def __init__(self, connection, args): self._dest = args.dest self._guid = args.guid self._response = args.response self._incoming = Queue() self._dispatcher = MessageDispatcher(args.address, self._dispatcher.register_receiver(AMID_GUIDDISCOVERY, self._incoming) assert isinstance(connection, Connection) self._connection = connection self._connection.register_dispatcher(self._dispatcher)
class GUIDDisco(object): def __init__(self, connection, args): self._dest = args.dest self._guid = args.guid self._response = args.response self._incoming = Queue() self._dispatcher = MessageDispatcher(args.address, self._dispatcher.register_receiver(AMID_GUIDDISCOVERY, self._incoming) assert isinstance(connection, Connection) self._connection = connection self._connection.register_dispatcher(self._dispatcher) def run(self): while not self._incoming.empty(): self.receive(self._incoming.get()) self._send() @staticmethod def _ts_now(): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() s = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return s + ".%03uZ" % (now.microsecond / 1000) def _send(self): self._start = time.time() p = DiscoPacket(DiscoPacket.GUIDDISCOVERY_REQUEST, self._guid) if self._response: p.header = DiscoPacket.GUIDDISCOVERY_RESPONSE packet = Message() packet.destination = self._dest packet.source = self._dispatcher.address packet.type = AMID_GUIDDISCOVERY packet.payload = p.serialize() print("{} disco {:04X}->{:04X} {:s}".format(self._ts_now(), self._dispatcher.address, self._dest, p)) self._connection.send(packet) def receive(self, packet): try: p = DiscoPacket() p.deserialize(packet.payload) printgreen("{} reply {:04X}->{:04X} {:s}".format(self._ts_now(), packet.source, packet.destination, p)) except ValueError as e: printred("{} error {:04X}->{:04X} {}".format(self._ts_now(), packet.source, packet.destination, e.message))
def __init__(self, connection, args): super(PingSender, self).__init__() self._address = args.address self._destination = args.destination self._count = args.count self._interval = args.interval self._pongs = args.pongs self._delay = args.delay self._ping_size = args.ping_size min_size = len(PingPacket().serialize()) # TODO change once serdepa supports size as a class method if self._ping_size < min_size: self._ping_size = min_size self._pong_size = args.pong_size min_size = len(PongPacket().serialize()) # TODO change once serdepa supports size as a class method if self._pong_size < min_size: self._pong_size = min_size self._pingnum = 0 self._ping_start = 0 self._last_pongs = {} self._incoming = Queue.Queue() self._dispatcher = MessageDispatcher(args.address, self._dispatcher.register_receiver(AMID_TOSPINGPONG_PONG, self._incoming) assert isinstance(connection, Connection) self._connection = connection self._connection.register_dispatcher(self._dispatcher) self._alive = threading.Event() self._alive.set()
def construct_connection(connection_string): """ Constructs the connection object and returns it. The connection string takes the form of protocol@location:port_or_baud Examples: sf@localhost:9002 serial@/dev/ttyUSB0 :param str connection string: A string in the form of protocol@location:port_or_baud :rtype: moteconnection.connection.Connection """ connection = Connection() connection.connect( connection_string, reconnect=10, connected=partial(print, "Connected to {}".format(connection_string)), disconnected=partial(print, "Disconnected from {}".format(connection_string)) ) dispatcher = MessageDispatcher() # This example uses a callback function (print in this case). The callback function # _must_ take exactly 1 positional argument. That argument will be an instance of # `moteconnection.message.Message`. # The alternatice method to using a callback function is to pass an instance of # `queue.Queue` (python3) or `Queue.Queue` (python2) to these methoods. dispatcher.register_default_snooper(print) dispatcher.register_default_receiver(print) connection.register_dispatcher(dispatcher) return connection
def construct_connection(connection_string, src, group): """ Constructs the connection object and returns it. The connection string takes the form of protocol@location:port_or_baud Examples: sf@localhost:9002 serial@/dev/ttyUSB0 :param str connection string: A string in the form of protocol@location:port_or_baud :rtype: moteconnection.connection.Connection """ connection = Connection() connection.connect( connection_string, reconnect=10, connected=partial(print, "Connected to {}".format(connection_string)), disconnected=partial(print, "Disconnected from {}".format(connection_string))) dispatcher = MessageDispatcher(src, group) connection.register_dispatcher(dispatcher) return connection
class PingSender(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, connection, args): super(PingSender, self).__init__() self._address = args.address self._destination = args.destination self._count = args.count self._interval = args.interval self._pongs = args.pongs self._delay = args.delay self._ping_size = args.ping_size min_size = len(PingPacket().serialize()) # TODO change once serdepa supports size as a class method if self._ping_size < min_size: self._ping_size = min_size self._pong_size = args.pong_size min_size = len(PongPacket().serialize()) # TODO change once serdepa supports size as a class method if self._pong_size < min_size: self._pong_size = min_size self._pingnum = 0 self._ping_start = 0 self._last_pongs = {} self._incoming = Queue.Queue() self._dispatcher = MessageDispatcher(args.address, self._dispatcher.register_receiver(AMID_TOSPINGPONG_PONG, self._incoming) assert isinstance(connection, Connection) self._connection = connection self._connection.register_dispatcher(self._dispatcher) self._alive = threading.Event() self._alive.set() def _ts_now(self): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() s = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return s + ".%03uZ" % (now.microsecond / 1000) def run(self): while self._alive.is_set(): passed = time.time() - self._ping_start if passed >= self._interval: if self._count == 0 or self._pingnum < self._count: self._pingnum += 1 self._ping_start = time.time() self._last_pongs = {} p = PingPacket() p.pingnum = self._pingnum p.pongs = self._pongs p.delay_ms = self._delay p.ping_size = self._ping_size p.pong_size = self._pong_size out = "{} ping {:>2} 0/{} {:04X}->{:04X}[{:02X}] ({:>3}/{:>3}/???)".format( self._ts_now(), self._pingnum, self._pongs, self._address, self._destination, AMID_TOSPINGPONG_PING, self._ping_size, self._pong_size) # TODO pong_size_max should be read from connection print_green(out) try: self._connection.send(Message(AMID_TOSPINGPONG_PING, destination=self._destination, payload=p.serialize())) except IOError: print("{} send failed".format(self._ts_now())) else: print("{} all pings sent".format(self._ts_now())) else: try: p = self._incoming.get(timeout=0.1) self.receive(p) except Queue.Empty: pass def join(self, timeout=None): self._alive.clear() super(PingSender, self).join(timeout) def receive(self, packet): log.debug("RCV: {}".format(packet)) try: p = PongPacket() p.deserialize(packet.payload) pformat = "{} pong {:>2} {}/{} {:04X}->{:04X}[{:02X}]" if p.pingnum == self._pingnum: if packet.source not in self._last_pongs: self._last_pongs[packet.source] = 0 if p.pong > self._last_pongs[packet.source] + 1: for i in xrange(self._last_pongs[packet.source] + 1, p.pong): pout = pformat.format(self._ts_now(), p.pingnum, i, p.pongs, packet.source, packet.destination, packet.type) out = "{} LOST".format(pout) print_red(out) self._last_pongs[packet.source] = p.pong delay = p.tx_time_ms - p.rx_time_ms rtt = (time.time() - self._ping_start) * 1000 - delay else: delay = 0 rtt = 0 pout = pformat.format(self._ts_now(), p.pingnum, p.pong, p.pongs, packet.source, packet.destination, packet.type) out = "{} ({:>3}/{:>3}/{:>3}) time={:>4.0f}ms delay={:>4.0f}ms uptime={:d}s {:s}".format( pout, p.ping_size, p.pong_size, p.pong_size_max, rtt, delay, p.uptime_s, str(p.padding.serialize()).encode("hex").upper()) if packet.source != self._destination and self._destination != AM_BROADCAST_ADDR: log.debug(out) else: print(out) except ValueError as e: print_red("{} pong {}".format(self._ts_now(), e.message))