Exemple #1
def plot2d(data, variables, filename):

    # default vales
    logscale_x = False
    logscale_y = False
    logable = True

    grid_bool = False

    axistop_bool = False
    axisright_bool = False
    axisbottom_bool = True
    axisleft_bool = True

    legend_outside = True

    colors = {}
    for i in range(0, len(variables)):
        colors[variables[i]] = ['w', 'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'][i]
    # intern parameters
    plot_range = 1. / 8  # means of two data series differ by this factor,
    # the scalng is defined ill

    # prepare data --->

    # check for appropriate format of input
    if (isinstance(variables, list)):
        for i in variables:
            if (not isinstance(i, str)):
                print('second argument must be a list of str')
                return None
        print('second argument must be a list')

    if (not isinstance(filename, str)):
        print('third argument must be of type str')
        return None
    if (not isinstance(data, list)):
        print('first argument must be of type list')
        return None
    for j in data[0]:
        if (not isinstance(j, float) and not isinstance(j, int)):
            print('data must be passed as a list of int or float')
            return None
    for i in data[1:]:
        for j in i:
            if (not isinstance(j, float) and not isinstance(j, int)):
                print('data must be passed as list of int or float')
                return None
            elif j <= 0 and logable:
                print('logscale impossible')
                logable = False  # to avoid using logscale

    #get number of rows and colums of data
    ncols = len(data)
    nrows = len(data[0])

    #check wether all rows have the same size and create df
    df = {}  # initialize empty dictionary similar to dataframe
    for i in range(0, ncols):
        if not len(data[i]) == nrows:
            print('missing values in data set')
            return None
            df[variables[i]] = data[i]

    # <--- prepare data

    # ---> analyse data

    # get lower and upper bounds of each variable
    bounds = {}

    for i in variables:
        [bounds['lower', i], bounds['upper', i]] = [min(df[i]), max(df[i])]

    # check whether magnitudes are approximately equal and use logscale if not
    means = [0] * (ncols - 1)
    for i in range(1, ncols):  # compute means of the columns
        means[i - 1] = np.mean(df[variables[i]])
    if min(means) / max(
    ) < plot_range and logable:  # if variables have different magnitudes set
        print('ill scaling - use logscale')  # logscale
        logscale_y = True

    for i in range(
            1, ncols
    ):  # if one variable changes magnitude drastically set logscale
        if ((max(df[variables[i]]) - min(df[variables[i]])) != 0):
            temp = means[i - 1] / (max(df[variables[i]]) -
            if temp < plot_range and logable and not logscale_y:
                print('very ill scaling - use logscale')
                logscale_y = True

    # <--- analyse data

    # plot --->
    fig = plt.figure(1)
    ax = Subplot(fig, 111)

    for i in variables[1:]:
                   label='$' + i + '$',
    # font

    # labels and legend
    plt.xlabel(variables[0], **hfont)
    if legend_outside:
        box = ax.get_position()
        ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height])
        ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
    # logscale
    if logscale_y:
    if logscale_x:
    # grid

    # visible axis

    # <--- plot

    # save plot --->
    pdfdirectory = filename + '.pdf'
    pgfdirectory = filename + '.pgf'
    # <--- save plot

    print('run successful')
    return None