# initiate the extension builder
B = ExtensionBundle()

# name of the extension
B.name = "myExtension"

# name of the developer
B.developer = 'RoboDocs'

# URL of the developer
B.developerURL = 'http://github.com/roboDocs'

# extension icon (file path or NSImage)
imagePath = os.path.join(resourcesPath, 'icon.png')
B.icon = imagePath

# version of the extension
B.version = '0.2.6'

# should the extension be launched at start-up?
B.launchAtStartUp = True

# script to be executed when RF starts
B.mainScript = 'hello.py'

# does the extension contain html help files?
B.html = True

# minimum RoboFont version required for this extension
B.requiresVersionMajor = '4'
basePath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sourcePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'source')
libPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, 'code')
htmlPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, 'docs')
resourcesPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, 'resources')
licensePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'LICENSE')
pycOnly = False
extensionFile = 'ShapeTool.roboFontExt'
extensionPath = os.path.join(basePath, extensionFile)

B = ExtensionBundle()
B.name = "ShapeTool"
B.developer = 'TypeMyType'
B.developerURL = 'http://www.typemytype.com'
B.icon = os.path.join(basePath, 'ShapeToolMechanicIcon.png')
B.version = '1.7'
B.launchAtStartUp = True
B.mainScript = 'drawShapesTool.py'
B.html = True
B.requiresVersionMajor = '3'
B.requiresVersionMinor = '2'
B.addToMenu = []

with open(licensePath) as license:
    B.license = license.read()

# copy README + images to extension docs
if not os.path.exists(htmlPath):
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(basePath, 'README.md'), os.path.join(htmlPath, 'index.md'))
Exemple #3
sourcePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'source')
libPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, 'code')
htmlPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, 'docs')
resourcesPath = None  # os.path.join(sourcePath, 'resources')
licensePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'LICENSE')
pycOnly = False
extensionFile = 'Batch.roboFontExt'
extensionPath = os.path.join(basePath, extensionFile)

# extension settings

B = ExtensionBundle()
B.name = "Batch"
B.developer = 'TypeMyType'
B.developerURL = 'http://www.typemytype.com'
B.icon = None  # os.path.join(basePath, 'BatchMechanicIcon.png')
B.version = '1.9.9'
B.launchAtStartUp = True
B.mainScript = 'main.py'
B.html = True
B.requiresVersionMajor = '3'
B.requiresVersionMinor = '2'
B.addToMenu = []

with open(licensePath) as license:
    B.license = license.read()

# copy README & imgs to extension docs

shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(basePath, 'README.md'),
                os.path.join(htmlPath, 'index.md'))
Exemple #4
sourcePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'source')
libPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, 'code')
htmlPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, 'docs')
resourcesPath = None
licensePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'LICENSE')
pycOnly = False
extensionFile = 'groupSpacing.roboFontExt'
extensionPath = os.path.join(basePath, extensionFile)

# extension settings

B = ExtensionBundle()
B.name = "GroupSpacing"
B.developer = 'Gustavo Ferreira'
B.developerURL = 'http://hipertipo.com'
B.icon = os.path.join(basePath, 'icon.png')
B.version = '0.3.2'
B.launchAtStartUp = False
B.mainScript = ''
B.html = True
B.requiresVersionMajor = '3'
B.requiresVersionMinor = '2'
B.addToMenu = [
        'path': 'groupSpacing.py',
        'preferredName': 'GroupSpacing',
        'shortKey': '',

with open(licensePath) as license:
sourcePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'source')
libPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, 'code')
htmlPath = None  # os.path.join(sourcePath, 'docs')
resourcesPath = None  # os.path.join(sourcePath, 'resources')
licensePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'LICENSE')
pycOnly = False
extensionFile = 'tempEdit.roboFontExt'
extensionPath = os.path.join(basePath, extensionFile)

# extension settings

B = ExtensionBundle()
B.name = "tempEdit"
B.developer = 'Gustavo Ferreira'
B.developerURL = 'http://hipertipo.com'
B.icon = None  # os.path.join(basePath, 'tempEditMechanicIcon.png')
B.version = '0.3'
B.launchAtStartUp = False
B.mainScript = ''
B.html = False
B.requiresVersionMajor = '3'
B.requiresVersionMinor = '2'
B.addToMenu = [
        'path': 'tempEdit.py',
        'preferredName': 'tempEdit',
        'shortKey': '',

with open(licensePath) as license:
Exemple #6
basePath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sourcePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'source')
libPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, 'code')
htmlPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, 'docs')
resourcesPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, 'resources')
licensePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'LICENSE')

extensionFile = 'ConstrainAngleTool.roboFontExt'
extensionPath = os.path.join(basePath, extensionFile)

B = ExtensionBundle()
B.name = "ConstrainAngleTool"
B.developer = 'RoboDocs'
B.developerURL = 'http://gitlab.com/robodocs'
B.icon = None  # os.path.join(basePath, 'ConstrainAngleToolMechanicIcon.png')
B.version = '0.1'
B.launchAtStartUp = True
B.mainScript = 'constrainAngleTool.py'
B.html = False
B.requiresVersionMajor = '3'
B.requiresVersionMinor = '3'
B.addToMenu = []

with open(licensePath) as license:
    B.license = license.read()

print('building extension...', end=' ')