def draw(self, screen, weather, updated): if GPIO.input( Utils.display_wakeup() self.power_save_timer = 0 else: self.power_save_timer += 1 if self.power_save_timer > self.power_save_delay:"%s: screen sleep.", __class__.__name__) Utils.display_sleep()
def draw(self, screen, weather, updated): timestamp = time.time() locale_date = Utils.strftime(timestamp, "%A - %d %b %Y") locale_time = Utils.strftime(timestamp, "%H:%M:%S") self.clear_surface() self.draw_text(locale_date, (0, 0), "medium", "white", align="center") (right, _bottom) = self.draw_text(locale_time, (16, 20), "xlarge", "white", bold=True, align="center") self.update_screen(screen)
def draw(self, screen, weather, updated): timestamp = time.time() locale_date = Utils.strftime(timestamp, "%a, %x") locale_time = Utils.strftime(timestamp, "%H:%M") locale_second = Utils.strftime(timestamp, " %S") self.clear_surface() self.draw_text(locale_date, (0, 0), "small", "white") (right, _bottom) = self.draw_text(locale_time, (0, 20), "large", "white", bold=True) self.draw_text(locale_second, (right, 20), "medium", "gray", bold=True) self.update_screen(screen)
def adjust_unit(values, condition, units): """adjust values units """ value = values for key in condition.split("."): value = value[key] if key in value else None if condition == "dt": return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value) if value is not None: value = float(value) if condition.startswith("temp") or condition == "dew_point": return value if units == "metric" else Utils.fahrenheit(value) if condition in ("wind_speed", "wind_deg"): return round(Utils.kilometer(value) if units == "metric" else value, 1) return value
def draw(self, screen, weather, updated): if weather is None or not updated: return current = weather["current"] sunrise = current["sunrise"] sunset = current["sunset"] surise = "{} \u2197".format(Utils.strftime(sunrise, "%H:%M")) sunset = "\u2198 {}".format(Utils.strftime(sunset, "%H:%M")) sun_icon = Utils.weather_icon("01d", self.icon_size) self.clear_surface() self.draw_image(sun_icon, ((self.rect.width - self.icon_size) / 2, (self.rect.height - self.icon_size) / 2)) self.draw_text(surise, (0, 5), "small", "white", align="center") self.draw_text(sunset, (0, self.rect.height - 20), "small", "white", align="center") self.update_screen(screen)
def draw(self, screen, weather, updated): if weather is None or not updated: return daily = weather["current"] wind_speed = daily["wind_speed"] wind_deg = daily["wind_deg"] wind_icon = Utils.wind_arrow_icon(wind_deg, self.icon_size) wind_speed = Utils.speed_text(wind_speed, self.units) wind_deg = Utils.wind_bearing_text(wind_deg) self.clear_surface() self.draw_text(wind_deg, (0, 5), "small", "white", align="center") self.draw_image(wind_icon, ((self.rect.width - self.icon_size) / 2, 20 + (self.rect.height - 40 - self.icon_size) / 2)) self.draw_text(wind_speed, (0, self.rect.height - 20), "small", "white", align="center") self.update_screen(screen)
def draw(self, screen, weather, updated): message = get_local_address() if message: self.seconds = 0 else: message = "connection lost" self.seconds += 1 if self.seconds_to_reboot and self.seconds > self.seconds_to_reboot: Utils.reboot() self.clear_surface()"%s: %s", __class__.__name__, message) for size in ("large", "medium", "small"): width, height = self.text_size(message, size, bold=True) if width <= self.rect.width and height <= self.rect.height: break self.draw_text(message, (0, 0), size, "white", bold=True, align="center") self.update_screen(screen)
def draw(self, screen, weather, updated): (celsius, humidity, data_changed) = self.get_sensor_value() if not data_changed: return color = Utils.heat_color(celsius, humidity, "metric") if humidity else "white" temperature = Utils.temperature_text( celsius if self.units == "metric" else Utils.fahrenheit(celsius), self.units) humidity = Utils.pressure_text(humidity) if humidity else None for size in ("large", "medium", "small"): # Horizontal message1 = "{} {}".format(temperature, humidity) message2 = None w, h = self.text_size(message1, size, bold=True) if w <= self.rect.width and 20 + h <= self.rect.height: break # Vertical message1 = temperature message2 = humidity if humidity else None w1, h1 = self.text_size(message1, size, bold=True) w2, h2 = self.text_size(message2, size, bold=True) if max(w1, w2) <= self.rect.width and 20 + h1 + h2 <= self.rect.height: break self.clear_surface() self.draw_text(_("Indoor"), (0, 0), "small", "gray") (w, h) = self.draw_text(message1, (0, 20), size, color, bold=True) if message2: self.draw_text(message2, (0, 20 + h), size, color, bold=True) self.update_screen(screen) # draw the graph if necessary self.draw_graph(screen, weather, updated)
def draw(self, screen, weather, updated): if weather is None or not updated: return daily = weather["daily"][] temperature_high = daily["temp"]["max"] temperature_low = daily["temp"]["min"] icon = daily["weather"][0]["icon"] weather_icon = Utils.weather_icon(icon, self.icon_size) day_of_week = Utils.strftime(daily["dt"], "%a") temperature_low = Utils.temperature_text(int(temperature_low), self.units) temperature_high = Utils.temperature_text(int(temperature_high), self.units) message = "{}-{}".format(temperature_low, temperature_high) self.clear_surface() self.draw_text(day_of_week, (0, 0), "small", "orange", align="center") self.draw_text(message, (0, 15), "small", "gray", align="center") self.draw_image(weather_icon, ((self.rect.width - self.icon_size) / 2, 30 + (self.rect.height - 30 - self.icon_size) / 2)) self.update_screen(screen)
def self_update(): """Check git master repository and update """ def execute_command(cmd): p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=sys.path[0], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) o, _e = p.communicate() return str(o.strip(), "utf-8") try: rid = execute_command("git ls-remote origin HEAD | cut -f1") lid = execute_command("git log --format='%H' -n 1")"remote: %s local: %s", rid, lid) if rid == lid: logging.debug("Up to date") else: execute_command("sudo -u pi git pull")"Updated to new version") Utils.restart() except Exception as e: logging.error(e, exc_info=True)
def draw(self, screen, weather, updated): if weather is None or not updated: return current = weather["current"] dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(current["dt"])) moon_age = ( ((dt.year - 11) % 19) * 11 + [0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10][dt.month - 1] + % 30 moon_icon = Utils.moon_icon(moon_age, self.icon_size) moon_age = str(moon_age) self.clear_surface() self.draw_image(moon_icon, ((self.rect.width - self.icon_size) / 2, 5)) self.draw_text(moon_age, (0, self.rect.height - 20), "small", "white", align="center") self.update_screen(screen)
def get_sensor_value(self): """read last sensor value """ # No result yet result = self.sensor_thread.get_result() if result is None:"%s: No data from sensor", __class__.__name__) self.last_hash_value = None return (None, None, False) (celsius, humidity) = result # logging only once a minute dt = if dt.second == 0: self.times = self.times[1:] + [dt] if self.temperatures is not None: celsius = np.nan if celsius is None else float( celsius if self.units == "metric" else Utils.fahrenheit(celsius)) self.temperatures = self.temperatures[1:] + [celsius] else: celsius = None if self.humidities is not None: humidity = np.nan if humidity is None else float(humidity) self.humidities = self.humidities[1:] + [humidity] else: humidity = None if self.logfile: with open(self.logfile, mode="a") as f: f.write("{},{},{}\n".format(dt, celsius, humidity)) # Has the value changed hash_value = self.sensor_thread.get_hash_value() if self.last_hash_value == hash_value: return (celsius, humidity, False) self.last_hash_value = hash_value return (celsius, humidity, True)
def draw(self, screen, weather, updated): if weather is None or not updated: return current = weather["current"] daily = weather["daily"][0] short_summary = _(current["weather"][0]["main"]) icon = current["weather"][0]["icon"] temperature = current["temp"] humidity = current["humidity"] feels_like = current["feels_like"] pressure = current["pressure"] uv_index = int(current["uvi"]) long_summary = daily["weather"][0]["description"] temperature_high = daily["temp"]["max"] temperature_low = daily["temp"]["min"] heat_color = Utils.heat_color(temperature, humidity, self.units) uv_color = Utils.uv_color(uv_index) weather_icon = Utils.weather_icon(icon, self.icon_size) temperature = Utils.temperature_text(int(temperature), self.units) feels_like = Utils.temperature_text(int(feels_like), self.units) temperature_low = Utils.temperature_text(int(temperature_low), self.units) temperature_high = Utils.temperature_text(int(temperature_high), self.units) humidity = Utils.percentage_text(humidity) uv_index = str(uv_index) pressure = Utils.pressure_text(int(pressure)) text_x = weather_icon.get_size()[0] text_width = self.rect.width - text_x message1 = self.text_warp("{} {}".format(temperature, short_summary), text_width, "medium", bold=True, max_lines=1)[0] message2 = "{} {} {} {} {} {}".format(_("Feels Like"), feels_like, _("Low"), temperature_low, _("High"), temperature_high) if self.text_size(message2, "small")[0] > text_width: message2 = "Feel {} {} - {}".format(feels_like, temperature_low, temperature_high) message3 = "{} {} {} {} {} {}".format(_("Humidity"), humidity, _("Pressure"), pressure, _("UVindex"), uv_index) if self.text_size(message3, "small")[0] > text_width: message3 = "{} {} UV {}".format(humidity, pressure, uv_index) max_lines = int((self.rect.height - 55) / 15) message4s = self.text_warp(long_summary, text_width, "small", bold=True, max_lines=max_lines) self.clear_surface() self.draw_image(weather_icon, (0, 0)) self.draw_text(message1, (text_x, 0), "medium", heat_color, bold=True) self.draw_text(message2, (text_x, 25), "small", "white") i = message3.index("UV") (right, _bottom) = self.draw_text(message3[:i], (text_x, 40), "small", "white") self.draw_text(message3[i:], (right, 40), "small", uv_color, bold=True) height = 55 + (15 * (max_lines - len(message4s))) / 2 for message in message4s: self.draw_text(message, (text_x, height), "small", "white", bold=True) height += 15 self.update_screen(screen)
def draw(self, screen, weather, updated): if weather is None or not updated: return current = weather["current"] daily = weather["daily"][0] short_summary = _(current["weather"][0]["main"]) icon = current["weather"][0]["icon"] temperature = current["temp"] humidity = current["humidity"] feels_like = current["feels_like"] pressure = current["pressure"] uv_index = int(current["uvi"]) try: rain_1h = current["rain"]["1h"] except KeyError: rain_1h = '0' windspeed = current["wind_speed"] try: windgust = current["wind_gust"] except KeyError: windgust = 'nan' print(windgust) long_summary = daily["weather"][0]["description"] temperature_high = daily["temp"]["max"] temperature_low = daily["temp"]["min"] heat_color = Utils.heat_color(temperature, humidity, self.units) uv_color = Utils.uv_color(uv_index) weather_icon = Utils.weather_icon(icon, self.icon_size) #temperature = Utils.temperature_text(int(temperature), self.units) temperature = Utils.temperature_text(round(temperature, 1), self.units) feels_like = Utils.temperature_text(int(feels_like), self.units) temperature_low = Utils.temperature_text(int(temperature_low), self.units) temperature_high = Utils.temperature_text(int(temperature_high), self.units) humidity = Utils.percentage_text(humidity) uv_index = str(uv_index) pressure = Utils.pressure_text(int(pressure)) """ HistoryGraphLog - log data to GraphDatalog.txt """ # TODO: Add maintenance of GraphDataLog.txt for removing old data to keep file small. xtemperature = temperature xtemperature = xtemperature[:-2] xpressure = pressure xpressure = xpressure[:-2] xtimestamp = time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') graph = "GraphDataLog.txt" file = open(graph, "a", newline='') with file: myfields = ['xdate', 'temp', 'press', 'rain_1h', 'windspeed', 'windgust'] writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=myfields) #writer.writeheader() writer.writerow({'xdate': xtimestamp, 'temp': xtemperature, 'press': xpressure, 'rain_1h': rain_1h, 'windspeed': windspeed, 'windgust': windgust}) #file.close() df = pandas.read_csv(graph) # convert to datetime df['xdate'] = pandas.to_datetime(df['xdate']) # calculate mask m1 = df['xdate'] >= (pandas.to_datetime('now') - pandas.DateOffset(days=1)) m2 = df['xdate'] <= pandas.to_datetime('now') #mask = m1 & m2 mask = m1 # output masked dataframes # df[~mask].to_csv('out1.csv', index=False) #Remove time from datetime #df['xdate'] = pandas.to_datetime(df['xdate']) df[mask].to_csv('GraphData.csv', index=False) """ END GraphLog """ text_x = weather_icon.get_size()[0] text_width = self.rect.width - text_x message1 = self.text_warp("{} {}".format(temperature, short_summary), text_width, "medium", bold=True, max_lines=1)[0] message2 = "{} {} {} {} {} {}".format(_("Feels Like"), feels_like, _("Low"), temperature_low, _("High"), temperature_high) if self.text_size(message2, "small")[0] > text_width: message2 = "Feel {} {} - {}".format(feels_like, temperature_low, temperature_high) message3 = "{} {} {} {} {} {}".format(_("Humidity"), humidity, _("Pressure"), pressure, _("UVindex"), uv_index) if self.text_size(message3, "small")[0] > text_width: message3 = "{} {} UV {}".format(humidity, pressure, uv_index) max_lines = int((self.rect.height - 55) / 15) message4s = self.text_warp(long_summary, text_width, "small", bold=True, max_lines=max_lines) self.clear_surface() self.draw_image(weather_icon, (0, 0)) self.draw_text(message1, (text_x, 15), "large", heat_color, bold=True) self.draw_text(message2, (text_x, 52), "small", "white") i = message3.index("UV") (right, _bottom) = self.draw_text(message3[:i], (text_x, 70), "small", "white") self.draw_text(message3[i:], (right, 70), "small", uv_color, bold=True) height = 70 + (15 * (max_lines - len(message4s))) / 2 for message in message4s: self.draw_text(message, (text_x, height), "small", "blue", bold=True) height += 15 self.update_screen(screen)