def __init__(self, g): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] q = g.query(''' PREFIX proms: <> PREFIX prov: <> ASK WHERE { ?s a proms:ExternalReport . ?s proms:startingActivity ?sa . ?s proms:endingActivity ?sa . } ''') if not bool(q): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Report does not contain a single Activity indicated as both the starting and ending Activity' ) # determine passed due to any fail_reasons # if there are any failure reasons it means it's failed if self.fail_reasons: self.passed = False Rule.__init__( self, 'Single Activity', 'The Report has the same starting & ending Activity', 'PROMS Ontology', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 1, # the number of individual tests len(self.fail_reasons) # the number of tests failed )
def __init__(self, request): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] body = # don't use request.content as Flask can't handle the text/uri-list mimetype # if content-length zero, don't allow content if int(request.headers.get('Content-Length')) == 0 and len(str(body).strip()) > 0: self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Content-Length header indicates no content and yet there is body content') # if content, it needs to be a linbreak list of URIs only for line in body.split('\n'): if not self.is_a_uri(line.strip()): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The line {} is not a valid URI'.format(line)) # determine passed due to any fail_reasons # if there are any failure reasons it means it's failed if self.fail_reasons: self.passed = False Rule.__init__( self, 'PROV-AQ Body', 'The pingback must have a valid PROV-AQ-specified body', 'PROV-AQ', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 1, # the number of individual tests len(self.fail_reasons) # the number of tests failed )
def __init__(self, g): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] # to get to this rule, the PingbackDeclaration Rule must already have passed which means that there is at least # one Entity which has a prov:pingback property q = ''' PREFIX prov: <> ASK WHERE { ?e prov:pingback ?pb . {?a prov:generated ?e . } UNION {?e prov:wasGeneratedBy ?a . } } ''' qres = g.query(q) if bool(qres): self.passed = False self.fail_reasons.append( 'R3: Pingbacks cannot be sent for Entities declared as prov:wasGeneratedBy or prov:wasDerivedFrom in ' 'the pingbacked graph') Rule.__init__( self, 'Pingback Declaration', 'Entities being pingbacked for must be prov:used in the pingback graph', 'PROV-AQ', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 1, # the number of individual tests len(self.fail_reasons) # the number of tests failed )
def __init__(self, g): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] q = g.query(''' PREFIX proms: <> ASK WHERE { ?s a proms:InternalReport . ?s proms:startingActivity ?sa . ?s proms:endingActivity ?ea . FILTER (?sa != ?ea) } ''') if not bool(q): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Report does not contain at least two different Activities ' 'indicated by the starting and ending Activity') # determine passed due to any fail_reasons # if there are any failure reasons it means it's failed if self.fail_reasons: self.passed = False Rule.__init__( self, 'Single Activity', 'The Report has the different starting & ending Activities', 'PROMS Ontology', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 1, # the number of individual tests len(self.fail_reasons) # the number of tests failed )
def __init__(self, g, pingback_endpoint): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] q = ''' PREFIX prov: <> ASK WHERE { ?e a prov:Entity ; prov:pingback <%s> . } ''' % pingback_endpoint qres = g.query(q) if not bool(qres): self.passed = False self.fail_reasons.append( 'R2: No prov:Entity contains a prov:pingback property pointing to {}' .format(pingback_endpoint)) Rule.__init__( self, 'Pingback Declaration', 'At least one prov:Entity (or subclass) must declare a prov:pingback property with the pingback target URI ' 'as its range value (object).', 'PROV-AQ', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 1, # the number of individual tests len(self.fail_reasons) # the number of tests failed )
def __init__(self, report_graph): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] self.components_total_count = 1 self.components_failed_count = 0 q = ''' PREFIX proms: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> ASK WHERE { ?s a proms:ReportingSystem . ?s rdfs:label ?t . } ''' qr = report_graph.query(q) if not bool(qr): self.passed = False self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Reporting System class does not contain an rdfs:label') # Rule constructor Rule.__init__( self, 'Has a Label', 'PROMS-O', 'Reporting System must have a label, as defined in the PROMS ontology', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 1, 0)
def __init__(self, g): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] q = g.query(''' PREFIX proms: <> PREFIX prov: <> ASK WHERE { { ?s a proms:Report .} UNION { ?s a proms:BasicReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:ExternalReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:InternalReport .} ?s proms:startingActivity ?rs . ?rs a prov:Activity . } ''') if not bool(q): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Report class does not contain a proms:startingActivity') q = g.query(''' PREFIX proms: <> PREFIX prov: <> ASK WHERE { { ?s a proms:Report .} UNION { ?s a proms:BasicReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:ExternalReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:InternalReport .} ?s proms:endingActivity ?rs . ?rs a prov:Activity . } ''') if not bool(q): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Report class does not contain a proms:endingActivity') # determine passed due to any fail_reasons # if there are any failure reasons it means it's failed if self.fail_reasons: self.passed = False Rule.__init__( self, 'Start End Activities', 'The report has starting & ending Activities', 'PROMS Ontology', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 2, # the number of individual tests len(self.fail_reasons) # the number of tests failed )
def __init__(self, g): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] q = g.query(''' PREFIX proms: <> PREFIX prov: <> ASK WHERE { ?s a proms:ExternalReport . ?s proms:startingActivity ?act . ?act prov:used ?e1. ?e1 a prov:Entity. } ''') if not bool(q): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Report\'s Activity does not use any Entities') q = g.query(''' PREFIX proms: <> PREFIX prov: <> ASK WHERE { ?s a proms:ExternalReport . ?s proms:startingActivity ?act . ?act prov:generated ?e1. ?e1 a prov:Entity. } ''') if not bool(q): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Report\'s Activity does not generate any Entities') # determine passed due to any fail_reasons # if there are any failure reasons it means it's failed if self.fail_reasons: self.passed = False Rule.__init__( self, 'Activity Entities', 'The report\'s Activity has at least one prov:used and one prov:generated Entity', 'PROMS Ontology', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 2, # the number of individual tests len(self.fail_reasons) # the number of tests failed )
def __init__(self, g): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] reporting_system_uri = None # get the ReportingSystem URI q = g.query(''' PREFIX proms: <> SELECT ?rs WHERE { ?r proms:wasReportedBy ?rs . } ''') for r in q: reporting_system_uri = str(r['rs']) # check to see if this ReportingSystem already exists in the provenance _database q = ''' PREFIX proms: <> ASK WHERE { GRAPH ?g { <%(reporting_system_uri)s> ?p proms:ReportingSystem . }} ''' % { 'reporting_system_uri': reporting_system_uri } if not queries.query(q)['boolean']: self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Report does not refer to an existing ReportingSystem within the ' 'provenance _database') self.passed = False Rule.__init__( self, 'Report\'s Reporting System', 'Reports can only be lodged for ReportingSystems already in the provenance _database', 'PROMS system', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 1, # the number of individual tests len(self.fail_reasons) # the number of tests failed )
def __init__(self, request): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] # not valid if Content-Type not set to text/uri-list if request.headers.get('Content-Type') != 'text/uri-list': self.fail_reasons.append( 'The pingback message must have a content-type of \'text/uri-list\' defined in the HTTP header' ) # not valid if no Link header set and Content-Length == 0 if not request.headers.get('Link') and int( request.headers.get('Content-Length')) == 0: self.fail_reasons.append( 'The pingback message must have either a non-zero Content-Length or a Link header set' ) # validate each PROV-AQ Link header if request.headers.get('Link'): for link_header in request.headers.get('Link').split(','): link_header_valid = self.valid_provaq_link_header( link_header.strip()) if not link_header_valid[0]: self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Link header "{}" is not valid: {}'.format( link_header, ', '.join(link_header_valid[1]))) # determine passed due to any fail_reasons # if there are any failure reasons it means it's failed if self.fail_reasons: self.passed = False Rule.__init__( self, 'PROV-AQ Header', 'The pingback must have a valid PROV-AQ-specified header', 'PROV-AQ', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 1, # the number of individual tests len(self.fail_reasons) # the number of tests failed )
def __init__(self, g): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] qres = g.query(''' PREFIX prov: <> PREFIX proms: <> ASK WHERE { ?s a proms:InternalReport . ?s proms:startingActivity ?sa . ?sa prov:startedAtTime ?sasat . ?s proms:endingActivity ?ea . ?ea prov:startedAtTime ?easat . FILTER (?sasat < ?easat) } ''') if not bool(qres): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Report\'s starting Activity doesn\'t start before its ending Activity starts' ) # determine passed due to any fail_reasons # if there are any failure reasons it means it's failed if self.fail_reasons: self.passed = False Rule.__init__( self, 'Starting Ending Activity', 'The starting Activity of the Report must start before the Ending Activity starts', 'PROMS Ontology', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 1, # the number of individual tests len(self.fail_reasons) # the number of tests failed )
def __init__(self, request): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] # must be an RDF content type rdf_content_types = [ 'text/turtle', 'text/ntriples', 'text/n3', 'application/rdf+xml', 'application/ld+json' ] if request.headers.get('Content-Type') not in rdf_content_types: self.passed = False self.fail_reasons.append( 'PROMS pingback messages must have an RDF Content-Type') Rule.__init__( self, 'PROMS pingback header', 'The pingback must have a valid PROMS-specified header', 'PROVMS-O Pingbacks', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 1, # the number of individual tests len(self.fail_reasons) # the number of tests failed )
def __init__(self, g): self.passed = True self.fail_reasons = [] # has a Report class q = g.query(''' PREFIX proms: <> SELECT ?s WHERE { { ?s a proms:Report .} UNION { ?s a proms:BasicReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:ExternalReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:InternalReport .} } ''') if not bool(q): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The report does not contain a Report class or subclass') # has a label q = g.query(''' PREFIX proms: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> SELECT ?s WHERE { { ?s a proms:Report .} UNION { ?s a proms:BasicReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:ExternalReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:InternalReport .} ?s rdfs:label ?label . } ''') if not bool(q): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Report class does not contain an rdfs:label') # has a nativeId q = g.query(''' PREFIX proms: <> SELECT ?s WHERE { { ?s a proms:Report .} UNION { ?s a proms:BasicReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:ExternalReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:InternalReport .} ?s proms:nativeId ?j . } ''') if not bool(q): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Report class does not contain a proms:nativeId') # has a ReportingSystem q = g.query(''' PREFIX proms: <> SELECT ?s WHERE { { ?s a proms:Report .} UNION { ?s a proms:BasicReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:ExternalReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:InternalReport .} ?s proms:wasReportedBy ?rs . } ''') if not bool(q): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Report class does not indicate which ReportingSystem reported it with a ' 'proms:wasReportedBy property') # has a generatedAtTime q = g.query(''' PREFIX proms: <> PREFIX prov: <> ASK WHERE { { ?s a proms:Report .} UNION { ?s a proms:BasicReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:ExternalReport .} UNION { ?s a proms:InternalReport .} ?s prov:generatedAtTime ?t . } ''') if not bool(q): self.fail_reasons.append( 'The Report class does not contain a prov:generatedAtTime value' ) # determine passed due to any fail_reasons # if there are any failure reasons it means it's failed if self.fail_reasons: self.passed = False Rule.__init__( self, 'Report Class properties', 'Reports Class objects must contain certain properties set out in the PROMS Ontology', 'PROMS Ontology', self.passed, self.fail_reasons, 5, # the number of individual tests len(self.fail_reasons) # the number of tests failed )