Exemple #1
    def importChannelsToCell(self, nmlcell, moosecell, membrane_properties):
        sg_to_segments = self._cell_to_sg[nmlcell.id]
        for chdens in membrane_properties.channel_densities + membrane_properties.channel_density_v_shifts:
            segments = getSegments(nmlcell, chdens, sg_to_segments)
            condDensity = SI(chdens.cond_density)
            erev = SI(chdens.erev)
                ionChannel = self.id_to_ionChannel[chdens.ion_channel]
            except KeyError:
                logger_.info('No channel with id: %s' % chdens.ion_channel)

            if self.verbose:
                    'Setting density of channel %s in %s to %s; erev=%s (passive: %s)'
                    % (chdens.id, segments, condDensity, erev,

            if self.isPassiveChan(ionChannel):
                for seg in segments:
                    #  comp = self.nml_to_moose[seg]
                    setRm(self.nml_to_moose[seg.id], condDensity)
                    setEk(self.nml_to_moose[seg.id], erev)
                for seg in segments:
                    self.copyChannel(chdens, self.nml_to_moose[seg.id],
                                     condDensity, erev)
Exemple #2
 def _getTemperature(self):
     if self.network is not None:
         if self.network.type == "networkWithTemperature":
             return SI(self.network.temperature)
             # Why not, if there's no temp dependence in nml..?
             return 0
     return SI('25')
Exemple #3
    def importInputs(self, doc):
        epath = '%s/inputs' % (self.lib.path)
        if moose.exists(epath):
            minputs = moose.element(epath)
            minputs = moose.Neutral(epath)

        for pg_nml in doc.pulse_generators:
            epath = '%s/%s' % (minputs.path, pg_nml.id)
            pg = moose.element(epath) if moose.exists(
                epath) else moose.PulseGen(epath)
            pg.firstDelay = SI(pg_nml.delay)
            pg.firstWidth = SI(pg_nml.duration)
            pg.firstLevel = SI(pg_nml.amplitude)
            pg.secondDelay = 1e9
Exemple #4
 def importAxialResistance(self, nmlcell, intracellularProperties):
     sg_to_segments = self._cell_to_sg[nmlcell.id]
     for r in intracellularProperties.resistivities:
         segments = getSegments(nmlcell, r, sg_to_segments)
         for seg in segments:
             comp = self.nml_to_moose[seg.id]
             setRa(comp, SI(r.value))
Exemple #5
 def importInitMembPotential(self, nmlcell, moosecell, membraneProperties):
     sg_to_segments = self._cell_to_sg[nmlcell.id]
     for imp in membraneProperties.init_memb_potentials:
         initv = SI(imp.value)
         for seg in sg_to_segments[imp.segment_groups]:
             comp = self.nml_to_moose[seg.id]
             comp.initVm = initv
Exemple #6
 def importCapacitances(self, nmlcell, moosecell, specificCapacitances):
     sg_to_segments = self._cell_to_sg[nmlcell.id]
     for specific_cm in specificCapacitances:
         cm = SI(specific_cm.value)
         for seg in sg_to_segments[specific_cm.segment_groups]:
             comp = self.nml_to_moose[seg.id]
             comp.Cm = sarea(comp) * cm
Exemple #7
    def createDecayingPoolConcentrationModel(self, concModel):
        """Create prototype for concentration model"""
        if hasattr(concModel, 'name') and concModel.name is not None:
            name = concModel.name
            name = concModel.id

        ca = moose.CaConc('%s/%s' % (self.lib.path, name))
        ca.CaBasal = SI(concModel.resting_conc)
        ca.tau = SI(concModel.decay_constant)
        ca.thick = SI(concModel.shell_thickness)
        ca.B = 5.2e-6  # B = 5.2e-6/(Ad) where A is the area of the
        # shell and d is thickness - must divide by
        # shell volume when copying
        self.proto_pools[concModel.id] = ca
        self.nml_to_moose[name] = ca
        self.moose_to_nml[ca] = concModel
        logger_.debug('Created moose element: %s for nml conc %s' %
                      (ca.path, concModel.id))
Exemple #8
    def createHHChannel(self, chan, vmin=-150e-3, vmax=100e-3, vdivs=5000):
        mchan = moose.HHChannel('%s/%s' % (self.lib.path, chan.id))
        mgates = [
            moose.element(x) for x in [mchan.gateX, mchan.gateY, mchan.gateZ]
        assert len(chan.gate_hh_rates
                   ) <= 3, "We handle only up to 3 gates in HHCHannel"

        if self.verbose:
            logger_.info('== Creating channel: %s (%s) -> %s (%s)' %
                         (chan.id, chan.gate_hh_rates, mchan, mgates))

        all_gates = chan.gates + chan.gate_hh_rates

        # Sort all_gates such that they come in x, y, z order.
        all_gates = _gates_sorted(all_gates)
        for ngate, mgate in zip(all_gates, mgates):
            if ngate is None:
            if mgate.name.endswith('X'):
                mchan.Xpower = ngate.instances
            elif mgate.name.endswith('Y'):
                mchan.Ypower = ngate.instances
            elif mgate.name.endswith('Z'):
                mchan.Zpower = ngate.instances
            mgate.min = vmin
            mgate.max = vmax
            mgate.divs = vdivs

            # I saw only examples of GateHHRates in
            # HH-channels, the meaning of forwardRate and
            # reverseRate and steadyState are not clear in the
            # classes GateHHRatesInf, GateHHRatesTau and in
            # FateHHTauInf the meaning of timeCourse and
            # steady state is not obvious. Is the last one
            # refering to tau_inf and m_inf??
            fwd = ngate.forward_rate
            rev = ngate.reverse_rate
                '%s/%s' %
                (chan.id, ngate.id)] = '%s/%s' % (chan.id, mgate.name)
            q10_scale = 1
            if ngate.q10_settings:
                if ngate.q10_settings.type == 'q10Fixed':
                    q10_scale = float(ngate.q10_settings.fixed_q10)
                elif ngate.q10_settings.type == 'q10ExpTemp':
                    q10_scale = math.pow(
                        (self._getTemperature() -
                         SI(ngate.q10_settings.experimental_temp)) / 10)
                    raise Exception(
                        'Unknown Q10 scaling type %s: %s' %
                        (ngate.q10_settings.type, ngate.q10_settings))

                '+ Gate: %s; %s; %s; %s; %s; scale=%s' %
                (ngate.id, mgate.path, mchan.Xpower, fwd, rev, q10_scale))

            if (fwd is not None) and (rev is not None):
                alpha = self.calculateRateFn(fwd, vmin, vmax, vdivs)
                beta = self.calculateRateFn(rev, vmin, vmax, vdivs)

                mgate.tableA = q10_scale * (alpha)
                mgate.tableB = q10_scale * (alpha + beta)

            # Assuming the meaning of the elements in GateHHTauInf ...
            if hasattr(ngate,'time_course') and hasattr(ngate,'steady_state') \
               and (ngate.time_course is not None) and (ngate.steady_state is not None):
                tau = ngate.time_course
                inf = ngate.steady_state
                tau = self.calculateRateFn(tau, vmin, vmax, vdivs)
                inf = self.calculateRateFn(inf, vmin, vmax, vdivs)
                mgate.tableA = q10_scale * (inf / tau)
                mgate.tableB = q10_scale * (1 / tau)

            if hasattr(ngate, 'steady_state') and (
                    ngate.time_course is None) and (ngate.steady_state
                                                    is not None):
                inf = ngate.steady_state
                tau = 1 / (alpha + beta)
                if inf is not None:
                    inf = self.calculateRateFn(inf, vmin, vmax, vdivs)
                    if len(inf) > 0:
                        mgate.tableA = q10_scale * (inf / tau)
                        mgate.tableB = q10_scale * (1 / tau)

        logger_.info('%s: Created %s for %s' %
                     (self.filename, mchan.path, chan.id))
        return mchan