def test_nested_quasiquotes(self):
     assert_equals(["quasiquote", ["quasiquote", ["quasiquote", "foo"]]],
                       ["quasiquote", ["+", integer(1), integer(2)]]]],
         parse("```(+ 1 2)"))
Exemple #2
 def test_cond(self):
     program = """
         (cond (#f 1)
               ((atom '(1 2 3)) 2)
               ((atom 'foo) 3)
               (#t 4))
     assert_equals(integer(3), evaluate(parse(program), Environment()))
Exemple #3
    def test_simple_let_expression(self):
        """Let expressions should create a new environment with the new definitions,
        then evaluate the body with this environment, and not make any changes to 
        the outer environment"""

        env = Environment({"foo": integer(1)})
        ast = parse("(let ((foo 2)) foo)")
        assert_equals(integer(2), evaluate(ast, env))
        assert_equals(integer(1), env["foo"])
Exemple #4
 def test_defining_lambda_with_error(self):
     """Tests that the lambda body is not being evaluated when the lambda
     is evaluated or defined. (It should first be evaluated when the function
     is later invoced.)"""
     ast = parse("""
         (define fn-with-error
             (lambda (x y)
                 (function body that would never work)))
     evaluate(ast, Environment())
Exemple #5
 def test_parse_comments(self):
     program = """
     ;; this first line is a comment
     (define variable
         ; here is another comment
         (if #t 
             42 ; inline comment!
             (something else)))
     expected_ast = ['define', 'variable', 
                         ['if', boolean(True), integer(42), ['something', 'else']]]
     assert_equals(expected_ast, parse(program))
Exemple #6
    def test_begin_form(self):
        """Testing evaluating expressions in sequence with the begin 
        special form"""

        env = Environment()
        result = evaluate(parse("""
                (define foo 1)
                (define bar 2)
        """), env)

        assert_equals(integer(1), result)
        assert_equals(Environment({"foo": integer(1), "bar": integer(2)}), env)
Exemple #7
    def test_calling_function_recursively(self):
        """Tests that a named function is included in the environment
        where it is evaluated"""
        oposite = """
            (define oposite
                (lambda (p) 
                    (cond (p #f) (#t #t))))
        fn = """ 
            (define fn 
                ;; Meaningless (albeit recursive) function
                (lambda (x) 
                    (cond (x (fn (oposite x)))
                          (#t 1000))))
        env = Environment()
        evaluate(parse(oposite), env)
        evaluate(parse(fn), env)

        assert_equals(integer(1000), evaluate(["fn", boolean(True)], env))
        assert_equals(integer(1000), evaluate(["fn", boolean(False)], env))
 def test_parse_quote_tick_on_symbol(self):
     assert_equals(["quote", "foo"], parse("'foo"))
     assert_equals(["quote", "+"], parse("'+"))
 def test_expand_quotes_with_only_symbols(self): 
     assert_equals(["quote", "foo"], parse("'foo"))
     assert_equals(["quote", ["quote", ["quote", "foo"]]], parse("'''foo"))
 def test_expand_quoted_symbol_dont_touch_nested_quote_on_list(self):
     source = "(foo ''(bar))"
     assert_equals(source, unparse(parse(source)))
 def test_expand_single_quoted_symbol(self):
     assert_equals(["foo", ["quote", "bar"]], parse("(foo 'bar)"))
     assert_equals(["foo", ["quote", boolean(True)]], parse("(foo '#t)"))
     assert_equals(["foo", ["quote", '+']], parse("(foo '+)"))
Exemple #12
 def test_parse_list_of_symbols(self):
     assert_equals(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], parse('(foo bar baz)'))
 def test_expand_single_quoted_list(self):
     assert_equals(["foo", ["quote", ["+", integer(1), integer(2)]]], 
         parse("(foo '(+ 1 2))"))
     assert_equals(["foo", ["quote", [boolean(True), boolean(False)]]], 
         parse("(foo '(#t #f))"))
 def test_parse_quote_tick_on_list(self):
     assert_equals(["quote", ["foo", "bar"]], parse("'(foo bar)"))
     assert_equals(["quote", []], parse("'()"))
Exemple #15
 def test_parse_with_types(self):
     program = '(if #f (* 42 x) 100)'
     ast = ['if', boolean(False), ['*', integer(42), 'x'], integer(100)]
     assert_equals(ast, parse(program))
Exemple #16
 def test_parse_exception_extra_paren(self):
     with assert_raises_regexp(LispSyntaxError, 'Expected EOF'):
         parse('(foo (bar x y)))')
Exemple #17
 def test_parse_exception_missing_paren(self):
     with assert_raises_regexp(LispSyntaxError, 'Unbalanced expression'):
         parse('(foo (bar x y)')
Exemple #18
 def test_parse_on_nested_list(self):
     program = '(foo (bar x y) (baz x))'
     ast = ['foo', 
             ['bar', 'x', 'y'], 
             ['baz', 'x']]
     assert_equals(ast, parse(program))
Exemple #19
 def test_parse_on_simple_list(self):
     program = '(foo bar)'
     assert_equals(['foo', 'bar'], parse(program))
 def test_parse_quote_tick_on_atom(self):
     assert_equals(["quote", integer(1)], parse("'1"))
     assert_equals(["quote", boolean(True)], parse("'#t"))
 def test_nested_quotes(self):
     assert_equals(["quote", ["quote", "foo"]], parse("''foo"))
     assert_equals(["quote", ["quote", ["quote", "foo"]]], parse("'''foo"))
 def test_expand_quasiquoted_symbol(self):
     assert_equals(["quasiquote", "foo"], parse("`foo"))
     assert_equals(["quasiquote", "+"], parse("`+"))
     assert_equals(["quasiquote", boolean(False)], parse("`#f"))
 def test_expand_quotes_with_lists(self):
     assert_equals(["quote", ["foo", "bar"]], parse("'(foo bar)"))
     assert_equals(["quote", ["quote", ["quote", ["foo", "bar"]]]],
         parse("'''(foo bar)"))
Exemple #24
 def test_parse_single_atom(self):
     assert_equals('foo', parse('foo'))
 def test_nested_quotes_on_lists(self):
     assert_equals(["quote", ["quote", ["foo", "bar"]]], parse("''(foo bar)"))
 def test_quasiqute_with_unquote(self):
                     ["+", ["unquote", "foo"], ["unquote", "bar"], integer(42)]],
         parse("`(+ ,foo ,bar 42)"))
 def test_expand_quasiquoted_list(self):
     assert_equals(["quasiquote", ["+", integer(1), integer(2)]], parse("`(+ 1 2)"))
 def test_expand_quote_combinations(self):
     assert_equals(["quasiquote", ["quote", ["unquote", "foo"]]],
 def test_expand_unquoted_symbol(self):
     assert_equals(["unquote", "foo"], parse(",foo"))
     assert_equals(["unquote", "+"], parse(",+"))
     assert_equals(["unquote", boolean(False)], parse(",#f"))
 def test_expand_crazy_quote_combo(self):
     source = "`(this ,,'`(makes ,no) 'sense)"
     assert_equals(source, unparse(parse(source)))