Exemple #1
    def group_hits(self, iocs, already_alarmed, already_checked):
        """ Returns all hits grouped by md5 hash """
        md5_dict = {}
        md5_should_check = {}

        # Group all hits per md5 hash value
        for ioc in iocs:
            md5 = get_value('_source.file.hash.md5', ioc)
            if md5 in md5_dict:
                md5_dict[md5] = [ioc]

            should_check = True
            # Check if the IOC has already been alarmed
            if md5 in already_alarmed:
                # Skip it
                should_check = False
                # Set the last checked date
                add_alarm_data(ioc, {}, info['submodule'], False)
                # Tag the doc as alarmed
                set_tags(info['submodule'], [ioc])

            # Check if the IOC has already been checked within 'interval'
            if md5 in already_checked:
                # Skip if for now
                should_check = False

            if md5 in md5_should_check:
                md5_should_check[md5] = should_check & md5_should_check[md5]
                md5_should_check[md5] = should_check
            # self.logger.debug('Should check: %s' % md5ShouldCheck[h])

        for md5 in dict.copy(md5_dict):
            # If we should not check the hash, remove it from the list
            if md5 in md5_should_check and not md5_should_check[md5]:
                    '[%s] md5 hash already checked within interval or already alarmed previously, skipping',
                del md5_dict[md5]

        return md5_dict
Exemple #2
    def build_report(self, md5_dict, alarmed_hashes):
        """ Build report to be returned by the alarm """
        # Prepare the object to be returned
        report = {'mutations': {}, 'hits': []}
        # Loop through all hashes
        for md5 in md5_dict:
            # Loop through all related ES docs
            for ioc in md5_dict[md5]:
                # Hash has been found in one of the engines and should be alarmed
                if md5 in alarmed_hashes.keys():
                    report['mutations'][ioc['_id']] = alarmed_hashes[md5]
                # Hash was not found so we update the last_checked date
                        'md5 hash not alarmed, updating last_checked date: [%s]',
                    add_alarm_data(ioc, {}, info['submodule'], False)

        return report
Exemple #3
def process_alarms(connector_dict, alarm_dict):
    """ Process the alarm results and send notifications via connector modules """
    logger.info('Processing alarms')
    # now we can loop over the modules once again and log the lines
    for alarm in alarm_dict:
        if alarm in alarms and alarms[alarm]['enabled']:

            # If the alarm did fail to run, skip processing the notification and tagging as we are not sure of the results
            if alarm_dict[alarm]['status'] != 'success':
                    'Alarm %s did not run (correctly), skipping processing',

            logger.debug('Alarm %s enabled, processing hits', alarm)
            result = alarm_dict[alarm]['result']
            alarm_name = alarm_dict[alarm]['info']['submodule']
            # logger.debug('Alarm results: %s' % aD[a]['result'])
            for result_hits in result['hits']['hits']:
                # First check if there is a mutation data to add
                if result_hits['_id'] in result['mutations']:
                    mutations = result['mutations'][result_hits['_id']]
                    mutations = {}
                # And now, let's add mutations data to the doc and update back the hits
                result_hits = add_alarm_data(result_hits, mutations,

            # Let's tag the docs with the alarm name
            set_tags(alarm_name, result['hits']['hits'])
            logger.debug('calling settags %s (%d hits)', alarm_name,

            # Needed as groupHits will change r['hits']['hits'] and different alarms might do different grouping
            result = copy.deepcopy(alarm_dict[alarm]['result'])
            if result['hits']['total'] > 0:
                # Group the hits before sending it to the alarm, based on the 'groubpby' array returned by the alarm
                group_by = list(result['groupby'])
                result['hits']['hits'] = group_hits(result['hits']['hits'],

                for connector in connector_dict:
                    # connector will process ['hits']['hits'] which contains a list of 'jsons' looking like an ES line
                    # connector will report the fields in ['hits']['fields'] for each of the lines in the list
                    if connector in notifications and notifications[connector][
                        connector_mod = connector_dict[connector]['m'].Module()
                            'connector %s enabled, sending alarm (%d hits)',
                            connector, result['hits']['total'])