Exemple #1
def preprocess_client_whisper(client, opcode, data):
    global enabled

    strings = data.decode('utf-16-le').split('\00')

    name = strings[0]
    message = strings[1]

    tokens = message.split(' ')

    if name != 'Pyon':
        return (opcode, data)

    if tokens[0] == 'nudge':

        if len(tokens) < 4:
            return None

        x = float(tokens[1])
        y = float(tokens[2])
        z = float(tokens[3])

        constructors.server_location(client.server, client.x + x, client.y + y,
                                     client.z + z, 0)

    return None
Exemple #2
def preprocess_client_whisper(client, opcode, data):
	global enabled

	strings = data.decode('utf-16-le').split('\00')

	name = strings[0]
	message = strings[1]

	tokens = message.split(' ')

	if name != 'Pyon':
		return (opcode, data)
	if tokens[0] == 'nudge':
		if len(tokens) < 4:
			return None
		x = float(tokens[1])
		y = float(tokens[2])
		z = float(tokens[3])
		constructors.server_location(client.server, client.x+x, client.y+y, client.z+z, 0)

	return None
Exemple #3
def preprocess_client_location(client, opcode, data):
    x, y, z, heading, flags = struct.unpack('=3fBB', data[:14])

    client.x = x
    client.y = y
    client.z = z
    client.heading = heading

    data = struct.pack('=3fBB', x, y, z, heading, flags) + data[14:]

    if flags & 64 and flags & 8 == 0 and flags & 4 == 0 and flags & 32:
        nx, ny, nz = struct.unpack('=3f', data[14:])

        constructors.server_location(client.server, nx, ny, nz, heading)
        return None

    return (opcode, data)
Exemple #4
def preprocess_client_location(client, opcode, data):
	x, y, z, heading, flags = struct.unpack('=3fBB', data[:14])
	client.x = x
	client.y = y
	client.z = z
	client.heading = heading
	data = struct.pack('=3fBB', x, y, z, heading, flags)+data[14:]
	if flags&64 and flags&8 == 0 and flags&4 == 0 and flags&32:
		nx, ny, nz = struct.unpack('=3f', data[14:])
		constructors.server_location(client.server, nx, ny, nz, heading)
		return None
	return (opcode, data)