def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('fake_move_base') self.result = MoveBaseActionResult() = MoveBaseActionFeedback() self.fmb = actionlib.SimpleActionServer('move_base', MoveBaseAction, self.execute_cb)
def __init__(self): self.costmap = OccupancyGrid() self.flagm = 0 self.flagg = 0 self.init = 0 self.newcost = [] self.grid = OccupancyGrid() = MoveBaseActionFeedback() self.prevpnt = -1 self.nextpnt = 0 self.sample = [] self. stuckpnt = [] self.isstuck = False self.offsetcnt = 0 self.firstgoal = 0 self.checkpnt = 0 self.pntlist = [] self.poly = [] self.polynum = 0 self.polydone = False self.polypath = [] self.count_id = 1 self.send = True self.currentpos =[] self.map_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/map', OccupancyGrid, self.mapCb,queue_size=1) self.global_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/move_base/global_costmap/costmap', OccupancyGrid, self.costCb,queue_size=1) self.globalup_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/move_base/global_costmap/costmap_updates', OccupancyGridUpdate, self.costupCb,queue_size=1) self.result_sub = rospy.Subscriber('move_base/result', MoveBaseActionResult, self.sendNavCb) self.feedback_sub = rospy.Subscriber('move_base/feedback', MoveBaseActionFeedback, self.feedbackCb) self.poly_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/clicked_point',PointStamped,self.polyCb,queue_size=1) = rospy.Publisher('/move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.line_pub = rospy.Publisher('visualization_marker',Marker,queue_size = 10)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("move_turtle_node") vel_topic = rospy.get_param("~cmd_vel_topic", "/turtle1/cmd_vel") position_topic = rospy.get_param("~pose_topic", "/turtle1/pose") self._action_name = rospy.get_param("~action_name", "/move_turtle") self.robot_speed = rospy.get_param("~robot_max_speed", 1.5) #m/s self.pull_point = rospy.get_param("~pull_distance", 0.3) # m = rospy.get_param("~controller_gain", 10.0) self.plot_enable = rospy.get_param("~plot_enable", False) self.no_points = rospy.get_param("~path_number_of_points", 100) hz = rospy.get_param("~rate", 200) self.position = [0.0, 0.0] self.orientation = 0.0 self.__sub = rospy.Subscriber(position_topic, Pose, self.__callback) = rospy.Publisher(vel_topic, Twist, queue_size=10) self.speed_msg = Twist() self.rate = rospy.Rate(hz) self._feedback = MoveBaseActionFeedback() self._result = MoveBaseActionResult() self._as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(self._action_name, MoveBaseAction, execute_cb=self.goTo, auto_start=False) self._as.start()
flag = True # 进行判断,如果在半米内有已经存的点,则不存 for it in points: if (it.x - people.x)**2 + (it.y - people.y)**2 < 0.25: flag = False break if flag: rospy.loginfo("ADD POS X:%f Y:%f" % (people.x, people.y)) points.append(people) wiw_pub.publish(people) # 更新move_base返回的机器所在的绝对坐标 def run2(data): global feedbackData feedbackData = data #rospy.loginfo("updata feedbackData") if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("nc_wiw_sive_point") wiw_pub = rospy.Publisher('Kinect/wiw_point_save', Point, queue_size=10) pointData = Point() feedbackData = MoveBaseActionFeedback() points = list() save_point_pub = rospy.Subscriber("/Kinect/wiw_point", Point, run1) move_base_feedback_pub = rospy.Subscriber("/move_base/feedback", MoveBaseActionFeedback, run2) rospy.spin()
sample = [] newcost = [] flagm = 0 flagg = 0 init = 0 prevpnt = 0 offsetcnt = 0 stuckpnt = [] firstgoal=0 checkpnt = 0 cost_update = OccupancyGridUpdate() costmap = OccupancyGrid() grid = OccupancyGrid() feedback = MoveBaseActionFeedback() result = MoveBaseActionResult() newPose = PoseStamped() q = Quaternion() pub = rospy.Publisher('/move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=30) def costupCb(data): global flagg, flagm global init global newcost flagg = 1 cost_update = data
def handle_picture_taking(self, subject): thingy = MoveBaseActionFeedback() = 2.0 = 2.0 = 1.0 self.pub_dummy.publish(thingy) rospy.loginfo('Seen something') rospy.loginfo(subject) ############################################################################# if 'door' in subject: #Door option: [open, closed] door BETWEEN [room] and [room] if 'open' in subject: open_status = 'true' else: open_status = 'false' if 'bedroom' in subject: thing_id = 'door_bedroom' room1 = 'bedroom' room2 = 'living_room' if 'bathroom' in subject: thing_id = 'door_bathroom' room1 = 'bathroom' room2 = 'kitchen' if 'hall' in subject: thing_id = 'door_hall' room1 = 'hall' room2 = 'kitchen' else: thing_id = 'door_entrance' room1 = 'hall' room2 = 'outside' line1 = self.linewriter('type', [thing_id, 'door']) line2 = self.linewriter('connects', [thing_id, room1, room2]) line3 = self.linewriter('isOpen', [thing_id, open_status]) to_write = [line1, line2, line3] ############################################################################# elif subject[ 0] in self.objects: #[object] in [room] (room) on [furniture] (furniture) if len(subject) < 5: self.pub_talk.publish("Invalid object please try again") thing_id = subject[0] #TODO add matching to IDs if thing_id == 'gum': thing_id = 'chewing gum' position_string = self.object_position() #TODO get actual position self.pub_pic.publish(subject[0] + '.jpg') item = thing_id if subject[3] == 'room': room = subject[2] + '_' + subject[3] subject.pop(3) else: room = subject[2] if len(subject) == 6: furniture = subject[4] + '_' + subject[5] elif len(subject) == 7: furniture = subject[4] + '_' + subject[5] + '_' + subject[6] else: furniture = subject[4] line1 = self.linewriter('type', [thing_id, item]) line2 = self.linewriter('in', [thing_id, room]) line3 = self.linewriter('on', [thing_id, furniture]) line4 = self.linewriter('position ', [thing_id, position_string]) line6 = self.linewriter('picture', [thing_id, thing_id + '.jpg']) to_write = [line1, line2, line3, line4, line6] ################################################################################### elif subject[ 0] in # [couch, bed, chair, lamp (furniture)] in [room] if subject[1] == 'in': thing_id = subject[0] else: thing_id = subject[0] + '_' + subject[1] subject.pop(1) if len(subject) == 4: room = subject[2] + '_' + subject[3] else: room = subject[2] if thing_id == 'armchair': thing_id = 'arm_chair' if thing_id == 'night' or thing_id == 'night_stand': thing_id = 'nightstand' line1 = self.linewriter('type', [thing_id, thing_id]) line2 = self.linewriter('in', [thing_id, room]) to_write = [line1, line2] else: self.pub_talk.publish("Invalid noun please try again") return f = open(self.outfolder + 'sementic_map.txt', 'a+') for line in to_write: f.write(line + '\n') rospy.loginfo(line) f.close()