Exemple #1
def test_execute_with_temporary(generate_pilot_list):
    # Test the execute function with a temporarily created PlaygroundState object.
    # This is to test for any cpp lifetime management weirdness.

    p1, p2 = generate_pilot_list

    assert np.allclose(
        p1.execute(PlaygroundState(Map(10, 10, 1.0)), 0).data, [1, 2, 3])
    assert np.allclose(
        p2.execute(PlaygroundState(Map(10, 10, 1.0)), 0).data, [1] * 10)
Exemple #2
def generate_map_list():

    # List of maps constructed in different ways.
    # Also tests initialization.

    map1 = Map(width=2, height=2, resolution=0.1)
    map2 = Map([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], 0.5)
    map3 = Map(((0, 1, 0), (2, -1, 0)), 1)
    map4 = Map(data=np.eye(100), resolution=10)

    return map1, map2, map3, map4
Exemple #3
def test_state_write(generate_playground, generate_robot_list):
    # Make sure that the returned state is a reference and the value of the
    # actual internal state can be changed through this state.
    playground = generate_playground
    robot1, robot2 = generate_robot_list

    playground_state = playground.state

    # Change time.
    playground_state.time = 0.01

    assert playground.state.time == 0.01

    playground_state.map = Map(np.ones([500, 500]), 0.1)

    # The state value in the Playground object should have changed.
    assert np.allclose(playground.state.map.data, np.ones([500, 500]))

    # Adding a robot through the state. Note that this should never be carried
    # out unless its for testing purposes. Playground's add_robot function
    # must always be used.
    playground_state.add_robot(robot1, 0)
    playground_state.add_robot(robot2, 1)

    # Make sure that the state object and internal playground state both have
    # two robots.
    assert playground_state.num_robots == 2
    assert playground.state.num_robots == 2
def test_canvas_from_map_without_obstacles():

    env_map = Map(width=20, height=20, resolution=0.01)

    canvas = canvas_from_map(env_map)

    # Make sure that the canvas is valid.
Exemple #5
def test_execute(generate_pilot_list):

    # Make sure that the derived Pilot class performs the right operation
    # during an execute call.
    p1, p2 = generate_pilot_list

    # PlaygroundState object to be used.
    playground_state = PlaygroundState(Map(10, 10, 1.0))

    assert np.allclose(p1.execute(playground_state, 0).data, [1, 2, 3])
    assert np.allclose(p2.execute(playground_state, 0).data, [1] * 10)
Exemple #6
def test_evolve_with_polygonal_obstacle():

    env_map = Map(width=50.0, height=50.0, resolution=0.1)
    evolved_env_map = evolve_map_with_polygonal_obstacle(
        env_map, [[0.0, 50.0], [10.0, 50.0], [10.0, 47.5], [0.0, 47.5]])
    # The top left region would be filled by the circle.
    assert np.allclose(evolved_env_map.data[:25, :100],
                       MapConstants.OBSTACLE * np.ones([25, 100]))

    # Also make sure that the original map is not mutated.
    assert np.allclose(env_map.data[:25, :100],
                       MapConstants.EMPTY * np.ones([25, 100]))
Exemple #7
def test_evolve_with_circular_obstacle():

    env_map = Map(width=50.0, height=50.0, resolution=0.1)
    evolved_env_map = evolve_map_with_circular_obstacle(
        env_map, CircleShape(5.0, center=[0.0, 50.0]))
    # The top left region would be filled by the circle.
    assert np.allclose(evolved_env_map.data[:35, :35],
                       MapConstants.OBSTACLE * np.ones([35, 35]))

    # Also make sure that the original map is not mutated.
    assert np.allclose(env_map.data[:35, :35],
                       MapConstants.EMPTY * np.ones([35, 35]))
Exemple #8
def test_map(generate_playground_state_list):
    ps1, ps2 = generate_playground_state_list

    # Test map retrieval.
    assert ps1.map.width == 10.0
    assert ps1.map.height == 10.0
    assert ps1.map.resolution == 0.1
    assert np.all(ps1.map.data == 0.0)

    assert ps2.map.width == 20.0
    assert ps2.map.height == 20.0
    assert ps2.map.resolution == 0.1
    assert np.all(ps2.map.data == 1.0)

    # Test map setting.
    ps1.map = Map(10.0, 10.0, 0.5)
    ps2.map = Map(20.0, 20.0, 0.8)

    assert ps1.map.resolution == 0.5
    assert ps2.map.resolution == 0.8
    assert np.all(ps2.map.data == 0.0)
Exemple #9
def run(robot_type):

    # Convert the type from a string to a RobotType object.
    assert isinstance(robot_type, str)

    # Check if the type is valid and convert to a RobotType object.
        robot_type = RobotType(robot_type)
    except (ValueError):
        raise MorphacLogicError(
            f"Invalid robot type. Please try again.\n{HELP_PROMPT}")

    # Parameters.
    dt = 0.02
    display_ratio = 1.0
    metric_type = "time"
    metric_limit = 100.0

    # Create the environment.
    env_map = Map(width=20.0, height=20.0, resolution=0.02)
    env_map = evolve_map_with_circular_obstacle(
        env_map, CircleShape(radius=1.0, center=[10.0, 10.0]))

    # Create the playground.
    playground_spec = PlaygroundSpec(name="constant_controller_playground",
    playground = Playground(playground_spec, env_map)

    # Get the required robot.
    if robot_type not in robot_bank:
        raise MorphacLogicError("Invalid robot type.")

    robot = robot_bank[robot_type]

    # Construct the pilot.
    pilot = ConstantPilot(ConstantController(

    # Add the robot to the playground.
    playground.add_robot(robot, pilot, IntegratorType.EULER_INTEGRATOR, uid=0)

    # Create the playground visualizer.
    playground_visualizer_spec = PlaygroundVisualizerSpec(
    playground_visualizer = PlaygroundVisualizer(
        spec=playground_visualizer_spec, playground=playground)

    # Simulate.
    playground_visualizer.run(metric_type, metric_limit)
def test_canvas_from_map_with_obstacles():

    map_data = MapConstants.EMPTY * np.ones([1000, 1000], dtype=np.int32)
    # Left half of the map as an obstacle.
    map_data[:, :500] = MapConstants.OBSTACLE

    env_map = Map(map_data, resolution=0.01)

    canvas = canvas_from_map(env_map)


    # Making sure that the canvas is painted correctly.
    for i in range(3):
        assert np.allclose(canvas[:, :500, i],
                           MapColors.BLACK[i] * np.ones([1000, 500]))
        assert np.allclose(canvas[:, 500:, i],
                           MapColors.WHITE[i] * np.ones([1000, 500]))
Exemple #11
def generate_playground_visualizer():

    env_map = Map(width=20.0, height=20.0, resolution=0.02)

    # Create the playground.
    playground_spec = PlaygroundSpec(name="playground_spec", dt=0.01)
    playground = Playground(playground_spec, env_map)
    robot = Robot(AckermannModel(1.0, 1.0))

    # Construct the pilot.
    pilot = ZeroPilot(ZeroController(2))

    # Add the robot to the playground.
    playground.add_robot(robot, pilot, IntegratorType.EULER_INTEGRATOR, uid=0)

    # Create the playground visualizer.
    spec = PlaygroundVisualizerSpec(display_ratio=1.0)
    playground_visualizer = PlaygroundVisualizer(spec, playground)

    return playground_visualizer
Exemple #12
def generate_playground():
    playground_spec = PlaygroundSpec("playground", 0.01)
    playground = Playground(playground_spec, Map(50, 50, 0.1))

    return playground
Exemple #13
def generate_playground_state_list():
    ps1 = PlaygroundState(Map(10.0, 10.0, 0.1))
    ps2 = PlaygroundState(map=Map(np.ones([200, 200], dtype=np.float), 0.1))

    return ps1, ps2