def reroute(changepin): changePin = int(changepin) #cast changepin to an int if changePin == 1: motors.turnLeft() elif changePin == 2: motors.forward() elif changePin == 3: motors.turnRight() elif changePin == 4: motors.backward() else: motors.stop() response = make_response(redirect(url_for('index'))) return(response)
def reroute(changepin): changePin = int(changepin) if changePin == 1: motors.turnLeft() elif changePin == 2: motors.forward() elif changePin == 3: motors.turnRight() elif changePin == 4: motors.backward() elif changePin == 5: motors.stop() else: print("Wrong command") response = make_response(redirect(url_for('index'))) return (response)
turnTiming = 0.41 while True: if isForward != True: forward() # while True: # if Sonar(): # break time.sleep(2) turnCycle() forward() time.sleep(2) stop() time.sleep(1) turnLeft() time.sleep(turnTiming) stop() time.sleep(1) forward() time.sleep(2) stop() time.sleep(1) turnLeft() time.sleep(turnTiming) stop() time.sleep(1) forward() time.sleep(2) stop()
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time import motors import ultrasound import sound GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Main loop for polling dogbot sensors ##motors.reset() GPIO.setup(21, GPIO.IN) print (GPIO.input(21)) while(True): # Checks to see if switch to toggle freemode is on freeMode = (GPIO.input(21) == 1) while(freeMode): if(ultrasound.getDistance() < 80.0): motors.backup(.5) motors.turnRight(.364) else: motors.forward(.5) freeMode = (GPIO.input(21) == 1) if(ultrasound.getDistance() < 20.0): motors.turnLeft(.7234) sound.bark() motors.GPIO.cleanup() ultrasound.GPIO.cleanup() exit()
if __name__ == "__main__": t2 = Thread(target=runB) t2.setDaemon(True) t2.start() try: while True: firstRun == False currentDetection = "face" if (currentDetection == "face"): if (time.time() > startTime + 10): motor_direction = "unsure" if (motor_direction == "left"): print("R") try: motors.turnLeft() time.sleep(3) motors.stopThere() currentMotorAction = "stop" except: print("") elif (motor_direction == "right"): print("L") try: motors.turnRight() time.sleep(3) motors.stopThere() currentMotorAction = "stop" except: print("") #sleep(0.3)