Exemple #1
def data_handler(host_dic):
    graph_dic = {}
    alert_dic = {}
    for h, p_index_list in host_dic.items():  # p_index stands for policy_index in enabled_policy list
        alert_list = []
        graph_dic[h.hostname] = []  # initialize the list
        for p_index in set(p_index_list):
            p = policy.enabled_policy[p_index]  # find this host belongs to which policy
            if monitor_dic.has_key(h.hostname):  # host needs to be monitored
                if len(monitor_dic[h.hostname]) == 0:
                    alert_list.append({"ServerDown": "No data received from client,is the agent or the host down"})
                    # print "\033[31;1mno data from client, is it done?\033[0m",h.hostname
                    print "\033[46;1m%s\033[0m" % h.hostname
                    for service, alert_index in p.services.items():
                        if alert_index.graph_index["index"] is not None:
                            graph_dic[h.hostname].append(alert_index.graph_index)  #'||||'
                            s = alert_handle.handle(service, alert_index, monitor_dic[h.hostname][service])
                            if len(s) != 0:
                        except KeyError:
                            alert_list.append({"NoValidServiceData": (service, "service not exist in client datat")})

            else:  # host not in database or not enalbed for monitoring
                print "\033[34;1mnot going to monitor server:\033[0m", h.hostname
        if hosts.monitored_hosts.has_key(h.hostname):
            customized_policy = hosts.monitored_hosts[h.hostname]
            print "*" * 50, "Customized"  # ,customized_policy.services
            for service, alert_index in customized_policy.services.items():
                    s = alert_handle.handle(service, alert_index, monitor_dic[h.hostname][service])
                    if len(s) != 0:
                except KeyError:
                    alert_list.append({"NoValidServiceData": (service, "service not exist in client datat")})

                    # else:
                    # 	print 'no customized policy',h
        alert_dic[h.hostname] = alert_list
    print "\033[41;1m*\033[0m" * 50, "ALert LIST\n"
    for host, alerts in alert_dic.items():
        print "\033[31;1m%s\033[0m" % host
        for msg in alerts:
            print msg  # for i in alerts:print i

    print "\033[42;1m graph list ----------\033[0m\n"
    for h, g in graph_dic.items():
        print h
        if len(g) > 0:
            for s in g:
                print s
Exemple #2
def data_handler(host_dic):
    graph_dic = {}
    alert_dic = {}
    for h,p_index_list in  host_dic.items():  #p_index stands for templates.index in enabled_templates.list 
        alert_list = []
        graph_dic[h.hostname] = [] #initialize the list
        for p_index in set(p_index_list):
            p = templates.enabled_templates[p_index] #find this host belongs to which template
            if monitor_dic.has_key(h.hostname): #host needs to be monitored
                if len(monitor_dic[h.hostname]) == 0: 
                    alert_list.append({"ServerDown":"No data received from client,is the agent or the host down"} )
                    #print "\033[31;1mno data from client, is it done?\033[0m",h.hostname
                    print "\033[46;1m%s\033[0m" % h.hostname
                    for service,alert_index in p.services.items():
                            s = alert_handle.handle(service,alert_index,  monitor_dic[h.hostname][service])
                            if len(s) !=0:
                        except KeyError:
                            alert_list.append({"NoValidServiceData":(service,"service not exist in client data")} )
            else: #host not in database or not enalbed for monitoring
                print "\033[34;1mnot going to monitor server:\033[0m", h.hostname
        if hosts.monitored_hosts.has_key(h.hostname):
            customized_templates= hosts.monitored_hosts[h.hostname]
            #print "*"*50,'Customized'#,customized_templates.services
            for service,alert_index in customized_templates.services.items():
                    s = alert_handle.handle(service,alert_index,  monitor_dic[h.hostname][service])
                    if len(s) !=0:alert_list.append(s)
                except KeyError:
                    alert_list.append({"NoValidServiceData":(service,"service not exist in client data")} )
        #print 'no customized templates.,h
    alert_dic[h.hostname] = alert_list
    #print '\033[41;1m*\033[0m'*50,'ALert LIST\n'
    #for host,alerts in  alert_dic.items():
    #   print '\033[31;1m%s\033[0m' %host
    #   for msg in  alerts:print msg #for i in alerts:print i
    alert_dic['TimeStamp'] = time.time()
    redis_connector.r['TempTriAquaeAlertList'] = json.dumps(alert_dic)
Exemple #3
def data_handler(host_dic):
    graph_dic = {}
    alert_dic = {}
    for h, p_index_list in host_dic.items(
    ):  #p_index stands for policy_index in enabled_policy list
        alert_list = []
        graph_dic[h.hostname] = []  #initialize the list
        for p_index in set(p_index_list):
            p = policy.enabled_policy[
                p_index]  #find this host belongs to which policy
            if monitor_dic.has_key(h.hostname):  #host needs to be monitored
                if len(monitor_dic[h.hostname]) == 0:
                        "No data received from client,is the agent or the host down"
                    #print "\033[31;1mno data from client, is it done?\033[0m",h.hostname
                    print "\033[46;1m%s\033[0m" % h.hostname
                    for service, alert_index in p.services.items():
                        if alert_index.graph_index['index'] is not None:
                                alert_index.graph_index)  #'||||'
                            s = alert_handle.handle(
                                service, alert_index,
                            if len(s) != 0: alert_list.append(s)
                        except KeyError:
                                (service, "service not exist in client datat")

            else:  #host not in database or not enalbed for monitoring
                print "\033[34;1mnot going to monitor server:\033[0m", h.hostname
        if hosts.monitored_hosts.has_key(h.hostname):
            customized_policy = hosts.monitored_hosts[h.hostname]
            print "*" * 50, 'Customized'  #,customized_policy.services
            for service, alert_index in customized_policy.services.items():
                    s = alert_handle.handle(service, alert_index,
                    if len(s) != 0: alert_list.append(s)
                except KeyError:
                        (service, "service not exist in client datat")

        #	print 'no customized policy',h
        alert_dic[h.hostname] = alert_list
    print '\033[41;1m*\033[0m' * 50, 'ALert LIST\n'
    for host, alerts in alert_dic.items():
        print '\033[31;1m%s\033[0m' % host
        for msg in alerts:
            print msg  #for i in alerts:print i

    print '\033[42;1m graph list ----------\033[0m\n'
    for h, g in graph_dic.items():
        print h
        if len(g) > 0:
            for s in g:
                print s