Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, sourceURI, targetDirectory, password):
        self.gid = getgid()
        self.uid = getuid()

        # Initialize target and metadata
        self.target = MountLoadTarget(targetDirectory)
        self.metadata = MountLoadMetaData(self.target.getDBPath())

        # Store and check source URI
        knownSourceURI = self.metadata.getConfigString('sourceURI')
        if sourceURI is None:
            if knownSourceURI is None:
                raise RuntimeError('No source URI supplied')
            sourceURI = knownSourceURI
        elif knownSourceURI is not None and knownSourceURI != sourceURI:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Given source URI differs from known source URI')

        # Initialize SFTP source
        self.source = MountLoadSource(sourceURI, password)

        # Bootstrap the remote root
        if self._getPath('/') is None:
            rootEntry = self.source.getEntry('/')
            if rootEntry is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Failed to retrieve the remote root directory %s' %
                    (self.source.getRemoteDirectory() + '/'))
            self._registerPath('/', rootEntry)

        # Store the source URI in metadata
        if knownSourceURI is None:
            self.metadata.setConfig('sourceURI', sourceURI)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, sourceURI, targetDirectory, password):
        self.gid = getgid()
        self.uid = getuid()

        # Initialize target and metadata
        self.target = MountLoadTarget(targetDirectory)
        self.metadata = MountLoadMetaData(self.target.getDBPath())

        # Store and check source URI
        knownSourceURI = self.metadata.getConfigString('sourceURI')
        if sourceURI is None:
            if knownSourceURI is None:
                raise RuntimeError('No source URI supplied')
            sourceURI = knownSourceURI
        elif knownSourceURI is not None and knownSourceURI != sourceURI:
            raise RuntimeError('Given source URI differs from known source URI')

        # Initialize SFTP source
        self.source = MountLoadSource(sourceURI, password)

        # Bootstrap the remote root
        if self._getPath('/') is None:
            rootEntry = self.source.getEntry('/')
            if rootEntry is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Failed to retrieve the remote root directory %s' % (self.source.getRemoteDirectory() + '/'))
            self._registerPath('/', rootEntry)

        # Store the source URI in metadata
        if knownSourceURI is None:
            self.metadata.setConfig('sourceURI', sourceURI)
Exemple #3
class Controller:
    def __init__(self, sourceURI, targetDirectory, password):
        self.gid = getgid()
        self.uid = getuid()

        # Initialize target and metadata
        self.target = MountLoadTarget(targetDirectory)
        self.metadata = MountLoadMetaData(self.target.getDBPath())

        # Store and check source URI
        knownSourceURI = self.metadata.getConfigString('sourceURI')
        if sourceURI is None:
            if knownSourceURI is None:
                raise RuntimeError('No source URI supplied')
            sourceURI = knownSourceURI
        elif knownSourceURI is not None and knownSourceURI != sourceURI:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Given source URI differs from known source URI')

        # Initialize SFTP source
        self.source = MountLoadSource(sourceURI, password)

        # Bootstrap the remote root
        if self._getPath('/') is None:
            rootEntry = self.source.getEntry('/')
            if rootEntry is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Failed to retrieve the remote root directory %s' %
                    (self.source.getRemoteDirectory() + '/'))
            self._registerPath('/', rootEntry)

        # Store the source URI in metadata
        if knownSourceURI is None:
            self.metadata.setConfig('sourceURI', sourceURI)

    def close(self):

    def _downloadFileData(self, pathInfo, offset, size):
        # Read data from source
        path = pathInfo['dirname'] + pathInfo['basename']
        data = self.source.readData(path, offset, size)

        # Write data to target
        self.target.writeData(path, offset, data)

        # Remove the remote segments we've overwritten
        pathId = pathInfo['pathId']
        self.metadata.removeRemoteSegments(pathId, offset, offset + size - 1)

        # If all remote segments have been downloaded, we mark the file as synced
        if len(self.metadata.getRemoteSegments(pathId)) == 0:

        # Return the data
        return data

    def getEntriesInDirectory(self, dirpath):
        # Determine directory
        pathInfo = self._getPath(dirpath)
        if pathInfo is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown path')
        if dirpath != '/':
            dirpath += '/'

        # Download all the entries in the directory if not synced
        if not pathInfo['isSynced']:
            for entry in self.source.getDirectoryEntries(dirpath):
                if not self.metadata.getPath(
                        dirpath, entry.filename):  # Entry can already exist
                    entryPath = dirpath + entry.filename
                    self._registerPath(entryPath, entry)

        # Return subpaths
        return self.metadata.getSubPaths(dirpath)

    def _getPath(self, path):
        """Returns the metadata structure for a given path by recursively resolving the path components."""
        path = os.path.normpath(path)
        dirname, basename = Controller._splitPath(path)
        pathInfo = self.metadata.getPath(dirname, basename)

        # If no path was found, recursively check parent directory for sync
        if (pathInfo is None) and (path != '/'):
            parentDirInfo = self._getPath(os.path.dirname(path))
            if parentDirInfo is None:  # Parent directory doesn't exist, so this path can't exist either
                return None
            if parentDirInfo[
                    'isSynced']:  # Parent directory says it's synced, so our failure to retrieve the path was valid
                return None
            entry = self.source.getEntry(path)
            if entry is None:  # We checked with the source, but this path really doesn't exist
                return None
            self._registerPath(path, entry)
            pathInfo = self.metadata.getPath(dirname, basename)

        return pathInfo

    def getStatForPath(self, path):
        pathInfo = self._getPath(path)
        if pathInfo is None:
            return None

        # Compose a stat structure; fake some fields because SFTP gives us limited info:
        # 1. We fake st_blocks, assuming FS block size of 4 KiB and stat block size of 512 bytes:
        #    * Calculate number of 4 KiB blocks, ceil() using integer division
        #    * Multiply by 8 (4 KiB / 512 bytes) to obtain the number of blocks
        # 2. We fake st_nlink for directories (2) and files (1)
        stat = {
            'st_size': pathInfo['size'],
            'st_mode': pathInfo['mode'],
            'st_atime': pathInfo['atime'],
            'st_mtime': pathInfo['mtime'],
            'st_uid': self.uid,
            'st_gid': self.gid
        stat['st_blocks'] = (pathInfo['size'] + 4095) // 4096 * 8
        if pathInfo['type'] == 'directory':
            stat['st_nlink'] = 2
        elif pathInfo['type'] == 'file':
            stat['st_nlink'] = 1
        return stat

    def getSymlinkTarget(self, path):
        pathInfo = self._getPath(path)
        if (pathInfo is None) or (pathInfo['type'] !=
                                  'symlink') or not pathInfo['isSynced']:
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown symlink')
        return self.target.getSymlink(path)

    def readData(self, path, offset, size):
        pathInfo = self._getPath(path)
        if (pathInfo is None) or (pathInfo['type'] != 'file'):
            raise RuntimeError('Invalid path for reading')

        # Enforce size bounds
        if (offset + size) > pathInfo['size']:
            size = max(0, pathInfo['size'] - offset)
        if size == 0:
            return ''

        # If this path is synced, we immediately return the data from source
        if pathInfo['isSynced']:
            return self.target.readData(path, offset, size)

        # Unlike read(2) suggests, many applications expect us to return exactly [size] bytes of data.
        # So we need to compile this chunk using local and remote sources, whatever is available, as long
        # as we end up with enough bytes.
        data = b''
        remoteSegments = self.metadata.getRemoteSegmentsRange(
            pathInfo['pathId'], offset, offset + size - 1)
        segmentIdx = 0
        currentPos = 0
        while currentPos < size:
            # Determine current remote segment properties
            if segmentIdx >= len(remoteSegments):
                segmentBegin = size
                segmentEnd = size - 1
                currentSegment = remoteSegments[segmentIdx]
                segmentBegin = currentSegment['begin'] - offset
                segmentEnd = currentSegment['end'] - offset

            # Append local data if available
            if currentPos < segmentBegin:
                data += self.target.readData(path, offset + currentPos,
                                             segmentBegin - currentPos)
                currentPos = segmentBegin

            # Append remote data
            remoteReadSize = min(size - currentPos,
                                 segmentEnd - segmentBegin + 1)
            if remoteReadSize > 0:
                data += self._downloadFileData(pathInfo, offset + currentPos,
                currentPos += remoteReadSize
                segmentIdx += 1

        return data

    def _registerPath(self, path, entry):
        if stat.S_ISDIR(entry.st_mode):
            self._registerPathDirectory(path, entry)
        elif stat.S_ISREG(entry.st_mode):
            self._registerPathFile(path, entry)
        elif stat.S_ISLNK(entry.st_mode):
            self._registerPathSymlink(path, entry)
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported path mode %d for path %s' %
                               (entry.st_mode, path))

    def _registerPathDirectory(self, path, entry):
        dirname, basename = Controller._splitPath(os.path.normpath(path))
        self.metadata.addPath(dirname, basename, 'directory', entry.st_size,
                              entry.st_mode, entry.st_atime, entry.st_mtime, 0)

                                    entry.st_mode | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR
                                    | stat.S_IXUSR)  # Mode u+rwx

    def _registerPathFile(self, path, entry):
        dirname, basename = Controller._splitPath(os.path.normpath(path))
        size = entry.st_size
        isSynced = 1 if size == 0 else 0

        pathId = self.metadata.addPath(dirname, basename, 'file', size,
                                       entry.st_mode, entry.st_atime,
                                       entry.st_mtime, isSynced)
        if not isSynced:
            self.metadata.addRemoteSegment(pathId, 0, size - 1)

        self.target.createFile(path, entry.st_mode | stat.S_IRUSR
                               | stat.S_IWUSR)  # Mode u+rw

    def _registerPathSymlink(self, path, entry):
        target = self.source.getLinkTarget(path)
        self.target.createSymlink(path, target)

        dirname, basename = Controller._splitPath(os.path.normpath(path))
        self.metadata.addPath(dirname, basename, 'symlink', entry.st_size,
                              entry.st_mode, entry.st_atime, entry.st_mtime, 1)

    def _splitPath(path):
        dirname, basename = os.path.split(path)
        if dirname != '/':
            dirname += '/'
        return (dirname, basename)
Exemple #4
class Controller:
    def __init__(self, sourceURI, targetDirectory, password):
        self.gid = getgid()
        self.uid = getuid()

        # Initialize target and metadata
        self.target = MountLoadTarget(targetDirectory)
        self.metadata = MountLoadMetaData(self.target.getDBPath())

        # Store and check source URI
        knownSourceURI = self.metadata.getConfigString('sourceURI')
        if sourceURI is None:
            if knownSourceURI is None:
                raise RuntimeError('No source URI supplied')
            sourceURI = knownSourceURI
        elif knownSourceURI is not None and knownSourceURI != sourceURI:
            raise RuntimeError('Given source URI differs from known source URI')

        # Initialize SFTP source
        self.source = MountLoadSource(sourceURI, password)

        # Bootstrap the remote root
        if self._getPath('/') is None:
            rootEntry = self.source.getEntry('/')
            if rootEntry is None:
                raise RuntimeError('Failed to retrieve the remote root directory %s' % (self.source.getRemoteDirectory() + '/'))
            self._registerPath('/', rootEntry)

        # Store the source URI in metadata
        if knownSourceURI is None:
            self.metadata.setConfig('sourceURI', sourceURI)

    def close(self):

    def _downloadFileData(self, pathInfo, offset, size):
        # Read data from source
        path = pathInfo['dirname'] + pathInfo['basename']
        data = self.source.readData(path, offset, size)

        # Write data to target
        self.target.writeData(path, offset, data)

        # Remove the remote segments we've overwritten
        pathId = pathInfo['pathId']
        self.metadata.removeRemoteSegments(pathId, offset, offset + size - 1)

        # If all remote segments have been downloaded, we mark the file as synced
        if len(self.metadata.getRemoteSegments(pathId)) == 0:

        # Return the data
        return data

    def getEntriesInDirectory(self, dirpath):
        # Determine directory
        pathInfo = self._getPath(dirpath)
        if pathInfo is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown path')
        if dirpath != '/':
            dirpath += '/'

        # Download all the entries in the directory if not synced
        if not pathInfo['isSynced']:
            for entry in self.source.getDirectoryEntries(dirpath):
                if not self.metadata.getPath(dirpath, entry.filename):  # Entry can already exist
                    entryPath = dirpath + entry.filename
                    self._registerPath(entryPath, entry)

        # Return subpaths
        return self.metadata.getSubPaths(dirpath)

    def _getPath(self, path):
        """Returns the metadata structure for a given path by recursively resolving the path components."""
        path = os.path.normpath(path)
        dirname, basename = Controller._splitPath(path)
        pathInfo = self.metadata.getPath(dirname, basename)

        # If no path was found, recursively check parent directory for sync
        if (pathInfo is None) and (path != '/'):
            parentDirInfo = self._getPath(os.path.dirname(path))
            if parentDirInfo is None:  # Parent directory doesn't exist, so this path can't exist either
                return None
            if parentDirInfo['isSynced']:  # Parent directory says it's synced, so our failure to retrieve the path was valid
                return None
            entry = self.source.getEntry(path)
            if entry is None:  # We checked with the source, but this path really doesn't exist
                return None
            self._registerPath(path, entry)
            pathInfo = self.metadata.getPath(dirname, basename)

        return pathInfo

    def getStatForPath(self, path):
        pathInfo = self._getPath(path)
        if pathInfo is None:
            return None

        # Compose a stat structure; fake some fields because SFTP gives us limited info:
        # 1. We fake st_blocks, assuming FS block size of 4 KiB and stat block size of 512 bytes:
        #    * Calculate number of 4 KiB blocks, ceil() using integer division
        #    * Multiply by 8 (4 KiB / 512 bytes) to obtain the number of blocks
        # 2. We fake st_nlink for directories (2) and files (1)
        stat = {'st_size': pathInfo['size'], 'st_mode': pathInfo['mode'], 'st_atime': pathInfo['atime'],
                'st_mtime': pathInfo['mtime'], 'st_uid': self.uid, 'st_gid': self.gid}
        stat['st_blocks'] = (pathInfo['size'] + 4095) // 4096 * 8
        if pathInfo['type'] == 'directory':
            stat['st_nlink'] = 2
        elif pathInfo['type'] == 'file':
            stat['st_nlink'] = 1
        return stat

    def getSymlinkTarget(self, path):
        pathInfo = self._getPath(path)
        if (pathInfo is None) or (pathInfo['type'] != 'symlink') or not pathInfo['isSynced']:
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown symlink')
        return self.target.getSymlink(path)

    def readData(self, path, offset, size):
        pathInfo = self._getPath(path)
        if (pathInfo is None) or (pathInfo['type'] != 'file'):
            raise RuntimeError('Invalid path for reading')

        # Enforce size bounds
        if (offset + size) > pathInfo['size']:
            size = max(0, pathInfo['size'] - offset)
        if size == 0:
            return ''

        # If this path is synced, we immediately return the data from source
        if pathInfo['isSynced']:
            return self.target.readData(path, offset, size)

        # Unlike read(2) suggests, many applications expect us to return exactly [size] bytes of data.
        # So we need to compile this chunk using local and remote sources, whatever is available, as long
        # as we end up with enough bytes.
        data = b''
        remoteSegments = self.metadata.getRemoteSegmentsRange(pathInfo['pathId'], offset, offset + size - 1)
        segmentIdx = 0
        currentPos = 0
        while currentPos < size:
            # Determine current remote segment properties
            if segmentIdx >= len(remoteSegments):
                segmentBegin = size
                segmentEnd = size - 1
                currentSegment = remoteSegments[segmentIdx]
                segmentBegin = currentSegment['begin'] - offset
                segmentEnd = currentSegment['end'] - offset

            # Append local data if available
            if currentPos < segmentBegin:
                data += self.target.readData(path, offset + currentPos, segmentBegin - currentPos)
                currentPos = segmentBegin

            # Append remote data
            remoteReadSize = min(size - currentPos, segmentEnd - segmentBegin + 1)
            if remoteReadSize > 0:
                data += self._downloadFileData(pathInfo, offset + currentPos, remoteReadSize)
                currentPos += remoteReadSize
                segmentIdx += 1

        return data

    def _registerPath(self, path, entry):
        if stat.S_ISDIR(entry.st_mode):
            self._registerPathDirectory(path, entry)
        elif stat.S_ISREG(entry.st_mode):
            self._registerPathFile(path, entry)
        elif stat.S_ISLNK(entry.st_mode):
            self._registerPathSymlink(path, entry)
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported path mode %d for path %s' % (entry.st_mode, path))

    def _registerPathDirectory(self, path, entry):
        dirname, basename = Controller._splitPath(os.path.normpath(path))
        self.metadata.addPath(dirname, basename, 'directory', entry.st_size, entry.st_mode, entry.st_atime, entry.st_mtime, 0)

        self.target.createDirectory(path, entry.st_mode | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR)  # Mode u+rwx

    def _registerPathFile(self, path, entry):
        dirname, basename = Controller._splitPath(os.path.normpath(path))
        size = entry.st_size
        isSynced = 1 if size == 0 else 0

        pathId = self.metadata.addPath(dirname, basename, 'file', size, entry.st_mode, entry.st_atime, entry.st_mtime, isSynced)
        if not isSynced:
            self.metadata.addRemoteSegment(pathId, 0, size - 1)

        self.target.createFile(path, entry.st_mode | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)  # Mode u+rw

    def _registerPathSymlink(self, path, entry):
        target = self.source.getLinkTarget(path)
        self.target.createSymlink(path, target)

        dirname, basename = Controller._splitPath(os.path.normpath(path))
        self.metadata.addPath(dirname, basename, 'symlink', entry.st_size, entry.st_mode, entry.st_atime, entry.st_mtime, 1)

    def _splitPath(path):
        dirname, basename = os.path.split(path)
        if dirname != '/':
            dirname += '/'
        return (dirname, basename)