def run(self,Test=True, Verbose=False, UseGtlike=False): # Convert everything to a float ra = float(self.xref) dec = float(self.yref) nxdeg = float(self.nxdeg) nydeg = float(self.nydeg) binsize = float(self.binsz) # Get the current working directory WorkingDirectory = os.getcwd() # Define the output, log, and job directories if self.outdir == None: OutputDirectory = WorkingDirectory LogDirectory = "%s/dtsmap/" % WorkingDirectory JobsDirectory = "%s/dtsmap/" % WorkingDirectory else: OutputDirectory = self.outdir LogDirectory = self.outdir JobsDirectory = self.outdir # Define the directory where this script is located try: ScriptDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) except: ScriptDirectory = None # Creating the necessary directories if(os.path.isdir(OutputDirectory)==False): print "\nCreating Directory: " + OutputDirectory cmd = "mkdir " + OutputDirectory os.system(cmd) if(os.path.isdir(LogDirectory)==False): print "\nCreating Directory: " + LogDirectory cmd = "mkdir " + LogDirectory os.system(cmd) if(os.path.isdir(JobsDirectory)==False): print "\nCreating Directory: " + JobsDirectory cmd = "mkdir " + JobsDirectory os.system(cmd) # Calculate tsmap grid ra_min = ra - self.nxdeg/2.0 ra_max = ra + self.nxdeg/2.0 dec_min = dec - self.nydeg/2.0 dec_max = dec + self.nydeg/2.0 # Calcualate the range of ra and dec values ra_range = numpy.arange(ra_min,ra_max+binsize,binsize) dec_range = numpy.arange(dec_min,dec_max+binsize,binsize) xsize = len(ra_range) ysize = len(dec_range) # Make sure that we don't have any ra values below zero or greater than 360, they should wrap ra instead. for i in range(len(ra_range)): if ra_range[i] < 0: ra_range[i] = ra_range[i] + 360.0 if ra_range[i] > 360: ra_range[i] = ra_range[i] - 360.0 # Make sure that we don't have any dec values below or above +/- 90, they should instead wrap in both ra and dec. for i in range(len(dec_range)): if dec_range[i] < -90: dec_range[i] = ((dec_range[i] + 90) + 90)*-1 ra_range[i] = ra_range[i] + 180.0 if dec_range[i] > 90: dec_range[i] = 90 - (dec_range[i] - 90) ra_range[i] = ra_range[i] + 180 print "\nTS map grid size: %s x %s" % (len(ra_range), len(dec_range)) print "RA: %s to %s, Dec: %s to %s" % (ra_range[-1], ra_range[0], dec_range[0], dec_range[-1]) print "Bin size: %s deg" % binsize print " " print "(%.2f, %.2f) (%.2f, %.2f)" % (ra_range[-1], dec_range[-1], ra_range[0], dec_range[-1]) print " -----------------------------" print " | |" print " | |" print " | |" print " | |" print " | (%.2f, %.2f) |" % (float(ra), float(dec)) print " | x |" print " | |" print " | |" print " | |" print " | |" print " -----------------------------" print "(%.2f, %.2f) (%.2f, %.2f)" % (ra_range[-1], dec_range[0], ra_range[0], dec_range[-1]) print "\nSubmitting a total of %s Jobs" % (xsize * ysize) # Mark the start time startTime = time.time() # Loop through all combinations of Ra and Dec and submit a job for each one RaDecPairs = {} binNumbers = [] binNumber = 0 # Keep track of the jobs submitted. This allows the user to specify how many jobs should be running at any given time. JobsInQueue = 0 for raStep in ra_range: for decStep in dec_range: # Check to see if the number of jobs in the queue is greater than the max. If so, wait for the jobs to leave the queue before submitting more. while JobsInQueue >= int(self.maxJobs): print "\nMaximum number of submitted jobs (%s) reached. Waiting..." % self.maxJobs print "Total number of remaining jobs to submit: %s" % remainingJobs # Wait 30 seconds before polling the job statuses time.sleep(60) # Get the number of jobs actively in the queue command = "bjobs -g %s | wc" % JobsDirectory process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) lines = process.stdout.readlines() # Extract the number of jobs that are running JobsInQueue = int(lines[0].split()[0]) # Setup the job logfile = LogDirectory + "/dtsmap_bin%s.log" % binNumber # Make the job name try: sourceNumber = int(self.outdir.split('/')[-1].replace('dtsmap_Source','')) jobName = "dts_S%sb%s" % (sourceNumber, binNumber) except: jobName = "dtsmap_b%s" % binNumber # Construct the command command = """ scfile=%s evfile=%s expmap=%s expcube=%s cmap=%s srcmdl=%s irfs=%s source=%s optimizer=%s ftol=%s nxdeg=%s nydeg=%s binsz=%s coordsys=%s xref=%s yref=%s proj=%s statistic=%s binNumber=%s outfile=%s outdir=%s PerformAnalysis=1""" % (self.scfile, self.evfile, self.expmap, self.expcube, self.cmap, self.srcmdl, self.irfs, self.source, self.optimizer, self.ftol, self.nxdeg, self.nydeg, self.binsz, self.coordsys, raStep, decStep, self.proj, self.statistic, binNumber, self.outfile, OutputDirectory) # Specify where to find the python script if ScriptDirectory != None: command = ScriptDirectory + "/" + command # Construct the process call process = 'bsub -o ' + logfile + ' -J ' + jobName + ' -q xlong -R rhel60 -g ' + JobsDirectory + ' "' + command + '"' # Display the command if Verbose == True: print process # Start the process if Test == False: if self.batch == True:, shell=True) else: os.system(command) # Put the ra, dec, and bin info in a dictionary for easy retrieval later RaDecPairs[binNumber] = [raStep,decStep] # Increment the bin number binNumbers.append(binNumber) binNumber = binNumber + 1 # Increment the bin number JobsInQueue = JobsInQueue + 1 # Get the number of remaining jobs remainingJobs = ((xsize * ysize) - binNumber) print "\nTotal number of jobs submitted: %s" % binNumber print "All jobs submitted." nJobs = -1 while nJobs != 0: # Determine the number of jobs still running command = "bjobs -g %s | wc" % JobsDirectory process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) lines = process.stdout.readlines() # Display the results and the elapsed time since the start of the analysis if 'No unfinished job found' in lines[0]: nJobs = 0 print '\nAll Jobs Complete.' # Display the elapsed time elapsedTimeSeconds = time.time() - startTime elapsedTimeMinutes = elapsedTimeSeconds/60.0 elapsedTimeHours = elapsedTimeMinutes/60.0 # Modify the units depending on the amount of time that has elapsed if elapsedTimeMinutes > 60: print "Total Elapsed Time: %.2f Hours" % elapsedTimeHours else: print "Total Elapsed Time: %.2f Minutes" % elapsedTimeMinutes # Make sure we actually break out of this while loop! break else: # Get the number of jobs in the queue from the stdout nJobs = int(lines[0].split()[0]) print "\nJobs Remaining: %s" % nJobs # Display the elapsed time elapsedTimeSeconds = time.time() - startTime elapsedTimeMinutes = elapsedTimeSeconds/60.0 elapsedTimeHours = elapsedTimeMinutes/60.0 if elapsedTimeMinutes > 60: print "Elapsed Time: %.2f Hours" % elapsedTimeHours else: print "Elapsed Time: %.2f Minutes" % elapsedTimeMinutes # Wait 120 seconds before polling the job statuses time.sleep(120) if UseGtlike == True: # Gather the results (gtlike) command = "grep 'TS value' %s/likelihoodResults_bin*.txt" % LogDirectory process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) lines = process.stdout.readlines() else: # Gather the results (pylikelihood) command = "grep 'TS = ' %s/dtsmap_bin*.log" % LogDirectory process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) lines = process.stdout.readlines() # Read in the results binNumbersReadIn = [] TSs = [] for line in lines: if ('No match' in line) or ('grep' in line): print "Error: *** No available likelihood results ***" print "Check your science tools setup and try again..." print "Exiting.\n" Results = {'MaxTS':None, 'MaxRA':None, 'MaxDec':None, 'Error':None, 'Index':None, 'IndexError':None, 'Flux':None,'FluxError':None, 'MaxBin':None} return Results else: if UseGtlike == True: # For use with gtlike results binNumber = int(line.split()[0].split('/')[-1].replace('.txt:\'TS','').replace('likelihoodResults_bin','').strip()) TS = float("%.2f" % float(line.split()[2].strip().replace("'","").replace(',',''))) binNumbersReadIn.append(binNumber) TSs.append(TS) else: # For use with pylikelihood results binNumber = int(line.split()[0].split('/')[-1].replace('.log:TS','').replace('dtsmap_bin','').strip()) TS = float("%.2f" % float(line.split()[2].strip().replace("'","").replace(',',''))) binNumbersReadIn.append(binNumber) TSs.append(TS) # Put the results in a dictionary for easy retrieval later LikelihoodResults = {key:value for key, value in zip(binNumbersReadIn,TSs)} # Make an matrix to store the values. Saving any missing values as NaNs TSMap = numpy.zeros(shape=(xsize, ysize)) binNumber = 0 xStep = 0 yStep = 0 for raStep in ra_range: yStep = 0 for decStep in dec_range: if binNumber in LikelihoodResults: TSMap[xStep][yStep] = LikelihoodResults[binNumber] pass else: print "Bad bin: %s" % binNumber TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.nan pass if TSMap[xStep][yStep] < -1: TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.nan pass binNumber = binNumber + 1 yStep = yStep + 1 pass xStep = xStep + 1 pass # # Loop through the results matrix and fill any missing values with interpolations from nearby pixels # binNumber = 0 # xStep = 0 # yStep = 0 # for raStep in ra_range: # yStep = 0 # for decStep in dec_range: # if numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep][yStep]) == True: # # try: # # TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.mean([TSMap[xStep-1,yStep-1],TSMap[xStep-1,yStep],TSMap[xStep-1,yStep+1],TSMap[xStep,yStep-1],TSMap[xStep,yStep+1],TSMap[xStep+1,yStep-1],TSMap[xStep+1,yStep],TSMap[xStep+1,yStep+1]]) # try: # if numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep-1][yStep]) == False and numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep+1][yStep]) == False: # TSMap[xStep][yStep] = (TSMap[xStep-1][yStep] + TSMap[xStep+1][yStep]) / 2.0 # elif numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep][yStep-1]) == False and numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep][yStep+1]) == False: # TSMap[xStep][yStep] = (TSMap[xStep][yStep-1] + TSMap[xStep][yStep+1]) / 2.0 # else: # TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.nan # except: # TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.nan # yStep = yStep + 1 # pass # xStep = xStep + 1 # Finding the maximum TS MaxTS = numpy.nanmax(TSMap) MaxBin = numpy.nanargmax(TSMap) # Check to see if a maximum couldn't be found. if numpy.isnan(MaxBin) == True: print "\nAnalysis Complete." print "Maximum TS: %s" % 'None' print "Coordinates: RA = %s, Dec = %s" % ('NA', 'NA') print "*** Unable to locate maximum TS ***" print '\nCleaning up...' # Cat the gtlike log files cmd = "cat %s/likelihoodResults_bin*.txt > dtsmap_LikelihoodResults.txt" % self.outdir # print cmd os.system(cmd) # Cat the log files cmd = "cat %s/dtsmap_bin*.log > dtsmap_LikelihoodFits.log" % self.outdir # print cmd os.system(cmd) # Erase the individual xml files cmd = "rm %s/ModelSource_bin*.xml" % self.outdir # print cmd os.system(cmd) print 'Done.' Results = {'MaxTS':None, 'MaxRA':None, 'MaxDec':None, 'Error':None, 'Index':None, 'IndexError':None, 'Flux':None,'FluxError':None, 'MaxBin':None} return Results else: MaxRa = RaDecPairs[MaxBin][0] MaxDec = RaDecPairs[MaxBin][1] # Define default spectral parameters index = 'NA' indexError = 'NA' flux = 'NA' fluxError = 'NA' if UseGtlike == True: # Extract the fit parameters for the bin with the maximum TS (gtlike) MaxBinFile = "%s/dtsmap_bin%s.log" % (LogDirectory, MaxBin) for line in fileinput.input([MaxBinFile]): if 'Index:' in line: lineContents = line.split() index = lineContents[1] indexError = lineContents[3] if 'Flux:' in line: lineContents = line.split() flux = lineContents[1] fluxError = lineContents[3] break fileinput.close() else: # Extract the spectral fit parameters for the bin with the maximum TS (pyLikelihood) MaxBinFile = "%s/dtsmap_bin%s.log" % (LogDirectory, MaxBin) for line in fileinput.input([MaxBinFile]): if 'Flux =' in line: lineContents = line.split() flux = float(lineContents[2]) fluxError = float(lineContents[4]) if 'Index =' in line: lineContents = line.split() index = float(lineContents[2]) indexError = float(lineContents[4]) fileinput.close() # Rotate and flip the matrix in order to it to match ra and dec ordering conventions TSMapRotated = numpy.rot90(TSMap) TSMapFlippedUp = numpy.flipud(TSMapRotated) TSMapFlippedLeft2Right = numpy.fliplr(TSMapFlippedUp) MaxRa = RaDecPairs[numpy.nanargmax(TSMap)][0] MaxDec = RaDecPairs[numpy.nanargmax(TSMap)][1] # Import the basemap module sys.path.append("/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki08/kocevski/LATBA/lib/python_rhel6-64/") from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap # Create the figure fig = plot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Create a base map on which to plot the results #m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=ra_range[-1], llcrnrlat=dec_range[0], urcrnrlon=ra_range[0], urcrnrlat=dec_range[-1], projection='laea', lon_0 = ra, lat_0 = dec,resolution ='l',area_thresh=1000.)# ,celestial=True ) m = Basemap(height=5.5e5,width=5.5e5, projection='laea', lon_0 = ra*-1, lat_0 = dec, resolution ='l', area_thresh=1000., celestial=True ) # Set the plot limits (in map coordinates) xMin, yMin = m(ra_range[0], dec_range[0]) xMax, yMax = m(ra_range[-1], dec_range[-1]) m.lonmin = xMin m.lonmax = xMax m.latmin = yMin m.latmax = yMax # Plot the matrix as an image extent=[xMax, xMin, yMin, yMax] #m.imshow(TSMapFlippedLeft2Right, origin='lower', extent=extent) m.imshow(TSMapFlippedLeft2Right, origin='lower') # Setup the map grid m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#ffffff') m.drawparallels(numpy.arange(181)-90,labels=[1,0,0,0], fmt=customDecLabel, color='grey', linewidth=0) m.drawmeridians(numpy.arange(0,360,1),labels=[0,0,0,1], fmt=customRALabel, color='grey', linewidth=0) m.suppress_ticks = False m.fix_aspect = False # Force the aspect ratio to be 1:1 try: forceAspect(ax,aspect=1) #extent=[xMax, xMin, yMin, yMax] #ax.set_aspect(abs((extent[1]-extent[0])/(extent[3]-extent[2]))) except Exception, message: print traceback.format_exc()
def run(self, Test=True, Verbose=False, UseGtlike=False): # Convert everything to a float ra = float(self.xref) dec = float(self.yref) nxdeg = float(self.nxdeg) nydeg = float(self.nydeg) binsize = float(self.binsz) # Get the current working directory WorkingDirectory = os.getcwd() # Define the output, log, and job directories if self.outdir == None: OutputDirectory = WorkingDirectory LogDirectory = "%s/dtsmap/" % WorkingDirectory JobsDirectory = "%s/dtsmap/" % WorkingDirectory else: OutputDirectory = self.outdir LogDirectory = self.outdir JobsDirectory = self.outdir # Define the directory where this script is located try: ScriptDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) except: ScriptDirectory = None # Creating the necessary directories if (os.path.isdir(OutputDirectory) == False): print "\nCreating Directory: " + OutputDirectory cmd = "mkdir " + OutputDirectory os.system(cmd) if (os.path.isdir(LogDirectory) == False): print "\nCreating Directory: " + LogDirectory cmd = "mkdir " + LogDirectory os.system(cmd) if (os.path.isdir(JobsDirectory) == False): print "\nCreating Directory: " + JobsDirectory cmd = "mkdir " + JobsDirectory os.system(cmd) # Calculate tsmap grid ra_min = ra - self.nxdeg / 2.0 ra_max = ra + self.nxdeg / 2.0 dec_min = dec - self.nydeg / 2.0 dec_max = dec + self.nydeg / 2.0 # Calcualate the range of ra and dec values ra_range = numpy.arange(ra_min, ra_max + binsize, binsize) dec_range = numpy.arange(dec_min, dec_max + binsize, binsize) xsize = len(ra_range) ysize = len(dec_range) # Make sure that we don't have any ra values below zero or greater than 360, they should wrap ra instead. for i in range(len(ra_range)): if ra_range[i] < 0: ra_range[i] = ra_range[i] + 360.0 if ra_range[i] > 360: ra_range[i] = ra_range[i] - 360.0 # Make sure that we don't have any dec values below or above +/- 90, they should instead wrap in both ra and dec. for i in range(len(dec_range)): if dec_range[i] < -90: dec_range[i] = ((dec_range[i] + 90) + 90) * -1 ra_range[i] = ra_range[i] + 180.0 if dec_range[i] > 90: dec_range[i] = 90 - (dec_range[i] - 90) ra_range[i] = ra_range[i] + 180 print "\nTS map grid size: %s x %s" % (len(ra_range), len(dec_range)) print "RA: %s to %s, Dec: %s to %s" % (ra_range[-1], ra_range[0], dec_range[0], dec_range[-1]) print "Bin size: %s deg" % binsize print " " print "(%.2f, %.2f) (%.2f, %.2f)" % (ra_range[-1], dec_range[-1], ra_range[0], dec_range[-1]) print " -----------------------------" print " | |" print " | |" print " | |" print " | |" print " | (%.2f, %.2f) |" % (float(ra), float(dec)) print " | x |" print " | |" print " | |" print " | |" print " | |" print " -----------------------------" print "(%.2f, %.2f) (%.2f, %.2f)" % (ra_range[-1], dec_range[0], ra_range[0], dec_range[-1]) print "\nSubmitting a total of %s Jobs" % (xsize * ysize) # Mark the start time startTime = time.time() # Loop through all combinations of Ra and Dec and submit a job for each one RaDecPairs = {} binNumbers = [] binNumber = 0 # Keep track of the jobs submitted. This allows the user to specify how many jobs should be running at any given time. JobsInQueue = 0 for raStep in ra_range: for decStep in dec_range: # Check to see if the number of jobs in the queue is greater than the max. If so, wait for the jobs to leave the queue before submitting more. while JobsInQueue >= int(self.maxJobs): print "\nMaximum number of submitted jobs (%s) reached. Waiting..." % self.maxJobs print "Total number of remaining jobs to submit: %s" % remainingJobs # Wait 30 seconds before polling the job statuses time.sleep(60) # Get the number of jobs actively in the queue command = "bjobs -g %s | wc" % JobsDirectory process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) lines = process.stdout.readlines() # Extract the number of jobs that are running JobsInQueue = int(lines[0].split()[0]) # Setup the job logfile = LogDirectory + "/dtsmap_bin%s.log" % binNumber # Make the job name try: sourceNumber = int( self.outdir.split('/')[-1].replace( 'dtsmap_Source', '')) jobName = "dts_S%sb%s" % (sourceNumber, binNumber) except: jobName = "dtsmap_b%s" % binNumber # Construct the command command = """ scfile=%s evfile=%s expmap=%s expcube=%s cmap=%s srcmdl=%s irfs=%s source=%s optimizer=%s ftol=%s nxdeg=%s nydeg=%s binsz=%s coordsys=%s xref=%s yref=%s proj=%s statistic=%s binNumber=%s outfile=%s outdir=%s PerformAnalysis=1""" % ( self.scfile, self.evfile, self.expmap, self.expcube, self.cmap, self.srcmdl, self.irfs, self.source, self.optimizer, self.ftol, self.nxdeg, self.nydeg, self.binsz, self.coordsys, raStep, decStep, self.proj, self.statistic, binNumber, self.outfile, OutputDirectory) # Specify where to find the python script if ScriptDirectory != None: command = ScriptDirectory + "/" + command # Construct the process call process = 'bsub -o ' + logfile + ' -J ' + jobName + ' -q xlong -R rhel60 -g ' + JobsDirectory + ' "' + command + '"' # Display the command if Verbose == True: print process # Start the process if Test == False: if self.batch == True:, shell=True) else: os.system(command) # Put the ra, dec, and bin info in a dictionary for easy retrieval later RaDecPairs[binNumber] = [raStep, decStep] # Increment the bin number binNumbers.append(binNumber) binNumber = binNumber + 1 # Increment the bin number JobsInQueue = JobsInQueue + 1 # Get the number of remaining jobs remainingJobs = ((xsize * ysize) - binNumber) print "\nTotal number of jobs submitted: %s" % binNumber print "All jobs submitted." nJobs = -1 while nJobs != 0: # Determine the number of jobs still running command = "bjobs -g %s | wc" % JobsDirectory process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) lines = process.stdout.readlines() # Display the results and the elapsed time since the start of the analysis if 'No unfinished job found' in lines[0]: nJobs = 0 print '\nAll Jobs Complete.' # Display the elapsed time elapsedTimeSeconds = time.time() - startTime elapsedTimeMinutes = elapsedTimeSeconds / 60.0 elapsedTimeHours = elapsedTimeMinutes / 60.0 # Modify the units depending on the amount of time that has elapsed if elapsedTimeMinutes > 60: print "Total Elapsed Time: %.2f Hours" % elapsedTimeHours else: print "Total Elapsed Time: %.2f Minutes" % elapsedTimeMinutes # Make sure we actually break out of this while loop! break else: # Get the number of jobs in the queue from the stdout nJobs = int(lines[0].split()[0]) print "\nJobs Remaining: %s" % nJobs # Display the elapsed time elapsedTimeSeconds = time.time() - startTime elapsedTimeMinutes = elapsedTimeSeconds / 60.0 elapsedTimeHours = elapsedTimeMinutes / 60.0 if elapsedTimeMinutes > 60: print "Elapsed Time: %.2f Hours" % elapsedTimeHours else: print "Elapsed Time: %.2f Minutes" % elapsedTimeMinutes # Wait 120 seconds before polling the job statuses time.sleep(120) if UseGtlike == True: # Gather the results (gtlike) command = "grep 'TS value' %s/likelihoodResults_bin*.txt" % LogDirectory process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) lines = process.stdout.readlines() else: # Gather the results (pylikelihood) command = "grep 'TS = ' %s/dtsmap_bin*.log" % LogDirectory process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) lines = process.stdout.readlines() # Read in the results binNumbersReadIn = [] TSs = [] for line in lines: if ('No match' in line) or ('grep' in line): print "Error: *** No available likelihood results ***" print "Check your science tools setup and try again..." print "Exiting.\n" Results = { 'MaxTS': None, 'MaxRA': None, 'MaxDec': None, 'Error': None, 'Index': None, 'IndexError': None, 'Flux': None, 'FluxError': None, 'MaxBin': None } return Results else: if UseGtlike == True: # For use with gtlike results binNumber = int(line.split()[0].split('/')[-1].replace( '.txt:\'TS', '').replace('likelihoodResults_bin', '').strip()) TS = float("%.2f" % float(line.split()[2].strip().replace( "'", "").replace(',', ''))) binNumbersReadIn.append(binNumber) TSs.append(TS) else: # For use with pylikelihood results binNumber = int(line.split()[0].split('/')[-1].replace( '.log:TS', '').replace('dtsmap_bin', '').strip()) TS = float("%.2f" % float(line.split()[2].strip().replace( "'", "").replace(',', ''))) binNumbersReadIn.append(binNumber) TSs.append(TS) # Put the results in a dictionary for easy retrieval later LikelihoodResults = { key: value for key, value in zip(binNumbersReadIn, TSs) } # Make an matrix to store the values. Saving any missing values as NaNs TSMap = numpy.zeros(shape=(xsize, ysize)) binNumber = 0 xStep = 0 yStep = 0 for raStep in ra_range: yStep = 0 for decStep in dec_range: if binNumber in LikelihoodResults: TSMap[xStep][yStep] = LikelihoodResults[binNumber] pass else: print "Bad bin: %s" % binNumber TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.nan pass if TSMap[xStep][yStep] < -1: TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.nan pass binNumber = binNumber + 1 yStep = yStep + 1 pass xStep = xStep + 1 pass # # Loop through the results matrix and fill any missing values with interpolations from nearby pixels # binNumber = 0 # xStep = 0 # yStep = 0 # for raStep in ra_range: # yStep = 0 # for decStep in dec_range: # if numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep][yStep]) == True: # # try: # # TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.mean([TSMap[xStep-1,yStep-1],TSMap[xStep-1,yStep],TSMap[xStep-1,yStep+1],TSMap[xStep,yStep-1],TSMap[xStep,yStep+1],TSMap[xStep+1,yStep-1],TSMap[xStep+1,yStep],TSMap[xStep+1,yStep+1]]) # try: # if numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep-1][yStep]) == False and numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep+1][yStep]) == False: # TSMap[xStep][yStep] = (TSMap[xStep-1][yStep] + TSMap[xStep+1][yStep]) / 2.0 # elif numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep][yStep-1]) == False and numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep][yStep+1]) == False: # TSMap[xStep][yStep] = (TSMap[xStep][yStep-1] + TSMap[xStep][yStep+1]) / 2.0 # else: # TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.nan # except: # TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.nan # yStep = yStep + 1 # pass # xStep = xStep + 1 # Finding the maximum TS MaxTS = numpy.nanmax(TSMap) MaxBin = numpy.nanargmax(TSMap) # Check to see if a maximum couldn't be found. if numpy.isnan(MaxBin) == True: print "\nAnalysis Complete." print "Maximum TS: %s" % 'None' print "Coordinates: RA = %s, Dec = %s" % ('NA', 'NA') print "*** Unable to locate maximum TS ***" print '\nCleaning up...' # Cat the gtlike log files cmd = "cat %s/likelihoodResults_bin*.txt > dtsmap_LikelihoodResults.txt" % self.outdir # print cmd os.system(cmd) # Cat the log files cmd = "cat %s/dtsmap_bin*.log > dtsmap_LikelihoodFits.log" % self.outdir # print cmd os.system(cmd) # Erase the individual xml files cmd = "rm %s/ModelSource_bin*.xml" % self.outdir # print cmd os.system(cmd) print 'Done.' Results = { 'MaxTS': None, 'MaxRA': None, 'MaxDec': None, 'Error': None, 'Index': None, 'IndexError': None, 'Flux': None, 'FluxError': None, 'MaxBin': None } return Results else: MaxRa = RaDecPairs[MaxBin][0] MaxDec = RaDecPairs[MaxBin][1] # Define default spectral parameters index = 'NA' indexError = 'NA' flux = 'NA' fluxError = 'NA' if UseGtlike == True: # Extract the fit parameters for the bin with the maximum TS (gtlike) MaxBinFile = "%s/dtsmap_bin%s.log" % (LogDirectory, MaxBin) for line in fileinput.input([MaxBinFile]): if 'Index:' in line: lineContents = line.split() index = lineContents[1] indexError = lineContents[3] if 'Flux:' in line: lineContents = line.split() flux = lineContents[1] fluxError = lineContents[3] break fileinput.close() else: # Extract the spectral fit parameters for the bin with the maximum TS (pyLikelihood) MaxBinFile = "%s/dtsmap_bin%s.log" % (LogDirectory, MaxBin) for line in fileinput.input([MaxBinFile]): if 'Flux =' in line: lineContents = line.split() flux = float(lineContents[2]) fluxError = float(lineContents[4]) if 'Index =' in line: lineContents = line.split() index = float(lineContents[2]) indexError = float(lineContents[4]) fileinput.close() # Rotate and flip the matrix in order to it to match ra and dec ordering conventions TSMapRotated = numpy.rot90(TSMap) TSMapFlippedUp = numpy.flipud(TSMapRotated) TSMapFlippedLeft2Right = numpy.fliplr(TSMapFlippedUp) MaxRa = RaDecPairs[numpy.nanargmax(TSMap)][0] MaxDec = RaDecPairs[numpy.nanargmax(TSMap)][1] # Import the basemap module sys.path.append( "/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki08/kocevski/LATBA/lib/python_rhel6-64/") from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap # Create the figure fig = plot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Create a base map on which to plot the results #m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=ra_range[-1], llcrnrlat=dec_range[0], urcrnrlon=ra_range[0], urcrnrlat=dec_range[-1], projection='laea', lon_0 = ra, lat_0 = dec,resolution ='l',area_thresh=1000.)# ,celestial=True ) m = Basemap(height=5.5e5, width=5.5e5, projection='laea', lon_0=ra * -1, lat_0=dec, resolution='l', area_thresh=1000., celestial=True) # Set the plot limits (in map coordinates) xMin, yMin = m(ra_range[0], dec_range[0]) xMax, yMax = m(ra_range[-1], dec_range[-1]) m.lonmin = xMin m.lonmax = xMax m.latmin = yMin m.latmax = yMax # Plot the matrix as an image extent = [xMax, xMin, yMin, yMax] #m.imshow(TSMapFlippedLeft2Right, origin='lower', extent=extent) m.imshow(TSMapFlippedLeft2Right, origin='lower') # Setup the map grid m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#ffffff') m.drawparallels(numpy.arange(181) - 90, labels=[1, 0, 0, 0], fmt=customDecLabel, color='grey', linewidth=0) m.drawmeridians(numpy.arange(0, 360, 1), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1], fmt=customRALabel, color='grey', linewidth=0) m.suppress_ticks = False m.fix_aspect = False # Force the aspect ratio to be 1:1 try: forceAspect(ax, aspect=1) #extent=[xMax, xMin, yMin, yMax] #ax.set_aspect(abs((extent[1]-extent[0])/(extent[3]-extent[2]))) except Exception, message: print traceback.format_exc()
def Plot(UseGtlike=False): # ra = 260.21 # dec = -77.92 # binsize = 0.25 # LogDirectory = '/Users/kocevski/Research/Analysis/FAVA/Results/dtsmap_Source18' ra = 99.2 dec = -3.92 binsize = 0.25 LogDirectory = '/Users/kocevski/Research/Analysis/FAVA/Results/dtsmap_Source27' nxdeg = 5 nydeg = 5 ra_min = ra - nxdeg/2.0 ra_max = ra + nxdeg/2.0 dec_min = dec - nydeg/2.0 dec_max = dec + nydeg/2.0 # Calcualate the range of ra and dec values ra_range = numpy.arange(ra_min,ra_max+binsize,binsize) dec_range = numpy.arange(dec_min,dec_max+binsize,binsize) xsize = len(ra_range) ysize = len(dec_range) # Make sure that we don't have any ra values below zero or greater than 360, they should wrap ra instead. for i in range(len(ra_range)): if ra_range[i] < 0: ra_range[i] = ra_range[i] + 360.0 if ra_range[i] > 360: ra_range[i] = ra_range[i] - 360.0 # Make sure that we don't have any dec values below or above +/- 90, they should instead wrap in both ra and dec. for i in range(len(dec_range)): if dec_range[i] < -90: dec_range[i] = ((dec_range[i] + 90) + 90)*-1 ra_range[i] = ra_range[i] + 180.0 if dec_range[i] > 90: dec_range[i] = 90 - (dec_range[i] - 90) ra_range[i] = ra_range[i] + 180 RaDecMap = numpy.zeros(shape=(xsize, ysize)) RaDecMap = RaDecMap.astype(str) RaDecPairs = {} binNumbers = [] binNumber = 0 xStep = 0 yStep = 0 for raStep in ra_range: yStep = 0 for decStep in dec_range: RaDecPairs[binNumber] = [raStep,decStep] RaDecMap[xStep][yStep] = "%s,%s" % (raStep,decStep) binNumbers.append(binNumber) binNumber = binNumber + 1 yStep = yStep + 1 pass xStep = xStep + 1 pass # Gather the results (pylikelihood) command = "grep 'TS = ' %s/dtsmap_bin*.log" % LogDirectory process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) lines = process.stdout.readlines() # Read in the results binNumbersReadIn = [] TSs = [] for line in lines: if ('No match' in line) or ('grep' in line): print "Error: *** No available likelihood results ***" print "Check your science tools setup and try again..." print "Exiting.\n" Results = {'MaxTS':None, 'MaxRA':None, 'MaxDec':None, 'Error':None, 'Index':None, 'IndexError':None, 'Flux':None,'FluxError':None, 'MaxBin':None} return Results else: # For use with pylikelihood results binNumber = int(line.split()[0].split('/')[-1].replace('.log:TS','').replace('dtsmap_bin','').strip()) TS = float("%.2f" % float(line.split()[2].strip().replace("'","").replace(',',''))) binNumbersReadIn.append(binNumber) TSs.append(TS) # Put the results in a dictionary for easy retrieval later LikelihoodResults = {key:value for key, value in zip(binNumbersReadIn,TSs)} # Make an matrix to store the values. Saving any missing values as NaNs TSMap = numpy.zeros(shape=(xsize, ysize)) binNumber = 0 xStep = 0 yStep = 0 for raStep in ra_range: yStep = 0 for decStep in dec_range: if binNumber in LikelihoodResults: TSMap[xStep][yStep] = LikelihoodResults[binNumber] pass else: print "Bad bin: %s" % binNumber TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.nan pass if TSMap[xStep][yStep] < -1: TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.nan pass binNumber = binNumber + 1 yStep = yStep + 1 pass xStep = xStep + 1 pass # Loop through the results matrix and fill any missing values with interpolations from nearby pixels binNumber = 0 xStep = 0 yStep = 0 for raStep in ra_range: yStep = 0 for decStep in dec_range: if numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep][yStep]) == True: # try: # TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.mean([TSMap[xStep-1,yStep-1],TSMap[xStep-1,yStep],TSMap[xStep-1,yStep+1],TSMap[xStep,yStep-1],TSMap[xStep,yStep+1],TSMap[xStep+1,yStep-1],TSMap[xStep+1,yStep],TSMap[xStep+1,yStep+1]]) try: if numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep-1][yStep]) == False and numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep+1][yStep]) == False: TSMap[xStep][yStep] = (TSMap[xStep-1][yStep] + TSMap[xStep+1][yStep]) / 2.0 elif numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep][yStep-1]) == False and numpy.isnan(TSMap[xStep][yStep+1]) == False: TSMap[xStep][yStep] = (TSMap[xStep][yStep-1] + TSMap[xStep][yStep+1]) / 2.0 else: TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.nan except: TSMap[xStep][yStep] = numpy.nan yStep = yStep + 1 pass xStep = xStep + 1 # Finding the maximum TS MaxTS = numpy.nanmax(TSMap) MaxBin = numpy.nanargmax(TSMap) # Check to see if a maximum couldn't be found. if numpy.isnan(MaxBin) == True: print "\nAnalysis Complete." print "Maximum TS: %s" % 'None' print "Coordinates: RA = %s, Dec = %s" % ('NA', 'NA') print "*** Unable to locate maximum TS ***" print '\nCleaning up...' # Cat the gtlike log files cmd = "cat %s/likelihoodResults_bin*.txt > dtsmap_LikelihoodResults.txt" % self.outdir # print cmd os.system(cmd) # Cat the log files cmd = "cat %s/dtsmap_bin*.log > dtsmap_LikelihoodFits.log" % self.outdir # print cmd os.system(cmd) # Erase the individual xml files cmd = "rm %s/ModelSource_bin*.xml" % self.outdir # print cmd os.system(cmd) print 'Done.' Results = {'MaxTS':None, 'MaxRA':None, 'MaxDec':None, 'Error':None, 'Index':None, 'IndexError':None, 'Flux':None,'FluxError':None, 'MaxBin':None} return Results else: MaxRa = RaDecPairs[MaxBin][0] MaxDec = RaDecPairs[MaxBin][1] # Define default spectral parameters index = 'NA' indexError = 'NA' flux = 'NA' fluxError = 'NA' if UseGtlike == True: # Extract the fit parameters for the bin with the maximum TS (gtlike) MaxBinFile = "%s/dtsmap_bin%s.log" % (LogDirectory, MaxBin) for line in fileinput.input([MaxBinFile]): if 'Index:' in line: lineContents = line.split() index = lineContents[1] indexError = lineContents[3] if 'Flux:' in line: lineContents = line.split() flux = lineContents[1] fluxError = lineContents[3] break fileinput.close() else: # Extract the spectral fit parameters for the bin with the maximum TS (pyLikelihood) MaxBinFile = "%s/dtsmap_bin%s.log" % (LogDirectory, MaxBin) for line in fileinput.input([MaxBinFile]): if 'Flux =' in line: lineContents = line.split() flux = float(lineContents[2]) fluxError = float(lineContents[4]) if 'Index =' in line: lineContents = line.split() index = float(lineContents[2]) indexError = float(lineContents[4]) fileinput.close() # Rotate and flip the matrix in order to it to match ra and dec ordering conventions TSMapRotated = numpy.rot90(TSMap) TSMapFlippedUp = numpy.flipud(TSMapRotated) TSMapFlippedLeft2Right = numpy.fliplr(TSMapFlippedUp) MaxRa = RaDecPairs[numpy.nanargmax(TSMap)][0] MaxDec = RaDecPairs[numpy.nanargmax(TSMap)][1] # Import the basemap module sys.path.append("/nfs/slac/g/ki/ki08/kocevski/LATBA/lib/python_rhel6-64/") from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap # Create the figure fig = plot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Create a base map on which to plot the results m = Basemap(height=5.5e5,width=5.5e5, projection='laea', lon_0 = ra*-1, lat_0 = dec, resolution ='l', area_thresh=1000., celestial=True ) # Set the plot limits (in map coordinates) xMin, yMin = m(ra_range[0], dec_range[0]) xMax, yMax = m(ra_range[-1], dec_range[-1]) m.lonmin = xMin m.lonmax = xMax m.latmin = yMin m.latmax = yMax # Plot the matrix as an image extent=[xMax, xMin, yMin, yMax] #m.imshow(TSMapFlippedLeft2Right, origin='lower', extent=extent) m.imshow(TSMapFlippedLeft2Right, origin='lower') # Setup the map grid m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#ffffff') m.drawparallels(numpy.arange(181)-90,labels=[1,0,0,0], fmt=customDecLabel, color='grey', linewidth=0.25) m.drawmeridians(numpy.arange(0,360,1),labels=[0,0,0,1], fmt=customRALabel, color='grey', linewidth=0.25) m.suppress_ticks = False m.fix_aspect = False # Force the aspect ratio to be 1:1 try: forceAspect(ax,aspect=1) #extent=[xMax, xMin, yMin, yMax] #ax.set_aspect(abs((extent[1]-extent[0])/(extent[3]-extent[2]))) except Exception, message: print traceback.format_exc()