Exemple #1
def unique(iterable, is_sorted=False):
    """Returns an iterable sequence of unique values from the given iterable.

  :param iterable:
      Iterable sequence.
  :param is_sorted:
      Whether the iterable has already been sorted. Works faster if it is.
      Iterable sequence of unique values.
    # If we used a "seen" set like the Python documentation implementation does,
    # we'd have to ensure that the elements are hashable. This implementation
    # does not have that problem. We can improve this implementation.
    if iterable:

        def _unique(memo, item):
            """Find uniques."""
            cond = last(memo) != item if is_sorted else omits(memo, item)
            if cond:
            return memo

        return builtins.reduce(_unique, itail(iterable), [head(iterable)])
        return iterable
Exemple #2
def unique(iterable, is_sorted=False):
  """Returns an iterable sequence of unique values from the given iterable.

  :param iterable:
      Iterable sequence.
  :param is_sorted:
      Whether the iterable has already been sorted. Works faster if it is.
      Iterable sequence of unique values.
  # If we used a "seen" set like the Python documentation implementation does,
  # we'd have to ensure that the elements are hashable. This implementation
  # does not have that problem. We can improve this implementation.
  if iterable:

    def _unique(memo, item):
      """Find uniques."""
      cond = last(memo) != item if is_sorted else omits(memo, item)
      if cond:
      return memo

    return builtins.reduce(_unique, itail(iterable), [head(iterable)])
    return iterable
Exemple #3
 def _flatten(memo, item):
     if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
         return memo + builtins.reduce(_flatten, item, [])
         return memo
Exemple #4
def fitness_and_quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges):
    """Find the best match for a mime-type amongst parsed media-ranges.

  :param mime_type:
      The mime-type to compare.
  :param parsed_ranges:
      A list of media ranges that have already been parsed by
      A tuple of the fitness value and the value of the 'q'
      quality parameter of the best match, or (-1, 0) if no match was
    best_fitness = -1
    best_fit_q = 0
    (target_type, target_subtype, target_params) = parse_media_range(mime_type)
    for (main_type, subtype, params) in parsed_ranges:
        type_match = (main_type == target_type or main_type == ASTERISK_BYTE
                      or target_type == ASTERISK_BYTE)
        subtype_match = (subtype == target_subtype or subtype == ASTERISK_BYTE
                         or target_subtype == ASTERISK_BYTE)
        if type_match and subtype_match:
            param_matches = builtins.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [
                1 for (key, value) in target_params.iteritems()
                if key != "q" and params.has_key(key) and value == params[key]
            ], 0)
            fitness = (main_type == target_type) and 100 or 0
            fitness += (subtype == target_subtype) and 10 or 0
            fitness += param_matches
            if fitness > best_fitness:
                best_fitness = fitness
                best_fit_q = params["q"]

    return best_fitness, float(best_fit_q)
Exemple #5
 def _flatten(memo, item):
   if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
     return memo + builtins.reduce(_flatten, item, [])
     return memo
Exemple #6
def compose(function, *functions):
    """Composes a sequence of functions such that::

      compose(g, f, s) -> g(f(s()))

  :param functions:
      An iterable of functions.
      A composition function.
    def _composition(a_func, b_func):
        def _wrap(*args, **kwargs):
            return a_func(b_func(*args, **kwargs))

        return _wrap

    return builtins.reduce(_composition, functions, function)
Exemple #7
def partition(predicate, iterable):
    """Partitions an iterable into two iterables where for the elements of
  one iterable the predicate is true and for those of the other it is false.

  :param predicate:
      Function of the format::

          f(x) -> bool
  :param iterable:
      Iterable sequence.
      Tuple (selected, rejected)
    def _partitioner(memo, item):
        part = memo[0] if predicate(item) else memo[1]
        return memo

    return tuple(builtins.reduce(_partitioner, iterable, [[], []]))
Exemple #8
def flatten(iterable):
    """Flattens nested iterables into a single iterable.


      flatten((1, (0, 5, ("a", "b")), (3, 4))) -> [1, 0, 5, "a", "b", 3, 4]

  :param iterable:
      Iterable sequence of iterables.
      Iterable sequence of items.
    def _flatten(memo, item):
        if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
            return memo + builtins.reduce(_flatten, item, [])
            return memo

    return builtins.reduce(_flatten, iterable, [])
Exemple #9
def partition(predicate, iterable):
  """Partitions an iterable into two iterables where for the elements of
  one iterable the predicate is true and for those of the other it is false.

  :param predicate:
      Function of the format::

          f(x) -> bool
  :param iterable:
      Iterable sequence.
      Tuple (selected, rejected)

  def _partitioner(memo, item):
    part = memo[0] if predicate(item) else memo[1]
    return memo

  return tuple(builtins.reduce(_partitioner, iterable, [[], []]))
Exemple #10
def compose(function, *functions):
  """Composes a sequence of functions such that::

      compose(g, f, s) -> g(f(s()))

  :param functions:
      An iterable of functions.
      A composition function.

  def _composition(a_func, b_func):

    def _wrap(*args, **kwargs):
      return a_func(b_func(*args, **kwargs))

    return _wrap

  return builtins.reduce(_composition, functions, function)
Exemple #11
def flatten(iterable):
  """Flattens nested iterables into a single iterable.


      flatten((1, (0, 5, ("a", "b")), (3, 4))) -> [1, 0, 5, "a", "b", 3, 4]

  :param iterable:
      Iterable sequence of iterables.
      Iterable sequence of items.

  def _flatten(memo, item):
    if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
      return memo + builtins.reduce(_flatten, item, [])
      return memo

  return builtins.reduce(_flatten, iterable, [])
Exemple #12
def reduce(transform, iterable, *args):
    """Aggregate a sequence of items into a single item. Python equivalent of
  Haskell's left fold.

  Please see Python documentation for reduce. There is no change in behavior.
  This is simply a wrapper function.

  If you need reduce_right (right fold)::

      reduce_right = foldr = lambda f, i: lambda s: reduce(f, s, i)

  :param transform:
      Function with signature::

          f(x, y)
  :param iterable:
      Iterable sequence.
  :param args:
      Initial value.
      Aggregated item.
    return builtins.reduce(transform, iterable, *args)
Exemple #13
def reduce(transform, iterable, *args):
  """Aggregate a sequence of items into a single item. Python equivalent of
  Haskell's left fold.

  Please see Python documentation for reduce. There is no change in behavior.
  This is simply a wrapper function.

  If you need reduce_right (right fold)::

      reduce_right = foldr = lambda f, i: lambda s: reduce(f, s, i)

  :param transform:
      Function with signature::

          f(x, y)
  :param iterable:
      Iterable sequence.
  :param args:
      Initial value.
      Aggregated item.
  return builtins.reduce(transform, iterable, *args)
Exemple #14
def fitness_and_quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges):
  """Find the best match for a mime-type amongst parsed media-ranges.

  :param mime_type:
      The mime-type to compare.
  :param parsed_ranges:
      A list of media ranges that have already been parsed by
      A tuple of the fitness value and the value of the 'q'
      quality parameter of the best match, or (-1, 0) if no match was
  best_fitness = -1
  best_fit_q = 0
  (target_type, target_subtype, target_params) = parse_media_range(mime_type)
  for (main_type, subtype, params) in parsed_ranges:
    type_match = (main_type == target_type or
                  main_type == ASTERISK_BYTE or
                  target_type == ASTERISK_BYTE)
    subtype_match = (subtype == target_subtype or
                     subtype == ASTERISK_BYTE or
                     target_subtype == ASTERISK_BYTE)
    if type_match and subtype_match:
      param_matches = builtins.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [
          1 for (key, value) in target_params.iteritems() if
          key != "q" and params.has_key(key) and value == params[key]
          ], 0)
      fitness = (main_type == target_type) and 100 or 0
      fitness += (subtype == target_subtype) and 10 or 0
      fitness += param_matches
      if fitness > best_fitness:
        best_fitness = fitness
        best_fit_q = params["q"]

  return best_fitness, float(best_fit_q)
Exemple #15
def bytes_to_uint_simple(raw_bytes):
  """Simple bytes to uint converter."""
  return builtins.reduce(lambda a, b: a << 8 | b,
                         builtins.map(builtins.byte_ord, raw_bytes), 0)
Exemple #16
def bitarray_to_integer(bitarray):
    return int(reduce((lambda a, b: (int(a) << 1) + int(b)), bitarray))
Exemple #17
def bytes_to_uint_simple(raw_bytes):
    """Simple bytes to uint converter."""
    return builtins.reduce(lambda a, b: a << 8 | b,
                           builtins.map(builtins.byte_ord, raw_bytes), 0)
Exemple #18
def bitarray_to_integer(bitarray):
    return int(builtins.reduce((lambda a, b: (int(a) << 1) + int(b)),