Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        logger.info("%s initialization" % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        morse.core.actuator.Actuator.__init__(self, obj, parent)

        # a few references to ease matrix writing
        d = self._drag_factor
        b = self._thrust_factor
        l = self._lever
        bl = b * l
        bl_sq = bl * sqrt(2) / 2

        if self._configuration == '+':
            self.transformation = Matrix(
                ([b, b, b, b], [0.0, -bl, 0.0, bl], [bl, 0.0, -bl,
                                                     0.0], [-d, d, -d, d]))
        elif self._configuration == 'x':
            self.transformation = Matrix(
                ([b, b, b, b], [bl_sq, -bl_sq, -bl_sq,
                                bl_sq], [-bl_sq, -bl_sq, bl_sq,
                                         bl_sq], [-d, d, -d, d]))
            logger.error("Invalid configuration %s" % self._configuration)

        logger.info("Component initialized, runs at %.2f Hz ", self.frequency)
Exemple #2
    def default_action(self):
        """ Move the object towards the destination. """
        robot = self.robot_parent

        if self._pos_initalized:
            self._destination = Vector(
                (self.local_data['x'], self.local_data['y'],
            self._destination = self.robot_parent.bge_object.worldPosition
            self.local_data['x'] = self._destination[0]
            self.local_data['y'] = self._destination[1]
            self.local_data['z'] = self._destination[2]
            self.local_data['yaw'] = self.robot_parent.position_3d.yaw
            self._pos_initalized = True

        #logger.debug("Robot %s move status: '%s'", robot.bge_object.name, robot.move_status)
        # Place the target marker where the robot should go
        if self._wp_object:
            self._wp_object.worldPosition = self._destination
            self._wp_object.worldOrientation = Matrix.Rotation(
                self.local_data['yaw'], 3, 'Z')

        # current angles to horizontal plane (not quite, but approx good enough)
        roll = self.position_3d.roll
        pitch = self.position_3d.pitch
        yaw = self.position_3d.yaw

        # current position and velocity of robot
        pos_blender = robot.bge_object.worldPosition
        vel_blender = robot.bge_object.worldLinearVelocity

        pos_error = self._destination - pos_blender
        # zero velocity setpoint for now
        vel_error = -vel_blender

        logger.debug("pos current: (% .3f % .3f % .3f) setpoint: (% .3f % .3f % .3f)", \
                     pos_blender[0], pos_blender[1], pos_blender[2], \
                     self._destination[0], self._destination[1], self._destination[2])
        logger.debug("velocity: (% .3f % .3f % .3f)", vel_blender[0],
                     vel_blender[1], vel_blender[2])

        # simple PD controller on horizontal position
        command_world_x = self._h_pgain * pos_error[
            0] + self._h_dgain * vel_error[0]
        command_world_y = self._h_pgain * pos_error[
            1] + self._h_dgain * vel_error[1]

        # setpoints in body frame
        self.roll_setpoint = sin(yaw) * command_world_x - cos(
            yaw) * command_world_y
        self.pitch_setpoint = cos(yaw) * command_world_x + sin(
            yaw) * command_world_y
        self.yaw_setpoint = self.local_data['yaw']

        # saturate max roll/pitch angles
        if fabs(self.roll_setpoint) > self._max_bank_angle:
            self.roll_setpoint = copysign(self._max_bank_angle,
        if fabs(self.pitch_setpoint) > self._max_bank_angle:
            self.pitch_setpoint = copysign(self._max_bank_angle,

        # wrap yaw setpoint
        self.yaw_setpoint = normalise_angle(self.yaw_setpoint)

        logger.debug("roll  current: % 2.3f   setpoint: % 2.3f", \
                     degrees(roll), degrees(self.roll_setpoint))
        logger.debug("pitch current: % 2.3f   setpoint: % 2.3f", \
                     degrees(pitch), degrees(self.pitch_setpoint))
        logger.debug("yaw   current: % 2.3f   setpoint: % 2.3f", \
                     degrees(yaw), degrees(self.yaw_setpoint))

        # compute thrust
        # nominal command to keep altitude (feed forward)
        thrust_attitude_compensation = max(self._attitude_compensation_limit,
                                           cos(roll) * cos(pitch))
        thrust_ff = self.nominal_thrust / thrust_attitude_compensation
        # feedback to correct altitude
        thrust_fb = self._v_pgain * pos_error[2] + self._v_dgain * vel_error[2]
        self.thrust = max(0, thrust_ff + thrust_fb)

        # Compute attitude errors
        # e = att_sp - att = attitude error
        roll_err = normalise_angle(self.roll_setpoint - roll)
        pitch_err = normalise_angle(self.pitch_setpoint - pitch)
        yaw_err = normalise_angle(self.yaw_setpoint - yaw)

        err = Vector((roll_err, pitch_err, yaw_err))

        # derivative
        we = (err - self.prev_err) * self.frequency
        #we = mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
        #logger.debug("yaw rate error: %.3f", we[2])

        kp = Vector((self._rp_pgain, self._rp_pgain, self._yaw_pgain))
        kd = Vector((self._rp_dgain, self._rp_dgain, self._yaw_dgain))

        #torque = self.inertia * (kp * err + kd * we)
        t = []
        for i in range(3):
            t.append(self.inertia[i] * (kp[i] * err[i] + kd[i] * we[i]))
        # scale with thrust
        torque = Vector((t[0], t[1], t[2])) * self.thrust / self.nominal_thrust
        logger.debug("applied torques: (% .3f % .3f % .3f)", torque[0],
                     torque[1], torque[2])

        force = Vector((0.0, 0.0, self.thrust))
        logger.debug("applied thrust force: %.3f", force[2])

        self.prev_err = err.copy()

        # directly apply local forces and torques to the blender object of the parent robot
        robot.bge_object.applyForce(force, True)
        robot.bge_object.applyTorque(torque, True)

        # Vectors returned are already normalized
        wp_distance, global_vector, local_vector = self.bge_object.getVectTo(

        #logger.debug("GOT DISTANCE: xyz: %.4f", wp_distance)

        # If the target has been reached, change the status
        if wp_distance - self.local_data['tolerance'] <= 0:
            robot.move_status = "Arrived"

            #Do we have a running request? if yes, notify the completion
            self.completed(status.SUCCESS, robot.move_status)

            #logger.debug("TARGET REACHED")
            #logger.debug("Robot %s move status: '%s'", robot.bge_object.name, robot.move_status)

            robot.move_status = "Transit"
Exemple #3
    def default_action(self):
        """ Move the robot. """
        robot_obj = self.robot_parent.bge_object

        vel_body_sp = Vector((self.local_data['vx'], self.local_data['vy'],

        # TODO: limit max_velocity setpoint

        # current angles to horizontal plane in NED
        # (not quite, but approx good enough)
        roll = self.position_3d.roll
        pitch = self.position_3d.pitch
        yaw = self.position_3d.yaw

        # convert the commands in body frame to blender frame
        # in which frame do we want to command??

        #body2blender = Matrix.Rotation(math.pi, 3, 'X') * Matrix.Rotation(yaw, 3, 'Z')
        body2blender = Matrix.Rotation(yaw, 3, 'Z')
        vel_blender_sp = body2blender * vel_body_sp

        # current velocity of robot in Blender world frame
        vel_blender = robot_obj.worldLinearVelocity

        # errors in blender frame
        vel_error = vel_blender_sp - vel_blender
        # zero desired acceleration for now... no reference...
        accel_error = -(vel_blender - self._prev_vel_blender) * self.frequency

        logger.debug("velocity in blender frame: (% .3f % .3f % .3f)",
                     vel_blender[0], vel_blender[1], vel_blender[2])
        logger.debug("velocity setpoint:: (% .3f % .3f % .3f)",
                     vel_blender_sp[0], vel_blender_sp[1], vel_blender_sp[2])
        logger.debug("velocity error: (% .3f % .3f % .3f)", vel_error[0],
                     vel_error[1], vel_error[2])
        logger.debug("acceleration error: (% .3f % .3f % .3f)", accel_error[0],
                     accel_error[1], accel_error[2])

        cmd_blender_x = self._h_pgain * vel_error[
            0] + self._h_dgain * accel_error[0]
        cmd_blender_y = self._h_pgain * vel_error[
            1] + self._h_dgain * accel_error[1]

        self.roll_setpoint = sin(yaw) * cmd_blender_x - cos(
            yaw) * cmd_blender_y
        self.pitch_setpoint = cos(yaw) * cmd_blender_x + sin(
            yaw) * cmd_blender_y
        self.yaw_setpoint = self._prev_yaw - (self.local_data['vyaw'] /

        # saturate max roll/pitch angles
        if fabs(self.roll_setpoint) > self._max_bank_angle:
            self.roll_setpoint = copysign(self._max_bank_angle,
        if fabs(self.pitch_setpoint) > self._max_bank_angle:
            self.pitch_setpoint = copysign(self._max_bank_angle,

        # wrap yaw setpoint
        self.yaw_setpoint = normalise_angle(self.yaw_setpoint)

        logger.debug("roll  current: % 2.3f   setpoint: % 2.3f", degrees(roll),
        logger.debug("pitch current: % 2.3f   setpoint: % 2.3f",
                     degrees(pitch), degrees(self.pitch_setpoint))
        logger.debug("yaw   current: % 2.3f   setpoint: % 2.3f", degrees(yaw),

        # compute thrust
        # nominal command to keep altitude (feed forward)
        thrust_attitude_compensation = max(self._attitude_compensation_limit,
                                           cos(roll) * cos(pitch))
        thrust_ff = self.nominal_thrust / thrust_attitude_compensation
        # feedback to correct vertical speed
        thrust_fb = self._v_pgain * vel_error[
            2]  # + self._v_dgain * accel_error[2]
        self.thrust = max(0, thrust_ff + thrust_fb)

        # Compute attitude errors
        # e = att_sp - att = attitude error
        roll_err = normalise_angle(self.roll_setpoint - roll)
        pitch_err = normalise_angle(self.pitch_setpoint - pitch)
        yaw_err = normalise_angle(self.yaw_setpoint - yaw)

        err = Vector((roll_err, pitch_err, yaw_err))

        # derivative
        we = (err - self._prev_err) * self.frequency
        # we = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
        # logger.debug("yaw rate error: %.3f", we[2])

        kp = Vector((self._rp_pgain, self._rp_pgain, self._yaw_pgain))
        kd = Vector((self._rp_dgain, self._rp_dgain, self._yaw_dgain))

        # torque = self.inertia * (kp * err + kd * we)
        t = []
        for i in range(3):
            t.append(self.inertia[i] * (kp[i] * err[i] + kd[i] * we[i]))
        # convert to blender frame and scale with thrust
        torque = Vector((t[0], t[1], t[2])) * self.thrust / self.nominal_thrust
        logger.debug("applied torques: (% .3f % .3f % .3f)", torque[0],
                     torque[1], torque[2])

        force = Vector((0.0, 0.0, self.thrust))
        logger.debug("applied thrust force: %.3f", force[2])

        self._prev_err = err.copy()
        self._prev_vel_blender = vel_blender.copy()
        self._prev_yaw = yaw

        # directly apply local forces and torques to the blender object of the parent robot
        robot_obj.applyForce(force, True)
        robot_obj.applyTorque(torque, True)