Exemple #1
 def set_transformation(self, transformation, init=False):
     if not transformation.__class__ == self.Transformation:
         # create an object of the proper type and take only the attributes
         # of interest.
         if isinstance(transformation, Translation):
             t = transformation.t
             t = None
         if isinstance(transformation, Rotation):
             r = transformation.r
             r = None
         if self.Transformation == Translation:
             if t is None:
                 transformation = Translation.identity()
                 transformation = Translation(t)
         elif self.Transformation == Rotation:
             if r is None:
                 transformation = Rotation.identity()
                 transformation = Rotation(r)
         else:  # self.Transformation == Complete:
             if r is None:
                 r = numpy.identity(3, float)
             if t is None:
                 t = numpy.zeros(3, float)
             transformation = Complete(r, t)
     self.transformation = transformation
     if not init:
Exemple #2
    def do(self):
        cache = context.application.cache

        # Translate where possible, if necessary
        translated_nodes = cache.translated_nodes
        if len(translated_nodes) > 0:
            if isinstance(cache.last, GLTransformationMixin) and \
               isinstance(cache.last.transformation, Translation):
                absolute_inversion_center = cache.last.get_absolute_frame().t
                absolute_inversion_center = numpy.zeros(3, float)
            victims_by_parent = list_by_parent(cache.transformed_nodes)
            for parent, victims in victims_by_parent.iteritems():
                local_inversion_center = parent.get_absolute_frame(
                ).inv * absolute_inversion_center
                for victim in victims:
                    translation = Translation(
                        2 * (local_inversion_center - victim.transformation.t))
                    primitive.Transform(victim, translation)

        # Apply an inversion rotation where possible
        inversion = Rotation(-numpy.identity(3, float))
        for victim in cache.rotated_nodes:
            primitive.Transform(victim, inversion, after=False)
 def do(self):
     cache = context.application.cache
     rotation = Rotation(cache.node.transformation.r)
     CenterAlignBase.do(self, cache.parent, cache.transformed_neighbors,
Exemple #4
    def endElement(self, name):
        if name == "zml_file": return
        # now that we have gatherd all information of this tag, create an appropriate object

        # first find the tags involved in this operation
        current_tag = self.hierarchy[-1][-1]
        child_tags = []
        if not current_tag.being_processed:
            current_tag = self.hierarchy[-2][-1]
            child_tags = self.hierarchy[-1]

        # do it
        if name == "str": current_tag.value = str(current_tag.content)
        elif name == "float": current_tag.value = float(current_tag.content)
        elif name == "int": current_tag.value = int(current_tag.content)
        elif name == "bool":
            temp = current_tag.content.lower().strip()
            if temp == 'true': current_tag.value = True
            else: current_tag.value = False
        elif name == "list": current_tag.value = [tag.value for tag in child_tags]
        elif name == "dict": current_tag.value = dict((tag.label, tag.value) for tag in child_tags)
        elif name == "tuple": current_tag.value = tuple(tag.value for tag in child_tags)
        elif name == "shape":
            current_tag.value = tuple(int(item) for item in current_tag.content.split())
        elif name == "cells":
            current_tag.value = numpy.array([eval(item) for item in current_tag.content.split()])
        elif name == "array":
            child_dict = dict((tag.name, tag.value) for tag in child_tags)
            current_tag.value = numpy.reshape(child_dict["cells"], child_dict["shape"])
        elif name == "grid":
            current_tag.value = numpy.reshape(numpy.array([eval(item) for item in current_tag.content.split()]), (int(current_tag.attributes["rows"]), int(current_tag.attributes["cols"]), -1))
        elif name == "binary":
            current_tag.value = StringIO.StringIO()
            base64.decode(current_tag.content, current_tag.value)
        elif name == "translation":
            current_tag.value = Translation(child_tags[0].value)
        elif name == "rotation":
            current_tag.value = Rotation(child_tags[0].value)
        elif name == "transformation":
            child_dict = dict((tag.label, tag.value) for tag in child_tags)
            current_tag.value = Complete(
        elif name == "unit_cell":
            child_dict = dict((tag.label, tag.value) for tag in child_tags)
            current_tag.value = UnitCell(
        elif name == "expression":
            current_tag.value = Expression(current_tag.content)
        elif name == "reference":
            current_tag.value = None
            referent_tag = self.hierarchy[-3][-1]
            target_ids = self.target_ids.get(referent_tag)
            if target_ids is None:
                target_ids = []
                self.target_ids[referent_tag] = target_ids
        elif name == "model_object":
            Class = context.application.plugins.get_node(str(current_tag.attributes["class"]))
            current_tag.state = dict((tag.label, tag.value) for tag in child_tags)
            current_tag.value = Class()
            self.model_object_tags[int(current_tag.attributes["id"])] = current_tag
        else: pass

        # close the door
        current_tag.content = None
        if len(child_tags) > 0: self.hierarchy.pop()