def readFromProject(self, resourceOpener): for logo in self._logos: logo.readFromProject(resourceOpener) updateProgress(self._pct) for map in self._townmaps: map.readFromProject(resourceOpener) updateProgress(self._pct)
def writeToRom(self, rom): self._ptrTbl.clear(32*40) destWriteLoc = 0xF0000 destRangeEnd = 0xF58EE # TODO Is this correct? Can we go more? destLocs = dict() emptyEntryPtr = EbModule.toSnesAddr(rom.writeToFree([0, 0])) pct = 45.0/(40*32) i=0 for entry in self._entries: if (entry == None) or (not entry): self._ptrTbl[i,0].setVal(emptyEntryPtr) else: entryLen = len(entry) writeLoc = rom.getFreeLoc(2 + entryLen*5) self._ptrTbl[i,0].setVal(EbModule.toSnesAddr(writeLoc)) rom[writeLoc] = entryLen & 0xff rom[writeLoc+1] = entryLen >> 8 writeLoc += 2 for door in entry: destWriteLoc += door.writeToRom(rom, writeLoc, destWriteLoc, destRangeEnd, destLocs) writeLoc += 5 i += 1 updateProgress(pct) self._ptrTbl.writeToRom(rom) # Mark any remaining space as free if destWriteLoc < destRangeEnd: rom.addFreeRanges([(destWriteLoc, destRangeEnd)]) updateProgress(5)
def readFromRom(self, rom): for f in self._fonts: f.readFromRom(rom) updateProgress(self._pct) self.readCreditsFontFromRom(rom) updateProgress(self._pct)
def writeToRom(self, rom): if self._data["Enable Skip"]: rom[0x1faae] = 0x5c loc = rom.getFreeLoc(10 + 4*5*5 + 3*6*5) rom.writeMulti(0x1faaf, EbModule.toSnesAddr(loc), 3) rom.write(loc, [0x48, 0x08, 0xe2, 0x20]) loc += 4 loc = self.writeLoaderAsm(rom, loc, self._data["Name1"], 5, 0xce, 0x99) loc = self.writeLoaderAsm(rom, loc, self._data["Name2"], 5, 0x2d, 0x9a) loc = self.writeLoaderAsm(rom, loc, self._data["Name3"], 5, 0x8c, 0x9a) loc = self.writeLoaderAsm(rom, loc, self._data["Name4"], 5, 0xeb, 0x9a) loc = self.writeLoaderAsm(rom, loc, self._data["Pet"], 6, 0x19, 0x98) loc = self.writeLoaderAsm(rom, loc, self._data["Food"], 6, 0x1f, 0x98) loc = self.writeLoaderAsm(rom, loc, self._data["Thing"], 6, 0x29, 0x98) if self._data["Enable Summary"]: rom.write(loc, [0x28, 0x68, 0x5c, 0xc0, 0xfa, 0xc1]) else: rom.write(loc, [0x28, 0x68, 0x5c, 0x05, 0xfd, 0xc1]) updateProgress(50)
def writeToProject(self, resourceOpener): for logo in self._logos: logo.writeToProject(resourceOpener) updateProgress(self._pct) for map in self._townmaps: map.writeToProject(resourceOpener) updateProgress(self._pct)
def writeToRom(self, rom): map_ptrs_addr = \ EbModule.toRegAddr(rom.readMulti(self._MAP_PTRS_PTR_ADDR, 3)) map_addrs = map(lambda x: \ EbModule.toRegAddr(rom.readMulti(map_ptrs_addr+x*4,4)), \ range(8)) for i in range(self._MAP_HEIGHT): rom.write(map_addrs[i%8] + ((i>>3)<<8), map(lambda x: x & 0xff, self._tiles[i])) k = self._LOCAL_TSET_ADDR for i in range(self._MAP_HEIGHT>>3): for j in range(self._MAP_WIDTH): c = ((self._tiles[i<<3][j] >> 8) | ((self._tiles[(i<<3)|1][j] >> 8) << 2) | ((self._tiles[(i<<3)|2][j] >> 8) << 4) | ((self._tiles[(i<<3)|3][j] >> 8) << 6)) rom.write(k, c) c = ((self._tiles[(i<<3)|4][j] >> 8) | ((self._tiles[(i<<3)|5][j] >> 8) << 2) | ((self._tiles[(i<<3)|6][j] >> 8) << 4) | ((self._tiles[(i<<3)|7][j] >> 8) << 6)) rom.write(k+0x3000, c) k += 1 updateProgress(25) # Write sector data self._mapSecTsetPalsTbl.writeToRom(rom) updateProgress(25.0/4) self._mapSecMusicTbl.writeToRom(rom) updateProgress(25.0/4) self._mapSecMiscTbl.writeToRom(rom) updateProgress(25.0/4) self._mapSecTownMapTbl.writeToRom(rom) updateProgress(25.0/4)
def writeToProject(self, resourceOpener): out = dict() x = y = 0 rowOut = dict() pct = 45.0/(40*32) for entry in self._entries: if entry != None: rowOut[x%32] = map( lambda sp: { "NPC ID": sp.npcID, "X": sp.x, "Y": sp.y }, entry) else: rowOut[x%32] = None if (x % 32) == 31: # Start next row out[y] = rowOut x = 0 y += 1 rowOut = dict() else: x += 1 updateProgress(pct) with resourceOpener("map_sprites", "yml") as f: yaml.dump(out, f, Dumper=yaml.CSafeDumper) updateProgress(5)
def writeToRom(self, rom): for ipsDescFname in [s for s in os.listdir( 'resources/ips/' + rom.type()) if s.lower().endswith(".yml")]: patchName = ipsDescFname[:-4] with open('resources/ips/' + rom.type() + '/' + ipsDescFname) as ipsDescFile: ipsDesc = yaml.load(ipsDescFile, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) if ((ipsDesc["Title"] in self._patches) and (self._patches[ipsDesc["Title"]].lower() == "enabled")): ranges = map(lambda y: tuple(map(lambda z: int(z, 0), y[1:-1].split(','))), ipsDesc["Ranges"]) # First, check that we can apply this for range in ranges: if not rom.isRangeFree(range): # Range is not free, can't apply raise RuntimeError("Can't apply patch \"" + ipsDesc["Title"] + "\", range (" + hex(range[0]) + "," + hex(range[1]) + ") is not free") # Now apply the patch patchName = ipsDescFname[:-4] ips = Ips() offset = 0 if "Header" in ipsDesc: offset = ipsDesc["Header"] ips.load('resources/ips/' + rom.type() + '/' + patchName + '.ips', offset) ips.apply(rom) # Mark the used ranges as used for range in ranges: rom.markRangeAsNotFree(range) updateProgress(50)
def readFromProject(self, resourceOpener): # Read map data with resourceOpener("map_tiles", "map") as f: self._tiles = map(lambda y: map(lambda x: int(x, 16), y.split(" ")), f.readlines()) updateProgress(25) # Read sector data self._mapSecTsetPalsTbl.clear(2560) self._mapSecMusicTbl.clear(2560) self._mapSecMiscTbl.clear(2560) self._mapSecTownMapTbl.clear(2560) pct = (25.0/2560) with resourceOpener("map_sectors", "yml") as f: input = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) for i in input: entry = input[i] self._mapSecTsetPalsTbl[i,0].setVal( (entry["Tileset"] << 3) | entry["Palette"]) self._mapSecMusicTbl[i,0].load(entry["Music"]) self._mapSecMiscTbl[i,1].load(entry["Item"]) self.teleport.load(entry["Teleport"]) self.townmap.load(entry["Town Map"]) self.setting.load(entry["Setting"]) self._mapSecMiscTbl[i,0].setVal((self.teleport.val() << 7) | (self.townmap.val() << 3) | self.setting.val()) self.townmap_image.load(entry["Town Map Image"]) self.townmap_arrow.load(entry["Town Map Arrow"]) self._mapSecTownMapTbl[i,0].setVal( (self.townmap_arrow.val() << 4) | (self.townmap_image.val() & 0xf)) self._mapSecTownMapTbl[i,1].load(entry["Town Map X"]) self._mapSecTownMapTbl[i,2].load(entry["Town Map Y"]) updateProgress(pct)
def readFromProject(self, resourceOpener): self._grPalTbl.readFromProject(resourceOpener) updateProgress(5) input = yaml.load(resourceOpener("sprite_groups", "yml"), Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) numGroups = len(input) self._groups = [] pct = 45.0/numGroups for i in range(numGroups): g = SpriteGroup(16) g.load(input[i]) img = resourceOpener("SpriteGroups/" + str(i).zfill(3), "png")) g.fromImage(img) palData = img.getpalette() del(img) self._groups.append(g) pal = [ ] # Read the palette from the image for i in range(1, 16): pal.append((palData[i*3], palData[i*3+1], palData[i*3+2])) # Assign the palette number to the sprite for i in range(8): if pal == self._grPalTbl[i,0].val()[1:]: g.setPalette(i) break else: # Error, this image uses an invalid palette raise RuntimeException("Sprite Group #" + i + "uses an invalid palette.") updateProgress(pct)
def writeToProject(self, resourceOpener): out = dict() x = y = 0 rowOut = dict() pct = 45.0/(40*32) for entry in self._entries: if not entry: rowOut[x%32] = None else: rowOut[x%32] = map(lambda z: z.dump(), entry) if (x % 32) == 31: # Start new row out[y] = rowOut x = 0 y += 1 rowOut = dict() else: x += 1 updateProgress(pct) with resourceOpener("map_doors", "yml") as f: s = yaml.dump(out, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=yaml.CSafeDumper) s = sub("Event Flag: (\d+)", lambda i: "Event Flag: " + hex(int([12:])), s) f.write(s) updateProgress(5)
def writeToRom(self, rom): self._ptrTbl.clear(20) blockSize = 0 for entry in self._entries: for (flag, set) in entry: blockSize += 4 + 4*len(set) blockSize += 2 if blockSize > 0xffff: raise RuntimeError("Too many map changes") loc = rom.getFreeLoc(blockSize) rom[self._PTR_BANK_LOC] = (loc >> 16) + 0xc0 i = 0 for entry in self._entries: self._ptrTbl[i,0].setVal(loc & 0xffff) for (flag, set) in entry: rom.writeMulti(loc, flag, 2) rom.writeMulti(loc+2, len(set), 2) loc += 4 for (before, after) in set: rom.writeMulti(loc, before, 2) rom.writeMulti(loc+2, after, 2) loc += 4 rom[loc] = 0 rom[loc+1] = 0 loc += 2 i += 1 updateProgress(45.0/20) ptrTblLoc = self._ptrTbl.writeToFree(rom) rom.writeMulti(self._PTR_LOC, EbModule.toSnesAddr(ptrTblLoc), 3) updateProgress(5)
def writeToRom(self, rom): for logo in self._logos: logo.writeToRom(rom) updateProgress(self._pct) for map in self._townmaps: map.writeToRom(rom) updateProgress(self._pct)
def readFromRom(self, rom): for (cat, items) in self.ENTRY_LOCS: catDict = {} for (desc, loc, size) in items: catDict[desc] = SmbModule.readText(rom, loc, size) self._data[cat] = catDict updateProgress(self._pct)
def readFromProject(self, resourceOpener): i=0 pct = 45.0/len(self._tsets) for tset in self._tsets: with resourceOpener('Tilesets/' + str(i).zfill(2), 'fts') as f: tset.readFromFTS(f) i += 1 updateProgress(pct) with resourceOpener('map_palette_settings', 'yml') as f: input = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) for mtset in input: # For each map tileset # Get the draw (normal) tileset tset = None for ts in self._tsets: if ts.hasMapTileset(mtset): tset = ts break # For each map palette mtset_pals = [(mp,p) for (mt,mp,p) in tset.pals if mt == mtset] for (pN,mtset_pal) in mtset_pals: entry = input[mtset][pN] mtset_pal.flag = entry["Event Flag"] mtset_pal.flashEffect = entry["Flash Effect"] mtset_pal.spritePalNum = entry["Sprite Palette"] if mtset_pal.flag != 0: mtset_pal.flagPal = MapPalette() mtset_pal.flagPal.setFromString(entry["Event Palette"]) mtset_pal.flagPal.spritePalNum = entry["Sprite Palette"] updateProgress(5.0/32)
def readFromRom(self, rom): for logo in self._logos: logo.readFromRom(rom) updateProgress(self._pct) for map in self._townmaps: map.readFromRom(rom) updateProgress(self._pct)
def writeToProject(self, resourceOpener): # Dump an additional YML with color0 data out = dict() for i in range(0,32): # For each map tset entry = dict() tset = None for ts in self._tsets: if ts.hasMapTileset(i): tset = ts break for (pN,p) in [(mp,p) for (mt,mp,p) in tset.pals if mt == i]: entry[pN] = p.dump() out[i] = entry with resourceOpener('map_palette_settings', 'yml') as f: s = yaml.dump(out, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=yaml.CSafeDumper) s = sub("Event Flag: (\d+)", lambda i: "Event Flag: " + hex(int([12:])), s) f.write(s) updateProgress(5) # Dump the FTS files pct=45.0/len(self._tsets) i=0 for tset in self._tsets: with resourceOpener('Tilesets/' + str(i).zfill(2), 'fts') as f: tset.writeToFTS(f) i += 1 updateProgress(pct)
def readFromProject(self, resourceOpener): # Clear the labels dict EbModule.labelsDict.clear() # Read the summary file sumFile = resourceOpener('ccscript/summary', 'txt') summary = sumFile.readlines() sumFile.close() # Only do anything if the summary file is not empty if len(summary) > 0: self._usedRange = (EbModule.toRegAddr(int(summary[7][30:36], 16)), EbModule.toRegAddr(int(summary[8][30:36], 16))) modName = None inModuleSection = False # False = before section, True = in section for line in summary: line = line.rstrip() if inModuleSection: if line.startswith('-'): inModuleSection = False else: labelKey = modName + "." + line.split(' ',1)[0] labelVal = int(line[-6:],16) EbModule.labelsDict[labelKey] = labelVal elif line.startswith("-") and modName != None: inModuleSection = True elif line.startswith("Labels in module "): modName = line[17:] updateProgress(50)
def readFromRom(self, rom): # Read map tiles map_ptrs_addr = \ EbModule.toRegAddr(rom.readMulti(self._MAP_PTRS_PTR_ADDR, 3)) map_addrs = map(lambda x: \ EbModule.toRegAddr(rom.readMulti(map_ptrs_addr+x*4,4)), \ range(8)) self._tiles = map( lambda y: rom.readList(map_addrs[y%8] + ((y>>3)<<8), self._MAP_WIDTH).tolist(), range(self._MAP_HEIGHT)) k = self._LOCAL_TSET_ADDR for i in range(self._MAP_HEIGHT>>3): for j in range(self._MAP_WIDTH): self._tiles[i<<3][j] |= (rom[k] & 3) << 8 self._tiles[(i<<3)|1][j] |= ((rom[k] >> 2) & 3) << 8 self._tiles[(i<<3)|2][j] |= ((rom[k] >> 4) & 3) << 8 self._tiles[(i<<3)|3][j] |= ((rom[k] >> 6) & 3) << 8 self._tiles[(i<<3)|4][j] |= (rom[k+0x3000] & 3) << 8 self._tiles[(i<<3)|5][j] |= ((rom[k+0x3000] >> 2) & 3) << 8 self._tiles[(i<<3)|6][j] |= ((rom[k+0x3000] >> 4) & 3) << 8 self._tiles[(i<<3)|7][j] |= ((rom[k+0x3000] >> 6) & 3) << 8 k += 1 updateProgress(25) # Read sector data self._mapSecTsetPalsTbl.readFromRom(rom) updateProgress(25.0/4) self._mapSecMusicTbl.readFromRom(rom) updateProgress(25.0/4) self._mapSecMiscTbl.readFromRom(rom) updateProgress(25.0/4) self._mapSecTownMapTbl.readFromRom(rom) updateProgress(25.0/4)
def readFromProject(self, resourceOpener): # First, read the Enemy Configuration Table self._enemyCfgTable.readFromProject(resourceOpener) pct = 40.0/(self._enemyCfgTable.height()) # Second, read the Battle Sprites bsHashes = dict() bsNextNum = 1 palNextNum = 0 for i in range(self._enemyCfgTable.height()): bs = EbBattleSprite() pal = EbPalettes(1,16) try: bs.readFromProject(resourceOpener, i, pal) # Add the battle sprite try: #self._enemyCfgTable[i,4].set(self._bsprites.index(bs)) bsNum = bsHashes[bs._sprite._spriteHash] self._enemyCfgTable[i,4].setVal(bsNum) except KeyError: self._bsprites.append(bs) self._enemyCfgTable[i,4].setVal(bsNextNum) bsHashes[bs._sprite._spriteHash] = bsNextNum bsNextNum += 1 # Add the palette # TODO should probably use hash table here too? # then again, I don't think it's actually a bottleneck try: self._enemyCfgTable[i,14].setVal(self._bsPals.index(pal)) except ValueError: self._bsPals.append(pal) self._enemyCfgTable[i,14].setVal(palNextNum) palNextNum += 1 except IOError: # No battle sprite PNG self._enemyCfgTable[i,4].setVal(0) self._enemyCfgTable[i,14].setVal(0) updateProgress(pct) # Third, read the groups self._enemyGroupTbl.readFromProject(resourceOpener, "enemy_groups") updateProgress(2) self._enemyGroupBgTbl.readFromProject(resourceOpener, "enemy_groups") updateProgress(2) self._enemyGroups = [ ] pct = 4.0/484 with resourceOpener("enemy_groups", "yml") as f: input = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) updateProgress(2) for group in input: tmp1 = input[group]["Enemies"] enemyList = [ ] i = 0 for enemy in tmp1: tmp2 = tmp1[i] enemyList.append((tmp2["Enemy"], tmp2["Amount"])) i += 1 self._enemyGroups.append(enemyList) updateProgress(pct)
def writeToRom(self, rom): for (cat, items) in self.ENTRY_LOCS: catDict = self._data[cat] for (desc, loc, size) in items: EbModule.writeStandardText(rom, loc, catDict[desc], size) if (cat == "Status Window") and (len(catDict[desc]) < size): rom.write(loc+len(catDict[desc]), [00] * (size-len(catDict[desc]))) updateProgress(self._pct)
def upgradeProject(self, oldVersion, newVersion, rom, resourceOpenerR, resourceOpenerW): def replaceField(fname, oldField, newField, valueMap): if newField == None: newField = oldField valueMap = dict((k, v) for k,v in valueMap.iteritems()) with resourceOpenerR(fname, 'yml') as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) for i in data: if data[i][oldField] in valueMap: data[i][newField] = valueMap[data[i][oldField]].lower() else: data[i][newField] = data[i][oldField] if newField != oldField: del data[i][oldField] with resourceOpenerW(fname, 'yml') as f: yaml.dump(data, f, Dumper=yaml.CSafeDumper) def replaceFieldName(fname, oldField, newField): if newField == None: newField = oldField with resourceOpenerR(fname, 'yml') as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) for i in data: data[i][newField] = data[i][oldField] del data[i][oldField] with resourceOpenerW(fname, 'yml') as f: yaml.dump(data, f, Dumper=yaml.CSafeDumper) if oldVersion == newVersion: updateProgress(100) return elif oldVersion == 2: replaceField("sprite_groups", "Unknown A", "Size", { 0: "16x16", 1: "16x16 2", 2: "24x16", 3: "32x16", 4: "48x16", 5: "16x24", 6: "24x24", 7: "16x32", 8: "32x32", 9: "48x32", 10: "24x40", 11: "16x48", 12: "32x48", 13: "48x48", 14: "64x48", 15: "64x64", 16: "64x80" }) replaceFieldName("sprite_groups", "Unknown B", "Collision Settings") self.upgradeProject(oldVersion+1, newVersion, rom, resourceOpenerR, resourceOpenerW) elif oldVersion == 1: self.upgradeProject(oldVersion+1, newVersion, rom, resourceOpenerR, resourceOpenerW)
def readFromProject(self, resourceOpener): with resourceOpener("map_music", "yml") as f: input = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) for i in input: entry = [] for subEntry in input[i]: entry.append((subEntry["Event Flag"], subEntry["Music"])) self._entries.append(entry) updateProgress(50)
def readFromProject(self, resourceOpener): i = 0 for font in self._fonts: with resourceOpener("Fonts/" + str(i), "png") as imgFile: img = font.fromImage(img) with resourceOpener("Fonts/" + str(i) + "_widths", "yml") as f: input = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) font.loadWidths(input) i += 1 updateProgress(self._pct)
def writeToRom(self, rom): for f in self._fonts: f.writeToRom(rom) updateProgress(self._pct) self._cpal.writeToBlock(rom, loc=self._ADDR_CREDITS_PAL) with EbCompressedData(self._cfont.sizeBlock()) as cb: self._cfont.writeToBlock(cb) EbModule.writeAsmPointer(rom, self._ASMPTR_CREDITS_GFX, EbModule.toSnesAddr(cb.writeToFree(rom))) updateProgress(self._pct)
def readFromProject(self, resourceOpener): with resourceOpener("map_changes", "yml") as f: input = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) for mtset in input: entry = [] entryIn = input[mtset] if (entryIn != None): for csetIn in entryIn: entry.append((csetIn["Event Flag"], csetIn["Changes"])) self._entries.append(entry) updateProgress(50.0/20)
def upgradeProject(self, oldVersion, newVersion, rom, resourceOpenerR, resourceOpenerW): if oldVersion == newVersion: updateProgress(100) return elif oldVersion <= 2: self.readCreditsFontFromRom(rom) self.writeCreditsFontToProject(resourceOpenerW) self.upgradeProject(3, newVersion, rom, resourceOpenerR, resourceOpenerW) else: self.upgradeProject(oldVersion+1, newVersion, rom, resourceOpenerR, resourceOpenerW)
def upgradeProject(self, oldVersion, newVersion, rom, resourceOpenerR, resourceOpenerW): global updateProgress def replaceField(fname, oldField, newField, valueMap): if newField == None: newField = oldField valueMap = dict((k, v) for k,v in valueMap.iteritems()) with resourceOpenerR(fname, 'yml') as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) for i in data: if data[i][oldField] in valueMap: data[i][newField] = valueMap[data[i][oldField]].lower() else: data[i][newField] = data[i][oldField] if newField != oldField: del data[i][oldField] with resourceOpenerW(fname, 'yml') as f: yaml.dump(data, f, Dumper=yaml.CSafeDumper, default_flow_style=False) if oldVersion == newVersion: updateProgress(100) return elif oldVersion <= 2: replaceField("map_sectors", "Town Map", None, { "scummers": "summers" }) # Need to add the Town Map Image/Arrow/X/Y fields tmp = updateProgress updateProgress = lambda x: None self.readFromRom(rom) updateProgress = tmp with resourceOpenerR("map_sectors", 'yml') as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.CSafeLoader) for i in data: self.townmap_image.setVal(self._mapSecTownMapTbl[i,0].val() & 0xf) self.townmap_arrow.setVal(self._mapSecTownMapTbl[i,0].val() >> 4) data[i]["Town Map Image"] = self.townmap_image.dump() data[i]["Town Map Arrow"] = self.townmap_arrow.dump() data[i]["Town Map X"] = self._mapSecTownMapTbl[i,1].dump() data[i]["Town Map Y"] = self._mapSecTownMapTbl[i,2].dump() with resourceOpenerW("map_sectors", 'yml') as f: yaml.dump(data, f, Dumper=yaml.CSafeDumper, default_flow_style=False) self.upgradeProject(3, newVersion, rom, resourceOpenerR, resourceOpenerW) else: self.upgradeProject(oldVersion+1, newVersion, rom, resourceOpenerR, resourceOpenerW)
def writeToRom(self, rom): self._mapEnemyTbl.writeToRom(rom) updateProgress(2.5) self._mapGroupPtrTbl.clear(len(self._mapGroups)) updateProgress(2.5) pct = 42.5 / len(self._mapGroups) i = 0 for (flag, rate1, rate2, subg1, subg2) in self._mapGroups: size = 4 if rate1 > 0: size += len(subg1) * 3 if rate2 > 0: size += len(subg2) * 3 loc = rom.getFreeLoc(size) self._mapGroupPtrTbl[i, 0].setVal(EbModule.toSnesAddr(loc)) rom.writeMulti(loc, flag, 2) rom[loc + 2] = rate1 rom[loc + 3] = rate2 loc += 4 for prob, egroup in subg1: rom[loc] = prob rom.writeMulti(loc + 1, egroup, 2) loc += 3 for prob, egroup in subg2: rom[loc] = prob rom.writeMulti(loc + 1, egroup, 2) loc += 3 i += 1 updateProgress(pct) self._mapGroupPtrTbl.writeToRom(rom) updateProgress(2.5)
def writeToProject(self, resourceOpener): self._mapEnemyTbl.writeToProject(resourceOpener) updateProgress(2.5) # Write the groups pct = 42.5 / len(self._mapGroups) out = dict() i = 0 for (flag, rate1, rate2, group1, group2) in self._mapGroups: # Generate first enemy/prob list g1out = dict() j = 0 for prob, enemy in group1: g1out[j] = {"Enemy Group": enemy, "Probability": prob} j += 1 g2out = dict() j = 0 for prob, enemy in group2: g2out[j] = {"Enemy Group": enemy, "Probability": prob} j += 1 out[i] = { "Event Flag": flag, "Sub-Group 1 Rate": rate1, "Sub-Group 1": g1out, "Sub-Group 2 Rate": rate2, "Sub-Group 2": g2out, } i += 1 updateProgress(pct) s = yaml.dump(out, Dumper=yaml.CSafeDumper) updateProgress(2.5) s = sub("Event Flag: (\d+)", lambda i: "Event Flag: " + hex(int([12:])), s) with resourceOpener("map_enemy_groups", "yml") as f: f.write(s) updateProgress(2.5)