def set_ylim(self, *args, **kwargs): x0 = x1 = None if args is not None: if len(args) == 1: x0, x1 = args[0] else: x0, x1 = args else: x0 = kwargs.get('bottom', None) x1 = kwargs.get('top', None) # So we can forward arguments: if 'bottom' in kwargs: del kwargs['bottom'] if 'top' in kwargs: del kwargs['top'] #Convert strings to units if x0 is not None and isinstance(x0, basestring): x0 = qty(x0) if x1 is not None and isinstance(x1, basestring): x1 = qty(x1) # Are the baseunits set? If not, then lets set them: if self.xyUnitBase[1] is None: self._setxyUnitDisplay(unitY=x0) # Set the limits if x0 is not None: = x0.rescale(self.xyUnitBase[1]).magnitude, **kwargs) if x1 is not None: = x1.rescale(self.xyUnitBase[1]).magnitude, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, time): from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from morphforge.traces.tracetypes.tracefixeddt import TraceFixedDT if isinstance(time, tuple): assert len(time) == 2 start = qty(time[0]) stop = qty(time[1]) if start < self._time[0]: assert False, 'Time out of bounds' if stop > self._time[-1]: assert False, 'Time out of bounds' mask = np.logical_and(start < self.time_pts, self._time < stop) if len(np.nonzero(mask)[0]) < 2: assert False return TraceFixedDT(time=self._time[np.nonzero(mask)[0]], data=self.data_pts[np.nonzero(mask)[0]]) assert isinstance(time, units.quantity.Quantity), "Times should be quantity. Found: %s %s"%(time, type(time)) # Rebase the Time: time.rescale(self._time.units) interpolator = interp1d(self.time_pts_np, self.data_pts_np) d_mag = interpolator(time.magnitude) return d_mag * self.data_unit
def _setxyUnitDisplay(self, unitX=None, unitY=None): if unitX is not None: unitX = (qty(unitX) if isinstance(unitX, basestring) else unitX) if unitY is not None: unitY = (qty(unitY) if isinstance(unitY, basestring) else unitY) # Set the base units, if they are not already set: if unitX is not None and self.xyUnitBase[0] is None: self._setxyUnitBase(unitX=unitX) if unitY is not None and self.xyUnitBase[1] is None: self._setxyUnitBase(unitY=unitY) if unitX is not None: self.xyUnitDisplay[0] = unitX.units # Update the axis ticks: symbol = self.getSymbolFromUnit(self.xyUnitDisplay[0]) scaling = (self.xyUnitBase[0]/self.xyUnitDisplay[0]).rescale(pq.dimensionless) xFormatterFunc = self.xTickFormatGenerator(scaling=scaling, symbol=symbol, ticklabel_quantisation=None) if unitY is not None: self.xyUnitDisplay[1] = unitY.units symbol = self.getSymbolFromUnit(self.xyUnitDisplay[1]) scaling = (self.xyUnitBase[1]/self.xyUnitDisplay[1]).rescale(pq.dimensionless) yFormatterFunc = self.yTickFormatGenerator(scaling=scaling, symbol=symbol, ticklabel_quantisation=None) # Update the labels self._update_labels()
def set_xlim(self, *args, **kwargs): x0 = x1 = None if args is not None: if len(args) == 1: x0, x1 =args[0] else: x0, x1 = args else: x0 = kwargs.get('left', None) x1 = kwargs.get('right', None) # So we can forward arguments: if 'left' in kwargs: del kwargs['left'] if 'left' in kwargs: del kwargs['left'] # if x0 is not None and isinstance(x0, basestring): x0 = qty(x0) if x1 is not None and isinstance(x1, basestring): x1 = qty(x1) # Are the baseunits set? If not, then lets set them: if self.xyUnitBase[0] is None: self._setxyUnitDisplay(unitX=x0) # Set the limits if x0 is not None: = x0.rescale(self.xyUnitBase[0]).magnitude, **kwargs) if x1 is not None: = x1.rescale(self.xyUnitBase[0]).magnitude, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, equation, conductance, reversalpotential, statevars_new={}, **kwargs): super(MM_InfTauInterpolatedChannel, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.eqn = equation self.conductance = qty(conductance) self.reversalpotential = qty(reversalpotential) self.statevars_new = statevars_new.copy()
def __init__(self, name, ion, equation, conductance, reversalpotential, statevars, beta2threshold, **kwargs): super(StdChlAlphaBetaBeta, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs) = name self.ion = ion self.eqn = equation self.conductance = qty(conductance) self.beta2threshold = qty(beta2threshold) self.statevars = dict([(s, (sDict['alpha'], sDict['beta1'], sDict['beta2'])) for s, sDict in statevars.iteritems()]) self.reversalpotential = qty(reversalpotential)
def get_sample_k(env): kStateVars = {'n': {'alpha': [-0.55, -0.01, -1.00, 55.0, -10.00], 'beta': [0.125, 0, 0, 65, 80]}} k_chl = env.Channel( StdChlAlphaBeta, name='KChl', ion='k', equation='n*n*n*n', conductance=qty('36:mS/cm2'), reversalpotential=qty('-77:mV'), statevars=kStateVars, ) return k_chl
def _setxyUnitBase(self, unitX=None, unitY=None): if unitX is not None: unitX = (qty(unitX) if isinstance(unitX, basestring) else unitX) if unitY is not None: unitY = (qty(unitY) if isinstance(unitY, basestring) else unitY) if unitX is not None: assert self.xyUnitBase[0] == None unitX = (qty(unitX) if isinstance(unitX, basestring) else unitX) self.xyUnitBase[0] = unitX.units.simplified.units if unitY is not None: assert self.xyUnitBase[1] == None unitY = (qty(unitY) if isinstance(unitY, basestring) else unitY) self.xyUnitBase[1] = unitY.units.simplified.units
def __init__(self, equation, conductance, reversalpotential, statevars=None, name=None, ion=None, **kwargs): super(StdChlAlphaBeta, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs) # TODO: FIXED DEFAULT PARAMETER 'statevars' if statevars is None: statevars = {} self.ion = ion self.eqn = equation self.conductance = qty(conductance) self.statevars = dict([(s, (sDict['alpha'], sDict['beta'])) for s, sDict in statevars.iteritems()]) self.reversalpotential = qty(reversalpotential) self.conductance = self.conductance.rescale('S/cm2') self.reversalpotential = self.reversalpotential.rescale('mV')
def main(): l1 = TracePiecewise(pieces = [ TracePieceFunctionFlat(time_window=(0, 50)*, x=qty("0:pA")), TracePieceFunctionFlat(time_window=(50, 150)*, x=qty("110:pA")), TracePieceFunctionFlat(time_window=(150, 350)*, x=qty("0:pA")), ]) sel1 = LevelSelectorGroup(" A, { 10:65 @ -1:1 }, B, { 10: @ 90:111 }, C", xunit=qty("ms"), yunit=qty("pA")) matches = sel1.matchall(l1) for m in matches: print m
def reduce_to_variable_dt_trace(cls, original_trace, epsilon): assert isinstance(original_trace, TracePointBased) epsilon = qty(epsilon) time_units = original_trace.time_unit time_data = original_trace.time_pts_np data_units = original_trace.data_unit data_data = original_trace.data_pts_np pts = zip(time_data.tolist(), data_data.tolist()) newpts = _simplify_points(pts, epsilon) (new_time, new_data) = zip(*newpts) new_trace = TraceVariableDT(np.array(new_time) * time_units, np.array(new_data) * data_units,, comment=original_trace.comment, tags=original_trace.tags) print 'Simplified from N=%d to N=%d' % (original_trace.get_n(), new_trace.get_n()) return new_trace
def __init__(self, morphology=None, area=None, segmenter=None, initial_voltage=None, cell_tags=None, cell_type=None, **kwargs): if area is not None: assert morphology is None morphology = MorphologyBuilder.get_single_section_soma(area=area) if cell_tags == None: cell_tags = [] from morphforge.simulation.base.segmentation.cellsegmenter import CellSegmenter_MaxCompartmentLength super(Cell, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.morphology = morphology self._cell_type = cell_type self.cell_segmenter = (segmenter if segmenter else CellSegmenter_MaxCompartmentLength()) #self.cell_segmenter.connect_to_cell(self) self.biophysics = CellBiophysics(self) self.initial_voltage = initial_voltage or qty('-51:mV') self.cell_tags = cell_tags if self.cell_tags = self.cell_tags + [] self.population = None
def get_defaults(cls): defs = {NEURONSimulationSettings.dt: qty('0.01:ms'), NEURONSimulationSettings.tstop: qty('500:ms'), NEURONSimulationSettings.reltol: 0.0, NEURONSimulationSettings.abstol: 1e-2, #NEURONSimulationSettings.reltol: 1e-12, #NEURONSimulationSettings.abstol: 1e-12, NEURONSimulationSettings.cvode: True, NEURONSimulationSettings.strict_modlunit: True, # This options automatically simplifies traces after recoding, # which can make intermediate files much smaller. NEURONSimulationSettings.simplify_traces: None } # Check we have defaults for all parameters: for parameter in NEURONSimulationSettings.allparams: assert parameter in defs return defs
def get_sample_na(env): na_state_vars = { 'm': { 'alpha': [-4.00,-0.10,-1.00,40.00,-10.00], 'beta': [4.00, 0.00, 0.00,65.00, 18.00]}, 'h': { 'alpha': [0.07,0.00,0.00,65.00,20.00], 'beta': [1.00,0.00,1.00,35.00,-10.00]} } na_chl = env.Channel( StdChlAlphaBeta, name='NaChl', ion='na', equation='m*m*m*h', conductance=qty('120:mS/cm2'), reversalpotential=qty('50:mV'), statevars=na_state_vars, ) return na_chl
def _convert_to_unit(o, default_unit): assert not isinstance(default_unit, units.Quantity) if isinstance(o, units.Quantity): return o.rescale(default_unit) elif is_float(o) or is_int(o): return o * morphforge.units.parse_unit_str(default_unit)#.rescale(default_unit) elif isinstance(o, (str, unicode)) and ':' in o: return qty(o).rescale(default_unit) else: raise ValueError()
def build_traces(cls, header_info, data_array): n_cols = data_array.shape[1] # Get the time column: time_data_raw = data_array[:, 0] time_unit = qty(str(header_info.column_data[0]['unit'])) time_data = time_data_raw * time_unit # Do we build as fixed or variable array: trace_builder = (TraceFixedDT if TraceFixedDT.is_array_fixed_dt(time_data) else TraceVariableDT) trcs = [] for i in range(1, n_cols): d_i = data_array[:, i] column_metadict = header_info.column_data[i] dataUnit = qty(str(column_metadict.get('unit', ''))) data_label = str(column_metadict.get('label', 'Column%d' % i)) data_tags = str(column_metadict.get('tags', '')).split(',') d = d_i * dataUnit tr = trace_builder(time_data, d, name=data_label, tags=data_tags) trcs.append(tr) return trcs
def build_passive_cell(sim, input_resistance, capacitance=None, area=None, name=None, reversalpotential=None): import morphforgecontrib.stdimports as mfc env = sim.environment if area is None: area = qty('1000:um2') if capacitance is None: capacitance = qty('10:pF') if reversalpotential is None: reversalpotential = qty('-60:mV') lk = env.Channel( mfc.StdChlLeak, conductance = ((1/input_resistance) / area ), reversalpotential = reversalpotential, ) cell = sim.create_cell(area=area, name=name, initial_voltage=reversalpotential) cell.apply_channel(lk) cell.set_passive(mf.PassiveProperty.SpecificCapacitance, capacitance / area) return cell
def __init__(self, name, ion, equation, permeability, intracellular_concentration, extracellular_concentration, temperature, beta2threshold, statevars, **kwargs): super( StdChlCalciumAlphaBetaBeta, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs) self.ion = ion self.permeability = qty(permeability) self.intracellular_concentration = qty(intracellular_concentration) self.extracellular_concentration = qty(extracellular_concentration) self.eqn = equation self.statevars = dict([(s, (sDict['alpha'], sDict['beta1'], sDict['beta2'])) for s, sDict in statevars.iteritems()]) self.beta2threshold = qty(beta2threshold) self.F = qty('96485.3365:C/mol') self.R = qty('8.314421:J/(K mol)') self.CaZ = qty('2.0:') self.T = qty(temperature)
def build_hh_cell(sim, cell_area=None, name=None): if cell_area is None: cell_area = qty('5000:um2') morphology = MorphologyBuilder.get_single_section_soma(area = cell_area) cell = sim.create_cell(morphology=morphology,name=name) # Apply the channels uniformly over the cell env = sim.environment modelsrc=StandardModels.HH52 cell.apply_channel( ChannelLibrary.get_channel(modelsrc=modelsrc, celltype=None, channeltype="Na", env=env) ) cell.apply_channel( ChannelLibrary.get_channel(modelsrc=modelsrc, celltype=None, channeltype="K", env=env) ) cell.apply_channel( ChannelLibrary.get_channel(modelsrc=modelsrc, celltype=None, channeltype="Lk", env=env) ) return cell
def newFunctor(env, _voltage_interpolation_values=voltage_interpolation_values): old_chl = chl_functor(env) assert isinstance( old_chl, (StdChlAlphaBeta, StdChlAlphaBetaBeta) ) # or issubclass(StdChlAlphaBetaBeta, old_chl) # New Name if new_name is not None: chl_name = new_name else: chl_name = + clone_name_suffix # Interpolation voltages: # voltage_interpolation_values=voltage_interpolation_values if _voltage_interpolation_values is None: _voltage_interpolation_values = np.linspace(-80, 60, 10) * qty("mV") # Copy the state variables new_state_vars = {} for state_var in old_chl.get_state_variables(): alpha, beta = old_chl.get_alpha_beta_at_voltage(statevar=state_var, V=_voltage_interpolation_values) inf, tau = InfTauCalculator.alpha_beta_to_inf_tau(alpha, beta) V = _voltage_interpolation_values.rescale("mV").magnitude inf = inf.rescale(units.dimensionless).magnitude tau = tau.rescale("ms").magnitude new_state_vars[state_var] = InfTauInterpolation(V=V, inf=inf, tau=tau) chl = env.Channel( MM_InfTauInterpolatedChannel, name=chl_name, ion=old_chl.ion, equation=old_chl.eqn, conductance=old_chl.conductance, reversalpotential=old_chl.reversalpotential, statevars_new=new_state_vars, ) return chl
def build_voltageclamp_soma_simulation(env, V, channel_functor, morphology): sim = env.Simulation(name='SimXX', cvode=False, dt= qty('0.01:ms')) cell = sim.create_cell(name='Cell1', morphology=morphology) cell.apply_channel( channel=channel_functor(env=sim.environment)) sim.record( cell, what=cell.Recordables.MembraneVoltage, name='SomaVoltage' , cell_location=cell.soma) vc = sim.create_voltageclamp( name='Stim1', amp1=qty('-81.5:mV'), amp2=qty(V), amp3=qty('-81.5:mV'), dur1=qty('100:ms'), dur2=qty('100:ms'), dur3=qty('100:ms'), cell_location=cell.soma, ) sim.record(vc, what=vc.Recordables.Current, name='VCCurrent') return sim
def __init__( self, dur1, amp1, dur2='0:ms', dur3='0:ms', amp2='0:mV', amp3='0:mV', rs='0.01:MOhm', **kwargs ): super(VoltageClampStepChange, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.dur1 = qty(dur1) self.dur2 = qty(dur2) self.dur3 = qty(dur3) self.amp1 = qty(amp1) self.amp2 = qty(amp2) self.amp3 = qty(amp3) = qty(rs)
def get_unit(self): return qty('')
def p_unit_definiton(p): """ unit_def : CURLY_LBRACE D COLON ID CURLY_RBRACE """ p[0] = qty(p[4])
def __init__( self, srcs, plots=None, additional_plots=None, figtitle=None, fig_kwargs=None, show=True, linkage=None, timerange=None, mpl_tight_bounds=False, decimate_points=False, share_x_labels=True, nxticks=4, show_xlabel='only-once', show_xticklabels='only-once', show_xticklabels_with_units=True, show_xaxis_position='bottom', xticklabel_quantisation = False, xticks=None, xlabel='Time' ): self.xlabel = xlabel if fig_kwargs is None: fig_kwargs = self._default_fig_kwargs self.linkage = linkage self.decimate_points = decimate_points if not is_iterable(srcs): srcs = [srcs] # For each type of input (in 'srcs'); this should return a list of traces: self.all_trace_objs = [] self.all_event_set_objs = [] trace_extractors = { SimulationResult: lambda obj: (self.all_trace_objs.extend(obj.traces),self.all_event_set_objs.extend(obj.evsets)), TraceFixedDT: lambda obj: self.all_trace_objs.append(obj), TraceVariableDT: lambda obj: self.all_trace_objs.append(obj), TracePiecewise: lambda obj: self.all_trace_objs.append(obj), EventSet: lambda obj: self.all_event_set_objs.append(obj) } for obj in srcs: tr_extractor = trace_extractors[type(obj)] tr_extractor(obj) # Use the new PlotSpec architecture: # Filter out which plots are actually going to display something, # and filter out the rest: plots = plots if plots is not None else TagViewer._default_plot_specs if additional_plots: plots = tuple(list(plots) + list(additional_plots)) self.plot_specs = [plotspec for plotspec in plots if [tr for tr in self.all_trace_objs if plotspec.addtrace_predicate(tr)] or \ [evset for evset in self.all_event_set_objs if plotspec.addeventset_predicate(evset)] \ ] self.fig_kwargs = fig_kwargs self.figtitle = figtitle self.mpl_tight_bounds = mpl_tight_bounds self.timerange = timerange #self.share_x_labels = share_x_labels self.nxticks = nxticks # X-axis configuration: self.show_xlabel = show_xlabel self.show_xticklabels = show_xticklabels self.show_xticklabels_with_units = show_xticklabels_with_units self.show_xaxis_position = show_xaxis_position #self.xticks_as_ints = xticks_as_ints self.xticklabel_quantisation = xticklabel_quantisation self.xticks=xticks assert self.show_xlabel in self._options_show_xlabel, 'Invalid' assert self.show_xticklabels in self._options_show_xticklabels, 'Invalid: %s' % show_xticklabels assert self.show_xticklabels_with_units in self._options_show_xticklabels_with_units assert self.show_xaxis_position in self._options_show_xaxis_position if is_iterable( self.xticks ) and all( [isinstance(xtick, (int, float)) for xtick in self.xticks]): self.xticks = [ xtick* for xtick in self.xticks] assert self.xticks is None or isinstance(self.xticks, int) or ( is_iterable(self.xticks) and [ qty(xtick) for xtick in self.xticks] ) self.fig = None self.subaxes = [] self.create_figure() if TagViewer.MPL_AUTO_SHOW and show: import pylab
def get_sample_lk(env): lk_chl = env.Channel(StdChlLeak, name='LkChl', conductance=qty('0.3:mS/cm2'), reversalpotential=qty('-54.3:mV') ) return lk_chl
def __init__(self, conductance, reversalpotential, **kwargs): super(StdChlLeak, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.conductance = qty(conductance) self.reversalpotential = qty(reversalpotential)
def get_defaults(self): return {'gBar': self.conductance, 'e_rev': self.reversalpotential, 'gScale': qty('1.0')}
def get_unit(self): return qty('S/cm2')
def __init__(self, amp, dur, delay, **kwargs): super(CurrentClampStepChange, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.amp = qty(amp) self.dur = qty(dur) self.delay = qty(delay)