def _plot_track_on_gradient(self, gradient_img):
        """ For the given gradient apply the track iconographic image and use this to apply gradient
        on each camera frame. Previously this was done on the top camera which changed every frame. But
        with the track iconographic image set static, adding the track on gradient is more optimized.

            gradient_img (str): Gradient image

            (Image): Edited gradient image with track image
        track_icongraphy_scaled = utils.resize_image(self.track_icongraphy_img,
        track_icongraphy_alpha = track_icongraphy_scaled[:, :, 3] / 255.0

        # Track image is placed at the bottom right with some offset (only in leaderboard tracks)
        x_min = -(self.track_loc_offset[1] + track_icongraphy_scaled.shape[0])
        x_max = gradient_img.shape[0] - self.track_loc_offset[1]
        y_min = -(self.track_loc_offset[0] + track_icongraphy_scaled.shape[1])
        y_max = gradient_img.shape[1] - self.track_loc_offset[0]

        # This is used as the offset for plotting the agent dots
        self.track_start_loc = (gradient_img.shape[1] + y_min,
                                gradient_img.shape[0] + x_min)

        for channel in range(0, 4):
            gradient_img[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max, channel] =\
                (track_icongraphy_alpha * track_icongraphy_scaled[:, :, channel]) + \
                (1 - track_icongraphy_alpha) * (gradient_img[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max, channel])
        return gradient_img
    def _plot_track_on_gradient(self, gradient_img_path):
        """ For the given gradient apply the track iconographic image and use this to apply gradient
        on each camera frame. Previously this was done on the top camera which changed every frame. But
        with the track iconographic image set static, adding the track on gradient is more optimized.

            gradient_img_path (str): Gradient image path

            (Image): Edited gradient image with track image
        gradient_img = utils.get_image(
            gradient_img_path, IconographicImageSize.FULL_IMAGE_SIZE.value)
        gradient_img = cv2.cvtColor(gradient_img, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2BGRA)

        track_icongraphy_scaled = utils.resize_image(self.track_icongraphy_img,
        track_icongraphy_alpha = track_icongraphy_scaled[:, :, 3] / 255.0

        # Track image is placed at the top left
        self._track_x_min = self.track_loc_offset[1]
        self._track_x_max = self.track_loc_offset[
            1] + track_icongraphy_scaled.shape[0]
        self._track_y_min = self.track_loc_offset[0]
        self._track_y_max = self.track_loc_offset[
            0] + track_icongraphy_scaled.shape[1]

        # This is used as the offset for plotting the agent dots
        self.track_start_loc = (self._track_y_min, self._track_x_min)

        for channel in range(0, 4):
            gradient_img[self._track_x_min:self._track_x_max, self._track_y_min:self._track_y_max, channel] =\
                (track_icongraphy_alpha * track_icongraphy_scaled[:, :, channel]) + \
                (1 - track_icongraphy_alpha) * (gradient_img[self._track_x_min:self._track_x_max, self._track_y_min:self._track_y_max, channel])
        return gradient_img