class Car(object): def __init__(self, is_debug=False): ''' Car构造器函数 ''' # 电池ADC采样 self.battery_adc = BatteryVoltage(gpio_dict['BATTERY_ADC'], is_debug=False) # 用户按键 self.user_button = Button(0, callback=lambda pin: self.stop_trigger(pin)) try: # 创建一个I2C对象 i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(gpio_dict['I2C_SCL']), sda=Pin(gpio_dict['I2C_SDA']), freq=car_property['I2C_FREQUENCY']) # 创建舵机云台对象 self.cloud_platform = CloudPlatform(i2c) except: print('[ERROR]: pca9885舵机驱动模块初始化失败') print('[Hint]: 请检查接线') self.speed_percent = 70 # 小车默认速度 # 左侧电机 self.left_motor = Motor(0) self.left_motor.stop() # 左侧电机停止 # 右侧电机 self.right_motor = Motor(1) self.right_motor.stop() # 右侧电机停止 # 小车停止标志位 self.stop_flag = False self.is_debug = is_debug # 是否开始调试模式 def stop(self): '''停车''' self.left_motor.speed_percent = 0 self.right_motor.speed_percent = 0 def stop_trigger(self, pin): ''' 切换小车的停止位 ''' self.stop_flag = not self.stop_flag if self.stop_flag: self.stop() if self.is_debug: print('切换stopflag flag={}'.format(self.stop_flag)) def go_forward(self, speed_percent=None, delay_ms=None): ''' 小车前进 ''' if speed_percent is None: speed_percent = self.speed_percent else: speed_percent = float(speed_percent) if delay_ms is not None: delay_ms = int(delay_ms) self.left_motor.speed_percent = speed_percent self.right_motor.speed_percent = speed_percent if delay_ms is not None: delay_ms = int(float(delay_ms)) utime.sleep_ms(delay_ms) self.stop() def go_backward(self, speed_percent=None, delay_ms=None): ''' 小车后退 ''' if speed_percent is None: speed_percent = self.speed_percent else: speed_percent = float(speed_percent) if delay_ms is not None: delay_ms = int(delay_ms) self.left_motor.speed_percent = -1 * speed_percent self.right_motor.speed_percent = -1 * speed_percent if delay_ms is not None: delay_ms = int(float(delay_ms)) utime.sleep_ms(delay_ms) self.stop() def turn_left(self, speed_percent=None, delay_ms=None): ''' 小车左转 ''' if speed_percent is None: speed_percent = self.speed_percent else: speed_percent = float(speed_percent) self.left_motor.speed_percent = -1 * speed_percent self.right_motor.speed_percent = speed_percent if delay_ms is not None: delay_ms = int(float(delay_ms)) utime.sleep_ms(delay_ms) self.stop() def turn_right(self, speed_percent=None, delay_ms=None): ''' 小车右转 ''' if speed_percent is None: speed_percent = self.speed_percent else: speed_percent = float(speed_percent) self.left_motor.speed_percent = speed_percent self.right_motor.speed_percent = -1 * speed_percent if delay_ms is not None: delay_ms = int(float(delay_ms)) utime.sleep_ms(delay_ms) self.stop() def move(self, left_speed_percent, right_speed_percent, delay_ms=None): left_speed_percent = float(left_speed_percent) right_speed_percent = float(right_speed_percent) self.left_motor.speed_percent = left_speed_percent self.right_motor.speed_percent = right_speed_percent if delay_ms is not None: delay_ms = int(float(delay_ms)) utime.sleep_ms(delay_ms) self.stop() def deinit(self): ''' 释放资源 ''' self.battery_adc.deinit() self.user_button.deinit() self.left_motor.deinit() self.right_motor.deinit() def log(self): # 打印日志 TODO print('[INFO] battery voltage: {}'.format( self.battery_adc.battery_voltage)) print('[INFO] default velocity (percent): {}'.format( self.speed_percent))
class ShadeController(BaseThing): def __init__(self): import machine if getattr(machine, "reset_cause", None) != None: reset_names = [ '0', 'PWRON', 'HARD', 'Watchdog', 'DEEPSLEEP', 'SOFT' ] cause = machine.reset_cause() if cause < machine.PWRON_RESET or cause > machine.SOFT_RESET: logger.warning("Unknown reset cause: %d", cause) else: logger.debug("Reset cause: %s", reset_names[cause]) self.rtc = machine.RTC() super().__init__() # if a parameter is not restored from persistence, then add it with a default value if 'position' not in self._current_state['params']: self._current_state['params']['position'] = "unknown" self._operations['position'] = self._position # add tests to dictionary of available test operations self._test_operations['current'] = self._test_current_sensor self._test_operations['motor'] = self._test_motor self._test_operations['motor2'] = self._test_motor2 self._test_operations['set-position'] = self._set_position self._conditions['temperature'] = { 'get': self.get_temperature, 'threshold': 2 } # report on 2 degree changes # report batteryVoltage on changes of 200 mV or 20 minutes self._conditions['batteryVoltage'] = { 'get': self.get_battery_voltage, 'threshold': 200, 'interval': 1200 } self._start_ticks = None PCB_version = 3 if PCB_version == 0: # the following are the GPIO numbers self.PIN_LED = 2 self.PIN_POWER_ENABLE = 14 # D5 on the nodeMCU board # self.PIN_MOTOR_ENABLE1 = 12 #D6 # self.PIN_MOTOR_ENABLE2 = 13 #D7 self.PIN_MOTOR_ENABLE1 = 15 #D8 self.PIN_MOTOR_ENABLE2 = 2 #D4 # self.PIN_MOTOR_EN1 = [12, 15] # self.PIN_MOTOR_EN2 = [13, 2] self.PIN_CHARGING_DISABLE = 0 #D3 self.PIN_WAKEUP = 16 #D0 self.PIN_SCL = 5 #D1 self.PIN_SDA = 4 #D2 elif PCB_version == 3: self.PIN_LED = 16 self.PIN_POWER_ENABLE = 16 self.PIN_MOTOR1_ENABLES = (5, 17) self.PIN_MOTOR2_ENABLES = (18, 19) self.PIN_CHARGING_DISABLE = 21 self.PIN_SCL = 22 self.PIN_SDA = 23 self.LM75B_ADDR = 0x4F # 79 decimal self.ATECC508_ADDR = 0x60 # 96 decimal else: import sys logger.error("Unknown PCB_rev: %d", PCB_rev) sys.exit(1) self.I2C_FREQ = 100000 # self.INA219_ADDR = 0x40 #64 on the adafruit module self.INA219_ADDR = 0x45 #69 decimal self.ppin_led = None self.ppin_power_enable = machine.Pin(self.PIN_POWER_ENABLE, machine.Pin.OUT, value=0) self.ppin_charging_disable = machine.Pin(self.PIN_CHARGING_DISABLE, machine.Pin.OUT, value=1) self.i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(self.PIN_SCL), sda=machine.Pin(self.PIN_SDA), freq=self.I2C_FREQ) # the following is commented out to save power # i2c_devices = None # try: # i2c_devices = self.i2c.scan() # except: # print("Exception i2c bus scan") # if (len(i2c_devices) < 1): # print("No i2c devices detected") self.current_sensor = None # the following are shade direction constants that make it easier to understand motor direction self.LOWER = 0 self.RAISE = 1 self.MOTOR_START_SPEED = 30 # speed is in percentage self.MOTOR_SPEED_RAMP = 5 # increments to speed up the motor, in percentage self.MOTOR_SENSOR_SAMPLE_INTERVAL = 10 # 10 milliSeconds between current samples when the motor is on self.MOTOR_AVERAGING_SAMPLES = 4 # the current is sampled this many times because it may be noisy due to the motor import array # pre-allocate current sample arrays - used by the position routine to threshold motor currents self.STARTING_CURRENT_SAMPLE_COUNT = 16 self.starting_currents = array.array( 'i', (0 for _ in range(self.STARTING_CURRENT_SAMPLE_COUNT))) self.starting_current_next = 0 self.STOPPING_CURRENT_SAMPLE_COUNT = 16 self.stopping_currents = array.array( 'i', (0 for _ in range(self.STOPPING_CURRENT_SAMPLE_COUNT))) self.stopping_current_next = 0 #the following are used by _activate_motor to detect current threshold crossing self.averaging_sum = 0 self.average_current_threshold = 0 def connect(self): """ activates the wlan and polls to see if connected returns a tuple: - a boolean to indicate successful connection or not - a msg to display if connection failed """ import esp, network from sys import platform from utime import sleep_ms from setwifi import setwifi as setwifi wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if platform == 'esp32': cfg_info = self._get_cfg_info("wifi_info.txt") # cfg_info = {"SSID": "xx", "password": "******"} if not cfg_info: setwifi() # setwifi should write the wifi_info file, so read it cfg_info = self._get_cfg_info("wifi_info.txt") if not cfg_info: return False, "Error: could not obtain wifi configuration" wlan.connect(cfg_info['SSID'], cfg_info['password']) connected = False for _ in range(180): connected = wlan.isconnected() if connected: return True, None else: sleep_ms(33) if not connected: setwifi() return False, "Warning: unable to connect to WiFi; setWiFi run to get new credentials" @property def id(self): from machine import unique_id id_reversed = unique_id() id_binary = [ id_reversed[n] for n in range(len(id_reversed) - 1, -1, -1) ] return "ESP-" + "".join("{:02x}".format(x) for x in id_binary) def time(self): from ntptime import time as get_ntp_time import utime # The shadow timestamp is from 1970-01-01 vs micropython is from 2000-01-01 SECONDS_BETWEEN_1970_2000 = 946684800 time_tuple = None last_exception = None if self._start_ticks is None: for i in range(11): utime.sleep_ms(333) try: self._timestamp = get_ntp_time() break except Exception as e: last_exception = str(e) logger.debug("Exception in get NTP: %s", last_exception) # the 1st NTP request after a hard reset and then an IP connect always fails, so retry quickly if i < 2: utime.sleep_ms(33) else: utime.sleep_ms(666) if self._timestamp is None: logger.error( "Failed to get time from NTP after %d attempts; Last exception was '%s'.", i + 1, last_exception) elif type(self._timestamp).__name__ == 'int': logger.debug("Recieved NTP timestamp after %d attempts", i + 1) try: time_tuple = utime.localtime(self._timestamp) # adjust the stored timestamp used for reporting conditions based on an interval self._start_ticks = utime.ticks_ms() self._timestamp += SECONDS_BETWEEN_1970_2000 except Exception as e: logger.error( "Exception '%s' on timestamp conversion; timestamp: %d", str(e), self._timestamp) else: logger.error("NTP timestamp not an int: %s", self._timestamp) else: # get updated time by adding elapsed time to existing timestamp # - shift right 10 is approx equal to divide by 1000 in order to get seconds elapsed_secs = utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), self._start_ticks) >> 10 time_tuple = utime.localtime(self._timestamp - SECONDS_BETWEEN_1970_2000 + elapsed_secs) return time_tuple def sleep(self, msg=None): import machine from sys import platform from utime import sleep_ms try: import webrepl except: webrepl = None LOG_FILENAME = "./log.txt" if msg is not None: logger.warning(msg) with open(LOG_FILENAME, 'a') as log_file: log_file.write(msg + "\n") if self.current_sensor is not None: self.current_sensor.stop() if self._current_state['params']['sleep'] < 1: # exit: stop the infinite loop of main & deep-sleep from sys import exit"Staying awake due to sleep parameter < 1.") if webrepl is not None: webrepl.start() # configure timer to issue reset, so the device will reboot and fetch a new shadow state TIME_BEFORE_RESET = 120000 # 3 minutes in milliseconds tim = machine.Timer(-1) # tim.init throws an OSError 261 after a soft reset; this is a work-around: try: tim.init(period=TIME_BEFORE_RESET, mode=machine.Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=lambda t: machine.reset()) except Exception as e: logger.warning( "Exception '%s' on tim.init; No reset after a timer expiry.", e) exit(0) if webrepl is not None: webrepl.stop()"Going to sleep for %s seconds.", self._current_state['params']['sleep']) if platform == 'esp32': # multiply sleep time by approx 1000 (left shift by 10) machine.deepsleep(self._current_state['params']['sleep'] << 10) else: self.rtc.irq(trigger=self.rtc.ALARM0, wake=machine.DEEPSLEEP) self.rtc.alarm(self.rtc.ALARM0, self._current_state['params']['sleep'] << 10) machine.deepsleep() def _reported_state_get(self): # add current arrays as strings to report if self.starting_currents[0] != 0: report_conditions_time_based = True #update conditions report after operating the motor currents = "" for i in self.starting_currents: currents = currents + str(i) + " " # remove trailing space self._reported_state['starting_currents'] = currents[:-1] # stopping currents start at next and loop around currents = "" idx = self.stopping_current_next for _ in range(self.STOPPING_CURRENT_SAMPLE_COUNT): currents = currents + str(self.stopping_currents[idx]) + " " idx = idx + 1 if idx > (self.STOPPING_CURRENT_SAMPLE_COUNT - 1): idx = 0 self._reported_state['stopping_currents'] = currents[:-1] return super()._reported_state_get() reported_state = property(_reported_state_get) def _shadow_state_get(self): return super()._shadow_state_get() def _shadow_state_set(self, shadow_state): if self._has_history and self._restored_state['history'][0][ 'done'] != 1: # The operation didn't finished, so update the status to be reflected in an updated report failed_operation = self._restored_state['history'][0]['op'] self._current_state['params'][failed_operation] = "unknown" super()._shadow_state_set(shadow_state) shadow_state = property(_shadow_state_get, _shadow_state_set) def blink_led(self, t=50): import machine from utime import sleep_ms if self.ppin_led is None: self.ppin_led = machine.Pin(self.PIN_LED, machine.Pin.OUT, value=0) else: self.ppin_led.init(machine.Pin.OUT) sleep_ms(t) # leave the pin as an input to not mess up any pin state in reset requirements self.ppin_led.init(machine.Pin.IN) def _persist_state(self): """ the ESP can use RTC memory for a persistent store instead of the flash filesystem""" import ujson self.rtc.memory(ujson.dumps(self._current_state)) def _restore_state(self): import ujson try: tmp = ujson.loads(self.rtc.memory()) logger.debug("restored state: %s", tmp) if type(tmp) is not dict or 'params' not in tmp: logger.warning( "_restore_state: RTC memory did not have parameters") tmp = {} except: logger.warning("_restore_state: RTC memory was not JSON") tmp = {} return tmp def _position(self): """ validates shadow state variables: position, duration, reverse -- and then calls _activate_motor Inputs: shadow_state Returns: status string """ status = self._instance_current_sensor() if status is not None: return "Fail (position): " + status MAX_DURATION = 59 POSITIONS = ['open', 'closed', 'half'] class Positions: OPEN = 0 CLOSED = 1 HALF = 2 if self._shadow_state['state']['desired']['position'] not in POSITIONS: return "Error: unrecognized position: {0}".format( self._shadow_state['state']['desired']['position']) if self._shadow_state['state']['desired']['duration'] > MAX_DURATION: return "Error: duration: {0} is longer than max value: {1}".format( self._shadow_state['state']['desired']['duration'], MAX_DURATION) if self._shadow_state['state']['desired']['duration'] < 1: return "Error: duration: {0} is zero or negative".format( self._shadow_state['state']['desired']['duration']) # if POST fails, then AWS-IOT state could mismatch persisted/real state if self._current_state['params']['position'] == self._shadow_state[ 'state']['desired']['position']: return "Already in position: " + self._shadow_state['state'][ 'desired']['position'] duration = self._shadow_state['state']['desired'][ 'duration'] * 1000 #convert to millisecond direction = self.LOWER if self._shadow_state['state']['desired']['position'] == POSITIONS[ Positions.OPEN]: direction = self.RAISE # halve the duration if currently in the half position or going to the half position if self._shadow_state['state']['desired']['position'] == POSITIONS[ Positions.HALF]: duration = duration >> 1 if self._current_state['params']['position'] == POSITIONS[ Positions.CLOSED]: direction = self.RAISE # if the current position is unknown, the direction will be to lower, and the current position will stay unknown. if self._current_state['params']['position'] == POSITIONS[ Positions.HALF]: duration = duration >> 1 # invert direction if shade is of type 'top_down', as indicated by bit 1: 0x0010 if (self._shadow_state['state']['desired']['reverse'] & 2) != 0: direction = direction ^ 1 # dont move much when lowering if position is unknown since the current sensor can't be used to figure the stopping position if self._current_state['params'][ 'position'] not in POSITIONS and direction == self.LOWER: duration = 200 # it takes longer to go the same distance when raising, so increase the duration by ??30% if direction == self.RAISE: duration = duration + (duration >> 2) # + (duration >> 4) measured_duration = self._activate_motor(duration, direction, self.PIN_MOTOR1_ENABLES) if measured_duration > 1: if direction == self.RAISE or measured_duration >= duration: self._current_state['params']['position'] = self._shadow_state[ 'state']['desired']['position'] else: self._current_state['params']['position'] = 'unknown' status = "Done: new position: {0}; motor on for: {1} msec".format( self._current_state['params']['position'], measured_duration) if self.averaging_sum > self.average_current_threshold: status = status + "; Current: {0} over Threshold: {1}".format( self.averaging_sum, self.average_current_threshold) else: status = "Error on position; I2C error: {0}".format( measured_duration) return status def _set_position(self): """ Used to set the persisted 'position' to the current desired position. Normally used to transition out of the position==unknown state """ self._current_state['params']['position'] = self._shadow_state[ 'state']['desired']['position'] return "position set to: " + self._current_state['params']['position'] def _test_current_sensor(self): status = self._instance_current_sensor() if self.current_sensor is None: status = "Fail (current test): " + status else: self.current_sensor.start() mAmps = self.current_sensor.get_current_ma() mVolts = self.current_sensor.get_bus_mv() status = "Pass: Current: {0:d} BusVolts: {1:d}".format( mAmps, mVolts) return status def _test_motor(self): return self._test_motor_base(self.PIN_MOTOR1_ENABLES) def _test_motor2(self): return self._test_motor_base(self.PIN_MOTOR2_ENABLES) def _test_motor_base(self, pins): """ Operates the motor for the number of milliseconds specified in test_param A negative test_param operates the motor in the reverse direction """ if not self._has_history: status = "Skipping first motor test after initialization" else: status = self._instance_current_sensor() if status is not None: status = "Fail (motor test): " + status else: duration = self._shadow_state['state']['desired']['test_param'] if duration < 0: direction = self.LOWER else: direction = self.RAISE duration = abs(duration) if duration < 55000: measured_duration = self._activate_motor( duration, direction, pins) if measured_duration >= duration: status = "Pass: motor on for " + str( measured_duration) + " msec." else: status = "Fail: motor on for " + str( measured_duration) + " msec." else: status = "Fail: test_param too large for motor test: " + str( duration) return status def _instance_current_sensor(self): from ina219 import INA219 status = None if self.current_sensor is None: if self.i2c is None: status = "I2C not initialized when creating current sensor" else: try: self.current_sensor = INA219(i2c=self.i2c, i2c_addr=self.INA219_ADDR) if not self.current_sensor.in_standby_when_initialized: logger.warning("Current sensor not in standby.") except: status = "I2C access to current sensor failed" return status def _activate_motor(self, duration, direction, pins): """Instantiates a motor and turns on the motor driver for the duration (expressed in milliseconds) self.current_sensor should have been instantiated before calling """ from motor import Motor import machine, utime elapsed_time = 0 self.average_current_threshold = self._shadow_state['state'][ 'desired']['threshold'] * self.MOTOR_AVERAGING_SAMPLES #invert direction if reverse bit is set motor_direction = direction ^ ( self._shadow_state['state']['desired']['reverse'] & 1) # self.motor = Motor(self.PIN_MOTOR_ENABLE1, self.PIN_MOTOR_ENABLE2) self.motor = Motor(pins) #enable 12V and disable charging if self.ppin_power_enable is None: self.ppin_power_enable = machine.Pin(self.PIN_POWER_ENABLE, machine.Pin.OUT, value=1) else: self.ppin_power_enable.value(1) if self.ppin_charging_disable is None: self.ppin_charging_disable = machine.Pin(self.PIN_CHARGING_DISABLE, machine.Pin.OUT, value=0) else: self.ppin_charging_disable.value(0) utime.sleep_ms(50) # wait for power to stabilize self.current_sensor.start() start_ticks = utime.ticks_ms() self.motor.start(direction=motor_direction, speed=self.MOTOR_START_SPEED) while elapsed_time < duration: sample_ticks_begin = utime.ticks_ms() current_sample = self._update_current_arrays() # !! TODO: stop calling adjustSpeed after calling it N times if (current_sample < self._shadow_state['state']['desired']['threshold']): self.motor.adjust_speed(self.MOTOR_SPEED_RAMP) # check the avg of the last N samples don't exceed the threshold self.averaging_sum = 0 for averaging_offset in range(-self.MOTOR_AVERAGING_SAMPLES, 0): averaging_index = self.stopping_current_next + averaging_offset if (averaging_index < 0): averaging_index += self.STOPPING_CURRENT_SAMPLE_COUNT self.averaging_sum += self.stopping_currents[averaging_index] # print("Index: {0} -- Value: {1} -- Sum: {2}".format(averaging_index, self.stopping_currents[averaging_index], self.averaging_sum)) # stop the motor if over the threshold if self.averaging_sum > self.average_current_threshold: break delay_time = self.MOTOR_SENSOR_SAMPLE_INTERVAL - ( utime.ticks_ms() - sample_ticks_begin) utime.sleep_ms(delay_time) elapsed_time = utime.ticks_ms() - start_ticks self.motor.stop() self.ppin_power_enable.value(0) self.ppin_charging_disable.value(1) # re-init pins so they are tri-state self.ppin_power_enable.init(machine.Pin.IN) self.ppin_charging_disable.init(machine.Pin.IN) self.motor.deinit() del self.motor return elapsed_time def _update_current_arrays(self): import utime #assumes caller has already instanced & checked & started the sensor current_sample = self.current_sensor.get_current_ma() for samples in range(3): utime.sleep_ms(5) current_sample += self.current_sensor.get_current_ma() current_sample = current_sample >> 2 #take average of 4 samples if (self.starting_current_next < self.STARTING_CURRENT_SAMPLE_COUNT): self.starting_currents[self.starting_current_next] = current_sample self.starting_current_next += 1 # continuously update stopping array; when at end, loop back to the beginning self.stopping_currents[self.stopping_current_next] = current_sample self.stopping_current_next += 1 if (self.stopping_current_next > self.STOPPING_CURRENT_SAMPLE_COUNT - 1): self.stopping_current_next = 0 return current_sample def get_battery_voltage(self): mVolts = -1 status = self._instance_current_sensor() if status is None: self.current_sensor.start() mVolts = self.current_sensor.get_bus_mv() return mVolts def get_temperature(self): from utime import sleep_ms cfg = self.i2c.readfrom(self.LM75B_ADDR, 1) if not (cfg[0] & 0x01): logger.warning("Temperature sensor not shutdown.") self.i2c.writeto_mem( self.LM75B_ADDR, 1, b'\x00') # write cfg register to take out of shutdown state sleep_ms(105) # wait for a conversion period value = bytearray(2) self.i2c.readfrom_mem_into(self.LM75B_ADDR, 0, value) rounding = (value[1] & 0x80) >> 7 #if between 0.5 and 0.875 then round up or down if (value[0] & 0x80): # negative temp t = value[0] - 0x100 - rounding else: t = value[0] + rounding self.i2c.writeto_mem( self.LM75B_ADDR, 1, b'\x01') # write cfg register to put into shutdown state return t def get_pwr_in_voltage(self): from machine import ADC, Pin adc_35 = ADC(Pin(35)) adc_35.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) DIVIDER_COEFF = 2.1 # why is this 2.1 instead of 2 ? return DIVIDER_COEFF * * 3.3 / 4096