class MainFrame(QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainFrame, self).__init__(parent) # intialize the gui self.originalPalette = QApplication.palette() self.createTopGroupBox() self.createLeftGroupBox() self.createMiddleTabWidget() self.createProgressBar() self.createMenubar() self.createToolbar() # set gui layout mainLayout = QGridLayout() mainLayout.setMenuBar(self.menuBar) mainLayout.addWidget(self.toolbar, 0, 0, 1, 3) mainLayout.addWidget(self.topBox, 1, 0, 1, 3) mainLayout.addWidget(self.leftGroupBox, 2, 0) mainLayout.addWidget(self.middleGroupBox, 2, 1) mainLayout.addWidget(self.progressBar, 3, 0, 1, 3) mainLayout.setRowStretch(2, 2) mainLayout.setColumnStretch(0, 2) mainLayout.setColumnStretch(1, 6) self.setLayout(mainLayout) self.setWindowTitle("ISPAPI-CLI Tool") # set app gui style QApplication.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create('Fusion')) # create core login instnace self.coreLogic = Core() # check user session upon start self.checkLogin() # set focus on command input field self.cmdTxt.setFocus() # initilaize command line completer self.initialiseCommandCompleter() # command to execute self.commandToExecute = '' # set app icon self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(self.getIcon("logo-bgw.jpg"))) def checkLogin(self): result = self.coreLogic.checkSession() if result == 'valid': self.sessionTime.setText("Your session is valid. ") self.sessionTime.setStyleSheet("color:green") self.loginBtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.getIcon("logout.png"))) self.loginBtn.setText('Logout') self.loginBtn.clicked.connect(self.logout) self.reconnectBtnAction(self.loginBtn.clicked, self.logout) # enable gui self.disableEnableGui('enable') else: self.sessionTime.setText("Session expired! ") self.sessionTime.setStyleSheet("color:red") self.loginBtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.getIcon("login.png"))) self.loginBtn.setText('Login') self.reconnectBtnAction(self.loginBtn.clicked, self.openLoginWindow) # diable gui self.disableEnableGui('disable') def reconnectBtnAction(self, signal, newhandler=None, oldhandler=None): """ Reconnecting login btn action to either login or logout """ while True: try: if oldhandler is not None: signal.disconnect(oldhandler) else: signal.disconnect() except TypeError: break if newhandler is not None: signal.connect(newhandler) def logout(self): msg = self.coreLogic.logout() alert = QMessageBox() alert.setText(msg) alert.exec_() # update login self.checkLogin() def disableEnableGui(self, status=None): """ If session is expired then disable gui """ if status is not None: if status == 'enable': self.leftGroupBox.setEnabled(True) self.topBox.setEnabled(True) # focus on command input field self.cmdTxt.setFocus() else: self.leftGroupBox.setDisabled(True) self.topBox.setDisabled(True) else: pass def advanceProgressBar(self): curVal = self.progressBar.value() if curVal <= 99: self.progressBar.setValue(curVal + 1) else: self.timer.stop() self.progressBar.setValue(0) def createProgressBar(self, ): self.progressBar = QProgressBar() self.progressBar.setRange(0, 100) self.progressBar.setValue(0) self.progressBar.setMaximumHeight(5) self.progressBar.setTextVisible(False) # create a timer for the progress bar self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.advanceProgressBar) # call timer with speed of 5 self.progressBarSpeed(5) def progressBarSpeed(self, speed): self.timer.start(speed) def onMyToolBarButtonClick(self, s): print("click", s) def executeCommand(self): # start progressbar self.progressBarSpeed(5) # get args from the GUI commandToExecute = self.commandText.toPlainText() if commandToExecute.startswith('-', 0, 1): original_args = commandToExecute.splitlines() else: original_args = ("--" + commandToExecute).splitlines() original_args = ' '.join(original_args) # remove extra spaces around the = cases are ' =', '= ', ' = ' original_args = original_args.replace(" = ", "=") original_args = original_args.replace(" =", "=") original_args = original_args.replace("= ", "=") splitted_args = original_args.split() # intialize the parser core_obj = self.coreLogic parser = core_obj.initParser() # overwrite defualt error function with our local function to show on the GUI parser.error = self.errorFunction try: args = vars(parser.parse_args(splitted_args)) reminderargs = args['args'] # parse command args result, data = core_obj.parseArgs(args) # case gui started if result == 'gui': self.plainResponse.setText("GUI already started") # case of help command elif result == 'help': helpText = '' preHelp = textwrap.dedent('''\ ISPAPI - Commandline Tool ------------------------------------------------------------ The tool can be used in two modes: - By using '=' sign e.g. --command=QueryDomainList limit=5 - By using spaces e.g. --command QueryDomainList limit 5 ------------------------------------------------------------ ''') # redirect stdout stringio = StringIO() previous_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = stringio # trigger parser help parser.print_help() # set back stdout sys.stdout = previous_stdout stdoutValue = stringio.getvalue() # show output on the GUI helpText = preHelp + stdoutValue self.plainResponse.setText(helpText) elif result == 'cmd': # append reminder args with the command params_list = core_obj.parseParameters(reminderargs) cmd = data # add them to data which is the command list cmd.update(params_list) self.response = core_obj.request(cmd) # set reult values to gui self.populateResults(self.response) # case update commands elif result == 'update': # create scrap object # scrap = Scrap() msg = "Please run this command in the terminal, use: ./ispapicli --update" self.plainResponse.setText(msg) else: self.plainResponse.setText(data) # 1 end the progress bar # self.progressBarSpeed(5) # 2 # check user session, in case of sesssion is expired self.checkLogin() except Exception as e: self.plainResponse.setText("Command failed due to: " + str(e)) def errorFunction(self, message): self.plainResponse.setText('An error happend: ' + message + '\n') def updateCommandView(self, e): cmdTxt = self.cmdTxt.text() # check if the command is related to other actions if cmdTxt.startswith('-', 0, 1): self.commandText.setText(cmdTxt) self.commandToExecute = cmdTxt return 0 else: args = 'command ' args += cmdTxt args = args.split() # clean extra spaces, leave only single spaces among commands original_args = ' '.join(args) # remove extra spaces around the = cases are ' =', '= ', ' = ' original_args = original_args.replace(" = ", "=") original_args = original_args.replace(" =", "=") original_args = original_args.replace("= ", "=") # split args in an array parameters = original_args.split() # split commands if = used params_len = len(parameters) params = {} try: if params_len > 1: i = 0 while i < params_len: if '=' in parameters[i]: key, value = parameters[i].split('=') params[key] = value else: key = parameters[i] i += 1 value = parameters[i] params[key] = value i += 1 self.commandText.setText() except Exception as e: pass commandView = "\n".join( ("{}={}".format(*i) for i in params.items())) self.commandText.setText(commandView) self.commandToExecute = '--' + commandView def createToolbar(self): self.toolbar = QToolBar("My main toolbar") self.toolbar.setIconSize(QSize(20, 20)) saveAction = QAction(QIcon(self.getIcon("save.png")), "Save results to a file", self) saveAction.triggered.connect(lambda: self.saveCommandToFile()) copyAction = QAction(QIcon(self.getIcon("copy.png")), "Copy the results to clipboard", self) copyAction.triggered.connect(self.copyToClipboard) helpAction = QAction(QIcon(self.getIcon("help.png")), "See help documentation", self) helpAction.triggered.connect(self.showHelp) openAction = QAction(QIcon(self.getIcon("new.png")), "Open another window", self) self.sessionTime = QLabel("Checking your session... ") spacer = QWidget() spacer.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.loginBtn = QPushButton("Login") self.loginBtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.getIcon("login.png"))) self.loginBtn.setStyleSheet("padding: 2px; padding-left: 6px") self.loginBtn.setIconSize(QSize(12, 12)) self.loginBtn.setLayoutDirection(Qt.RightToLeft) seperator = QAction(self) seperator.setSeparator(True) # create a new window -TODO # self.toolbar.addAction(openAction) self.toolbar.addAction(saveAction) self.toolbar.addAction(copyAction) self.toolbar.addAction(seperator) self.toolbar.addAction(helpAction) self.toolbar.addWidget(spacer) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.sessionTime) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.loginBtn) def createMenubar(self): self.menuBar = QMenuBar() file = self.menuBar.addMenu("File") new = QAction("New window", self) new.setShortcut("Ctrl+n") save = QAction("Save to file", self) save.setShortcut("Ctrl+S") quit = QAction("Quit", self) quit.setShortcut("Ctrl+q") # create a new window - TODO # file.addAction(new) file.addAction(save) file.addAction(quit) edit = self.menuBar.addMenu("Edit") copy = QAction("Copy", self) copy.setShortcut("Ctrl+c") edit.addAction(copy) help = self.menuBar.addMenu("Help") help.addAction("About ISPAPI tool") help.addAction("How to start?") file.triggered[QAction].connect(self.menuBarActions) edit.triggered[QAction].connect(self.menuBarActions) help.triggered[QAction].connect(self.menuBarActions) def createTopGroupBox(self): self.topBox = QGroupBox(("")) executeBtn = QPushButton("Execute") executeBtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.getIcon("execute.png"))) executeBtn.clicked.connect(self.executeCommand) executeBtn.setIconSize(QSize(14, 14)) # executeBtn.setLayoutDirection(Qt.RightToLeft) clearBtn = QPushButton("Clear") clearBtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.getIcon("cross.png"))) clearBtn.setIconSize(QSize(14, 14)) # clearBtn.setLayoutDirection(Qt.RightToLeft) clearBtn.clicked.connect(self.__clearCMDfield) self.cmdTxt = QLineEdit() self.cmdTxt.setPlaceholderText("Enter command here...") self.cmdTxt.textEdited.connect(self.updateCommandView) #qSpaceEvent = QKeyEvent(QEvent.KeyPress, Qt.Key_Backspace, Qt.NoModifier) # self.cmdTxt.keyPressEvent(qSpaceEvent) self.cmdTxt.installEventFilter(self) self.cmdTxt.returnPressed.connect(self.executeCommand) # set command completer self.completer = QCompleter() self.completer.setCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.cmdTxt.setCompleter(self.completer) self.minParameter = QLabel(self) self.minParameter.setText('Min parameters: ') self.minParameter.setStyleSheet("color:gray") f = QFont("Arial", 9) self.minParameter.setFont(f) gridLayout = QGridLayout() gridLayout.addWidget(self.cmdTxt, 0, 1, 1, 1) gridLayout.addWidget(executeBtn, 0, 2, 1, 1) gridLayout.addWidget(clearBtn, 0, 3, 1, 1) gridLayout.addWidget(self.minParameter, 1, 1, 1, 1) gridLayout.setContentsMargins(5, 0, 5, 10) self.topLayout = gridLayout self.topBox.setLayout(gridLayout) def createLeftGroupBox(self): self.leftGroupBox = QGroupBox("Command extracted") self.commandText = QTextEdit() self.commandText.setPlaceholderText( "Extracted command will be shown here") tab2hbox = QHBoxLayout() tab2hbox.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) tab2hbox.addWidget(self.commandText) self.leftGroupBox.setLayout(tab2hbox) def createMiddleTabWidget(self): self.middleGroupBox = QGroupBox("Results") middleTabWidget = QTabWidget() middleTabWidget.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Ignored) tab1 = QWidget() self.plainResponse = QTextEdit() tab1hbox = QHBoxLayout() tab1hbox.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) tab1hbox.addWidget(self.plainResponse) tab1.setLayout(tab1hbox) tab2 = QWidget() self.tableResponse = QTableWidget(1, 2) self.tableResponse.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Property', 'Value']) self.tableResponse.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) tableLayout = QGridLayout() tableLayout.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) tableLayout.addWidget(self.tableResponse, 0, 0) tab2.setLayout(tableLayout) tab3 = QWidget() self.listResponse = QTextEdit() tab3hbox = QHBoxLayout() tab3hbox.addWidget(self.listResponse) tab3.setLayout(tab3hbox) middleTabWidget.addTab(tab1, "Plain") middleTabWidget.addTab(tab2, "Properties") middleTabWidget.addTab(tab3, 'List') layout = QGridLayout() layout.addWidget(middleTabWidget, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.middleGroupBox.setLayout(layout) def openLoginWindow(self): """ Start login window """ loginGui = LoginWindow(self) loginGui.startGui() def menuBarActions(self, q): action = q.text() if action == 'New Window': pass if action == 'Save to file': self.saveCommandToFile() if action == 'Quit': self.closeApplication() if action == 'Copy': self.copyToClipboard() if action == 'Help': self.showHelp() if action == 'About ISPAPI tool': self.showAbout() if action == 'How to start?': self.showHelp() def closeApplication(self): print("exiting") sys.exit() def startNewWindow(self): app = QApplication(sys.argv) appGui = MainFrame() appGui.startGui() sys.exit(app.exec_()) def startGui(self): geo = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry() screenWidth = geo.width() screenHeight = geo.height() width = int(screenWidth * 0.5) height = int(screenHeight * 0.5) self.resize(width, height) frameGeo = self.frameGeometry() cp = frameGeo.moveCenter(cp) self.move(frameGeo.topLeft()) # start gui def initialiseCommandCompleter(self): model = QStringListModel() # get all possible autocomplete strings stringsSuggestion = [] stringsSuggestion = (self.coreLogic.getCommandList()).splitlines() # set suggestion to the model model.setStringList(stringsSuggestion) # set model to the completer self.completer.setModel(model) def __clearCMDfield(self): self.cmdTxt.clear() self.cmdTxt.setFocus(True) def populateResults(self, response): # get reulsts plainResult = response.getPlain() listResult = response.getListHash() # delete any previous content of the list self.listResponse.setText('') # set plain results self.plainResponse.setText(plainResult) # set properties and list resultLists = listResult['LIST'] counter = 0 for row in resultLists: for col in row: counter += 1 # set the number of rows self.tableResponse.setRowCount(counter) # populate the table rownumber = 0 for row in resultLists: for i, (key, value) in enumerate(row.items()): keyWidget = QTableWidgetItem(key) valueWidget = QTableWidgetItem(value) self.tableResponse.setItem(rownumber, 0, keyWidget) self.tableResponse.setItem(rownumber, 1, valueWidget) # update the list if key not in ('TOTAL', 'FIRST', 'LAST', 'LIMIT', 'COUNT'): self.listResponse.append(value) # incerate rownumber rownumber += 1 # order table content self.tableResponse.sortItems(Qt.AscendingOrder) def saveCommandToFile(self): try: textToWrite = self.commandAndResponsePlain() options = QFileDialog.Options() # options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog # Qt's builtin File Dialogue fileName, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Open", "report.txt", "All Files (*.*)", options=options) if fileName: try: with open(fileName, 'w') as file: file.write(textToWrite) alert = QMessageBox() alert.setText("'" + fileName + "' \n\nFile Saved Successfully!") alert.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) alert.exec_() except Exception as e: alert = QMessageBox() alert.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) alert.setText("Couldn't save the file due to: " + str(e)) alert.exec_() except Exception as e: alert = QMessageBox() alert.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) alert.setText("Request a command first!") alert.setWindowTitle("Error") alert.exec_() def commandAndResponsePlain(self): result = self.plainResponse.toPlainText() command = self.response.getCommandPlain() textToWrite = command + '\n' + result return textToWrite def copyToClipboard(self): try: newText = self.commandAndResponsePlain() clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(newText) except Exception as e: print(e) pass # in the case where there is not command requested def showHelp(self): box = QMessageBox(self) msg = """<p align='center'> <b style='font-size:20px'>Help Information</b>. <br><br><br> This window provides a simple help view, more detailed help can be found at: <a href="">ISPAPI CLI Tool Documentation</a> <br><br> Quick start: <br> To show help, type the command: -h | --help <br> From there you will find all information about using the command line in both the GUI and terminal <br><br> <span style="color:orange">Note</span>: Commands executed in terminal are similar to commands used in the GUI, except for the "--update" command which is only possible to trigger in the terminal <br><br><br> Copyright 2020 @Hexonet <br><br> </p> """ box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) box.setWindowTitle("Help") box.setText(msg) def showAbout(self): box = QMessageBox(self) msg = """<p align='center'> <b style='font-size:20px'>ISPAPI Tool</b>. <br><br><br> Version: %s <br><br> A simple command line interface to connect you to your account on Hexonet <br><br> Technical Support: <br> Email: [email protected] <br> Website: <a href="">ISPAPI CLI Tool</a> <br><br><br> Copyright 2020 @Hexonet <br><br> </p> """ box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) # box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) box.setWindowTitle("About") box.setText(msg % __version__) def eventFilter(self, source, event): # this function to handle autocomplete for command line if (event.type() == QEvent.KeyRelease and source is self.cmdTxt): if event.key() == Qt.Key_Space: # show min paramters suggestions try: cmd = self.cmdTxt.text() m = re.match('^(\w+)\s$', cmd) if m: minParams = self.coreLogic.getMinParameters( cmd.strip()) if len(minParams) > 0: minParamsLabel = ', '.join(minParams) minParamsInput = '= '.join(minParams) cursorPosition = len( self.cmdTxt.text() + minParams[0]) + 1 # for the '=' char self.cmdTxt.setText(cmd + minParamsInput + '=') self.minParameter.setText('Min parameters: ' + minParamsLabel) self.cmdTxt.setCursorPosition(cursorPosition) else: self.minParameter.setText('Min parameters:') except Exception as e: print(e) # must return bool value return super(MainFrame, self).eventFilter(source, event) def getIcon(self, iconName): ## # This function checks if the app is executable or in development and return the path if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): self.absolute_dirpath = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) elif __file__: self.absolute_dirpath = os.path.dirname(__file__) path = self.command_path = os.path.join(self.absolute_dirpath, '../icons/' + iconName) return path
class MainFrame(QWidget): BATCH_COMMANDLINE_ID = 300 BATCH_PARAMETER_ID = 400 BATCH_LIST_ID = 500 BATCH_PARAMS = [ "Select", "CONTACT", "DNSZONE", "DOMAIN", "DOMAINAUTH", "HOST", "NAMESERVER", "OBJECTID", "SSLCERTID", ] def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainFrame, self).__init__(parent) # intialize the gui self.originalPalette = QApplication.palette() self.createTopGroupBox() self.createLeftGroupBox() self.createMiddleTabWidget() self.createProgressBar() self.createMenubar() self.createToolbar() # set gui layout mainLayout = QGridLayout() mainLayout.setMenuBar(self.leftMenuBar) mainLayout.addWidget(self.toolbar, 0, 0, 1, 3) mainLayout.addWidget(self.topBox, 1, 0, 1, 3) mainLayout.addWidget(self.leftGroupBox, 2, 0) mainLayout.addWidget(self.middleGroupBox, 2, 1) mainLayout.addWidget(self.progressBar, 3, 0, 1, 3) mainLayout.setRowStretch(2, 2) mainLayout.setColumnStretch(0, 2) mainLayout.setColumnStretch(1, 6) self.setLayout(mainLayout) self.setWindowTitle("ISPAPI-CLI Tool") # set app gui style QApplication.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create("Fusion")) # create core login instnace self.coreLogic = Core() # scrap instance self.scrap = Scrap() # check user session upon start self.checkLogin() # set focus on command input field self.cmdTxt.setFocus() # initilaize command line completer self.initialiseCommandCompleter() # initialize subuser completer self.initialiseSubuserCompleter() # command to execute self.commandToExecute = "" # set app icon self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(self.getIcon("logo-bgw.jpg"))) def checkLogin(self): result = self.coreLogic.checkSession() if result == "valid": self.sessionTime.setText("Your session is valid. ") self.sessionTime.setStyleSheet("color:green") self.loginBtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.getIcon("logout.png"))) self.loginBtn.setText("Logout") self.loginBtn.clicked.connect(self.logout) self.reconnectBtnAction(self.loginBtn.clicked, self.logout) # enable gui self.disableEnableGui("enable") else: self.sessionTime.setText("Session expired! ") self.sessionTime.setStyleSheet("color:red") self.loginBtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.getIcon("login.png"))) self.loginBtn.setText("Login") self.reconnectBtnAction(self.loginBtn.clicked, self.openLoginWindow) # diable gui self.disableEnableGui("disable") def reconnectBtnAction(self, signal, newhandler=None, oldhandler=None): """ Reconnecting login btn action to either login or logout """ while True: try: if oldhandler is not None: signal.disconnect(oldhandler) else: signal.disconnect() except TypeError: break if newhandler is not None: signal.connect(newhandler) def logout(self): msg = self.coreLogic.logout() alert = QMessageBox() alert.setText(msg) alert.exec_() # update login self.checkLogin() def disableEnableGui(self, status=None): """ If session is expired then disable gui """ if status is not None: if status == "enable": self.leftGroupBox.setEnabled(True) self.topBox.setEnabled(True) # focus on command input field self.cmdTxt.setFocus() else: self.leftGroupBox.setDisabled(True) self.topBox.setDisabled(True) else: pass def advanceProgressBar(self): curVal = self.progressBar.value() if curVal <= 99: self.progressBar.setValue(curVal + 1) else: self.timer.stop() self.progressBar.setValue(0) def createProgressBar(self, ): self.progressBar = QProgressBar() self.progressBar.setRange(0, 100) self.progressBar.setValue(0) self.progressBar.setMaximumHeight(5) self.progressBar.setTextVisible(False) # create a timer for the progress bar self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.advanceProgressBar) # call timer with speed of 5 self.progressBarSpeed(5) def progressBarSpeed(self, speed): self.timer.start(speed) def onMyToolBarButtonClick(self, s): print("click", s) def executeCommand(self): # start progressbar self.progressBarSpeed(5) # get args from the GUI commandToExecute = self.commandText.toPlainText().lower() if commandToExecute.startswith("-", 0, 1): original_args = commandToExecute.splitlines() else: original_args = ("--" + commandToExecute).splitlines() original_args = " ".join(original_args) # remove extra spaces around the = cases are ' =', '= ', ' = ' original_args = original_args.replace(" = ", "=") original_args = original_args.replace(" =", "=") original_args = original_args.replace("= ", "=") splitted_args = original_args.split() # intialize the parser core_obj = self.coreLogic parser = core_obj.initParser() # overwrite defualt error function with our local function to show on the GUI parser.error = self.errorFunction try: args = vars(parser.parse_args(splitted_args)) reminderargs = args["args"] # parse command args result, data = core_obj.parseArgs(args) # case gui started if result == "gui": self.plainResponse.setText("GUI already started") # case of help command elif result == "help": helpText = "" preHelp = textwrap.dedent("""\ ISPAPI - Commandline Tool ------------------------------------------------------------ The tool can be used in two modes: - By using '=' sign e.g. --command=QueryDomainList limit=5 - By using spaces e.g. --command QueryDomainList limit 5 ------------------------------------------------------------ """) # redirect stdout stringio = StringIO() previous_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = stringio # trigger parser help parser.print_help() # set back stdout sys.stdout = previous_stdout stdoutValue = stringio.getvalue() # show output on the GUI helpText = preHelp + stdoutValue self.plainResponse.setText(helpText) elif result == "cmd": # append reminder args with the command params_list = core_obj.parseParameters(reminderargs) cmd = data # add them to data which is the command list cmd.update(params_list) # check if subuser subuser = self.subuser.text() if len(subuser) > 1: # set subuser else: # remove subuser # check for batches batch_param = self.batchParams.currentText() batch_params_list = self.batchParamsList.toPlainText() if batch_param != "Select" and batch_params_list != "": lines = batch_params_list.split("\n") for line in lines: if line != "": cmd[batch_param] = line # request call self.response = core_obj.request(cmd) # set reult values to gui self.populateResults(self.response) else: # request call self.response = core_obj.request(cmd) # set reult values to gui self.populateResults(self.response) # case update commands elif result == "update": # create scrap object # msg = "Please run this command in the terminal, use: ./ispapicli --update" # self.plainResponse.setText(msg) self.showUpdating() else: self.plainResponse.setText(data) # 1 end the progress bar # self.progressBarSpeed(5) # 2 # check user session, in case of sesssion is expired self.checkLogin() except Exception as e: self.plainResponse.setText("Command failed due to: " + str(e)) def errorFunction(self, message): self.plainResponse.setText("An error happend: " + message + "\n") def updateCommandView(self, e): cmdTxt = self.cmdTxt.text() # check if the command is related to other actions if cmdTxt.startswith("-", 0, 1): self.commandText.setText(cmdTxt) self.commandToExecute = cmdTxt return 0 else: args = "command " args += cmdTxt args = args.split() # clean extra spaces, leave only single spaces among commands original_args = " ".join(args) # remove extra spaces around the = cases are ' =', '= ', ' = ' original_args = original_args.replace(" = ", "=") original_args = original_args.replace(" =", "=") original_args = original_args.replace("= ", "=") # split args in an array parameters = original_args.split() # split commands if = used params_len = len(parameters) params = {} try: if params_len > 1: i = 0 while i < params_len: if "=" in parameters[i]: key, value = parameters[i].split("=") params[key] = value else: key = parameters[i] i += 1 value = parameters[i] params[key] = value i += 1 self.commandText.setText() except Exception as e: pass commandView = "\n".join( ("{}={}".format(*i) for i in params.items())) self.commandText.setText(commandView) self.commandToExecute = "--" + commandView def createToolbar(self): self.toolbar = QToolBar("My main toolbar") self.toolbar.setIconSize(QSize(20, 20)) saveAction = QAction(QIcon(self.getIcon("save.png")), "Save results to a file", self) saveAction.triggered.connect(lambda: self.saveCommandToFile()) copyAction = QAction(QIcon(self.getIcon("copy.png")), "Copy the results to clipboard", self) copyAction.triggered.connect(self.copyToClipboard) helpAction = QAction(QIcon(self.getIcon("help.png")), "See help documentation", self) helpAction.triggered.connect(self.showHelp) updateAction = QAction(QIcon(self.getIcon("refresh.png")), "Update the tool API's commands", self) updateAction.triggered.connect(self.showUpdating) updateToolAction = QAction(QIcon(self.getIcon("direct-download.png")), "Update the tool", self) updateToolAction.triggered.connect(self.checkForUpdate) self.sessionTime = QLabel("Checking your session... ") spacer = QWidget() spacer.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) self.loginBtn = QPushButton("Login") self.loginBtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.getIcon("login.png"))) self.loginBtn.setStyleSheet("padding: 2px; padding-left: 6px") self.loginBtn.setIconSize(QSize(12, 12)) self.loginBtn.setLayoutDirection(Qt.RightToLeft) seperator = QAction(self) seperator.setSeparator(True) # create a new window -TODO # self.toolbar.addAction(openAction) self.toolbar.addAction(saveAction) self.toolbar.addAction(seperator) self.toolbar.addAction(copyAction) self.toolbar.addAction(seperator) self.toolbar.addAction(helpAction) self.toolbar.addAction(seperator) self.toolbar.addAction(updateAction) self.toolbar.addAction(updateToolAction) self.toolbar.addWidget(spacer) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.sessionTime) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.loginBtn) def createMenubar(self): self.rightMenuBar = QMenuBar() self.currentVersion = QLabel(__version__) self.leftMenuBar = QMenuBar() file = self.leftMenuBar.addMenu("File") new = QAction("New window", self) new.setShortcut("Ctrl+n") save = QAction("Save to file", self) save.setShortcut("Ctrl+S") quit = QAction("Quit", self) quit.setShortcut("Ctrl+q") # create a new window - TODO # file.addAction(new) file.addAction(save) file.addAction(quit) edit = self.leftMenuBar.addMenu("Edit") copy = QAction("Copy", self) copy.setShortcut("Ctrl+c") edit.addAction(copy) help = self.leftMenuBar.addMenu("Help") help.addAction("About ISPAPI tool") help.addAction("How to start?") file.triggered[QAction].connect(self.menuBarActions) edit.triggered[QAction].connect(self.menuBarActions) help.triggered[QAction].connect(self.menuBarActions) spacer = QWidget() spacer.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Preferred) check = QAction("Current version: " + __version__, self) self.rightMenuBar.addAction(check) self.leftMenuBar.setCornerWidget(self.rightMenuBar) self.leftMenuBar.setStyleSheet("padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px") def createTopGroupBox(self): self.topBox = QGroupBox(("")) executeBtn = QPushButton("Execute") executeBtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.getIcon("execute.png"))) executeBtn.clicked.connect(self.executeCommand) executeBtn.setIconSize(QSize(14, 14)) # executeBtn.setLayoutDirection(Qt.RightToLeft) clearBtn = QPushButton("Clear") clearBtn.setIcon(QIcon(self.getIcon("cross.png"))) clearBtn.setIconSize(QSize(14, 14)) # clearBtn.setLayoutDirection(Qt.RightToLeft) clearBtn.clicked.connect(self.__clearCMDfield) self.cmdTxt = QLineEdit() self.cmdTxt.setPlaceholderText("Enter command here...") self.cmdTxt.textEdited.connect(self.updateCommandView) # qSpaceEvent = QKeyEvent(QEvent.KeyPress, Qt.Key_Backspace, Qt.NoModifier) # self.cmdTxt.keyPressEvent(qSpaceEvent) self.cmdTxt.installEventFilter(self) self.cmdTxt.returnPressed.connect(self.executeCommand) # set command completer self.completer = QCompleter() self.completer.setCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.cmdTxt.setCompleter(self.completer) # subuser self.subuser = QLineEdit() self.subuser.setPlaceholderText("Type a subuser") self.subuser.returnPressed.connect(self.executeCommand) # set command completer self.subUsercompleter = QCompleter() self.subUsercompleter.setCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.subuser.setCompleter(self.subUsercompleter) self.minParameter = QLabel(self) self.minParameter.setText("Min parameters: ") self.minParameter.setStyleSheet("color:gray") f = QFont("Arial", 9) self.minParameter.setFont(f) gridLayout = QGridLayout() gridLayout.addWidget(self.cmdTxt, 0, 1, 1, 1) gridLayout.addWidget(self.subuser, 0, 2, 1, 1) gridLayout.addWidget(executeBtn, 0, 3, 1, 1) gridLayout.addWidget(clearBtn, 0, 4, 1, 1) gridLayout.addWidget(self.minParameter, 1, 1, 1, 1) gridLayout.setColumnStretch(1, 6) gridLayout.setColumnStretch(2, 2) gridLayout.setColumnStretch(3, 1) gridLayout.setColumnStretch(4, 1) gridLayout.setContentsMargins(5, 0, 5, 10) self.topLayout = gridLayout self.topBox.setLayout(gridLayout) def createLeftGroupBox(self): self.leftGroupBox = QGroupBox("Command") leftTabWidget = QTabWidget() leftTabWidget.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Ignored) tab1 = QWidget() self.commandText = QTextEdit() self.commandText.setPlaceholderText( "Extracted command will be shown here") tab1hbox = QHBoxLayout() tab1hbox.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) tab1hbox.addWidget(self.commandText) tab1.setLayout(tab1hbox) tab2 = QWidget() # params label self.batchParamsLabel = QLabel() self.batchParamsLabel.setText("Select parameter:") # params list self.batchParams = QComboBox() self.batchParams.addItems(self.BATCH_PARAMS) self.batchParams.setEditable(True) # params text label self.batchParamsListLabel = QLabel() self.batchParamsListLabel.setText("Insert the list:") self.batchParamsListLabel.setContentsMargins(0, 10, 0, 0) # params text self.batchParamsList = QTextEdit() self.batchParamsList.setPlaceholderText("Enter each item in new line") self.batchParamsList.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Box) tableLayout = QGridLayout() tableLayout.setContentsMargins(15, 5, 5, 5) tableLayout.addWidget(self.batchParamsLabel, 0, 0) tableLayout.addWidget(self.batchParams, 1, 0) tableLayout.addWidget(self.batchParamsListLabel, 2, 0) tableLayout.addWidget(self.batchParamsList, 3, 0) tab2.setLayout(tableLayout) leftTabWidget.addTab(tab1, "Extracted Command") leftTabWidget.addTab(tab2, "Batch") layout = QGridLayout() layout.addWidget(leftTabWidget, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.leftGroupBox.setLayout(layout) def createMiddleTabWidget(self): self.middleGroupBox = QGroupBox("Results") middleTabWidget = QTabWidget() middleTabWidget.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Ignored) tab1 = QWidget() self.plainResponse = QTextEdit() tab1hbox = QHBoxLayout() tab1hbox.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) tab1hbox.addWidget(self.plainResponse) tab1.setLayout(tab1hbox) tab2 = QWidget() self.tableResponse = QTableWidget(1, 2) self.tableResponse.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["Property", "Value"]) self.tableResponse.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) tableLayout = QGridLayout() tableLayout.setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) tableLayout.addWidget(self.tableResponse, 0, 0) tab2.setLayout(tableLayout) tab3 = QWidget() self.listResponse = QTextEdit() tab3hbox = QHBoxLayout() tab3hbox.addWidget(self.listResponse) tab3.setLayout(tab3hbox) middleTabWidget.addTab(tab1, "Plain") middleTabWidget.addTab(tab2, "Properties") middleTabWidget.addTab(tab3, "List") layout = QGridLayout() layout.addWidget(middleTabWidget, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.middleGroupBox.setLayout(layout) def openLoginWindow(self): """ Start login window """ loginGui = LoginWindow(self) loginGui.startGui() def menuBarActions(self, q): action = q.text() if action == "New Window": pass if action == "Save to file": self.saveCommandToFile() if action == "Quit": self.closeApplication() if action == "Copy": self.copyToClipboard() if action == "Help": self.showHelp() if action == "About ISPAPI tool": self.showAbout() if action == "How to start?": self.showHelp() def closeApplication(self): print("exiting") sys.exit() def startNewWindow(self): app = QApplication(sys.argv) appGui = MainFrame() appGui.startGui() sys.exit(app.exec_()) def startGui(self): geo = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry() screenWidth = geo.width() screenHeight = geo.height() width = int(screenWidth * 0.5) height = int(screenHeight * 0.5) self.resize(width, height) frameGeo = self.frameGeometry() cp = frameGeo.moveCenter(cp) self.move(frameGeo.topLeft()) # start gui def initialiseCommandCompleter(self): model = QStringListModel() # get all possible autocomplete strings stringsSuggestion = [] stringsSuggestion = (self.coreLogic.getCommandList()).splitlines() # set suggestion to the model model.setStringList(stringsSuggestion) # set model to the completer self.completer.setModel(model) def initialiseSubuserCompleter(self): model = QStringListModel() # get all possible autocomplete strings stringsSuggestion = [] stringsSuggestion = (self.coreLogic.getSubUserList()).splitlines() # set suggestion to the model model.setStringList(stringsSuggestion) # set model to the completer self.subUsercompleter.setModel(model) def __clearCMDfield(self): self.cmdTxt.clear() self.cmdTxt.setFocus(True) def populateResults(self, response, mode="normal"): # get reulsts plainResult = response.getPlain() listResult = response.getListHash() # set plain results if mode == "iterative": self.plainResponse.append(plainResult) print("iternative") else: self.plainResponse.setText(plainResult) # delete any previous content of the list self.listResponse.setText("") # set properties and list resultLists = listResult["LIST"] counter = 0 for row in resultLists: for col in row: counter += 1 # set the number of rows self.tableResponse.setRowCount(counter) # populate the table rownumber = 0 for row in resultLists: for i, (key, value) in enumerate(row.items()): keyWidget = QTableWidgetItem(key) valueWidget = QTableWidgetItem(value) self.tableResponse.setItem(rownumber, 0, keyWidget) self.tableResponse.setItem(rownumber, 1, valueWidget) # update the list if key not in ("TOTAL", "FIRST", "LAST", "LIMIT", "COUNT"): self.listResponse.append(value) # incerate rownumber rownumber += 1 # order table content self.tableResponse.sortItems(Qt.AscendingOrder) def saveCommandToFile(self): try: textToWrite = self.commandAndResponsePlain() options = QFileDialog.Options() # options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog # Qt's builtin File Dialogue fileName, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Open", "report.txt", "All Files (*.*)", options=options) if fileName: try: with open(fileName, "w") as file: file.write(textToWrite) alert = QMessageBox() alert.setText("'" + fileName + "' \n\nFile Saved Successfully!") alert.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) alert.exec_() except Exception as e: alert = QMessageBox() alert.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) alert.setText("Couldn't save the file due to: " + str(e)) alert.exec_() except Exception as e: alert = QMessageBox() alert.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) alert.setText("Request a command first!") alert.setWindowTitle("Error") alert.exec_() def commandAndResponsePlain(self): result = self.plainResponse.toPlainText() command = self.response.getCommandPlain() textToWrite = command + "\n" + result return textToWrite def copyToClipboard(self): try: newText = self.commandAndResponsePlain() clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() clipboard.setText(newText) except Exception as e: print(e) pass # in the case where there is not command requested def showHelp(self): box = QMessageBox(self) msg = """<p align='center'> <b style='font-size:20px'>Help Information</b>. <br><br><br> This window provides a simple help view, more detailed help can be found at: <a href="">ISPAPI CLI Tool Documentation</a> <br><br> Quick start: <br> To show help, type the command: -h | --help <br> From there you will find all information about using the command line in both the GUI and terminal <br><br> <span style="color:orange">Note</span>: Commands executed in terminal are similar to commands used in the GUI, except for the "--update" command which is only possible to trigger in the terminal <br><br><br> Copyright 2020 @Hexonet <br><br> </p> """ box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) box.setWindowTitle("Help") box.setText(msg) def showUpdating(self): box = QMessageBox(self) msg = """ <p>Updating is done!</p> """ box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) box.setWindowTitle("Updating...") box.setText(msg) self.scrap.scrapCommands() # init tool dropdown autocomplete self.initialiseCommandCompleter() def Handle_Progress(self, blocknum, blocksize, totalsize): ## calculate the progress readed_data = blocknum * blocksize if totalsize > 0: download_percentage = readed_data * 100 / totalsize self.progressBar.setValue(download_percentage) QApplication.processEvents() def checkForUpdate(self): try: preBox = QMessageBox(self) msgNo = """<p align='center'> Checking for update... </p> """ # preBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) preBox.setWindowTitle("Checking...") preBox.setText(msgNo) QApplication.processEvents() currentVersion = __version__ url = "" r = requests.get(url) if r.ok: preBox.close() box = QMessageBox(self) # check if there is a new version available # increase the current version by 1 as it was not added in the semantic versioning # the bin generated before modifying the version files latestVersion = r.url.split("/")[-1] latestVersion = version.parse(latestVersion[1:]) currentVersion = currentVersion.split(".") currentVersion[2] = str(int(currentVersion[2]) + 1) currentVersion = ".".join(currentVersion) currentVersion = version.parse(currentVersion) if currentVersion == latestVersion: msgNo = """<p align='center'> You have the latest version installed. </p> """ box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) box.setWindowTitle("Updating") box.setText(msgNo) elif latestVersion > currentVersion: msgYes = """<p align='center'> New version available, update now? </p> """ ret = box.question(self, "Updating", msgYes, box.No | box.Yes, box.Yes) if ret == box.Yes: # updating the tool self.updateTool(latestVersion) else: box.close() else: return else: raise Exception except Exception: preBox = QMessageBox(self) msgNo = """<p align='center'> Please check your internet connection. </p> """ # preBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) preBox.setWindowTitle("No Internet") preBox.setText(msgNo) def updateTool(self, latestVersion): fileName = "" if sys.platform == "win32": fileName = "" % str(latestVersion) elif sys.platform == "linux" or sys.platform == "darwin": fileName = "" % str(latestVersion) else: return # init download url = "" % ( latestVersion, fileName, ) print(url) import urllib # Copy a network object to a local file try: # dwonload our zipped tool fileDownloaded, response = urllib.request.urlretrieve( url, fileName, self.Handle_Progress) if response and fileDownloaded: # unzip the tool import zipfile with zipfile.ZipFile(fileName, "r") as zip_ref: result = zip_ref.extractall("tmp") # start the new tool if sys.platform == "win32" and result is None: # updating the tool newToolName = "ispapicli-%s" % str( latestVersion) + ".exe" # rename the newly donwloaded tool os.rename(r"tmp/ispapicli.exe", newToolName) # clean the directoy os.remove(fileDownloaded) os.rmdir("tmp") # start the new tool os.system("" + newToolName) self.closeApplication() elif (sys.platform == "linux" or sys.platform == "darwin") and result is None: newToolName = "ispapicli-%s" % str(latestVersion) # rename the newly donwloaded tool os.rename(r"tmp/ispapicli", newToolName) # clean the directoy os.remove(fileDownloaded) os.rmdir("tmp") # updating the tool os.system("sudo chmod +x " + newToolName) os.system("./" + newToolName + " &") self.closeApplication() # TODO clean the old version by sending an argument # process = subprocess.Popen( # ["sudo chmod +x " + newToolName, "./" + newToolName] # ) else: return # upon success # finalBox = QMessageBox(self) # msgYes = """<p align='center'> # Update finished, close now? # </p> # """ # ret = finalBox.question( # self, # "Updating", # msgYes, # finalBox.No | finalBox.Yes, # finalBox.Yes, # ) # if ret == finalBox.Yes: # # updating the tool # self.closeApplication() # else: # finalBox.close() else: raise Exception except Exception as e: msgBox = QMessageBox(self) msgNo = ("""<p align='center'> Problem to download: %s </p> """ % e) # preBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msgBox.setWindowTitle("Download") msgBox.setText(msgNo) # os.system( # "gnome-terminal -- bash -c './" + scriptPath + latestVersion + ";bash'" # ) def showAbout(self): box = QMessageBox(self) msg = """<p align='center'> <b style='font-size:20px'>ISPAPI Tool</b>. <br><br><br> Version: %s <br><br> A simple command line interface to connect you to your account on Hexonet <br><br> Technical Support: <br> Email: [email protected] <br> Website: <a href="">ISPAPI CLI Tool</a> <br><br><br> Copyright 2020 @Hexonet <br><br> </p> """ box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) # box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) box.setWindowTitle("About") box.setText(msg % __version__) def eventFilter(self, source, event): # this function to handle autocomplete for command line if event.type() == QEvent.KeyRelease and source is self.cmdTxt: if event.key() == Qt.Key_Space: # show min paramters suggestions try: cmd = self.cmdTxt.text() m = re.match("^(\w+)\s$", cmd) if m: minParams = self.coreLogic.getMinParameters( cmd.strip()) if len(minParams) > 0: minParamsLabel = ", ".join(minParams) minParamsInput = "= ".join(minParams) cursorPosition = ( len(self.cmdTxt.text() + minParams[0]) + 1 ) # for the '=' char self.cmdTxt.setText(cmd + minParamsInput + "=") self.minParameter.setText("Min parameters: " + minParamsLabel) self.cmdTxt.setCursorPosition(cursorPosition) else: self.minParameter.setText("Min parameters:") except Exception as e: print(e) # must return bool value return super(MainFrame, self).eventFilter(source, event) def getIcon(self, iconName): ## # This function checks if the app is executable or in development and return the path if getattr(sys, "frozen", False): self.absolute_dirpath = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) try: self.absolute_dirpath = sys._MEIPASS except Exception: self.absolute_dirpath = os.path.abspath(".") path = self.command_path = os.path.join(self.absolute_dirpath, "data/icons/" + iconName) elif __file__: self.absolute_dirpath = os.path.dirname(__file__) path = self.command_path = os.path.join(self.absolute_dirpath, "../icons/" + iconName) return path def getScriptsPath(self, system): """ Return the script path """ path = "scripts/" # scripts/ # check which platform if system == "linux": path = path + "" elif system == "windows": path = path + "win-download.ps1" else: raise Exception return path