def test_convert_to_base(self):
     # Setup test objects
     test_repo = ConvertRepo()
     test_type = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type")
     test_type.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["base_unit"], 1)
     test_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["name1", "name2"], 1337)
     measure1 = ConvertMeasure(17.5, test_unit)
     # Convert to base
     test_result = measure1.convert_to_base()
     # Check
     assert test_result.unit.name_list[0] == "base_unit"
     assert test_result.amount == 17.5*1337
 def test_to_string_no_prefix(self):
     # Setup test objects
     test_repo = ConvertRepo()
     test_type = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type")
     test_type.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["base_unit"], 1)
     test_type.decimals = 3
     test_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["name1", "name2"], 1337)
     measure1 = ConvertMeasure(17.5, test_unit)
     # Get string
     measure_str = measure1.to_string()
     # Check
     assert str(measure1) == measure_str
     assert measure_str == "17.500 name1"
 def test_is_equal(self):
     # Setup test objects
     test_repo = ConvertRepo()
     test_type = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type")
     test_type.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["base_unit"], 1)
     test_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["name1", "name2"], 1337)
     measure1 = ConvertMeasure(17.5, test_unit)
     measure2 = ConvertMeasure(17.5, test_unit)
     # Check not the same object
     assert not measure1 == measure2
     # Check is equal
     assert measure1.is_equal(measure2)
     assert measure2.is_equal(measure1)
 def test_build_list_from_user_input_no_match(self):
     # Setup test objects
     test_repo = ConvertRepo()
     test_type = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type")
     test_type.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["base_unit"], 1)
     test_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["name_a", "name_b"], 1337)
     # Run method
         ConvertMeasure.build_list_from_user_input(test_repo, "32 name_c")
         assert False, "Should have failed to find a valid unit."
     except Exception as e:
         assert "unrecognised unit" in str(e).lower()
 def test_build_list_from_user_input_middle(self):
     # Setup test objects
     test_repo = ConvertRepo()
     test_type = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type")
     test_type.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["base_unit"], 1)
     test_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["name_a", "name_b"], 1337)
     # Run method
         ConvertMeasure.build_list_from_user_input(test_repo, "name_b 15 name_a")
         assert False, "Should have failed to find amount."
     except Exception as e:
         assert "cannot find amount" in str(e).lower()
 def test_convert_to_offset(self):
     # Setup test objects
     test_repo = ConvertRepo()
     test_type = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type")
     test_type.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["base_unit"], 1)
     test_unit1 = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["name1", "name2"], 1337)
     test_unit2 = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["name3"], 505)
     measure1 = ConvertMeasure(17.5, test_unit1)
     # Convert to base
     test_result = measure1.convert_to(test_unit2)
     # Check
     assert test_result.unit.name_list[0] == "name3"
     assert test_result.amount == ((17.5*1337)+54-10)/505
 def test_convert_to_different_types(self):
     # Setup test objects
     test_repo = ConvertRepo()
     test_type1 = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type1")
     test_type1.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type1, ["base_unit"], 1)
     test_unit1 = ConvertUnit(test_type1, ["name1", "name2"], 1337)
     test_type2 = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type2")
     test_type2.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type2, ["another_base"], 1)
     test_unit2 = ConvertUnit(test_type2, ["name3"], 505)
     measure1 = ConvertMeasure(17.5, test_unit1)
     # Convert to base
         test_result = measure1.convert_to(test_unit2)
         assert False
     except Exception as e:
         assert "not the same unit type" in str(e)
 def test_to_string(self):
     # Setup test objects
     test_repo = ConvertRepo()
     test_type = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type")
     test_type.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["base_unit"], 1)
     test_type.decimals = 3
     test_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["name1", "name2"], 1337)
     prefix_group = ConvertPrefixGroup(test_repo, "test_group")
     test_prefix = ConvertPrefix(prefix_group, "ten", "10", 10)
     test_unit.valid_prefix_group = prefix_group
     measure1 = ConvertMeasure(17.5, test_unit)
     # Get string
     measure_str = measure1.to_string()
     # Check
     assert str(measure1) == measure_str
     assert measure_str == "1.750 tenname1"
 def test_to_string_with_prefix(self):
     # Setup test objects
     test_repo = ConvertRepo()
     test_type = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type")
     test_type.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["base_unit"], 1)
     test_type.decimals = 3
     test_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["name1", "name2"], 1337)
     prefix_group = ConvertPrefixGroup(test_repo, "test_group")
     test_prefix1 = ConvertPrefix(prefix_group, "ten", "10", 10)
     test_prefix2 = ConvertPrefix(prefix_group, "hundred", "100", 100)
     test_unit.valid_prefix_group = prefix_group
     measure1 = ConvertMeasure(17.5, test_unit)
     # Get string
     measure_str = measure1.to_string_with_prefix(test_prefix2)
     # Check
     assert measure_str == "0.175 hundredname1"
 def test_build_list_from_user_input_end(self):
     # Setup test objects
     test_repo = ConvertRepo()
     test_type = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type")
     test_type.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["base_unit"], 1)
     test_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["name1", "name2"], 1337)
     # Run method
     data = ConvertMeasure.build_list_from_user_input(test_repo, "name2 27")
     # Check results
     assert len(data) == 1
     assert data[0].amount == 27
     assert data[0].unit == test_unit
 def test_build_list_from_user_input_prefix(self):
     # Setup test objects
     test_repo = ConvertRepo()
     test_type = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type")
     test_type.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["base_unit"], 1)
     test_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type, ["name1", "name2"], 1337)
     prefix_group = ConvertPrefixGroup(test_repo, "test_group")
     test_prefix = ConvertPrefix(prefix_group, "ten", "10", 10)
     test_unit.valid_prefix_group = prefix_group
     # Run method
     data = ConvertMeasure.build_list_from_user_input(test_repo, "tenname2 27")
     # Check results
     assert len(data) == 1
     assert data[0].amount == 270
     assert data[0].unit == test_unit
 def test_build_list_from_user_input_multi_match(self):
     # Setup test objects
     test_repo = ConvertRepo()
     test_type1 = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type1")
     test_type1.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type1, ["base_unit1"], 1)
     test_type2 = ConvertType(test_repo, "test_type2")
     test_type2.base_unit = ConvertUnit(test_type2, ["base_unit2"], 1)
     test_unit1 = ConvertUnit(test_type1, ["name1", "name2"], 1337)
     test_unit2 = ConvertUnit(test_type2, ["name2", "name3"], 567)
     # Run method
     data = ConvertMeasure.build_list_from_user_input(test_repo, "7 name2")
     # Check results
     assert len(data) == 2
     assert data[0].amount == 7
     assert data[1].amount == 7
     assert test_unit1 in [data[x].unit for x in [0, 1]]
     assert test_unit2 in [data[x].unit for x in [0, 1]]