def spatial_scan(tag): """The main method loads the data from the disk (or compute them) and calls appropriate methods to find top discrepancy regions for `tag`.""" print(tag) grid_size = GRID_SIZE background_name = u'mfreq/freq_{}_{}.mat'.format(grid_size, '_background') measured_name = u'mfreq/freq_{}_{}.mat'.format(grid_size, tag) res = [] for tag, filename in [(None, background_name), (tag, measured_name)]: try: res.append(sio.loadmat(filename)['c']) except IOError: conn, client = get_connection() compute_frequency(conn, tag, BBOX, FIRST_TIME, LAST_TIME, grid_size, plot=False) client.close() res.append(sio.loadmat(filename)['c']) background, measured = res total_b = np.sum(background) total_m = np.sum(measured) if not total_m > 0: # photos taken before 2008 return if 0 < total_m <= 500: support = 20 if 500 < total_m <= 2000: support = 40 if 2000 < total_m: support = MAX_SUPPORT discrepancy = get_discrepancy_function(total_m, total_b, support) grid_dim = (grid_size, grid_size) top_loc = exact_grid(np.reshape(measured, grid_dim), np.reshape(background, grid_dim), discrepancy, TOP_K, GRID_SIZE / MAX_SIZE) info = u'\n{}: g={}, s={}, k={}, w={}, h={}, max={}' print( info.format(tag, GRID_SIZE, support, TOP_K, MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT, MAX_SIZE)) # persistent.save_var(u'disc/top_{}'.format(tag), top_loc) # print('\n') # for v in top_loc: # print('{:.4f}'.format(v[0])) # print(top_loc[0][1].intersects(v[1])) plot_regions(merge_regions(top_loc), BBOX, tag)
def spatial_scan(tag): """The main method loads the data from the disk (or compute them) and calls appropriate methods to find top discrepancy regions for `tag`.""" print(tag) grid_size = GRID_SIZE background_name = u'mfreq/freq_{}_{}.mat'.format(grid_size, '_background') measured_name = u'mfreq/freq_{}_{}.mat'.format(grid_size, tag) res = [] for tag, filename in [(None, background_name), (tag, measured_name)]: try: res.append(sio.loadmat(filename)['c']) except IOError: conn, client = get_connection() compute_frequency(conn, tag, BBOX, FIRST_TIME, LAST_TIME, grid_size, plot=False) client.close() res.append(sio.loadmat(filename)['c']) background, measured = res total_b = np.sum(background) total_m = np.sum(measured) if not total_m > 0: # photos taken before 2008 return if 0 < total_m <= 500: support = 20 if 500 < total_m <= 2000: support = 40 if 2000 < total_m: support = MAX_SUPPORT discrepancy = get_discrepancy_function(total_m, total_b, support) grid_dim = (grid_size, grid_size) top_loc = exact_grid(np.reshape(measured, grid_dim), np.reshape(background, grid_dim), discrepancy, TOP_K, GRID_SIZE/MAX_SIZE) info = u'\n{}: g={}, s={}, k={}, w={}, h={}, max={}' print(info.format(tag, GRID_SIZE, support, TOP_K, MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT, MAX_SIZE)) # persistent.save_var(u'disc/top_{}'.format(tag), top_loc) # print('\n') # for v in top_loc: # print('{:.4f}'.format(v[0])) # print(top_loc[0][1].intersects(v[1])) plot_regions(merge_regions(top_loc), BBOX, tag)
def get_freq(tag): print(tag) mq.compute_frequency(, tag, mq.SF_BBOX, sot, now, plot=False)