Exemple #1
    def split_and_send(self, dst, msg):
        MAX_MSG_SIZE = 2000 - 6 - 25

        rows = msg.split('\n')
        i = 0

        while i < len(rows):
            buf = ""

            while (i < len(rows)) and (len(buf) + len(rows[i]) + 1 < MAX_MSG_SIZE):
                buf += rows[i] + '\n'
                i += 1

            if buf:
                send_to_discord(dst, 'SiiS', '```' + buf + '```')
Exemple #2
    def update(self):
        count = 0

        while self._signals:
            signal = self._signals.popleft()

            label = ""
            message = ""
            icon = "contact-new"
            now = time.time()
            audio_alert = None

            if signal.signal_type == Signal.SIGNAL_SOCIAL_ENTER:
                # here we only assume that because of what 1broker return to us but should be timestamp in the model
                entry_date = signal.data.entry_date + timedelta(hours=2)
                position_timestamp = time.mktime(entry_date.timetuple())
                audio_alert = DesktopNotifier.AUDIO_ALERT_SIMPLE

                if now - position_timestamp > 120 * 60:

                label = "Entry position on %s" % (signal.data.symbol, )
                message = "Trader %s enter %s on %s at %s (x%s)" % (
                    signal.data.author.name if signal.data.author is not None
                    else "???", "long" if signal.data.direction
                    == Position.LONG else "short", signal.data.symbol,
                    signal.data.entry_price, signal.data.leverage)

            elif signal.signal_type == Signal.SIGNAL_SOCIAL_EXIT:
                # here we only assume that because of what 1broker return to us but should be timestamp in the model
                exit_date = signal.data.exit_date + timedelta(hours=2)
                position_timestamp = time.mktime(exit_date.timetuple())
                audio_alert = DesktopNotifier.AUDIO_ALERT_SIMPLE

                if now - position_timestamp > 120 * 60:

                label = "Exit position on %s" % (signal.data.symbol, )
                message = "Trader %s exit %s on %s at %s" % (
                    signal.data.author.name, "long"
                    if signal.data.direction == Position.LONG else "short",
                    signal.data.symbol, signal.data.exit_price)

            # # @todo a threshold... or a timelimit
            # elif signal.signal_type == Signal.SIGNAL_TRADE_ALERT:
            #     icon = "go-down"
            #     label = "Position loss on %s" % (signal.data.symbol,)
            #     audio_alert = DesktopNotifier.AUDIO_ALERT_WARNING

            #     message = "Position %s %s of %s on %s start at %s %s is in regretable loss %s (%s%%) :$" % (
            #         signal.data.position_id,
            #         "long" if signal.data.direction == Position.LONG else "short",
            #         signal.data.author.name if signal.data.author is not None else "???",
            #         signal.data.trader.name,
            #         signal.data.entry_price,
            #         signal.data.symbol,
            #         signal.data.profit_loss,
            #         signal.data.profit_loss_rate * 100.0)

            # elif signal.signal_type == Signal.SIGNAL_TRADE_ENJOY:
            #     icon = "go-up"
            #     label = "Position profit on %s" % (signal.data.symbol,)
            #     audio_alert = DesktopNotifier.AUDIO_ALERT_SIMPLE

            #     message = "Position %s %s of %s on %s start at %s %s is in enjoyable profit %s (%s%%) :)" % (
            #         signal.data.position_id,
            #         "long" if signal.data.direction == Position.LONG else "short",
            #         signal.data.author.name if signal.data.author is not None else "???",
            #         signal.data.trader.name,
            #         signal.data.entry_price,
            #         signal.data.symbol,
            #         signal.data.profit_loss,
            #         signal.data.profit_loss_rate * 100.0)

            elif signal.signal_type == Signal.SIGNAL_STRATEGY_ENTRY_EXIT:
                # @todo in addition of entry/exit, modification and a reason of the exit/modification
                icon = "contact-new"
                direction = "long" if signal.data[
                    'direction'] == Position.LONG else "short"
                audio_alert = DesktopNotifier.AUDIO_ALERT_SIMPLE

                if signal.data['action'] == 'stop':
                    audio_alert = DesktopNotifier.AUDIO_ALERT_WARNING

                ldatetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                    signal.data['timestamp']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

                label = "Signal %s %s on %s" % (

                message = "%s@%s (%s) %s %s at %s - #%s in %s" % (
                    signal.data['symbol'], signal.data['price'],
                    signal.data['trader-name'], signal.data['action'],
                    direction, ldatetime, signal.data['trade-id'],

                if signal.data['stop-loss']:
                    message += " SL@%s" % (signal.data['stop-loss'], )

                if signal.data['take-profit']:
                    message += " TP@%s" % (signal.data['take-profit'], )

                if signal.data['rate'] is not None:
                    message += " (%.2f%%)" % ((signal.data['rate'] * 100), )

                if self.discord:
                    if signal.data['identifier'] in self._discord_webhook:
                            'CryptoBot', '```' + message + '```')
                                        'CryptoBot', '```' + message + '```')

                # log them to the signal view
                Terminal.inst().notice(message, view="signal")

            # process sound
            if not self.backtesting and self.audible and audio_alert:
                # if repeat
                for i in range(0, self._alerts[audio_alert[1]]):
                        'aplay', '-D', self._audio_device,

                # duration = 1  # second
                # freq = 440  # Hz
                # os.system('play --no-show-progress --null --channels 1 synth %s sine %f' % (duration, freq))

            if not self.backtesting and self.popups and message:
                n = notify2.Notification(label, message, icon)


            count += 1
            if count > 10:
                # no more than per loop