Exemple #1
class Motu:
    def __init__(self, ipAddr=None, port=80):
        self.ipAddr = ipAddr
        self.port = port
        self.url = "http://{}:{}".format(ipAddr, port)

        self.uid = self._getUid()

        self.motuSettings = self._getSettings()
        self.settings = Settings()

        if self.motuSettings:
            print("========== Motu AVB: ===========")
            print("* Name        : {}".format(self.motuSettings["hostname"]))
            print("* uid         : {}".format(self.uid))
            print("* Sample rate : {}".format(

    def _query(self, address, value):
        Send the corresponding  message
        - address is a string
        - value is an array
        Return True if well received by the motu soundcard
        value = json.dumps(value)
        url = "{}/datastore{}".format(self.url, address)
        r = requests.post(url, {"json": value})
        print("{} : {}".format(url, value))

        return True if r.status_code is 200 else False

    def _get(self, address):
        Get the value at a given endPoint
        url = "{}/datastore{}".format(self.url, address)
        r = requests.get(url)
        return r.json() if r.status_code is 200 else False

    def _getUid(self):
        Get the uid of the motu soundCard
        uidJson = self._get("/uid")
        return uidJson["value"] if uidJson else False

    def _getSettings(self):
        Get the settings of the motu soundCard
        settings = self._get("/avb/{}/".format(self.uid))
        return settings

    def isOnline(self):
        return self._getUid()

    def waitOnline(self, timeout=10):
        cpt = 0
        while not self.isOnline():
            cpt = cpt + 1
            message = "Motu not online or unreachable, trying again ({})".format(
            sys.stdout.write("\r\x1b[K" + message.__str__())
            if cpt == timeout:
                    "\n Please verify that the soundCard is reachable on the network at {}"

    def setSolo(self, ch, solo):
        Solo a given channel
        address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/solo".format(ch)
        values = {"value": 1 if solo else 0}
        return self._query(address, values)

    def getSolo(self, ch):
        Get Solo status of a given channel
        address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/solo".format(ch)
        solo = self._get(address)
        return bool(solo["value"])

    def clearSolo(self):
        Remove all solo status of the strips
        for ch in range(0, self.settings.getStripCount()):
            self.setSolo(ch, False)

    def setMute(self, ch, mute):
        Mute a given channel
        address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/mute".format(ch)
        values = {"value": 1 if mute else 0}
        return self._query(address, values)

    def getMute(self, ch):
        Get Mute status of a given channel
        address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/mute".format(ch)
        mute = self._get(address)
        return bool(mute["value"])

    def muteAll(self, mute):
        Mute / Unmute all strips
        :param mute: true to mute all, false otherwise
        for ch in range(0, self.settings.getStripCount()):
            self.setMute(ch, mute)

    def setGain(self, ch, gain):
        Set gain of a given channel
        address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/???".format(ch)
        values = {"value": gain}
        print("TODO: set Gain")
        # return self._query(address, values)

    def getGain(self, ch):
        Get gain of a given channel
        address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/???".format(ch)
        print("TODO: get Gain")
        # return self._query(address, values)

    def setFader(self, ch, fader):
        Set fader of a given channel
        address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/fader".format(ch)
        values = {"value": fader}
        return self._query(address, values)

    def getFader(self, ch, datatype="api"):
        Get fader of a given channel
        address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/fader".format(ch)
        fader = self._get(address)
        if datatype is "midi":
            return convertValueToMidiRange(fader["value"], fader_api_range,
                                           fader_midi_range, "log")
            return fader["value"]

    def setMainFader(self, fader):
        Set fader of a main 
        address = "/mix/main/{}/matrix/fader".format(0)
        values = {"value": fader}
        return self._query(address, values)

    def getMainFader(self, datatype="api"):
        Get fader of a main 
        address = "/mix/main/{}/matrix/fader".format(0)
        fader = self._get(address)

        if fader:
            if datatype is "midi":
                return convertValueToMidiRange(fader["value"], fader_api_range,
                                               fader_midi_range, "log")
                return fader["value"]
            return False

    def setMonitorFader(self, fader):
        Set fader of a monitor output
        address = "/mix/monitor/{}/matrix/fader".format(0)
        values = {"value": fader}
        return self._query(address, values)

    def getMonitorFader(self, datatype="api"):
        Get fader of a monitor
        address = "/mix/monitor/{}/matrix/fader".format(0)
        fader = self._get(address)
        if fader:
            if datatype is "midi":
                return convertValueToMidiRange(fader["value"], fader_api_range,
                                               fader_midi_range, "log")
                return fader["value"]
            return False

    def setPan(self, ch, pan):
        Set Pan of a given channel 
        > from -1 to 1
        if -1 <= pan <= 1:
            address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/pan".format(ch)
            values = {"value": pan}
            return self._query(address, values)
            return False

    def getPan(self, ch, datatype="api"):
        Get Pan of a given channel 
        > from -1 to 1
        address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/pan".format(ch)
        pan = self._get(address)
        if datatype is "midi":
            return convertValueToMidiRange(pan["value"], [-1, 1], [0, 127])
            return pan["value"]

    def setEq(self, ch, eq):
        Big stuff to do here
        print("TODO set EQ")

        eq = {
            "hpf": {
                "enabled": True,
                "freq": 40
            "lowShelf": {
                "enabled": True,
                "freq": 80,
                "gain": 0,
                "bw": 1,
                "mode": 0
            "mid1": {
                "enabled": True,
                "freq": 800,
                "gain": 0,
                "bw": 1,
            "mid2": {
                "enabled": True,
                "freq": 10000,
                "gain": 0,
                "bw": 1,
            "highShelf": {
                "enabled": True,
                "freq": 18000,
                "gain": 0,
                "bw": 1,
                "mode": 0

    def getEq(self, ch):
        Get eq Object of the given chan
        address = "/mix/chan/{}/eq".format(ch)
        return self._get(address)

    def setComp(self, ch):
        Enable compressor on given channel
        print("TODO set Comp")

    def getComp(self, ch):
        Knoww if compressor is enabled on given channel
        print("TODO set Comp")

    def muteMain(self, mute):
        Mute main outputs
        address = "/mix/main/{}/matrix/mute".format(0)
        values = {"value": 1 if mute else 0}
        self._query(address, values)
        return mute

    def getMainMute(self):
        Is Main muted?
        address = "/mix/main/{}/matrix/mute".format(0)
        mute = self._get(address)
        return bool(mute["value"] if mute else False)

    def muteMonitor(self, mute):
        Mute monitor outputs
        address = "/mix/monitor/{}/matrix/mute".format(0)
        values = {"value": 1 if mute else 0}
        self._query(address, values)
        return mute

    def getMonitorMute(self):
        Is monitor muted?
        address = "/mix/monitor/{}/matrix/mute".format(0)
        mute = self._get(address)
        return bool(mute["value"] if mute else False)

    def dim(self, status):
        Apply -20dB on current master value
        gain = self.settings.getDimValue("api")

        if status:
            # revert to 0dB

    def getTrackName(self, ch):
        Get the track name of a given channel
        :param ch:
        # TODO
        return "Track {}".format(ch)

    def recallSettings(self):
        Get all settings in one request
        address = "/"
        dataStore = self._get(address)
Exemple #2
class MidiWait:
    def __init__(self, ipAddr=None, port=80):
        # Init Midi client and display available devices
        midiINPort = mido.get_input_names()[0]
        midiOUTPort = mido.get_output_names()[0]
        self.midiIN = mido.open_input(midiINPort)
        self.midiOUT = mido.open_output(midiOUTPort)
        self.mcu = MCU()
        self.motu = Motu(ipAddr, port)
        self.settings = Settings()
        self.hwSetup = Setup()

        self.mixerUrl = "http://{}:{}".format(ipAddr, port)
        print("Will send events to mixer at {}".format(self.mixerUrl))


    def setup(self):
        Set up the bridge
        # self.hwSetup.setupInterface()

    def read(self):
        Read Midi message
        msg = self.midiIN.receive()
        return msg

    def sendQueryMessage(self, address, value):
        Send the corresponding  message
            - address is a string
            - value is an array
        value = json.dumps(value)
        url = "{}/datastore{}".format(self.mixerUrl, address)

        r = requests.post(url, {"json": value})
        print("[{}] {} {}".format(r.status_code, url, value))
        # print(">Query [{}] {}  {} with data {}".format(r.status_code,self.mixerUrl, address,value))

    def routeMessage(self, midiMessage):
        Route the message to corresponding function
        :param midiMessage:
        # print("midiIN {}:".format(midiMessage))
        # Faders
        if midiMessage.type == "pitchwheel":
            self._handlePitchWheel(midiMessage.channel, midiMessage.pitch)

        # vPots
        if midiMessage.type == "control_change":
            self._handleVpotRot(midiMessage.control, midiMessage.value)

        if midiMessage.type == "note_on" and midiMessage.velocity == 127:
            soloMidiNotes = ["E0", "F0", "F#0", "G0", "G#0", "A0", "A#0", "B0"]
            muteMidiNotes = ["C1", "C#1", "D1", "D#1", "E1", "F1", "F#1", "G1"]
            vPotMidiNotes = [
                "G#1", "A1", "A#1", "B1", "C2", "C#2", "D2", "D#2"
            bankMidiNotes = ["A#2", "B2"]
            functionMidiNotes = [
                "G#2", "G2", "F#2", "F2", "G6", "G#6", "A6", "A#6"
            midiFullNote = midiNumberToFullNote(midiMessage.note)

            # Solo
            if midiFullNote in soloMidiNotes:
                ch = soloMidiNotes.index(midiFullNote)

            # Mute
            if midiFullNote in muteMidiNotes:
                ch = muteMidiNotes.index(midiFullNote)

            # vPots click
            if midiFullNote in vPotMidiNotes:
                ch = vPotMidiNotes.index(midiFullNote)

            # Bank buttons
            if midiFullNote in bankMidiNotes:
                bankUp = bankMidiNotes.index(midiFullNote) == 0

            # Function buttons
            if midiFullNote in functionMidiNotes:
                f = functionMidiNotes.index(midiFullNote)

            # Encoder groups : only 2 of 4 are working... need investigation
            # Top right
            if midiFullNote in ["A#4", "D#3"]:

    def _handleEncoderGrpButtons(self, note):
        Handle the Encoder groups button to change mode (only top and bottom right)
        print("encoder group note {}", note)
        if note == "A#4":
        elif note == "D#3":

    def _handleFunctionButton(self, fNum):
        Handle the function Buttons F1 -> F8
        print("Button F{} clicked".format(fNum))
        # get previous know state and toggle it
        fState = self.settings.getFunction(fNum)

        if fNum == 0:
            # Mute/unMute All

        if fNum == 1:
            # Mute/unMute All
            self.motu.muteAll(not fState)
            fState = self.settings.setFunction(fNum, not fState)
            self.mcu.fLed(1, fState)

        if fNum == 7:
            self.motu.dim(not fState)
            fState = self.settings.setFunction(fNum, not fState)
            # update led on button
            self.mcu.fLed(7, fState)
            mainFaderValue = self.motu.getMainFader("midi")
            self.mcu.faderPos(7, mainFaderValue)

    def _handleBankButton(self, up):
        Handle bank buttons
        bank = self.settings.getCurrentBank()

        if up:
            bank = bank + 1
            bank = bank - 1

        if bank < 0:
            bank = 0
        print("BANK is {}".format(bank))


    def _handlePitchWheel(self, ch, value):
        Handle fader moves
        self.settings.setFaderPos(ch, value)
        # TODO handle banking

        apiRange = [0, 4]
        midiRange = [-8192, 8192]

        faderValue = convertValueToOSCRange(value, apiRange, midiRange, "log")

        if self.mcu.getMode() is "main":
            if ch is 7:  # and mode is monito!
            elif ch is 6:  # and mode is monito!
            self.motu.setFader(ch, faderValue)

        # use this to save fader pos on mcu
        self.mcu.faderPos(ch, value)

    def _handleVpotClick(self, ch):
        Handle vPot click: restore default pan or gain
        apiRange = [-1, 1]
        midiRange = [0, 127]
        newPos = 0
        address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/pan".format(ch)
        values = {"value": newPos}
        self.sendQueryMessage(address, values)
        self.settings.setVpotPos(ch, newPos)
        # update led ring
        midiVal = convertValueToMidiRange(newPos, apiRange, midiRange)
        self.mcu.vPotRing(ch, midiVal, "boost-cut")

    def _handleVpotRot(self, cc, value):
        Handle vPot rotation
        TODO: speed
        vPotCC = [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]
        ch = 0

        if cc in vPotCC:
            ch = vPotCC.index(cc)

        currentPos = self.motu.getPan(ch)
        apiRange = [-1, 1]
        midiRange = [0, 127]

        address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/pan".format(ch)
        direction = 1 if 1 <= value <= 15 else -1
        speed = 15 - value if direction == 1 else 79 - value
        _speeds = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 10]
        speedPos = (direction * 5 * (pow(10, -1 * _speeds[speed])))
        newPos = round(currentPos + speedPos, 3)

        if newPos > apiRange[1]:
            newPos = apiRange[1]
        if newPos < apiRange[0]:
            newPos = apiRange[0]

        self.settings.setVpotPos(ch, newPos)
        values = {"value": newPos}
        self.sendQueryMessage(address, values)

        # update led ring
        midiVal = convertValueToMidiRange(newPos, apiRange, midiRange)
        self.mcu.vPotRing(ch, midiVal, "boost-cut")

    def _handleSoloButton(self, ch):
        Handle soloButton click
        # get motu state and toggle it
        mcuMode = self.mcu.getMode()
        if mcuMode is "main":
            if ch == 6:
                # monitoring toggle
                mute = self.motu.getMonitorMute()
                m = self.motu.muteMonitor(not mute)
                self.mcu.l1Led(6, not m)
            if ch == 7:
                # main toggle
                mute = self.motu.getMainMute()
                m = self.motu.muteMain(not mute)
                self.mcu.l1Led(7, not m)

            solo = self.settings.getSolo(ch)
            address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/solo".format(ch)
            newStatus = not solo
            values = {"value": 1 if newStatus else 0}
            self.sendQueryMessage(address, values)
            self.mcu.l1Led(ch, newStatus)
            self.settings.setSolo(ch, newStatus)

    def _handleMuteButton(self, ch):
        Handle muteButton click
        # get previous know state and toggle it
        mute = self.settings.getMute(ch)
        address = "/mix/chan/{}/matrix/mute".format(ch)

        newStatus = not mute

        values = {"value": 1 if newStatus else 0}
        self.sendQueryMessage(address, values)
        self.mcu.l2Led(ch, newStatus)
        self.settings.setMute(ch, newStatus)

    def recall(self):
        Set back everything
        mainFaderValue = self.motu.getMainFader("midi")
        monitorFaderValue = self.motu.getMonitorFader("midi")

        # recall all in once


        if self.mcu.getMode() is "main":
            self.mcu.faderPos(6, monitorFaderValue)
            self.mcu.faderPos(7, mainFaderValue)

            self.mcu.l1Led(6, not self.motu.getMonitorMute())
            self.mcu.l1Led(7, not self.motu.getMainMute())

        elif self.mcu.getMode() is "mixing":
            for ch in range(0, self.settings.getStripCount()):
                solo = self.motu.getSolo(ch)
                mute = self.motu.getMute(ch)
                fader = self.motu.getFader(ch, "midi")
                pan = self.motu.getPan(ch, "midi")
                self.mcu.l1Led(ch, solo)
                self.mcu.l2Led(ch, mute)
                self.mcu.faderPos(ch, fader)
                self.mcu.vPotRing(ch, pan, "boost-cut")