Exemple #1
    def initialize(self):
        PocolibsDataStreamOutput.initialize(self, VimanObjectPublicArray)

        # Initialise the object
        self.obj = VimanObjectPublicArray()

        self.scene_object_list = []

        #If provided, read the list of ARToolkit tags to fill the list of objects
        #to export.
        self.scene_object_list += self._read_object_list()

        #Complete the list with the objects already tracked by the semantic cam.
        if 'passiveObjectsDict' in blenderapi.persistantstorage():
            self.scene_object_list += [obj['label'] for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().passiveObjectsDict.values()]

        if not self.scene_object_list:
            logger.error("No VIMAN object to track. Make sure some objects have " +\
                   "the game property 'Object' defined. Disabling poster for now.")
            return None

        # Init the data structures used by this poster
        self.obj.nbObjects = len(self.scene_object_list)
        i = 0
        for object in self.scene_object_list:
            logger.info("Adding " + object + " to the objects tracked by VIMAN")
            self.obj.objects[i].name = bytes(str(object), 'utf-8')
            i += 1
Exemple #2
    def initialize(self):
        super(self.__class__, self).initialize(VimanObjectPublicArray)

        # Initialise the object
        self.obj = VimanObjectPublicArray()

        self.scene_object_list = []

        #If provided, read the list of ARToolkit tags to fill the list of objects
        #to export.
        self.scene_object_list += self._read_object_list()

        #Complete the list with the objects already tracked by the semantic cam.
        if 'passiveObjectsDict' in blenderapi.persistantstorage():
            self.scene_object_list += [
                obj['label'] for obj in

        if not self.scene_object_list:
            logger.error("No VIMAN object to track. Make sure some objects have " +\
                   "the game property 'Object' defined. Disabling poster for now.")
            return None

        # Init the data structures used by this poster
        self.obj.nbObjects = len(self.scene_object_list)
        i = 0
        for object in self.scene_object_list:
            logger.info("Adding " + object +
                        " to the objects tracked by VIMAN")
            self.obj.objects[i].name = bytes(str(object), 'utf-8')
            i = i + 1
Exemple #3
    def default(self, ci):

        first_cam = blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict[self.camera_order[0]]
        main_to_origin = first_cam.robot_pose

        pom_robot_position =  ViamPos()
        pom_robot_position.x = main_to_origin.x
        pom_robot_position.y = main_to_origin.y
        pom_robot_position.z = main_to_origin.z
        pom_robot_position.yaw = main_to_origin.yaw
        pom_robot_position.pitch = main_to_origin.pitch
        pom_robot_position.roll = main_to_origin.roll

        # Compute the current time
        pom_date, t = Pocolibs.compute_date()

        ors_cameras = []
        ors_images = []

        # Cycle throught the cameras on the base
        # In normal circumstances, there will be two for stereo
        for camera_name in self.camera_order:
            camera_instance = blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict[camera_name]
            main_to_sensor = main_to_origin.transformation3d_with(
            imX = camera_instance.image_width
            imY = camera_instance.image_height
                image_data = camera_instance.local_data['image']
            except KeyError as detail:
                logger.warning("Camera image not found to read by VIAM poster.\n \
                        \tThe 'Class' property in the Camera component could be \
                        wrongly defined")

            # Don't create a poster if the camera is disabled
            if image_data is None or not camera_instance.capturing:
                logger.debug("Camera '%s' not capturing. Exiting viam poster" % \

            # Fill in the structure with the image information
            camera_data = ViamSimuImage()
            camera_data.width = imX
            camera_data.height = imY
            camera_data.pom_tag = pom_date
            camera_data.tacq_sec = t.second
            camera_data.tacq_usec = t.microsecond
            camera_data.x = main_to_sensor.x
            camera_data.y = main_to_sensor.y
            camera_data.z = main_to_sensor.z
            camera_data.yaw = main_to_sensor.yaw
            camera_data.pitch = main_to_sensor.pitch
            camera_data.roll = main_to_sensor.roll
            camera_data.flipped = camera_instance.vertical_flip


        self.obj.post(pom_robot_position, ors_cameras, ors_images)
Exemple #4
    def default(self, ci):

        first_cam = blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict[self.camera_order[0]]
        main_to_origin = first_cam.robot_pose

        pom_robot_position =  ViamPos()
        pom_robot_position.x = main_to_origin.x
        pom_robot_position.y = main_to_origin.y
        pom_robot_position.z = main_to_origin.z
        pom_robot_position.yaw = main_to_origin.yaw
        pom_robot_position.pitch = main_to_origin.pitch
        pom_robot_position.roll = main_to_origin.roll

        # Compute the current time
        pom_date, t = Pocolibs.compute_date()

        ors_cameras = []
        ors_images = []

        # Cycle throught the cameras on the base
        # In normal circumstances, there will be two for stereo
        for camera_name in self.camera_order:
            camera_instance = blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict[camera_name]
            main_to_sensor = main_to_origin.transformation3d_with(
            imX = camera_instance.image_width
            imY = camera_instance.image_height
                image_data = camera_instance.local_data['image']
            except KeyError as detail:
                logger.warning("Camera image not found to read by VIAM poster.\n \
                        \tThe 'Class' property in the Camera component could be \
                        wrongly defined")

            # Don't create a poster if the camera is disabled
            if image_data == None or not camera_instance.capturing:
                logger.debug("Camera '%s' not capturing. Exiting viam poster" % \

            # Fill in the structure with the image information
            camera_data = ViamSimuImage()
            camera_data.width = imX
            camera_data.height = imY
            camera_data.pom_tag = pom_date
            camera_data.tacq_sec = t.second
            camera_data.tacq_usec = t.microsecond
            camera_data.x = main_to_sensor.x
            camera_data.y = main_to_sensor.y
            camera_data.z = main_to_sensor.z
            camera_data.yaw = main_to_sensor.yaw
            camera_data.pitch = main_to_sensor.pitch
            camera_data.roll = main_to_sensor.roll
            camera_data.flipped = camera_instance.vertical_flip


        self.obj.post(pom_robot_position, ors_cameras, ors_images)
Exemple #5
 def action(self):
     if self._time_initialized:
         self._time_initialized = True
     if self.time_sync and self.stop_time < self.node.morse_ambassador.logical_time:
Exemple #6
 def action(self):
     if self._time_initialized:
         self._time_initialized = True
     if self.time_sync and \
         self.stop_time < self.node.morse_ambassador.logical_time:
def _robot_exists(robot):
        for obj, robot_instance in blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict.items():
            if obj.name == robot:
                return robot_instance
    except KeyError:
            for obj, robot_instance in blenderapi.persistantstorage().externalRobotDict.items():
                if obj.name == robot:
                    return robot_instance
        except KeyError:
            return None
Exemple #8
def _robot_exists(robot):
        for obj, robot_instance in blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict.items():
            if obj.name == robot:
                return robot_instance
    except KeyError:
            for obj, robot_instance in blenderapi.persistantstorage().externalRobotDict.items():
                if obj.name == robot:
                    return robot_instance
        except KeyError:
            return None
Exemple #9
 def switch_cameras(self):
     """ Change between the main camera view in MORSE and the first person camera """
     scene = blenderapi.scene()
     index = blenderapi.persistantstorage().current_camera_index
     next_camera = scene.cameras[index]
     scene.active_camera = next_camera
     logger.info("Showing view from camera: '%s'" % next_camera.name)
     # Disable mouse cursor for Human camera
     if next_camera.name == "Human_Camera":
     # Update the index for the next call
     index = (index + 1) % len(scene.cameras)
     blenderapi.persistantstorage().current_camera_index = index
Exemple #10
 def switch_cameras(self):
     """ Change between the main camera view in MORSE and the first person camera """
     scene = blenderapi.scene()
     index = blenderapi.persistantstorage().current_camera_index
     next_camera = scene.cameras[index]
     scene.active_camera = next_camera
     logger.info("Showing view from camera: '%s'" % next_camera.name)
     # Disable mouse cursor for Human camera
     if next_camera.name == "Human_Camera":
         blenderapi.mousepointer(visible = False)
         blenderapi.mousepointer(visible = True)
     # Update the index for the next call
     index = (index + 1) % len(scene.cameras)
     blenderapi.persistantstorage().current_camera_index = index
Exemple #11
    def synchronize(self):
        if self.connected:
            # Get the coordinates of local robots
            robot_dict = blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict
            for obj, local_robot_data in robot_dict.items():
                #self.out_data[obj.name] = [obj.worldPosition.to_tuple()]
                euler_rotation = obj.worldOrientation.to_euler()
                self.out_data[obj.name] = [
                    [euler_rotation.x, euler_rotation.y, euler_rotation.z]
            # Send the encoded dictionary through a socket
            #  and receive a reply with any changes in the other nodes
            in_data = self._exchange_data(self.out_data)

            if in_data != None:
                scene = blenderapi.scene()
                # Update the positions of the external robots
                for obj_name, robot_data in in_data.items():
                        obj = scene.objects[obj_name]
                        if obj not in robot_dict:
                            logger.debug("Data received: ", robot_data)
                            obj.worldPosition = robot_data[0]
                            obj.worldOrientation = mathutils.Euler(
                    except KeyError as detail:
                            "Robot %s not found in this simulation scenario, but present in another node. Ignoring it!"
                            % detail)
Exemple #12
    def initialize(self):
            self.out_robot = self.rtia_.getObjectClassHandle("Robot")
            self.out_position = self.rtia_.getAttributeHandle("position", self.out_robot)
            self.out_orientation = self.rtia_.getAttributeHandle("orientation", self.out_robot)
        except rti.NameNotFound:
            logger.error("'Robot' (or attributes) not declared in FOM." + "Your '.fed' file may not be up-to-date.")
            return False

        self.rtia_.publishObjectClass(self.out_robot, [self.out_position, self.out_orientation])

        robot_dict = blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict
        for obj, local_robot_data in robot_dict.items():
            self.objects.append(self.rtia_.registerObjectInstance(self.out_robot, obj.name))
            logger.info("Pose of robot %s will be published on the %s federation.", obj.name, self.federation)

        self.in_robot = self.rtia_.getObjectClassHandle("Robot")
        self.in_position = self.rtia_.getAttributeHandle("position", self.in_robot)
        self.in_orientation = self.rtia_.getAttributeHandle("orientation", self.in_robot)
        self.rtia_.subscribeObjectClassAttributes(self.in_robot, [self.in_position, self.in_orientation])
        # TSO initialization
        if self.tag:
            self.tag = False
            self.lookahead = 1
            self.current_time = self.rtia_.queryFederateTime()
            logger.debug("Initial Federate time is %s", self.current_time)
            self.rtia_.enableTimeRegulation(self.current_time, self.lookahead)
            while not self.constrained and not self.regulator and not self.tag:
                self.rtia_.tick(0, 1)
        logger.debug("MorseAmbassador initialized")
Exemple #13
    def _check_visible(self, obj):
        """ Check if an object lies inside of the camera frustum. """
        # TrackedObjects was filled at initialization
        #  with the object's bounding boxes
        bb = blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects[obj]
        pos = obj.position
        bbox = [[bb_corner[i] + pos[i] for i in range(3)] for bb_corner in bb]

        logger.debug("\n--- NEW TEST ---")
        logger.debug("OBJECT '{0}' AT {1}".format(obj, pos))
        logger.debug("CAMERA '{0}' AT {1}".format(self.blender_cam,
        logger.debug("BBOX: >{0}<".format(bbox))
        logger.debug("BBOX: {0}".format(bb))

        # Translate the bounding box to the current object position
        #  and check if it is in the frustum
        if self.blender_cam.boxInsideFrustum(bbox) != self.blender_cam.OUTSIDE:
            # Check that there are no other objects between the camera
            # and the selected object
            # NOTE: This is a very simple test. Hiding only the 'center'
            # of an object will make it invisible, even if the rest is
            # still seen from the camera
            closest_obj = self.bge_object.rayCastTo(obj)
            if closest_obj in [obj] + list(obj.children):
                return True

        return False
Exemple #14
    def default_action(self):
        """ Do the actual semantic 'grab'.

        Iterate over all the tracked objects, and check if they are
        visible for the robot.  Visible objects must have a bounding box
        and be active for physical simulation (have the 'Actor' checkbox
        # Call the action of the parent class
        super(self.__class__, self).default_action()

        # Create dictionaries
        self.local_data['visible_objects'] = []
        for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects.keys():
            if self._check_visible(obj):
                # Create dictionary to contain object name, type,
                # description, position and orientation
                obj_dict = {
                    'name': passive_objects.label(obj),
                    'description': obj.get('Description', ''),
                    'type': obj.get('Type', ''),
                    'position': obj.worldPosition,
                    'orientation': obj.worldOrientation.to_quaternion()

        logger.debug("Visible objects: %s" %
Exemple #15
    def synchronize(self):
        if not self.node_stream:
            logger.debug("not self.node_stream")
        if not self.node_stream.connected:
            logger.debug("not self.node_stream.connected")

        # Get the coordinates of local robots
        for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict.keys():
            #self.out_data[obj.name] = [obj.worldPosition.to_tuple()]
            euler_rotation = obj.worldOrientation.to_euler()
            self.out_data[obj.name] = [obj.worldPosition.to_tuple(), \
                [euler_rotation.x, euler_rotation.y, euler_rotation.z]]
        self.out_data['__time'] = [
            self.simulation_time.time, 1.0 / blenderapi.getfrequency(),
        # Send the encoded dictionary through a socket
        #  and receive a reply with any changes in the other nodes
        in_data = self._exchange_data(self.out_data)
        logger.debug("Received: %s" % in_data)

        if not in_data:

            self.update_scene(in_data, blenderapi.scene())
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning("error while processing incoming data: " + str(e))
Exemple #16
    def default_action(self):
        """ Do the actual semantic 'grab'.

        Iterate over all the tracked objects, and check if they are
        visible for the robot.  Visible objects must have a bounding box
        and be active for physical simulation (have the 'Actor' checkbox
        # Call the action of the parent class
        super(self.__class__, self).default_action()

        # Create dictionaries
        self.local_data['visible_objects'] = []
        for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects.keys():
            if self._check_visible(obj):
                # Create dictionary to contain object name, type,
                # description, position and orientation
                obj_dict = {'name': passive_objects.label(obj),
                            'description': obj.get('Description', ''),
                            'type': obj.get('Type', ''),
                            'position': obj.worldPosition,
                            'orientation': obj.worldOrientation.to_quaternion()}

        logger.debug("Visible objects: %s" % self.local_data['visible_objects'])
Exemple #17
    def update(self, value=None):

        if value is not None:
            self.value = value

        true_value = self.getAngleRate(
        ) if self.mode == 'SPEED' else self.getAngle()

        err = value - true_value

        time = blenderapi.persistantstorage().time.time
        elapsed_time = time - self.prev_time
        #print( elapsed_time )

        self.int_err += (self.prev_err + err) / 2 * elapsed_time

        torque = self.Kp * err + self.Ki * self.int_err
        if elapsed_time > 0:
            torque += self.Kd * (err - self.prev_err) / elapsed_time

        if self.max_torque is not None:
            torque = min(self.max_torque, max(-self.max_torque, torque))


        self.prev_err = err
        self.prev_time = time

        return true_value, torque
Exemple #18
    def _check_visible(self, obj):
        """ Check if an object lies inside of the camera frustum. """
        # TrackedObjects was filled at initialization
        #  with the object's bounding boxes
        bb = blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects[obj]
        pos = obj.position
        bbox = [[bb_corner[i] + pos[i] for i in range(3)] for bb_corner in bb]

        logger.debug("\n--- NEW TEST ---")
        logger.debug("OBJECT '{0}' AT {1}".format(obj, pos))
        logger.debug("CAMERA '{0}' AT {1}".format(
                                self.blender_cam, self.blender_cam.position))
        logger.debug("BBOX: >{0}<".format(bbox))
        logger.debug("BBOX: {0}".format(bb))

        # Translate the bounding box to the current object position
        #  and check if it is in the frustum
        if self.blender_cam.boxInsideFrustum(bbox) != self.blender_cam.OUTSIDE:
            # Check that there are no other objects between the camera
            # and the selected object
            # NOTE: This is a very simple test. Hiding only the 'center'
            # of an object will make it invisible, even if the rest is
            # still seen from the camera
            closest_obj = self.bge_object.rayCastTo(obj)
            if closest_obj in [obj] + list(obj.children):
                return True

        return False
Exemple #19
    def synchronize(self):
        if not self.node_stream:
            logger.debug("not self.node_stream")
        if not self.node_stream.connected:
            logger.debug("not self.node_stream.connected")

        # Get the coordinates of local robots
        for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict.keys():
            #self.out_data[obj.name] = [obj.worldPosition.to_tuple()]
            euler_rotation = obj.worldOrientation.to_euler()
            self.out_data[obj.name] = [obj.worldPosition.to_tuple(), \
                [euler_rotation.x, euler_rotation.y, euler_rotation.z]]
        self.out_data['__time'] = [self.simulation_time.time, 1.0/ blenderapi.getfrequency(), self.simulation_time.real_time]
        # Send the encoded dictionary through a socket
        #  and receive a reply with any changes in the other nodes
        in_data = self._exchange_data(self.out_data)
        logger.debug("Received: %s" % in_data)

        if not in_data:

            self.update_scene(in_data, blenderapi.scene())
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning("error while processing incoming data: " + str(e))
Exemple #20
 def _get_armature_actuator(self):
     # Get the reference to the class instance of the armature actuator
     component_dict = blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict
     if self.armature and self.armature.name in component_dict:
         self._armature_actuator = component_dict[self.armature.name]
         logger.error("Could not find armature actuator <%s> from armature sensor <%s>!" % (self.armature.name, self.name()))
Exemple #21
    def initialize(self):
            out_robot = self.object_handle("Robot")
            self.out_position = self.attribute_handle("position", out_robot)
            self.out_orientation = self.attribute_handle(
                "orientation", out_robot)
        except rti.NameNotFound:
            logger.error("'Robot' (or attributes) not declared in FOM." + \
                "Your '.fed' file may not be up-to-date.")
            return False

            out_robot, [self.out_position, self.out_orientation])

        robot_dict = blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict
        for obj in robot_dict.keys():
            self.register_object(out_robot, obj.name)
                "Pose of robot %s will be published on the %s federation.",
                obj.name, self.federation)

        in_robot = self.object_handle("Robot")
        self.in_position = self.attribute_handle("position", in_robot)
        self.in_orientation = self.attribute_handle("orientation", in_robot)
                                 [self.in_position, self.in_orientation])
Exemple #22
 def _get_armature_actuator(self):
     # Get the reference to the class instance of the armature actuator
     component_dict = blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict
     if self.armature and self.armature.name in component_dict:
         self._armature_actuator = component_dict[self.armature.name]
         logger.error("Could not find armature actuator <%s> from armature sensor <%s>!" % (self.armature.name, self.name()))
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        """ Constructor method.

        Receives the reference to the Blender object.
        The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent.
        logger.info('%s initialization of' % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        morse.sensors.camera.Camera.__init__(self, obj, parent)

        # Locate the Blender camera object associated with this sensor
        main_obj = self.bge_object
        for obj in main_obj.children:
            if hasattr(obj, 'lens'):
                self.blender_cam = obj
                logger.info("Camera object: {0}".format(self.blender_cam))
        if not self.blender_cam:
            logger.error("no camera object associated to the semantic camera. \
                         The semantic camera requires a standard Blender  \
                         camera in its children.")

        # TrackedObject is a dictionary containing the list of tracked objects
        # (->meshes with a class property set up) as keys
        #  and the bounding boxes of these objects as value.
        if not 'trackedObjects' in blenderapi.persistantstorage():
            logger.info('Initialization of tracked objects:')
            blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects = \

            # Store the bounding box of the marked objects
            for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects.keys():

                # bound_box returns the bounding box in local space
                #  instead of world space.
                blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects[obj] = \

                details = passive_objects.details(obj)
                logger.info('    - {%s} (type:%s)'%
                            (details['label'], details['type']))

        if self.noocclusion:
            logger.info("Semantic camera running in 'no occlusion' mode (fast mode).")
        logger.info("Component initialized, runs at %.2f Hz ", self.frequency)
def deactivate(component_name):
    """ Stop the specified component from calling its default_action method
        blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict[component_name]._active = False
    except KeyError as detail:
        logger.warn("Component %s not found. Can't deactivate" % detail)
        raise MorseRPCTypeError("Component %s not found. Can't deactivate" % detail)
Exemple #25
    def __init__(self, args, kwargs):
        """ Initialize the socket connections """
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        DatastreamManager.__init__(self, args, kwargs)

        self._mav = mavlink.MAVLink(None)
        self._conn_manager = MavlinkConnManager(self._mav)
        self._boot_time = blenderapi.persistantstorage().time.time
def list_robots():
    """ Return a list of the robots in the current scenario

    Uses the list generated during the initialisation of the scenario
    return [
        obj.name for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict.keys()
def activate(component_name):
    """ Enable the functionality of the component specified
        blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict[component_name]._active = True
    except KeyError as detail:
        logger.warn("Component %s not found. Can't activate" % detail)
        raise MorseRPCTypeError("Component %s not found. Can't activate" % detail)
Exemple #28
    def __init__(self, args, kwargs):
        """ Initialize the socket connections """
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        DatastreamManager.__init__(self, args, kwargs)

        self._mav = mavlink.MAVLink(None)
        self._conn_manager = MavlinkConnManager(self._mav)
        self._boot_time = blenderapi.persistantstorage().time.time
Exemple #29
 def activate(self, component_name):
     """ Enable the functionality of the component specified
         blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict[component_name]._active = True
     except KeyError as detail:
         logger.warn("Component %s not found. Can't activate" % detail)
         raise MorseRPCTypeError("Component %s not found. Can't activate" % detail)
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        """ Constructor method.

        Receives the reference to the Blender object.
        The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent.
        logger.info('%s initialization' % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        morse.sensors.camera.Camera.__init__(self, obj, parent)

        # Locate the Blender camera object associated with this sensor
        main_obj = self.bge_object
        for obj in main_obj.children:
            if hasattr(obj, 'lens'):
                self.blender_cam = obj
                logger.info("Camera object: {0}".format(self.blender_cam))
        if not self.blender_cam:
            logger.error("no camera object associated to the semantic camera. \
                         The semantic camera requires a standard Blender  \
                         camera in its children.")

        # TrackedObject is a dictionary containing the list of tracked objects
        # (->meshes with a class property set up) as keys
        #  and the bounding boxes of these objects as value.
        if not 'trackedObjects' in blenderapi.persistantstorage():
            logger.info('Initialization of tracked objects:')
            blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects = \

            # Store the bounding box of the marked objects
            for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects.keys():

                # bound_box returns the bounding box in local space
                #  instead of world space.
                blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects[obj] = \

                details = passive_objects.details(obj)
                logger.info('    - {%s} (type:%s)' %
                            (details['label'], details['type']))

        if self.noocclusion:
                "Semantic camera running in 'no occlusion' mode (fast mode).")
        logger.info("Component initialized, runs at %.2f Hz ", self.frequency)
Exemple #31
 def deactivate(self, component_name):
     """ Stop the specified component from calling its default_action method
         blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict[component_name]._active = False
     except KeyError as detail:
         logger.warn("Component %s not found. Can't deactivate" % detail)
         raise MorseRPCTypeError("Component %s not found. Can't deactivate" % detail)
Exemple #32
 def get_cameras_instance(self):
     if self.video_camera and self.depth_camera:
     # Get the reference to the class instance of the depth and video cameras
     component_dict = blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict
     if self.video_camera_name in component_dict:
         self.video_camera = component_dict[self.video_camera_name]
     if self.depth_camera_name in component_dict:
         self.depth_camera = component_dict[self.depth_camera_name]
Exemple #33
 def get_cameras_instance(self):
     if self.video_camera and self.depth_camera:
     # Get the reference to the class instance of the depth and video cameras
     component_dict = blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict
     if self.video_camera_name in component_dict:
         self.video_camera = component_dict[self.video_camera_name]
     if self.depth_camera_name in component_dict:
         self.depth_camera = component_dict[self.depth_camera_name]
    def abort_request(self, request_id):
        """ This method will interrupt a running asynchronous service,
        uniquely described by its request_id
        component_name, service_name = self._pending_requests[request_id]

        for component in blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict.values():
            if component.name() == component_name:
                logger.info("calling  interrupt on %s" % str(component))

        # if not found, search in the overlay dictionnary
        for overlay in blenderapi.persistantstorage().overlayDict.values():
            if overlay.name() == component_name:
                logger.info("calling  interrupt on %s" % str(overlay))
Exemple #35
    def abort_request(self, request_id):
        """ This method will interrupt a running asynchronous service,
        uniquely described by its request_id
        component_name, service_name = self._pending_requests[request_id]

        for component in blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict.values():
            if component.name() == component_name:
                logger.info("calling  interrupt on %s" % str(component))

        # if not found, search in the overlay dictionnary
        for overlay in blenderapi.persistantstorage().overlayDict.values():
            if overlay.name() == component_name:
                logger.info("calling  interrupt on %s" % str(overlay))
Exemple #36
 def default(self, ci='unused'):
     logger.debug("Posting message to the MOOS database.")
     current_time = blenderapi.persistantstorage().current_time
     #iterate through all objects of the component_instance and post the data
     for variable, data in self.data.items():
         name = "%s_%s" % (self.component_name, variable)
         logger.debug("name: %s, type: %s, data: %s"%
                             (name, type(data), str(data)))
         self.m.Notify(name, str(data), current_time)
Exemple #37
 def default(self, ci='unused'):
     logger.debug("Posting message to the MOOS database.")
     current_time = blenderapi.persistantstorage().time.time
     #iterate through all objects of the component_instance and post the data
     for variable, data in self.data.items():
         name = "%s_%s" % (self.component_name, variable)
         logger.debug("name: %s, type: %s, data: %s" %
                      (name, type(data), str(data)))
         self.m.Notify(name, str(data), current_time)
def graspable_objects():
    """ Returns all objects in current scene that have the
    'Graspable' property set to True, amongst active objects.
    return [
        for (obj, details
             ) in blenderapi.persistantstorage().passiveObjectsDict.items()
        if details['graspable']
Exemple #39
 def default(self, ci='unused'):
     # post the simulation time so that it can be synced to MOOSTime
     self.notify('MORSE_TIME', blenderapi.persistantstorage().time.time)
     # post the robot position
     self.notify('MORSE_SIM_X', self.data['x'])
     self.notify('MORSE_SIM_Y', self.data['y'])
     self.notify('MORSE_SIM_Z', self.data['z'])
     self.notify('MORSE_SIM_YAW', self.data['yaw'])
     self.notify('MORSE_SIM_ROLL', self.data['roll'])
     self.notify('MORSE_SIM_PITCH', self.data['pitch'])
 def __init__(self, name, hvl, radioactivity):
     """Initialisation setting name, density [g/cm^3], half-value layers,
     and radioactivity.
     The HVL has to be supplied as dictionary with the source radionuclide as
     key and the corresponding HVL [cm] as value.
     self.name = name
     self.hvl = hvl
     self.radioactivity = radioactivity
     self.t_created = blenderapi.persistantstorage().time.time
Exemple #41
 def initialize(self):
     # post lidar settings to the database only once at startup
         self.component_instance.scan_window, cur_time)
         self.component_instance.resolution, cur_time)
         self.component_instance.laser_range, cur_time)
Exemple #42
def look_robot(camera):
    """ Put the camera above a robot """
    global robots, current_robot
    if not robots:
        robots = [r for r in blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict]

    robot = robots[ current_robot ]
    camera.worldTransform = robot.worldTransform * camera_to_robot_transform
    # switch between robots
    current_robot = (current_robot + 1) % len(robots)
Exemple #43
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        """ Constructor method.

        Receives the reference to the Blender object.
        The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent.
        logger.info("%s initialization" % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(obj, parent)

        # Locate the Blender camera object associated with this sensor
        main_obj = self.bge_object
        for obj in main_obj.children:
            if hasattr(obj, "lens"):
                self.blender_cam = obj
                logger.info("Camera object: {0}".format(self.blender_cam))
        if not self.blender_cam:
                "no camera object associated to the semantic camera. \
                         The semantic camera requires a standard Blender  \
                         camera in its children."

        # TrackedObject is a dictionary containing the list of tracked objects
        # (->meshes with a class property set up) as keys
        #  and the bounding boxes of these objects as value.
        if not "trackedObjects" in blenderapi.persistantstorage():
            logger.info("Initialization of tracked objects:")
            blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects = dict.fromkeys(passive_objects.active_objects())

            # Store the bounding box of the marked objects
            for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects.keys():

                # bound_box returns the bounding box in local space
                #  instead of world space.
                blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects[obj] = blenderapi.objectdata(obj.name).bound_box

                details = passive_objects.details(obj)
                logger.info("    - {%s} (type:%s)" % (details["label"], details["type"]))

        logger.info("Component initialized")
def details(obj):
    """ Returns a dictionary containing the differents properties for a given
    active object.

    If the object is not active (ie, it has no 'Object' property, or the
    property is set to False), None is returned.

    If no label is available, it defaults to the Blender name.
    The description field may be an empty string.
    If no type is available, it defaults to 'Object'.
    If the graspable flag is not present, it defaults to False.

    :param name: the Blender name of the object.
    :return: a dictionary {'label':string, 'description':string, 'type':string, 'graspable':bool}

    if not obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().passiveObjectsDict.keys():
        return None
        return blenderapi.persistantstorage().passiveObjectsDict[obj]
Exemple #45
    def in_zones(self, name = None, type = None):
        Determine which zone(s) contain(s) current object

        If a :param name: is precised, check only if this specific zone
        contains the position
        If a :param type: is precised, only search in the zone of this
        zone_manager = blenderapi.persistantstorage().zone_manager
        return zone_manager.contains(self, name = name, type = type)
Exemple #46
 def update_scene(self, in_data, scene):
     # Update the positions of the external robots
     for obj_name, robot_data in in_data.items():
             obj = scene.objects[obj_name]
         except Exception as e:
             logger.debug("%s not found in this simulation scenario, but present in another node. Ignoring it!" % obj_name)
         if obj not in blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict:
             obj.worldPosition = robot_data[0]
             obj.worldOrientation = mathutils.Euler(robot_data[1]).to_matrix()
Exemple #47
 def update_scene(self, in_data, scene):
     # Update the positions of the external robots
     for obj_name, robot_data in in_data.items():
             obj = scene.objects[obj_name]
         except Exception as e:
             logger.debug("%s not found in this simulation scenario, but present in another node. Ignoring it!" % obj_name)
         if obj not in blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict:
             obj.worldPosition = robot_data[0]
             obj.worldOrientation = mathutils.Euler(robot_data[1]).to_matrix()
Exemple #48
def details(obj):
    """ Returns a dictionary containing the differents properties for a given
    active object.

    If the object is not active (ie, it has no 'Object' property, or the
    property is set to False), None is returned.

    If no label is available, it defaults to the Blender name.
    The description field may be an empty string.
    If no type is available, it defaults to 'Object'.
    If the graspable flag is not present, it defaults to False.

    :param name: the Blender name of the object.
    :return: a dictionary {'label':string, 'description':string, 'type':string, 'graspable':bool}

    if not obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().passiveObjectsDict.keys():
        return None
        return blenderapi.persistantstorage().passiveObjectsDict[obj]
Exemple #49
 def default(self,  ci='unused'):
     # post the simulation time so that it can be synced to MOOSTime
     # post the robot position
     self.notify('MORSE_SIM_X', self.data['x'])
     self.notify('MORSE_SIM_Y', self.data['y'])
     self.notify('MORSE_SIM_Z', self.data['z'])
     self.notify('MORSE_SIM_YAW', self.data['yaw'])
     self.notify('MORSE_SIM_ROLL', self.data['roll'])
     self.notify('MORSE_SIM_PITCH', self.data['pitch'])
Exemple #50
    def in_zones(self, name=None, type=None):
        Determine which zone(s) contain(s) current object

        If a :param name: is precised, check only if this specific zone
        contains the position
        If a :param type: is precised, only search in the zone of this
        zone_manager = blenderapi.persistantstorage().zone_manager
        return zone_manager.contains(self, name=name, type=type)
Exemple #51
    def capture(self, n):
        The service takes an integer an argument and dispatch the call
        to all its individual cameras. The service ends when each camera
        has terminated its work.

        :param n: the number of call to each individual camera
        self._expected_answer = self.num_cameras
        for camera in self.camera_list:
            camera_instance = blenderapi.persistantstorage().componentDict[camera]
            camera_instance.capture(partial(self.capture_completion), n)
Exemple #52
    def details(self):
        """Returns a structure containing all possible details
        about the simulation currently running, including
        the list of robots, the list of services and datastreams,
        the list of middleware in use, etc.

        simu = blenderapi.persistantstorage()
        details = {}

        # Retrieves the list of services and associated middlewares
        services = {}
        services_iface = {}
        for n, i in simu.morse_services.request_managers().items():
            for cmpt in i.services():
                services_iface.setdefault(cmpt, []).append(n)

        def cmptdetails(c):
            c = simu.componentDict[c.name]
            cmpt = {
                "type": type(c).__name__,
            if c.name() in services:
                cmpt["services"] = services[c.name()]
                cmpt["service_interfaces"] = services_iface[c.name()]

            if c.name() in simu.datastreams:
                stream = simu.datastreams[c.name()]
                cmpt["stream"] = stream[0]
                cmpt["stream_interfaces"] = stream[1]

            return cmpt

        def robotdetails(r):
            robot = {
                "name": r.name(),
                "type": type(r).__name__,
                "components": {c.name: cmptdetails(c)
                               for c in r.components},
            if r.name() in services:
                robot["services"] = services[r.name()]
                robot["services_interfaces"] = services_iface[r.name()]
            return robot

        for n, i in simu.stream_managers.items():

        details['robots'] = [
            robotdetails(r) for n, r in simu.robotDict.items()
        return details
Exemple #53
    def default(self,  ci='unused'):

        # post the simulation time so that it can be synced to MOOSTime
                      blenderapi.persistantstorage().current_time, cur_time)
        # post the robot position
        self.m.Notify('simEast', self.data['x'], cur_time)
        self.m.Notify('simNorth', self.data['y'], cur_time)
        self.m.Notify('simHeight', self.data['z'], cur_time)
        self.m.Notify('simYaw', self.data['yaw'], cur_time)
        self.m.Notify('simRoll', self.data['roll'], cur_time)
        self.m.Notify('simPitch', self.data['pitch'], cur_time)
Exemple #54
    def default(self, ci='unused'):
        cur_time = pymoos.MOOSCommClient.MOOSTime()

        # post the simulation time so that it can be synced to MOOSTime
                      blenderapi.persistantstorage().current_time, cur_time)
        # post the robot position
        self.m.Notify('simEast', self.data['x'], cur_time)
        self.m.Notify('simNorth', self.data['y'], cur_time)
        self.m.Notify('simHeight', self.data['z'], cur_time)
        self.m.Notify('simYaw', self.data['yaw'], cur_time)
        self.m.Notify('simRoll', self.data['roll'], cur_time)
        self.m.Notify('simPitch', self.data['pitch'], cur_time)
def look_robot(camera):
    """ Put the camera above a robot """
    global robots, current_robot
    if not robots:
        robots = [r for r in blenderapi.persistantstorage().robotDict]
        if not robots: # if current node is just a 'watcher'
            logger.warning("no robots on current node")

    robot = robots[ current_robot ]
    camera.worldTransform = robot.worldTransform * camera_to_robot_transform
    # switch between robots
    current_robot = (current_robot + 1) % len(robots)
Exemple #56
 def default_action(self):
     Adds additional information (date, time and heading) to the
     message of the RawGPS
     # Call the default_action of the parent class
     current_time = time.gmtime(blenderapi.persistantstorage().time.time)
     date = time.strftime("%d%m%y", current_time)
     time_h_m_s = time.strftime("%H%M%S", current_time)
     heading = (2*math.pi - math.atan2(self.dy, self.dx) + math.pi/2)%(2*math.pi)
     self.local_data['date'] = date
     self.local_data['time'] = time_h_m_s   
     self.local_data['heading'] = math.degrees(heading)
 def encode_data(self):
     parent_position = self.component_instance.robot_parent.position_3d
     lines = []
     lines.append('==> Data at X,Y,Z: [%.6f %.6f %.6f]'
                  'yaw,pitch,roll: [%.6f %.6f %.6f] | index %d | time %.2f\n'
        % (parent_position.x, parent_position.y, parent_position.z,
           parent_position.yaw, parent_position.pitch, parent_position.roll,
           self.index, blenderapi.persistantstorage().current_time))
     for variable, data in self.data.items():
         if isinstance(data, float):
             lines.append("\t%s = %.6f\n" % (variable, data))
             lines.append("\t%s = %s\n" % (variable, repr(data)))
     return ''.join(lines)