Exemple #1
def reference4( ref_data ):
	from utilities      import print_msg
	from filter         import fit_tanh, filt_tanl, filt_gaussl
	from fundamentals   import fshift, fft
	from morphology     import threshold
	#  Prepare the reference in 3D alignment, i.e., low-pass filter and center.
	#  Input: list ref_data
	#   0 - mask
	#   1 - center flag
	#   2 - raw average
	#   3 - fsc result
	#  Output: filtered, centered, and masked reference image
	#  apply filtration (FSC) to reference image:

	cs = [0.0]*3

	stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[2], ref_data[0], False)
	volf = ref_data[2] - stat[0]
	Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0/stat[1])
	volf = threshold(volf)
	#Util.mul_img(volf, ref_data[0])
	#fl, aa = fit_tanh(ref_data[3])
	fl = 0.25
	aa = 0.1
	#msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n"%(fl, aa)
	volf = fft(filt_gaussl(filt_tanl(fft(volf),0.35,0.2),0.3))
	if ref_data[1] == 1:
		cs = volf.phase_cog()
		msg = "Center x = %10.3f        Center y = %10.3f        Center z = %10.3f\n"%(cs[0], cs[1], cs[2])
		volf  = fshift(volf, -cs[0], -cs[1], -cs[2])
	return  volf, cs
Exemple #2
def helical( ref_data ):
	from utilities      import print_msg
	from filter         import fit_tanh, filt_tanl
	from morphology     import threshold
	#  Prepare the reference in helical refinement, i.e., low-pass filter .
	#  Input: list ref_data
	#   0 - raw volume
	#  Output: filtered, and masked reference image

	global  ref_ali2d_counter
	ref_ali2d_counter += 1
	print_msg("helical   #%6d\n"%(ref_ali2d_counter))
	stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[0], None, True)
	volf = ref_data[0] - stat[0]
	nx = volf.get_xsize()
	ny = volf.get_ysize()
	nz = volf.get_zsize()
	#for i in xrange(nz):
	#	volf.insert_clip(filt_tanl(volf.get_clip(Region(0,0,i,nx,ny,1)),0.4,0.1),[0,0,i])

	volf = threshold(volf)
	fl = 0.45#0.17
	aa = 0.1
	msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n"%(fl, aa)
	volf = filt_tanl(volf, fl, aa)
	return  volf#,[0.,0.,0.]
Exemple #3
def ref_7grp(ref_data):
    from utilities import print_msg
    from filter import fit_tanh, filt_tanl, filt_gaussinv
    from fundamentals import fshift
    from morphology import threshold
    from math import sqrt
    #  Prepare the reference in 3D alignment, i.e., low-pass filter and center.
    #  Input: list ref_data
    #   0 - mask
    #   1 - center flag
    #   2 - raw average
    #   3 - fsc result
    #  Output: filtered, centered, and masked reference image
    #  apply filtration (FSC) to reference image:
    #cs = [0.0]*3

    stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[2], None, False)
    volf = ref_data[2] - stat[0]
    Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0 / stat[1])
    volf = Util.muln_img(threshold(volf), ref_data[0])

    fl, aa = fit_tanh(ref_data[3])
    msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n" % (
        fl, aa)
    volf = filt_tanl(volf, fl, aa)
    if (ref_data[1] == 1):
        cs = volf.phase_cog()
        msg = "Center x =	%10.3f        Center y       = %10.3f        Center z       = %10.3f\n" % (
            cs[0], cs[1], cs[2])
        volf = fshift(volf, -cs[0], -cs[1], -cs[2])
    B_factor = 10.0
    volf = filt_gaussinv(volf, 10.0)
    return volf, cs
Exemple #4
def ref_7grp( ref_data ):
	from utilities      import print_msg
	from filter         import fit_tanh, filt_tanl, filt_gaussinv
	from fundamentals   import fshift
	from morphology     import threshold
	from math           import sqrt
	#  Prepare the reference in 3D alignment, i.e., low-pass filter and center.
	#  Input: list ref_data
	#   0 - mask
	#   1 - center flag
	#   2 - raw average
	#   3 - fsc result
	#  Output: filtered, centered, and masked reference image
	#  apply filtration (FSC) to reference image:
	#cs = [0.0]*3

	stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[2], None, False)
	volf = ref_data[2] - stat[0]
	Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0/stat[1])
	volf = Util.muln_img(threshold(volf), ref_data[0])

	fl, aa = fit_tanh(ref_data[3])
	msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n"%(fl, aa)
	volf = filt_tanl(volf, fl, aa)
	if(ref_data[1] == 1):
		cs    = volf.phase_cog()
		msg = "Center x =	%10.3f        Center y       = %10.3f        Center z       = %10.3f\n"%(cs[0], cs[1], cs[2])
		volf  = fshift(volf, -cs[0], -cs[1], -cs[2])
	B_factor = 10.0
	volf = filt_gaussinv( volf, 10.0 )
	return  volf,cs
Exemple #5
def reference4(ref_data):
    from utilities import print_msg
    from filter import fit_tanh, filt_tanl, filt_gaussl
    from fundamentals import fshift, fft
    from morphology import threshold
    #  Prepare the reference in 3D alignment, i.e., low-pass filter and center.
    #  Input: list ref_data
    #   0 - mask
    #   1 - center flag
    #   2 - raw average
    #   3 - fsc result
    #  Output: filtered, centered, and masked reference image
    #  apply filtration (FSC) to reference image:

    cs = [0.0] * 3

    stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[2], ref_data[0], False)
    volf = ref_data[2] - stat[0]
    Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0 / stat[1])
    volf = threshold(volf)
    #Util.mul_img(volf, ref_data[0])
    #fl, aa = fit_tanh(ref_data[3])
    fl = 0.25
    aa = 0.1
    #msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n"%(fl, aa)
    volf = fft(filt_gaussl(filt_tanl(fft(volf), 0.35, 0.2), 0.3))
    if ref_data[1] == 1:
        cs = volf.phase_cog()
        msg = "Center x = %10.3f        Center y = %10.3f        Center z = %10.3f\n" % (
            cs[0], cs[1], cs[2])
        volf = fshift(volf, -cs[0], -cs[1], -cs[2])
    return volf, cs
Exemple #6
def helical(ref_data):
    from utilities import print_msg
    from filter import fit_tanh, filt_tanl
    from morphology import threshold
    #  Prepare the reference in helical refinement, i.e., low-pass filter .
    #  Input: list ref_data
    #   0 - raw volume
    #  Output: filtered, and masked reference image

    global ref_ali2d_counter
    ref_ali2d_counter += 1
    print_msg("helical   #%6d\n" % (ref_ali2d_counter))
    stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[0], None, True)
    volf = ref_data[0] - stat[0]
    nx = volf.get_xsize()
    ny = volf.get_ysize()
    nz = volf.get_zsize()
    #for i in xrange(nz):
    #	volf.insert_clip(filt_tanl(volf.get_clip(Region(0,0,i,nx,ny,1)),0.4,0.1),[0,0,i])

    volf = threshold(volf)
    fl = 0.45  #0.17
    aa = 0.1
    msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n" % (
        fl, aa)
    volf = filt_tanl(volf, fl, aa)
    return volf  #,[0.,0.,0.]
def helical2( ref_data ):
	from utilities      import print_msg
	from filter	    import fit_tanh, filt_tanl
	from morphology     import threshold
	#  Prepare the reference in helical refinement, i.e., low-pass filter.
	#  Input: list ref_data
	#  2 - raw volume
	#  Output: filtered, and masked reference image

	global  ref_ali2d_counter
	ref_ali2d_counter += 1
	print_msg("helical2   #%6d\n"%(ref_ali2d_counter))
	stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[2], None, True)
	volf = ref_data[2] - stat[0]
	volf = threshold(volf)
	fl = 0.25#0.17
	aa = 0.1
	msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f	  fall-off = %10.3f\n"%(fl, aa)
	volf = filt_tanl(volf, fl, aa)
	from utilities import read_text_file
	#here pixel size, fract, rmax and rmin will have to be read from external text file
	from alignment import helios
	volf, dp, dphi = helios(volf, 2.175, dipr[0][-1], dipr[1][-1], 0.7, 30,3) 
	print_msg("New delta z and delta phi	  : %s,    %s\n\n"%(dp,dphi))
	fofo = open('symdoc.txt','a')
	fofo.write('  %12.4f   %12.4f\n'%(dp,dphi))
	return  volf,[0.0,0.0,0.0]
Exemple #8
def spruce_up_var_m( refdata ):
	from utilities  import print_msg
	from utilities  import model_circle, get_im
	from filter     import filt_tanl, filt_gaussl
	from morphology import threshold
	import os

	numref     = refdata[0]
	outdir     = refdata[1]
	fscc       = refdata[2]
	total_iter = refdata[3]
	varf       = refdata[4]
	mask       = refdata[5]
	ali50S     = refdata[6]

	if ali50S:
		mask_50S = get_im( "mask-50S.spi" )

	if fscc is None:
		flmin = 0.4
		aamin = 0.1
		flmin,aamin,idmin=minfilt( fscc )
		aamin = aamin

	msg = "Minimum tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f     fall-off = %10.3f\n"%(fflmin, aamin)

	for i in xrange(numref):
		volf = get_im( os.path.join(outdir, "vol%04d.hdf"% total_iter) , i )
		if(not (varf is None) ):   volf = volf.filter_by_image( varf )
		volf = filt_tanl(volf, flmin, aamin)
		stat = Util.infomask(volf, mask, True)
		volf -= stat[0]
		Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0/stat[1])

		nx = volf.get_xsize()
		stat = Util.infomask(volf,model_circle(nx//2-2,nx,nx,nx)-model_circle(nx//2-6,nx,nx,nx), True)
		volf -= stat[0]
		Util.mul_img( volf, mask )

		volf = threshold(volf)
		volf = filt_gaussl( volf, 0.4)

		if ali50S:
			if i==0:
				v50S_0 = volf.copy()
				v50S_0 *= mask_50S
				from applications import ali_vol_3
				from fundamentals import rot_shift3D
				v50S_i = volf.copy()
				v50S_i *= mask_50S

				params = ali_vol_3(v50S_i, v50S_0, 10.0, 0.5, mask=mask_50S)
				volf = rot_shift3D( volf, params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4], params[5], 1.0)

		volf.write_image( os.path.join(outdir, "volf%04d.hdf"%total_iter), i )
Exemple #9
def ref_ali3dm_new(refdata):
    from utilities import print_msg
    from utilities import model_circle, get_im
    from filter import filt_tanl, filt_gaussl, filt_table
    from morphology import threshold
    from fundamentals import rops_table
    from alignment import ali_nvol
    from math import sqrt
    import os

    numref = refdata[0]
    outdir = refdata[1]
    fscc = refdata[2]
    total_iter = refdata[3]
    varf = refdata[4]
    mask = refdata[5]
    ali50S = refdata[6]

    if fscc is None:
        flmin = 0.38
        aamin = 0.1
        idmin = 0
        flmin, aamin, idmin = minfilt(fscc)
        aamin /= 2.0
    msg = "Minimum tangent filter derived from volume %2d:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f, fall-off = %10.3f\n" % (
        idmin, flmin, aamin)

    vol = []
    for i in xrange(numref):
        vol.append(get_im(os.path.join(outdir, "vol%04d.hdf" % total_iter), i))
        stat = Util.infomask(vol[i], mask, False)
        vol[i] -= stat[0]
        vol[i] /= stat[1]
        vol[i] *= mask
        vol[i] = threshold(vol[i])
    del stat

    reftab = rops_table(vol[idmin])
    for i in xrange(numref):
        if (i != idmin):
            vtab = rops_table(vol[i])
            ftab = [None] * len(vtab)
            for j in xrange(len(vtab)):
                ftab[j] = sqrt(reftab[j] / vtab[j])
            vol[i] = filt_table(vol[i], ftab)

    if ali50S:
        vol = ali_nvol(vol, get_im("mask-50S.spi"))
    for i in xrange(numref):
        if (not (varf is None)): vol[i] = vol[i].filter_by_image(varf)
        filt_tanl(vol[i], flmin, aamin).write_image(
            os.path.join(outdir, "volf%04d.hdf" % total_iter), i)
Exemple #10
def ref_ali3dm_new( refdata ):
	from utilities    import print_msg
	from utilities    import model_circle, get_im
	from filter       import filt_tanl, filt_gaussl, filt_table
	from morphology   import threshold
	from fundamentals import rops_table
	from alignment    import ali_nvol
	from math         import sqrt
	import   os

	numref     = refdata[0]
	outdir     = refdata[1]
	fscc       = refdata[2]
	total_iter = refdata[3]
	varf       = refdata[4]
	mask       = refdata[5]
	ali50S     = refdata[6]

	if fscc is None:
		flmin = 0.38
		aamin = 0.1
		idmin = 0
		flmin, aamin, idmin = minfilt( fscc )
		aamin /= 2.0
	msg = "Minimum tangent filter derived from volume %2d:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f, fall-off = %10.3f\n"%(idmin, flmin, aamin)

	vol = []
	for i in xrange(numref):
		vol.append(get_im( os.path.join(outdir, "vol%04d.hdf"%total_iter), i ))
		stat = Util.infomask( vol[i], mask, False )
		vol[i] -= stat[0]
		vol[i] /= stat[1]
		vol[i] *= mask
		vol[i] = threshold(vol[i])
	del stat

	reftab = rops_table( vol[idmin] )
	for i in xrange(numref):
		if(i != idmin):
			vtab = rops_table( vol[i] )
			ftab = [None]*len(vtab)
			for j in xrange(len(vtab)):
		        	ftab[j] = sqrt( reftab[j]/vtab[j] )
			vol[i] = filt_table( vol[i], ftab )

	if ali50S:
		vol = ali_nvol(vol, get_im( "mask-50S.spi" ))
	for i in xrange(numref):
		if(not (varf is None) ):   vol[i] = vol[i].filter_by_image( varf )
		filt_tanl( vol[i], flmin, aamin ).write_image( os.path.join(outdir, "volf%04d.hdf" % total_iter), i )
Exemple #11
def ref_aliB_cone(ref_data):
    from utilities import print_msg
    from filter import fit_tanh, filt_tanl
    from fundamentals import fshift
    from morphology import threshold
    from math import sqrt
    #  Prepare the reference in 3D alignment, i.e., low-pass filter and center.
    #  Input: list ref_data
    #   0 - mask
    #   1 - reference PW
    #   2 - raw average
    #   3 - fsc result
    #  Output: filtered, centered, and masked reference image
    #  apply filtration (FSC) to reference image:

    #cs = [0.0]*3

    stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[2], None, True)
    volf = ref_data[2] - stat[0]
    Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0 / stat[1])

    volf = threshold(volf)
    Util.mul_img(volf, ref_data[0])

    from fundamentals import rops_table
    pwem = rops_table(volf)
    ftb = []
    for idum in xrange(len(pwem)):
        ftb.append(sqrt(ref_data[1][idum] / pwem[idum]))
    from filter import filt_table
    volf = filt_table(volf, ftb)

    fl, aa = fit_tanh(ref_data[3])
    #fl = 0.41
    #aa = 0.15
    msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n" % (
        fl, aa)
    volf = filt_tanl(volf, fl, aa)
    stat = Util.infomask(volf, None, True)
    volf -= stat[0]
    Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0 / stat[1])
	if(ref_data[1] == 1):
		cs    = volf.phase_cog()
		msg = "Center x = %10.3f        Center y = %10.3f        Center z = %10.3f\n"%(cs[0], cs[1], cs[2])
		volf  = fshift(volf, -cs[0], -cs[1], -cs[2])
    return volf
Exemple #12
def spruce_up_variance(ref_data):
    from utilities import print_msg
    from filter import filt_tanl, fit_tanh, filt_gaussl
    from morphology import threshold
    #  Prepare the reference in 3D alignment, i.e., low-pass filter and center.
    #  Input: list ref_data
    #   0 - mask
    #   1 - center flag
    #   2 - raw average
    #   3 - fsc result
    #   4 1.0/variance
    #  Output: filtered, centered, and masked reference image
    #  apply filtration (FSC) to reference image:
    mask = ref_data[0]
    center = ref_data[1]
    vol = ref_data[2]
    fscc = ref_data[3]
    varf = ref_data[4]

    print_msg("spruce_up with variance\n")
    cs = [0.0] * 3

    if not (varf is None):
        volf = vol.filter_by_image(varf)

    #fl, aa = fit_tanh(ref_data[3])
    fl = 0.22
    aa = 0.15
    msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n" % (
        fl, aa)
    volf = filt_tanl(volf, fl, aa)

    stat = Util.infomask(volf, None, True)
    volf = volf - stat[0]
    Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0 / stat[1])

    from utilities import model_circle
    nx = volf.get_xsize()
    stat = Util.infomask(
        model_circle(nx // 2 - 2, nx, nx, nx) -
        model_circle(nx // 2 - 6, nx, nx, nx), True)

    volf -= stat[0]
    Util.mul_img(volf, mask)

    volf = threshold(volf)

    volf = filt_gaussl(volf, 0.4)
    return volf, cs
Exemple #13
def ref_aliB_cone( ref_data ):
	from utilities      import print_msg
	from filter         import fit_tanh, filt_tanl
	from fundamentals   import fshift
	from morphology     import threshold
	from math           import sqrt
	#  Prepare the reference in 3D alignment, i.e., low-pass filter and center.
	#  Input: list ref_data
	#   0 - mask
	#   1 - reference PW
	#   2 - raw average
	#   3 - fsc result
	#  Output: filtered, centered, and masked reference image
	#  apply filtration (FSC) to reference image:

	#cs = [0.0]*3

	stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[2], None, True)
	volf = ref_data[2] - stat[0]
	Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0/stat[1])

	volf = threshold(volf)
	Util.mul_img(volf, ref_data[0])

	from  fundamentals  import  rops_table
	pwem = rops_table(volf)
	ftb = []
	for idum in xrange(len(pwem)):
	from filter import filt_table
	volf = filt_table(volf, ftb)

	fl, aa = fit_tanh(ref_data[3])
	#fl = 0.41
	#aa = 0.15
	msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n"%(fl, aa)
	volf = filt_tanl(volf, fl, aa)
	stat = Util.infomask(volf, None, True)
	volf -= stat[0]
	Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0/stat[1])
	if(ref_data[1] == 1):
		cs    = volf.phase_cog()
		msg = "Center x = %10.3f        Center y = %10.3f        Center z = %10.3f\n"%(cs[0], cs[1], cs[2])
		volf  = fshift(volf, -cs[0], -cs[1], -cs[2])
	return  volf
Exemple #14
def spruce_up_variance( ref_data ):
	from utilities      import print_msg
	from filter         import filt_tanl, fit_tanh, filt_gaussl
	from morphology     import threshold
	#  Prepare the reference in 3D alignment, i.e., low-pass filter and center.
	#  Input: list ref_data
	#   0 - mask
	#   1 - center flag
	#   2 - raw average
	#   3 - fsc result
	#   4 1.0/variance
	#  Output: filtered, centered, and masked reference image
	#  apply filtration (FSC) to reference image:
	mask   = ref_data[0]
	center = ref_data[1]
	vol    = ref_data[2]
	fscc   = ref_data[3]
	varf   = ref_data[4]

	print_msg("spruce_up with variance\n")
	cs = [0.0]*3

	if not(varf is None):
		volf = vol.filter_by_image(varf)

	#fl, aa = fit_tanh(ref_data[3])
	fl = 0.22
	aa = 0.15
	msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n"%(fl, aa)
	volf = filt_tanl(volf, fl, aa)

	stat = Util.infomask(volf, None, True)
	volf = volf - stat[0]
	Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0/stat[1])

	from utilities import model_circle
	nx = volf.get_xsize()
	stat = Util.infomask(volf, model_circle(nx//2-2,nx,nx,nx)-model_circle(nx//2-6,nx,nx,nx), True)

	volf -= stat[0]
	Util.mul_img(volf, mask)

	volf = threshold(volf)
	volf = filt_gaussl(volf, 0.4)
	return  volf, cs
Exemple #15
def spruce_up(ref_data):
    from utilities import print_msg
    from filter import filt_tanl, fit_tanh
    from morphology import threshold
    #  Prepare the reference in 3D alignment, i.e., low-pass filter and center.
    #  Input: list ref_data
    #   0 - mask
    #   1 - center flag
    #   2 - raw average
    #   3 - fsc result
    #  Output: filtered, centered, and masked reference image
    #  apply filtration (FSC) to reference image:

    print_msg("Changed4 spruce_up\n")
    cs = [0.0] * 3

    stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[2], None, True)
    volf = ref_data[2] - stat[0]
    Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0 / stat[1])
    volf = threshold(volf)
    # Apply B-factor
    from filter import filt_gaussinv
    from math import sqrt
    B = 1.0 / sqrt(2. * 14.0)
    volf = filt_gaussinv(volf, B, False)
    nx = volf.get_xsize()
    from utilities import model_circle
    stat = Util.infomask(
        model_circle(nx // 2 - 2, nx, nx, nx) -
        model_circle(nx // 2 - 6, nx, nx, nx), True)

    volf -= stat[0]
    Util.mul_img(volf, ref_data[0])
    fl, aa = fit_tanh(ref_data[3])
    #fl = 0.35
    #aa = 0.1
    aa /= 2
    msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n" % (
        fl, aa)
    volf = filt_tanl(volf, fl, aa)
    return volf, cs
Exemple #16
def spruce_up( ref_data ):
	from utilities      import print_msg
	from filter         import filt_tanl, fit_tanh
	from morphology     import threshold
	#  Prepare the reference in 3D alignment, i.e., low-pass filter and center.
	#  Input: list ref_data
	#   0 - mask
	#   1 - center flag
	#   2 - raw average
	#   3 - fsc result
	#  Output: filtered, centered, and masked reference image
	#  apply filtration (FSC) to reference image:

	print_msg("Changed4 spruce_up\n")
	cs = [0.0]*3

	stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[2], None, True)
	volf = ref_data[2] - stat[0]
	Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0/stat[1])
	volf = threshold(volf)
	# Apply B-factor
	from filter import filt_gaussinv
	from math import sqrt
	B = 1.0/sqrt(2.*14.0)
	volf = filt_gaussinv(volf, B, False)
	nx = volf.get_xsize()
	from utilities import model_circle
	stat = Util.infomask(volf, model_circle(nx//2-2,nx,nx,nx)-model_circle(nx//2-6,nx,nx,nx), True)

	volf -= stat[0]
	Util.mul_img(volf, ref_data[0])
	fl, aa = fit_tanh(ref_data[3])
	#fl = 0.35
	#aa = 0.1
	aa /= 2
	msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n"%(fl, aa)
	volf = filt_tanl(volf, fl, aa)
	return  volf, cs
Exemple #17
def do_volume_mrk03(ref_data):
		data - projections (scattered between cpus) or the volume.  If volume, just do the volume processing
		options - the same for all cpus
		return - volume the same for all cpus
	from EMAN2          import Util
	from mpi            import mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, MPI_COMM_WORLD
	from filter         import filt_table
	from reconstruction import recons3d_4nn_MPI, recons3d_4nnw_MPI  #  recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI
	from utilities      import bcast_EMData_to_all, bcast_number_to_all, model_blank
	from fundamentals import rops_table, fftip, fft
	import types

	# Retrieve the function specific input arguments from ref_data
	data     = ref_data[0]
	Tracker  = ref_data[1]
	iter     = ref_data[2]
	mpi_comm = ref_data[3]
	# # For DEBUG
	# print "Type of data %s" % (type(data))
	# print "Type of Tracker %s" % (type(Tracker))
	# print "Type of iter %s" % (type(iter))
	# print "Type of mpi_comm %s" % (type(mpi_comm))
	if(mpi_comm == None):  mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
	myid  = mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm)
	nproc = mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm)
	try:     local_filter = Tracker["local_filter"]
	except:  local_filter = False
	# volume reconstruction
	if( type(data) == types.ListType ):
		if Tracker["constants"]["CTF"]:
			#vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, data, Tracker["constants"]["snr"], \
			#		symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm, smearstep = Tracker["smearstep"])
			vol = recons3d_4nnw_MPI(myid, data, Tracker["bckgnoise"], Tracker["constants"]["snr"], \
				symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm, smearstep = Tracker["smearstep"])
			vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI    (myid, data,\
					symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm)
		vol = data

	if myid == 0:
		from morphology import threshold
		from filter     import filt_tanl, filt_btwl
		from utilities  import model_circle, get_im
		import types
		nx = vol.get_xsize()
		if(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == None):
			mask3D = model_circle(int(Tracker["constants"]["radius"]*float(nx)/float(Tracker["constants"]["nnxo"])+0.5), nx, nx, nx)
		elif(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == "auto"):
			from utilities import adaptive_mask
			mask3D = adaptive_mask(vol)
			if( type(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]) == types.StringType ):  mask3D = get_im(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"])
			else:  mask3D = (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]).copy()
			nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
			if( nx != nxm):
				from fundamentals import rot_shift3D
				mask3D = Util.window(rot_shift3D(mask3D,scale=float(nx)/float(nxm)),nx,nx,nx)
				nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
				assert(nx == nxm)

		stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
		vol -= stat[0]
		Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
		vol = threshold(vol)
		Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
		if not local_filter:
			if( type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType ):
				vol = filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"])
				vol = filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"], Tracker["falloff"])

	if local_filter:
		from morphology import binarize
		if(myid == 0): nx = mask3D.get_xsize()
		else:  nx = 0
		nx = bcast_number_to_all(nx, source_node = 0)
		#  only main processor needs the two input volumes
		if(myid == 0):
			mask = binarize(mask3D, 0.5)
			locres = get_im(Tracker["local_filter"])
			lx = locres.get_xsize()
			if(lx != nx):
				if(lx < nx):
					from fundamentals import fdecimate, rot_shift3D
					mask = Util.window(rot_shift3D(mask,scale=float(lx)/float(nx)),lx,lx,lx)
					vol = fdecimate(vol, lx,lx,lx)
				else:  ERROR("local filter cannot be larger than input volume","user function",1)
			stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask, False)
			vol -= stat[0]
			Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
			lx = 0
			locres = model_blank(1,1,1)
			vol = model_blank(1,1,1)
		lx = bcast_number_to_all(lx, source_node = 0)
		if( myid != 0 ):  mask = model_blank(lx,lx,lx)
		bcast_EMData_to_all(mask, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
		from filter import filterlocal
		vol = filterlocal( locres, vol, mask, Tracker["falloff"], myid, 0, nproc)

		if myid == 0:
			if(lx < nx):
				from fundamentals import fpol
				vol = fpol(vol, nx,nx,nx)
			vol = threshold(vol)
			Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
			del mask3D
			# vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
			vol = model_blank(nx,nx,nx)
		if myid == 0:
			#from utilities import write_text_file
			stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
			vol -= stat[0]
			Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
			vol = threshold(vol)
			Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
			del mask3D
			# vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
	# broadcast volume
	bcast_EMData_to_all(vol, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
	return vol
Exemple #18
def main():
    arglist = []
    for arg in sys.argv:
    progname = os.path.basename(arglist[0])
    usage = progname + """ firstvolume  secondvolume  maskfile  outputfile  --wn  --step  --cutoff  --radius  --fsc  --res_overall  --out_ang_res  --apix  --MPI

	Compute local resolution in real space within area outlined by the maskfile and within regions wn x wn x wn
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage, version=global_def.SPARXVERSION)

        "Size of window within which local real-space FSC is computed. (default 7)"
        help="Shell step in Fourier size in pixels. (default 1.0)")
                      help="Resolution cut-off for FSC. (default 0.5)")
        "If there is no maskfile, sphere with r=radius will be used. By default, the radius is nx/2-wn (default -1)"
        "Save overall FSC curve (might be truncated). By default, the program does not save the FSC curve. (default none)"
        "Overall resolution at the cutoff level estimated by the user [abs units]. (default None)"
        "Additionally creates a local resolution file in Angstroms. (default False)"
        "Pixel size in Angstrom. Effective only with --out_ang_res options. (default 1.0)"
                      help="Use MPI version.")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist[1:])

    if len(args) < 3 or len(args) > 4:
        print("See usage " + usage)

    if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE:

    res_overall = options.res_overall

    if options.MPI:
        sys.argv = mpi.mpi_init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)

        number_of_proc = mpi.mpi_comm_size(mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD)
        myid = mpi.mpi_comm_rank(mpi.MPI_COMM_WORLD)
        main_node = 0
        global_def.MPI = True
        cutoff = options.cutoff

        nk = int(options.wn)

        if (myid == main_node):
            #print sys.argv
            vi = utilities.get_im(sys.argv[1])
            ui = utilities.get_im(sys.argv[2])

            nx = vi.get_xsize()
            ny = vi.get_ysize()
            nz = vi.get_zsize()
            dis = [nx, ny, nz]
            dis = [0, 0, 0, 0]

        global_def.BATCH = True

        dis = utilities.bcast_list_to_all(dis, myid, source_node=main_node)

        if (myid != main_node):
            nx = int(dis[0])
            ny = int(dis[1])
            nz = int(dis[2])

            vi = utilities.model_blank(nx, ny, nz)
            ui = utilities.model_blank(nx, ny, nz)

        if len(args) == 3:
            m = utilities.model_circle((min(nx, ny, nz) - nk) // 2, nx, ny, nz)
            outvol = args[2]

        elif len(args) == 4:
            if (myid == main_node):
                m = morphology.binarize(utilities.get_im(args[2]), 0.5)
                m = utilities.model_blank(nx, ny, nz)
            outvol = args[3]
        utilities.bcast_EMData_to_all(m, myid, main_node)
        """Multiline Comment0"""
        freqvol, resolut = statistics.locres(vi, ui, m, nk, cutoff,
                                             options.step, myid, main_node,

        if (myid == 0):
            # Remove outliers based on the Interquartile range
            output_volume(freqvol, resolut, options.apix, outvol, options.fsc,
                          options.out_ang_res, nx, ny, nz, res_overall)

        cutoff = options.cutoff
        vi = utilities.get_im(args[0])
        ui = utilities.get_im(args[1])

        nn = vi.get_xsize()
        nk = int(options.wn)

        if len(args) == 3:
            m = utilities.model_circle((nn - nk) // 2, nn, nn, nn)
            outvol = args[2]

        elif len(args) == 4:
            m = morphology.binarize(utilities.get_im(args[2]), 0.5)
            outvol = args[3]

        mc = utilities.model_blank(nn, nn, nn, 1.0) - m

        vf = fundamentals.fft(vi)
        uf = fundamentals.fft(ui)
        """Multiline Comment1"""
        lp = int(nn / 2 / options.step + 0.5)
        step = 0.5 / lp

        freqvol = utilities.model_blank(nn, nn, nn)
        resolut = []
        for i in range(1, lp):
            fl = step * i
            fh = fl + step
            v = fundamentals.fft(filter.filt_tophatb(vf, fl, fh))
            u = fundamentals.fft(filter.filt_tophatb(uf, fl, fh))
            tmp1 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.muln_img(v, v)
            tmp2 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.muln_img(u, u)

            do = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.infomask(
                        EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.muln_img(tmp1, tmp2))), m, True)[0]

            tmp3 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.muln_img(u, v)
            dp = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.infomask(tmp3, m, True)[0]
            resolut.append([i, (fl + fh) / 2.0, dp / do])

            tmp1 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.box_convolution(tmp1, nk)
            tmp2 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.box_convolution(tmp2, nk)
            tmp3 = EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.box_convolution(tmp3, nk)

            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.mul_img(tmp1, tmp2)

            tmp1 = morphology.square_root(morphology.threshold(tmp1))

            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.mul_img(tmp1, m)
            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.add_img(tmp1, mc)

            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.mul_img(tmp3, m)
            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.add_img(tmp3, mc)

            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.div_img(tmp3, tmp1)

            EMAN2_cppwrap.Util.mul_img(tmp3, m)
            freq = (fl + fh) / 2.0
            bailout = True
            for x in range(nn):
                for y in range(nn):
                    for z in range(nn):
                        if (m.get_value_at(x, y, z) > 0.5):
                            if (freqvol.get_value_at(x, y, z) == 0.0):
                                if (tmp3.get_value_at(x, y, z) < cutoff):
                                    freqvol.set_value_at(x, y, z, freq)
                                    bailout = False
                                    bailout = False
            if (bailout): break
        # remove outliers
        output_volume(freqvol, resolut, options.apix, outvol, options.fsc,
                      options.out_ang_res, nx, ny, nz, res_overall)
Exemple #19
def dovolume( ref_data ):
	from utilities      import print_msg, read_text_row
	from filter         import fit_tanh, filt_tanl
	from fundamentals   import fshift
	from morphology     import threshold
	#  Prepare the reference in 3D alignment, this function corresponds to what do_volume does.
	#  Input: list ref_data
	#   0 - mask
	#   1 - center flag
	#   2 - raw average
	#   3 - fsc result
	#  Output: filtered, centered, and masked reference image
	#  apply filtration (FSC) to reference image:

	global  ref_ali2d_counter
	ref_ali2d_counter += 1

	fl = ref_data[2].cmp("dot",ref_data[2], {"negative":0, "mask":ref_data[0]} )
	print_msg("do_volume user function    Step = %5d        GOAL = %10.3e\n"%(ref_ali2d_counter,fl))

	stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[2], ref_data[0], False)
	vol = ref_data[2] - stat[0]
	Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
	vol = threshold(vol)
	#Util.mul_img(vol, ref_data[0])
		aa = read_text_row("flaa.txt")[0]
		fl = aa[0]
		fl = 0.4
		aa = 0.2
	msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n"%(fl, aa)

	from utilities    import read_text_file
	from fundamentals import rops_table, fftip, fft
	from filter       import filt_table, filt_btwl
		rt = read_text_file( "pwreference.txt" )
		ro = rops_table(vol)
		#  Here unless I am mistaken it is enough to take the beginning of the reference pw.
		for i in xrange(1,len(ro)):  ro[i] = (rt[i]/ro[i])**0.5
		vol = fft( filt_table( filt_tanl(vol, fl, aa), ro) )
		msg = "Power spectrum adjusted\n"
		vol = fft( filt_tanl(vol, fl, aa) )

	stat = Util.infomask(vol, ref_data[0], False)
	vol -= stat[0]
	Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
	vol = threshold(vol)
	vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)
	Util.mul_img(vol, ref_data[0])

	if ref_data[1] == 1:
		cs = volf.phase_cog()
		msg = "Center x = %10.3f        Center y = %10.3f        Center z = %10.3f\n"%(cs[0], cs[1], cs[2])
		volf  = fshift(volf, -cs[0], -cs[1], -cs[2])
	else:  	cs = [0.0]*3

	return  vol, cs
Exemple #20
def do_volume_mrk02(ref_data):
		data - projections (scattered between cpus) or the volume.  If volume, just do the volume processing
		options - the same for all cpus
		return - volume the same for all cpus
    from EMAN2 import Util
    from mpi import mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, MPI_COMM_WORLD
    from filter import filt_table
    from reconstruction import recons3d_4nn_MPI, recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI
    from utilities import bcast_EMData_to_all, bcast_number_to_all, model_blank
    from fundamentals import rops_table, fftip, fft
    import types

    # Retrieve the function specific input arguments from ref_data
    data = ref_data[0]
    Tracker = ref_data[1]
    iter = ref_data[2]
    mpi_comm = ref_data[3]

    # # For DEBUG
    # print "Type of data %s" % (type(data))
    # print "Type of Tracker %s" % (type(Tracker))
    # print "Type of iter %s" % (type(iter))
    # print "Type of mpi_comm %s" % (type(mpi_comm))

    if (mpi_comm == None): mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
    myid = mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm)
    nproc = mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm)

        local_filter = Tracker["local_filter"]
        local_filter = False
    # volume reconstruction
    if (type(data) == types.ListType):
        if Tracker["constants"]["CTF"]:
            vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, data, Tracker["constants"]["snr"], \
              symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm, smearstep = Tracker["smearstep"])
            vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI    (myid, data,\
              symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm)
        vol = data

    if myid == 0:
        from morphology import threshold
        from filter import filt_tanl, filt_btwl
        from utilities import model_circle, get_im
        import types
        nx = vol.get_xsize()
        if (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == None):
            mask3D = model_circle(
                int(Tracker["constants"]["radius"] * float(nx) /
                    float(Tracker["constants"]["nnxo"]) + 0.5), nx, nx, nx)
        elif (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == "auto"):
            from utilities import adaptive_mask
            mask3D = adaptive_mask(vol)
            if (type(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]) == types.StringType):
                mask3D = get_im(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"])
                mask3D = (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]).copy()
            nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
            if (nx != nxm):
                from fundamentals import rot_shift3D
                mask3D = Util.window(
                    rot_shift3D(mask3D, scale=float(nx) / float(nxm)), nx, nx,
                nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
                assert (nx == nxm)

        stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
        vol -= stat[0]
        Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0 / stat[1])
        vol = threshold(vol)
        Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
        if (Tracker["PWadjustment"]):
            from utilities import read_text_file, write_text_file
            rt = read_text_file(Tracker["PWadjustment"])
            ro = rops_table(vol)
            #  Here unless I am mistaken it is enough to take the beginning of the reference pw.
            for i in xrange(1, len(ro)):
                ro[i] = (rt[i] / ro[i])**Tracker["upscale"]
            #write_text_file(rops_table(filt_table( vol, ro),1),"foo.txt")
            if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]:
                ny = vol.get_ysize()
                y = float(ny)
                from math import exp
                for i in xrange(len(ro)):                    ro[i] *= \

            if local_filter:
                # skip low-pass filtration
                vol = fft(filt_table(vol, ro))
                if (type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType):
                    vol = fft(
                        filt_table(filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"]), ro))
                    vol = fft(
                            filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"],
                                      Tracker["falloff"]), ro))
            del ro
            if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]:
                ny = vol.get_ysize()
                y = float(ny)
                ro = [0.0] * (ny // 2 + 2)
                from math import exp
                for i in xrange(len(ro)):                    ro[i] = \
                filt_table(vol, ro)
                del ro
            if not local_filter:
                if (type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType):
                    vol = filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"])
                    vol = filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"],
            if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]: vol = fft(vol)

    if local_filter:
        from morphology import binarize
        if (myid == 0): nx = mask3D.get_xsize()
        else: nx = 0
        nx = bcast_number_to_all(nx, source_node=0)
        #  only main processor needs the two input volumes
        if (myid == 0):
            mask = binarize(mask3D, 0.5)
            locres = get_im(Tracker["local_filter"])
            lx = locres.get_xsize()
            if (lx != nx):
                if (lx < nx):
                    from fundamentals import fdecimate, rot_shift3D
                    mask = Util.window(
                        rot_shift3D(mask, scale=float(lx) / float(nx)), lx, lx,
                    vol = fdecimate(vol, lx, lx, lx)
                    ERROR("local filter cannot be larger than input volume",
                          "user function", 1)
            stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask, False)
            vol -= stat[0]
            Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0 / stat[1])
            lx = 0
            locres = model_blank(1, 1, 1)
            vol = model_blank(1, 1, 1)
        lx = bcast_number_to_all(lx, source_node=0)
        if (myid != 0): mask = model_blank(lx, lx, lx)
        bcast_EMData_to_all(mask, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
        from filter import filterlocal
        vol = filterlocal(locres, vol, mask, Tracker["falloff"], myid, 0,

        if myid == 0:
            if (lx < nx):
                from fundamentals import fpol
                vol = fpol(vol, nx, nx, nx)
            vol = threshold(vol)
            vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)  #  This will have to be corrected.
            Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
            del mask3D
            # vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
            vol = model_blank(nx, nx, nx)
        if myid == 0:
            #from utilities import write_text_file
            stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
            vol -= stat[0]
            Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0 / stat[1])
            vol = threshold(vol)
            vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)  #  This will have to be corrected.
            Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
            del mask3D
            # vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
    # broadcast volume
    bcast_EMData_to_all(vol, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
    return vol
Exemple #21
def dovolume(ref_data):
    from utilities import print_msg, read_text_row
    from filter import fit_tanh, filt_tanl
    from fundamentals import fshift
    from morphology import threshold
    #  Prepare the reference in 3D alignment, this function corresponds to what do_volume does.
    #  Input: list ref_data
    #   0 - mask
    #   1 - center flag
    #   2 - raw average
    #   3 - fsc result
    #  Output: filtered, centered, and masked reference image
    #  apply filtration (FSC) to reference image:

    global ref_ali2d_counter
    ref_ali2d_counter += 1

    fl = ref_data[2].cmp("dot", ref_data[2], {
        "negative": 0,
        "mask": ref_data[0]
    print_msg("do_volume user function    Step = %5d        GOAL = %10.3e\n" %
              (ref_ali2d_counter, fl))

    stat = Util.infomask(ref_data[2], ref_data[0], False)
    vol = ref_data[2] - stat[0]
    Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0 / stat[1])
    vol = threshold(vol)
    #Util.mul_img(vol, ref_data[0])
        aa = read_text_row("flaa.txt")[0]
        fl = aa[0]
        aa = aa[1]
        fl = 0.4
        aa = 0.2
    msg = "Tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f        fall-off = %10.3f\n" % (
        fl, aa)

    from utilities import read_text_file
    from fundamentals import rops_table, fftip, fft
    from filter import filt_table, filt_btwl
        rt = read_text_file("pwreference.txt")
        ro = rops_table(vol)
        #  Here unless I am mistaken it is enough to take the beginning of the reference pw.
        for i in xrange(1, len(ro)):
            ro[i] = (rt[i] / ro[i])**0.5
        vol = fft(filt_table(filt_tanl(vol, fl, aa), ro))
        msg = "Power spectrum adjusted\n"
        vol = fft(filt_tanl(vol, fl, aa))

    stat = Util.infomask(vol, ref_data[0], False)
    vol -= stat[0]
    Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0 / stat[1])
    vol = threshold(vol)
    vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)
    Util.mul_img(vol, ref_data[0])

    if ref_data[1] == 1:
        cs = volf.phase_cog()
        msg = "Center x = %10.3f        Center y = %10.3f        Center z = %10.3f\n" % (
            cs[0], cs[1], cs[2])
        volf = fshift(volf, -cs[0], -cs[1], -cs[2])
        cs = [0.0] * 3

    return vol, cs
Exemple #22
def spruce_up_var_m(refdata):
    from utilities import print_msg
    from utilities import model_circle, get_im
    from filter import filt_tanl, filt_gaussl
    from morphology import threshold
    import os

    numref = refdata[0]
    outdir = refdata[1]
    fscc = refdata[2]
    total_iter = refdata[3]
    varf = refdata[4]
    mask = refdata[5]
    ali50S = refdata[6]

    if ali50S:
        mask_50S = get_im("mask-50S.spi")

    if fscc is None:
        flmin = 0.4
        aamin = 0.1
        flmin, aamin, idmin = minfilt(fscc)
        aamin = aamin

    msg = "Minimum tangent filter:  cut-off frequency = %10.3f     fall-off = %10.3f\n" % (
        fflmin, aamin)

    for i in xrange(numref):
        volf = get_im(os.path.join(outdir, "vol%04d.hdf" % total_iter), i)
        if (not (varf is None)): volf = volf.filter_by_image(varf)
        volf = filt_tanl(volf, flmin, aamin)
        stat = Util.infomask(volf, mask, True)
        volf -= stat[0]
        Util.mul_scalar(volf, 1.0 / stat[1])

        nx = volf.get_xsize()
        stat = Util.infomask(
            model_circle(nx // 2 - 2, nx, nx, nx) -
            model_circle(nx // 2 - 6, nx, nx, nx), True)
        volf -= stat[0]
        Util.mul_img(volf, mask)

        volf = threshold(volf)
        volf = filt_gaussl(volf, 0.4)

        if ali50S:
            if i == 0:
                v50S_0 = volf.copy()
                v50S_0 *= mask_50S
                from applications import ali_vol_3
                from fundamentals import rot_shift3D
                v50S_i = volf.copy()
                v50S_i *= mask_50S

                params = ali_vol_3(v50S_i, v50S_0, 10.0, 0.5, mask=mask_50S)
                volf = rot_shift3D(volf, params[0], params[1], params[2],
                                   params[3], params[4], params[5], 1.0)

        volf.write_image(os.path.join(outdir, "volf%04d.hdf" % total_iter), i)
Exemple #23
def main():

	def params_3D_2D_NEW(phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y, mirror):
		# the final ali2d parameters already combine shifts operation first and rotation operation second for parameters converted from 3D
		if mirror:
			m = 1
			alpha, sx, sy, scalen = compose_transform2(0, s2x, s2y, 1.0, 540.0-psi, 0, 0, 1.0)
			m = 0
			alpha, sx, sy, scalen = compose_transform2(0, s2x, s2y, 1.0, 360.0-psi, 0, 0, 1.0)
		return  alpha, sx, sy, m
	progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
	usage = progname + " prj_stack  --ave2D= --var2D=  --ave3D= --var3D= --img_per_grp= --fl=  --aa=   --sym=symmetry --CTF"
	parser = OptionParser(usage, version=SPARXVERSION)
	parser.add_option("--output_dir",   type="string"	   ,	default="./",				    help="Output directory")
	parser.add_option("--ave2D",		type="string"	   ,	default=False,				help="Write to the disk a stack of 2D averages")
	parser.add_option("--var2D",		type="string"	   ,	default=False,				help="Write to the disk a stack of 2D variances")
	parser.add_option("--ave3D",		type="string"	   ,	default=False,				help="Write to the disk reconstructed 3D average")
	parser.add_option("--var3D",		type="string"	   ,	default=False,				help="Compute 3D variability (time consuming!)")
	parser.add_option("--img_per_grp",	type="int"         ,	default=100,	     	    help="Number of neighbouring projections.(Default is 100)")
	parser.add_option("--no_norm",		action="store_true",	default=False,				help="Do not use normalization.(Default is to apply normalization)")
	#parser.add_option("--radius", 	    type="int"         ,	default=-1   ,				help="radius for 3D variability" )
	parser.add_option("--npad",			type="int"         ,	default=2    ,				help="Number of time to pad the original images.(Default is 2 times padding)")
	parser.add_option("--sym" , 		type="string"      ,	default="c1",				help="Symmetry. (Default is no symmetry)")
	parser.add_option("--fl",			type="float"       ,	default=0.0,				help="Low pass filter cutoff in absolute frequency (0.0 - 0.5) and is applied to decimated images. (Default - no filtration)")
	parser.add_option("--aa",			type="float"       ,	default=0.02 ,				help="Fall off of the filter. Use default value if user has no clue about falloff (Default value is 0.02)")
	parser.add_option("--CTF",			action="store_true",	default=False,				help="Use CFT correction.(Default is no CTF correction)")
	#parser.add_option("--MPI" , 		action="store_true",	default=False,				help="use MPI version")
	#parser.add_option("--radiuspca", 	type="int"         ,	default=-1   ,				help="radius for PCA" )
	#parser.add_option("--iter", 		type="int"         ,	default=40   ,				help="maximum number of iterations (stop criterion of reconstruction process)" )
	#parser.add_option("--abs", 		type="float"   ,        default=0.0  ,				help="minimum average absolute change of voxels' values (stop criterion of reconstruction process)" )
	#parser.add_option("--squ", 		type="float"   ,	    default=0.0  ,				help="minimum average squared change of voxels' values (stop criterion of reconstruction process)" )
	parser.add_option("--VAR" , 		action="store_true",	default=False,				help="Stack of input consists of 2D variances (Default False)")
	parser.add_option("--decimate",     type  ="float",         default=0.25,               help="Image decimate rate, a number less than 1. (Default is 0.25)")
	parser.add_option("--window",       type  ="int",           default=0,                  help="Target image size relative to original image size. (Default value is zero.)")
	#parser.add_option("--SND",			action="store_true",	default=False,				help="compute squared normalized differences (Default False)")
	#parser.add_option("--nvec",			type="int"         ,	default=0    ,				help="Number of eigenvectors, (Default = 0 meaning no PCA calculated)")
	parser.add_option("--symmetrize",	action="store_true",	default=False,				help="Prepare input stack for handling symmetry (Default False)")
	parser.add_option("--overhead",     type  ="float",         default=0.5,                help="python overhead per CPU.")

	(options,args) = parser.parse_args()
	from mpi import mpi_init, mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, mpi_recv, MPI_COMM_WORLD
	from mpi import mpi_barrier, mpi_reduce, mpi_bcast, mpi_send, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX
	#from mpi import *
	from applications   import MPI_start_end
	from reconstruction import recons3d_em, recons3d_em_MPI
	from reconstruction	import recons3d_4nn_MPI, recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI
	from utilities      import print_begin_msg, print_end_msg, print_msg
	from utilities      import read_text_row, get_image, get_im, wrap_mpi_send, wrap_mpi_recv
	from utilities      import bcast_EMData_to_all, bcast_number_to_all
	from utilities      import get_symt

	#  This is code for handling symmetries by the above program.  To be incorporated. PAP 01/27/2015

	from EMAN2db import db_open_dict

	# Set up global variables related to bdb cache 
	if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE:
		from utilities import disable_bdb_cache
	# Set up global variables related to ERROR function
	global_def.BATCH = True
	# detect if program is running under MPI
	if RUNNING_UNDER_MPI: global_def.MPI = True
	if options.output_dir =="./": current_output_dir = os.path.abspath(options.output_dir)
	else: current_output_dir = options.output_dir
	if options.symmetrize :
				sys.argv = mpi_init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
					number_of_proc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
					if( number_of_proc > 1 ):
						ERROR("Cannot use more than one CPU for symmetry preparation","sx3dvariability",1)
		if not os.path.exists(current_output_dir): os.mkdir(current_output_dir)
		#  Input
		#instack = "Clean_NORM_CTF_start_wparams.hdf"
		#instack = "bdb:data"
		from logger import Logger,BaseLogger_Files
		if os.path.exists(os.path.join(current_output_dir, "log.txt")): os.remove(os.path.join(current_output_dir, "log.txt"))
		log_main.prefix = os.path.join(current_output_dir, "./")
		instack = args[0]
		sym = options.sym.lower()
		if( sym == "c1" ):
			ERROR("There is no need to symmetrize stack for C1 symmetry","sx3dvariability",1)
		line =""
		for a in sys.argv:
			line +=" "+a
		if(instack[:4] !="bdb:"):
			#if output_dir =="./": stack = "bdb:data"
			stack = "bdb:"+current_output_dir+"/data"
			junk = cmdexecute("sxcpy.py  "+instack+"  "+stack)
		else: stack = instack
		qt = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(stack,'xform.projection')

		na = len(qt)
		ts = get_symt(sym)
		ks = len(ts)
		angsa = [None]*na
		for k in range(ks):
			#Qfile = "Q%1d"%k
			#if options.output_dir!="./": Qfile = os.path.join(options.output_dir,"Q%1d"%k)
			Qfile = os.path.join(current_output_dir, "Q%1d"%k)
			#junk = cmdexecute("e2bdb.py  "+stack+"  --makevstack=bdb:Q%1d"%k)
			junk = cmdexecute("e2bdb.py  "+stack+"  --makevstack=bdb:"+Qfile)
			#DB = db_open_dict("bdb:Q%1d"%k)
			DB = db_open_dict("bdb:"+Qfile)
			for i in range(na):
				ut = qt[i]*ts[k]
				DB.set_attr(i, "xform.projection", ut)
				#bt = ut.get_params("spider")
				#angsa[i] = [round(bt["phi"],3)%360.0, round(bt["theta"],3)%360.0, bt["psi"], -bt["tx"], -bt["ty"]]
			#write_text_row(angsa, 'ptsma%1d.txt'%k)
			#junk = cmdexecute("e2bdb.py  "+stack+"  --makevstack=bdb:Q%1d"%k)
			#junk = cmdexecute("sxheader.py  bdb:Q%1d  --params=xform.projection  --import=ptsma%1d.txt"%(k,k))
		#if options.output_dir =="./": delete_bdb("bdb:sdata")
		delete_bdb("bdb:" + current_output_dir + "/"+"sdata")
		#junk = cmdexecute("e2bdb.py . --makevstack=bdb:sdata --filt=Q")
		sdata = "bdb:"+current_output_dir+"/"+"sdata"
		junk = cmdexecute("e2bdb.py   " + current_output_dir +"  --makevstack="+sdata +" --filt=Q")
		#junk = cmdexecute("ls  EMAN2DB/sdata*")
		#a = get_im("bdb:sdata")
		a = get_im(sdata)


		from fundamentals import window2d
		sys.argv       = mpi_init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
		myid           = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
		number_of_proc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
		main_node      = 0
		shared_comm  = mpi_comm_split_type(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED,  0, MPI_INFO_NULL)
		myid_on_node = mpi_comm_rank(shared_comm)
		no_of_processes_per_group = mpi_comm_size(shared_comm)
		masters_from_groups_vs_everything_else_comm = mpi_comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, main_node == myid_on_node, myid_on_node)
		color, no_of_groups, balanced_processor_load_on_nodes = get_colors_and_subsets(main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD, myid, \
		    shared_comm, myid_on_node, masters_from_groups_vs_everything_else_comm)
		overhead_loading = options.overhead*number_of_proc
		#memory_per_node  = options.memory_per_node
		#if memory_per_node == -1.: memory_per_node = 2.*no_of_processes_per_group
		keepgoing = 1
		current_window   = options.window
		current_decimate = options.decimate
		if len(args) == 1: stack = args[0]
			print(( "usage: " + usage))
			print(( "Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options"))
			return 1

		t0 = time()	
		# obsolete flags
		options.MPI  = True
		#options.nvec = 0
		options.radiuspca = -1
		options.iter = 40
		options.abs  = 0.0
		options.squ  = 0.0

		if options.fl > 0.0 and options.aa == 0.0:
			ERROR("Fall off has to be given for the low-pass filter", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
		#if options.VAR and options.SND:
		#	ERROR("Only one of var and SND can be set!", "sx3dvariability", myid)
		if options.VAR and (options.ave2D or options.ave3D or options.var2D): 
			ERROR("When VAR is set, the program cannot output ave2D, ave3D or var2D", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
		#if options.SND and (options.ave2D or options.ave3D):
		#	ERROR("When SND is set, the program cannot output ave2D or ave3D", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
		#if options.nvec > 0 :
		#	ERROR("PCA option not implemented", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
		#if options.nvec > 0 and options.ave3D == None:
		#	ERROR("When doing PCA analysis, one must set ave3D", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
		if current_decimate>1.0 or current_decimate<0.0:
			ERROR("Decimate rate should be a value between 0.0 and 1.0", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
		if current_window < 0.0:
			ERROR("Target window size should be always larger than zero", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
		if myid == main_node:
			img  = get_image(stack, 0)
			nx   = img.get_xsize()
			ny   = img.get_ysize()
			if(min(nx, ny) < current_window):   keepgoing = 0
		keepgoing = bcast_number_to_all(keepgoing, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
		if keepgoing == 0: ERROR("The target window size cannot be larger than the size of decimated image", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)

		import string
		options.sym = options.sym.lower()
		# if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE:
		# 	from utilities import disable_bdb_cache
		# 	disable_bdb_cache()
		# global_def.BATCH = True
		if myid == main_node:
			if not os.path.exists(current_output_dir): os.mkdir(current_output_dir)# Never delete output_dir in the program!
		img_per_grp = options.img_per_grp
		#nvec        = options.nvec
		radiuspca   = options.radiuspca
		from logger import Logger,BaseLogger_Files
		#if os.path.exists(os.path.join(options.output_dir, "log.txt")): os.remove(os.path.join(options.output_dir, "log.txt"))
		log_main.prefix = os.path.join(current_output_dir, "./")

		if myid == main_node:
			line = ""
			for a in sys.argv: line +=" "+a
			log_main.add("-------->>>Settings given by all options<<<-------")
			log_main.add("Symmetry             : %s"%options.sym)
			log_main.add("Input stack          : %s"%stack)
			log_main.add("Output_dir           : %s"%current_output_dir)
			if options.ave3D: log_main.add("Ave3d                : %s"%options.ave3D)
			if options.var3D: log_main.add("Var3d                : %s"%options.var3D)
			if options.ave2D: log_main.add("Ave2D                : %s"%options.ave2D)
			if options.var2D: log_main.add("Var2D                : %s"%options.var2D)
			if options.VAR:   log_main.add("VAR                  : True")
			else:             log_main.add("VAR                  : False")
			if options.CTF:   log_main.add("CTF correction       : True  ")
			else:             log_main.add("CTF correction       : False ")
			log_main.add("Image per group      : %5d"%options.img_per_grp)
			log_main.add("Image decimate rate  : %4.3f"%current_decimate)
			log_main.add("Low pass filter      : %4.3f"%options.fl)
			current_fl = options.fl
			if current_fl == 0.0: current_fl = 0.5
			log_main.add("Current low pass filter is equivalent to cutoff frequency %4.3f for original image size"%round((current_fl*current_decimate),3))
			log_main.add("Window size          : %5d "%current_window)
			log_main.add("sx3dvariability begins")
		symbaselen = 0
		if myid == main_node:
			nima = EMUtil.get_image_count(stack)
			img  = get_image(stack)
			nx   = img.get_xsize()
			ny   = img.get_ysize()
			nnxo = nx
			nnyo = ny
			if options.sym != "c1" :
				imgdata = get_im(stack)
					i = imgdata.get_attr("variabilitysymmetry").lower()
					if(i != options.sym):
						ERROR("The symmetry provided does not agree with the symmetry of the input stack", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
					ERROR("Input stack is not prepared for symmetry, please follow instructions", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
				from utilities import get_symt
				i = len(get_symt(options.sym))
				if((nima/i)*i != nima):
					ERROR("The length of the input stack is incorrect for symmetry processing", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
				symbaselen = nima/i
			else:  symbaselen = nima
			nima = 0
			nx = 0
			ny = 0
			nnxo = 0
			nnyo = 0
		nima    = bcast_number_to_all(nima)
		nx      = bcast_number_to_all(nx)
		ny      = bcast_number_to_all(ny)
		nnxo    = bcast_number_to_all(nnxo)
		nnyo    = bcast_number_to_all(nnyo)
		if current_window > max(nx, ny):
			ERROR("Window size is larger than the original image size", "sx3dvariability", 1)
		if current_decimate == 1.:
			if current_window !=0:
				nx = current_window
				ny = current_window
			if current_window == 0:
				nx = int(nx*current_decimate+0.5)
				ny = int(ny*current_decimate+0.5)
				nx = int(current_window*current_decimate+0.5)
				ny = nx
		symbaselen = bcast_number_to_all(symbaselen)
		# check FFT prime number
		from fundamentals import smallprime
		is_fft_friendly = (nx == smallprime(nx))
		if not is_fft_friendly:
			if myid == main_node:
				log_main.add("The target image size is not a product of small prime numbers")
				log_main.add("Program adjusts the input settings!")
			### two cases
			if current_decimate == 1.:
				nx = smallprime(nx)
				ny = nx
				current_window = nx # update
				if myid == main_node:
					log_main.add("The window size is updated to %d."%current_window)
				if current_window == 0:
					nx = smallprime(int(nx*current_decimate+0.5))
					current_decimate = float(nx)/nnxo
					ny = nx
					if (myid == main_node):
						log_main.add("The decimate rate is updated to %f."%current_decimate)
					nx = smallprime(int(current_window*current_decimate+0.5))
					ny = nx
					current_window = int(nx/current_decimate+0.5)
					if (myid == main_node):
						log_main.add("The window size is updated to %d."%current_window)
		if myid == main_node:
			log_main.add("The target image size is %d"%nx)
		if radiuspca == -1: radiuspca = nx/2-2
		if myid == main_node: log_main.add("%-70s:  %d\n"%("Number of projection", nima))
		img_begin, img_end = MPI_start_end(nima, number_of_proc, myid)
		if options.SND:
			from projection		import prep_vol, prgs
			from statistics		import im_diff
			from utilities		import get_im, model_circle, get_params_proj, set_params_proj
			from utilities		import get_ctf, generate_ctf
			from filter			import filt_ctf
			imgdata = EMData.read_images(stack, range(img_begin, img_end))

			if options.CTF:
				vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, imgdata, 1.0, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad, xysize=-1, zsize=-1)
				vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, imgdata, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad, xysize=-1, zsize=-1)

			bcast_EMData_to_all(vol, myid)
			volft, kb = prep_vol(vol)

			mask = model_circle(nx/2-2, nx, ny)
			varList = []
			for i in xrange(img_begin, img_end):
				phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y = get_params_proj(imgdata[i-img_begin])
				ref_prj = prgs(volft, kb, [phi, theta, psi, -s2x, -s2y])
				if options.CTF:
					ctf_params = get_ctf(imgdata[i-img_begin])
					ref_prj = filt_ctf(ref_prj, generate_ctf(ctf_params))
				diff, A, B = im_diff(ref_prj, imgdata[i-img_begin], mask)
				diff2 = diff*diff
				set_params_proj(diff2, [phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y])
		if options.VAR: # 2D variance images have no shifts
			#varList   = EMData.read_images(stack, range(img_begin, img_end))
			from EMAN2 import Region
			for index_of_particle in range(img_begin,img_end):
				image = get_im(stack, index_of_proj)
				if current_window > 0: varList.append(fdecimate(window2d(image,current_window,current_window), nx,ny))
				else:   varList.append(fdecimate(image, nx,ny))
			from utilities		import bcast_number_to_all, bcast_list_to_all, send_EMData, recv_EMData
			from utilities		import set_params_proj, get_params_proj, params_3D_2D, get_params2D, set_params2D, compose_transform2
			from utilities		import model_blank, nearest_proj, model_circle, write_text_row, wrap_mpi_gatherv
			from applications	import pca
			from statistics		import avgvar, avgvar_ctf, ccc
			from filter		    import filt_tanl
			from morphology		import threshold, square_root
			from projection 	import project, prep_vol, prgs
			from sets		    import Set
			from utilities      import wrap_mpi_recv, wrap_mpi_bcast, wrap_mpi_send
			import numpy as np
			if myid == main_node:
				t1          = time()
				proj_angles = []
				aveList     = []
				tab = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(stack, 'xform.projection')	
				for i in range(nima):
					t     = tab[i].get_params('spider')
					phi   = t['phi']
					theta = t['theta']
					psi   = t['psi']
					x     = theta
					if x > 90.0: x = 180.0 - x
					x = x*10000+psi
					proj_angles.append([x, t['phi'], t['theta'], t['psi'], i])
				t2 = time()
				log_main.add( "%-70s:  %d\n"%("Number of neighboring projections", img_per_grp))
				log_main.add("...... Finding neighboring projections\n")
				log_main.add( "Number of images per group: %d"%img_per_grp)
				log_main.add( "Now grouping projections")
				proj_angles_list = np.full((nima, 4), 0.0, dtype=np.float32)	
				for i in range(nima):
					proj_angles_list[i][0] = proj_angles[i][1]
					proj_angles_list[i][1] = proj_angles[i][2]
					proj_angles_list[i][2] = proj_angles[i][3]
					proj_angles_list[i][3] = proj_angles[i][4]
			else: proj_angles_list = 0
			proj_angles_list = wrap_mpi_bcast(proj_angles_list, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
			proj_angles      = []
			for i in range(nima):
				proj_angles.append([proj_angles_list[i][0], proj_angles_list[i][1], proj_angles_list[i][2], int(proj_angles_list[i][3])])
			del proj_angles_list
			proj_list, mirror_list = nearest_proj(proj_angles, img_per_grp, range(img_begin, img_end))
			all_proj = Set()
			for im in proj_list:
				for jm in im:
			all_proj = list(all_proj)
			index = {}
			for i in range(len(all_proj)): index[all_proj[i]] = i
			if myid == main_node:
				log_main.add("%-70s:  %.2f\n"%("Finding neighboring projections lasted [s]", time()-t2))
				log_main.add("%-70s:  %d\n"%("Number of groups processed on the main node", len(proj_list)))
				log_main.add("Grouping projections took:  %12.1f [m]"%((time()-t2)/60.))
				log_main.add("Number of groups on main node: ", len(proj_list))

			if myid == main_node:
				log_main.add("...... Calculating the stack of 2D variances \n")
			# Memory estimation. There are two memory consumption peaks
			# peak 1. Compute ave, var; 
			# peak 2. Var volume reconstruction;
			# proj_params = [0.0]*(nima*5)
			aveList = []
			varList = []				
			#if nvec > 0: eigList = [[] for i in range(nvec)]
			dnumber   = len(all_proj)# all neighborhood set for assigned to myid
			pnumber   = len(proj_list)*2. + img_per_grp # aveList and varList 
			tnumber   = dnumber+pnumber
			vol_size2 = nx**3*4.*8/1.e9
			vol_size1 = 2.*nnxo**3*4.*8/1.e9
			proj_size         = nnxo*nnyo*len(proj_list)*4.*2./1.e9 # both aveList and varList
			orig_data_size    = nnxo*nnyo*4.*tnumber/1.e9
			reduced_data_size = nx*nx*4.*tnumber/1.e9
			full_data         = np.full((number_of_proc, 2), -1., dtype=np.float16)
			full_data[myid]   = orig_data_size, reduced_data_size
			if myid != main_node: wrap_mpi_send(full_data, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
			if myid == main_node:
				for iproc in range(number_of_proc):
					if iproc != main_node:
						dummy = wrap_mpi_recv(iproc, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
						full_data[np.where(dummy>-1)] = dummy[np.where(dummy>-1)]
				del dummy
			full_data = wrap_mpi_bcast(full_data, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
			# find the CPU with heaviest load
			minindx         = np.argsort(full_data, 0)
			heavy_load_myid = minindx[-1][1]
			total_mem       = sum(full_data)
			if myid == main_node:
				if current_window == 0:
					log_main.add("Nx:   current image size = %d. Decimated by %f from %d"%(nx, current_decimate, nnxo))
					log_main.add("Nx:   current image size = %d. Windowed to %d, and decimated by %f from %d"%(nx, current_window, current_decimate, nnxo))
				log_main.add("Nproj:       number of particle images.")
				log_main.add("Navg:        number of 2D average images.")
				log_main.add("Nvar:        number of 2D variance images.")
				log_main.add("Img_per_grp: user defined image per group for averaging = %d"%img_per_grp)
				log_main.add("Overhead:    total python overhead memory consumption   = %f"%overhead_loading)
				log_main.add("Total memory) = 4.0*nx^2*(nproj + navg +nvar+ img_per_grp)/1.0e9 + overhead: %12.3f [GB]"%\
				   (total_mem[1] + overhead_loading))
			del full_data
			if myid == heavy_load_myid:
				log_main.add("Begin reading and preprocessing images on processor. Wait... ")
				ttt = time()
			#imgdata = EMData.read_images(stack, all_proj)			
			imgdata = [ None for im in range(len(all_proj))]
			for index_of_proj in range(len(all_proj)):
				#image = get_im(stack, all_proj[index_of_proj])
				if( current_window > 0): imgdata[index_of_proj] = fdecimate(window2d(get_im(stack, all_proj[index_of_proj]),current_window,current_window), nx, ny)
				else:                    imgdata[index_of_proj] = fdecimate(get_im(stack, all_proj[index_of_proj]), nx, ny)
				if (current_decimate> 0.0 and options.CTF):
					ctf = imgdata[index_of_proj].get_attr("ctf")
					ctf.apix = ctf.apix/current_decimate
					imgdata[index_of_proj].set_attr("ctf", ctf)
				if myid == heavy_load_myid and index_of_proj%100 == 0:
					log_main.add(" ...... %6.2f%% "%(index_of_proj/float(len(all_proj))*100.))
			if myid == heavy_load_myid:
				log_main.add("All_proj preprocessing cost %7.2f m"%((time()-ttt)/60.))
				log_main.add("Wait untill reading on all CPUs done...")
			imgdata2 = EMData.read_images(stack, range(img_begin, img_end))
			if options.fl > 0.0:
				for k in xrange(len(imgdata2)):
					imgdata2[k] = filt_tanl(imgdata2[k], options.fl, options.aa)
			if options.CTF:
				vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, imgdata2, 1.0, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad, xysize=-1, zsize=-1)
				vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, imgdata2, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad, xysize=-1, zsize=-1)
			if myid == main_node:
				print_msg("Writing to the disk volume reconstructed from averages as		:  %s\n"%("vol_ctf.hdf"))
			del vol, imgdata2
			from applications import prepare_2d_forPCA
			from utilities    import model_blank
			from EMAN2        import Transform
			if not options.no_norm: 
				mask = model_circle(nx/2-2, nx, nx)
			if options.CTF: 
				from utilities import pad
				from filter import filt_ctf
			from filter import filt_tanl
			if myid == heavy_load_myid:
				log_main.add("Start computing 2D aveList and varList. Wait...")
				ttt = time()
			xform_proj_for_2D = [ None for i in range(len(proj_list))]
			for i in range(len(proj_list)):
				ki = proj_angles[proj_list[i][0]][3]
				if ki >= symbaselen:  continue
				mi = index[ki]
				dpar = Util.get_transform_params(imgdata[mi], "xform.projection", "spider")
				phiM, thetaM, psiM, s2xM, s2yM  = dpar["phi"],dpar["theta"],dpar["psi"],-dpar["tx"]*current_decimate,-dpar["ty"]*current_decimate
				grp_imgdata = []
				for j in range(img_per_grp):
					mj = index[proj_angles[proj_list[i][j]][3]]
					cpar = Util.get_transform_params(imgdata[mj], "xform.projection", "spider")
					alpha, sx, sy, mirror = params_3D_2D_NEW(cpar["phi"], cpar["theta"],cpar["psi"], -cpar["tx"]*current_decimate, -cpar["ty"]*current_decimate, mirror_list[i][j])
					if thetaM <= 90:
						if mirror == 0:  alpha, sx, sy, scale = compose_transform2(alpha, sx, sy, 1.0, phiM - cpar["phi"], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
						else:            alpha, sx, sy, scale = compose_transform2(alpha, sx, sy, 1.0, 180-(phiM - cpar["phi"]), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
						if mirror == 0:  alpha, sx, sy, scale = compose_transform2(alpha, sx, sy, 1.0, -(phiM- cpar["phi"]), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
						else:            alpha, sx, sy, scale = compose_transform2(alpha, sx, sy, 1.0, -(180-(phiM - cpar["phi"])), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
					imgdata[mj].set_attr("xform.align2d", Transform({"type":"2D","alpha":alpha,"tx":sx,"ty":sy,"mirror":mirror,"scale":1.0}))
				if not options.no_norm:
					for k in range(img_per_grp):
						ave, std, minn, maxx = Util.infomask(grp_imgdata[k], mask, False)
						grp_imgdata[k] -= ave
						grp_imgdata[k] /= std
				if options.fl > 0.0:
					for k in range(img_per_grp):
						grp_imgdata[k] = filt_tanl(grp_imgdata[k], options.fl, options.aa)

				#  Because of background issues, only linear option works.
				if options.CTF:  ave, var = aves_wiener(grp_imgdata, SNR = 1.0e5, interpolation_method = "linear")
				else:  ave, var = ave_var(grp_imgdata)
				# Switch to std dev
				# threshold is not really needed,it is just in case due to numerical accuracy something turns out negative.
				var = square_root(threshold(var))

				set_params_proj(ave, [phiM, thetaM, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
				set_params_proj(var, [phiM, thetaM, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

				xform_proj_for_2D[i] = [phiM, thetaM, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

				if nvec > 0:
					eig = pca(input_stacks=grp_imgdata, subavg="", mask_radius=radiuspca, nvec=nvec, incore=True, shuffle=False, genbuf=True)
					for k in range(nvec):
						set_params_proj(eig[k], [phiM, thetaM, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
					if myid == 0 and i == 0:
						for k in xrange(nvec):
							eig[k].write_image("eig.hdf", k)
				if (myid == heavy_load_myid) and (i%100 == 0):
					log_main.add(" ......%6.2f%%  "%(i/float(len(proj_list))*100.))		
			del imgdata, grp_imgdata, cpar, dpar, all_proj, proj_angles, index
			if not options.no_norm: del mask
			if myid == main_node: del tab
			#  At this point, all averages and variances are computed
			if (myid == heavy_load_myid):
				log_main.add("Computing aveList and varList took %12.1f [m]"%((time()-ttt)/60.))
			xform_proj_for_2D = wrap_mpi_gatherv(xform_proj_for_2D, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
			if (myid == main_node):
				write_text_row(xform_proj_for_2D, os.path.join(current_output_dir, "params.txt"))
			del xform_proj_for_2D
			if options.ave2D:
				from fundamentals import fpol
				from applications import header
				if myid == main_node:
					log_main.add("Compute ave2D ... ")
					km = 0
					for i in range(number_of_proc):
						if i == main_node :
							for im in range(len(aveList)):
								aveList[im].write_image(os.path.join(current_output_dir, options.ave2D), km)
								km += 1
							nl = mpi_recv(1, MPI_INT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
							nl = int(nl[0])
							for im in range(nl):
								ave = recv_EMData(i, im+i+70000)
								nm = mpi_recv(1, MPI_INT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
								nm = int(nm[0])
								members = mpi_recv(nm, MPI_INT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
								ave.set_attr('members', map(int, members))
								members = mpi_recv(nm, MPI_FLOAT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
								ave.set_attr('pix_err', map(float, members))
								members = mpi_recv(3, MPI_FLOAT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
								ave.set_attr('refprojdir', map(float, members))
								tmpvol=fpol(ave, nx, nx,1)								
								tmpvol.write_image(os.path.join(current_output_dir, options.ave2D), km)
								km += 1
					mpi_send(len(aveList), 1, MPI_INT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
					for im in range(len(aveList)):
						send_EMData(aveList[im], main_node,im+myid+70000)
						members = aveList[im].get_attr('members')
						mpi_send(len(members), 1, MPI_INT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
						mpi_send(members, len(members), MPI_INT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
						members = aveList[im].get_attr('pix_err')
						mpi_send(members, len(members), MPI_FLOAT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
							members = aveList[im].get_attr('refprojdir')
							mpi_send(members, 3, MPI_FLOAT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
							mpi_send([-999.0,-999.0,-999.0], 3, MPI_FLOAT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
				if myid == main_node:
					header(os.path.join(current_output_dir, options.ave2D), params='xform.projection', fimport = os.path.join(current_output_dir, "params.txt"))
			if options.ave3D:
				from fundamentals import fpol
				t5 = time()
				if myid == main_node: log_main.add("Reconstruct ave3D ... ")
				ave3D = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, aveList, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad)
				bcast_EMData_to_all(ave3D, myid)
				if myid == main_node:
					if current_decimate != 1.0: ave3D = resample(ave3D, 1./current_decimate)
					ave3D = fpol(ave3D, nnxo, nnxo, nnxo) # always to the orignal image size
					set_pixel_size(ave3D, 1.0)
					ave3D.write_image(os.path.join(current_output_dir, options.ave3D))
					log_main.add("Ave3D reconstruction took %12.1f [m]"%((time()-t5)/60.0))
					log_main.add("%-70s:  %s\n"%("The reconstructed ave3D is saved as ", options.ave3D))
			del ave, var, proj_list, stack, alpha, sx, sy, mirror, aveList
			if nvec > 0:
				for k in range(nvec):
					if myid == main_node:log_main.add("Reconstruction eigenvolumes", k)
					cont = True
					ITER = 0
					mask2d = model_circle(radiuspca, nx, nx)
					while cont:
						#print "On node %d, iteration %d"%(myid, ITER)
						eig3D = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, eigList[k], symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad)
						bcast_EMData_to_all(eig3D, myid, main_node)
						if options.fl > 0.0:
							eig3D = filt_tanl(eig3D, options.fl, options.aa)
						if myid == main_node:
							eig3D.write_image(os.path.join(options.outpout_dir, "eig3d_%03d.hdf"%(k, ITER)))
						Util.mul_img( eig3D, model_circle(radiuspca, nx, nx, nx) )
						eig3Df, kb = prep_vol(eig3D)
						del eig3D
						cont = False
						icont = 0
						for l in range(len(eigList[k])):
							phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y = get_params_proj(eigList[k][l])
							proj = prgs(eig3Df, kb, [phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y])
							cl = ccc(proj, eigList[k][l], mask2d)
							if cl < 0.0:
								icont += 1
								cont = True
								eigList[k][l] *= -1.0
						u = int(cont)
						u = mpi_reduce([u], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
						icont = mpi_reduce([icont], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)

						if myid == main_node:
							u = int(u[0])
							log_main.add(" Eigenvector: ",k," number changed ",int(icont[0]))
						else: u = 0
						u = bcast_number_to_all(u, main_node)
						cont = bool(u)
						ITER += 1

					del eig3Df, kb
				del eigList, mask2d
			if options.ave3D: del ave3D
			if options.var2D:
				from fundamentals import fpol 
				from applications import header
				if myid == main_node:
					log_main.add("Compute var2D...")
					km = 0
					for i in range(number_of_proc):
						if i == main_node :
							for im in range(len(varList)):
								tmpvol=fpol(varList[im], nx, nx,1)
								tmpvol.write_image(os.path.join(current_output_dir, options.var2D), km)
								km += 1
							nl = mpi_recv(1, MPI_INT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
							nl = int(nl[0])
							for im in range(nl):
								ave = recv_EMData(i, im+i+70000)
								tmpvol=fpol(ave, nx, nx,1)
								tmpvol.write_image(os.path.join(current_output_dir, options.var2D), km)
								km += 1
					mpi_send(len(varList), 1, MPI_INT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
					for im in range(len(varList)):
						send_EMData(varList[im], main_node, im+myid+70000)#  What with the attributes??
				if myid == main_node:
					from applications import header
					header(os.path.join(current_output_dir, options.var2D), params = 'xform.projection',fimport = os.path.join(current_output_dir, "params.txt"))
		if options.var3D:
			if myid == main_node: log_main.add("Reconstruct var3D ...")
			t6 = time()
			# radiusvar = options.radius
			# if( radiusvar < 0 ):  radiusvar = nx//2 -3
			res = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, varList, symmetry = options.sym, npad=options.npad)
			#res = recons3d_em_MPI(varList, vol_stack, options.iter, radiusvar, options.abs, True, options.sym, options.squ)
			if myid == main_node:
				from fundamentals import fpol
				if current_decimate != 1.0: res	= resample(res, 1./current_decimate)
				res = fpol(res, nnxo, nnxo, nnxo)
				set_pixel_size(res, 1.0)
				res.write_image(os.path.join(current_output_dir, options.var3D))
				log_main.add("%-70s:  %s\n"%("The reconstructed var3D is saved as ", options.var3D))
				log_main.add("Var3D reconstruction took %f12.1 [m]"%((time()-t6)/60.0))
				log_main.add("Total computation time %f12.1 [m]"%((time()-t0)/60.0))
				log_main.add("sx3dvariability finishes")
		from mpi import mpi_finalize
		if RUNNING_UNDER_MPI: global_def.MPI = False

		global_def.BATCH = False
Exemple #24
def main():
    def params_3D_2D_NEW(phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y, mirror):
        if mirror:
            m = 1
            alpha, sx, sy, scalen = compose_transform2(0, s2x, s2y, 1.0,
                                                       540.0 - psi, 0, 0, 1.0)
            m = 0
            alpha, sx, sy, scalen = compose_transform2(0, s2x, s2y, 1.0,
                                                       360.0 - psi, 0, 0, 1.0)
        return alpha, sx, sy, m

    progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    usage = progname + " prj_stack  --ave2D= --var2D=  --ave3D= --var3D= --img_per_grp= --fl=15. --aa=0.01  --sym=symmetry --CTF"
    parser = OptionParser(usage, version=SPARXVERSION)

                      help="output directory")
                      help="write to the disk a stack of 2D averages")
                      help="write to the disk a stack of 2D variances")
                      help="write to the disk reconstructed 3D average")
                      help="compute 3D variability (time consuming!)")
                      help="number of neighbouring projections")
                      help="do not use normalization")
    #parser.add_option("--radius", 	    type="int"         ,	default=-1   ,				help="radius for 3D variability" )
                      help="number of time to pad the original images")
    parser.add_option("--sym", type="string", default="c1", help="symmetry")
        "cutoff freqency in absolute frequency (0.0-0.5). (Default - no filtration)"
        "fall off of the filter. Put 0.01 if user has no clue about falloff (Default - no filtration)"
                      help="use CFT correction")
                      help="Long output for debugging")
    #parser.add_option("--MPI" , 		action="store_true",	default=False,				help="use MPI version")
    #parser.add_option("--radiuspca", 	type="int"         ,	default=-1   ,				help="radius for PCA" )
    #parser.add_option("--iter", 		type="int"         ,	default=40   ,				help="maximum number of iterations (stop criterion of reconstruction process)" )
    #parser.add_option("--abs", 		type="float"   ,        default=0.0  ,				help="minimum average absolute change of voxels' values (stop criterion of reconstruction process)" )
    #parser.add_option("--squ", 		type="float"   ,	    default=0.0  ,				help="minimum average squared change of voxels' values (stop criterion of reconstruction process)" )
        help="stack on input consists of 2D variances (Default False)")
        "image decimate rate, a number larger (expand image) or less (shrink image) than 1. default is 1"
        "reduce images to a small image size without changing pixel_size. Default value is zero."
    #parser.add_option("--SND",			action="store_true",	default=False,				help="compute squared normalized differences (Default False)")
        help="number of eigenvectors, default = 0 meaning no PCA calculated")
        help="Prepare input stack for handling symmetry (Default False)")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    from mpi import mpi_init, mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, mpi_recv, MPI_COMM_WORLD
    from mpi import mpi_barrier, mpi_reduce, mpi_bcast, mpi_send, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX
    from applications import MPI_start_end
    from reconstruction import recons3d_em, recons3d_em_MPI
    from reconstruction import recons3d_4nn_MPI, recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI
    from utilities import print_begin_msg, print_end_msg, print_msg
    from utilities import read_text_row, get_image, get_im
    from utilities import bcast_EMData_to_all, bcast_number_to_all
    from utilities import get_symt

    #  This is code for handling symmetries by the above program.  To be incorporated. PAP 01/27/2015

    from EMAN2db import db_open_dict

    # Set up global variables related to bdb cache
    if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE:
        from utilities import disable_bdb_cache

    # Set up global variables related to ERROR function
    global_def.BATCH = True

    # detect if program is running under MPI
        global_def.MPI = True

    if options.symmetrize:
                sys.argv = mpi_init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
                    number_of_proc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
                    if (number_of_proc > 1):
                            "Cannot use more than one CPU for symmetry prepration",
                            "sx3dvariability", 1)
        if options.output_dir != "./" and not os.path.exists(
        #  Input
        #instack = "Clean_NORM_CTF_start_wparams.hdf"
        #instack = "bdb:data"

        from logger import Logger, BaseLogger_Files
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(options.output_dir, "log.txt")):
            os.remove(os.path.join(options.output_dir, "log.txt"))
        log_main = Logger(BaseLogger_Files())
        log_main.prefix = os.path.join(options.output_dir, "./")

        instack = args[0]
        sym = options.sym.lower()
        if (sym == "c1"):
            ERROR("There is no need to symmetrize stack for C1 symmetry",
                  "sx3dvariability", 1)

        line = ""
        for a in sys.argv:
            line += " " + a

        if (instack[:4] != "bdb:"):
            if output_dir == "./": stack = "bdb:data"
            else: stack = "bdb:" + options.output_dir + "/data"
            junk = cmdexecute("sxcpy.py  " + instack + "  " + stack)
            stack = instack

        qt = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(stack, 'xform.projection')

        na = len(qt)
        ts = get_symt(sym)
        ks = len(ts)
        angsa = [None] * na

        for k in xrange(ks):
            #Qfile = "Q%1d"%k
            if options.output_dir != "./":
                Qfile = os.path.join(options.output_dir, "Q%1d" % k)
                Qfile = os.path.join(options.output_dir, "Q%1d" % k)
            delete_bdb("bdb:" + Qfile)
            #junk = cmdexecute("e2bdb.py  "+stack+"  --makevstack=bdb:Q%1d"%k)
            junk = cmdexecute("e2bdb.py  " + stack + "  --makevstack=bdb:" +
            #DB = db_open_dict("bdb:Q%1d"%k)
            DB = db_open_dict("bdb:" + Qfile)
            for i in xrange(na):
                ut = qt[i] * ts[k]
                DB.set_attr(i, "xform.projection", ut)
                #bt = ut.get_params("spider")
                #angsa[i] = [round(bt["phi"],3)%360.0, round(bt["theta"],3)%360.0, bt["psi"], -bt["tx"], -bt["ty"]]
            #write_text_row(angsa, 'ptsma%1d.txt'%k)
            #junk = cmdexecute("e2bdb.py  "+stack+"  --makevstack=bdb:Q%1d"%k)
            #junk = cmdexecute("sxheader.py  bdb:Q%1d  --params=xform.projection  --import=ptsma%1d.txt"%(k,k))
        if options.output_dir == "./": delete_bdb("bdb:sdata")
        else: delete_bdb("bdb:" + options.output_dir + "/" + "sdata")
        #junk = cmdexecute("e2bdb.py . --makevstack=bdb:sdata --filt=Q")
        sdata = "bdb:" + options.output_dir + "/" + "sdata"
        junk = cmdexecute("e2bdb.py   " + options.output_dir +
                          "  --makevstack=" + sdata + " --filt=Q")
        #junk = cmdexecute("ls  EMAN2DB/sdata*")
        #a = get_im("bdb:sdata")
        a = get_im(sdata)
        a.set_attr("variabilitysymmetry", sym)


        sys.argv = mpi_init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
        myid = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
        number_of_proc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
        main_node = 0

        if len(args) == 1:
            stack = args[0]
            print(("usage: " + usage))
            print(("Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options"))
            return 1

        t0 = time()
        # obsolete flags
        options.MPI = True
        options.nvec = 0
        options.radiuspca = -1
        options.iter = 40
        options.abs = 0.0
        options.squ = 0.0

        if options.fl > 0.0 and options.aa == 0.0:
            ERROR("Fall off has to be given for the low-pass filter",
                  "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
        if options.VAR and options.SND:
            ERROR("Only one of var and SND can be set!", "sx3dvariability",
        if options.VAR and (options.ave2D or options.ave3D or options.var2D):
                "When VAR is set, the program cannot output ave2D, ave3D or var2D",
                "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
        #if options.SND and (options.ave2D or options.ave3D):
        #	ERROR("When SND is set, the program cannot output ave2D or ave3D", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
        #	exit()
        if options.nvec > 0:
            ERROR("PCA option not implemented", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
        if options.nvec > 0 and options.ave3D == None:
            ERROR("When doing PCA analysis, one must set ave3D",
        import string
        options.sym = options.sym.lower()

        # if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE:
        # 	from utilities import disable_bdb_cache
        # 	disable_bdb_cache()
        # global_def.BATCH = True

        if myid == main_node:
            if options.output_dir != "./" and not os.path.exists(

        img_per_grp = options.img_per_grp
        nvec = options.nvec
        radiuspca = options.radiuspca

        from logger import Logger, BaseLogger_Files
        #if os.path.exists(os.path.join(options.output_dir, "log.txt")): os.remove(os.path.join(options.output_dir, "log.txt"))
        log_main = Logger(BaseLogger_Files())
        log_main.prefix = os.path.join(options.output_dir, "./")

        if myid == main_node:
            line = ""
            for a in sys.argv:
                line += " " + a
            log_main.add("-------->>>Settings given by all options<<<-------")
            log_main.add("instack  		    :" + stack)
            log_main.add("output_dir        :" + options.output_dir)
            log_main.add("var3d   		    :" + options.var3D)

        if myid == main_node:
            line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
            msg = "sx3dvariability"
            print(line, msg)
            msg = ("%-70s:  %s\n" % ("Input stack", stack))
            print(line, msg)

        symbaselen = 0
        if myid == main_node:
            nima = EMUtil.get_image_count(stack)
            img = get_image(stack)
            nx = img.get_xsize()
            ny = img.get_ysize()
            if options.sym != "c1":
                imgdata = get_im(stack)
                    i = imgdata.get_attr("variabilitysymmetry").lower()
                    if (i != options.sym):
                            "The symmetry provided does not agree with the symmetry of the input stack",
                        "Input stack is not prepared for symmetry, please follow instructions",
                from utilities import get_symt
                i = len(get_symt(options.sym))
                if ((nima / i) * i != nima):
                        "The length of the input stack is incorrect for symmetry processing",
                symbaselen = nima / i
                symbaselen = nima
            nima = 0
            nx = 0
            ny = 0
        nima = bcast_number_to_all(nima)
        nx = bcast_number_to_all(nx)
        ny = bcast_number_to_all(ny)
        Tracker = {}
        Tracker["total_stack"] = nima
        if options.decimate == 1.:
            if options.window != 0:
                nx = options.window
                ny = options.window
            if options.window == 0:
                nx = int(nx * options.decimate)
                ny = int(ny * options.decimate)
                nx = int(options.window * options.decimate)
                ny = nx
        Tracker["nx"] = nx
        Tracker["ny"] = ny
        Tracker["nz"] = nx
        symbaselen = bcast_number_to_all(symbaselen)
        if radiuspca == -1: radiuspca = nx / 2 - 2

        if myid == main_node:
            line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
            msg = "%-70s:  %d\n" % ("Number of projection", nima)
            print(line, msg)
        img_begin, img_end = MPI_start_end(nima, number_of_proc, myid)
		if options.SND:
			from projection		import prep_vol, prgs
			from statistics		import im_diff
			from utilities		import get_im, model_circle, get_params_proj, set_params_proj
			from utilities		import get_ctf, generate_ctf
			from filter			import filt_ctf
			imgdata = EMData.read_images(stack, range(img_begin, img_end))

			if options.CTF:
				vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, imgdata, 1.0, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad, xysize=-1, zsize=-1)
				vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, imgdata, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad, xysize=-1, zsize=-1)

			bcast_EMData_to_all(vol, myid)
			volft, kb = prep_vol(vol)

			mask = model_circle(nx/2-2, nx, ny)
			varList = []
			for i in xrange(img_begin, img_end):
				phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y = get_params_proj(imgdata[i-img_begin])
				ref_prj = prgs(volft, kb, [phi, theta, psi, -s2x, -s2y])
				if options.CTF:
					ctf_params = get_ctf(imgdata[i-img_begin])
					ref_prj = filt_ctf(ref_prj, generate_ctf(ctf_params))
				diff, A, B = im_diff(ref_prj, imgdata[i-img_begin], mask)
				diff2 = diff*diff
				set_params_proj(diff2, [phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y])
        if options.VAR:
            #varList   = EMData.read_images(stack, range(img_begin, img_end))
            varList = []
            this_image = EMData()
            for index_of_particle in xrange(img_begin, img_end):
                this_image.read_image(stack, index_of_particle)
            from utilities import bcast_number_to_all, bcast_list_to_all, send_EMData, recv_EMData
            from utilities import set_params_proj, get_params_proj, params_3D_2D, get_params2D, set_params2D, compose_transform2
            from utilities import model_blank, nearest_proj, model_circle
            from applications import pca
            from statistics import avgvar, avgvar_ctf, ccc
            from filter import filt_tanl
            from morphology import threshold, square_root
            from projection import project, prep_vol, prgs
            from sets import Set

            if myid == main_node:
                t1 = time()
                proj_angles = []
                aveList = []
                tab = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(stack, 'xform.projection')
                for i in xrange(nima):
                    t = tab[i].get_params('spider')
                    phi = t['phi']
                    theta = t['theta']
                    psi = t['psi']
                    x = theta
                    if x > 90.0: x = 180.0 - x
                    x = x * 10000 + psi
                    proj_angles.append([x, t['phi'], t['theta'], t['psi'], i])
                t2 = time()
                line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
                msg = "%-70s:  %d\n" % ("Number of neighboring projections",
                print(line, msg)
                msg = "...... Finding neighboring projections\n"
                print(line, msg)
                if options.VERBOSE:
                    msg = "Number of images per group: %d" % img_per_grp
                    print(line, msg)
                    msg = "Now grouping projections"
                    print(line, msg)
            proj_angles_list = [0.0] * (nima * 4)
            if myid == main_node:
                for i in xrange(nima):
                    proj_angles_list[i * 4] = proj_angles[i][1]
                    proj_angles_list[i * 4 + 1] = proj_angles[i][2]
                    proj_angles_list[i * 4 + 2] = proj_angles[i][3]
                    proj_angles_list[i * 4 + 3] = proj_angles[i][4]
            proj_angles_list = bcast_list_to_all(proj_angles_list, myid,
            proj_angles = []
            for i in xrange(nima):
                    proj_angles_list[i * 4], proj_angles_list[i * 4 + 1],
                    proj_angles_list[i * 4 + 2],
                    int(proj_angles_list[i * 4 + 3])
            del proj_angles_list
            proj_list, mirror_list = nearest_proj(proj_angles, img_per_grp,
                                                  range(img_begin, img_end))

            all_proj = Set()
            for im in proj_list:
                for jm in im:

            all_proj = list(all_proj)
            if options.VERBOSE:
                print("On node %2d, number of images needed to be read = %5d" %
                      (myid, len(all_proj)))

            index = {}
            for i in xrange(len(all_proj)):
                index[all_proj[i]] = i

            if myid == main_node:
                line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
                msg = ("%-70s:  %.2f\n" %
                       ("Finding neighboring projections lasted [s]",
                        time() - t2))
                msg = ("%-70s:  %d\n" %
                       ("Number of groups processed on the main node",
                print(line, msg)
                if options.VERBOSE:
                    print("Grouping projections took: ", (time() - t2) / 60,
                    print("Number of groups on main node: ", len(proj_list))

            if myid == main_node:
                line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
                msg = ("...... calculating the stack of 2D variances \n")
                print(line, msg)
                if options.VERBOSE:
                    print("Now calculating the stack of 2D variances")

            proj_params = [0.0] * (nima * 5)
            aveList = []
            varList = []
            if nvec > 0:
                eigList = [[] for i in xrange(nvec)]

            if options.VERBOSE:
                print("Begin to read images on processor %d" % (myid))
            ttt = time()
            #imgdata = EMData.read_images(stack, all_proj)
            imgdata = []
            for index_of_proj in xrange(len(all_proj)):
                #img     = EMData()
                #img.read_image(stack, all_proj[index_of_proj])
                dmg = image_decimate_window_xform_ctf(
                    get_im(stack, all_proj[index_of_proj]), options.decimate,
                    options.window, options.CTF)
                #print dmg.get_xsize(), "init"
            if options.VERBOSE:
                print("Reading images on processor %d done, time = %.2f" %
                      (myid, time() - ttt))
                print("On processor %d, we got %d images" %
                      (myid, len(imgdata)))
			imgdata2 = EMData.read_images(stack, range(img_begin, img_end))
			if options.fl > 0.0:
				for k in xrange(len(imgdata2)):
					imgdata2[k] = filt_tanl(imgdata2[k], options.fl, options.aa)
			if options.CTF:
				vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, imgdata2, 1.0, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad, xysize=-1, zsize=-1)
				vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, imgdata2, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad, xysize=-1, zsize=-1)
			if myid == main_node:
				print_msg("Writing to the disk volume reconstructed from averages as		:  %s\n"%("vol_ctf.hdf"))
			del vol, imgdata2
            from applications import prepare_2d_forPCA
            from utilities import model_blank
            for i in xrange(len(proj_list)):
                ki = proj_angles[proj_list[i][0]][3]
                if ki >= symbaselen: continue
                mi = index[ki]
                phiM, thetaM, psiM, s2xM, s2yM = get_params_proj(imgdata[mi])

                grp_imgdata = []
                for j in xrange(img_per_grp):
                    mj = index[proj_angles[proj_list[i][j]][3]]
                    phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y = get_params_proj(imgdata[mj])
                    alpha, sx, sy, mirror = params_3D_2D_NEW(
                        phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y, mirror_list[i][j])
                    if thetaM <= 90:
                        if mirror == 0:
                            alpha, sx, sy, scale = compose_transform2(
                                alpha, sx, sy, 1.0, phiM - phi, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
                            alpha, sx, sy, scale = compose_transform2(
                                alpha, sx, sy, 1.0, 180 - (phiM - phi), 0.0,
                                0.0, 1.0)
                        if mirror == 0:
                            alpha, sx, sy, scale = compose_transform2(
                                alpha, sx, sy, 1.0, -(phiM - phi), 0.0, 0.0,
                            alpha, sx, sy, scale = compose_transform2(
                                alpha, sx, sy, 1.0, -(180 - (phiM - phi)), 0.0,
                                0.0, 1.0)
                    set_params2D(imgdata[mj], [alpha, sx, sy, mirror, 1.0])
                    #print grp_imgdata[j].get_xsize(), imgdata[mj].get_xsize()

                if not options.no_norm:
                    #print grp_imgdata[j].get_xsize()
                    mask = model_circle(nx / 2 - 2, nx, nx)
                    for k in xrange(img_per_grp):
                        ave, std, minn, maxx = Util.infomask(
                            grp_imgdata[k], mask, False)
                        grp_imgdata[k] -= ave
                        grp_imgdata[k] /= std
                    del mask

                if options.fl > 0.0:
                    from filter import filt_ctf, filt_table
                    from fundamentals import fft, window2d
                    nx2 = 2 * nx
                    ny2 = 2 * ny
                    if options.CTF:
                        from utilities import pad
                        for k in xrange(img_per_grp):
                            grp_imgdata[k] = window2d(
                                                pad(grp_imgdata[k], nx2, ny2,
                                                    1, 0.0)),
                                            binary=1), options.fl,
                                        options.aa)), nx, ny)
                            #grp_imgdata[k] = window2d(fft( filt_table( filt_tanl( filt_ctf(fft(pad(grp_imgdata[k], nx2, ny2, 1,0.0)), grp_imgdata[k].get_attr("ctf"), binary=1), options.fl, options.aa), fifi) ),nx,ny)
                            #grp_imgdata[k] = filt_tanl(grp_imgdata[k], options.fl, options.aa)
                        for k in xrange(img_per_grp):
                            grp_imgdata[k] = filt_tanl(grp_imgdata[k],
                                                       options.fl, options.aa)
                            #grp_imgdata[k] = window2d(fft( filt_table( filt_tanl( filt_ctf(fft(pad(grp_imgdata[k], nx2, ny2, 1,0.0)), grp_imgdata[k].get_attr("ctf"), binary=1), options.fl, options.aa), fifi) ),nx,ny)
                            #grp_imgdata[k] = filt_tanl(grp_imgdata[k], options.fl, options.aa)
                    from utilities import pad, read_text_file
                    from filter import filt_ctf, filt_table
                    from fundamentals import fft, window2d
                    nx2 = 2 * nx
                    ny2 = 2 * ny
                    if options.CTF:
                        from utilities import pad
                        for k in xrange(img_per_grp):
                            grp_imgdata[k] = window2d(
                                        pad(grp_imgdata[k], nx2, ny2, 1, 0.0)),
                                             binary=1)), nx, ny)
                            #grp_imgdata[k] = window2d(fft( filt_table( filt_tanl( filt_ctf(fft(pad(grp_imgdata[k], nx2, ny2, 1,0.0)), grp_imgdata[k].get_attr("ctf"), binary=1), options.fl, options.aa), fifi) ),nx,ny)
                            #grp_imgdata[k] = filt_tanl(grp_imgdata[k], options.fl, options.aa)
				if i < 10 and myid == main_node:
					for k in xrange(10):
						grp_imgdata[k].write_image("grp%03d.hdf"%i, k)
				if myid == main_node and i==0:
					for pp in xrange(len(grp_imgdata)):
						grp_imgdata[pp].write_image("pp.hdf", pp)
                ave, grp_imgdata = prepare_2d_forPCA(grp_imgdata)
				if myid == main_node and i==0:
					for pp in xrange(len(grp_imgdata)):
						grp_imgdata[pp].write_image("qq.hdf", pp)

                var = model_blank(nx, ny)
                for q in grp_imgdata:
                    Util.add_img2(var, q)
                Util.mul_scalar(var, 1.0 / (len(grp_imgdata) - 1))
                # Switch to std dev
                var = square_root(threshold(var))
                #if options.CTF:	ave, var = avgvar_ctf(grp_imgdata, mode="a")
                #else:	            ave, var = avgvar(grp_imgdata, mode="a")
				if myid == main_node:

                set_params_proj(ave, [phiM, thetaM, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
                set_params_proj(var, [phiM, thetaM, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])


                if options.VERBOSE:
                    print("%5.2f%% done on processor %d" %
                          (i * 100.0 / len(proj_list), myid))
                if nvec > 0:
                    eig = pca(input_stacks=grp_imgdata,
                    for k in xrange(nvec):
                        set_params_proj(eig[k], [phiM, thetaM, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
					if myid == 0 and i == 0:
						for k in xrange(nvec):
							eig[k].write_image("eig.hdf", k)

            del imgdata
            #  To this point, all averages, variances, and eigenvectors are computed

            if options.ave2D:
                from fundamentals import fpol
                if myid == main_node:
                    km = 0
                    for i in xrange(number_of_proc):
                        if i == main_node:
                            for im in xrange(len(aveList)):
                                                 options.ave2D), km)
                                km += 1
                            nl = mpi_recv(1, MPI_INT, i,
                            nl = int(nl[0])
                            for im in xrange(nl):
                                ave = recv_EMData(i, im + i + 70000)
								nm = mpi_recv(1, MPI_INT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
								nm = int(nm[0])
								members = mpi_recv(nm, MPI_INT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
								ave.set_attr('members', map(int, members))
								members = mpi_recv(nm, MPI_FLOAT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
								ave.set_attr('pix_err', map(float, members))
								members = mpi_recv(3, MPI_FLOAT, i, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
								ave.set_attr('refprojdir', map(float, members))
                                tmpvol = fpol(ave, Tracker["nx"],
                                              Tracker["nx"], 1)
                                                 options.ave2D), km)
                                km += 1
                    mpi_send(len(aveList), 1, MPI_INT, main_node,
                             SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
                    for im in xrange(len(aveList)):
                        send_EMData(aveList[im], main_node, im + myid + 70000)
						members = aveList[im].get_attr('members')
						mpi_send(len(members), 1, MPI_INT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
						mpi_send(members, len(members), MPI_INT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
						members = aveList[im].get_attr('pix_err')
						mpi_send(members, len(members), MPI_FLOAT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
							members = aveList[im].get_attr('refprojdir')
							mpi_send(members, 3, MPI_FLOAT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
							mpi_send([-999.0,-999.0,-999.0], 3, MPI_FLOAT, main_node, SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)

            if options.ave3D:
                from fundamentals import fpol
                if options.VERBOSE:
                    print("Reconstructing 3D average volume")
                ave3D = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid,
                bcast_EMData_to_all(ave3D, myid)
                if myid == main_node:
                    line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
                    ave3D = fpol(ave3D, Tracker["nx"], Tracker["nx"],
                        os.path.join(options.output_dir, options.ave3D))
                    msg = ("%-70s:  %s\n" % (
                        "Writing to the disk volume reconstructed from averages as",
                    print(line, msg)
            del ave, var, proj_list, stack, phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y, alpha, sx, sy, mirror, aveList

            if nvec > 0:
                for k in xrange(nvec):
                    if options.VERBOSE:
                        print("Reconstruction eigenvolumes", k)
                    cont = True
                    ITER = 0
                    mask2d = model_circle(radiuspca, nx, nx)
                    while cont:
                        #print "On node %d, iteration %d"%(myid, ITER)
                        eig3D = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid,
                        bcast_EMData_to_all(eig3D, myid, main_node)
                        if options.fl > 0.0:
                            eig3D = filt_tanl(eig3D, options.fl, options.aa)
                        if myid == main_node:
                                             "eig3d_%03d.hdf" % (k, ITER)))
                                     model_circle(radiuspca, nx, nx, nx))
                        eig3Df, kb = prep_vol(eig3D)
                        del eig3D
                        cont = False
                        icont = 0
                        for l in xrange(len(eigList[k])):
                            phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y = get_params_proj(
                            proj = prgs(eig3Df, kb,
                                        [phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y])
                            cl = ccc(proj, eigList[k][l], mask2d)
                            if cl < 0.0:
                                icont += 1
                                cont = True
                                eigList[k][l] *= -1.0
                        u = int(cont)
                        u = mpi_reduce([u], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, main_node,
                        icont = mpi_reduce([icont], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM,
                                           main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)

                        if myid == main_node:
                            line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S",
                                            localtime()) + " =>"
                            u = int(u[0])
                            msg = (" Eigenvector: ", k, " number changed ",
                            print(line, msg)
                            u = 0
                        u = bcast_number_to_all(u, main_node)
                        cont = bool(u)
                        ITER += 1

                    del eig3Df, kb
                del eigList, mask2d

            if options.ave3D: del ave3D
            if options.var2D:
                from fundamentals import fpol
                if myid == main_node:
                    km = 0
                    for i in xrange(number_of_proc):
                        if i == main_node:
                            for im in xrange(len(varList)):
                                tmpvol = fpol(varList[im], Tracker["nx"],
                                              Tracker["nx"], 1)
                                                 options.var2D), km)
                                km += 1
                            nl = mpi_recv(1, MPI_INT, i,
                            nl = int(nl[0])
                            for im in xrange(nl):
                                ave = recv_EMData(i, im + i + 70000)
                                tmpvol = fpol(ave, Tracker["nx"],
                                              Tracker["nx"], 1)
                                                 options.var2D, km))
                                km += 1
                    mpi_send(len(varList), 1, MPI_INT, main_node,
                             SPARX_MPI_TAG_UNIVERSAL, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
                    for im in xrange(len(varList)):
                        send_EMData(varList[im], main_node, im + myid +
                                    70000)  #  What with the attributes??


        if options.var3D:
            if myid == main_node and options.VERBOSE:
                line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
                msg = ("Reconstructing 3D variability volume")
                print(line, msg)
            t6 = time()
            # radiusvar = options.radius
            # if( radiusvar < 0 ):  radiusvar = nx//2 -3
            res = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid,
            #res = recons3d_em_MPI(varList, vol_stack, options.iter, radiusvar, options.abs, True, options.sym, options.squ)
            if myid == main_node:
                from fundamentals import fpol
                res = fpol(res, Tracker["nx"], Tracker["nx"], Tracker["nx"])

            if myid == main_node:
                line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
                msg = ("%-70s:  %.2f\n" %
                       ("Reconstructing 3D variability took [s]", time() - t6))
                print(line, msg)
                if options.VERBOSE:
                    print("Reconstruction took: %.2f [min]" %
                          ((time() - t6) / 60))

            if myid == main_node:
                line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
                msg = ("%-70s:  %.2f\n" %
                       ("Total time for these computations [s]", time() - t0))
                print(line, msg)
                if options.VERBOSE:
                    print("Total time for these computations: %.2f [min]" %
                          ((time() - t0) / 60))
                line = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S", localtime()) + " =>"
                msg = ("sx3dvariability")
                print(line, msg)

        from mpi import mpi_finalize

            global_def.MPI = False

        global_def.BATCH = False
Exemple #25
def do_volume_mrk02(ref_data):
		data - projections (scattered between cpus) or the volume.  If volume, just do the volume processing
		options - the same for all cpus
		return - volume the same for all cpus
	from EMAN2          import Util
	from mpi            import mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, MPI_COMM_WORLD
	from filter         import filt_table
	from reconstruction import recons3d_4nn_MPI, recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI
	from utilities      import bcast_EMData_to_all, bcast_number_to_all, model_blank
	from fundamentals import rops_table, fftip, fft
	import types

	# Retrieve the function specific input arguments from ref_data
	data     = ref_data[0]
	Tracker  = ref_data[1]
	iter     = ref_data[2]
	mpi_comm = ref_data[3]
	# # For DEBUG
	# print "Type of data %s" % (type(data))
	# print "Type of Tracker %s" % (type(Tracker))
	# print "Type of iter %s" % (type(iter))
	# print "Type of mpi_comm %s" % (type(mpi_comm))
	if(mpi_comm == None):  mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
	myid  = mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm)
	nproc = mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm)
	try:     local_filter = Tracker["local_filter"]
	except:  local_filter = False
	# volume reconstruction
	if( type(data) == types.ListType ):
		if Tracker["constants"]["CTF"]:
			vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, data, Tracker["constants"]["snr"], \
					symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm, smearstep = Tracker["smearstep"])
			vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI    (myid, data,\
					symmetry=Tracker["constants"]["sym"], npad=Tracker["constants"]["npad"], mpi_comm=mpi_comm)
		vol = data

	if myid == 0:
		from morphology import threshold
		from filter     import filt_tanl, filt_btwl
		from utilities  import model_circle, get_im
		import types
		nx = vol.get_xsize()
		if(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == None):
			mask3D = model_circle(int(Tracker["constants"]["radius"]*float(nx)/float(Tracker["constants"]["nnxo"])+0.5), nx, nx, nx)
		elif(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"] == "auto"):
			from utilities import adaptive_mask
			mask3D = adaptive_mask(vol)
			if( type(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]) == types.StringType ):  mask3D = get_im(Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"])
			else:  mask3D = (Tracker["constants"]["mask3D"]).copy()
			nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
			if( nx != nxm):
				from fundamentals import rot_shift3D
				mask3D = Util.window(rot_shift3D(mask3D,scale=float(nx)/float(nxm)),nx,nx,nx)
				nxm = mask3D.get_xsize()
				assert(nx == nxm)

		stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
		vol -= stat[0]
		Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
		vol = threshold(vol)
		Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
		if( Tracker["PWadjustment"] ):
			from utilities    import read_text_file, write_text_file
			rt = read_text_file( Tracker["PWadjustment"] )
			ro = rops_table(vol)
			#  Here unless I am mistaken it is enough to take the beginning of the reference pw.
			for i in xrange(1,len(ro)):  ro[i] = (rt[i]/ro[i])**Tracker["upscale"]
			#write_text_file(rops_table(filt_table( vol, ro),1),"foo.txt")
			if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]:
				ny = vol.get_ysize()
				y = float(ny)
				from math import exp
				for i in xrange(len(ro)):  ro[i] *= \

			if local_filter:
				# skip low-pass filtration
				vol = fft( filt_table( vol, ro) )
				if( type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType ):
					vol = fft( filt_table( filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"]), ro) )
					vol = fft( filt_table( filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"], Tracker["falloff"]), ro) )
			del ro
			if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]:
				ny = vol.get_ysize()
				y = float(ny)
				ro = [0.0]*(ny//2+2)
				from math import exp
				for i in xrange(len(ro)):  ro[i] = \
				filt_table(vol, ro)
				del ro
			if not local_filter:
				if( type(Tracker["lowpass"]) == types.ListType ):
					vol = filt_table(vol, Tracker["lowpass"])
					vol = filt_tanl(vol, Tracker["lowpass"], Tracker["falloff"])
			if Tracker["constants"]["sausage"]: vol = fft(vol)

	if local_filter:
		from morphology import binarize
		if(myid == 0): nx = mask3D.get_xsize()
		else:  nx = 0
		nx = bcast_number_to_all(nx, source_node = 0)
		#  only main processor needs the two input volumes
		if(myid == 0):
			mask = binarize(mask3D, 0.5)
			locres = get_im(Tracker["local_filter"])
			lx = locres.get_xsize()
			if(lx != nx):
				if(lx < nx):
					from fundamentals import fdecimate, rot_shift3D
					mask = Util.window(rot_shift3D(mask,scale=float(lx)/float(nx)),lx,lx,lx)
					vol = fdecimate(vol, lx,lx,lx)
				else:  ERROR("local filter cannot be larger than input volume","user function",1)
			stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask, False)
			vol -= stat[0]
			Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
			lx = 0
			locres = model_blank(1,1,1)
			vol = model_blank(1,1,1)
		lx = bcast_number_to_all(lx, source_node = 0)
		if( myid != 0 ):  mask = model_blank(lx,lx,lx)
		bcast_EMData_to_all(mask, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
		from filter import filterlocal
		vol = filterlocal( locres, vol, mask, Tracker["falloff"], myid, 0, nproc)

		if myid == 0:
			if(lx < nx):
				from fundamentals import fpol
				vol = fpol(vol, nx,nx,nx)
			vol = threshold(vol)
			vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)#  This will have to be corrected.
			Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
			del mask3D
			# vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
			vol = model_blank(nx,nx,nx)
		if myid == 0:
			#from utilities import write_text_file
			stat = Util.infomask(vol, mask3D, False)
			vol -= stat[0]
			Util.mul_scalar(vol, 1.0/stat[1])
			vol = threshold(vol)
			vol = filt_btwl(vol, 0.38, 0.5)#  This will have to be corrected.
			Util.mul_img(vol, mask3D)
			del mask3D
			# vol.write_image('toto%03d.hdf'%iter)
	# broadcast volume
	bcast_EMData_to_all(vol, myid, 0, comm=mpi_comm)
	return vol
Exemple #26
def main():

	def params_3D_2D_NEW(phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y, mirror):
		if mirror:
			m = 1
			alpha, sx, sy, scalen = compose_transform2(0, s2x, s2y, 1.0, 540.0-psi, 0, 0, 1.0)
			m = 0
			alpha, sx, sy, scalen = compose_transform2(0, s2x, s2y, 1.0, 360.0-psi, 0, 0, 1.0)
		return  alpha, sx, sy, m
	progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
	usage = progname + " prj_stack  --ave2D= --var2D=  --ave3D= --var3D= --img_per_grp= --fl=0.2 --aa=0.1  --sym=symmetry --CTF"
	parser = OptionParser(usage, version=SPARXVERSION)

	parser.add_option("--ave2D",		type="string"	   ,	default=False,				help="write to the disk a stack of 2D averages")
	parser.add_option("--var2D",		type="string"	   ,	default=False,				help="write to the disk a stack of 2D variances")
	parser.add_option("--ave3D",		type="string"	   ,	default=False,				help="write to the disk reconstructed 3D average")
	parser.add_option("--var3D",		type="string"	   ,	default=False,				help="compute 3D variability (time consuming!)")
	parser.add_option("--img_per_grp",	type="int"         ,	default=10   ,				help="number of neighbouring projections")
	parser.add_option("--no_norm",		action="store_true",	default=False,				help="do not use normalization")
	parser.add_option("--radiusvar", 	type="int"         ,	default=-1   ,				help="radius for 3D var" )
	parser.add_option("--npad",			type="int"         ,	default=2    ,				help="number of time to pad the original images")
	parser.add_option("--sym" , 		type="string"      ,	default="c1" ,				help="symmetry")
	parser.add_option("--fl",			type="float"       ,	default=0.0  ,				help="stop-band frequency (Default - no filtration)")
	parser.add_option("--aa",			type="float"       ,	default=0.0  ,				help="fall off of the filter (Default - no filtration)")
	parser.add_option("--CTF",			action="store_true",	default=False,				help="use CFT correction")
	parser.add_option("--VERBOSE",		action="store_true",	default=False,				help="Long output for debugging")
	#parser.add_option("--MPI" , 		action="store_true",	default=False,				help="use MPI version")
	#parser.add_option("--radiuspca", 	type="int"         ,	default=-1   ,				help="radius for PCA" )
	#parser.add_option("--iter", 		type="int"         ,	default=40   ,				help="maximum number of iterations (stop criterion of reconstruction process)" )
	#parser.add_option("--abs", 			type="float"       ,	default=0.0  ,				help="minimum average absolute change of voxels' values (stop criterion of reconstruction process)" )
	#parser.add_option("--squ", 			type="float"       ,	default=0.0  ,				help="minimum average squared change of voxels' values (stop criterion of reconstruction process)" )
	parser.add_option("--VAR" , 		action="store_true",	default=False,				help="stack on input consists of 2D variances (Default False)")
	parser.add_option("--decimate",     type="float",           default=1.0,                 help="image decimate rate, a number large than 1. default is 1")
	parser.add_option("--window",       type="int",             default=0,                   help="reduce images to a small image size without changing pixel_size. Default value is zero.")
	#parser.add_option("--SND",			action="store_true",	default=False,				help="compute squared normalized differences (Default False)")
	parser.add_option("--nvec",			type="int"         ,	default=0    ,				help="number of eigenvectors, default = 0 meaning no PCA calculated")
	parser.add_option("--symmetrize",	action="store_true",	default=False,				help="Prepare input stack for handling symmetry (Default False)")
	(options,args) = parser.parse_args()
	from mpi import mpi_init, mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, mpi_recv, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_TAG_UB
	from mpi import mpi_barrier, mpi_reduce, mpi_bcast, mpi_send, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_SUM, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX
	from applications import MPI_start_end
	from reconstruction import recons3d_em, recons3d_em_MPI
	from reconstruction	import recons3d_4nn_MPI, recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI
	from utilities import print_begin_msg, print_end_msg, print_msg
	from utilities import read_text_row, get_image, get_im
	from utilities import bcast_EMData_to_all, bcast_number_to_all
	from utilities import get_symt

	#  This is code for handling symmetries by the above program.  To be incorporated. PAP 01/27/2015

	from EMAN2db import db_open_dict
	if options.symmetrize :
			sys.argv = mpi_init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
				number_of_proc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
				if( number_of_proc > 1 ):
					ERROR("Cannot use more than one CPU for symmetry prepration","sx3dvariability",1)

		#  Input
		#instack = "Clean_NORM_CTF_start_wparams.hdf"
		#instack = "bdb:data"
		instack = args[0]
		sym = options.sym
		if( sym == "c1" ):
			ERROR("Thre is no need to symmetrize stack for C1 symmetry","sx3dvariability",1)

		if(instack[:4] !="bdb:"):
			stack = "bdb:data"
			cmdexecute("sxcpy.py  "+instack+"  "+stack)
			stack = instack

		qt = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(stack,'xform.projection')

		na = len(qt)
		ts = get_symt(sym)
		ks = len(ts)
		angsa = [None]*na
		for k in xrange(ks):
			cmdexecute("e2bdb.py  "+stack+"  --makevstack=bdb:Q%1d"%k)
			DB = db_open_dict("bdb:Q%1d"%k)
			for i in xrange(na):
				ut = qt[i]*ts[k]
				DB.set_attr(i, "xform.projection", ut)
				#bt = ut.get_params("spider")
				#angsa[i] = [round(bt["phi"],3)%360.0, round(bt["theta"],3)%360.0, bt["psi"], -bt["tx"], -bt["ty"]]
			#write_text_row(angsa, 'ptsma%1d.txt'%k)
			#cmdexecute("e2bdb.py  "+stack+"  --makevstack=bdb:Q%1d"%k)
			#cmdexecute("sxheader.py  bdb:Q%1d  --params=xform.projection  --import=ptsma%1d.txt"%(k,k))
		cmdexecute("e2bdb.py . --makevstack=bdb:sdata --filt=Q")
		#cmdexecute("ls  EMAN2DB/sdata*")
		a = get_im("bdb:sdata")


		sys.argv = mpi_init(len(sys.argv), sys.argv)
		myid     = mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
		number_of_proc = mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
		main_node = 0

		if len(args) == 1:
			stack = args[0]
			print( "usage: " + usage)
			print( "Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options")
			return 1

		t0 = time()
		# obsolete flags
		options.MPI = True
		options.nvec = 0
		options.radiuspca = -1
		options.iter = 40
		options.abs = 0.0
		options.squ = 0.0

		if options.fl > 0.0 and options.aa == 0.0:
			ERROR("Fall off has to be given for the low-pass filter", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
		if options.VAR and options.SND:
			ERROR("Only one of var and SND can be set!", "sx3dvariability", myid)
		if options.VAR and (options.ave2D or options.ave3D or options.var2D): 
			ERROR("When VAR is set, the program cannot output ave2D, ave3D or var2D", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
		#if options.SND and (options.ave2D or options.ave3D):
		#	ERROR("When SND is set, the program cannot output ave2D or ave3D", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
		#	exit()
		if options.nvec > 0 :
			ERROR("PCA option not implemented", "sx3dvariability", 1, myid)
		if options.nvec > 0 and options.ave3D == None:
			ERROR("When doing PCA analysis, one must set ave3D", "sx3dvariability", myid=myid)
		import string
		options.sym = options.sym.lower()
		if global_def.CACHE_DISABLE:
			from utilities import disable_bdb_cache
		global_def.BATCH = True

		if myid == main_node:
			print_msg("%-70s:  %s\n"%("Input stack", stack))
		img_per_grp = options.img_per_grp
		nvec = options.nvec
		radiuspca = options.radiuspca

		symbaselen = 0
		if myid == main_node:
			nima = EMUtil.get_image_count(stack)
			img  = get_image(stack)
			nx   = img.get_xsize()
			ny   = img.get_ysize()
			if options.sym != "c1" :
				imgdata = get_im(stack)
					i = imgdata.get_attr("variabilitysymmetry")
					if(i != options.sym):
						ERROR("The symmetry provided does not agree with the symmetry of the input stack", "sx3dvariability", myid=myid)
					ERROR("Input stack is not prepared for symmetry, please follow instructions", "sx3dvariability", myid=myid)
				from utilities import get_symt
				i = len(get_symt(options.sym))
				if((nima/i)*i != nima):
					ERROR("The length of the input stack is incorrect for symmetry processing", "sx3dvariability", myid=myid)
				symbaselen = nima/i
			else:  symbaselen = nima
			nima = 0
			nx = 0
			ny = 0
		nima = bcast_number_to_all(nima)
		nx   = bcast_number_to_all(nx)
		ny   = bcast_number_to_all(ny)
		Tracker ={}
		Tracker["nx"]  =nx
		Tracker["ny"]  =ny
		if options.decimate==1.:
			if options.window !=0:
				nx = options.window
				ny = options.window
			if options.window ==0:
				nx = int(nx/options.decimate)
				ny = int(ny/options.decimate)
				nx = int(options.window/options.decimate)
				ny = nx
		symbaselen = bcast_number_to_all(symbaselen)
		if radiuspca == -1: radiuspca = nx/2-2

		if myid == main_node:
			print_msg("%-70s:  %d\n"%("Number of projection", nima))
		img_begin, img_end = MPI_start_end(nima, number_of_proc, myid)
		if options.SND:
			from projection		import prep_vol, prgs
			from statistics		import im_diff
			from utilities		import get_im, model_circle, get_params_proj, set_params_proj
			from utilities		import get_ctf, generate_ctf
			from filter			import filt_ctf
			imgdata = EMData.read_images(stack, range(img_begin, img_end))

			if options.CTF:
				vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, imgdata, 1.0, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad, xysize=-1, zsize=-1)
				vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, imgdata, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad, xysize=-1, zsize=-1)

			bcast_EMData_to_all(vol, myid)
			volft, kb = prep_vol(vol)

			mask = model_circle(nx/2-2, nx, ny)
			varList = []
			for i in xrange(img_begin, img_end):
				phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y = get_params_proj(imgdata[i-img_begin])
				ref_prj = prgs(volft, kb, [phi, theta, psi, -s2x, -s2y])
				if options.CTF:
					ctf_params = get_ctf(imgdata[i-img_begin])
					ref_prj = filt_ctf(ref_prj, generate_ctf(ctf_params))
				diff, A, B = im_diff(ref_prj, imgdata[i-img_begin], mask)
				diff2 = diff*diff
				set_params_proj(diff2, [phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y])
		if options.VAR:
			#varList = EMData.read_images(stack, range(img_begin, img_end))
			varList = []
			this_image = EMData()
			for index_of_particle in xrange(img_begin,img_end):
			from utilities		import bcast_number_to_all, bcast_list_to_all, send_EMData, recv_EMData
			from utilities		import set_params_proj, get_params_proj, params_3D_2D, get_params2D, set_params2D, compose_transform2
			from utilities		import model_blank, nearest_proj, model_circle
			from applications	import pca
			from statistics		import avgvar, avgvar_ctf, ccc
			from filter		    import filt_tanl
			from morphology		import threshold, square_root
			from projection 	import project, prep_vol, prgs
			from sets		    import Set

			if myid == main_node:
				t1 = time()
				proj_angles = []
				aveList = []
				tab = EMUtil.get_all_attributes(stack, 'xform.projection')
				for i in xrange(nima):
					t     = tab[i].get_params('spider')
					phi   = t['phi']
					theta = t['theta']
					psi   = t['psi']
					x     = theta
					if x > 90.0: x = 180.0 - x
					x = x*10000+psi
					proj_angles.append([x, t['phi'], t['theta'], t['psi'], i])
				t2 = time()
				print_msg("%-70s:  %d\n"%("Number of neighboring projections", img_per_grp))
				print_msg("...... Finding neighboring projections\n")
				if options.VERBOSE:
					print "Number of images per group: ", img_per_grp
					print "Now grouping projections"

			proj_angles_list = [0.0]*(nima*4)
			if myid == main_node:
				for i in xrange(nima):
					proj_angles_list[i*4]   = proj_angles[i][1]
					proj_angles_list[i*4+1] = proj_angles[i][2]
					proj_angles_list[i*4+2] = proj_angles[i][3]
					proj_angles_list[i*4+3] = proj_angles[i][4]
			proj_angles_list = bcast_list_to_all(proj_angles_list, myid, main_node)
			proj_angles = []
			for i in xrange(nima):
				proj_angles.append([proj_angles_list[i*4], proj_angles_list[i*4+1], proj_angles_list[i*4+2], int(proj_angles_list[i*4+3])])
			del proj_angles_list

			proj_list, mirror_list = nearest_proj(proj_angles, img_per_grp, range(img_begin, img_end))

			all_proj = Set()
			for im in proj_list:
				for jm in im:

			all_proj = list(all_proj)
			if options.VERBOSE:
				print "On node %2d, number of images needed to be read = %5d"%(myid, len(all_proj))

			index = {}
			for i in xrange(len(all_proj)): index[all_proj[i]] = i

			if myid == main_node:
				print_msg("%-70s:  %.2f\n"%("Finding neighboring projections lasted [s]", time()-t2))
				print_msg("%-70s:  %d\n"%("Number of groups processed on the main node", len(proj_list)))
				if options.VERBOSE:
					print "Grouping projections took: ", (time()-t2)/60	, "[min]"
					print "Number of groups on main node: ", len(proj_list)

			if myid == main_node:
				print_msg("...... calculating the stack of 2D variances \n")
				if options.VERBOSE:
					print "Now calculating the stack of 2D variances"

			proj_params = [0.0]*(nima*5)
			aveList = []
			varList = []				
			if nvec > 0:
				eigList = [[] for i in xrange(nvec)]

			if options.VERBOSE: 	print "Begin to read images on processor %d"%(myid)
			ttt = time()
			#imgdata = EMData.read_images(stack, all_proj)
			img     = EMData()
			imgdata = []
			for index_of_proj in xrange(len(all_proj)):
				img.read_image(stack, all_proj[index_of_proj])
				dmg = image_decimate_window_xform_ctf(img,options.decimate,options.window,options.CTF)
				#print dmg.get_xsize(), "init"
			if options.VERBOSE:
				print "Reading images on processor %d done, time = %.2f"%(myid, time()-ttt)
				print "On processor %d, we got %d images"%(myid, len(imgdata))

			imgdata2 = EMData.read_images(stack, range(img_begin, img_end))
			if options.fl > 0.0:
				for k in xrange(len(imgdata2)):
					imgdata2[k] = filt_tanl(imgdata2[k], options.fl, options.aa)
			if options.CTF:
				vol = recons3d_4nn_ctf_MPI(myid, imgdata2, 1.0, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad, xysize=-1, zsize=-1)
				vol = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, imgdata2, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad, xysize=-1, zsize=-1)
			if myid == main_node:
				print_msg("Writing to the disk volume reconstructed from averages as		:  %s\n"%("vol_ctf.hdf"))
			del vol, imgdata2
			from applications import prepare_2d_forPCA
			from utilities import model_blank
			for i in xrange(len(proj_list)):
				ki = proj_angles[proj_list[i][0]][3]
				if ki >= symbaselen:  continue
				mi = index[ki]
				phiM, thetaM, psiM, s2xM, s2yM = get_params_proj(imgdata[mi])

				grp_imgdata = []
				for j in xrange(img_per_grp):
					mj = index[proj_angles[proj_list[i][j]][3]]
					phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y = get_params_proj(imgdata[mj])
					alpha, sx, sy, mirror = params_3D_2D_NEW(phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y, mirror_list[i][j])
					if thetaM <= 90:
						if mirror == 0:  alpha, sx, sy, scale = compose_transform2(alpha, sx, sy, 1.0, phiM-phi, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
						else:            alpha, sx, sy, scale = compose_transform2(alpha, sx, sy, 1.0, 180-(phiM-phi), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
						if mirror == 0:  alpha, sx, sy, scale = compose_transform2(alpha, sx, sy, 1.0, -(phiM-phi), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
						else:            alpha, sx, sy, scale = compose_transform2(alpha, sx, sy, 1.0, -(180-(phiM-phi)), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
					set_params2D(imgdata[mj], [alpha, sx, sy, mirror, 1.0])
					#print grp_imgdata[j].get_xsize(), imgdata[mj].get_xsize()

				if not options.no_norm:
					#print grp_imgdata[j].get_xsize()
					mask = model_circle(nx/2-2, nx, nx)
					for k in xrange(img_per_grp):
						ave, std, minn, maxx = Util.infomask(grp_imgdata[k], mask, False)
						grp_imgdata[k] -= ave
						grp_imgdata[k] /= std
					del mask

				if options.fl > 0.0:
					from filter import filt_ctf, filt_table
					from fundamentals import fft, window2d
					nx2 = 2*nx
					ny2 = 2*ny
					if options.CTF:
						from utilities import pad
						for k in xrange(img_per_grp):
							grp_imgdata[k] = window2d(fft( filt_tanl( filt_ctf(fft(pad(grp_imgdata[k], nx2, ny2, 1,0.0)), grp_imgdata[k].get_attr("ctf"), binary=1), options.fl, options.aa) ),nx,ny)
							#grp_imgdata[k] = window2d(fft( filt_table( filt_tanl( filt_ctf(fft(pad(grp_imgdata[k], nx2, ny2, 1,0.0)), grp_imgdata[k].get_attr("ctf"), binary=1), options.fl, options.aa), fifi) ),nx,ny)
							#grp_imgdata[k] = filt_tanl(grp_imgdata[k], options.fl, options.aa)
						for k in xrange(img_per_grp):
							grp_imgdata[k] = filt_tanl( grp_imgdata[k], options.fl, options.aa)
							#grp_imgdata[k] = window2d(fft( filt_table( filt_tanl( filt_ctf(fft(pad(grp_imgdata[k], nx2, ny2, 1,0.0)), grp_imgdata[k].get_attr("ctf"), binary=1), options.fl, options.aa), fifi) ),nx,ny)
							#grp_imgdata[k] = filt_tanl(grp_imgdata[k], options.fl, options.aa)
					from utilities import pad, read_text_file
					from filter import filt_ctf, filt_table
					from fundamentals import fft, window2d
					nx2 = 2*nx
					ny2 = 2*ny
					if options.CTF:
						from utilities import pad
						for k in xrange(img_per_grp):
							grp_imgdata[k] = window2d( fft( filt_ctf(fft(pad(grp_imgdata[k], nx2, ny2, 1,0.0)), grp_imgdata[k].get_attr("ctf"), binary=1) ) , nx,ny)
							#grp_imgdata[k] = window2d(fft( filt_table( filt_tanl( filt_ctf(fft(pad(grp_imgdata[k], nx2, ny2, 1,0.0)), grp_imgdata[k].get_attr("ctf"), binary=1), options.fl, options.aa), fifi) ),nx,ny)
							#grp_imgdata[k] = filt_tanl(grp_imgdata[k], options.fl, options.aa)

				if i < 10 and myid == main_node:
					for k in xrange(10):
						grp_imgdata[k].write_image("grp%03d.hdf"%i, k)
				if myid == main_node and i==0:
					for pp in xrange(len(grp_imgdata)):
						grp_imgdata[pp].write_image("pp.hdf", pp)
				ave, grp_imgdata = prepare_2d_forPCA(grp_imgdata)
				if myid == main_node and i==0:
					for pp in xrange(len(grp_imgdata)):
						grp_imgdata[pp].write_image("qq.hdf", pp)

				var = model_blank(nx,ny)
				for q in grp_imgdata:  Util.add_img2( var, q )
				Util.mul_scalar( var, 1.0/(len(grp_imgdata)-1))
				# Switch to std dev
				var = square_root(threshold(var))
				#if options.CTF:	ave, var = avgvar_ctf(grp_imgdata, mode="a")
				#else:	            ave, var = avgvar(grp_imgdata, mode="a")
				if myid == main_node:
				set_params_proj(ave, [phiM, thetaM, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
				set_params_proj(var, [phiM, thetaM, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])


				if options.VERBOSE:
					print "%5.2f%% done on processor %d"%(i*100.0/len(proj_list), myid)
				if nvec > 0:
					eig = pca(input_stacks=grp_imgdata, subavg="", mask_radius=radiuspca, nvec=nvec, incore=True, shuffle=False, genbuf=True)
					for k in xrange(nvec):
						set_params_proj(eig[k], [phiM, thetaM, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
					if myid == 0 and i == 0:
						for k in xrange(nvec):
							eig[k].write_image("eig.hdf", k)

			del imgdata
			#  To this point, all averages, variances, and eigenvectors are computed

			if options.ave2D:
				from fundamentals import fpol
				if myid == main_node:
					km = 0
					for i in xrange(number_of_proc):
						if i == main_node :
							for im in xrange(len(aveList)):
								aveList[im].write_image(options.ave2D, km)
								km += 1
							nl = mpi_recv(1, MPI_INT, i, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
							nl = int(nl[0])
							for im in xrange(nl):
								ave = recv_EMData(i, im+i+70000)
								nm = mpi_recv(1, MPI_INT, i, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
								nm = int(nm[0])
								members = mpi_recv(nm, MPI_INT, i, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
								ave.set_attr('members', map(int, members))
								members = mpi_recv(nm, MPI_FLOAT, i, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
								ave.set_attr('pix_err', map(float, members))
								members = mpi_recv(3, MPI_FLOAT, i, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
								ave.set_attr('refprojdir', map(float, members))
								tmpvol=fpol(ave, Tracker["nx"],Tracker["nx"],Tracker["nx"])								
								tmpvol.write_image(options.ave2D, km)
								km += 1
					mpi_send(len(aveList), 1, MPI_INT, main_node, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
					for im in xrange(len(aveList)):
						send_EMData(aveList[im], main_node,im+myid+70000)
						members = aveList[im].get_attr('members')
						mpi_send(len(members), 1, MPI_INT, main_node, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
						mpi_send(members, len(members), MPI_INT, main_node, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
						members = aveList[im].get_attr('pix_err')
						mpi_send(members, len(members), MPI_FLOAT, main_node, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
							members = aveList[im].get_attr('refprojdir')
							mpi_send(members, 3, MPI_FLOAT, main_node, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
							mpi_send([-999.0,-999.0,-999.0], 3, MPI_FLOAT, main_node, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)

			if options.ave3D:
				from fundamentals import fpol
				if options.VERBOSE:
					print "Reconstructing 3D average volume"
				ave3D = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, aveList, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad)
				bcast_EMData_to_all(ave3D, myid)
				if myid == main_node:
					print_msg("%-70s:  %s\n"%("Writing to the disk volume reconstructed from averages as", options.ave3D))
			del ave, var, proj_list, stack, phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y, alpha, sx, sy, mirror, aveList

			if nvec > 0:
				for k in xrange(nvec):
					if options.VERBOSE:
						print "Reconstruction eigenvolumes", k
					cont = True
					ITER = 0
					mask2d = model_circle(radiuspca, nx, nx)
					while cont:
						#print "On node %d, iteration %d"%(myid, ITER)
						eig3D = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, eigList[k], symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad)
						bcast_EMData_to_all(eig3D, myid, main_node)
						if options.fl > 0.0:
							eig3D = filt_tanl(eig3D, options.fl, options.aa)
						if myid == main_node:
							eig3D.write_image("eig3d_%03d.hdf"%k, ITER)
						Util.mul_img( eig3D, model_circle(radiuspca, nx, nx, nx) )
						eig3Df, kb = prep_vol(eig3D)
						del eig3D
						cont = False
						icont = 0
						for l in xrange(len(eigList[k])):
							phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y = get_params_proj(eigList[k][l])
							proj = prgs(eig3Df, kb, [phi, theta, psi, s2x, s2y])
							cl = ccc(proj, eigList[k][l], mask2d)
							if cl < 0.0:
								icont += 1
								cont = True
								eigList[k][l] *= -1.0
						u = int(cont)
						u = mpi_reduce([u], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
						icont = mpi_reduce([icont], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, main_node, MPI_COMM_WORLD)

						if myid == main_node:
							u = int(u[0])
							print " Eigenvector: ",k," number changed ",int(icont[0])
						else: u = 0
						u = bcast_number_to_all(u, main_node)
						cont = bool(u)
						ITER += 1

					del eig3Df, kb
				del eigList, mask2d

			if options.ave3D: del ave3D
			if options.var2D:
				from fundamentals import fpol 
				if myid == main_node:
					km = 0
					for i in xrange(number_of_proc):
						if i == main_node :
							for im in xrange(len(varList)):
								tmpvol=fpol(varList[im], Tracker["nx"], Tracker["nx"],1)
								tmpvol.write_image(options.var2D, km)
								km += 1
							nl = mpi_recv(1, MPI_INT, i, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
							nl = int(nl[0])
							for im in xrange(nl):
								ave = recv_EMData(i, im+i+70000)
								tmpvol=fpol(ave, Tracker["nx"], Tracker["nx"],1)
								tmpvol.write_image(options.var2D, km)
								km += 1
					mpi_send(len(varList), 1, MPI_INT, main_node, MPI_TAG_UB, MPI_COMM_WORLD)
					for im in xrange(len(varList)):
						send_EMData(varList[im], main_node, im+myid+70000)#  What with the attributes??


		if  options.var3D:
			if myid == main_node and options.VERBOSE:
				print "Reconstructing 3D variability volume"

			t6 = time()
			radiusvar = options.radiusvar
			if( radiusvar < 0 ):  radiusvar = nx//2 -3
			res = recons3d_4nn_MPI(myid, varList, symmetry=options.sym, npad=options.npad)
			#res = recons3d_em_MPI(varList, vol_stack, options.iter, radiusvar, options.abs, True, options.sym, options.squ)
			if myid == main_node:
				from fundamentals import fpol
				res =fpol(res, Tracker["nx"], Tracker["nx"], Tracker["nx"])

			if myid == main_node:
				print_msg("%-70s:  %.2f\n"%("Reconstructing 3D variability took [s]", time()-t6))
				if options.VERBOSE:
					print "Reconstruction took: %.2f [min]"%((time()-t6)/60)

			if myid == main_node:
				print_msg("%-70s:  %.2f\n"%("Total time for these computations [s]", time()-t0))
				if options.VERBOSE:
					print "Total time for these computations: %.2f [min]"%((time()-t0)/60)

		global_def.BATCH = False

		from mpi import mpi_finalize