def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ha:s:m:i:t:f:c:", ["help"])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

        apiKey = None
        apiSecret = None
        monitorTag = "loadMonitor"
        monitorId = None
        action = 'addResult'
        filePath = None
        config = None

        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-a"):
                apiKey = value
            if option in ("-s"):
                apiSecret = value
            if option in ("-m"):
                monitorTag = value
            if option in ("-i"):
                monitorId = value
            if option in ("-t"):
                timeStamp = value
            if option in ("-c"):
                config = value

        # cannot continue without the API key and secret
        if ((apiKey is None) or (apiSecret is None)):
            raise Usage("API key and secret must be specified")

        # Monitis server will be used for all requests
        monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret)

        if config:
            # read id, file path, and search depth from config file in CSV
            reader = csv.reader(open(config, 'r'))
            for row in reader:
                (monitorId, path, depth) = map(strip, row)
                # print fileStats(path,int(depth))
                (size, count) = fileStats(path, int(depth))
                result = 'size:{0};count:{1}'.format(size, count)
                print monitis.addResult(monitorId=monitorId, result=result)
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ha:s:m:i:t:f:c:", ["help"])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

        apiKey = None
        apiSecret = None
        monitorTag = "loadMonitor"
        monitorId = None
        action = "addResult"
        filePath = None
        config = None

        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-a"):
                apiKey = value
            if option in ("-s"):
                apiSecret = value
            if option in ("-m"):
                monitorTag = value
            if option in ("-i"):
                monitorId = value
            if option in ("-t"):
                timeStamp = value
            if option in ("-c"):
                config = value

        # cannot continue without the API key and secret
        if (apiKey is None) or (apiSecret is None):
            raise Usage("API key and secret must be specified")

        # Monitis server will be used for all requests
        monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret)

        if config:
            # read id, file path, and search depth from config file in CSV
            reader = csv.reader(open(config, "r"))
            for row in reader:
                (monitorId, path, depth) = map(strip, row)
                # print fileStats(path,int(depth))
                (size, count) = fileStats(path, int(depth))
                result = "size:{0};count:{1}".format(size, count)
                print monitis.addResult(monitorId=monitorId, result=result)
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ha:s:m:i:t:", ["help"])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

        apiKey = None
        apiSecret = None
        monitorTag = "loadMonitor"
        monitorId = None
        action = 'addResult'

        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-a"):
                apiKey = value
            if option in ("-s"):
                apiSecret = value
            if option in ("-m"):
                monitorTag = value
            if option in ("-i"):
                monitorId = value
            if option in ("-t"):
                timeStamp = value

        # cannot continue without the API key and secret
        if ((apiKey is None) or (apiSecret is None)):
            raise Usage("API key and secret must be specified")

        # Monitis server will be used for all requests
        monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret)

        # Do the disk measurement
        d = os.statvfs("/")
        mult = d.f_frsize / 1024  # adjust to report size in kb
        r = ((d.f_blocks - d.f_bavail) * mult, d.f_blocks * mult,
             d.f_bavail * mult)
        print r
        freespaceResult = \
        print monitis.addResult(monitorTag='spaceMonitor',
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ha:s:m:i:t:",["help"])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        apiKey = None
        apiSecret = None
        monitorTag = "loadMonitor"
        monitorId = None
        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-a"):
                apiKey = value
            if option in ("-s"):
                apiSecret = value
            if option in ("-m"):
                monitorTag = value
            if option in ("-i"):
                monitorId = value
            if option in ("-t"):
                timeStamp = value

        # cannot continue without the API key and secret
        if ((apiKey is None) or (apiSecret is None)):
            raise Usage("API key and secret must be specified")
        # Monitis server will be used for all requests
        monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret)
        # Do the disk measurement
        d = os.statvfs("/")
        mult = d.f_frsize/1024 # adjust to report size in kb
        r = ((d.f_blocks - d.f_bavail)*mult,d.f_blocks*mult,d.f_bavail*mult)
        print r
        freespaceResult = \
        print monitis.addResult(monitorTag='spaceMonitor',
Exemple #5
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ha:s:m:i:t:", ["help"])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

        apiKey = None
        apiSecret = None
        monitorTag = "loadMonitor"
        monitorId = None
        action = 'addResult'

        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-a"):
                apiKey = value
            if option in ("-s"):
                apiSecret = value
            if option in ("-m"):
                monitorTag = value
            if option in ("-i"):
                monitorId = value
            if option in ("-t"):
                timeStamp = value

        # cannot continue without the API key and secret
        if ((apiKey is None) or (apiSecret is None)):
            raise Usage("API key and secret must be specified")

        # Monitis server will be used for all requests
        monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret)

        # Do the load averages check, and the add the result to monitis
        loadAverages = os.getloadavg()
        loadAveragesResult = \
        print monitis.addResult(monitorTag='loadMonitor',
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ha:s:m:i:t:", ["help"])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

        apiKey = None
        apiSecret = None
        monitorTag = "loadMonitor"
        monitorId = None
        action = "addResult"

        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-a"):
                apiKey = value
            if option in ("-s"):
                apiSecret = value
            if option in ("-m"):
                monitorTag = value
            if option in ("-i"):
                monitorId = value
            if option in ("-t"):
                timeStamp = value

        # cannot continue without the API key and secret
        if (apiKey is None) or (apiSecret is None):
            raise Usage("API key and secret must be specified")

        # Monitis server will be used for all requests
        monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret)

        # Do the load averages check, and the add the result to monitis
        loadAverages = os.getloadavg()
        loadAveragesResult = "1m:{la[0]};5m:{la[1]};15m:{la[2]}".format(la=loadAverages)
        print monitis.addResult(monitorTag="loadMonitor", result=loadAveragesResult)
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ha:s:m:i:t:",
                                                ["help", "sandbox"])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        apiKey = None
        apiSecret = None
        url = None
        sandbox = False
        monitorTag = "loadMonitor"
        monitorId = None
        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-a"):
                apiKey = value
            if option in ("-s"):
                apiSecret = value
            if option in ("-m"):
                monitorTag = value
            if option in ("-i"):
                monitorId = value
            if option in ("-t"):
                timeStamp = value
            if option in ("--sandbox"):
                sandbox = True
                url = ''

        # cannot continue without the API key and secret
            if apiKey:
            elif sandbox:
                apiKey = os.environ['MONITIS_SANDBOX_APIKEY']
                apiKey = os.environ['MONITIS_APIKEY']
            apiKey = None
            if apiSecret:
            elif sandbox:
                apiSecret = os.environ['MONITIS_SANDBOX_SECRETKEY']
                apiSecret = os.environ['MONITIS_SECRETKEY']
            apiSecret = None
        if ((apiKey is None) or (apiSecret is None)):
            raise Usage("API key and secret must be specified")
        # Monitis server will be used for all requests
        if url:
            monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret, url)
            monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret)
        # Do the load averages check, and the add the result to monitis
        loadAverages = os.getloadavg()
        loadAveragesResult = \
        print monitis.addResult(monitorTag='loadMonitor',
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ha:s:m:i:t:q:u:", ["help"])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

        # Defaults
            apiKey = os.environ['MONITIS_APIKEY']
            apiKey = None
            apiSecret = os.environ['MONITIS_SECRET']
            apiSecret = None
        monitorTag = "svnMonitor"
        monitorId = None
        action = 'addResult'
        queries = list()
        repoUrl = None

        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-a"):
                apiKey = value
            if option in ("-s"):
                apiSecret = value
            if option in ("-m"):
                monitorTag = value
            if option in ("-i"):
                monitorId = value
            if option in ("-t"):
                timeStamp = value
            if option in ("-q"):
            if option in ("-u"):
                repoUrl = value

        # default for queries if none were specified in the args
        if len(queries) == 0:
            queries = ['files']

        # cannot continue without the API key and secret
        if ((apiKey is None) or (apiSecret is None)):
            raise Usage("API key and secret must be specified")

        # without the repository URL, there is nothing to query
        if (repoUrl is None):
            raise Usage("Repository URL must be specified")

        # Monitis server will be used for all requests
        monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret)
        if monitorId is None:
                monitorId = monitis.requestMonitorId(monitorTag)
                raise Usage("Couldn't get ID for monitor tag: " + monitorTag)

        # query the repository
        repo = SvnRepository(repoUrl)
        results = list()
        for query in queries:
            # files query
            if query == 'files':
                count = len(repo.files())
            # commits
            elif query == 'commits':
                count = len(repo.log())
            elif query == 'authors':
                count = len(repo.authors())
                print "Unsupported query type:", query

        # report the collected value
        all_results = ';'.join(results)
        print "Sending result:", all_results
        print monitis.addResult(monitorId=monitorId, result=all_results)
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ha:s:m:i:t:f:c:",
                                                ["help", "sandbox"])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        apiKey = None
        apiSecret = None
        sandbox = False
        url = None
        monitorTag = "loadMonitor"
        monitorId = None
        filePath = None
        config = None
        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-a"):
                apiKey = value
            if option in ("-s"):
                apiSecret = value
            if option in ("-m"):
                monitorTag = value
            if option in ("-i"):
                monitorId = value
            if option in ("-t"):
                timeStamp = value
            if option in ("-c"):
                config = value
            if option in ("--sandbox"):
                sandbox = True
                url = ''
            if apiKey:
            elif sandbox:
                apiKey = os.environ['MONITIS_SANDBOX_APIKEY']
                apiKey = os.environ['MONITIS_APIKEY']
            apiKey = None
            if apiSecret:
            elif sandbox:
                apiSecret = os.environ['MONITIS_SANDBOX_SECRETKEY']
                apiSecret = os.environ['MONITIS_SECRETKEY']
            apiSecret = None

        # cannot continue without the API key and secret
        if ((apiKey is None) or (apiSecret is None)):
            raise Usage("API key and secret must be specified")
        # Monitis server will be used for all requests
        if url:
            monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret, url)
            monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret)
        if config:
            # read id, file path, and search depth from config file in CSV
            reader = csv.reader(open(config,'r'))
            for row in reader:
                (monitorId,path,depth) = map(strip,row)
                # print fileStats(path,int(depth))
                (size,count) = fileStats(path,int(depth))
                result = 'size:{0};count:{1}'.format(size,count)
                print monitis.addResult(monitorId=monitorId,result=result)
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hdla:s:m:i:r:n:", ["help"])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

            apiKey = os.environ['MONITIS_APIKEY']
            apiKey = None
            apiSecret = os.environ['MONITIS_SECRET']
            apiSecret = None
        monitorTag = None
        monitorName = None
        monitorId = None
        resultParams = None
        action='addMonitor' # default to add, unless we see a -d opt

        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-a"):
                apiKey = value
            if option in ("-l"):
                action = 'listMonitors'
            if option in ("-s"):
                apiSecret = value
            if option in ("-m"):
                monitorTag = value
            if option in ("-n"):
                monitorName = value            
            if option in ("-r"):
                resultParams = value
            if option in ("-i"):
                monitorId = value
            if option in ("-d"):
                action = 'deleteMonitor'
        # cannot continue without the API key and secret
        if ((apiKey is None) or (apiSecret is None)):
            raise Usage("API key and secret must be specified")

        # Monitis server will be used for all requests
        monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret)
        if action is 'addMonitor':
            if monitorTag is None or monitorTag is '':
                raise Usage('monitor tag (-m) is required')
            elif resultParams is None or resultParams is '':
                    raise Usage('result params (-r) is required')
            elif monitorName is None or monitorName is '':
                    raise Usage('monitor name (-n) is required')
                print monitis.addMonitor(tag=monitorTag,
        elif action is 'deleteMonitor':
            if monitorId is None or monitorId is '':
                # try to get id from tag
                if monitorTag is None or monitorTag is '':
                    raise Usage('A monitor tag or ID is required')
                    monitorId = monitis.requestMonitorId(monitorTag) 
                print monitis.deleteMonitor(monitorId=monitorId)
        elif action is 'listMonitors':
            for monitor in monitis.listMonitors():
                print "\t".join(monitor)
Exemple #11
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ha:s:m:i:t:q:u:",["help"])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        # Defaults
            apiKey = os.environ['MONITIS_APIKEY']
            apiKey = None
            apiSecret = os.environ['MONITIS_SECRET']
            apiSecret = None
        monitorTag = "svnMonitor"
        monitorId = None
        repoUrl = None
        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-a"):
                apiKey = value
            if option in ("-s"):
                apiSecret = value
            if option in ("-m"):
                monitorTag = value
            if option in ("-i"):
                monitorId = value
            if option in ("-t"):
                timeStamp = value
            if option in ("-q"):
            if option in ("-u"):
                repoUrl = value
        # default for queries if none were specified in the args
        if len(queries) == 0:
            queries = ['files']
        # cannot continue without the API key and secret
        if ((apiKey is None) or (apiSecret is None)):
            raise Usage("API key and secret must be specified")
        # without the repository URL, there is nothing to query
        if (repoUrl is None):
            raise Usage("Repository URL must be specified")
        # Monitis server will be used for all requests
        monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret)
        if monitorId is None:
                monitorId = monitis.requestMonitorId(monitorTag)
                raise Usage("Couldn't get ID for monitor tag: " + monitorTag)
        # query the repository
        repo = SvnRepository(repoUrl)
        results = list()
        for query in queries:
            # files query
            if query == 'files':
                count = len(repo.files())
            # commits
            elif query == 'commits':
                count = len(repo.log())
            elif query == 'authors':
                count = len(repo.authors())
                print "Unsupported query type:", query
        # report the collected value
        all_results = ';'.join(results)
        print "Sending result:", all_results
        print monitis.addResult(monitorId=monitorId, result=all_results)
Exemple #12
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hdla:s:m:i:r:n:", ["help"])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

            apiKey = os.environ['MONITIS_APIKEY']
            apiKey = None
            apiSecret = os.environ['MONITIS_SECRET']
            apiSecret = None
        monitorTag = None
        monitorName = None
        monitorId = None
        resultParams = None
        action = 'addMonitor'  # default to add, unless we see a -d opt

        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-a"):
                apiKey = value
            if option in ("-l"):
                action = 'listMonitors'
            if option in ("-s"):
                apiSecret = value
            if option in ("-m"):
                monitorTag = value
            if option in ("-n"):
                monitorName = value
            if option in ("-r"):
                resultParams = value
            if option in ("-i"):
                monitorId = value
            if option in ("-d"):
                action = 'deleteMonitor'

        # cannot continue without the API key and secret
        if ((apiKey is None) or (apiSecret is None)):
            raise Usage("API key and secret must be specified")

        # Monitis server will be used for all requests
        monitis = MonitisServer(apiKey, apiSecret)

        if action is 'addMonitor':
            if monitorTag is None or monitorTag is '':
                raise Usage('monitor tag (-m) is required')
            elif resultParams is None or resultParams is '':
                raise Usage('result params (-r) is required')
            elif monitorName is None or monitorName is '':
                raise Usage('monitor name (-n) is required')
                print monitis.addMonitor(tag=monitorTag,
        elif action is 'deleteMonitor':
            if monitorId is None or monitorId is '':
                # try to get id from tag
                if monitorTag is None or monitorTag is '':
                    raise Usage('A monitor tag or ID is required')
                    monitorId = monitis.requestMonitorId(monitorTag)
                print monitis.deleteMonitor(monitorId=monitorId)

        elif action is 'listMonitors':
            for monitor in monitis.listMonitors():
                print "\t".join(monitor)