Exemple #1
def test_mut_copy_ctor():
    simple = Morphology(os.path.join(_path, "simple.swc"))
    assert_equal([sec.id for sec in simple.iter()], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    copy = Morphology(simple)
        PointLevel([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [2, 2], [20, 20]), SectionType.axon)

    # test that first object has not been mutated
    assert_equal([sec.id for sec in simple.iter()], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

    assert_equal([sec.id for sec in copy.iter()], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
Exemple #2
def fix_non_zero_segments(neuron, zero_length=_ZERO_LENGTH):
    '''Return a neuron with zero length segments removed

    Sections composed of a single zero length segment are deleted, where zero is parametrized
    by zero_length

        neuron (str|pathlib.Path|morphio.Morphology|morphio.mut.Morphology): input neuron
        zero_length (float): smallest length of a segment

        a fixed morphio.mut.Morphology
    neuron = Morphology(neuron)
    to_be_deleted = list()
    for section in neuron.iter():
        points = section.points
        distances = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(points, axis=0), axis=1)
        distances[distances < zero_length] = 0
        indices = np.append(0, np.nonzero(distances)[0] + 1)
        if len(indices) != len(points):
            section.points = section.points[indices]
            section.diameters = section.diameters[indices]
        if len(indices) < 2:

    for section in to_be_deleted:
    return neuron
Exemple #3
def test_sanitize():
    m = Morphology()
    section = m.append_root_section(
        PointLevel([[1, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0]], [2, 2], [20, 20]), SectionType.axon)
    section.append_section(PointLevel([[2, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0]], [2, 2],
                                      [20, 20]))
    with captured_output() as (_, err):
        with ostream_redirect(stdout=True, stderr=True):
            assert_equal(len(list(m.iter())), 1)
                'Warning: section 1 is the only child of section: 0\nIt will be merged '
                'with the parent section')

    # Checking that sanitize() issues a warning on missing duplicate
    m = Morphology()
    section = m.append_root_section(
        PointLevel([[1, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0]], [2, 2], [20, 20]), SectionType.axon)
    section.append_section(PointLevel([[2, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0]], [2, 2],
                                      [20, 20]))
    with captured_output() as (_, err):
        with ostream_redirect():
                PointLevel([[2, 1, 0], [2, 0, 0]], [2, 2], [20, 20]))
    with captured_output() as (_, err):
        with ostream_redirect():
                'Warning: while appending section: 2 to parent: 0\nThe section first point should be parent section last point: \n        : X Y Z Diameter\nparent last point :[2.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2.000000]\nchild first point :[2.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 2.000000]'
Exemple #4
def test_iterators():
        [sec.id for sec in SIMPLE.section(5).iter(IterType.upstream)], [5, 3])

        [sec.id for sec in SIMPLE.section(0).iter(IterType.depth_first)],
        [0, 1, 2])

        [sec.id for sec in SIMPLE.section(0).iter(IterType.breadth_first)],
        [0, 1, 2])

    assert_array_equal([sec.id for sec in SIMPLE.iter()], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

    assert_array_equal([sec.id for sec in SIMPLE.iter(IterType.depth_first)],
                       [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

    assert_array_equal([sec.id for sec in SIMPLE.iter(IterType.breadth_first)],
                       [0, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5])

    neuron = Morphology(os.path.join(_path, "iterators.asc"))
    root = neuron.root_sections[0]
        [section.id for section in root.iter(IterType.depth_first)],
        [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
        [section.id for section in root.iter(IterType.breadth_first)],
        [0, 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 6])

        [section.id for section in neuron.iter(IterType.breadth_first)],
        [0, 7, 1, 4, 8, 9, 2, 3, 5, 6])
Exemple #5
def fix_non_zero_segments(neuron):
    '''Return a neuron with zero length segments removed

    Sections composed of a single zero length segment are deleted
        neuron (str|pathlib.Path|morphio.Morphology|morphio.mut.Morphology): input neuron

        a fixed morphio.mut.Morphology
    neuron = Morphology(neuron)
    to_be_deleted = list()
    for section in neuron.iter():
        points = section.points
        distances = np.linalg.norm(np.diff(points, axis=0), axis=1)
        indices = np.append(0, np.nonzero(distances)[0] + 1)
        if len(indices) != len(points):
            section.points = section.points[indices]
            section.diameters = section.diameters[indices]
        if len(indices) < 2:

    for section in to_be_deleted:
    return neuron
Exemple #6
def sanitize(input_neuron, output_path):
    '''Sanitize one morphology.

    - ensures it can be loaded with MorphIO
    - raises if the morphology has no soma or of invalid format
    - removes unifurcations
    - set negative diameters to zero
    - raises if the morphology has a neurite whose type changes along the way
    - removes segments with near zero lengths (shorter than 1e-4)

        input_neuron (str|pathlib.Path|morphio.Morphology|morphio.mut.Morphology): input neuron
        output_path (str|pathlib.Path): output name
    neuron = Morphology(input_neuron)

    if neuron.soma.type == SomaType.SOMA_UNDEFINED:  # pylint: disable=no-member
        raise CorruptedMorphology(
            '{} has an invalid or no soma'.format(input_neuron))


    for section in neuron.iter():
        section.diameters = np.clip(section.diameters, 0, None)

    for root in neuron.root_sections:  # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
        for section in root.iter():
            if section.type != root.type:
                raise CorruptedMorphology(
                    f'{input_neuron} has a neurite whose type changes along '
                    'the way\n'
                    f'Child section (id: {section.id}) has a different type '
                    f'({section.type}) than its parent (id: '
                    f'{section.parent.id}) (type: {section.parent.type})')

Exemple #7
def test_equality():
    set_ignored_warning([Warning.wrong_duplicate, Warning.only_child], True)
    filename = joinp(DATA, 'simple2.asc')
    neuron_ref = Morphology(filename)
    ok_(not diff(neuron_ref, neuron_ref))
    ok_(not diff(neuron_ref, filename))
    ok_(not diff(neuron_ref, neuron_ref.as_immutable()))

    def mundane_section(neuron):
        '''Not a root section, not a leaf section'''
        return neuron.root_sections[0].children[0]

    a = Morphology(joinp(DATA, 'simple2.asc'))
    mundane_section(a).type = SectionType.apical_dendrite
    result = diff(neuron_ref, a)
    assert_equal(result.info, 'Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)]) and Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)]) have different section types')

    a = Morphology(joinp(DATA, 'simple2.asc'))
    mundane_section(a).points = [[0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,1]]
    result = diff(neuron_ref, a)
                 '\n'.join(['Attributes Section.points of:',
                            'Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)])',
                            'Section(id=1, points=[(0 0 0),..., (0 0 1)])',
                            'have the same shape but different values']))

    a = Morphology(joinp(DATA, 'simple2.asc'))
    mundane_section(a).diameters = [0,0,0]
    result = diff(neuron_ref, a)
                 '\n'.join(['Attributes Section.diameters of:',
                            'Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)])',
                            'Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)])',
                            'have the same shape but different values']))

    a = Morphology(joinp(DATA, 'simple2.asc'))
    for section in a.iter():
        section.perimeters = [1] * len(section.points)
    result = diff(neuron_ref, a)
                 '\n'.join(['Attributes Section.perimeters of:',
                            'Section(id=0, points=[(0 0 0),..., (0 5 0)])',
                            'Section(id=0, points=[(0 0 0),..., (0 5 0)])',
                            'have different shapes: (0,) vs (2,)']))

    a = Morphology(joinp(DATA, 'simple2.asc'))
    mundane_section(a).append_section(PointLevel([[-6, 5, 0], [4, 5, 6]], [2, 3]))
    result = diff(neuron_ref, a)
    assert_equal(result.info, 'Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)]) and Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)]) have different a different number of children')

    a = Morphology(joinp(DATA, 'simple2.asc'))
    result = diff(neuron_ref, a)
    assert_equal(result.info, 'Both morphologies have different a different number of root sections')

    result = diff(joinp(DATA, 'single_child.asc'), joinp(DATA, 'not_single_child.asc'))
    ok_(not result)
    set_ignored_warning([Warning.wrong_duplicate, Warning.only_child], False)
Exemple #8
def test_equality():
    set_ignored_warning([Warning.wrong_duplicate, Warning.only_child], True)
    filename = DATA / 'simple2.asc'
    neuron_ref = Morphology(filename)
    assert not diff(neuron_ref, neuron_ref)
    assert not diff(neuron_ref, filename)
    assert not diff(neuron_ref, neuron_ref.as_immutable())

    def mundane_section(neuron):
        '''Not a root section, not a leaf section'''
        return neuron.root_sections[0].children[0]

    a = Morphology(DATA / 'simple2.asc')
    mundane_section(a).type = SectionType.apical_dendrite
    result = diff(neuron_ref, a)
    assert result
    assert result.info == 'Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)]) and Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)]) have different section types'

    a = Morphology(DATA / 'simple2.asc')
    mundane_section(a).points = [[0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,1]]
    result = diff(neuron_ref, a)
    assert result
    assert (result.info ==
                 '\n'.join(['Attributes Section.points of:',
                            'Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)])',
                            'Section(id=1, points=[(0 0 0),..., (0 0 1)])',
                            'have the same shape but different values',
                            'Vector points differs at index 0: [0. 5. 0.] != [0. 0. 0.]']))

    a = Morphology(DATA / 'simple2.asc')
    mundane_section(a).diameters = [0,0,0]
    result = diff(neuron_ref, a)
    assert result
    assert (result.info ==
                 '\n'.join(['Attributes Section.diameters of:',
                            'Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)])',
                            'Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)])',
                            'have the same shape but different values',
                            'Vector diameters differs at index 0: 3.0 != 0.0']))

    a = Morphology(DATA / 'simple2.asc')
    for section in a.iter():
        section.perimeters = [1] * len(section.points)
    result = diff(neuron_ref, a)
    assert result
    assert (result.info ==
                 '\n'.join(['Attributes Section.perimeters of:',
                            'Section(id=0, points=[(0 0 0),..., (0 5 0)])',
                            'Section(id=0, points=[(0 0 0),..., (0 5 0)])',
                            'have different shapes: (0,) vs (2,)']))

    a = Morphology(DATA / 'simple2.asc')
    mundane_section(a).append_section(PointLevel([[-6, 5, 0], [4, 5, 6]], [2, 3]))
    result = diff(neuron_ref, a)
    assert result
    assert result.info == 'Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)]) and Section(id=1, points=[(0 5 0),..., (-6 5 0)]) have a different number of children'

    a = Morphology(DATA / 'simple2.asc')
    result = diff(neuron_ref, a)
    assert result
    assert result.info == 'Both morphologies have a different number of root sections'

    result = diff(DATA / 'single_child.asc', DATA / 'not_single_child.asc')
    if parse_version(get_distribution("morphio").version) < parse_version("3"):
        assert not result
        assert result
    set_ignored_warning([Warning.wrong_duplicate, Warning.only_child], False)