    #with open(docsfile,'r') as docstream:
    #    for line in docstream:
    for line in iter(sys.stdin.readline, ''):
        maxconedoc = json.loads(line.rstrip("\n"))
        nform = mat2py(maxconedoc['NORMALFORM'])
        facetverts = [x for x in nform if not all([y == 0 for y in x])]
        facet = LatticePolytope(facetverts)
        facetpts = [list(x) for x in facet.boundary_points()]
            with time_limit(3600):
                facetntriang_fine, facetntriang_fine_reg = n_FSRT_facet_from_resolved_verts(
        except TimeoutException("Timed out!"):
            facetntriang = n_FSRT_facet_from_resolved_verts(facetpts)
                "+MAXCONE." + json.dumps({'NORMALFORM': py2mat(nform)},
                                         separators=(',', ':')) + ">" +
                        'FACETNTRIANG': facetntriang_fine,
                        'FACETNREGTRIANG': facetntriang_fine_reg
                    separators=(',', ':')))
            #print("@"+basecoll+"."+json.dumps(dict([(x,maxconedoc[x]) for x in dbindexes]),separators=(',',':')));
except Exception as e:
 C = PolynomialRing(QQ,
                    names=['t'] +
                    ['D' + str(i + 1) for i in range(len(dresverts))] +
                    ['J' + str(i + 1) for i in range(ndivsJ)])
 DD = list(C.gens()[1:-ndivsJ])
 JJ = list(C.gens()[-ndivsJ:])
 #Define the matrix the converts toric divisors to basis divisors
 DtoJmat = [[1 if i == j else 0 for i in range(len(DD))]
            for j in basisinds]
 #Determine the number of triangulations corresponding to the polytope
 nalltriangs = len(triangs)
 #Add new properties to the base tier of the JSON
 print "+POLY1." + json.dumps({'POLYID': polyid},
                              separators=(',', ':')) + ">" + json.dumps(
                                      'DVERTS': py2mat(dverts),
                                      'DRESVERTS': py2mat(dresverts),
                                      'CWS': py2mat(cws),
                                      'RESCWS': py2mat(rescws),
                                      'FAV': fav,
                                      'DTOJ': py2mat(DtoJmat),
                                      'FUNDGP': fgp,
                                      'NALLTRIANGS': nalltriangs
                                  separators=(',', ':'))
 for i in range(nalltriangs):
     print "+TRIANG1." + json.dumps(
             'POLYID': polyid,
             'GEOMN': i + 1,
             'TRIANGN': 1
Exemple #3
     itensXD_L += [x['ITENSXD']]
     c2Xnums_L += [x['CHERN2XNUMS']]
     eX_L += [x['EULERX']]
     mori_rows_L += [x['MORIMATP']]
 #Determine which triangulations to glue together
 to_glue_L = glue_groups(itensXD_L, c2Xnums_L, eX_L, mori_rows_L)
 #print to_glue_L;
 #Compress properties that should remain the same across the whole polytope into single variables
 JtoDmat = postchow[0]['JTOD']
 invbasis = postchow[0]['INVBASIS']
 #Add new properties to base tier of JSON
 print "+POLY." + json.dumps({'POLYID': polyid},
                             separators=(',', ':')) + ">" + json.dumps(
                                     'BASIS': py2mat(basis),
                                     'EULER': int(eX_L[0]),
                                     'NGEOMS': len(to_glue_L),
                                     'JTOD': py2mat(JtoDmat),
                                     'INVBASIS': py2mat(invbasis)
                                 separators=(',', ':'))
 #Glue triangulations into their compositie geometries
 g_mori_rows_L = []
 g_kahler_rows_L = []
 for i in range(len(to_glue_L)):
     #Compute glued Mori and Kahler cone matrices
     mori_rows_group = [mori_rows_L[j] for j in to_glue_L[i]]
     g_mori_rows, g_kahler_rows = glue_mori(DtoJmat, mori_rows_group)
     g_mori_rows_L += [g_mori_rows]
 #Signal ranks to exit current process (if there are no other processes, then exit other ranks)
 scatt=[-1 for j in range(size)];
 #Reorganize gathered information into a serial form
 posttoricswisscheese=[x for y in posttoricswisscheese_group for x in y];
 #print posttoricswisscheese;
 if len(posttoricswisscheese)==0:
     print "None";
     for toricswisscheese_NL in posttoricswisscheese:
         if len(toricswisscheese_NL[1])>0 and toricswisscheese_NL[1]!="unfav":
             print "+SWISSCHEESE."+json.dumps({'POLYID':polyid,'GEOMN':geomn,'NLARGE':toricswisscheese_NL[0]},separators=(',',':'))+">"+json.dumps({'POLYID':polyid,'GEOMN':geomn,'NLARGE':toricswisscheese_NL[0],'H11':h11,'RMAT2CYCLE':py2mat(toricswisscheese_NL[1][0]),'RMAT4CYCLE':py2mat(toricswisscheese_NL[1][1]),'INTBASIS2CYCLE':bool(toricswisscheese_NL[2]),'INTBASIS4CYCLE':bool(toricswisscheese_NL[3]),'HOM':bool(toricswisscheese_NL[4])},separators=(',',':'));
             print "None";
 ##Recombine gathered chunks into a single list of rotation matrices for each geometry
 ##Loop over numbers of large cycles for current geometry
 #for NLx in posttoricswisscheese:
 #    #Loop over pairs of swiss cheese solutions taken from each chunk for the current number of large cycles
 #    tsc_L=[];
 #    scflag=False;
 #    for y in NLx:
 #        #If both rotation matrices rotate into integer bases, use them and skip to the next chunk. Else, add them to a list
 #        if (y[1] and y[2]):
 #            #tscNL_L+=[y];
Exemple #5
    #IO Definitions
    polydoc = json.loads(sys.argv[1])
    #Read in pertinent fields from JSON
    polyid = polydoc['POLYID']
    nverts = mat2py(polydoc['NVERTS'])
    lp = LatticePolytope(nverts)
    dlp = lp.polar()

    dverts = [list(x) for x in dlp.normal_form().column_matrix().columns()]

    lp_interpts = [
        y for x in lp.faces_lp(codim=1) for y in x.interior_points()
    lp_noninterpts = [list(x) for x in lp.points() if x not in lp_interpts]

    dlp_interpts = [
        y for x in dlp.faces_lp(codim=1) for y in x.interior_points()
    dlp_noninterpts = [list(x) for x in dlp.points() if x not in dlp_interpts]
    #Add new properties to the base tier of the JSON
    print "+POLY." + json.dumps({'POLYID': polyid},
                                separators=(',', ':')) + ">" + json.dumps(
                                        'DVERTS': py2mat(dverts),
                                        'NNINTPTS': py2mat(lp_noninterpts),
                                        'DNINTPTS': py2mat(dlp_noninterpts)
                                    separators=(',', ':'))
except Exception as e:
Exemple #6
 SR = SR_ideal(dresverts, triang)
 SRideal = [prod([DD[j] for j in x]) for x in SR]
 Ichow = C.ideal(linideal + basechangeideal + SRideal)
 #Obtain information about the Chow ring
 ipolyAD, itensAD, ipolyXD, itensXD, invbasis, JtoDmat, cnAD, cnAJ = chowAmb(
     C, DD, JJ, dresverts, triang, Ichow)
 ipolyAJ, itensAJ, ipolyXJ, itensXJ, c2XD, c3XD, c2XJ, c3XJ, c2Xnums, eX = chowHysurf(
     C, DD, JJ, DtoJmat, itensAD, itensXD, cnAD, cnAJ)
 #Add new properties to base tier of JSON
 print "+TRIANGtemp." + json.dumps(
         'POLYID': polyid,
         'ALLTRIANGN': alltriangn
     }, separators=(',', ':')) + ">" + json.dumps(
             'BASIS': py2mat(basis),
             'EULER': int(eX),
             'JTOD': py2mat(JtoDmat),
             'INVBASIS': py2mat(invbasis),
             'CHERN2XJ': py2mat(c2XJ),
             'CHERN2XNUMS': py2mat(c2Xnums),
             'IPOLYXJ': py2mat(ipolyXJ),
             'ITENSXJ': py2mat(itensXJ),
             'SRIDEAL': py2mat(SRideal),
             'CHERN2XD': py2mat(c2XD),
             'IPOLYAD': py2mat(ipolyAD),
             'ITENSAD': py2mat(itensAD),
             'IPOLYXD': py2mat(ipolyXD),
             'ITENSXD': py2mat(itensXD),
             'IPOLYAJ': py2mat(ipolyAJ),
             'ITENSAJ': py2mat(itensAJ),
Exemple #7
    facet = LatticePolytope([x for x in nform if x != [0, 0, 0, 0]])

    #for x in dlp.faces_lp(dim=3):
    nform = [
        list(w) for w in LatticePolytope(
            facet.vertices().column_matrix().columns() +
            [vector((0, 0, 0, 0))]).normal_form().column_matrix().columns()
    dim0 = [facet.nvertices()]
    dim1 = [[
        len(z), sum(z), min(z), max(z)
    ] for z in [[len(y.interior_points()) for y in facet.faces_lp(dim=1)]]][0]
    dim2 = [[
        len(z), sum(z), min(z), max(z)
    ] for z in [[len(y.interior_points()) for y in facet.faces_lp(dim=2)]]][0]
    faceinfo = dim0 + dim1 + dim2
    #faceinfolist=[faceinfolist_dup[i] for i in range(len(faceinfolist_dup)) if faceinfolist_dup[i] not in faceinfolist_dup[:i]];

    #Add new properties to the base tier of the JSON
    #print "+POLY."+json.dumps({'POLYID':polyid},separators=(',',':'))+">"+json.dumps({'DVERTS':py2mat(dverts),'NNINTPTS':py2mat(lp_noninterpts),'DNINTPTS':py2mat(dlp_noninterpts),'FACETNINTPTS':py2mat(dlp_facetpts),'FACETNTRIANGS':py2mat(facetntriangs),'MAXCONENORMALS':[py2mat(x) for x in dlp_maxcone_normalform_dup]},separators=(',',':'));
    #for nform,faceinfo in faceinfolist:
    #print "&MAXCONES."+json.dumps({'NORMALFORM':py2mat(maxcone)},separators=(',',':'))+">"+json.dumps({'POS':{'POLYID':polyid,'NINST':ninstances,'SAMENTRIANG':samentriang},'FACETNTRIANGLIST':facetntriang},separators=(',',':'));
    print "+MAXCONE." + json.dumps({'NORMALFORM': py2mat(nform)},
                                   separators=(',', ':')) + ">" + json.dumps(
                                       {'FACEINFO': py2mat(faceinfo)},
                                       separators=(',', ':'))
except Exception as e:
 dlp_facetpts = [dlp_facetpts[i] for i in labels]
 dlp_maxcone_normalform_dup = [
     dlp_maxcone_normalform_dup[i] for i in labels
 dlp_maxcone_normalform_inds = [
     i for i in range(len(dlp_maxcone_normalform_dup)) if
     dlp_maxcone_normalform_dup[i] not in dlp_maxcone_normalform_dup[:i]
 #poten_triangs=[[sorted([sorted(x) for x in y]) for y in z] for z in poten_triangs0];
 #Add new properties to the base tier of the JSON
 print "+POLY." + json.dumps({
     'POLYID': polyid
 }, separators=(',', ':')) + ">" + json.dumps(
         'DVERTS': py2mat(dverts),
         'NNINTPTS': py2mat(lp_noninterpts),
         'DNINTPTS': py2mat(dlp_noninterpts),
         'FACETNINTPTS': py2mat(dlp_facetpts),
         'FACETNTRIANGS': py2mat(facetntriangs),
         [py2mat(x) for x in dlp_maxcone_normalform_dup]
     separators=(',', ':'))
 for i in dlp_maxcone_normalform_inds:
     maxcone = dlp_maxcone_normalform_dup[i]
     facetntriang = facetntriangs[i]
     ninstances = dlp_maxcone_normalform_dup.count(maxcone)
     samentriang = all([
         facetntriangs[j] == facetntriang
         for j in range(len(dlp_maxcone_normalform_dup))
Exemple #9
 j = to_glue_L[i][0]
 print "+GEOM." + json.dumps(
         'POLYID': polyid,
         'GEOMN': i + 1
     }, separators=(',', ':')) + ">" + json.dumps(
             'POLYID': polyid,
             'GEOMN': i + 1,
             'H11': h11,
             'NTRIANGS': len(to_glue_L[i]),
             'CHERN2XJ': triangdocs[j]['CHERN2XJ'],
             'CHERN2XNUMS': triangdocs[j]['CHERN2XNUMS'],
             'IPOLYXJ': triangdocs[j]['IPOLYXJ'],
             'ITENSXJ': triangdocs[j]['ITENSXJ'],
             'MORIMAT': py2mat(g_mori_rows),
             'KAHLERMAT': py2mat(g_kahler_rows)
         separators=(',', ':'))
 #Add new properties to triangdocs tier of JSON
 m = 0
 for k in to_glue_L[i]:
     print "+TRIANG." + json.dumps(
             'POLYID': polyid,
             'GEOMN': i + 1,
             'TRIANGN': m + 1
         separators=(',', ':')) + ">" + json.dumps(