def roul():  
    while True:
        # import modules dictionary
        import mods
        import RouletteMods
        import time
        # import saved file information
        diction = mods.openSaveFile()
        # players is a dictionary in the form:
        #     Player [num]: [0] player name [1] amount of money
        players = mods.playerSelect(diction)
        # This will print the table and all other necessary information
        This game is roulette. You may select to place a bet anywhere on the table. To select a certain region, input a value in the menu:
            |3|6|9|12|15|18|21|24|27|30|33|36||2 to 1|
          0 |2|5|8|11|14|17|20|23|26|29|32|35||2 to 1|
            |1|4|7|10|13|16|19|22|25|28|31|34||2 to 1|
            |    1st 12    |    2nd 12    |    3rd 12   |
            |1 to 18| EVEN | RED | BLACK | ODD |19 to 26|
        1. Place a bet on a specific number(s) [Inside Bet]
        2. Place a bet on a non-specific value but a group of numbers [Outside Bet]
        Inside Bets:
        1.Betting on 1 number (Straight): 35:1 Payout
        2.Betting on 2 numbers (Split): 17-1 Payout
        3.Betting on 3 numbers (Street): 11-1 Payout
        4.Betting on 4 numbers (Square): 8-1 Payout
        5.Betting on 6 numbers (Six Line): 5-1 Payout
        Outside Bets:
        1.Betting on either Red or Black: 1-1 Payout
        2.Betting on any dozen: 1-1 Payout
        3.Betting on 1 to 18 [Low] or 19 to 36 [High]: 1-1 Payout
        4.Betting on Odd or Even: 1-1 Payout
        5.Betting on 2 to 1 [Columns]: 2-1 Payout
        # Loop this to go through each player. Necessary to call specific key in players dictionary
        num = 1
        bettings = {}
        while num <= len(players):
            # This is to loop through the two dictionaries NUMBER and BETS to keep track of bets and how much was bet
            betCount = 1
            bets = {}
            print("\n\nFor --",players[num][0],'-- :')
            # if selection is 1, go to insideBet function
            while True:
                if players[num][1] == 0:
                    print('Cannot place anymore bets')
                selection = mods.valueChecker("Would you like to place an inside or outside bet?:(3 is for no more bets) ", 1, 3, 'i')
                if selection == 1:
                    while True:
                        # This will go through ask what kind of inside bet
                        # Then, it will return a dictionary
                        # Bets take the form bets[numberOfBet] = [0] betted number [1] amount
                            print('You have no more moola so you can\'t place anymore bets.')
                        players[num][1] -= bets[betCount][1]
                        betCount+= 1
                        again = mods.valueChecker('\nAnother inside bet? (1 - Yes, 2 - No)', 1, 2, 'i')
                        if again == 2:
                elif selection == 2:
                    while True:
                        # This will go through ask what kind of inside bet
                        # Then, it will return a dictionary
                        # Bets take the form bets[numberOfBet] = [0] betted number [1] amount
                            print('You have no more moola so you can\'t place anymore bets.')
                        players[num][1] -= bets[betCount][1]
                        betCount+= 1
                        again = mods.valueChecker('\nAnother outside bet? (1 - Yes, 2 - No)', 1, 2, 'i')
                        if again == 2:
                elif selection == 3:
            # to save the bets of player num to a dictionary so bets can be reset
            bettings[num] = bets
            # To the next player
            num += 1
        # This will return a random number
        RESULT = RouletteMods.selectingANumber()
        print("\nThe ball is now spinning")
        print('\nIt is still spinning')
        print('\nIT STOPPED!')
        The RESULT IS""", RESULT,"\n\n")
        for playerNum in bettings:
            bets = bettings[playerNum]
            lose = 0
            for bet in bets:
                numbers = bets[bet][0]
                    if RESULT in numbers:
                        players[playerNum][1] += bets[bet][1] + (bets[bet][1] * bets[bet][2])
                        lose -= bets[bet][1] * bets[bet][2]
                        lose += bets[bet][1]
                    if RESULT == numbers:
                        players[playerNum][1] += bets[bet][1] + (bets[bet][1] * bets[bet][2])
                        lose -= bets[bet][1] * bets[bet][2]
                        lose += bets[bet][1]
            # Prints lose or gains
            if lose > 0:
                print("I am sorry", players[playerNum][0],", you lost $",lose)
            elif lose < 0:
                print("Congrats",players[playerNum][0],", you won $",-1*lose)
                print("You did not gain anything, or lose anything", players[playerNum][0])
        # This will rewrite the saves.file with the new values of money
        mods.writeToSave(players, diction)
        selection = mods.valueChecker('Would you like to play roulette again?(1 is Yes, 2 is No)', 1, 2, 'i')
        if selection == 2:
 select = mods.valueChecker('What would you like to play', 1, 6, 'i')
 # If 1 go to Roulette2 and run roul
 if select == 1:
 # If 2 run the lsots machine program
 elif select == 2:
     import random
     import time
     import mods
     # imports
     diction = mods.openSaveFile()
     players = mods.playerSelectOne(diction)
     # shows user what each slot combination pays out
     print('''Welcome to the Slot Machine 
     You'll start with the money with the user. You'll be asked if you want to play.
     Answer with yes/no. you can also use y/n
     There is no case sensitivity, type it however you like!
     To win you must get one of the following combinations:
     CHERRY\tCHERRY\t  -\t\tpays\t$5
     CHERRY\t  -\t  -\t\tpays\t$2