Exemple #1
def test_freeze():
    clip = BitmapClip([["R"], ["G"], ["B"]], fps=1)  # 3 separate frames

    clip1 = freeze(clip, t=1, freeze_duration=1)
    target1 = BitmapClip([["R"], ["G"], ["G"], ["B"]], fps=1)
    assert clip1 == target1

    clip2 = freeze(clip, t="end", freeze_duration=1)
    target2 = BitmapClip([["R"], ["G"], ["B"], ["B"]], fps=1)
    assert clip2 == target2

    clip3 = freeze(clip, t=1, total_duration=4)
    target3 = BitmapClip([["R"], ["G"], ["G"], ["B"]], fps=1)
    assert clip3 == target3

    clip4 = freeze(clip, t="end", total_duration=4, padding_end=1)
    target4 = BitmapClip([["R"], ["G"], ["G"], ["B"]], fps=1)
    assert clip4 == target4
Exemple #2
def test_freeze(t, freeze_duration, total_duration, padding_end, output_frames):
    input_frames = ["R", "G", "B"]
    clip_duration = len(input_frames)

    # create BitmapClip with predefined set of colors, during 1 second each one
    clip = BitmapClip([list(color) for color in input_frames], fps=1).with_duration(

    # build kwargs passed to `freeze`
    possible_kwargs = {
        "t": t,
        "freeze_duration": freeze_duration,
        "total_duration": total_duration,
        "padding_end": padding_end,
    kwargs = {
        kw_name: kw_value
        for kw_name, kw_value in possible_kwargs.items()
        if kw_value is not None

    # freeze clip
    if hasattr(output_frames, "__traceback__"):
        with pytest.raises(output_frames):
            freeze(clip, **kwargs)
        freezed_clip = freeze(clip, **kwargs)

    # assert new duration
    expected_freeze_duration = (
        if freeze_duration is not None
        else total_duration - clip_duration
    assert freezed_clip.duration == clip_duration + expected_freeze_duration

    # assert colors are the expected
    for i, color in enumerate(freezed_clip.iter_frames()):
        expected_color = list(BitmapClip.DEFAULT_COLOR_DICT[output_frames[i]])
        assert list(color[0][0]) == expected_color