Exemple #1
def get_concentration_functions(composition_table_dict):

    meta = composition_table_dict["meta"]
    composition_table = Table.from_dict(composition_table_dict["data"])
    elements = [col for col in composition_table.columns if col not in meta]
    x = composition_table["X"].values
    y = composition_table["Y"].values
    cats = composition_table["X"].unique()
    concentration, conc, d, y_c, functions = {}, {}, {}, {}, RecursiveDict()

    for el in elements:
        concentration[el] = to_numeric(composition_table[el].values) / 100.0
        conc[el], d[el], y_c[el] = {}, {}, {}

        if meta["X"] == "category":
            for i in cats:
                k = "{:06.2f}".format(float(i))
                y_c[el][k] = to_numeric(y[where(x == i)])
                conc[el][k] = to_numeric(concentration[el][where(x == i)])
                d[el][k] = interp1d(y_c[el][k], conc[el][k])

            functions[el] = lambda a, b, el=el: d[el][a](b)

            functions[el] = interp2d(float(x), float(y), concentration[el])

    return functions
def get_concentration_functions(composition_table_dict):

    meta = composition_table_dict['meta']
    composition_table = Table.from_dict(composition_table_dict['data'])
    elements = [col for col in composition_table.columns if col not in meta]
    x = composition_table["X"].values
    y = composition_table["Y"].values
    cats = composition_table["X"].unique()
    concentration, conc, d, y_c, functions = {}, {}, {}, {}, RecursiveDict()

    for el in elements:
        concentration[el] = to_numeric(composition_table[el].values)/100.
        conc[el], d[el], y_c[el] = {}, {}, {}

        if meta['X'] == 'category':
            for i in cats:
                k = '{:06.2f}'.format(float(i))
                y_c[el][k] = to_numeric(y[where(x==i)])
                conc[el][k] = to_numeric(concentration[el][where(x==i)])
                d[el][k] = interp1d(y_c[el][k], conc[el][k])

            functions[el] = lambda a, b, el=el: d[el][a](b)

            functions[el] = interp2d(float(x), float(y), concentration[el])

    return functions
 def iterate(self, nested_dict=None):
     from mpcontribs.io.core.components import Table
     from pymatgen import Structure
     d = self if nested_dict is None else nested_dict
     if nested_dict is None:
         self.level = 0
     for key in list(d.keys()):
         value = d[key]
         if isinstance(value, _Mapping):
             if value.get('@class') == 'Structure':
                 yield key, Structure.from_dict(value)
             yield (self.level, key), None
             if value.get('@class') == 'Table':
                 yield key, Table.from_dict(value)
             self.level += 1
             for inner_key, inner_value in self.iterate(nested_dict=value):
                 yield inner_key, inner_value
             self.level -= 1
         elif isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(value[0], dict):
             # index (from archieml parser)
             table = ''
             for row_dct in value:
                 table = '\n'.join([table, row_dct['value']])
             yield '_'.join([mp_level01_titles[1], key]), table
             yield (self.level, key), value
Exemple #4
def index(request, cid=None, db_type=None, mdb=None):
        response = None
        if request.method == 'GET':
            axes, dopings = ['<S>', '<σ>', '<S²σ>'], ['n', 'p']
            projection = dict(
                ('content.data.{}'.format(k[1:-1]), 1) for k in axes)
            projection.update({'identifier': 1})
            docs = mdb.contrib_ad.query_contributions(
                {'project': 'carrier_transport'}, projection=projection)
            response = {'text': []}
            response.update(dict((k, []) for k in axes))
            for doc in docs:
                d = doc['content']['data']
                for doping in dopings:
                    for idx, k in enumerate(axes):
                        kk = k[1:-1]
                        if kk in d and doping in d[kk]:
                            value = d[kk][doping]['<ε>']
                            value = float(value.split()[0])
                            if idx == 2:
                                value = math.log10(value)

        elif request.method == 'POST':
            name = json.loads(request.body)['name']
            names = name.split('##')
            key, subkey = names[0][1:-1], names[1][0]
            table_name = '{}({})'.format(key, subkey)
            doc = mdb.contrib_ad.query_contributions(
                {'_id': cid},
                    '_id': 0,
                    'content.{}'.format(table_name): 1,
                    'content.data.{}.{}'.format(key, subkey): 1
            table = doc['content'].get(table_name)
            if table:
                table = Table.from_dict(table)
                x = [col.split()[0] for col in table.columns[1:]]
                y = list(table[table.columns[0]])
                z = table[table.columns[1:]].values.tolist()
                if not table_name.startswith('S'):
                    z = [[math.log10(float(c)) for c in r] for r in z]
                title = ' '.join([table_name, names[1].split()[-1]])
                response = {
                    'x': x,
                    'y': y,
                    'z': z,
                    'type': 'heatmap',
                    'colorbar': {
                        'title': title
    except Exception as ex:
        raise ValueError('"REST Error: "{}"'.format(str(ex)))
    return {"valid_response": True, 'response': response}
Exemple #5
def index(request, cid=None, db_type=None, mdb=None):
        response = None
        if request.method == 'GET':
            axes, dopings = ['<S>', '<σ>', '<S²σ>'], ['n', 'p']
            projection = dict(('content.data.{}'.format(k[1:-1]), 1) for k in axes)
            projection.update({'identifier': 1})
            docs = mdb.contrib_ad.query_contributions(
                {'project': 'carrier_transport'}, projection=projection
            response = {'text': []}
            response.update(dict((k, []) for k in axes))
            for doc in docs:
                d = doc['content']['data']
                for doping in dopings:
                    for idx, k in enumerate(axes):
                        kk = k[1:-1]
                        if kk in d and doping in d[kk]:
                            value = d[kk][doping]['<ε>']
                            value = float(value.split()[0])
                            if idx == 2:
                                value = math.log10(value)

        elif request.method == 'POST':
            name = json.loads(request.body)['name']
            names = name.split('##')
            key, subkey = names[0][1:-1], names[1][0]
            table_name = '{}({})'.format(key, subkey)
            doc = mdb.contrib_ad.query_contributions(
                {'_id': cid}, projection={
                    '_id': 0, 'content.{}'.format(table_name): 1,
                    'content.data.{}.{}'.format(key, subkey): 1
            table = doc['content'].get(table_name)
            if table:
                table = Table.from_dict(table)
                x = [col.split()[0] for col in table.columns[1:]]
                y = list(table[table.columns[0]])
                z = table[table.columns[1:]].values.tolist()
                if not table_name.startswith('S'):
                    z = [[math.log10(float(c)) for c in r] for r in z]
                title = ' '.join([table_name, names[1].split()[-1]])
                response = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z, 'type': 'heatmap', 'colorbar': {'title': title}}
    except Exception as ex:
        raise ValueError('"REST Error: "{}"'.format(str(ex)))
    return {"valid_response": True, 'response': response}