Exemple #1
 def test_update_file(self):
     """Test that mozinfo.update can load a JSON file."""
     j = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "mozinfo.json")
     with open(j, "w") as f:
         f.write(json.dumps({"foo": "xyz"}))
     self.assertEqual(mozinfo.info["foo"], "xyz")
    def validate(self, parser, options, context):
        """Validate android options."""

        if build_obj:
            options.log_mach = '-'

        if options.remoteWebServer is None:
            if os.name != "nt":
                options.remoteWebServer = moznetwork.get_ip()
                    "you must specify a --remote-webserver=<ip address>")

        options.webServer = options.remoteWebServer

        if options.app is None:
            if build_obj:
                options.app = build_obj.substs['ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME']
                parser.error("You must specify either appPath or app")

        if build_obj and 'MOZ_HOST_BIN' in os.environ:
            options.xrePath = os.environ['MOZ_HOST_BIN']

        # Only reset the xrePath if it wasn't provided
        if options.xrePath is None:
            options.xrePath = options.utilityPath

        if build_obj:
            options.topsrcdir = build_obj.topsrcdir

        if options.pidFile != "":
            f = open(options.pidFile, 'w')
            f.write("%s" % os.getpid())

        if not options.robocopApk and build_obj:
            apk = build_obj.substs.get('GRADLE_ANDROID_APP_ANDROIDTEST_APK')
            if apk and os.path.exists(apk):
                options.robocopApk = apk

        if options.robocopApk != "":
            if not os.path.exists(options.robocopApk):
                parser.error("Unable to find robocop APK '%s'" %
            options.robocopApk = os.path.abspath(options.robocopApk)

        # Disable e10s by default on Android because we don't run Android
        # e10s jobs anywhere yet.
        options.e10s = False
        mozinfo.update({'e10s': options.e10s})

        # allow us to keep original application around for cleanup while
        # running robocop via 'am'
        options.remoteappname = options.app
        return options
Exemple #3
    def find_tests_for_verification(self, action, success=None):
           For each file modified on this push, determine if the modified file
           is a test, by searching test manifests. Populate self.verify_suites
           with test files, organized by suite.

           This depends on test manifests, so can only run after test zips have
           been downloaded and extracted.

        if self.config.get('verify') != True:

        repository = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY")
        revision = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REV")
        if not repository or not revision:
            self.warning("unable to verify tests: no repo or revision!")
            return []

        def get_automationrelevance():
            response = self.load_json_url(url)
            return response

        dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
        e10s = self.config.get('e10s', False)
        mozinfo.update({"e10s": e10s})
        headless = self.config.get('headless', False)
        mozinfo.update({"headless": headless})
        # FIXME(emilio): Need to update test expectations.
        mozinfo.update({'stylo': True})
        mozinfo.update({'verify': True})
        self.info("Verification using mozinfo: %s" % str(mozinfo.info))

        # determine which files were changed on this push
        url = '%s/json-automationrelevance/%s' % (repository.rstrip('/'),
        contents = self.retry(get_automationrelevance,
        changed_files = set()
        for c in contents['changesets']:
            self.info(" {cset} {desc}".format(
                desc=c['desc'].splitlines()[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore')))
            changed_files |= set(c['files'])

        if self.config.get('verify_category') == "web-platform":
            self._find_wpt_tests(dirs, changed_files)
            self._find_misc_tests(dirs, changed_files)

        self.verify_downloaded = True
Exemple #4
    def run_desktop_test(self, suite=None, test_file=None, debugger=None,
        debugger_args=None, shuffle=False, keep_open=False, rerun_failures=False,
        no_autorun=False, repeat=0, run_until_failure=False, slow=False,
        chunk_by_dir=0, total_chunks=None, this_chunk=None, jsdebugger=False,
        debug_on_failure=False, start_at=None, end_at=None, e10s=False,
        dmd=False, dump_output_directory=None, dump_about_memory_after_test=False,
        """Runs a mochitest.

        test_file is a path to a test file. It can be a relative path from the
        top source directory, an absolute filename, or a directory containing
        test files.

        suite is the type of mochitest to run. It can be one of ('plain',
        'chrome', 'browser', 'metro', 'a11y').

        debugger is a program name or path to a binary (presumably a debugger)
        to run the test in. e.g. 'gdb'

        debugger_args are the arguments passed to the debugger.

        shuffle is whether test order should be shuffled (defaults to false).

        keep_open denotes whether to keep the browser open after tests
        if rerun_failures and test_file:
            print('Cannot specify both --rerun-failures and a test path.')
            return 1

        # Need to call relpath before os.chdir() below.
        test_path = ''
        if test_file:
            test_path = self._wrap_path_argument(test_file).relpath()

        failure_file_path = os.path.join(self.statedir, 'mochitest_failures.json')

        if rerun_failures and not os.path.exists(failure_file_path):
            print('No failure file present. Did you run mochitests before?')
            return 1

        from StringIO import StringIO

        # runtests.py is ambiguous, so we load the file/module manually.
        if 'mochitest' not in sys.modules:
            import imp
            path = os.path.join(self.mochitest_dir, 'runtests.py')
            with open(path, 'r') as fh:
                imp.load_module('mochitest', fh, path,
                    ('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))

        import mozinfo
        import mochitest

        # This is required to make other components happy. Sad, isn't it?

        # Automation installs its own stream handler to stdout. Since we want
        # all logging to go through us, we just remove their handler.
        remove_handlers = [l for l in logging.getLogger().handlers
            if isinstance(l, logging.StreamHandler)]
        for handler in remove_handlers:

        runner = mochitest.Mochitest()

        opts = mochitest.MochitestOptions()
        options, args = opts.parse_args([])

        # Need to set the suite options before verifyOptions below.
        if suite == 'plain':
            # Don't need additional options for plain.
        elif suite == 'chrome':
            options.chrome = True
        elif suite == 'browser':
            options.browserChrome = True
        elif suite == 'metro':
            options.immersiveMode = True
            options.browserChrome = True
        elif suite == 'a11y':
            options.a11y = True
        elif suite == 'webapprt-content':
            options.webapprtContent = True
            options.app = self.get_webapp_runtime_path()
        elif suite == 'webapprt-chrome':
            options.webapprtChrome = True
            options.app = self.get_webapp_runtime_path()
            raise Exception('None or unrecognized mochitest suite type.')

        if dmd:
            options.dmdPath = self.lib_dir

        options.autorun = not no_autorun
        options.closeWhenDone = not keep_open
        options.shuffle = shuffle
        options.consoleLevel = 'INFO'
        options.repeat = repeat
        options.runUntilFailure = run_until_failure
        options.runSlower = slow
        options.testingModulesDir = os.path.join(self.tests_dir, 'modules')
        options.extraProfileFiles.append(os.path.join(self.distdir, 'plugins'))
        options.symbolsPath = os.path.join(self.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols')
        options.chunkByDir = chunk_by_dir
        options.totalChunks = total_chunks
        options.thisChunk = this_chunk
        options.jsdebugger = jsdebugger
        options.debugOnFailure = debug_on_failure
        options.startAt = start_at
        options.endAt = end_at
        options.e10s = e10s
        options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest = dump_about_memory_after_test
        options.dumpDMDAfterTest = dump_dmd_after_test
        options.dumpOutputDirectory = dump_output_directory
        mozinfo.update({"e10s": e10s}) # for test manifest parsing.

        options.failureFile = failure_file_path

        if test_path:
            test_root = runner.getTestRoot(options)
            test_root_file = mozpack.path.join(self.mochitest_dir, test_root, test_path)
            if not os.path.exists(test_root_file):
                print('Specified test path does not exist: %s' % test_root_file)
                print('You may need to run |mach build| to build the test files.')
                return 1

            # Handle test_path pointing at a manifest file so conditions in
            # the manifest are processed.  This is a temporary solution
            # pending bug 938019.
            # The manifest basename is the same as |suite|, except for plain
            manifest_base = 'mochitest' if suite == 'plain' else suite
            if os.path.basename(test_root_file) == manifest_base + '.ini':
                options.manifestFile = test_root_file
                options.testPath = test_path

        if rerun_failures:
            options.testManifest = failure_file_path

        if debugger:
            options.debugger = debugger

        if debugger_args:
            if options.debugger == None:
                print("--debugger-args passed, but no debugger specified.")
                return 1
            options.debuggerArgs = debugger_args

        options = opts.verifyOptions(options, runner)

        if options is None:
            raise Exception('mochitest option validator failed.')

        # We need this to enable colorization of output.

        # Output processing is a little funky here. The old make targets
        # grepped the log output from TEST-UNEXPECTED-* and printed these lines
        # after test execution. Ideally the test runner would expose a Python
        # API for obtaining test results and we could just format failures
        # appropriately. Unfortunately, it doesn't yet do that. So, we capture
        # all output to a buffer then "grep" the buffer after test execution.
        # Bug 858197 tracks a Python API that would facilitate this.
        test_output = StringIO()
        handler = logging.StreamHandler(test_output)
        handler.setFormatter(StructuredHumanFormatter(0, write_times=False))

        result = runner.runTests(options)

        # Need to remove our buffering handler before we echo failures or else
        # it will catch them again!

        if test_output.getvalue():
            result = 1
            for line in test_output.getvalue().splitlines():
                self.log(logging.INFO, 'unexpected', {'msg': line}, '{msg}')

        return result
    def validate(self, parser, options, context):
        """Validate android options."""

        if build_obj:
            options.log_mach = '-'

        device_args = {'deviceRoot': options.remoteTestRoot}
        device_args['adbPath'] = options.adbPath
        if options.deviceIP:
            device_args['host'] = options.deviceIP
            device_args['port'] = options.devicePort
        elif options.deviceSerial:
            device_args['deviceSerial'] = options.deviceSerial

        if options.log_tbpl_level == 'debug' or options.log_mach_level == 'debug':
            device_args['logLevel'] = logging.DEBUG
        options.dm = DroidADB(**device_args)

        if not options.remoteTestRoot:
            options.remoteTestRoot = options.dm.deviceRoot

        if options.remoteWebServer is None:
            if os.name != "nt":
                options.remoteWebServer = moznetwork.get_ip()
                    "you must specify a --remote-webserver=<ip address>")

        options.webServer = options.remoteWebServer

        if options.remoteLogFile is None:
            options.remoteLogFile = options.remoteTestRoot + \

        if options.remoteLogFile.count('/') < 1:
            options.remoteLogFile = options.remoteTestRoot + \
                '/' + options.remoteLogFile

        if options.remoteAppPath and options.app:
                "You cannot specify both the remoteAppPath and the app setting")
        elif options.remoteAppPath:
            options.app = options.remoteTestRoot + "/" + options.remoteAppPath
        elif options.app is None:
            if build_obj:
                options.app = build_obj.substs['ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME']
                # Neither remoteAppPath nor app are set -- error
                parser.error("You must specify either appPath or app")

        if build_obj and 'MOZ_HOST_BIN' in os.environ:
            options.xrePath = os.environ['MOZ_HOST_BIN']

        # Only reset the xrePath if it wasn't provided
        if options.xrePath is None:
            options.xrePath = options.utilityPath

        if build_obj:
            options.topsrcdir = build_obj.topsrcdir

        if options.pidFile != "":
            f = open(options.pidFile, 'w')
            f.write("%s" % os.getpid())

        # Robocop specific options
        if options.robocopIni != "":
            if not os.path.exists(options.robocopIni):
                    "Unable to find specified robocop .ini manifest '%s'" %
            options.robocopIni = os.path.abspath(options.robocopIni)

            if not options.robocopApk and build_obj:
                if build_obj.substs.get('MOZ_BUILD_MOBILE_ANDROID_WITH_GRADLE'):
                    options.robocopApk = os.path.join(build_obj.topobjdir, 'gradle', 'build',
                                                      'mobile', 'android', 'app', 'outputs', 'apk',
                    options.robocopApk = os.path.join(build_obj.topobjdir, 'mobile', 'android',
                                                      'tests', 'browser',
                                                      'robocop', 'robocop-debug.apk')

        if options.robocopApk != "":
            if not os.path.exists(options.robocopApk):
                    "Unable to find robocop APK '%s'" %
            options.robocopApk = os.path.abspath(options.robocopApk)

        # Disable e10s by default on Android because we don't run Android
        # e10s jobs anywhere yet.
        options.e10s = False
        mozinfo.update({'e10s': options.e10s})

        # allow us to keep original application around for cleanup while
        # running robocop via 'am'
        options.remoteappname = options.app
        return options
    def find_modified_tests(self):
           For each file modified on this push, determine if the modified file
           is a test, by searching test manifests. Populate self.suites
           with test files, organized by suite.

           This depends on test manifests, so can only run after test zips have
           been downloaded and extracted.
        repository = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY")
        revision = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REV")
        if not repository or not revision:
                "unable to run tests in per-test mode: no repo or revision!")
            return []

        def get_automationrelevance():
            response = self.load_json_url(url)
            return response

        dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
        e10s = self.config.get('e10s', False)
        mozinfo.update({"e10s": e10s})
        headless = self.config.get('headless', False)
        mozinfo.update({"headless": headless})
        if mozinfo.info['buildapp'] == 'mobile/android':
            # extra android mozinfo normally comes from device queries, but this
            # code may run before the device is ready, so rely on configuration
                {'android_version': self.config.get('android_version', 18)})
            mozinfo.update({'is_fennec': self.config.get('is_fennec', True)})
                {'is_emulator': self.config.get('is_emulator', True)})
        mozinfo.update({'verify': True})
        self.info("Per-test run using mozinfo: %s" % str(mozinfo.info))

        changed_files = set()
        if os.environ.get('MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS', None) is not None:
            suite_to_paths = json.loads(os.environ['MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS'])
            specified_files = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
                "Per-test run found explicit request in MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS:"
            # determine which files were changed on this push
            url = '%s/json-automationrelevance/%s' % (repository.rstrip('/'),
            contents = self.retry(get_automationrelevance,
            for c in contents['changesets']:
                self.info(" {cset} {desc}".format(
                    desc=c['desc'].splitlines()[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore')))
                changed_files |= set(c['files'])

        if self.config.get('per_test_category') == "web-platform":
            self._find_wpt_tests(dirs, changed_files)
        elif self.config.get('gpu_required', False) is not False:
            self._find_misc_tests(dirs, changed_files, gpu=True)
            self._find_misc_tests(dirs, changed_files)

        # per test mode run specific tests from any given test suite
        # _find_*_tests organizes tests to run into suites so we can
        # run each suite at a time

        # chunk files
        total_tests = sum([len(self.suites[x]) for x in self.suites])

        files_per_chunk = total_tests / float(
            self.config.get('total_chunks', 1))
        files_per_chunk = int(math.ceil(files_per_chunk))

        chunk_number = int(self.config.get('this_chunk', 1))
        suites = {}
        start = (chunk_number - 1) * files_per_chunk
        end = (chunk_number * files_per_chunk)
        current = -1
        for suite in self.suites:
            for test in self.suites[suite]:
                current += 1
                if current >= start and current < end:
                    if suite not in suites:
                        suites[suite] = []
            if current >= end:

        self.suites = suites
        self.tests_downloaded = True
Exemple #7
 def test_update(self):
     """Test that mozinfo.update works."""
     mozinfo.update({"foo": 123})
     self.assertEqual(mozinfo.info["foo"], 123)
    def validate(self, parser, options, context):
        """Validate generic options."""

        # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"nested_oop": options.nested_oop})

        # and android doesn't use 'app' the same way, so skip validation
        if parser.app != 'android':
            if options.app is None:
                if build_obj:
                    options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                        "could not find the application path, --appname must be specified")
            elif options.app == "dist" and build_obj:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path(where='staged-package')

            options.app = self.get_full_path(options.app, parser.oldcwd)
            if not os.path.exists(options.app):
                parser.error("Error: Path {} doesn't exist. Are you executing "

        if options.flavor is None:
            options.flavor = 'plain'

        if options.gmp_path is None and options.app and build_obj:
            # Need to fix the location of gmp_fake which might not be shipped in the binary
            gmp_modules = (
                ('gmp-fake', '1.0'),
                ('gmp-clearkey', '0.1'),
                ('gmp-fakeopenh264', '1.0')
            options.gmp_path = os.pathsep.join(
                os.path.join(build_obj.bindir, *p) for p in gmp_modules)

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
                "thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.extra_mozinfo_json:
            if not os.path.isfile(options.extra_mozinfo_json):
                parser.error("Error: couldn't find mozinfo.json at '%s'."
                             % options.extra_mozinfo_json)

            options.extra_mozinfo_json = json.load(open(options.extra_mozinfo_json))

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                parser.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.chunkByDir and options.chunkByRuntime:
                "can only use one of --chunk-by-dir or --chunk-by-runtime")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != parser.get_default('app'):
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
                if mozinfo.isMac:
                    options.xrePath = os.path.join(
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                    "could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified")

        # allow relative paths
        if options.xrePath:
            options.xrePath = self.get_full_path(options.xrePath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.profilePath:
            options.profilePath = self.get_full_path(options.profilePath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = self.get_full_path(options.utilityPath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = self.get_full_path(options.certPath, parser.oldcwd)
        elif build_obj:
            options.certPath = os.path.join(build_obj.topsrcdir, 'build', 'pgo', 'certs')

        if options.symbolsPath and len(urlparse(options.symbolsPath).scheme) < 2:
            options.symbolsPath = self.get_full_path(options.symbolsPath, parser.oldcwd)
        elif not options.symbolsPath and build_obj:
            options.symbolsPath = os.path.join(build_obj.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols')

        if options.jsdebugger:
            options.extraPrefs += [

        if options.debugOnFailure and not options.jsdebugger:
                "--debug-on-failure requires --jsdebugger.")

        if options.debuggerArgs and not options.debugger:
                "--debugger-args requires --debugger.")

        if options.valgrind or options.debugger:
            # valgrind and some debuggers may cause Gecko to start slowly. Make sure
            # marionette waits long enough to connect.
            options.marionette_startup_timeout = 900
            options.marionette_socket_timeout = 540

        if options.store_chrome_manifest:
            options.store_chrome_manifest = os.path.abspath(options.store_chrome_manifest)
            if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(options.store_chrome_manifest)):
                    "directory for %s does not exist as a destination to copy a "
                    "chrome manifest." % options.store_chrome_manifest)

        if options.jscov_dir_prefix:
            options.jscov_dir_prefix = os.path.abspath(options.jscov_dir_prefix)
            if not os.path.isdir(options.jscov_dir_prefix):
                    "directory %s does not exist as a destination for coverage "
                    "data." % options.jscov_dir_prefix)

        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
            possible = [os.path.join(here, os.path.pardir, 'modules')]
            if build_obj:
                possible.insert(0, os.path.join(build_obj.topobjdir, '_tests', 'modules'))

            for p in possible:
                if os.path.isdir(p):
                    options.testingModulesDir = p

        if build_obj:
            plugins_dir = os.path.join(build_obj.distdir, 'plugins')
            if os.path.isdir(plugins_dir) and plugins_dir not in options.extraProfileFiles:

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                parser.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace(
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                parser.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            options.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(options.immersiveHelperPath):
                parser.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        if options.dumpOutputDirectory is None:
            options.dumpOutputDirectory = tempfile.gettempdir()

        if options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest or options.dumpDMDAfterTest:
            if not os.path.isdir(options.dumpOutputDirectory):
                parser.error('--dump-output-directory not a directory: %s' %

        if options.useTestMediaDevices:
            if not mozinfo.isLinux:
                    '--use-test-media-devices is only supported on Linux currently')

            gst01 = spawn.find_executable("gst-launch-0.1")
            gst10 = spawn.find_executable("gst-launch-1.0")
            pactl = spawn.find_executable("pactl")

            if not (gst01 or gst10):
                    'Missing gst-launch-{0.1,1.0}, required for '

            if not pactl:
                    'Missing binary pactl required for '

        if options.nested_oop:
            options.e10s = True

        options.leakThresholds = {
            "default": options.defaultLeakThreshold,
            "tab": options.defaultLeakThreshold,
            # GMP rarely gets a log, but when it does, it leaks a little.
            "geckomediaplugin": 20000,

        # See the dependencies of bug 1401764.
        if mozinfo.isWin:
            options.leakThresholds["tab"] = 1000

        # XXX We can't normalize test_paths in the non build_obj case here,
        # because testRoot depends on the flavor, which is determined by the
        # mach command and therefore not finalized yet. Conversely, test paths
        # need to be normalized here for the mach case.
        if options.test_paths and build_obj:
            # Normalize test paths so they are relative to test root
            options.test_paths = [build_obj._wrap_path_argument(p).relpath()
                                  for p in options.test_paths]

        return options
    def validate(self, parser, options, context):
        """Validate generic options."""

        # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"strictContentSandbox": options.strictContentSandbox})
        # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"nested_oop": options.nested_oop})

        # b2g and android don't use 'app' the same way, so skip validation
        if parser.app not in ('b2g', 'android'):
            if options.app is None:
                if build_obj:
                    options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                        "could not find the application path, --appname must be specified")
            elif options.app == "dist" and build_obj:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path(where='staged-package')

            options.app = self.get_full_path(options.app, parser.oldcwd)
            if not os.path.exists(options.app):
                parser.error("Error: Path {} doesn't exist. Are you executing "

        if options.gmp_path is None and options.app and build_obj:
            # Need to fix the location of gmp_fake which might not be shipped in the binary
            gmp_modules = (
                ('gmp-fake', '1.0'),
                ('gmp-clearkey', '0.1'),
                ('gmp-fakeopenh264', '1.0')
            options.gmp_path = os.pathsep.join(
                os.path.join(build_obj.bindir, *p) for p in gmp_modules)

        if options.ipcplugins:

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
                "thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                parser.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.chunkByDir and options.chunkByRuntime:
                "can only use one of --chunk-by-dir or --chunk-by-runtime")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != parser.get_default('app'):
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
                if mozinfo.isMac:
                    options.xrePath = os.path.join(
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                    "could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified")

        # allow relative paths
        if options.xrePath:
            options.xrePath = self.get_full_path(options.xrePath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.profilePath:
            options.profilePath = self.get_full_path(options.profilePath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.dmdPath:
            options.dmdPath = self.get_full_path(options.dmdPath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.dmd and not options.dmdPath:
            if build_obj:
                options.dmdPath = build_obj.bin_dir
                    "could not find dmd libraries, specify them with --dmd-path")

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = self.get_full_path(options.utilityPath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = self.get_full_path(options.certPath, parser.oldcwd)
        elif build_obj:
            options.certPath = os.path.join(build_obj.topsrcdir, 'build', 'pgo', 'certs')

        if options.symbolsPath and len(urlparse(options.symbolsPath).scheme) < 2:
            options.symbolsPath = self.get_full_path(options.symbolsPath, parser.oldcwd)
        elif not options.symbolsPath and build_obj:
            options.symbolsPath = os.path.join(build_obj.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols')

        if options.vmwareRecording:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                    "use-vmware-recording is only supported on Windows.")
            options.vmwareHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME + ".dll")
            if not os.path.exists(options.vmwareHelperPath):
                parser.error("%s not found, cannot automate VMware recording." %

        if options.webapprtContent and options.webapprtChrome:
                "Only one of --webapprt-content and --webapprt-chrome may be given.")

        if options.jsdebugger:
            options.extraPrefs += [
            options.autorun = False

        if options.debugOnFailure and not options.jsdebugger:
                "--debug-on-failure requires --jsdebugger.")

        if options.debuggerArgs and not options.debugger:
                "--debugger-args requires --debugger.")

        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            if build_obj:
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.join(
                    build_obj.topobjdir, '_tests', 'modules')
                # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
                # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
                # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
                # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system
                # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever
                # passes this argument, this code can be deleted.
                possible = os.path.join(here, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

                if os.path.isdir(possible):
                    options.testingModulesDir = possible

        if build_obj:
            plugins_dir = os.path.join(build_obj.distdir, 'plugins')
            if plugins_dir not in options.extraProfileFiles:

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                parser.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace(
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                parser.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            options.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(options.immersiveHelperPath):
                parser.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        if options.dumpOutputDirectory is None:
            options.dumpOutputDirectory = tempfile.gettempdir()

        if options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest or options.dumpDMDAfterTest:
            if not os.path.isdir(options.dumpOutputDirectory):
                parser.error('--dump-output-directory not a directory: %s' %

        if options.useTestMediaDevices:
            if not mozinfo.isLinux:
                    '--use-test-media-devices is only supported on Linux currently')
            for f in ['/usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10', '/usr/bin/pactl']:
                if not os.path.isfile(f):
                        'Missing binary %s required for '
                        '--use-test-media-devices' % f)

        if options.nested_oop:
            if not options.e10s:
                options.e10s = True
        mozinfo.update({"e10s": options.e10s})  # for test manifest parsing.

        options.leakThresholds = {
            "default": options.defaultLeakThreshold,
            "tab": 10000,  # See dependencies of bug 1051230.
            # GMP rarely gets a log, but when it does, it leaks a little.
            "geckomediaplugin": 20000,

        # Bug 1091917 - We exit early in tab processes on Windows, so we don't
        # get leak logs yet.
        if mozinfo.isWin:

        # XXX We can't normalize test_paths in the non build_obj case here,
        # because testRoot depends on the flavor, which is determined by the
        # mach command and therefore not finalized yet. Conversely, test paths
        # need to be normalized here for the mach case.
        if options.test_paths and build_obj:
            # Normalize test paths so they are relative to test root
            options.test_paths = [build_obj._wrap_path_argument(p).relpath()
                for p in options.test_paths]

        return options
    def validate(self, parser, options, context):
        """Validate generic options."""

        # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"strictContentSandbox": options.strictContentSandbox})
        # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"nested_oop": options.nested_oop})

        # and android doesn't use 'app' the same way, so skip validation
        if parser.app != 'android':
            if options.app is None:
                if build_obj:
                    options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                        "could not find the application path, --appname must be specified")
            elif options.app == "dist" and build_obj:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path(where='staged-package')

            options.app = self.get_full_path(options.app, parser.oldcwd)
            if not os.path.exists(options.app):
                parser.error("Error: Path {} doesn't exist. Are you executing "

        if options.flavor is None:
            options.flavor = 'plain'

        if options.gmp_path is None and options.app and build_obj:
            # Need to fix the location of gmp_fake which might not be shipped in the binary
            gmp_modules = (
                ('gmp-fake', '1.0'),
                ('gmp-clearkey', '0.1'),
                ('gmp-fakeopenh264', '1.0')
            options.gmp_path = os.pathsep.join(
                os.path.join(build_obj.bindir, *p) for p in gmp_modules)

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
                "thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.extra_mozinfo_json:
            if not os.path.isfile(options.extra_mozinfo_json):
                parser.error("Error: couldn't find mozinfo.json at '%s'."
                             % options.extra_mozinfo_json)

            options.extra_mozinfo_json = json.load(open(options.extra_mozinfo_json))

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                parser.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.chunkByDir and options.chunkByRuntime:
                "can only use one of --chunk-by-dir or --chunk-by-runtime")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != parser.get_default('app'):
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
                if mozinfo.isMac:
                    options.xrePath = os.path.join(
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                    "could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified")

        # allow relative paths
        if options.xrePath:
            options.xrePath = self.get_full_path(options.xrePath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.profilePath:
            options.profilePath = self.get_full_path(options.profilePath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.dmdPath:
            options.dmdPath = self.get_full_path(options.dmdPath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.dmd and not options.dmdPath:
            if build_obj:
                options.dmdPath = build_obj.bindir
                    "could not find dmd libraries, specify them with --dmd-path")

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = self.get_full_path(options.utilityPath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = self.get_full_path(options.certPath, parser.oldcwd)
        elif build_obj:
            options.certPath = os.path.join(build_obj.topsrcdir, 'build', 'pgo', 'certs')

        if options.symbolsPath and len(urlparse(options.symbolsPath).scheme) < 2:
            options.symbolsPath = self.get_full_path(options.symbolsPath, parser.oldcwd)
        elif not options.symbolsPath and build_obj:
            options.symbolsPath = os.path.join(build_obj.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols')

        if options.jsdebugger:
            options.extraPrefs += [
            options.autorun = False

        if options.debugOnFailure and not options.jsdebugger:
                "--debug-on-failure requires --jsdebugger.")

        if options.debuggerArgs and not options.debugger:
                "--debugger-args requires --debugger.")

        if options.valgrind or options.debugger:
            # valgrind and some debuggers may cause Gecko to start slowly. Make sure
            # marionette waits long enough to connect.
            options.marionette_port_timeout = 900
            options.marionette_socket_timeout = 540

        if options.store_chrome_manifest:
            options.store_chrome_manifest = os.path.abspath(options.store_chrome_manifest)
            if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(options.store_chrome_manifest)):
                    "directory for %s does not exist as a destination to copy a "
                    "chrome manifest." % options.store_chrome_manifest)

        if options.jscov_dir_prefix:
            options.jscov_dir_prefix = os.path.abspath(options.jscov_dir_prefix)
            if not os.path.isdir(options.jscov_dir_prefix):
                    "directory %s does not exist as a destination for coverage "
                    "data." % options.jscov_dir_prefix)

        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            if build_obj:
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.join(
                    build_obj.topobjdir, '_tests', 'modules')
                # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
                # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
                # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
                # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system
                # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever
                # passes this argument, this code can be deleted.
                possible = os.path.join(here, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

                if os.path.isdir(possible):
                    options.testingModulesDir = possible

        if build_obj:
            plugins_dir = os.path.join(build_obj.distdir, 'plugins')
            if plugins_dir not in options.extraProfileFiles:

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                parser.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace(
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                parser.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            options.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(options.immersiveHelperPath):
                parser.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        if options.dumpOutputDirectory is None:
            options.dumpOutputDirectory = tempfile.gettempdir()

        if options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest or options.dumpDMDAfterTest:
            if not os.path.isdir(options.dumpOutputDirectory):
                parser.error('--dump-output-directory not a directory: %s' %

        if options.useTestMediaDevices:
            if not mozinfo.isLinux:
                    '--use-test-media-devices is only supported on Linux currently')
            for f in ['/usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10', '/usr/bin/pactl']:
                if not os.path.isfile(f):
                        'Missing binary %s required for '
                        '--use-test-media-devices' % f)

        if options.nested_oop:
            options.e10s = True

        options.leakThresholds = {
            "default": options.defaultLeakThreshold,
            "tab": 10000,  # See dependencies of bug 1051230.
            # GMP rarely gets a log, but when it does, it leaks a little.
            "geckomediaplugin": 20000,

        # XXX We can't normalize test_paths in the non build_obj case here,
        # because testRoot depends on the flavor, which is determined by the
        # mach command and therefore not finalized yet. Conversely, test paths
        # need to be normalized here for the mach case.
        if options.test_paths and build_obj:
            # Normalize test paths so they are relative to test root
            options.test_paths = [build_obj._wrap_path_argument(p).relpath()
                                  for p in options.test_paths]

        return options
  def runTests(self, xpcshell, xrePath=None, appPath=None, symbolsPath=None,
               manifest=None, testdirs=[], testPath=None,
               interactive=False, verbose=False, keepGoing=False, logfiles=True,
               thisChunk=1, totalChunks=1, debugger=None,
               debuggerArgs=None, debuggerInteractive=False,
               profileName=None, mozInfo=None, **otherOptions):
    """Run xpcshell tests.

    |xpcshell|, is the xpcshell executable to use to run the tests.
    |xrePath|, if provided, is the path to the XRE to use.
    |appPath|, if provided, is the path to an application directory.
    |symbolsPath|, if provided is the path to a directory containing
      breakpad symbols for processing crashes in tests.
    |manifest|, if provided, is a file containing a list of
      test directories to run.
    |testdirs|, if provided, is a list of absolute paths of test directories.
      No-manifest only option.
    |testPath|, if provided, indicates a single path and/or test to run.
    |interactive|, if set to True, indicates to provide an xpcshell prompt
      instead of automatically executing the test.
    |verbose|, if set to True, will cause stdout/stderr from tests to
      be printed always
    |logfiles|, if set to False, indicates not to save output to log files.
      Non-interactive only option.
    |debuggerInfo|, if set, specifies the debugger and debugger arguments
      that will be used to launch xpcshell.
    |profileName|, if set, specifies the name of the application for the profile
      directory if running only a subset of tests.
    |mozInfo|, if set, specifies specifies build configuration information, either as a filename containing JSON, or a dict.
    |otherOptions| may be present for the convenience of subclasses

    global gotSIGINT 

    self.xpcshell = xpcshell
    self.xrePath = xrePath
    self.appPath = appPath
    self.symbolsPath = symbolsPath
    self.manifest = manifest
    self.testdirs = testdirs
    self.testPath = testPath
    self.interactive = interactive
    self.verbose = verbose
    self.keepGoing = keepGoing
    self.logfiles = logfiles
    self.totalChunks = totalChunks
    self.thisChunk = thisChunk
    self.debuggerInfo = getDebuggerInfo(self.oldcwd, debugger, debuggerArgs, debuggerInteractive)
    self.profileName = profileName or "xpcshell"
    self.mozInfo = mozInfo

    # If we have an interactive debugger, disable ctrl-c.
    if self.debuggerInfo and self.debuggerInfo["interactive"]:
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: None)

    if not testdirs and not manifest:
      # nothing to test!
      self.log.error("Error: No test dirs or test manifest specified!")
      return False

    self.testCount = 0
    self.passCount = 0
    self.failCount = 0
    self.todoCount = 0


    # Handle filenames in mozInfo
    if not isinstance(self.mozInfo, dict):
      mozInfoFile = self.mozInfo
      if not os.path.isfile(mozInfoFile):
        self.log.error("Error: couldn't find mozinfo.json at '%s'. Perhaps you need to use --build-info-json?" % mozInfoFile)
        return False
      self.mozInfo = parse_json(open(mozInfoFile).read())
    pStdout, pStderr = self.getPipes()


    for test in self.alltests:
      name = test['path']
      if self.singleFile and not name.endswith(self.singleFile):

      if self.testPath and name.find(self.testPath) == -1:

      self.testCount += 1

      # Check for skipped tests
      if 'disabled' in test:
        self.log.info("TEST-INFO | skipping %s | %s" %
                      (name, test['disabled']))
      # Check for known-fail tests
      expected = test['expected'] == 'pass'

      testdir = os.path.dirname(name)
      testHeadFiles = self.getHeadFiles(test)
      testTailFiles = self.getTailFiles(test)
      cmdH = self.buildCmdHead(testHeadFiles, testTailFiles, self.xpcsCmd)

      # create a temp dir that the JS harness can stick a profile in
      self.profileDir = self.setupProfileDir()
      self.leakLogFile = self.setupLeakLogging()

      # The test file will have to be loaded after the head files.
      cmdT = self.buildCmdTestFile(name)

      args = self.xpcsRunArgs
      if 'debug' in test:
          args.insert(0, '-d')

        self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | running test ..." % name)
        startTime = time.time()

        proc = self.launchProcess(cmdH + cmdT + args,
                    stdout=pStdout, stderr=pStderr, env=self.env, cwd=testdir)

        # Allow user to kill hung subprocess with SIGINT w/o killing this script
        # - don't move this line above launchProcess, or child will inherit the SIG_IGN
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, markGotSIGINT)
        # |stderr == None| as |pStderr| was either |None| or redirected to |stdout|.
        stdout, stderr = self.communicate(proc)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)

        if interactive:
          # Not sure what else to do here...
          return True

        def print_stdout(stdout):
          """Print stdout line-by-line to avoid overflowing buffers."""
          if (stdout):
            for line in stdout.splitlines():

        result = not ((self.getReturnCode(proc) != 0) or
                      (stdout and re.search("^((parent|child): )?TEST-UNEXPECTED-",
                                            stdout, re.MULTILINE)) or
                      (stdout and re.search(": SyntaxError:", stdout,

        if result != expected:
          self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-%s | %s | test failed (with xpcshell return code: %d), see following log:" % ("FAIL" if expected else "PASS", name, self.getReturnCode(proc)))
          self.failCount += 1
          timeTaken = (time.time() - startTime) * 1000
          self.log.info("TEST-%s | %s | test passed (time: %.3fms)" % ("PASS" if expected else "KNOWN-FAIL", name, timeTaken))
          if verbose:
          if expected:
            self.passCount += 1
            self.todoCount += 1

        checkForCrashes(testdir, self.symbolsPath, testName=name)
        # Find child process(es) leak log(s), if any: See InitLog() in
        # xpcom/base/nsTraceRefcntImpl.cpp for logfile naming logic
        leakLogs = [self.leakLogFile]
        for childLog in glob(os.path.join(self.profileDir, "runxpcshelltests_leaks_*_pid*.log")):
          if os.path.isfile(childLog):
            leakLogs += [childLog]
        for log in leakLogs:
          dumpLeakLog(log, True)

        if self.logfiles and stdout:
          self.createLogFile(name, stdout, leakLogs)
        # We don't want to delete the profile when running check-interactive
        # or check-one.
        if self.profileDir and not self.interactive and not self.singleFile:
      if gotSIGINT:
        self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Received SIGINT (control-C) during test execution")
        if (keepGoing):
          gotSIGINT = False
    if self.testCount == 0:
      self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | runxpcshelltests.py | No tests run. Did you pass an invalid --test-path?")
      self.failCount = 1

    self.log.info("""INFO | Result summary:
INFO | Passed: %d
INFO | Failed: %d
INFO | Todo: %d""" % (self.passCount, self.failCount, self.todoCount))

    if gotSIGINT and not keepGoing:
      self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Received SIGINT (control-C), so stopped run. " \
                     "(Use --keep-going to keep running tests after killing one with SIGINT)")
      return False
    return self.failCount == 0
    def validate(self, parser, options, context):
        """Validate android options."""

        if build_obj:
            options.log_mach = '-'

        if options.dm_trans == "adb":
            if options.deviceIP:
                options.dm = DroidADB(
            elif options.deviceSerial:
                options.dm = DroidADB(
                options.dm = DroidADB(deviceRoot=options.remoteTestRoot)
        elif options.dm_trans == 'sut':
            if options.deviceIP is None:
                    "If --dm_trans = sut, you must provide a device IP")

            options.dm = DroidSUT(

        if not options.remoteTestRoot:
            options.remoteTestRoot = options.dm.deviceRoot

        if options.remoteWebServer is None:
            if os.name != "nt":
                options.remoteWebServer = moznetwork.get_ip()
                    "you must specify a --remote-webserver=<ip address>")

        options.webServer = options.remoteWebServer

        if options.remoteLogFile is None:
            options.remoteLogFile = options.remoteTestRoot + \

        if options.remoteLogFile.count('/') < 1:
            options.remoteLogFile = options.remoteTestRoot + \
                '/' + options.remoteLogFile

        if options.remoteAppPath and options.app:
                "You cannot specify both the remoteAppPath and the app setting")
        elif options.remoteAppPath:
            options.app = options.remoteTestRoot + "/" + options.remoteAppPath
        elif options.app is None:
            if build_obj:
                options.app = build_obj.substs['ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME']
                # Neither remoteAppPath nor app are set -- error
                parser.error("You must specify either appPath or app")

        if build_obj and 'MOZ_HOST_BIN' in os.environ:
            options.xrePath = os.environ['MOZ_HOST_BIN']

        # Only reset the xrePath if it wasn't provided
        if options.xrePath is None:
            options.xrePath = options.utilityPath

        if options.pidFile != "":
            f = open(options.pidFile, 'w')
            f.write("%s" % os.getpid())

        # Robocop specific options
        if options.robocopIni != "":
            if not os.path.exists(options.robocopIni):
                    "Unable to find specified robocop .ini manifest '%s'" %
            options.robocopIni = os.path.abspath(options.robocopIni)

            if not options.robocopApk and build_obj:
                options.robocopApk = os.path.join(build_obj.topobjdir, 'mobile', 'android',
                                                  'tests', 'browser',
                                                  'robocop', 'robocop-debug.apk')

        if options.robocopApk != "":
            if not os.path.exists(options.robocopApk):
                    "Unable to find robocop APK '%s'" %
            options.robocopApk = os.path.abspath(options.robocopApk)

        # Disable e10s by default on Android because we don't run Android
        # e10s jobs anywhere yet.
        options.e10s = False
        mozinfo.update({'e10s': options.e10s})

        # allow us to keep original application around for cleanup while
        # running robocop via 'am'
        options.remoteappname = options.app
        return options
Exemple #13
    def find_tests_for_verification(self, action, success=None):
           For each file modified on this push, determine if the modified file
           is a test, by searching test manifests. Populate self.verify_suites
           with test files, organized by suite.

           This depends on test manifests, so can only run after test zips have
           been downloaded and extracted.

        if self.config.get('verify') != True:

        repository = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY")
        revision = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REV")
        if not repository or not revision:
            self.warning("unable to verify tests: no repo or revision!")
            return []

        def get_automationrelevance():
            response = self.load_json_url(url)
            return response

        dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
        if self.config.get('e10s') == True:
            mozinfo.update({"e10s": True})
            # Additional mozinfo properties like "headless" and "coverage" are
            # also normally updated dynamically in the harness, but neither of
            # these apply to the test-verify task.

        manifests = [
            (os.path.join(dirs['abs_mochitest_dir'], 'tests',
                          'mochitest.ini'), 'plain'),
            (os.path.join(dirs['abs_mochitest_dir'], 'chrome',
                          'chrome.ini'), 'chrome'),
            (os.path.join(dirs['abs_mochitest_dir'], 'browser',
                          'browser-chrome.ini'), 'browser-chrome'),
            (os.path.join(dirs['abs_mochitest_dir'], 'a11y',
                          'a11y.ini'), 'a11y'),
            (os.path.join(dirs['abs_xpcshell_dir'], 'tests',
                          'xpcshell.ini'), 'xpcshell'),
        tests_by_path = {}
        for (path, suite) in manifests:
            if os.path.exists(path):
                man = TestManifest([path], strict=False)
                active = man.active_tests(exists=False,
                    {t['relpath']: (suite, t.get('subsuite'))
                     for t in active})
                self.info("Verification updated with manifest %s" % path)

        ref_manifests = [
            (os.path.join(dirs['abs_reftest_dir'], 'tests', 'layout',
                          'reftests', 'reftest.list'), 'reftest'),
            (os.path.join(dirs['abs_reftest_dir'], 'tests', 'testing',
                          'crashtest', 'crashtests.list'), 'crashtest'),
            # TODO (os.path.join(dirs['abs_test_install_dir'], 'jsreftest', 'tests', 'jstests.list'), 'jstestbrowser'),
        import manifest
        self.reftest_test_dir = os.path.join(dirs['abs_reftest_dir'], 'tests')
        for (path, suite) in ref_manifests:
            if os.path.exists(path):
                man = manifest.ReftestManifest()
                    os.path.relpath(t, self.reftest_test_dir): (suite, None)
                    for t in man.files
                self.info("Verification updated with manifest %s" % path)

        # determine which files were changed on this push
        url = '%s/json-automationrelevance/%s' % (repository.rstrip('/'),
        contents = self.retry(get_automationrelevance,
        changed_files = set()
        for c in contents['changesets']:
            self.info(" {cset} {desc}".format(
                desc=c['desc'].splitlines()[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore')))
            changed_files |= set(c['files'])

        # for each changed file, determine if it is a test file, and what suite it is in
        for file in changed_files:
            # manifest paths use os.sep (like backslash on Windows) but
            # automation-relevance uses posixpath.sep
            file = file.replace(posixpath.sep, os.sep)
            entry = tests_by_path.get(file)
            if entry:
                self.info("Verification found test %s" % file)
                subsuite_mapping = {
                    ('browser-chrome', 'clipboard'):
                    ('chrome', 'clipboard'): 'chrome-clipboard',
                    ('plain', 'clipboard'): 'plain-clipboard',
                    ('browser-chrome', 'devtools'):
                    ('browser-chrome', 'gpu'): 'browser-chrome-gpu',
                    ('chrome', 'gpu'): 'chrome-gpu',
                    ('plain', 'gpu'): 'plain-gpu',
                    ('plain', 'media'): 'mochitest-media',
                    ('plain', 'webgl'): 'mochitest-gl',
                if entry in subsuite_mapping:
                    suite = subsuite_mapping[entry]
                    suite = entry[0]
                suite_files = self.verify_suites.get(suite)
                if not suite_files:
                    suite_files = []
                self.verify_suites[suite] = suite_files
        self.verify_downloaded = True
class XPCShellTests(object):

    log = logging.getLogger()
    oldcwd = os.getcwd()

    def __init__(self, log=sys.stdout):
        """ Init logging and node status """
        handler = logging.StreamHandler(log)
        self.nodeProc = None

    def buildTestList(self):
      read the xpcshell.ini manifest and set self.alltests to be
      an array of test objects.

      if we are chunking tests, it will be done here as well
        mp = manifestparser.TestManifest(strict=False)
        if self.manifest is None:
            for testdir in self.testdirs:
                if testdir:
                    mp.read(os.path.join(testdir, 'xpcshell.ini'))

        self.alltests = mp.active_tests(**mozinfo.info)

        if self.singleFile is None and self.totalChunks > 1:

    def chunkTests(self):
      Split the list of tests up into [totalChunks] pieces and filter the
      self.alltests based on thisChunk, so we only run a subset.
        totalTests = 0
        for dir in self.alltests:
            totalTests += len(self.alltests[dir])

        testsPerChunk = math.ceil(totalTests / float(self.totalChunks))
        start = int(round((self.thisChunk - 1) * testsPerChunk))
        end = start + testsPerChunk
        currentCount = 0

        templist = {}
        for dir in self.alltests:
            startPosition = 0
            dirCount = len(self.alltests[dir])
            endPosition = dirCount
            if currentCount < start and currentCount + dirCount >= start:
                startPosition = int(start - currentCount)
            if currentCount + dirCount > end:
                endPosition = int(end - currentCount)
            if end - currentCount < 0 or (currentCount + dirCount < start):
                endPosition = 0

            if startPosition is not endPosition:
                templist[dir] = self.alltests[dir][startPosition:endPosition]
            currentCount += dirCount

        self.alltests = templist

    def setAbsPath(self):
      Set the absolute path for xpcshell, httpdjspath and xrepath.
      These 3 variables depend on input from the command line and we need to allow for absolute paths.
      This function is overloaded for a remote solution as os.path* won't work remotely.
        self.testharnessdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        self.headJSPath = self.testharnessdir.replace("\\", "/") + "/head.js"
        self.xpcshell = os.path.abspath(self.xpcshell)

        # we assume that httpd.js lives in components/ relative to xpcshell
        self.httpdJSPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.xpcshell),
                                        'components', 'httpd.js')
        self.httpdJSPath = replaceBackSlashes(self.httpdJSPath)

        self.httpdManifest = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.xpcshell),
                                          'components', 'httpd.manifest')
        self.httpdManifest = replaceBackSlashes(self.httpdManifest)

        if self.xrePath is None:
            self.xrePath = os.path.dirname(self.xpcshell)
            self.xrePath = os.path.abspath(self.xrePath)

        if self.mozInfo is None:
            self.mozInfo = os.path.join(self.testharnessdir, "mozinfo.json")

    def buildCoreEnvironment(self):
      Add environment variables likely to be used across all platforms, including remote systems.
        # Make assertions fatal
        self.env["XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK"] = "stack-and-abort"
        # Don't launch the crash reporter client
        self.env["MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT"] = "1"
        # Capturing backtraces is very slow on some platforms, and it's
        # disabled by automation.py too
        self.env["NS_TRACE_MALLOC_DISABLE_STACKS"] = "1"

    def buildEnvironment(self):
      Create and returns a dictionary of self.env to include all the appropriate env variables and values.
      On a remote system, we overload this to set different values and are missing things like os.environ and PATH.
        self.env = dict(os.environ)
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            self.env["PATH"] = self.env["PATH"] + ";" + self.xrePath
        elif sys.platform in ('os2emx', 'os2knix'):
                "BEGINLIBPATH"] = self.xrePath + ";" + self.env["BEGINLIBPATH"]
            os.environ["LIBPATHSTRICT"] = "T"
        elif sys.platform == 'osx' or sys.platform == "darwin":
            self.env["DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = self.xrePath
        else:  # unix or linux?
            if not "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in self.env or self.env[
                    "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] is None:
                self.env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = self.xrePath
                self.env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ":".join(
                    [self.xrePath, self.env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]])

        return self.env

    def buildXpcsRunArgs(self):
      Add arguments to run the test or make it interactive.
        if self.interactive:
            self.xpcsRunArgs = [
                '-e', 'print("To start the test, type |_execute_test();|.");',
            self.xpcsRunArgs = ['-e', '_execute_test(); quit(0);']

    def getPipes(self):
      Determine the value of the stdout and stderr for the test.
      Return value is a list (pStdout, pStderr).
        if self.interactive:
            pStdout = None
            pStderr = None
            if (self.debuggerInfo and self.debuggerInfo["interactive"]):
                pStdout = None
                pStderr = None
                if sys.platform == 'os2emx':
                    pStdout = None
                    pStdout = PIPE
                pStderr = STDOUT
        return pStdout, pStderr

    def buildXpcsCmd(self, testdir):
      Load the root head.js file as the first file in our test path, before other head, test, and tail files.
      On a remote system, we overload this to add additional command line arguments, so this gets overloaded.
        # - NOTE: if you rename/add any of the constants set here, update
        #   do_load_child_test_harness() in head.js
        if not self.appPath:
            self.appPath = self.xrePath

        self.xpcsCmd = [
            self.xpcshell, '-g', self.xrePath, '-a', self.appPath, '-r',
            self.httpdManifest, '-m', '-n', '-s', '-e',
            'const _HTTPD_JS_PATH = "%s";' % self.httpdJSPath, '-e',
            'const _HEAD_JS_PATH = "%s";' % self.headJSPath

        if self.testingModulesDir:
            # Escape backslashes in string literal.
            sanitized = self.testingModulesDir.replace('\\', '\\\\')
                ['-e', 'const _TESTING_MODULES_DIR = "%s";' % sanitized])

            ['-f', os.path.join(self.testharnessdir, 'head.js')])

        if self.debuggerInfo:
            self.xpcsCmd = [self.debuggerInfo["path"]
                            ] + self.debuggerInfo["args"] + self.xpcsCmd

        if self.pluginsPath:
            self.xpcsCmd.extend(['-p', os.path.abspath(self.pluginsPath)])

    def buildTestPath(self):
      If we specifiy a testpath, set the self.testPath variable to be the given directory or file.

      |testPath| will be the optional path only, or |None|.
      |singleFile| will be the optional test only, or |None|.
        self.singleFile = None
        if self.testPath is not None:
            if self.testPath.endswith('.js'):
                # Split into path and file.
                if self.testPath.find('/') == -1:
                    # Test only.
                    self.singleFile = self.testPath
                    # Both path and test.
                    # Reuse |testPath| temporarily.
                    self.testPath = self.testPath.rsplit('/', 1)
                    self.singleFile = self.testPath[1]
                    self.testPath = self.testPath[0]
                # Path only.
                # Simply remove optional ending separator.
                self.testPath = self.testPath.rstrip("/")

    def getHeadAndTailFiles(self, test):
        """Obtain the list of head and tail files.

      Returns a 2-tuple. The first element is a list of head files. The second
      is a list of tail files.
        def sanitize_list(s, kind):
            for f in s.strip().split(' '):
                f = f.strip()
                if len(f) < 1:

                path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(test['here'], f))
                if not os.path.exists(path):
                    raise Exception('%s file does not exist: %s' %
                                    (kind, path))

                if not os.path.isfile(path):
                    raise Exception('%s file is not a file: %s' % (kind, path))

                yield path

        return (list(sanitize_list(test['head'], 'head')),
                list(sanitize_list(test['tail'], 'tail')))

    def setupProfileDir(self):
      Create a temporary folder for the profile and set appropriate environment variables.
      When running check-interactive and check-one, the directory is well-defined and
      retained for inspection once the tests complete.

      On a remote system, this may be overloaded to use a remote path structure.
        if self.interactive or self.singleFile:
            profileDir = os.path.join(gettempdir(), self.profileName,
                # This could be left over from previous runs
            profileDir = mkdtemp()
        self.env["XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR"] = profileDir
        if self.interactive or self.singleFile:
            self.log.info("TEST-INFO | profile dir is %s" % profileDir)
        return profileDir

    def setupLeakLogging(self):
      Enable leaks (only) detection to its own log file and set environment variables.

      On a remote system, this may be overloaded to use a remote filename and path structure
        filename = "runxpcshelltests_leaks.log"

        leakLogFile = os.path.join(self.profileDir, filename)
        self.env["XPCOM_MEM_LEAK_LOG"] = leakLogFile
        return leakLogFile

    def launchProcess(self, cmd, stdout, stderr, env, cwd):
      Simple wrapper to launch a process.
      On a remote system, this is more complex and we need to overload this function.
        cmd = wrapCommand(cmd)
        proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env, cwd=cwd)
        return proc

    def communicate(self, proc):
      Simple wrapper to communicate with a process.
      On a remote system, this is overloaded to handle remote process communication.
        return proc.communicate()

    def poll(self, proc):
      Simple wrapper to check if a process has terminated.
      On a remote system, this is overloaded to handle remote process communication.
        return proc.poll()

    def kill(self, proc):
      Simple wrapper to kill a process.
      On a remote system, this is overloaded to handle remote process communication.
        return proc.kill()

    def removeDir(self, dirname):
      Simple wrapper to remove (recursively) a given directory.
      On a remote system, we need to overload this to work on the remote filesystem.

    def verifyDirPath(self, dirname):
      Simple wrapper to get the absolute path for a given directory name.
      On a remote system, we need to overload this to work on the remote filesystem.
        return os.path.abspath(dirname)

    def getReturnCode(self, proc):
      Simple wrapper to get the return code for a given process.
      On a remote system we overload this to work with the remote process management.
        return proc.returncode

    def createLogFile(self, test, stdout, leakLogs):
      For a given test and stdout buffer, create a log file.  also log any found leaks.
      On a remote system we have to fix the test name since it can contain directories.
            f = open(test + ".log", "w")

            for leakLog in leakLogs:
                if os.path.exists(leakLog):
                    leaks = open(leakLog, "r")
            if f:

    def buildCmdHead(self, headfiles, tailfiles, xpcscmd):
      Build the command line arguments for the head and tail files,
      along with the address of the webserver which some tests require.

      On a remote system, this is overloaded to resolve quoting issues over a secondary command line.
        cmdH = ", ".join(
            ['"' + replaceBackSlashes(f) + '"' for f in headfiles])
        cmdT = ", ".join(
            ['"' + replaceBackSlashes(f) + '"' for f in tailfiles])
        return xpcscmd + \
                ['-e', 'const _SERVER_ADDR = "localhost"',
                 '-e', 'const _HEAD_FILES = [%s];' % cmdH,
                 '-e', 'const _TAIL_FILES = [%s];' % cmdT]

    def buildCmdTestFile(self, name):
      Build the command line arguments for the test file.
      On a remote system, this may be overloaded to use a remote path structure.
        return ['-e', 'const _TEST_FILE = ["%s"];' % replaceBackSlashes(name)]

    def trySetupNode(self):
      Run node for SPDY tests, if available, and updates mozinfo as appropriate.
        nodeMozInfo = {'hasNode': False}  # Assume the worst
        nodeBin = None

        # We try to find the node executable in the path given to us by the user in
        # the MOZ_NODE_PATH environment variable
        localPath = os.getenv('MOZ_NODE_PATH', None)
        if localPath and os.path.exists(localPath) and os.path.isfile(
            nodeBin = localPath

        if nodeBin:
            self.log.info('Found node at %s' % (nodeBin, ))
            myDir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
            mozSpdyJs = os.path.join(myDir, 'moz-spdy', 'moz-spdy.js')

            if os.path.exists(mozSpdyJs):
                # OK, we found our SPDY server, let's try to get it running
                self.log.info('Found moz-spdy at %s' % (mozSpdyJs, ))
                stdout, stderr = self.getPipes()
                    # We pipe stdin to node because the spdy server will exit when its
                    # stdin reaches EOF
                    self.nodeProc = Popen([nodeBin, mozSpdyJs],

                    # Check to make sure the server starts properly by waiting for it to
                    # tell us it's started
                    msg = self.nodeProc.stdout.readline()
                    if msg.startswith('SPDY server listening'):
                        nodeMozInfo['hasNode'] = True
                except OSError, e:
                    # This occurs if the subprocess couldn't be started
                    self.log.error('Could not run node SPDY server: %s' %
                                   (str(e), ))

Exemple #15
    def runTests(self, xpcshell, xrePath=None, appPath=None, symbolsPath=None,
                 manifest=None, testdirs=None, testPath=None,
                 interactive=False, verbose=False, keepGoing=False, logfiles=True,
                 thisChunk=1, totalChunks=1, debugger=None,
                 debuggerArgs=None, debuggerInteractive=False,
                 profileName=None, mozInfo=None, shuffle=False,
                 testsRootDir=None, xunitFilename=None, xunitName=None,
                 testingModulesDir=None, autolog=False, pluginsPath=None,
        """Run xpcshell tests.

        |xpcshell|, is the xpcshell executable to use to run the tests.
        |xrePath|, if provided, is the path to the XRE to use.
        |appPath|, if provided, is the path to an application directory.
        |symbolsPath|, if provided is the path to a directory containing
          breakpad symbols for processing crashes in tests.
        |manifest|, if provided, is a file containing a list of
          test directories to run.
        |testdirs|, if provided, is a list of absolute paths of test directories.
          No-manifest only option.
        |testPath|, if provided, indicates a single path and/or test to run.
        |pluginsPath|, if provided, custom plugins directory to be returned from
          the xpcshell dir svc provider for NS_APP_PLUGINS_DIR_LIST.
        |interactive|, if set to True, indicates to provide an xpcshell prompt
          instead of automatically executing the test.
        |verbose|, if set to True, will cause stdout/stderr from tests to
          be printed always
        |logfiles|, if set to False, indicates not to save output to log files.
          Non-interactive only option.
        |debuggerInfo|, if set, specifies the debugger and debugger arguments
          that will be used to launch xpcshell.
        |profileName|, if set, specifies the name of the application for the profile
          directory if running only a subset of tests.
        |mozInfo|, if set, specifies specifies build configuration information, either as a filename containing JSON, or a dict.
        |shuffle|, if True, execute tests in random order.
        |testsRootDir|, absolute path to root directory of all tests. This is used
          by xUnit generation to determine the package name of the tests.
        |xunitFilename|, if set, specifies the filename to which to write xUnit XML
        |xunitName|, if outputting an xUnit XML file, the str value to use for the
          testsuite name.
        |testingModulesDir|, if provided, specifies where JS modules reside.
          xpcshell will register a resource handler mapping this path.
        |otherOptions| may be present for the convenience of subclasses

        global gotSIGINT

        if testdirs is None:
            testdirs = []

        if xunitFilename is not None or xunitName is not None:
            if not isinstance(testsRootDir, basestring):
                raise Exception("testsRootDir must be a str when outputting xUnit.")

            if not os.path.isabs(testsRootDir):
                testsRootDir = os.path.abspath(testsRootDir)

            if not os.path.exists(testsRootDir):
                raise Exception("testsRootDir path does not exists: %s" %

        # Try to guess modules directory.
        # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
        # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
        # code path should never be executed in local runs because the build system
        # should always set this argument.
        if not testingModulesDir:
            ourDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
            possible = os.path.join(ourDir, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

            if os.path.isdir(possible):
                testingModulesDir = possible

        if testingModulesDir:
            # The resource loader expects native paths. Depending on how we were
            # invoked, a UNIX style path may sneak in on Windows. We try to
            # normalize that.
            testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isabs(testingModulesDir):
                testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(testingModulesDir)

            if not testingModulesDir.endswith(os.path.sep):
                testingModulesDir += os.path.sep

        self.xpcshell = xpcshell
        self.xrePath = xrePath
        self.appPath = appPath
        self.symbolsPath = symbolsPath
        self.manifest = manifest
        self.testdirs = testdirs
        self.testPath = testPath
        self.interactive = interactive
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.keepGoing = keepGoing
        self.logfiles = logfiles
        self.totalChunks = totalChunks
        self.thisChunk = thisChunk
        self.debuggerInfo = getDebuggerInfo(self.oldcwd, debugger, debuggerArgs, debuggerInteractive)
        self.profileName = profileName or "xpcshell"
        self.mozInfo = mozInfo
        self.testingModulesDir = testingModulesDir
        self.pluginsPath = pluginsPath

        # If we have an interactive debugger, disable ctrl-c.
        if self.debuggerInfo and self.debuggerInfo["interactive"]:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: None)

        if not testdirs and not manifest:
            # nothing to test!
            self.log.error("Error: No test dirs or test manifest specified!")
            return False

        self.testCount = 0
        self.passCount = 0
        self.failCount = 0
        self.todoCount = 0


        # Handle filenames in mozInfo
        if not isinstance(self.mozInfo, dict):
            mozInfoFile = self.mozInfo
            if not os.path.isfile(mozInfoFile):
                self.log.error("Error: couldn't find mozinfo.json at '%s'. Perhaps you need to use --build-info-json?" % mozInfoFile)
                return False
            self.mozInfo = parse_json(open(mozInfoFile).read())

        # The appDirKey is a optional entry in either the default or individual test
        # sections that defines a relative application directory for test runs. If
        # defined we pass 'grePath/$appDirKey' for the -a parameter of the xpcshell
        # test harness.
        appDirKey = None
        if "appname" in self.mozInfo:
            appDirKey = self.mozInfo["appname"] + "-appdir"

        # We have to do this before we build the test list so we know whether or
        # not to run tests that depend on having the node spdy server

        pStdout, pStderr = self.getPipes()


        if shuffle:

        xunitResults = []

        for test in self.alltests:
            name = test['path']
            if self.singleFile and not name.endswith(self.singleFile):

            if self.testPath and name.find(self.testPath) == -1:

            self.testCount += 1

            keep_going, xunitResult = self.run_test(test,
                tests_root_dir=testsRootDir, app_dir_key=appDirKey,
                interactive=interactive, verbose=verbose, pStdout=pStdout,
                pStderr=pStderr, keep_going=keepGoing)


            if not keep_going:


        if self.testCount == 0:
            self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | runxpcshelltests.py | No tests run. Did you pass an invalid --test-path?")
            self.failCount = 1

        self.log.info("INFO | Result summary:")
        self.log.info("INFO | Passed: %d" % self.passCount)
        self.log.info("INFO | Failed: %d" % self.failCount)
        self.log.info("INFO | Todo: %d" % self.todoCount)

        if autolog:
            self.post_to_autolog(xunitResults, xunitName)

        if xunitFilename is not None:
            self.writeXunitResults(filename=xunitFilename, results=xunitResults,

        if gotSIGINT and not keepGoing:
            self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Received SIGINT (control-C), so stopped run. " \
                           "(Use --keep-going to keep running tests after killing one with SIGINT)")
            return False

        return self.failCount == 0
Exemple #16
    def add_test(self, test, expected="pass", group="default"):
        filepath = os.path.abspath(test)

        if os.path.isdir(filepath):
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filepath):
                for filename in files:
                    if filename.endswith(".ini"):
                        msg_tmpl = (
                            "Ignoring manifest '{0}'; running all tests in '{1}'."
                            " See --help for details.")
                        relpath = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, filename),
                        self.logger.warning(msg_tmpl.format(relpath, filepath))
                    elif self._is_filename_valid(filename):
                        test_file = os.path.join(root, filename)

        file_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filepath)[-1])[1]

        if file_ext == ".ini":
            group = filepath

            manifest = TestManifest()

            json_path = update_mozinfo(filepath)
                "appname": self.appName,
                "manage_instance": self.marionette.instance is not None,
                "headless": self.headless,
                "webrender": self.enable_webrender,
            self.logger.info("mozinfo updated from: {}".format(json_path))
            self.logger.info("mozinfo is: {}".format(mozinfo.info))

            filters = []
            if self.test_tags:

            manifest_tests = manifest.active_tests(exists=False,
            if len(manifest_tests) == 0:
                self.logger.error("No tests to run using specified "
                                  "combination of filters: {}".format(

            target_tests = []
            for test in manifest_tests:
                if test.get("disabled"):

            for i in target_tests:
                if not os.path.exists(i["path"]):
                    raise IOError("test file: {} does not exist".format(

                self.add_test(i["path"], i["expected"], group=group)

            "filepath": filepath,
            "expected": expected,
            "group": group
Exemple #17
    def validate(self, parser, options, context):
        """Validate generic options."""

        # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"strictContentSandbox": options.strictContentSandbox})
        # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"nested_oop": options.nested_oop})

        # b2g and android don't use 'app' the same way, so skip validation
        if parser.app not in ('b2g', 'android'):
            if options.app is None:
                if build_obj:
                    options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                        "could not find the application path, --appname must be specified"
            elif options.app == "dist" and build_obj:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path(where='staged-package')

            options.app = self.get_full_path(options.app, parser.oldcwd)
            if not os.path.exists(options.app):
                    "Error: Path {} doesn't exist. Are you executing "

        if options.gmp_path is None and options.app and build_obj:
            # Need to fix the location of gmp_fake which might not be shipped in the binary
            gmp_modules = (('gmp-fake', '1.0'), ('gmp-clearkey', '0.1'),
                           ('gmp-fakeopenh264', '1.0'))
            options.gmp_path = os.pathsep.join(
                os.path.join(build_obj.bindir, *p) for p in gmp_modules)

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
                "thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                parser.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.chunkByDir and options.chunkByRuntime:
                "can only use one of --chunk-by-dir or --chunk-by-runtime")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != parser.get_default('app'):
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
                if mozinfo.isMac:
                    options.xrePath = os.path.join(
                        os.path.dirname(options.xrePath), "Resources")
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                    "could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified"

        # allow relative paths
        options.xrePath = self.get_full_path(options.xrePath, parser.oldcwd)
        if options.profilePath:
            options.profilePath = self.get_full_path(options.profilePath,

        if options.dmdPath:
            options.dmdPath = self.get_full_path(options.dmdPath,

        if options.dmd and not options.dmdPath:
            if build_obj:
                options.dmdPath = build_obj.bin_dir
                    "could not find dmd libraries, specify them with --dmd-path"

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = self.get_full_path(options.utilityPath,

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = self.get_full_path(options.certPath,
        elif build_obj:
            options.certPath = os.path.join(build_obj.topsrcdir, 'build',
                                            'pgo', 'certs')

        if options.symbolsPath and len(urlparse(
                options.symbolsPath).scheme) < 2:
            options.symbolsPath = self.get_full_path(options.symbolsPath,
        elif not options.symbolsPath and build_obj:
            options.symbolsPath = os.path.join(build_obj.distdir,

        if options.vmwareRecording:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                    "use-vmware-recording is only supported on Windows.")
            options.vmwareHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME + ".dll")
            if not os.path.exists(options.vmwareHelperPath):
                    "%s not found, cannot automate VMware recording." %

        if options.webapprtContent and options.webapprtChrome:
                "Only one of --webapprt-content and --webapprt-chrome may be given."

        if options.jsdebugger:
            options.extraPrefs += [
            options.autorun = False

        if options.debugOnFailure and not options.jsdebugger:
            parser.error("--debug-on-failure requires --jsdebugger.")

        if options.debuggerArgs and not options.debugger:
            parser.error("--debugger-args requires --debugger.")

        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            if build_obj:
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.join(
                    build_obj.topobjdir, '_tests', 'modules')
                # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
                # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
                # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
                # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system
                # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever
                # passes this argument, this code can be deleted.
                possible = os.path.join(here, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

                if os.path.isdir(possible):
                    options.testingModulesDir = possible

        if build_obj:
                os.path.join(build_obj.distdir, 'plugins'))

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                parser.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace(
                '\\', '/')
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                    "immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            options.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(options.utilityPath,
            if not os.path.exists(options.immersiveHelperPath):
                parser.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        if options.dumpOutputDirectory is None:
            options.dumpOutputDirectory = tempfile.gettempdir()

        if options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest or options.dumpDMDAfterTest:
            if not os.path.isdir(options.dumpOutputDirectory):
                parser.error('--dump-output-directory not a directory: %s' %

        if options.useTestMediaDevices:
            if not mozinfo.isLinux:
                    '--use-test-media-devices is only supported on Linux currently'
            for f in ['/usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10', '/usr/bin/pactl']:
                if not os.path.isfile(f):
                    parser.error('Missing binary %s required for '
                                 '--use-test-media-devices' % f)

        if options.nested_oop:
            if not options.e10s:
                options.e10s = True
        mozinfo.update({"e10s": options.e10s})  # for test manifest parsing.

        options.leakThresholds = {
            "default": options.defaultLeakThreshold,
            "tab": 25000,  # See dependencies of bug 1051230.
            # GMP rarely gets a log, but when it does, it leaks a little.
            "geckomediaplugin": 20000,

        # Bug 1091917 - We exit early in tab processes on Windows, so we don't
        # get leak logs yet.
        if mozinfo.isWin:

        # Bug 1121539 - OSX-only intermittent tab process leak in test_ipc.html
        if mozinfo.isMac:
            options.leakThresholds["tab"] = 100000

        return options
Exemple #18
    def find_modified_tests(self):
        For each file modified on this push, determine if the modified file
        is a test, by searching test manifests. Populate self.suites
        with test files, organized by suite.

        This depends on test manifests, so can only run after test zips have
        been downloaded and extracted.
        repository = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY")
        revision = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REV")
        if not repository or not revision:
                "unable to run tests in per-test mode: no repo or revision!")
            self.suites = {}
            self.tests_downloaded = True

        def get_automationrelevance():
            response = self.load_json_url(url)
            return response

        dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
        e10s = self.config.get("e10s", False)
        mozinfo.update({"e10s": e10s})
        is_fission = "fission.autostart=true" in self.config.get(
            "extra_prefs", [])
        mozinfo.update({"fission": is_fission})
        headless = self.config.get("headless", False)
        mozinfo.update({"headless": headless})
        if mozinfo.info["buildapp"] == "mobile/android":
            # extra android mozinfo normally comes from device queries, but this
            # code may run before the device is ready, so rely on configuration
                str(self.config.get("android_version", 24))
            mozinfo.update({"is_fennec": self.config.get("is_fennec", False)})
                {"is_emulator": self.config.get("is_emulator", True)})
        mozinfo.update({"verify": True})
        self.info("Per-test run using mozinfo: %s" % str(mozinfo.info))

        # determine which files were changed on this push
        changed_files = set()
        url = "%s/json-automationrelevance/%s" % (repository.rstrip("/"),
        contents = self.retry(get_automationrelevance,
        for c in contents["changesets"]:
            self.info(" {cset} {desc}".format(
                desc=c["desc"].splitlines()[0].encode("ascii", "ignore"),
            changed_files |= set(c["files"])
        changed_files = list(changed_files)

        # check specified test paths, as from 'mach try ... <path>'
        if os.environ.get("MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS", None) is not None:
            suite_to_paths = json.loads(os.environ["MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS"])
            specified_paths = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
            specified_paths = list(specified_paths)
            # filter the list of changed files to those found under the
            # specified path(s)
            changed_and_specified = set()
            for changed in changed_files:
                for specified in specified_paths:
                    if changed.startswith(specified):
            if changed_and_specified:
                changed_files = changed_and_specified
                # if specified paths do not match changed files, assume the
                # specified paths are explicitly requested tests
                changed_files = set()
                "Per-test run found explicit request in MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS:"

        if self.config.get("per_test_category") == "web-platform":
            self._find_wpt_tests(dirs, changed_files)
        elif self.config.get("gpu_required", False) is not False:
            self._find_misc_tests(dirs, changed_files, gpu=True)
            self._find_misc_tests(dirs, changed_files)

        # per test mode run specific tests from any given test suite
        # _find_*_tests organizes tests to run into suites so we can
        # run each suite at a time

        # chunk files
        total_tests = sum([len(self.suites[x]) for x in self.suites])

        if total_tests == 0:
            self.warning("No tests to verify.")
            self.suites = {}
            self.tests_downloaded = True

        files_per_chunk = total_tests / float(
            self.config.get("total_chunks", 1))
        files_per_chunk = int(math.ceil(files_per_chunk))

        chunk_number = int(self.config.get("this_chunk", 1))
        suites = {}
        start = (chunk_number - 1) * files_per_chunk
        end = chunk_number * files_per_chunk
        current = -1
        for suite in self.suites:
            for test in self.suites[suite]:
                current += 1
                if current >= start and current < end:
                    if suite not in suites:
                        suites[suite] = []
            if current >= end:

        self.suites = suites
        self.tests_downloaded = True
Exemple #19
    def verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest):
        """ verify correct options and cleanup paths """

        # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"strictContentSandbox": options.strictContentSandbox})
        # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"nested_oop": options.nested_oop})

        if options.app is None:
            if build_obj is not None:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                    "could not find the application path, --appname must be specified")

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
                "thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                self.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.chunkByDir and options.chunkByRuntime:
                "can only use one of --chunk-by-dir or --chunk-by-runtime")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != self.get_default('app'):
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
                if mozinfo.isMac:
                    options.xrePath = os.path.join(
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                    "could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified")

        # allow relative paths
        options.xrePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.xrePath)
        if options.profilePath:
            options.profilePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.profilePath)
        options.app = mochitest.getFullPath(options.app)
        if options.dmdPath is not None:
            options.dmdPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.dmdPath)

        if not os.path.exists(options.app):
            msg = """\
            Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist.
            Are you executing $objdir/_tests/testing/mochitest/runtests.py?"""
            self.error(msg % {"app": options.app})
            return None

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.certPath)

        if options.symbolsPath and len(
                options.symbolsPath).scheme) < 2:
            options.symbolsPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)

        # Set server information on the options object
        options.webServer = ''
        options.httpPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['http']
        options.sslPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['https']
        #        options.webSocketPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['ws']
        # <- http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/b871dfb2186f/build/automation.py.in#l30
        options.webSocketPort = str(9988)
        # The default websocket port is incorrect in mozprofile; it is
        # set to the SSL proxy setting. See:
        # see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=916517

        if options.vmwareRecording:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                    "use-vmware-recording is only supported on Windows.")
            mochitest.vmwareHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME + ".dll")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.vmwareHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot automate VMware recording." %

        if options.webapprtContent and options.webapprtChrome:
                "Only one of --webapprt-content and --webapprt-chrome may be given.")

        if options.jsdebugger:
            options.extraPrefs += [
            options.autorun = False

        if options.debugOnFailure and not options.jsdebugger:
                "--debug-on-failure should be used together with --jsdebugger.")

        # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
        # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
        # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
        # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system
        # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever
        # passes this argument, this code can be deleted.
        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            possible = os.path.join(here, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

            if os.path.isdir(possible):
                options.testingModulesDir = possible

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                self.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace(
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                self.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            mochitest.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.immersiveHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        if options.dumpOutputDirectory is None:
            options.dumpOutputDirectory = tempfile.gettempdir()

        if options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest or options.dumpDMDAfterTest:
            if not os.path.isdir(options.dumpOutputDirectory):
                self.error('--dump-output-directory not a directory: %s' %

        if options.useTestMediaDevices:
            if not mozinfo.isLinux:
                    '--use-test-media-devices is only supported on Linux currently')
            for f in ['/usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10', '/usr/bin/pactl']:
                if not os.path.isfile(f):
                        'Missing binary %s required for '
                        '--use-test-media-devices' % f)

        if options.nested_oop:
            if not options.e10s:
                options.e10s = True
        mozinfo.update({"e10s": options.e10s})  # for test manifest parsing.

        options.leakThresholds = {
            "default": options.defaultLeakThreshold,
            "tab": 25000,  # See dependencies of bug 1051230.
            # GMP rarely gets a log, but when it does, it leaks a little.
            "geckomediaplugin": 20000,

        # Bug 1065098 - The geckomediaplugin process fails to produce a leak
        # log for some reason.
        options.ignoreMissingLeaks = ["geckomediaplugin"]

        # Bug 1091917 - We exit early in tab processes on Windows, so we don't
        # get leak logs yet.
        if mozinfo.isWin:

        # Bug 1121539 - OSX-only intermittent tab process leak in test_ipc.html
        if mozinfo.isMac:
            options.leakThresholds["tab"] = 100000

        return options
    def runTests(self,
        """Run xpcshell tests.

    |xpcshell|, is the xpcshell executable to use to run the tests.
    |xrePath|, if provided, is the path to the XRE to use.
    |appPath|, if provided, is the path to an application directory.
    |symbolsPath|, if provided is the path to a directory containing
      breakpad symbols for processing crashes in tests.
    |manifest|, if provided, is a file containing a list of
      test directories to run.
    |testdirs|, if provided, is a list of absolute paths of test directories.
      No-manifest only option.
    |testPath|, if provided, indicates a single path and/or test to run.
    |pluginsPath|, if provided, custom plugins directory to be returned from
      the xpcshell dir svc provider for NS_APP_PLUGINS_DIR_LIST.
    |interactive|, if set to True, indicates to provide an xpcshell prompt
      instead of automatically executing the test.
    |verbose|, if set to True, will cause stdout/stderr from tests to
      be printed always
    |logfiles|, if set to False, indicates not to save output to log files.
      Non-interactive only option.
    |debuggerInfo|, if set, specifies the debugger and debugger arguments
      that will be used to launch xpcshell.
    |profileName|, if set, specifies the name of the application for the profile
      directory if running only a subset of tests.
    |mozInfo|, if set, specifies specifies build configuration information, either as a filename containing JSON, or a dict.
    |shuffle|, if True, execute tests in random order.
    |testsRootDir|, absolute path to root directory of all tests. This is used
      by xUnit generation to determine the package name of the tests.
    |xunitFilename|, if set, specifies the filename to which to write xUnit XML
    |xunitName|, if outputting an xUnit XML file, the str value to use for the
      testsuite name.
    |testingModulesDir|, if provided, specifies where JS modules reside.
      xpcshell will register a resource handler mapping this path.
    |otherOptions| may be present for the convenience of subclasses

        global gotSIGINT

        if testdirs is None:
            testdirs = []

        if xunitFilename is not None or xunitName is not None:
            if not isinstance(testsRootDir, basestring):
                raise Exception(
                    "testsRootDir must be a str when outputting xUnit.")

            if not os.path.isabs(testsRootDir):
                testsRootDir = os.path.abspath(testsRootDir)

            if not os.path.exists(testsRootDir):
                raise Exception("testsRootDir path does not exists: %s" %

        # Try to guess modules directory.
        # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
        # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
        # code path should never be executed in local runs because the build system
        # should always set this argument.
        if not testingModulesDir:
            ourDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
            possible = os.path.join(ourDir, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

            if os.path.isdir(possible):
                testingModulesDir = possible

        if testingModulesDir:
            # The resource loader expects native paths. Depending on how we were
            # invoked, a UNIX style path may sneak in on Windows. We try to
            # normalize that.
            testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isabs(testingModulesDir):
                testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(testingModulesDir)

            if not testingModulesDir.endswith(os.path.sep):
                testingModulesDir += os.path.sep

        self.xpcshell = xpcshell
        self.xrePath = xrePath
        self.appPath = appPath
        self.symbolsPath = symbolsPath
        self.manifest = manifest
        self.testdirs = testdirs
        self.testPath = testPath
        self.interactive = interactive
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.keepGoing = keepGoing
        self.logfiles = logfiles
        self.totalChunks = totalChunks
        self.thisChunk = thisChunk
        self.debuggerInfo = getDebuggerInfo(self.oldcwd, debugger,
                                            debuggerArgs, debuggerInteractive)
        self.profileName = profileName or "xpcshell"
        self.mozInfo = mozInfo
        self.testingModulesDir = testingModulesDir
        self.pluginsPath = pluginsPath

        # If we have an interactive debugger, disable ctrl-c.
        if self.debuggerInfo and self.debuggerInfo["interactive"]:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: None)

        if not testdirs and not manifest:
            # nothing to test!
            self.log.error("Error: No test dirs or test manifest specified!")
            return False

        self.testCount = 0
        self.passCount = 0
        self.failCount = 0
        self.todoCount = 0


        # Handle filenames in mozInfo
        if not isinstance(self.mozInfo, dict):
            mozInfoFile = self.mozInfo
            if not os.path.isfile(mozInfoFile):
                    "Error: couldn't find mozinfo.json at '%s'. Perhaps you need to use --build-info-json?"
                    % mozInfoFile)
                return False
            self.mozInfo = parse_json(open(mozInfoFile).read())

        # The appDirKey is a optional entry in either the default or individual test
        # sections that defines a relative application directory for test runs. If
        # defined we pass 'grePath/$appDirKey' for the -a parameter of the xpcshell
        # test harness.
        appDirKey = None
        if "appname" in self.mozInfo:
            appDirKey = self.mozInfo["appname"] + "-appdir"

        # We have to do this before we build the test list so we know whether or
        # not to run tests that depend on having the node spdy server

        pStdout, pStderr = self.getPipes()


        if shuffle:

        xunitResults = []

        for test in self.alltests:
            name = test['path']
            if self.singleFile and not name.endswith(self.singleFile):

            if self.testPath and name.find(self.testPath) == -1:

            self.testCount += 1

            xunitResult = {"name": test["name"], "classname": "xpcshell"}
            # The xUnit package is defined as the path component between the root
            # dir and the test with path characters replaced with '.' (using Java
            # class notation).
            if testsRootDir is not None:
                testsRootDir = os.path.normpath(testsRootDir)
                if test["here"].find(testsRootDir) != 0:
                    raise Exception("testsRootDir is not a parent path of %s" %
                relpath = test["here"][len(testsRootDir):].lstrip("/\\")
                xunitResult["classname"] = relpath.replace("/", ".").replace(
                    "\\", ".")

            # Check for skipped tests
            if 'disabled' in test:
                self.log.info("TEST-INFO | skipping %s | %s" %
                              (name, test['disabled']))

                xunitResult["skipped"] = True

            # Check for known-fail tests
            expected = test['expected'] == 'pass'

            # By default self.appPath will equal the gre dir. If specified in the
            # xpcshell.ini file, set a different app dir for this test.
            if appDirKey != None and appDirKey in test:
                relAppDir = test[appDirKey]
                relAppDir = os.path.join(self.xrePath, relAppDir)
                self.appPath = os.path.abspath(relAppDir)
                self.appPath = None

            testdir = os.path.dirname(name)
            testHeadFiles, testTailFiles = self.getHeadAndTailFiles(test)
            cmdH = self.buildCmdHead(testHeadFiles, testTailFiles,

            # create a temp dir that the JS harness can stick a profile in
            self.profileDir = self.setupProfileDir()
            self.leakLogFile = self.setupLeakLogging()

            # The test file will have to be loaded after the head files.
            cmdT = self.buildCmdTestFile(name)

            args = self.xpcsRunArgs[:]
            if 'debug' in test:
                args.insert(0, '-d')

            completeCmd = cmdH + cmdT + args

            proc = None
                self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | running test ..." % name)
                if verbose:
                    self.logCommand(name, completeCmd, testdir)
                startTime = time.time()

                proc = self.launchProcess(completeCmd,

                if interactive:
                    self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | Process ID: %d" %
                                  (name, proc.pid))

                # Allow user to kill hung subprocess with SIGINT w/o killing this script
                # - don't move this line above launchProcess, or child will inherit the SIG_IGN
                signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, markGotSIGINT)
                # |stderr == None| as |pStderr| was either |None| or redirected to |stdout|.
                stdout, stderr = self.communicate(proc)
                signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)

                if interactive:
                    # Not sure what else to do here...
                    return True

                def print_stdout(stdout):
                    """Print stdout line-by-line to avoid overflowing buffers."""
                    if (stdout):
                        for line in stdout.splitlines():

                result = not (
                    (self.getReturnCode(proc) != 0) or
                    # if do_throw or do_check failed
                     and re.search("^((parent|child): )?TEST-UNEXPECTED-",
                                   stdout, re.MULTILINE)) or
                    # if syntax error in xpcshell file
                     and re.search(": SyntaxError:", stdout, re.MULTILINE)) or
                    # if e10s test started but never finished (child process crash)
                    (stdout and re.search("^child: CHILD-TEST-STARTED", stdout,
                     and not re.search("^child: CHILD-TEST-COMPLETED", stdout,

                if result != expected:
                    failureType = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-%s" % ("FAIL" if expected
                                                          else "PASS")
                    message = "%s | %s | test failed (with xpcshell return code: %d), see following log:" % (
                        failureType, name, self.getReturnCode(proc))
                    self.failCount += 1
                    xunitResult["passed"] = False

                    xunitResult["failure"] = {
                        "type": failureType,
                        "message": message,
                        "text": stdout
                    now = time.time()
                    timeTaken = (now - startTime) * 1000
                    xunitResult["time"] = now - startTime
                    self.log.info("TEST-%s | %s | test passed (time: %.3fms)" %
                                  ("PASS" if expected else "KNOWN-FAIL", name,
                    if verbose:

                    xunitResult["passed"] = True

                    if expected:
                        self.passCount += 1
                        self.todoCount += 1
                        xunitResult["todo"] = True

                if checkForCrashes(testdir, self.symbolsPath, testName=name):
                    message = "PROCESS-CRASH | %s | application crashed" % name
                    self.failCount += 1
                    xunitResult["passed"] = False
                    xunitResult["failure"] = {
                        "type": "PROCESS-CRASH",
                        "message": message,
                        "text": stdout

                # Find child process(es) leak log(s), if any: See InitLog() in
                # xpcom/base/nsTraceRefcntImpl.cpp for logfile naming logic
                leakLogs = [self.leakLogFile]
                for childLog in glob(
                    if os.path.isfile(childLog):
                        leakLogs += [childLog]
                for log in leakLogs:
                    dumpLeakLog(log, True)

                if self.logfiles and stdout:
                    self.createLogFile(name, stdout, leakLogs)
                # We can sometimes get here before the process has terminated, which would
                # cause removeDir() to fail - so check for the process & kill it it needed.
                if proc and self.poll(proc) is None:
                    message = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | Process still running after test!" % name
                    self.failCount += 1
                    xunitResult["passed"] = False
                    xunitResult["failure"] = {
                        "type": "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL",
                        "message": message,
                        "text": stdout
                # We don't want to delete the profile when running check-interactive
                # or check-one.
                if self.profileDir and not self.interactive and not self.singleFile:
                    except Exception:
                            "TEST-INFO | Failed to remove profile directory. Waiting."

                        # We suspect the filesystem may still be making changes. Wait a
                        # little bit and try again.

                        except Exception:
                            message = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | Failed to clean up the test profile directory: %s" % (
                                name, sys.exc_info()[1])

                            self.failCount += 1
                            xunitResult["passed"] = False
                            xunitResult["failure"] = {
                                "type": "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL",
                                "message": message,
                                "%s\n%s" % (stdout, traceback.format_exc())

            if gotSIGINT:
                xunitResult["passed"] = False
                xunitResult["time"] = "0.0"
                xunitResult["failure"] = {
                    "type": "SIGINT",
                    "message": "Received SIGINT",
                    "Received SIGINT (control-C) during test execution."

                    "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Received SIGINT (control-C) during test execution"
                if (keepGoing):
                    gotSIGINT = False



        if self.testCount == 0:
                "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | runxpcshelltests.py | No tests run. Did you pass an invalid --test-path?"
            self.failCount = 1

        self.log.info("""INFO | Result summary:
INFO | Passed: %d
INFO | Failed: %d
INFO | Todo: %d""" % (self.passCount, self.failCount, self.todoCount))

        if autolog:
            self.post_to_autolog(xunitResults, xunitName)

        if xunitFilename is not None:

        if gotSIGINT and not keepGoing:
            self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Received SIGINT (control-C), so stopped run. " \
                           "(Use --keep-going to keep running tests after killing one with SIGINT)")
            return False

        return self.failCount == 0
    def runTests(self,
        """Run xpcshell tests.

    |xpcshell|, is the xpcshell executable to use to run the tests.
    |xrePath|, if provided, is the path to the XRE to use.
    |appPath|, if provided, is the path to an application directory.
    |symbolsPath|, if provided is the path to a directory containing
      breakpad symbols for processing crashes in tests.
    |manifest|, if provided, is a file containing a list of
      test directories to run.
    |testdirs|, if provided, is a list of absolute paths of test directories.
      No-manifest only option.
    |testPath|, if provided, indicates a single path and/or test to run.
    |interactive|, if set to True, indicates to provide an xpcshell prompt
      instead of automatically executing the test.
    |verbose|, if set to True, will cause stdout/stderr from tests to
      be printed always
    |logfiles|, if set to False, indicates not to save output to log files.
      Non-interactive only option.
    |debuggerInfo|, if set, specifies the debugger and debugger arguments
      that will be used to launch xpcshell.
    |profileName|, if set, specifies the name of the application for the profile
      directory if running only a subset of tests.
    |mozInfo|, if set, specifies specifies build configuration information, either as a filename containing JSON, or a dict.
    |otherOptions| may be present for the convenience of subclasses

        global gotSIGINT

        self.xpcshell = xpcshell
        self.xrePath = xrePath
        self.appPath = appPath
        self.symbolsPath = symbolsPath
        self.manifest = manifest
        self.testdirs = testdirs
        self.testPath = testPath
        self.interactive = interactive
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.keepGoing = keepGoing
        self.logfiles = logfiles
        self.totalChunks = totalChunks
        self.thisChunk = thisChunk
        self.debuggerInfo = getDebuggerInfo(self.oldcwd, debugger,
                                            debuggerArgs, debuggerInteractive)
        self.profileName = profileName or "xpcshell"
        self.mozInfo = mozInfo

        # If we have an interactive debugger, disable ctrl-c.
        if self.debuggerInfo and self.debuggerInfo["interactive"]:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: None)

        if not testdirs and not manifest:
            # nothing to test!
            self.log.error("Error: No test dirs or test manifest specified!")
            return False

        self.testCount = 0
        self.passCount = 0
        self.failCount = 0
        self.todoCount = 0


        # Handle filenames in mozInfo
        if not isinstance(self.mozInfo, dict):
            mozInfoFile = self.mozInfo
            if not os.path.isfile(mozInfoFile):
                    "Error: couldn't find mozinfo.json at '%s'. Perhaps you need to use --build-info-json?"
                    % mozInfoFile)
                return False
            self.mozInfo = parse_json(open(mozInfoFile).read())

        pStdout, pStderr = self.getPipes()


        for test in self.alltests:
            name = test['path']
            if self.singleFile and not name.endswith(self.singleFile):

            if self.testPath and name.find(self.testPath) == -1:

            self.testCount += 1

            # Check for skipped tests
            if 'disabled' in test:
                self.log.info("TEST-INFO | skipping %s | %s" %
                              (name, test['disabled']))
            # Check for known-fail tests
            expected = test['expected'] == 'pass'

            testdir = os.path.dirname(name)
            testHeadFiles = self.getHeadFiles(test)
            testTailFiles = self.getTailFiles(test)
            cmdH = self.buildCmdHead(testHeadFiles, testTailFiles,

            # create a temp dir that the JS harness can stick a profile in
            self.profileDir = self.setupProfileDir()
            self.leakLogFile = self.setupLeakLogging()

            # The test file will have to be loaded after the head files.
            cmdT = self.buildCmdTestFile(name)

            args = self.xpcsRunArgs
            if 'debug' in test:
                args.insert(0, '-d')

                self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | running test ..." % name)
                startTime = time.time()

                proc = self.launchProcess(cmdH + cmdT + args,

                # Allow user to kill hung subprocess with SIGINT w/o killing this script
                # - don't move this line above launchProcess, or child will inherit the SIG_IGN
                signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, markGotSIGINT)
                # |stderr == None| as |pStderr| was either |None| or redirected to |stdout|.
                stdout, stderr = self.communicate(proc)
                signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)

                if interactive:
                    # Not sure what else to do here...
                    return True

                def print_stdout(stdout):
                    """Print stdout line-by-line to avoid overflowing buffers."""
                    if (stdout):
                        for line in stdout.splitlines():

                result = not (
                    (self.getReturnCode(proc) != 0) or
                     and re.search("^((parent|child): )?TEST-UNEXPECTED-",
                                   stdout, re.MULTILINE)) or
                     and re.search(": SyntaxError:", stdout, re.MULTILINE)))

                if result != expected:
                        "TEST-UNEXPECTED-%s | %s | test failed (with xpcshell return code: %d), see following log:"
                        % ("FAIL" if expected else "PASS", name,
                    self.failCount += 1
                    timeTaken = (time.time() - startTime) * 1000
                    self.log.info("TEST-%s | %s | test passed (time: %.3fms)" %
                                  ("PASS" if expected else "KNOWN-FAIL", name,
                    if verbose:
                    if expected:
                        self.passCount += 1
                        self.todoCount += 1

                checkForCrashes(testdir, self.symbolsPath, testName=name)
                # Find child process(es) leak log(s), if any: See InitLog() in
                # xpcom/base/nsTraceRefcntImpl.cpp for logfile naming logic
                leakLogs = [self.leakLogFile]
                for childLog in glob(
                    if os.path.isfile(childLog):
                        leakLogs += [childLog]
                for log in leakLogs:
                    dumpLeakLog(log, True)

                if self.logfiles and stdout:
                    self.createLogFile(name, stdout, leakLogs)
                # We don't want to delete the profile when running check-interactive
                # or check-one.
                if self.profileDir and not self.interactive and not self.singleFile:
            if gotSIGINT:
                    "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Received SIGINT (control-C) during test execution"
                if (keepGoing):
                    gotSIGINT = False
        if self.testCount == 0:
                "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | runxpcshelltests.py | No tests run. Did you pass an invalid --test-path?"
            self.failCount = 1

        self.log.info("""INFO | Result summary:
INFO | Passed: %d
INFO | Failed: %d
INFO | Todo: %d""" % (self.passCount, self.failCount, self.todoCount))

        if gotSIGINT and not keepGoing:
            self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Received SIGINT (control-C), so stopped run. " \
                           "(Use --keep-going to keep running tests after killing one with SIGINT)")
            return False
        return self.failCount == 0
  def runTests(self, xpcshell, xrePath=None, appPath=None, symbolsPath=None,
               manifest=None, testdirs=None, testPath=None,
               interactive=False, verbose=False, keepGoing=False, logfiles=True,
               thisChunk=1, totalChunks=1, debugger=None,
               debuggerArgs=None, debuggerInteractive=False,
               profileName=None, mozInfo=None, shuffle=False,
               testsRootDir=None, xunitFilename=None, xunitName=None,
               testingModulesDir=None, autolog=False, **otherOptions):
    """Run xpcshell tests.

    |xpcshell|, is the xpcshell executable to use to run the tests.
    |xrePath|, if provided, is the path to the XRE to use.
    |appPath|, if provided, is the path to an application directory.
    |symbolsPath|, if provided is the path to a directory containing
      breakpad symbols for processing crashes in tests.
    |manifest|, if provided, is a file containing a list of
      test directories to run.
    |testdirs|, if provided, is a list of absolute paths of test directories.
      No-manifest only option.
    |testPath|, if provided, indicates a single path and/or test to run.
    |interactive|, if set to True, indicates to provide an xpcshell prompt
      instead of automatically executing the test.
    |verbose|, if set to True, will cause stdout/stderr from tests to
      be printed always
    |logfiles|, if set to False, indicates not to save output to log files.
      Non-interactive only option.
    |debuggerInfo|, if set, specifies the debugger and debugger arguments
      that will be used to launch xpcshell.
    |profileName|, if set, specifies the name of the application for the profile
      directory if running only a subset of tests.
    |mozInfo|, if set, specifies specifies build configuration information, either as a filename containing JSON, or a dict.
    |shuffle|, if True, execute tests in random order.
    |testsRootDir|, absolute path to root directory of all tests. This is used
      by xUnit generation to determine the package name of the tests.
    |xunitFilename|, if set, specifies the filename to which to write xUnit XML
    |xunitName|, if outputting an xUnit XML file, the str value to use for the
      testsuite name.
    |testingModulesDir|, if provided, specifies where JS modules reside.
      xpcshell will register a resource handler mapping this path.
    |otherOptions| may be present for the convenience of subclasses

    global gotSIGINT

    if testdirs is None:
        testdirs = []

    if xunitFilename is not None or xunitName is not None:
        if not isinstance(testsRootDir, str):
            raise Exception("testsRootDir must be a str when outputting xUnit.")

        if not os.path.isabs(testsRootDir):
            testsRootDir = os.path.abspath(testsRootDir)

        if not os.path.exists(testsRootDir):
            raise Exception("testsRootDir path does not exists: %s" %

    # Try to guess modules directory.
    # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
    # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
    # code path should never be executed in local runs because the build system
    # should always set this argument.
    if not testingModulesDir:
        ourDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        possible = os.path.join(ourDir, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

        if os.path.isdir(possible):
            testingModulesDir = possible

    if testingModulesDir:
        # The resource loader expects native paths. Depending on how we were
        # invoked, a UNIX style path may sneak in on Windows. We try to
        # normalize that.
        testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(testingModulesDir)

        if not os.path.isabs(testingModulesDir):
            testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(testingModulesDir)

        if not testingModulesDir.endswith(os.path.sep):
            testingModulesDir += os.path.sep

    self.xpcshell = xpcshell
    self.xrePath = xrePath
    self.appPath = appPath
    self.symbolsPath = symbolsPath
    self.manifest = manifest
    self.testdirs = testdirs
    self.testPath = testPath
    self.interactive = interactive
    self.verbose = verbose
    self.keepGoing = keepGoing
    self.logfiles = logfiles
    self.totalChunks = totalChunks
    self.thisChunk = thisChunk
    self.debuggerInfo = getDebuggerInfo(self.oldcwd, debugger, debuggerArgs, debuggerInteractive)
    self.profileName = profileName or "xpcshell"
    self.mozInfo = mozInfo
    self.testingModulesDir = testingModulesDir

    # If we have an interactive debugger, disable ctrl-c.
    if self.debuggerInfo and self.debuggerInfo["interactive"]:
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: None)

    if not testdirs and not manifest:
      # nothing to test!
      self.log.error("Error: No test dirs or test manifest specified!")
      return False

    self.testCount = 0
    self.passCount = 0
    self.failCount = 0
    self.todoCount = 0


    # Handle filenames in mozInfo
    if not isinstance(self.mozInfo, dict):
      mozInfoFile = self.mozInfo
      if not os.path.isfile(mozInfoFile):
        self.log.error("Error: couldn't find mozinfo.json at '%s'. Perhaps you need to use --build-info-json?" % mozInfoFile)
        return False
      self.mozInfo = parse_json(open(mozInfoFile).read())

    # We have to do this before we build the test list so we know whether or
    # not to run tests that depend on having the node spdy server

    pStdout, pStderr = self.getPipes()


    if shuffle:

    xunitResults = []

    for test in self.alltests:
      name = test['path']
      if self.singleFile and not name.endswith(self.singleFile):

      if self.testPath and name.find(self.testPath) == -1:

      self.testCount += 1

      xunitResult = {"name": test["name"], "classname": "xpcshell"}
      # The xUnit package is defined as the path component between the root
      # dir and the test with path characters replaced with '.' (using Java
      # class notation).
      if testsRootDir is not None:
          testsRootDir = os.path.normpath(testsRootDir)
          if test["here"].find(testsRootDir) != 0:
              raise Exception("testsRootDir is not a parent path of %s" %
          relpath = test["here"][len(testsRootDir):].lstrip("/\\")
          xunitResult["classname"] = relpath.replace("/", ".").replace("\\", ".")

      # Check for skipped tests
      if 'disabled' in test:
        self.log.info("TEST-INFO | skipping %s | %s" %
                      (name, test['disabled']))

        xunitResult["skipped"] = True

      # Check for known-fail tests
      expected = test['expected'] == 'pass'

      testdir = os.path.dirname(name)
      testHeadFiles, testTailFiles = self.getHeadAndTailFiles(test)
      cmdH = self.buildCmdHead(testHeadFiles, testTailFiles, self.xpcsCmd)

      # create a temp dir that the JS harness can stick a profile in
      self.profileDir = self.setupProfileDir()
      self.leakLogFile = self.setupLeakLogging()

      # The test file will have to be loaded after the head files.
      cmdT = self.buildCmdTestFile(name)

      args = self.xpcsRunArgs[:]
      if 'debug' in test:
          args.insert(0, '-d')

      completeCmd = cmdH + cmdT + args

        self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | running test ..." % name)
        if verbose:
            self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | full command: %r" % (name, completeCmd))
            self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | current directory: %r" % (name, testdir))
            # Show only those environment variables that are changed from
            # the ambient environment.
            changedEnv = (set("%s=%s" % i for i in self.env.iteritems())
                          - set("%s=%s" % i for i in os.environ.iteritems()))
            self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | environment: %s" % (name, list(changedEnv)))
        startTime = time.time()

        proc = self.launchProcess(completeCmd,
                    stdout=pStdout, stderr=pStderr, env=self.env, cwd=testdir)

        if interactive:
          self.log.info("TEST-INFO | %s | Process ID: %d" % (name, proc.pid))

        # Allow user to kill hung subprocess with SIGINT w/o killing this script
        # - don't move this line above launchProcess, or child will inherit the SIG_IGN
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, markGotSIGINT)
        # |stderr == None| as |pStderr| was either |None| or redirected to |stdout|.
        stdout, stderr = self.communicate(proc)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)

        if interactive:
          # Not sure what else to do here...
          return True

        def print_stdout(stdout):
          """Print stdout line-by-line to avoid overflowing buffers."""
          if (stdout):
            for line in stdout.splitlines():

        result = not ((self.getReturnCode(proc) != 0) or
                      # if do_throw or do_check failed
                      (stdout and re.search("^((parent|child): )?TEST-UNEXPECTED-",
                                            stdout, re.MULTILINE)) or
                      # if syntax error in xpcshell file
                      (stdout and re.search(": SyntaxError:", stdout,
                                            re.MULTILINE)) or
                      # if e10s test started but never finished (child process crash)
                      (stdout and re.search("^child: CHILD-TEST-STARTED",
                                            stdout, re.MULTILINE)
                              and not re.search("^child: CHILD-TEST-COMPLETED",
                                                stdout, re.MULTILINE)))

        if result != expected:
          failureType = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-%s" % ("FAIL" if expected else "PASS")
          message = "%s | %s | test failed (with xpcshell return code: %d), see following log:" % (
                        failureType, name, self.getReturnCode(proc))
          self.failCount += 1
          xunitResult["passed"] = False

          xunitResult["failure"] = {
            "type": failureType,
            "message": message,
            "text": stdout
          now = time.time()
          timeTaken = (now - startTime) * 1000
          xunitResult["time"] = now - startTime
          self.log.info("TEST-%s | %s | test passed (time: %.3fms)" % ("PASS" if expected else "KNOWN-FAIL", name, timeTaken))
          if verbose:

          xunitResult["passed"] = True

          if expected:
            self.passCount += 1
            self.todoCount += 1
            xunitResult["todo"] = True

        checkForCrashes(testdir, self.symbolsPath, testName=name)
        # Find child process(es) leak log(s), if any: See InitLog() in
        # xpcom/base/nsTraceRefcntImpl.cpp for logfile naming logic
        leakLogs = [self.leakLogFile]
        for childLog in glob(os.path.join(self.profileDir, "runxpcshelltests_leaks_*_pid*.log")):
          if os.path.isfile(childLog):
            leakLogs += [childLog]
        for log in leakLogs:
          dumpLeakLog(log, True)

        if self.logfiles and stdout:
          self.createLogFile(name, stdout, leakLogs)
        # We can sometimes get here before the process has terminated, which would
        # cause removeDir() to fail - so check for the process & kill it it needed.
        if self.poll(proc) is None:
          message = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | Process still running after test!" % name
          self.failCount += 1
          xunitResult["passed"] = False
          xunitResult["failure"] = {
            "type": "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL",
            "message": message,
            "text": stdout
        # We don't want to delete the profile when running check-interactive
        # or check-one.
        if self.profileDir and not self.interactive and not self.singleFile:
          except Exception:
            message = "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | Failed to clean up the test profile directory: %s" % (name, sys.exc_info()[1])
            self.failCount += 1
            xunitResult["passed"] = False
            xunitResult["failure"] = {
              "type": "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL",
              "message": message,
              "text": "%s\n%s" % (stdout, traceback.format_exc())

      if gotSIGINT:
        xunitResult["passed"] = False
        xunitResult["time"] = "0.0"
        xunitResult["failure"] = {
          "type": "SIGINT",
          "message": "Received SIGINT",
          "text": "Received SIGINT (control-C) during test execution."

        self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Received SIGINT (control-C) during test execution")
        if (keepGoing):
          gotSIGINT = False



    if self.testCount == 0:
      self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | runxpcshelltests.py | No tests run. Did you pass an invalid --test-path?")
      self.failCount = 1

    self.log.info("""INFO | Result summary:
INFO | Passed: %d
INFO | Failed: %d
INFO | Todo: %d""" % (self.passCount, self.failCount, self.todoCount))

    if autolog:
      self.post_to_autolog(xunitResults, xunitName)

    if xunitFilename is not None:
        self.writeXunitResults(filename=xunitFilename, results=xunitResults,

    if gotSIGINT and not keepGoing:
      self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Received SIGINT (control-C), so stopped run. " \
                     "(Use --keep-going to keep running tests after killing one with SIGINT)")
      return False

    return self.failCount == 0
Exemple #23
    def run_desktop_test(self,
        """Runs a mochitest.

        test_file is a path to a test file. It can be a relative path from the
        top source directory, an absolute filename, or a directory containing
        test files.

        suite is the type of mochitest to run. It can be one of ('plain',
        'chrome', 'browser', 'metro', 'a11y').

        debugger is a program name or path to a binary (presumably a debugger)
        to run the test in. e.g. 'gdb'

        debugger_args are the arguments passed to the debugger.

        shuffle is whether test order should be shuffled (defaults to false).

        keep_open denotes whether to keep the browser open after tests
        if rerun_failures and test_file:
            print('Cannot specify both --rerun-failures and a test path.')
            return 1

        # Need to call relpath before os.chdir() below.
        test_path = ''
        if test_file:
            test_path = self._wrap_path_argument(test_file).relpath()

        failure_file_path = os.path.join(self.statedir,

        if rerun_failures and not os.path.exists(failure_file_path):
            print('No failure file present. Did you run mochitests before?')
            return 1

        from StringIO import StringIO

        # runtests.py is ambiguous, so we load the file/module manually.
        if 'mochitest' not in sys.modules:
            import imp
            path = os.path.join(self.mochitest_dir, 'runtests.py')
            with open(path, 'r') as fh:
                imp.load_module('mochitest', fh, path,
                                ('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))

        import mozinfo
        import mochitest

        # This is required to make other components happy. Sad, isn't it?

        # Automation installs its own stream handler to stdout. Since we want
        # all logging to go through us, we just remove their handler.
        remove_handlers = [
            l for l in logging.getLogger().handlers
            if isinstance(l, logging.StreamHandler)
        for handler in remove_handlers:

        runner = mochitest.Mochitest()

        opts = mochitest.MochitestOptions()
        options, args = opts.parse_args([])

        # Need to set the suite options before verifyOptions below.
        if suite == 'plain':
            # Don't need additional options for plain.
        elif suite == 'chrome':
            options.chrome = True
        elif suite == 'browser':
            options.browserChrome = True
        elif suite == 'metro':
            options.immersiveMode = True
            options.browserChrome = True
        elif suite == 'a11y':
            options.a11y = True
        elif suite == 'webapprt-content':
            options.webapprtContent = True
            options.app = self.get_webapp_runtime_path()
        elif suite == 'webapprt-chrome':
            options.webapprtChrome = True
            options.app = self.get_webapp_runtime_path()
            raise Exception('None or unrecognized mochitest suite type.')

        if dmd:
            options.dmdPath = self.lib_dir

        options.autorun = not no_autorun
        options.closeWhenDone = not keep_open
        options.shuffle = shuffle
        options.consoleLevel = 'INFO'
        options.repeat = repeat
        options.runUntilFailure = run_until_failure
        options.runSlower = slow
        options.testingModulesDir = os.path.join(self.tests_dir, 'modules')
        options.extraProfileFiles.append(os.path.join(self.distdir, 'plugins'))
        options.symbolsPath = os.path.join(self.distdir,
        options.chunkByDir = chunk_by_dir
        options.totalChunks = total_chunks
        options.thisChunk = this_chunk
        options.jsdebugger = jsdebugger
        options.debugOnFailure = debug_on_failure
        options.startAt = start_at
        options.endAt = end_at
        options.e10s = e10s
        options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest = dump_about_memory_after_test
        options.dumpDMDAfterTest = dump_dmd_after_test
        options.dumpOutputDirectory = dump_output_directory
        mozinfo.update({"e10s": e10s})  # for test manifest parsing.

        options.failureFile = failure_file_path

        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            setattr(options, k, v)

        if test_path:
            test_root = runner.getTestRoot(options)
            test_root_file = mozpack.path.join(self.mochitest_dir, test_root,
            if not os.path.exists(test_root_file):
                print('Specified test path does not exist: %s' %
                    'You may need to run |mach build| to build the test files.'
                return 1

            # Handle test_path pointing at a manifest file so conditions in
            # the manifest are processed.  This is a temporary solution
            # pending bug 938019.
            # The manifest basename is the same as |suite|, except for plain
            manifest_base = 'mochitest' if suite == 'plain' else suite
            if os.path.basename(test_root_file) == manifest_base + '.ini':
                options.manifestFile = test_root_file
                options.testPath = test_path

        if rerun_failures:
            options.testManifest = failure_file_path

        if debugger:
            options.debugger = debugger

        if debugger_args:
            if options.debugger == None:
                print("--debugger-args passed, but no debugger specified.")
                return 1
            options.debuggerArgs = debugger_args

        options = opts.verifyOptions(options, runner)

        if options is None:
            raise Exception('mochitest option validator failed.')

        # We need this to enable colorization of output.

        # Output processing is a little funky here. The old make targets
        # grepped the log output from TEST-UNEXPECTED-* and printed these lines
        # after test execution. Ideally the test runner would expose a Python
        # API for obtaining test results and we could just format failures
        # appropriately. Unfortunately, it doesn't yet do that. So, we capture
        # all output to a buffer then "grep" the buffer after test execution.
        # Bug 858197 tracks a Python API that would facilitate this.
        test_output = StringIO()
        handler = logging.StreamHandler(test_output)
        handler.setFormatter(StructuredHumanFormatter(0, write_times=False))

        result = runner.runTests(options)

        # Need to remove our buffering handler before we echo failures or else
        # it will catch them again!

        if test_output.getvalue():
            result = 1
            for line in test_output.getvalue().splitlines():
                self.log(logging.INFO, 'unexpected', {'msg': line}, '{msg}')

        return result
Exemple #24
    def verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest):
        """ verify correct options and cleanup paths """

        mozinfo.update({"e10s": options.e10s})  # for test manifest parsing.

        if options.app is None:
            if build_obj is not None:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                    "could not find the application path, --appname must be specified"

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
                "thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                self.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != self.defaults['app']:
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                    "could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified"

        # allow relative paths
        options.xrePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.xrePath)
        if options.profilePath:
            options.profilePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.profilePath)
        options.app = mochitest.getFullPath(options.app)
        if options.dmdPath is not None:
            options.dmdPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.dmdPath)

        if not os.path.exists(options.app):
            msg = """\
            Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist.
            Are you executing $objdir/_tests/testing/mochitest/runtests.py?"""
            self.error(msg % {"app": options.app})
            return None

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.certPath)

        if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath):
            options.symbolsPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)

        # Set server information on the options object
        options.webServer = ''
        options.httpPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['http']
        options.sslPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['https']
        #        options.webSocketPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['ws']
        options.webSocketPort = str(
        )  # <- http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/b871dfb2186f/build/automation.py.in#l30
        # The default websocket port is incorrect in mozprofile; it is
        # set to the SSL proxy setting. See:
        # see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=916517

        if options.vmwareRecording:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                    "use-vmware-recording is only supported on Windows.")
            mochitest.vmwareHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME + ".dll")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.vmwareHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot automate VMware recording." %

        if options.testManifest and options.runOnlyTests:
                "Please use --test-manifest only and not --run-only-tests")

        if options.runOnlyTests:
            if not os.path.exists(
                    os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, options.runOnlyTests))):
                self.error("unable to find --run-only-tests file '%s'" %
            options.runOnly = True
            options.testManifest = options.runOnlyTests
            options.runOnlyTests = None

        if options.manifestFile and options.testManifest:
                "Unable to support both --manifest and --test-manifest/--run-only-tests at the same time"

        if options.webapprtContent and options.webapprtChrome:
                "Only one of --webapprt-content and --webapprt-chrome may be given."

        if options.jsdebugger:
            options.extraPrefs += [
            options.autorun = False

        if options.debugOnFailure and not options.jsdebugger:
                "--debug-on-failure should be used together with --jsdebugger."

        # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
        # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
        # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
        # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system
        # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever
        # passes this argument, this code can be deleted.
        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            possible = os.path.join(here, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

            if os.path.isdir(possible):
                options.testingModulesDir = possible

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                self.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace(
                '\\', '/')
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                self.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            mochitest.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.immersiveHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        if options.dumpOutputDirectory is None:
            options.dumpOutputDirectory = tempfile.gettempdir()

        if options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest or options.dumpDMDAfterTest:
            if not os.path.isdir(options.dumpOutputDirectory):
                self.error('--dump-output-directory not a directory: %s' %

        if options.useTestMediaDevices:
            if not mozinfo.isLinux:
                    '--use-test-media-devices is only supported on Linux currently'
            for f in ['/usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10', '/usr/bin/pactl']:
                if not os.path.isfile(f):
                        'Missing binary %s required for --use-test-media-devices'

        return options
Exemple #25
    def find_modified_tests(self):
           For each file modified on this push, determine if the modified file
           is a test, by searching test manifests. Populate self.suites
           with test files, organized by suite.

           This depends on test manifests, so can only run after test zips have
           been downloaded and extracted.
        repository = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY")
        revision = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REV")
        if not repository or not revision:
                "unable to run tests in per-test mode: no repo or revision!")
            return []

        def get_automationrelevance():
            response = self.load_json_url(url)
            return response

        dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
        e10s = self.config.get('e10s', False)
        mozinfo.update({"e10s": e10s})
        headless = self.config.get('headless', False)
        mozinfo.update({"headless": headless})
        # FIXME(emilio): Need to update test expectations.
        mozinfo.update({'stylo': True})
        mozinfo.update({'verify': True})
        self.info("Per-test run using mozinfo: %s" % str(mozinfo.info))

        # determine which files were changed on this push
        url = '%s/json-automationrelevance/%s' % (repository.rstrip('/'),
        contents = self.retry(get_automationrelevance,
        changed_files = set()
        for c in contents['changesets']:
            self.info(" {cset} {desc}".format(
                desc=c['desc'].splitlines()[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore')))
            changed_files |= set(c['files'])

        if self.config.get('per_test_category') == "web-platform":
            self._find_wpt_tests(dirs, changed_files)
        elif self.config.get('gpu_required') == True:
            self._find_misc_tests(dirs, changed_files, gpu=True)
            self._find_misc_tests(dirs, changed_files)

        # per test mode run specific tests from any given test suite
        # _find_*_tests organizes tests to run into suites so we can
        # run each suite at a time

        # chunk files
        total_tests = sum([len(self.suites[x]) for x in self.suites])

        files_per_chunk = total_tests / float(
            self.config.get('total_chunks', 1))
        files_per_chunk = int(math.ceil(files_per_chunk))

        chunk_number = int(self.config.get('this_chunk', 1))
        suites = {}
        start = (chunk_number - 1) * files_per_chunk
        end = (chunk_number * files_per_chunk)
        current = -1
        for suite in self.suites:
            for test in self.suites[suite]:
                current += 1
                if current >= start and current < end:
                    if suite not in suites:
                        suites[suite] = []
            if current >= end:

        self.suites = suites
        self.tests_downloaded = True
Exemple #26
    def verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest):
        """ verify correct options and cleanup paths """

        mozinfo.update({"e10s": options.e10s}) # for test manifest parsing.

        if options.app is None:
            if build_obj is not None:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                self.error("could not find the application path, --appname must be specified")

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
            self.error("thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                self.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != self.defaults['app']:
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                self.error("could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified")

        # allow relative paths
        options.xrePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.xrePath)
        if options.profilePath:
            options.profilePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.profilePath)
        options.app = mochitest.getFullPath(options.app)
        if options.dmdPath is not None:
            options.dmdPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.dmdPath)

        if not os.path.exists(options.app):
            msg = """\
            Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist.
            Are you executing $objdir/_tests/testing/mochitest/runtests.py?"""
            self.error(msg % {"app": options.app})
            return None

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.certPath)

        if options.symbolsPath and not isURL(options.symbolsPath):
            options.symbolsPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)

        # Set server information on the options object
        options.webServer = ''
        options.httpPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['http']
        options.sslPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['https']
        #        options.webSocketPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['ws']
        options.webSocketPort = str(9988) # <- http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/b871dfb2186f/build/automation.py.in#l30
        # The default websocket port is incorrect in mozprofile; it is
        # set to the SSL proxy setting. See:
        # see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=916517

        if options.vmwareRecording:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                self.error("use-vmware-recording is only supported on Windows.")
            mochitest.vmwareHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME + ".dll")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.vmwareHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot automate VMware recording." %

        if options.testManifest and options.runOnlyTests:
            self.error("Please use --test-manifest only and not --run-only-tests")

        if options.runOnlyTests:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, options.runOnlyTests))):
                self.error("unable to find --run-only-tests file '%s'" % options.runOnlyTests)
            options.runOnly = True
            options.testManifest = options.runOnlyTests
            options.runOnlyTests = None

        if options.manifestFile and options.testManifest:
            self.error("Unable to support both --manifest and --test-manifest/--run-only-tests at the same time")

        if options.webapprtContent and options.webapprtChrome:
            self.error("Only one of --webapprt-content and --webapprt-chrome may be given.")

        if options.jsdebugger:
            options.extraPrefs += [
            options.autorun = False

        if options.debugOnFailure and not options.jsdebugger:
          self.error("--debug-on-failure should be used together with --jsdebugger.")

        # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
        # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
        # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
        # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system
        # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever
        # passes this argument, this code can be deleted.
        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            possible = os.path.join(here, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

            if os.path.isdir(possible):
                options.testingModulesDir = possible

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(options.testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(options.testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                self.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace('\\', '/')
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                self.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            mochitest.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.immersiveHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        if options.dumpOutputDirectory is None:
            options.dumpOutputDirectory = tempfile.gettempdir()

        if options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest or options.dumpDMDAfterTest:
            if not os.path.isdir(options.dumpOutputDirectory):
                self.error('--dump-output-directory not a directory: %s' %

        if options.useTestMediaDevices:
            if not mozinfo.isLinux:
                self.error('--use-test-media-devices is only supported on Linux currently')
            for f in ['/usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10', '/usr/bin/pactl']:
                if not os.path.isfile(f):
                    self.error('Missing binary %s required for --use-test-media-devices')

        return options
Exemple #27
    def verifyOptions(self, options, mochitest):
        """ verify correct options and cleanup paths """

        # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"strictContentSandbox": options.strictContentSandbox})
        # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"nested_oop": options.nested_oop})

        if options.app is None:
            if build_obj is not None:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                    "could not find the application path, --appname must be specified")

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
                "thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                self.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.chunkByDir and options.chunkByRuntime:
                "can only use one of --chunk-by-dir or --chunk-by-runtime")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != self.get_default('app'):
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
                if mozinfo.isMac:
                    options.xrePath = os.path.join(
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                    "could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified")

        # allow relative paths
        options.xrePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.xrePath)
        if options.profilePath:
            options.profilePath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.profilePath)
        options.app = mochitest.getFullPath(options.app)
        if options.dmdPath is not None:
            options.dmdPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.dmdPath)

        if not os.path.exists(options.app):
            msg = """\
            Error: Path %(app)s doesn't exist.
            Are you executing $objdir/_tests/testing/mochitest/runtests.py?"""
            self.error(msg % {"app": options.app})
            return None

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.utilityPath)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.certPath)

        if options.symbolsPath and len(
                options.symbolsPath).scheme) < 2:
            options.symbolsPath = mochitest.getFullPath(options.symbolsPath)

        # Set server information on the options object
        options.webServer = ''
        options.httpPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['http']
        options.sslPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['https']
        #        options.webSocketPort = DEFAULT_PORTS['ws']
        # <- http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/b871dfb2186f/build/automation.py.in#l30
        options.webSocketPort = str(9988)
        # The default websocket port is incorrect in mozprofile; it is
        # set to the SSL proxy setting. See:
        # see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=916517

        if options.vmwareRecording:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                    "use-vmware-recording is only supported on Windows.")
            mochitest.vmwareHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, VMWARE_RECORDING_HELPER_BASENAME + ".dll")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.vmwareHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot automate VMware recording." %

        if options.webapprtContent and options.webapprtChrome:
                "Only one of --webapprt-content and --webapprt-chrome may be given.")

        if options.jsdebugger:
            options.extraPrefs += [
            options.autorun = False

        if options.debugOnFailure and not options.jsdebugger:
                "--debug-on-failure should be used together with --jsdebugger.")

        # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
        # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
        # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
        # code should never be executed in local runs because the build system
        # should always set the flag that populates this variable. If buildbot ever
        # passes this argument, this code can be deleted.
        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            possible = os.path.join(here, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

            if os.path.isdir(possible):
                options.testingModulesDir = possible

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                self.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace(
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.immersiveMode:
            if not mozinfo.isWin:
                self.error("immersive is only supported on Windows 8 and up.")
            mochitest.immersiveHelperPath = os.path.join(
                options.utilityPath, "metrotestharness.exe")
            if not os.path.exists(mochitest.immersiveHelperPath):
                self.error("%s not found, cannot launch immersive tests." %

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        if options.dumpOutputDirectory is None:
            options.dumpOutputDirectory = tempfile.gettempdir()

        if options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest or options.dumpDMDAfterTest:
            if not os.path.isdir(options.dumpOutputDirectory):
                self.error('--dump-output-directory not a directory: %s' %

        if options.useTestMediaDevices:
            if not mozinfo.isLinux:
                    '--use-test-media-devices is only supported on Linux currently')
            for f in ['/usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10', '/usr/bin/pactl']:
                if not os.path.isfile(f):
                        'Missing binary %s required for '
                        '--use-test-media-devices' % f)

        if options.nested_oop:
            if not options.e10s:
                options.e10s = True
        mozinfo.update({"e10s": options.e10s})  # for test manifest parsing.

        options.leakThresholds = {
            "default": options.defaultLeakThreshold,
            "tab": 25000,  # See dependencies of bug 1051230.
            # GMP rarely gets a log, but when it does, it leaks a little.
            "geckomediaplugin": 20000,

        # Bug 1065098 - The geckomediaplugin process fails to produce a leak
        # log for some reason.
        options.ignoreMissingLeaks = ["geckomediaplugin"]

        # Bug 1091917 - We exit early in tab processes on Windows, so we don't
        # get leak logs yet.
        if mozinfo.isWin:

        # Bug 1121539 - OSX-only intermittent tab process leak in test_ipc.html
        if mozinfo.isMac:
            options.leakThresholds["tab"] = 100000

        return options
    def validate(self, parser, options, context):
        """Validate android options."""

        if build_obj:
            options.log_mach = '-'

        device_args = {'deviceRoot': options.remoteTestRoot}
        if options.dm_trans == "adb":
            device_args['adbPath'] = options.adbPath
            if options.deviceIP:
                device_args['host'] = options.deviceIP
                device_args['port'] = options.devicePort
            elif options.deviceSerial:
                device_args['deviceSerial'] = options.deviceSerial
            options.dm = DroidADB(**device_args)
        elif options.dm_trans == 'sut':
            if options.deviceIP is None:
                    "If --dm_trans = sut, you must provide a device IP")
            device_args['host'] = options.deviceIP
            device_args['port'] = options.devicePort
            options.dm = DroidSUT(**device_args)

        if not options.remoteTestRoot:
            options.remoteTestRoot = options.dm.deviceRoot

        if options.remoteWebServer is None:
            if os.name != "nt":
                options.remoteWebServer = moznetwork.get_ip()
                    "you must specify a --remote-webserver=<ip address>")

        options.webServer = options.remoteWebServer

        if options.remoteLogFile is None:
            options.remoteLogFile = options.remoteTestRoot + \

        if options.remoteLogFile.count('/') < 1:
            options.remoteLogFile = options.remoteTestRoot + \
                '/' + options.remoteLogFile

        if options.remoteAppPath and options.app:
                "You cannot specify both the remoteAppPath and the app setting")
        elif options.remoteAppPath:
            options.app = options.remoteTestRoot + "/" + options.remoteAppPath
        elif options.app is None:
            if build_obj:
                options.app = build_obj.substs['ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME']
                # Neither remoteAppPath nor app are set -- error
                parser.error("You must specify either appPath or app")

        if build_obj and 'MOZ_HOST_BIN' in os.environ:
            options.xrePath = os.environ['MOZ_HOST_BIN']

        # Only reset the xrePath if it wasn't provided
        if options.xrePath is None:
            options.xrePath = options.utilityPath

        if options.pidFile != "":
            f = open(options.pidFile, 'w')
            f.write("%s" % os.getpid())

        # Robocop specific options
        if options.robocopIni != "":
            if not os.path.exists(options.robocopIni):
                    "Unable to find specified robocop .ini manifest '%s'" %
            options.robocopIni = os.path.abspath(options.robocopIni)

            if not options.robocopApk and build_obj:
                options.robocopApk = os.path.join(build_obj.topobjdir, 'mobile', 'android',
                                                  'tests', 'browser',
                                                  'robocop', 'robocop-debug.apk')

        if options.robocopApk != "":
            if not os.path.exists(options.robocopApk):
                    "Unable to find robocop APK '%s'" %
            options.robocopApk = os.path.abspath(options.robocopApk)

        # Disable e10s by default on Android because we don't run Android
        # e10s jobs anywhere yet.
        options.e10s = False
        mozinfo.update({'e10s': options.e10s})

        # allow us to keep original application around for cleanup while
        # running robocop via 'am'
        options.remoteappname = options.app
        return options
Exemple #29
    def validate(self, parser, options, context):
        """Validate generic options."""

        # for test manifest parsing.
        mozinfo.update({"nested_oop": options.nested_oop})

        # and android doesn't use 'app' the same way, so skip validation
        if parser.app != 'android':
            if options.app is None:
                if build_obj:
                    options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path()
                        "could not find the application path, --appname must be specified")
            elif options.app == "dist" and build_obj:
                options.app = build_obj.get_binary_path(where='staged-package')

            options.app = self.get_full_path(options.app, parser.oldcwd)
            if not os.path.exists(options.app):
                parser.error("Error: Path {} doesn't exist. Are you executing "

        if options.flavor is None:
            options.flavor = 'plain'

        if options.gmp_path is None and options.app and build_obj:
            # Need to fix the location of gmp_fake which might not be shipped in the binary
            gmp_modules = (
                ('gmp-fake', '1.0'),
                ('gmp-clearkey', '0.1'),
                ('gmp-fakeopenh264', '1.0')
            options.gmp_path = os.pathsep.join(
                os.path.join(build_obj.bindir, *p) for p in gmp_modules)

        if options.totalChunks is not None and options.thisChunk is None:
                "thisChunk must be specified when totalChunks is specified")

        if options.extra_mozinfo_json:
            if not os.path.isfile(options.extra_mozinfo_json):
                parser.error("Error: couldn't find mozinfo.json at '%s'."
                             % options.extra_mozinfo_json)

            options.extra_mozinfo_json = json.load(open(options.extra_mozinfo_json))

        if options.totalChunks:
            if not 1 <= options.thisChunk <= options.totalChunks:
                parser.error("thisChunk must be between 1 and totalChunks")

        if options.chunkByDir and options.chunkByRuntime:
                "can only use one of --chunk-by-dir or --chunk-by-runtime")

        if options.xrePath is None:
            # default xrePath to the app path if not provided
            # but only if an app path was explicitly provided
            if options.app != parser.get_default('app'):
                options.xrePath = os.path.dirname(options.app)
                if mozinfo.isMac:
                    options.xrePath = os.path.join(
            elif build_obj is not None:
                # otherwise default to dist/bin
                options.xrePath = build_obj.bindir
                    "could not find xre directory, --xre-path must be specified")

        # allow relative paths
        if options.xrePath:
            options.xrePath = self.get_full_path(options.xrePath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.profilePath:
            options.profilePath = self.get_full_path(options.profilePath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.utilityPath:
            options.utilityPath = self.get_full_path(options.utilityPath, parser.oldcwd)

        if options.certPath:
            options.certPath = self.get_full_path(options.certPath, parser.oldcwd)
        elif build_obj:
            options.certPath = os.path.join(build_obj.topsrcdir, 'build', 'pgo', 'certs')

        if options.symbolsPath and len(urlparse(options.symbolsPath).scheme) < 2:
            options.symbolsPath = self.get_full_path(options.symbolsPath, parser.oldcwd)
        elif not options.symbolsPath and build_obj:
            options.symbolsPath = os.path.join(build_obj.distdir, 'crashreporter-symbols')

        if options.debugOnFailure and not options.jsdebugger:
                "--debug-on-failure requires --jsdebugger.")

        if options.debuggerArgs and not options.debugger:
                "--debugger-args requires --debugger.")

        if options.valgrind or options.debugger:
            # valgrind and some debuggers may cause Gecko to start slowly. Make sure
            # marionette waits long enough to connect.
            options.marionette_startup_timeout = 900
            options.marionette_socket_timeout = 540

        if options.store_chrome_manifest:
            options.store_chrome_manifest = os.path.abspath(options.store_chrome_manifest)
            if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(options.store_chrome_manifest)):
                    "directory for %s does not exist as a destination to copy a "
                    "chrome manifest." % options.store_chrome_manifest)

        if options.jscov_dir_prefix:
            options.jscov_dir_prefix = os.path.abspath(options.jscov_dir_prefix)
            if not os.path.isdir(options.jscov_dir_prefix):
                    "directory %s does not exist as a destination for coverage "
                    "data." % options.jscov_dir_prefix)

        if options.testingModulesDir is None:
            # Try to guess the testing modules directory.
            possible = [os.path.join(here, os.path.pardir, 'modules')]
            if build_obj:
                possible.insert(0, os.path.join(build_obj.topobjdir, '_tests', 'modules'))

            for p in possible:
                if os.path.isdir(p):
                    options.testingModulesDir = p

        # Paths to specialpowers and mochijar from the tests archive.
        options.stagedAddons = [
            os.path.join(here, 'extensions', 'specialpowers'),
            os.path.join(here, 'mochijar'),
        if build_obj:
            objdir_xpi_stage = os.path.join(build_obj.distdir, 'xpi-stage')
            if os.path.isdir(objdir_xpi_stage):
                options.stagedAddons = [
                    os.path.join(objdir_xpi_stage, 'specialpowers'),
                    os.path.join(objdir_xpi_stage, 'mochijar'),
            plugins_dir = os.path.join(build_obj.distdir, 'plugins')
            if os.path.isdir(plugins_dir) and plugins_dir not in options.extraProfileFiles:

        # Even if buildbot is updated, we still want this, as the path we pass in
        # to the app must be absolute and have proper slashes.
        if options.testingModulesDir is not None:
            options.testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(

            if not os.path.isabs(options.testingModulesDir):
                options.testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(

            if not os.path.isdir(options.testingModulesDir):
                parser.error('--testing-modules-dir not a directory: %s' %

            options.testingModulesDir = options.testingModulesDir.replace(
            if options.testingModulesDir[-1] != '/':
                options.testingModulesDir += '/'

        if options.runUntilFailure:
            if not options.repeat:
                options.repeat = 29

        if options.dumpOutputDirectory is None:
            options.dumpOutputDirectory = tempfile.gettempdir()

        if options.dumpAboutMemoryAfterTest or options.dumpDMDAfterTest:
            if not os.path.isdir(options.dumpOutputDirectory):
                parser.error('--dump-output-directory not a directory: %s' %

        if options.useTestMediaDevices:
            if not mozinfo.isLinux:
                    '--use-test-media-devices is only supported on Linux currently')

            gst01 = spawn.find_executable("gst-launch-0.1")
            gst10 = spawn.find_executable("gst-launch-1.0")
            pactl = spawn.find_executable("pactl")

            if not (gst01 or gst10):
                    'Missing gst-launch-{0.1,1.0}, required for '

            if not pactl:
                    'Missing binary pactl required for '

        if options.nested_oop:
            options.e10s = True

        options.leakThresholds = {
            "default": options.defaultLeakThreshold,
            "tab": options.defaultLeakThreshold,
            # GMP rarely gets a log, but when it does, it leaks a little.
            "gmplugin": 20000,
            "rdd": 400,

        # See the dependencies of bug 1401764.
        if mozinfo.isWin:
            options.leakThresholds["tab"] = 1000

        # XXX We can't normalize test_paths in the non build_obj case here,
        # because testRoot depends on the flavor, which is determined by the
        # mach command and therefore not finalized yet. Conversely, test paths
        # need to be normalized here for the mach case.
        if options.test_paths and build_obj:
            # Normalize test paths so they are relative to test root
            options.test_paths = [build_obj._wrap_path_argument(p).relpath()
                                  for p in options.test_paths]

        return options
Exemple #30
    def runTests(self, xpcshell, xrePath=None, appPath=None, symbolsPath=None,
                 manifest=None, testdirs=None, testPath=None,
                 interactive=False, verbose=False, keepGoing=False, logfiles=True,
                 thisChunk=1, totalChunks=1, debugger=None,
                 debuggerArgs=None, debuggerInteractive=False,
                 profileName=None, mozInfo=None, shuffle=False,
                 testsRootDir=None, xunitFilename=None, xunitName=None,
                 testingModulesDir=None, autolog=False, pluginsPath=None,
        """Run xpcshell tests.

        |xpcshell|, is the xpcshell executable to use to run the tests.
        |xrePath|, if provided, is the path to the XRE to use.
        |appPath|, if provided, is the path to an application directory.
        |symbolsPath|, if provided is the path to a directory containing
          breakpad symbols for processing crashes in tests.
        |manifest|, if provided, is a file containing a list of
          test directories to run.
        |testdirs|, if provided, is a list of absolute paths of test directories.
          No-manifest only option.
        |testPath|, if provided, indicates a single path and/or test to run.
        |pluginsPath|, if provided, custom plugins directory to be returned from
          the xpcshell dir svc provider for NS_APP_PLUGINS_DIR_LIST.
        |interactive|, if set to True, indicates to provide an xpcshell prompt
          instead of automatically executing the test.
        |verbose|, if set to True, will cause stdout/stderr from tests to
          be printed always
        |logfiles|, if set to False, indicates not to save output to log files.
          Non-interactive only option.
        |debuggerInfo|, if set, specifies the debugger and debugger arguments
          that will be used to launch xpcshell.
        |profileName|, if set, specifies the name of the application for the profile
          directory if running only a subset of tests.
        |mozInfo|, if set, specifies specifies build configuration information, either as a filename containing JSON, or a dict.
        |shuffle|, if True, execute tests in random order.
        |testsRootDir|, absolute path to root directory of all tests. This is used
          by xUnit generation to determine the package name of the tests.
        |xunitFilename|, if set, specifies the filename to which to write xUnit XML
        |xunitName|, if outputting an xUnit XML file, the str value to use for the
          testsuite name.
        |testingModulesDir|, if provided, specifies where JS modules reside.
          xpcshell will register a resource handler mapping this path.
        |otherOptions| may be present for the convenience of subclasses

        global gotSIGINT

        if testdirs is None:
            testdirs = []

        if xunitFilename is not None or xunitName is not None:
            if not isinstance(testsRootDir, basestring):
                raise Exception("testsRootDir must be a str when outputting xUnit.")

            if not os.path.isabs(testsRootDir):
                testsRootDir = os.path.abspath(testsRootDir)

            if not os.path.exists(testsRootDir):
                raise Exception("testsRootDir path does not exists: %s" %

        # Try to guess modules directory.
        # This somewhat grotesque hack allows the buildbot machines to find the
        # modules directory without having to configure the buildbot hosts. This
        # code path should never be executed in local runs because the build system
        # should always set this argument.
        if not testingModulesDir:
            ourDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
            possible = os.path.join(ourDir, os.path.pardir, 'modules')

            if os.path.isdir(possible):
                testingModulesDir = possible

        if testingModulesDir:
            # The resource loader expects native paths. Depending on how we were
            # invoked, a UNIX style path may sneak in on Windows. We try to
            # normalize that.
            testingModulesDir = os.path.normpath(testingModulesDir)

            if not os.path.isabs(testingModulesDir):
                testingModulesDir = os.path.abspath(testingModulesDir)

            if not testingModulesDir.endswith(os.path.sep):
                testingModulesDir += os.path.sep

        self.xpcshell = xpcshell
        self.xrePath = xrePath
        self.appPath = appPath
        self.symbolsPath = symbolsPath
        self.manifest = manifest
        self.testdirs = testdirs
        self.testPath = testPath
        self.interactive = interactive
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.keepGoing = keepGoing
        self.logfiles = logfiles
        self.totalChunks = totalChunks
        self.thisChunk = thisChunk
        self.debuggerInfo = getDebuggerInfo(self.oldcwd, debugger, debuggerArgs, debuggerInteractive)
        self.profileName = profileName or "xpcshell"
        self.mozInfo = mozInfo
        self.testingModulesDir = testingModulesDir
        self.pluginsPath = pluginsPath

        # If we have an interactive debugger, disable ctrl-c.
        if self.debuggerInfo and self.debuggerInfo["interactive"]:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: None)

        if not testdirs and not manifest:
            # nothing to test!
            self.log.error("Error: No test dirs or test manifest specified!")
            return False

        self.testCount = 0
        self.passCount = 0
        self.failCount = 0
        self.todoCount = 0


        # Handle filenames in mozInfo
        if not isinstance(self.mozInfo, dict):
            mozInfoFile = self.mozInfo
            if not os.path.isfile(mozInfoFile):
                self.log.error("Error: couldn't find mozinfo.json at '%s'. Perhaps you need to use --build-info-json?" % mozInfoFile)
                return False
            self.mozInfo = parse_json(open(mozInfoFile).read())

        # The appDirKey is a optional entry in either the default or individual test
        # sections that defines a relative application directory for test runs. If
        # defined we pass 'grePath/$appDirKey' for the -a parameter of the xpcshell
        # test harness.
        appDirKey = None
        if "appname" in self.mozInfo:
            appDirKey = self.mozInfo["appname"] + "-appdir"

        # We have to do this before we build the test list so we know whether or
        # not to run tests that depend on having the node spdy server

        pStdout, pStderr = self.getPipes()


        if shuffle:

        xunitResults = []

        for test in self.alltests:
            name = test['path']
            if self.singleFile and not name.endswith(self.singleFile):

            if self.testPath and name.find(self.testPath) == -1:

            self.testCount += 1

            keep_going, xunitResult = self.run_test(test,
                tests_root_dir=testsRootDir, app_dir_key=appDirKey,
                interactive=interactive, verbose=verbose, pStdout=pStdout,
                pStderr=pStderr, keep_going=keepGoing)


            if not keep_going:


        if self.testCount == 0:
            self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | runxpcshelltests.py | No tests run. Did you pass an invalid --test-path?")
            self.failCount = 1

        self.log.info("INFO | Result summary:")
        self.log.info("INFO | Passed: %d" % self.passCount)
        self.log.info("INFO | Failed: %d" % self.failCount)
        self.log.info("INFO | Todo: %d" % self.todoCount)

        if autolog:
            self.post_to_autolog(xunitResults, xunitName)

        if xunitFilename is not None:
            self.writeXunitResults(filename=xunitFilename, results=xunitResults,

        if gotSIGINT and not keepGoing:
            self.log.error("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Received SIGINT (control-C), so stopped run. " \
                           "(Use --keep-going to keep running tests after killing one with SIGINT)")
            return False

        return self.failCount == 0
def parseArgs():
  home = os.path.expanduser("~")
  filename = ".obmtoolrc" if os.name == "posix" else "obmtool.ini"
  defaultconfig = os.path.join(home, filename)

  # When adding new arguments, DO NOT USE the config dict yet. See config file loading below.
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Start Thunderbird with a preconfigured OBM setup")
  parser.add_argument('-t', '--thunderbird', type=str, help="The Thunderbird version (17,24,...), or a path to the binary.") # default: defaults.tbversion
  parser.add_argument('-l', '--lightning', type=str, help="The path to the Lightning XPI")
  parser.add_argument('-o', '--obm', type=str, help="The path to the OBM XPI")
  parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', type=str, help="The OBM user to set up") # default: defaults.user
  parser.add_argument('-s', '--server', type=str, help="The sync services URI") # default: defaults.server
  parser.add_argument('-e', '--extension', type=str, nargs='+', default=[], help="An additional extension to install, can be specified multiple times")
  parser.add_argument('-p', '--pref', type=str, nargs='+', default=[], metavar='key=value', help="Additional preferences to set, can be specified multiple times. Value can be a string, integer or true|false.")
  parser.add_argument('-r', '--reset', action='store_true', help="Reset the currently used profile before starting") # default: defaults.reset
  parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', default=None, help="Config file to use (default: %s)" % defaultconfig)
  parser.add_argument('-m', '--mozmill', type=str, nargs='+', default=[], help="Run a specific mozmill test")
  parser.add_argument('--format', type=str, default='pprint-color', metavar='[pprint|pprint-color|json|xunit]', help="Mozmill output format (default: pprint-color)")
  parser.add_argument('--logfile', type=str, default=None, help="Log mozmill events to a file in addition to the console")
  parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Show more information about whats going on") # default: defaults.verbose
  args = parser.parse_args()

  # Set up logging
  if args.verbose:

  # Read user config, this needs to be done fairly early
  if not args.config:
    args.config = defaultconfig
  if not os.path.exists(args.config):
    print "Config file %s does not exist" % os.path.abspath(args.config)
  mode = os.stat(args.config)[stat.ST_MODE]
  logging.info("Reading configuration from %s" % os.path.abspath(args.config))

  # Protect from footgun
  if config.get("defaults", "password") and mode & (stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWOTH | stat.S_ISUID | stat.S_ISGID) != 0:
    print "Attempt to read config file %s that contains a password and has too open permissions. Change mode to 0600 or equivalent." % args.config

  # Set up defaults that are taken from the config file, these need to be
  # merged after we load the right config file
  configdefaults = {
    "thunderbird": config.get("defaults", "tbversion"),
    "user": config.get("defaults", "user"),
    "password": config.get("defaults", "password"),
    "server": config.get("defaults", "server"),
    "reset": config.get("defaults", "reset"),
    "verbose": config.get("defaults", "verbose")
  for k in configdefaults:
    if not k in args.__dict__ or args.__dict__[k] is None:
      args.__dict__[k] = configdefaults[k]

  # Set up the Thunderbird version and path
    # First check if a version number was passed and get the path from the config
    args.tbversion = int(args.thunderbird)
    args.thunderbird = os.path.expanduser(config.require("paths", "thunderbird-%s" % args.tbversion))
    args.thunderbird = obmtool.utils.fixBinaryPath(args.thunderbird)
  except ValueError:
    # Otherwise it was probably a path. Keep the path in args.thunderbird and
    # get the version from Thunderbird's application.ini
    args.thunderbird = obmtool.utils.fixBinaryPath(os.path.expanduser(args.thunderbird))
    tbversion = mozversion.get_version(args.thunderbird)['application_version']
    args.tbversion = int(tbversion.split(".")[0])

  # Set up default lightning xpi based on either passed token (i.e tb3) or
  # passed thunderbird version
  if args.lightning and not os.path.exists(args.lightning):
    args.lightning = config.get("paths", "lightning-%s" % args.lightning)
    if args.lightning is None:
      print "Invalid path to Lightning XPI"
  if args.lightning is None:
    args.lightning = config.require("paths", "lightning-tb%d" % args.tbversion)

  # Set up default obm xpi based on either passed token (i.e next-tb17) or
  # default version in prefs (i.e obmversion=next-tb24)
  if args.obm is None:
    args.obm = config.require("defaults", "obmversion")
  if args.obm and not os.path.exists(args.obm):
    args.obm = config.require("paths", "obm-%s" % args.obm)

  logging.info("Using Lighting from %s" % args.lightning)
  logging.info("Using OBM from %s" % args.obm)

  # Set up a path for the profile, either from config or using /tmp
  args.cachePath = config.get("paths", "profileCache", None)
  if args.cachePath is None:
    args.cachePath = tempfile.gettempdir()

  # Expand user path for later use
  args.obm = os.path.expanduser(args.obm)
  args.lightning = os.path.expanduser(args.lightning)
  args.cachePath = os.path.expanduser(args.cachePath)

  # Add extra addons from prefs and passed options
  extensions = filter(bool, re.split("[,\n]", config.get("profile", "extensions", "")))
  if args.mozmill:

  args.extension = map(os.path.expanduser, extensions)

  # Add extra preferences specified on commandline
  extraprefs = {}
  preferences = config.getAll("preferences")
  preferences.extend([x.split("=", 2) for x in args.pref])
  for k, v in preferences:
    lv = v.lower()
    if lv == "true":
      v = True
    elif lv == "false":
      v = False
      try: v = int(v)
      except: pass
    extraprefs[k] = v

  if args.mozmill:
    # Set up jsbridge port
    args.jsbridge_port = jsbridge.find_port()

    # Add testing prefs
    extraprefs['extensions.jsbridge.port'] = args.jsbridge_port
    extraprefs['focusmanager.testmode'] = True

    # TODO main window controller will timeout finding the main window since
    # the sync takes so long.
    extraprefs['extensions.obm.syncOnStart'] = False

    # Set up mozinfo for our current configuration

  # Set up extra preferences in the profile
  args.preferences = extraprefs

  # For the following args we need the runner already
  runner = createRunner(args)

  # Add extra certificates from the prefs
  for cert in filter(bool, re.split("[,\n]", config.get("profile", "certificates", ""))):
    host,port = cert.split(":")
    runner.profile.overrides.addEntry(host, int(port))

  # Add extra signons from the prefs
  for signon in filter(bool, re.split("[,\n]", config.get("profile", "signons", ""))):
    hostname,realm,user,password = signon.split("|")
    runner.profile.signons.addEntry(hostname, realm, user, password)

  # Need to flush profile after adding certs/signons

  return runner, args