def c_layout(i, definition, template): c_name = layer_names[i] pretty_name = c_name.strip('_').capitalize() layout = d['layout'] surround = lambda s: ''.join(interleave_longest(['│']*(len(s)+1), s)) layer = list(map(uni, definition)) layer[41] = layer[41].center(11) layer = chunked(layer, 12) rows = intersperse(mid, map(surround, layer)) pretty = '\n'.join(itertools.chain([top], rows, [bottom])) surround = lambda s: ', '.join(s) layer = list(map(lambda k: layer_name.get(k, k), definition)) layer = chunked(layer, 12) rows = map(surround, layer) c_layer = ',\n '.join(itertools.chain([], rows, [])) return template.format(pretty_name, pretty, c_name, layout, c_layer)
def c_layout(i, definition, template): c_name = layer_names[i] pretty_name = c_name.strip('_').capitalize() layout = d['layout'] surround = lambda s: ''.join(interleave_longest(['│'] * (len(s) + 1), s)) layer = list(map(uni, definition)) layer[41] = layer[41].center(11) layer = chunked(layer, 12) rows = intersperse(mid, map(surround, layer)) pretty = '\n'.join(itertools.chain([top], rows, [bottom])) surround = lambda s: ', '.join(s) layer = list(map(lambda k: layer_name.get(k, k), definition)) layer = chunked(layer, 12) rows = map(surround, layer) c_layer = ',\n '.join(itertools.chain([], rows, [])) return template.format(pretty_name, pretty, c_name, layout, c_layer)
def compile(self): # Construction de l'objet QuantumCircuit self.results = [] self.snapshots = [] for x in range(len(self.tracks[0].input)): gate_series = [] simulator = qs.Aer.get_backend("statevector_simulator") simulator.set_options(device='GPU') qr = qs.QuantumRegister(len(self.tracks)) cr = qs.ClassicalRegister(len(self.tracks)) qc = qs.QuantumCircuit(qr, cr) for qubit_index in range(len(self.tracks)): gate_series.append(self.tracks[qubit_index].gates) qc.initialize(self.tracks[qubit_index].input[x].state, qr[qubit_index]) for gate in list(interleave_longest(*gate_series)): gate.qiskit_equivalent_dispatcher(qc) qc.snapshot("final state") self.results.append(qs.execute(qc, backend=simulator).result()) self.snapshots.append(self.results[x].data()["snapshots"] ["statevector"]["final state"][0])
def robust_qmsg(parent=None, msg_type="warning", title: str = "", body: Union[str, List[str]] = "", variables: Union[str, List[str]] = None) -> None: """ Convenience function for printing out a QMessageBox, optionally with variables interleaved with strings to produce a conherent final message. Parameters • parent: the parent to assign this QMessageBox to • msg_type: a string denoting the type of QMessageBox that should be displayed. One of "warning" (default), "information", or "critical" • title: a string denoting the title of the QMessageBox • body: a string or list of strings denoting the content of the QMessageBox. If a list of strings, the function expects variables to also be a list of strings which will interleave with body to form the final message. • variables: a string or list of strings denoting the additional variables to interleave into the main messages's content Returns • None """ msg_box = QMessageBox() if system() == "Darwin": msg_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ok) if parent is None: parent = QWidget() if isinstance(body, list) and isinstance(variables, list): content = "".join(interleave_longest(body, variables)) elif isinstance(body, str) and isinstance(variables, str): content = body + variables elif isinstance(body, str) and isinstance(variables, list): content = body + "\n".join(variables) elif isinstance(body, str) and variables is None: content = body else: raise ValueError(f"{robust_qmsg.__name__} received incompatible arguments. body was of type {type(body)} and " f"variables was of type {type(variables)}") getattr(msg_box, msg_type)(parent, title, content, QMessageBox.Ok) return
def flatten_iterleave_approach(self): # This works fine... self.flat_list = list( more_itertools.interleave_longest(*self.iterable_list)) print(self.flat_list)
def generate_p_list(self): return list( more_itertools.interleave_longest(self.p_list_pulses, self.p_list_tau))
def run(self): from more_itertools import interleave_longest protocol = ProtocolNode() if not self.content and not self.arguments: self.state.inliner.reporter.warning(f"empty protocol.") def split_arguments(): import shlex if not self.arguments: return for path in shlex.split(self.arguments[0]): yield Path(path) def split_content(): content_blocks = [] # Use slicing to split the blocks, because this automatically makes # properly configured docutils.statemachine.StringList views. i = 0 for j, line in enumerate(self.content): if line.strip() == '***': content_blocks += [self.content[i:j]] i = j + 1 content_blocks += [self.content[i:]] return content_blocks def attach_literal_node(path): from sphinx.directives.code import LiteralIncludeReader from sphinx.util.nodes import set_source_info nonlocal protocol if path.suffix == '.txt': # <literal_block highlight_args="{'linenostart': 1}" # linenos="False" # source="/home/kale/research/projects/201904_bind_dna/notebook/20190604_dnase_pick_qpcr_primers/20190604_pcr.txt" # xml:space="preserve"> # ... # From `sphinx/directives/`: env = self.state.document.settings.env location = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(self.lineno) rel_filename, filename = env.relfn2path(str(path)) env.note_dependency(rel_filename) reader = LiteralIncludeReader(filename, self.options, env.config) text, lines = literal_node = nodes.literal_block(text, text, source=filename) set_source_info(self, literal_node) protocol += [literal_node] else: from sphinx.roles import specific_docroles protocol += specific_docroles['download']( 'download', rawtext=str(path), text=str(path), lineno=self.lineno, inliner=self.state.inliner, )[0] def attach_content_node(content): if content: self.state.nested_parse(content, content.offset(0), protocol) content = [(attach_content_node, x) for x in split_content()] literal = [(attach_literal_node, x) for x in split_arguments()] for add_to_protocol, *args in interleave_longest(content, literal): add_to_protocol(*args) paragraph = nodes.paragraph() paragraph += protocol return [paragraph]
def _read(self, file_path): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() dataset_db = loop.run_until_complete( create_dataset_db( dataset_path=self._dataset_path, db_discriminator=self._db_discriminator, should_save_sentiment=self._save_sentiment, file_path=file_path, use_existing_database=self._use_existing_cached_db, ner_model=self._ner_model, coreference_model=self._coreference_model, truncate_sequence_length=self._truncate_sequence_length, cuda_device=self._cuda_device)) db = dataset.connect(dataset_db, engine_kwargs={"pool_recycle": 3600}) negative_sampler = negative_sentence_sampler(db) # If interleaving then best to sort batches of stories by length so there are fewer left over sentences. if self._interleave_story_sentences: order_story = "sentence_num" else: order_story = "id" stories = db.query( f'SELECT * FROM story WHERE sentence_num >= {self._min_story_sentences} ' f'AND sentence_num <= {self._max_story_sentences} ORDER BY {order_story}' ) chunked_stories = more_itertools.chunked(stories, self._story_chunking) for chunks in chunked_stories: chunk_instances = [] for story in chunks: story_instances = [] story_id = story["id"] # Id will be the same as the sentence num as they are inserted as a batch in sequence. sentences = [ s for s in db.query( f'SELECT * FROM sentence WHERE story_id = {story_id} ORDER BY id' ) ] if len(sentences) == 0: logging.warning(f"Story has no sentences: {story_id}") continue if self._named_entity_embeddings: self.encode_named_entities(story_id, sentences, db) sentence_nums = [s["sentence_num"] for s in sentences] for source_indices, target_indices, absolute_position, relative_position in dual_window( sentence_nums, context_size=self._sentence_context_window, predictive_size=self._sentence_predictive_window, num_of_sentences=story["sentence_num"]): source_sequence = [ sentences[i] for i in source_indices if i is not None ] target_sequence = [ sentences[i] for i in target_indices if i is not None ] if self._target_negative: negative_sequence = [] for i in range(self._sentence_predictive_window): sentence = next(negative_sampler) negative_sequence.append(sentence) if self._named_entity_embeddings: self.encode_named_entities(story_id, negative_sequence, db) metadata = { "story_id": story_id, "absolute_position": absolute_position, "relative_position": relative_position, "number_of_sentences": story["sentence_num"] } if len(source_sequence) == 0 or (len(target_sequence) == 0 and len(negative_sequence) == 0): continue story_instances.append((source_sequence, target_sequence, negative_sequence, metadata)) chunk_instances.append(story_instances) if not self._interleave_story_sentences: # Just flatten in the normal order. sorted_instances = more_itertools.flatten(chunk_instances) else: # Reorder the sentences so one sentence per batch is in sentence order. sorted_instances = more_itertools.interleave_longest( *chunk_instances) for instance in sorted_instances: yield self.text_to_instance(instance[0], instance[1], instance[2], instance[3])