr)

    # Updating integral
    XerrSum  = XerrSum + (Xerr * timeStep)

    T_dNext = np.linalg.inv(Xd), Xd_next)
    Vd_se3 = mr.MatrixLog6(T_dNext)
    # Time scaling Vd_se3
    Vd_se3 = Vd_se3 / timeStep  
    Vd = mr.se3ToVec(Vd_se3)

    # Generating gain matrices
    kp = gains[0]
    ki = gains[1]

    for x in range(6):
        Kp[x][x] = kp
        Ki[x][x] = ki

    # Control law    
    V =, Vd) +, Xerr) +, XerrSum)

    return V, Xerr
Exemple #17
    def gen_joints_list(self, input_pose):
        self.limb_interface.move_to_joint_positions({'head_pan':0.379125, 'right_j0':-0.020025390625 , 'right_j1':0.8227529296875, 'right_j2':-2.0955126953125, 'right_j3':2.172509765625, 'right_j4':0.7021171875, 'right_j5' : -1.5003603515625, 'right_j6' : -2.204990234375}) 

        # self.running_flag = True
        tol = 0.001 #1 mm
        ret_list = []
        while (abs(self.ep.pose.position.x - input_pose.position.x) > tol) and (abs(self.ep.pose.position.y - input_pose.position.y) > tol):
            # set_goal_from_pose part
            p = np.array([input_pose.position.x, input_pose.position.y,
            q = np.array([input_pose.orientation.x, input_pose.orientation.y,
                          input_pose.orientation.z, input_pose.orientation.w])
            goal = tr.euler_matrix(*tr.euler_from_quaternion(q))
            goal[0:3,-1] = p   
            # actual_js_cb: get the actual joint state
            q = self.q
            with self.mutex:
                g_sd = goal        

            # Calculate transform from current EE pose to desired EE pose
            err =, smr.Blist, q)), g_sd)
            # now convert this to a desired twist
            Vb = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(err))
            # calculate body Jacobian at current config
            J_b = mr.JacobianBody(smr.Blist, q)
            # now calculate an appropriate joint angle velocity:
            # qdot =, Vb)
            idim = J_b.shape[-1]
            qdot =,J_b) + self.damping*np.eye(idim)), J_b.T), Vb)
            # increase velocity in each joint
            multiplier = 4
            qdot = qdot*multiplier
            ########Clip down algorithm
            # joint vel lim dict
            vel_lim = {'right_j0': 1.74, 'right_j1': 1.328, 'right_j2': 1.957, 'right_j3': 1.957, 'right_j4': 3.485, 'right_j5': 3.485, 'right_j6': 4.545}
            qdot_unclip = dict(zip(self.joint_names, qdot))
            qd_over_vel = [[qd, qdot_unclip[qd]] for qd in qdot_unclip if qdot_unclip[qd] > vel_lim[qd]]
            if qd_over_vel != []:
                print "joint limit reach in: ", qd_over_vel
                # qd_over_vel = dict(zip(qd_over_vel, qdot_unclip[qd]))
                # qd_vel_lim_min = min(qd_over_vel, key=qd_over_vel.get)
                qd_vel_lim_val = [qd_over_vel[i][1] for i in range(len(qd_over_vel))]
                qd_vel_lim_min = min(qd_vel_lim_val)
                f = 0.7
                # qdot = qdot/qdot_unclip[qd_vel_lim_min]*vel_lim[qd_vel_lim_min]*f
                qdot = qdot/qd_vel_lim_min*qd_vel_lim_min*f
                print "reduce to: ", qdot
                print "with limit: ", vel_lim
            qdot_dict = dict(zip(self.joint_names, qdot))
            print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1\n", qdot_dict

        self.limb_interface.move_to_joint_positions({'head_pan':0.379125, 'right_j0':-0.020025390625 , 'right_j1':0.8227529296875, 'right_j2':-2.0955126953125, 'right_j3':2.172509765625, 'right_j4':0.7021171875, 'right_j5' : -1.5003603515625, 'right_j6' : -2.204990234375}) 
        return ret_list
Exemple #18
def IKinBodyIterates(Blist, M, T, thetalist0, eomg, ev):
    This function was cloned from the Modern Robotics library
    Modifications to the function track robot configuration and error

    # Store information to track changes (this is new)
    # new information is put into an array
    j_history = []
    se3_history = []
    error_twist_history = []
    ang_err_mag_history = []
    lin_err_mag_history = []

    thetalist = np.array(thetalist0).copy()
    i = 0
    maxiterations = 20

    Vb = mr.se3ToVec(
        mr.MatrixLog6(, Blist, thetalist)),
    err = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]]) > eomg or np.linalg.norm(
        [Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]]) > ev

    while err and i < maxiterations:

        # changes are appended to corresponding array
        se3_history.append(mr.FKinBody(M, Blist, thetalist))
        ang_err_mag_history.append(np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]]))
        lin_err_mag_history.append(np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]]))

        thetalist = thetalist +
            np.linalg.pinv(mr.JacobianBody(Blist, thetalist)), Vb)
        i = i + 1
        Vb = mr.se3ToVec(
      , Blist, thetalist)), T)))
        err = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]]) > eomg or np.linalg.norm(
            [Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]]) > ev
    return (thetalist, not err, j_history, se3_history, error_twist_history,
            ang_err_mag_history, lin_err_mag_history)
Exemple #19
def calculate_desired_twist(Tse, Tsed, Tsd, Kp, Ki, Kd, dt):
	# Tse: is the current actual end_effector frame
	# Tsed: is the current referrance end_effector frame on the trajectory
	# Tsd: is the next referrance end_effector frame on the trajectory
	# Kp, Ki: the proportional and the integrator gain
	# Kd: usually 1 or 0 to switch the feedforward on or off
	Tse = np.array(Tse)
	Tsed = np.array(Tsed)
	Tsd = np.array(Tsd)

	Xerr_se3 = mr.MatrixLog6(mr.TransInv(Tse) @ Tsed)
	Xerr = mr.se3ToVec(Xerr_se3)
	global cdt_integrator
	cdt_integrator += dt * Xerr
	# if kd = 0, then feedforward Vd = 0
	Vd = (1/dt) * mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(mr.TransInv(Tsed) @ Tsd)) if Kd != 0 else np.zeros((6,))
	# feedforward + feedback
	V = (Kd * mr.Adjoint(mr.TransInv(Tse) @ Tsed) @ Vd) + Kp*Xerr + Ki*cdt_integrator
	return V, Xerr
def IKinBodyIterates(Blist, M, T, thetalist0, eomg, ev):
    thetalist = np.array(thetalist0).copy()
    i = 0
    maxiterations = 20
    Vb = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, Blist, \
                                                      thetalist)), T)))
    err = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]]) > eomg \
          or np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]]) > ev

    while err and i < maxiterations:
        thetalist = thetalist \
                    +, \
                                                         thetalist)), Vb)
        i = i + 1
        Vb \
        = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, Blist, \
                                                       thetalist)), T)))
        err = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]]) > eomg \
              or np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]]) > ev

    return (thetalist, not err, i)
Exemple #21
def FeedbackControl(Xd,Xd_next,X,Kp,Ki,dt,Ja,Jb):
	Xd: Current end-effector configuration
	Xd_next: End-effector configuration at next timestamp
	X: Current actual end-effector configuration(Tse)
	Kp, Ki: PI controller gains
	Ja, Jb: Jacobian matrices of robot arm and robot chassis
	global Integral
    V(t) = [Ad_X^(-1)*Xd]*Vd(t) + Kp*Xerr(t) + Ki*Integral[Xerr(t)]dt
	Vd = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(,Xd_next))/dt)
	term_1 =,Xd)),Vd)
	Xerr = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(,Xd)))
	term_2 =,Xerr)
	Integral = Integral + Xerr*dt
	term_3 =,Integral)
	Vt = term_1 + term_2 + term_3
	Je = np.append(Jb,Ja,axis=1)
	v =,1e-4), Vt)
	return v,Xerr
Exemple #22
    def ctrl_r(self, X_d):
        # Get current joint positions
        # joint_states are sent from Sawyer with names:
        # [head_pan, right_j0, right_j1, right_j2, right_j3, right_j4,
        #  right_j5, right_j6, torso_t0]
        # Before calculation, we need to remove the first and last elements
        cur_theta_list = np.delete(self.cur_config, 0)
        cur_theta_list = np.ndarray.tolist(np.delete(cur_theta_list, -1))

        # Get desired end endeff transform
        # EndEff frame initially in displacement-quaternion form...
        p_d, Q_d = mr.TFtoMatrix(X_d)
        # ...for ease of use with the Modern Robotics text, the frame is
        # changed to transform matrix form using the tflistener library
        X_d = self.tf_lis.fromTranslationRotation(p_d, Q_d)

        # Current EndEff tranform is found using forward kinematics
        X_cur = mr.FKinBody(self.M, self.B_list, cur_theta_list)

        # EndEff transform error X_e is found from [X_e] = log(X^(-1)X_d)
        X_e = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, X_d)))

        # Find integral error
        ## Can induce instability, use with caution!
        self.int_err = (self.int_err + X_e) * (0.5 / 20)
        # Hard limit each int_err element to 0.5 to prevent runaway
        for i in range(len(self.int_err)):
            err_i = self.int_err[i]
            if abs(err_i) > 0.5:
                self.int_err[i] = np.sign(err_i) * 0.5

        # Calculate body twist command from V_b = K_p . X_e + K_i . int(X_e)
        V_b =, X_e) +, self.int_err)
        # Calculate body Jacobian from robot_des and current joint positions
        J_b = mr.JacobianBody(self.B_list, cur_theta_list)

        # Calculate joint velocity command from theta_dot = pinv(J_b)V_b
        J_b_pinv = np.linalg.pinv(J_b)
        theta_dot =, V_b)

        # Limit joint speed to 0.6 rad/sec
        for i in range(len(theta_dot)):
            if abs(theta_dot[i]) > 0.6:
                theta_dot[i] = np.sign(theta_dot[i]) * 0.6

        # Reinsert a 0 joint velocity command for the head_pan joint
        theta_dot = np.insert(theta_dot, 1, 0)
        # Convert to list because JointCommand messages are PICKY
        self.joint_ctrl_msg.velocity = np.ndarray.tolist(theta_dot)
        # Publish the JointCommand message
Exemple #23
def IKinBodyIterates(Blist, M, T, thetalist0, eomg, ev):
    thetalist = thetalist0
    i = 0
    Vb = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, Blist, \
                                                      thetalist)), T)))
    err = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]]) > eomg \
          or np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]]) > ev

    max_i = 20
    jointVecIter = thetalist
    while (err and i < max_i):
        thetalist = thetalist \
                    +, \
                                                         thetalist)), Vb)

        jointVecIter = np.vstack(
             thetalist])  #joining present joining angles to previous
        i = i + 1
        print("Iteration  ", i, " :")
        print("joint vector  :\n", thetalist)
        print("SE(3) end-effector config  : \n",
              mr.FKinBody(M, Blist, thetalist))
        Vb \
        = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, Blist, \
                                                       thetalist)), T)))
        print("error twist V_b : \n", Vb)
        err = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]]) > eomg \
              or np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]]) > ev
        print("angular error magnitude ||omega_b|| : ",
              np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]]))
        print("linear error magnitude ||v_b|| : ",
              np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]]))

    np.savetxt("iterator.csv", jointVecIter,
               delimiter=",")  # Saving to txt format
    return (thetalist, not err)
    def calc_joint_vel(self):
        rospy.logdebug("Calculating joint velocities...")

        # Convert Slist to Blist
        Tbs = r.TransInv(self.M0)
        Blist = np.zeros(self.Slist.shape) #6x7 mx of 0's
        for item, screw in enumerate(self.Slist.T): #index = 7, screw = 6x1
            Blist[:, item] =, screw.T)

        # Current joint angles
        with self.mutex:
            q_now = self.q #1x7 mx

        # Desired config: base to desired - Tbd
        with self.mutex:
            T_sd = self.T_goal

        # Find transform from current pose to desired pose, error
        e =, Blist, q_now)), T_sd)

        # Desired TWIST: MatrixLog6 SE(3) -> se(3) exp coord
        Vb = r.se3ToVec(r.MatrixLog6(e))
        # Construct BODY JACOBIAN for current config
        Jb = r.JacobianBody(Blist, q_now) #6x7 mx

        # Desired ang vel - Eq 5 from Chiaverini & Siciliano, 1994
        # Managing singularities: naive least-squares damping
        n = Jb.shape[-1] #Size of last row, n = 7 joints
        invterm = np.linalg.inv(, Jb) + pow(self.damping, 2)*np.eye(n))
        qdot_new =,Jb.T),Vb)

        # Scaling joint velocity
        minus_v = abs(np.amin(qdot_new))
        plus_v = abs(np.amax(qdot_new))
        if minus_v > plus_v:
            scale = minus_v
            scale = plus_v
        if scale > self.joint_vel_limit:
            qdot_new = 1.0*(qdot_new/scale)*self.joint_vel_limit
        self.qdot = qdot_new #1x7

        # Constructing dictionary
        qdot_output = dict(zip(self.names, self.qdot))

        # Setting Baxter right arm joint velocities
def FeedbackControl(X, Xd, Xd_next, Kp, Ki, delta_t, J_arm, J_chassis):
    X_err_i: integral of the error
    V: feed-forward + PI controller equation
    Je: Jacobian of end-effector
    command: end-effector inverse applied to PI equation
    X_err: end-effector error
    global X_err_i

    Vd = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(np.matmul(mr.TransInv(Xd),
                                             Xd_next))) / delta_t
    X_err = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(np.matmul(mr.TransInv(X), Xd)))
    X_err_i = X_err_i + X_err * delta_t
    a = mr.Adjoint(np.matmul(mr.TransInv(X), Xd)).dot(Vd)
    b =
    c =
    V = a + b + c

    Je = np.concatenate((J_chassis, J_arm), axis=1)
    Je_inv = np.linalg.pinv(Je, 1e-2)
    command = np.matmul(Je_inv, V)

    return command, X_err
    def ctrl_r(self):
        self.cur_theta_list = np.delete(self.main_js.position, 1)
        self.X_d = self.tf_lis.fromTranslationRotation(self.p_d, self.Q_d)
        self.X = mr.FKinBody(self.M, self.B_list, self.cur_theta_list)
        self.X_e = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, self.X_d)))
        self.int_err = (self.int_err + self.X_e) * (0.5/20)
        # hard limit int_err elements to 0.5 per to prevent int_err runaway
        for i in range(len(self.int_err)):
            err_i = self.int_err[i]
            if abs(err_i) > 0.5:
                self.int_err[i] = np.sign(err_i) * 0.5
        self.V_b =, self.X_e) +, self.int_err)
        self.J_b = mr.JacobianBody(self.B_list, self.cur_theta_list)
        self.theta_dot =, self.V_b)
        for i in range(len(self.theta_dot)):
            if abs(self.theta_dot[i]) > 2:
                self.theta_dot[i] = np.sign(self.theta_dot[i])*2

        self.delt_theta = self.theta_dot*(1.0/20)
        self.delt_theta = np.insert(self.delt_theta, 1, 0)
        self.main_js.position += self.delt_theta
Exemple #27
def cal_fitness(population):

    population_all = np.array(population).copy()

    for i in range(population_all.shape[0]):
        se3 = mr.MatrixLog6(, Blist, \
                                                                population_all[i])), T))
        Vb = mr.se3ToVec(se3)
        ew = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]])
        el = np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]])

        if i == 0:
            fitness_norm = np.linalg.norm(Vb)
            err = ew > eomg \
                or el > ev
            fitness_norm = np.append(fitness_norm, np.linalg.norm(Vb))
            err = np.append(err, (ew > eomg \
                or el > ev))

    fitness_array = fitness_norm.reshape(-1, 10)

    return (fitness_array, err)
Exemple #28
def IKinBodyIterates(Blist, M, T, thetalist0, eomg, ev):

    H1 = .1519
    H2 = .08535
    W1 = .11235
    W2 = .0819
    L1 = .24365
    L2 = .21325
    B1 = np.array([0,1,0,W1+W2,0,L1+L2])
    B2 = np.array([0,0,1,H2,-L1-L2, 0])
    B3 = np.array([0,0,1,H2,-L2,0])
    B4 = np.array([0,0,1,H2,0,0])
    B5 = np.array([0,-1,0,-W2,0,0])
    B6 = np.array([0,0,1,0,0,0])
    Blist = np.array([B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6])
    Blist = Blist.T
    # thetalist0 = np.array([1.707,-1.578,0,-1.514,-0.032,1.514]) 
    thetalist0 = np.array([-0.641,-0.419,-0.676,0,0.87,0])

    M = np.array([[-1, 0, 0, 0.45671838521957], 
                  [0, 0, 1, 0.19418559968472], 
                  [0, 1, 0, 0.07377764582634],
    T = np.array([[0.88665968179703, -0.43939724564552, -0.14409957826138, 0.13819913566113], 
                         [0.41775861382484, 0.6275218129158, 0.6570343375206, 0.036001659929752], 
                         [-0.19827343523502, -0.64276474714279, 0.73996025323868, 0.60956245660782],
    # M = np.array([[-1, 0, 0, L1+L2], 
    #               [0, 0, 1, W1+W2+0.2816], 
    #               [0, 1, 0, H1-H2],
    #               [0,0,0,1]])
    # T = np.array([[ 0, 0,-1,-0.34298],
    #             [ 0,-1, 0,-0.098685],
    #             [-1, 0, 0, 1.1109],
    #             [ 0, 0, 0, 1]])

    # T = np.array([[0.003,0.104,-0.995,-0.391],
    #               [0.008,-0.995,-0.104,-0.044],
    #               [-1,-0.007,-0.004,0.699],
    #               [0,0,0,1]])
    eomg = 0.01
    ev = 0.01

    ## done with initial values

    thetalist = np.array(thetalist0).copy()
    iter_thetas = np.array(thetalist.copy())
    i = 0
    Vb = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, Blist, thetalist)), T)))
    eomg_act = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]])
    ev_act = np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]])

    err = eomg_act > eomg or ev_act > ev
    T_act = mr.FKinBody(M, Blist, thetalist)

    print(" Iteration %d:\n\n \
        Joint Vector:\n \
        %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f\n\n \
        SE(3) End-Effector Configuration:\n \
        %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f\n \
        %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f\n \
        %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f\n \
        %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f\n\n \
        Error Twist Vb:\n \
        %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f\n\n \
        Angular Error Magnitude || omega_b ||: %6.5f\n \
        Linear Error Magnitude || v_b ||: %6.5f\n" % (i,thetalist[0],thetalist[1],thetalist[2],thetalist[3],thetalist[4],thetalist[5],

    while err:

        i = i + 1
        thetalist = thetalist +, thetalist)), Vb)

        iter_thetas = np.vstack([iter_thetas,thetalist])

        Vb = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, Blist, thetalist)), T)))

        T_act = mr.FKinBody(M, Blist, thetalist)

        eomg_act = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]])
        ev_act = np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]])

        err = eomg_act > eomg or ev_act > ev

        print(" Iteration %d:\n\n \
                Joint Vector:\n \
                %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f\n\n \
                SE(3) End-Effector Configuration:\n \
                %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f\n \
                %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f\n \
                %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f\n \
                %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f\n\n \
                Error Twist Vb:\n \
                %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f\n\n \
                Angular Error Magnitude || omega_b ||: %6.5f\n \
                Linear Error Magnitude || v_b ||: %6.5f\n" % (i,thetalist[0],thetalist[1],thetalist[2],thetalist[3],thetalist[4],thetalist[5],

    f = open("output.csv", "w") 

    for i in range(len(iter_thetas)):
        output = "%7.6f,%7.6f,%7.6f,%7.6f,%7.6f,%7.6f\n" % (iter_thetas[i,0], iter_thetas[i,1], iter_thetas[i,2], 
                                                                        iter_thetas[i,3], iter_thetas[i,4], iter_thetas[i,5])


    return iter_thetas, not err
    def calc_joint_vel(self):
        """ Deprecated version of joint vel command calculation (Only feed-forward)
        rospy.logdebug("Calculating joint velocities...")

        # Body stuff
        Tbs = self.M0  #
        Blist = self.Blist  #

        # Current joint angles
        with self.mutex:
            q_now = self.q  #1x7 mx

        # Desired config: base to desired - Tbd
        with self.mutex:
            T_sd = self.T_goal  #
        self.current_time = time.time()
        delta_time = self.current_time - self.last_time
        # Find transform from current pose to desired pose, error
        # refer to CH04 >> the product of exponential formula for open-chain manipulator
        # sequence:
        #   1. FKinBody (M, Blist, thetalist)
        #       M: the home config. of the e.e.
        #       Blist: the joint screw axes in the ee frame, when the manipulator is @ the home pose
        #       thetalist : a list of current joints list
        #       We get the new transformation matrix T for newly given joint angles
        #           1). np.array(Blist)[:,i] >> retrieve one axis' joint screw
        #           2). ex)  [s10, -c10, 0., -1.0155*c10, -1.0155*s10, -0.1603] -> S(theta)
        #           3). _out = VecTose3(_in)
        #                 # Takes a 6-vector (representing a spatial velocity).
        #                 # Returns the corresponding 4x4 se(3) matrix.
        #           4). _out = MatrixExp6(_in)
        #                    # Takes a se(3) representation of exponential coordinate
        #                    # Returns a T matrix SE(3) that is achieved by traveling along/about the
        #                    # screw axis S for a distance theta from an initial configuration T = I(dentitiy)
        #           5). (M (from base to robot's e.e. @home pose , and multiplying exp coord(6), we get new FK pose
        #   2. TransInv >> we get the inverse of homogen TF matrix
        #   3. error = (T_new, T_sd) >> TF matrix from cur pose to desired pose
        #   4. Vb >>compute the desired body twist vector from the TF matrix
        #   5. JacobianBody:
        #           # In: Blist, and q_now >> Out : T IN SE(3) representing the end-effector frame when the joints are
        #                 at the specified coordinates
        e =, Blist, q_now)),
                   T_sd)  # Modern robotics pp 230 22Nff
        # Desired TWIST: MatrixLog6 SE(3) -> se(3) exp coord
        Vb = r.se3ToVec(r.MatrixLog6(e))  # shape : (6,)
        # Construct BODY JACOBIAN for current config
        Jb = r.JacobianBody(Blist, q_now)  #6x7 mx # shape (6,7)
        # Desired ang vel - Eq 5 from Chiaverini & Siciliano, 1994
        # Managing singularities: naive least-squares damping
        n = Jb.shape[-1]  #Size of last row, n = 7 joints

        invterm = np.linalg.inv(
  , Jb) + pow(self.damping, 2) * np.eye(n))  #

        qdot_new =
  , Jb.T),
            Vb)  # It seems little bit akward...? >>Eq 6.7 on pp 233 of MR book

        self.qdot = qdot_new  #1x7

        # Constructing dictionary
        qdot_output = dict(zip(self.names, self.qdot))

        # Setting Sawyer right arm joint velocities
        # print qdot_output
Exemple #30
def feedbackControl(config, Xd, Xd_next, Kp, Ki, dt, jointlimit):
    # here we compute X
    M = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0.033], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0.6546],
                  [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    Blist = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0, 0.033, 0], [0, -1, 0, -0.5076, 0, 0],
                      [0, -1, 0, -0.3526, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, -0.2176, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]]).T
    Tb0 = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0.1662], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0.0026],
                    [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    thetalist_initial = np.array(
        [config[0, 3], config[0, 4], config[0, 5], config[0, 6], config[0, 7]])
    T_sb_initial = np.array(
        [[np.cos(config[0, 0]), -np.sin(config[0, 0]), 0, config[0, 1]],
         [np.sin(config[0, 0]),
          np.cos(config[0, 0]), 0, config[0, 2]], [0, 0, 1, 0.0963],
         [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    X =, Blist, thetalist_initial))

    # here we write down Vd
    Vd = mr.se3ToVec((1 / dt) * mr.MatrixLog6(np.linalg.inv(Xd).dot(Xd_next)))

    # here we write down Vb = Ad*Vd
    Vb = mr.Adjoint(np.linalg.inv(X).dot(Xd)).dot(Vd)

    # here we write down X_err
    X_err = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(np.linalg.inv(X).dot(Xd)))

    # here we write down commanded twist
    V = Vb + Kp * X_err + Ki * (X_err + X_err * dt)

    # here we compute J_e
    # first we write down J_arm
    Blist = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0, 0.033, 0], [0, -1, 0, -0.5076, 0, 0],
                      [0, -1, 0, -0.3526, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, -0.2176, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]]).T
    thetalist = np.array(
        [config[0, 3], config[0, 4], config[0, 5], config[0, 6], config[0, 7]])
    J_arm = mr.JacobianBody(Blist, thetalist)
    # second we write down J_base
    r = 0.0475
    l = 0.47 / 2
    w = 0.3 / 2
    gamma1 = -np.pi / 4
    gamma2 = np.pi / 4
    gamma3 = -np.pi / 4
    gamma4 = np.pi / 4
    beta = 0
    x1 = l
    y1 = w
    x2 = l
    y2 = -w
    x3 = -l
    y3 = -w
    x4 = -l
    y4 = w
    # here we write down F6
    a1 = np.array([1, np.tan(gamma1)])
    a2 = np.array([1, np.tan(gamma2)])
    a3 = np.array([1, np.tan(gamma3)])
    a4 = np.array([1, np.tan(gamma4)])
    b = np.array([[np.cos(beta), np.sin(beta)], [-np.sin(beta), np.cos(beta)]])
    c1 = np.array([[-y1, 1, 0], [x1, 0, 1]])
    c2 = np.array([[-y2, 1, 0], [x2, 0, 1]])
    c3 = np.array([[-y3, 1, 0], [x3, 0, 1]])
    c4 = np.array([[-y4, 1, 0], [x4, 0, 1]])
    h1 = (((1 / r) * a1).dot(b)).dot(c1)
    h2 = (((1 / r) * a2).dot(b)).dot(c2)
    h3 = (((1 / r) * a3).dot(b)).dot(c3)
    h4 = (((1 / r) * a4).dot(b)).dot(c4)
    H0 = np.vstack((h1, h2, h3, h4))
    F = np.linalg.pinv(H0)
    F6 = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0],
                   [F[0, 0], F[0, 1], F[0, 2], F[0, 3]],
                   [F[1, 0], F[1, 1], F[1, 2], F[1, 3]],
                   [F[2, 0], F[2, 1], F[2, 2], F[2, 3]], [0, 0, 0, 0]])

    # then write down J_base
    T_sb = np.array(
        [[np.cos(config[0, 0]), -np.sin(config[0, 0]), 0, config[0, 1]],
         [np.sin(config[0, 0]),
          np.cos(config[0, 0]), 0, config[0, 2]], [0, 0, 1, 0.0963],
         [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    T_eb = np.linalg.inv(X).dot(T_sb)
    J_base = mr.Adjoint(T_eb).dot(F6)

    # here we test joint limits
    if jointlimit == 1:
        jointLimits(config, J_arm)

    # finally we write down J_e
    J_e = np.hstack((J_base, J_arm))

    # here we write down speeds (u,thetadot)
    speeds = np.linalg.pinv(J_e, rcond=1e-2).dot(V)

    return V, speeds, X_err