Exemple #1
def gen_data_to_s3(bucket, obj_func_min, num_pts, which_IS, key):
    search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([
        ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1])
        for bound in obj_func_min._search_domain
    points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(num_pts)
    vals = [obj_func_min.evaluate(which_IS, pt) for pt in points]
    noise = obj_func_min.noise_and_cost_func(which_IS, None) * np.ones(num_pts)
    data = {"points": points, "vals": vals, "noise": noise}
    send_data_to_s3(bucket, key, data)
Exemple #2
def gen_data_to_pickle(directory, obj_func_min, num_pts, which_IS, filename):
    search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([
        ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1])
        for bound in obj_func_min._search_domain
    points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(num_pts)
    vals = [obj_func_min.evaluate(which_IS, pt) for pt in points]
    noise = obj_func_min.noise_and_cost_func(which_IS, None) * np.ones(num_pts)
    data = {"points": points, "vals": vals, "noise": noise}
    with open(filename, "wb") as file:
        pickle.dump(data, file)
Exemple #3
def coldstart_gen_data(obj_func_min, num_init_pts, num_replications, directory):
    """ generate initial data for experiments and store in pickle
    for replication_no in range(num_replications):
        filename = "{0}/{1}_{2}_points_each_repl_{3}.pickle".format(directory, obj_func_min.getFuncName(), num_init_pts, replication_no)
        search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in obj_func_min._search_domain]) # this file is used below again and hence should be made available there, too
        points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(num_init_pts)
        vals = [obj_func_min.evaluate(0, pt) for pt in points]
        data = {"points": points, "vals": vals, "noise": obj_func_min.noise_and_cost_func(0, None)[0] * numpy.ones(num_init_pts)}
        with open(filename, "wb") as file:
            pickle.dump(data, file)
Exemple #4
def find_best_mu_ei(gp, domain_bounds, num_multistart):
    search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain(
        [ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in domain_bounds])
    start_points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
    min_mu = numpy.inf
    for start_point in start_points:
        x, f = bfgs_optimization(start_point, compute_mu(gp), domain_bounds)
        if min_mu > f:
            min_mu = f
            point = x
    return min_mu, point
Exemple #5
def optimize_hyperparameters(problem_search_domain,
    Fit hyperparameters from data using MLE or MAP (described in Poloczek, Wang, and Frazier 2016)
    :param problem_search_domain: The search domain of the benchmark, as provided by the benchmark
    :param points_sampled: An array that gives the points sampled so far. Each points has the form [IS dim0 dim1 ... dimn]
    :param points_sampled_value: An array that gives the values observed at the points in same ordering
    :param upper_bound_noise_variances: An upper bound on the search interval for the noise variance parameters (before squaring)
    :param consider_small_variances: If true, half of the BFGS starting points have entries for the noise parameters set to a small value
    :param hyper_prior: use prior for MAP estimate if supplied, and do MLE otherwise
    :param num_restarts: number of starting points for BFGS to find MLE/MAP
    :param num_jobs: number of parallelized BFGS instances
    :return: An array with the best found values for the hyperparameters
    approx_grad = True
    upper_bound_signal_variances = numpy.maximum(
        10., numpy.var(points_sampled_value))  # pick huge upper bounds
    hyper_bounds = generate_hyperbounds(problem_search_domain,
    hyperparam_search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain(
        [ClosedInterval(bd[0], bd[1]) for bd in hyper_bounds])
    hyper_multistart_pts = hyperparam_search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(

    for i in xrange(num_restarts):
        init_hyper = hyper_multistart_pts[i]

        # if optimization is enabled, make sure that small variances are checked despite multi-modality
        # this optimization seems softer than using a MAP estimate
        if consider_small_variances and (i % 2 == 0):
                -1] = 0.1  # use a small value as starting point for noise parameters in BFGS

        hyper_multistart_pts[i] = init_hyper

    parallel_results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_jobs)(
        delayed(hyper_opt)(points_sampled, points_sampled_value,
                           points_sampled_noise_variance, init_hyper,
                           hyper_bounds, approx_grad, hyper_prior)
        for init_hyper in hyper_multistart_pts)
    # print min(parallel_results,key=itemgetter(1))
    best_hyper = min(
        parallel_results, key=itemgetter(1)
    )[0]  # recall that we negated the log marginal likelihood when passing it to BFGS
    return best_hyper
Exemple #6
def check_ave_min(func_idx):
    num_repl = 500
    func = func_list[func_idx]
    search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain(
        [ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in func._search_domain])
    min_vals = np.zeros((num_repl, len(num_pts_list)))
    for i, num_pts in enumerate(num_pts_list):
        for repl in range(num_repl):
            points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
                     i] = np.amin([func.evaluate(0, pt) for pt in points])
    return np.mean(min_vals, axis=0).tolist()
Exemple #7
def coldstart_gen_hyperdata(primary_obj_func_min, list_other_obj_func_min, num_pts, directory):
    """ generate data for hyperparameter optimization and store in pickle
    filename = "{0}/hyper_{1}_points_{2}_{3}.pickle".format(directory, num_pts, primary_obj_func_min.getFuncName(), "_".join([func.getFuncName() for func in list_other_obj_func_min]))
    search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in primary_obj_func_min._search_domain]) # this file is used below again and hence should be made available there, too
    points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(num_pts)
    vals = [[primary_obj_func_min.evaluate(0, pt) for pt in points]]
    noise = [primary_obj_func_min.noise_and_cost_func(0, None)]
    for obj_func in list_other_obj_func_min:
        vals.append([obj_func.evaluate(0, pt) for pt in points])
        noise.append(obj_func.noise_and_cost_func(0, None))
    data = {"points": points, "vals": vals, "noise": noise}
    with open(filename, "wb") as file:
        pickle.dump(data, file)
Exemple #8
    def test_normal_prior(self):
        space_dim = 2
        num_IS = 2
        true_hyper, data = get_random_gp_data(space_dim, num_IS, 500)
        hyperparam_search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in numpy.repeat([[0.01, 2.]], len(true_hyper), axis=0)])
        hyper_bounds = [(0.01, 100.) for i in range(len(true_hyper))]
        multistart_pts = hyperparam_search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(1)
        cov = MixedSquareExponential(hyperparameters=multistart_pts[0,:], total_dim=space_dim+1, num_is=num_IS)
        test_prior = NormalPrior(5.*numpy.ones(len(true_hyper)), 25. * numpy.eye(len(true_hyper)))
        hyper_test, f, output = hyper_opt(cov, data=data, init_hyper=multistart_pts[0, :], hyper_bounds=hyper_bounds, approx_grad=False, hyper_prior=test_prior)

        good_prior = NormalPrior(true_hyper, 0.1 * numpy.eye(len(true_hyper)))
        hyper_good_prior, _, _ = hyper_opt(cov, data=data, init_hyper=multistart_pts[0, :], hyper_bounds=hyper_bounds, approx_grad=False, hyper_prior=good_prior)
        bad_prior = NormalPrior(numpy.ones(len(true_hyper)), 0.1 * numpy.eye(len(true_hyper)))
        hyper_bad_prior, _, _ = hyper_opt(cov, data=data, init_hyper=multistart_pts[0, :], hyper_bounds=hyper_bounds, approx_grad=False, hyper_prior=bad_prior)
        print "true hyper: {0}\n hyper test: {1}\n good prior: {2}\n bad prior:\n should close to one {3}".format(true_hyper, hyper_test, hyper_good_prior, hyper_bad_prior)
        print "dim {0}, num_is {1}".format(space_dim, num_IS)
Exemple #9
def global_optimization_of_GP(gp_model,
    :param gp_model:
    :param bounds: list of (min, max) tuples
    :param num_multistart:
    :param minimization:
    :return: shape(space_dim+1,), best x and first entry is always zero because we assume IS0 is truth IS
    sgn = 1 if minimization else -1
    fcn = lambda x: gp_model.compute_mean_of_points(
        np.concatenate([[0], x]).reshape((1, -1)))[0] * sgn
    grad = lambda x: gp_model.compute_grad_mean_of_points(
        np.concatenate([[0], x]).reshape(
            (1, -1)), num_derivatives=1)[0, 1:] * sgn
    search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain(
        [ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in bounds])
    start_points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
    min_fcn = np.inf
    for start_pt in start_points:
        result_x, result_f, output = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(
        if result_f < min_fcn:
            min_fcn = result_f
            ret = result_x
    print "found GP min {0}".format(min_fcn)
    return np.concatenate([[0], ret]).reshape((1, -1))
Exemple #10
def optimize_with_ego(gp, domain_bounds, num_multistart):
    expected_improvement_evaluator = ExpectedImprovement(gp)
    search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain(
        [ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in domain_bounds])
    start_points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
    min_negative_ei = numpy.inf

    def negative_ego_func(x):
        expected_improvement_evaluator.set_current_point(x.reshape((1, -1)))
        return -1.0 * expected_improvement_evaluator.compute_expected_improvement(

    for start_point in start_points:
        x, f = bfgs_optimization(start_point, negative_ego_func, domain_bounds)
        if min_negative_ei > f:
            min_negative_ei = f
            point_to_sample = x
    return point_to_sample, -min_negative_ei
Exemple #11
def optimize_entropy(pes,
    if not bounds:
        bounds = [(0., 1.)] * space_dim
    # fcn = lambda x: np.mean([pes.acquisition({'obj': pes_model}, {}, np.concatenate([[which_is], x]), current_best=None, compute_grad=False)[0,0] for pes_model in pes_model_list]) * -1. / cost
    # search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in bounds])
    # start_points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(num_multistart)
    # min_fcn = np.inf
    # for start_pt in start_points:
    #     result_x, result_f, output = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(func=fcn, x0=start_pt, fprime=None, args=(), approx_grad=True,
    #                                                               bounds=bounds, m=10, factr=10.0, pgtol=1e-10,
    #                                                               epsilon=1e-08, iprint=-1, maxfun=15000, maxiter=200, disp=0, callback=None)
    #     if result_f < min_fcn:
    #         min_fcn = result_f
    #         ret = result_x
    # return np.concatenate([[which_is], ret]), -min_fcn

    search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain(
        [ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in bounds])
    points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
    raw_acq = []  # for tuning costs
    best_acq = -np.inf
    for which_is in list_sample_is:
        acq_list = pes.acquisition(
            {'obj': pes_model}, {},
            np.hstack((np.ones((num_discretization, 1)) * which_is, points)),
            compute_grad=False) / cost_func(which_is, None)
        inner_best_idx = np.argmax(acq_list)
        raw_acq.append(acq_list[inner_best_idx] * cost_func(which_is, None))
        if acq_list[inner_best_idx] > best_acq:
            best_acq = acq_list[inner_best_idx]
            best_is = which_is
            best_idx = inner_best_idx
    return points[best_idx, :], best_is, best_acq, raw_acq
Exemple #12
def optimize_with_multifidelity_ei(gp_list, domain_bounds, num_IS,
                                   num_multistart, noise_and_cost_func):
    multifidelity_expected_improvement_evaluator = MultifidelityExpectedImprovement(
        gp_list, noise_and_cost_func)
    search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain(
        [ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in domain_bounds])
    start_points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
    min_negative_ei = numpy.inf

    def negative_ei_func(x):
        return -1.0 * multifidelity_expected_improvement_evaluator.compute_expected_improvement(

    for start_point in start_points:
        x, f = bfgs_optimization(start_point, negative_ei_func, domain_bounds)
        if min_negative_ei > f:
            min_negative_ei = f
            point_to_sample = x
    return point_to_sample, multifidelity_expected_improvement_evaluator.choose_IS(
        point_to_sample), -min_negative_ei
Exemple #13
def get_random_gp_data(space_dim, num_is, num_data_each_is, kernel_name):
    """ Generate random gp data
    :param space_dim:
    :param num_is:
    :param num_data_each_is:
    :param kernel_name: currently it's either 'mix_exp' or 'prod_ker'
    sample_var = 0.01
    if kernel_name == "mix_exp":
        hyper_params = numpy.random.uniform(size=(num_is + 1) *
                                            (space_dim + 1))
        cov = MixedSquareExponential(hyper_params, space_dim + 1, num_is)
    elif kernel_name == "prod_ker":
        hyper_params = numpy.random.uniform(size=(num_is + 1) *
                                            (num_is + 2) / 2 + space_dim + 1)
        cov = ProductKernel(hyper_params, space_dim + 1, num_is + 1)
        raise NotImplementedError("invalid kernel")
    python_search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([
        ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1])
        for bound in numpy.repeat([[-10., 10.]], space_dim + 1, axis=0)
    data = HistoricalData(space_dim + 1)
    init_pts = python_search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(2)
    init_pts[:, 0] = numpy.zeros(2)
    data.append_historical_data(init_pts, numpy.zeros(2),
                                numpy.ones(2) * sample_var)
    gp = GaussianProcess(cov, data)
    points = python_search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
    for pt in points:
        for i in range(num_is):
            pt[0] = i
            val = gp.sample_point_from_gp(pt, sample_var)
                [pt, val, sample_var],
            gp = GaussianProcess(cov, data)
    return hyper_params, data
Exemple #14
 def generate_data(self, num_data):
     python_search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([
         ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1])
         for bound in self._info_dict['search_domain']
     data = HistoricalData(self._info_dict['dim'])
     init_pts = python_search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
     init_pts[:, 0] = numpy.zeros(2)
     data.append_historical_data(init_pts, numpy.zeros(2),
                                 numpy.ones(2) * self._sample_var_1)
     gp = GaussianProcess(self._cov, data)
     points = python_search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
     for pt in points:
         pt[0] = numpy.ceil(numpy.random.uniform(high=2.0, size=1))
         sample_var = self._sample_var_1 if pt[
             0] == 1 else self._sample_var_2
         val = gp.sample_point_from_gp(pt, sample_var)
             [pt, val, sample_var],
         gp = GaussianProcess(self._cov, data)
     return data
Exemple #15
    "StybTang": StybTang(
        act_var, low_dim, high_to_low, sign, bx_size, noise_var=noise_var
    "MNIST": MNIST(act_var, low_dim, high_to_low, sign, bx_size),

objective_func = obj_func_dict[obj_func_name]
dim = int(objective_func._dim)
num_initial_points = initial_n

num_fidelity = objective_func._num_fidelity

inner_search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain(
            objective_func._search_domain[i, 0], objective_func._search_domain[i, 1]
        for i in range(objective_func._search_domain.shape[0] - num_fidelity)
cpp_search_domain = cppTensorProductDomain(
    [ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in objective_func._search_domain]
cpp_inner_search_domain = cppTensorProductDomain(
            objective_func._search_domain[i, 0], objective_func._search_domain[i, 1]
        for i in range(objective_func._search_domain.shape[0] - num_fidelity)
obj_func_max = Rosenbrock(numIS, mult=-1.0)  # used by KG
obj_func_min = Rosenbrock(
    mult=1.0)  # our original problems are all assumed to be minimization!
# less important params
exploitation_threshold = 1e-5
num_x_prime = 3000
num_discretization_before_ranking = num_x_prime * 3
num_iterations = 100
num_threads = 64
num_multistart = 64
num_candidate_start_points = 500
### end parameter

search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([
    ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in obj_func_max._search_domain
noise_and_cost_func = obj_func_min.noise_and_cost_func

# Load initial data from pickle
init_pts = load_init_points_for_all_IS("pickles", init_data_pickle_filename,
init_vals = load_vals("pickles", init_data_pickle_filename,
#init_pts, init_vals = sample_initial_points.load_data_from_a_min_problem("pickles", init_data_pickle_filename)

# setup benchmark result container
multi_kg_result = BenchmarkResult(num_iterations, obj_func_max._dim,
kg_hyper_param = pandas.read_sql_table(
    'multifidelity_kg_hyperparam_' + func_name,
Exemple #17
data_list, bias_sq_list = createHistoricalDataForMisoEI(obj_func_min.getDim(), listPrevData, directory=pathToPickles, bias_filename=bias_filename)

### Begin hyper opt
hyper_result = []
for data in data_list:
    # Setup prior for MAP
    prior_mean = np.concatenate(([np.var(data.points_sampled_value)], [1.]*obj_func_min.getDim()))
    prior_sig = np.eye(obj_func_min.getDim()+1) * 100.
    prior_sig[0,0] = np.power(prior_mean[0]/5., 2.)
    prior = NormalPrior(prior_mean, prior_sig)
    hyper_bounds = [(0.1, prior_mean[i]+2.*np.sqrt(prior_sig[i,i])) for i in range(obj_func_min.getDim()+1)]
    print "hyper bound {0}".format(hyper_bounds)
    hyperparam_search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in hyper_bounds])
    multistart_pts = hyperparam_search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(num_hyper_multistart)
    best_f = np.inf
    cov = SquareExponential(prior_mean)
    for i in range(num_hyper_multistart):
        hyper, f, output = hyper_opt(cov, data=data, init_hyper=multistart_pts[i, :],
                                     hyper_bounds=hyper_bounds, approx_grad=False, hyper_prior=prior)
        # print output
        if f < best_f:
            best_hyper = hyper
            best_f = f
    print 'best_hyper=' + str(best_hyper)
    print 'best_f= ' + str(best_f)
    print "prior mean is: {0}".format(prior_mean)
    hyper_result = np.concatenate((hyper_result, best_hyper))
sql_util.write_array_to_table("mei_hyper_{0}".format(obj_func_min.getFuncName()), hyper_result)
Exemple #18
def miso_gen_data():
    This script intend to do the same thing as sample_initial_points.py, with the only difference that it calls AssembleToOrderPES
    as objective, which place truth_is at IS0. This is required by Entropy Search algo and also makes sense when truth IS is accessible.
    ### Need to set the following parameters!
    #obj_func_min = RosenbrockShifted( )
    obj_func_min = AssembleToOrderPES(mult=-1.0)
    # obj_func_min = RosenbrockNoiseFreePES(mult=1.0)
    # obj_func_min = RosenbrockNewNoiseFreePES(mult=1.0)

    # list of IS that are to be queried
    list_IS_to_query = obj_func_min.getList_IS_to_query() #[1,2,3] # [0]# for coldstart # range(obj_func_min._num_IS)

    #string_list_IS_to_query = 'IS_' + '_'.join(str(element) for element in list_IS_to_query)
    # print string_list_IS_to_query
    # exit(0)

    # create initial data for runs
    num_init_pts_each_IS = 20 ###5 # for Rosenbrock # 20 # for ATO
    num_replications = 100
    # # create data for hyper opt.
    # num_init_pts_each_IS = 200
    # num_replications = 3

    allows_parallelization = True  # set to True if each simulator/IS can be queried multiple times simultaneously
    # is True for rosenbrock and ATO
    # is False for dragAndLift
    ### end
    directory = "/fs/europa/g_pf/pickles/miso"

    for replication_no in range(num_replications):
        filename = obj_func_min.getFuncName() + '_' + 'IS_' + '_'.join(str(element) for element in list_IS_to_query) \
                   + '_' + str(num_init_pts_each_IS) + "_points_each"
        if num_replications > 1:
            filename += '_repl_' + str(replication_no)
        print 'filename=' + filename

        search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1]) for bound in obj_func_min._search_domain]) # this file is used below again and hence should be made available there, too
        init_points_for_all_IS = []
        init_vals_all_IS = []
        is_list = []

        def parallel_func(IS, pt):
            return obj_func_min.evaluate(IS, pt)

        num_parallel_jobs = num_init_pts_each_IS    # Jialei's original choice
        if(('ato' in obj_func_min.getFuncName()) and (num_parallel_jobs > 10)): # do not start too many MATLAB instances
            num_parallel_jobs = 10
        if(not allows_parallelization):
            num_parallel_jobs = 1

        index_Array = 0 # which entry of the array to write into?
        with Parallel(n_jobs=num_parallel_jobs) as parallel:
            for index_IS in list_IS_to_query:
                print "{0}th IS".format(index_IS)
                points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(num_init_pts_each_IS)
                vals = parallel(delayed(parallel_func)(index_IS, pt) for pt in init_points_for_all_IS[index_Array])
                index_Array +=1
        print "min value: {0}".format(numpy.amin(init_vals_all_IS))
        data = {"points": init_points_for_all_IS, "vals": init_vals_all_IS, "IS": is_list}
        with open("{0}/{1}.pickle".format(directory, filename), "wb") as file:
            pickle.dump(data, file)
based on Jialei's Rosenbrock code -- Many Thanks!

# the next lines are dependent on the problem
func_name = 'assembleToOrder'
obj_func_max = AssembleToOrder(numIS=4)
num_pts_to_gen = 100  # numpy.repeat( 250, obj_func_max.getNumIS())

hyper_bounds = [
    (0.01, 100)
    for i in range((obj_func_max.getDim() + 1) * (obj_func_max.getNumIS() + 1))
num_hyper_multistart = 5
search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([
    ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1])
    for bound in obj_func_max.getSearchDomain()

### Gen points for hyperparam estimation
data = HistoricalData(obj_func_max.getDim() +
                      1)  # should go into the objective func obj
for i in range(obj_func_max.getNumIS()):
    pts = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
    vals = [obj_func_max.evaluate(i + 1, pt) for pt in pts]
    IS_pts = numpy.hstack(((i + 1) * numpy.ones(num_pts_to_gen).reshape(
        (-1, 1)), pts))
    sample_vars = [
        obj_func_max.noise_and_cost_func(i + 1, pt)[0] for pt in pts
    data.append_historical_data(IS_pts, vals, sample_vars)
def obtainHistoricalDataForEGO(load_historical_data_from_pickle,
    Create Historical Data object for EGO that contains initial data.
    If truthIS is among the IS, then load only the data from that one
        load_historical_data_from_pickle: if True load from pickle otherwise do a random Latin hypercube design
        obj_func_min: the problem
        directoryToPickles: path to the directory that contains the pickle files
        list_IS_to_query: list of the IS that should be queried, e.g. [0, 1, 2]
        num_init_pts_each_IS: how many points for each IS - is either used to find right pickle or to determine the number of points to sample
        init_data_pickle_filename: optional parameter that gives the filename of the pickle to load

    Returns: HistoricalData object

    historical_data = HistoricalData(obj_func_min._dim)
    if (load_historical_data_from_pickle):
        # To load the pickled data, do:
        if (init_data_pickle_filename == ''):
            init_data_pickle_filename = obj_func_min.getFuncName() + '_' + 'IS_' \
                                        + '_'.join(str(element) for element in list_IS_to_query) + '_' \
                                        + str(num_init_pts_each_IS) + "_points_each"
        init_pts_array, init_vals_array = load_data_from_a_min_problem(
            directoryToPickles, init_data_pickle_filename)

        # if truthIS is among the sampled, then load only that one:
        if obj_func_min.getTruthIS() in list_IS_to_query:
            indexArray = list_IS_to_query.index(obj_func_min.getTruthIS())
            sample_vars = [
                for pt in init_pts_array[indexArray]
            # load data for all IS
            indexArray = 0
            for index_IS in list_IS_to_query:
                sample_vars = [
                    obj_func_min.noise_and_cost_func(index_IS, pt)[0]
                    for pt in init_pts_array[indexArray]
                    init_pts_array[indexArray], init_vals_array[indexArray],
                indexArray += 1
        # generate initial data from querying random points for each IS
        for index_IS in list_IS_to_query:
            if (obj_func_min.getTruthIS() in list_IS_to_query) and (
                    index_IS != obj_func_min.getTruthIS()):
                continue  # the truthIS is observed but this is another IS: skip!

            search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([
                ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1])
                for bound in obj_func_min._search_domain
            pts = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
            vals = [obj_func_min.evaluate(index_IS, pt) for pt in pts]
            sample_vars = [
                obj_func_min.noise_and_cost_func(index_IS, pt)[0] for pt in pts
            historical_data.append_historical_data(pts, vals, sample_vars)

    return historical_data
        pickle_vals(directory, func_name, obj_func_min.getNumIS(), vals)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ### Need to set the following parameters!
    obj_func_min = DragAndLift(mult=1.0)
    directory = "pickles"
    #num_init_pts_each_IS = 10
    allows_parallelization = False  # set to True if each simulator/IS can be queried multiple times simultaneously
    # is True for rosenbrock and ATO
    # is False for dragAndLift
    ### end

    # specific to each scenario
    search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([
        ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1])
        for bound in obj_func_min.getSearchDomain()
    # this file is used below again and hence should be made available there, too

    lastExistingSetId = 1  # prevent existing datasets from being overwritten
    for num_init_pts_each_IS in [10, 10]:  # [5, 10, 10, 5, 5]:

        init_points_for_all_IS = []
        # IS 1 and 2 at the same points
        points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(

        # IS 3 and 4 at the same points
        points = search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
    allows_parallelization = True  # set to True if each simulator/IS can be queried multiple times simultaneously
    # is True for rosenbrock and ATO
    # is False for dragAndLift
    ### end
    directory = "../pickles/csCentered"

    for replication_no in range(num_replications):
        filename = obj_func_min.getFuncName() + '_' + 'IS_' + '_'.join(str(element) for element in list_IS_to_query) \
               + '_' + str(num_init_pts_each_IS) + "_points_each"
        if num_replications > 1:
            filename += '_repl_' + str(replication_no)
        print 'filename=' + filename

        search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain(
                ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1])
                for bound in obj_func_min._search_domain
        )  # this file is used below again and hence should be made available there, too
        init_points_for_all_IS = []
        init_vals_all_IS = []

        def parallel_func(IS, pt):
            return obj_func_min.evaluate(IS, pt)

        num_parallel_jobs = num_init_pts_each_IS  # Jialei's original choice
        if (('ato' in obj_func_min.getFuncName())
                and (num_parallel_jobs >
                     10)):  # do not start too many MATLAB instances
            num_parallel_jobs = 10
        if (not allows_parallelization):
            num_parallel_jobs = 1
Exemple #23
    print gp_grad_info_dict['values']
    objective_func = synthetic_functions.RandomGP(
        gp_grad_info_dict['dim'], gp_grad_info_dict['hyper_params'],
    hyper_params = gp_grad_info_dict['hyper_params']
    init_pts = [[-2.0], [0.0], [0.3], [0.5]]
    ymax = 1
    objective_func = obj_func_dict[obj_func_name]

#init_data = utils.get_init_data_from_db(objective_func._dim, objective_func._sample_var, utils.sql_engine, 'init_points_'+obj_func_name)
python_search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([
    ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1])
    for bound in objective_func._search_domain
cpp_search_domain = cppTensorProductDomain([
    ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1])
    for bound in objective_func._search_domain

result = numpy.zeros((num_iteration, 6))
best_so_far_kg = numpy.zeros((end_idx - start_idx, num_iteration + 1))

# begin job
for job_no in xrange(start_idx, end_idx):
    python_search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain([
        ClosedInterval(bound[0], bound[1])
        for bound in objective_func._search_domain
def optimize_hyperparameters(num_IS,
    Fit hyperparameters from data using MLE or MAP (described in Poloczek, Wang, and Frazier 2016)

    :param num_IS: The total number of information sources
    :param problem_search_domain: The search domain of the benchmark, as provided by the benchmark
    :param points_sampled: An array that gives the points sampled so far. Each points has the form [IS dim0 dim1 ... dimn]
    :param points_sampled_value: An array that gives the values observed at the points in same ordering
    :param upper_bound_noise_variances: An upper bound on the search interval for the noise variance parameters (before squaring)
    :param consider_small_variances: If true, half of the BFGS starting points have entries for the noise parameters set to a small value
    :param hyper_prior: use prior for MAP estimate if supplied, and do MLE otherwise
    :param num_restarts: number of starting points for BFGS to find MLE/MAP
    :param num_jobs: number of parallelized BFGS instances
    :return: An array with the best found values for the hyperparameters

    approx_grad = True
    upper_bound_signal_variances = numpy.maximum(
        10., numpy.var(points_sampled_value))  # pick huge upper bounds

    hyper_bounds = generate_hyperbounds(num_IS, problem_search_domain,
    hyperparam_search_domain = pythonTensorProductDomain(
        [ClosedInterval(bd[0], bd[1]) for bd in hyper_bounds])
    hyper_multistart_pts = hyperparam_search_domain.generate_uniform_random_points_in_domain(
    dim = len(
    ) + 1  #  1 + the dimension of the search space that the points are from

    # best_f = numpy.inf
    for i in xrange(num_restarts):
        init_hyper = hyper_multistart_pts[i]

        # if optimization is enabled, make sure that small variances are checked despite multi-modality
        # this optimization seems softer than using a MAP estimate
        if consider_small_variances and (i % 2 == 0):
            for j in xrange(num_IS):
                    -1 -
                    j] = 0.1  # use a small value as starting point for noise parameters in BFGS

        # # print init_hyper
        # # print hyper_bounds
        # # print len(init_hyper)
        # # print len(hyper_bounds)
        # # print hyper_multistart_pts.shape
        # # exit(0)
        # # If hypers are optimized sequentially
        # hyper, f, output = hyper_opt(num_IS, dim, points_sampled, points_sampled_value, init_hyper, hyper_bounds, approx_grad)
        # # print output
        # if f < best_f: # recall that we negated the log marginal likelihood when passing it to BFGS
        #     best_hyper = hyper
        #     best_f = f
        # # print "itr {0}, hyper: {1}, negative log marginal likelihood: {2}".format(i, hyper, f)
        # only if opt. hypers in parallel:
        hyper_multistart_pts[i] = init_hyper

    parallel_results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_jobs)(
        delayed(hyper_opt)(num_IS, dim, points_sampled, points_sampled_value,
                           init_hyper, hyper_bounds, approx_grad, hyper_prior)
        for init_hyper in hyper_multistart_pts)
    # print min(parallel_results,key=itemgetter(1))
    best_hyper = min(
        parallel_results, key=itemgetter(1)
    )[0]  # recall that we negated the log marginal likelihood when passing it to BFGS
    # print 'best_hyper = ' + str(best_hyper) + ' with -log(prob[Y|D]) = ' \
    #       + str(min(parallel_results,key=itemgetter(1))[1]) \
    #       + ' for upper_bound_noise_variances = ' + str(upper_bound_noise_variances)
    # # hyperparameters_without_noise = best_hyper[:(num_IS * dim)]
    # # noise_hyperparameters = best_hyper[(num_IS * dim):]
    # # print compute_covariance_matrix(dim, hyperparameters_without_noise, noise_hyperparameters, points_sampled)

    #  # test using hypers from big dataset
    #  def obj_func(x):
    #      '''
    #      The negative marginal loglikelihood for hyperparameters x
    #      Args:
    #          x: the hyperparameters, including noise hyperparameters appended to the hyperparameters of the kernels
    #      Returns: The negated value of the marginal loglikelihood at hyperparameters x
    #      '''
    #      # split x into hyperparameters and noise_hyperparameters
    #      # For each IS there are dim signal variances and length scales
    #      hyperparameters_without_noise = x[:(num_IS * dim)]
    #      noise_hyperparameters = x[(num_IS * dim):]
    #      # print 'hyperparameters_without_noise = ' + str(hyperparameters_without_noise)
    #      # print 'noise_hyperparameters = ' + str(noise_hyperparameters)
    #      # # compute the parts of the marginal loglikelihood
    #      covariance_matrix = compute_covariance_matrix(dim, hyperparameters_without_noise, noise_hyperparameters, points_sampled)
    #      K_chol = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(covariance_matrix, lower=True, overwrite_a=True)
    #      K_inv_y = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(K_chol, points_sampled_value)
    #      # This BFGS minimizes but we wish to maximize, thus negate the log marginal likelihood
    #      return -1.0 * compute_log_likelihood(K_chol, K_inv_y, points_sampled_value)
    #  # hypers for RbRemi on large dataset with known noise
    #  init_hyper = numpy.array([6.99174646e+05, 7.26756985e-01, 3.04331525, 1.20070203,
    #                                           1.65571854e-01, 3.28218161e-01, 1e-1, 1e-1])
    # #  # hypers for RbNew on large dataset with known noise
    # #  init_hyper = numpy.array([  6.89212443e+05,   7.06559876e-01,   2.98432914e+00,   2.05984746e+00,
    # # 1.16904675e-01,   2.23726117e-01, 1.0, 1e-1])
    #  print 'hypers from large dataset with known noise have -log p(Y|D) of ' + str(obj_func(init_hyper))
    #  hyper, f, output = hyper_opt(num_IS, dim, points_sampled, points_sampled_value, init_hyper, hyper_bounds, approx_grad)
    #  print 'starting from opt hyper = ' + str(hyper) + ", f=" + str(f) #+ ", output = " + str(output)
    #  exit(0)

    return best_hyper