def ExactIntegrationOfSinus(t, a=None, b=None):
    with precision(300):
        if a == None and b == None:
            return 0.5 * math.pi * math.sqrt(t) * (mpmath.angerj(0.5, t) -
                                                   mpmath.angerj(-0.5, t))
        elif a == None and b != None:
            a = 0
        elif b == None:
            b = t = 50 = True
        pi =
        pi = +pi
        fcos = mpmath.fresnelc
        fsin = mpmath.fresnels
        arg_b = mpmath.sqrt(2 * (t - b) / pi)

        if a == "MinusInfinity":
            return mpmath.sqrt(
                0.5 * * (-2 * mpmath.sin(t) * fcos(arg_b) +
                                       2 * mpmath.cos(t) * fsin(arg_b) +
                                       mpmath.sin(t) - mpmath.cos(t))
            arg_a = mpmath.sqrt(2 * (t - a) / pi)
            return mpmath.sqrt(2 * * (
                (fsin(arg_b) - fsin(arg_a)) * mpmath.cos(t) +
                (fcos(arg_a) - fcos(arg_b)) * mpmath.sin(t))
Exemple #2
def _view_cone_calc(lat_geoc, lon_geoc, sat_pos, sat_vel, q_max, m):
    """Semi-private: Performs the viewing cone visibility calculation for the day defined by m.
    Note: This function is based on a paper titled "rapid satellite-to-site visibility determination
    based on self-adaptive interpolation technique"  with some variation to account for interaction
    of viewing cone with the satellite orbit.

        lat_geoc (float): site location in degrees at the start of POI
        lon_geoc (float): site location in degrees at the start of POI
        sat_pos (Vector3D): position of satellite (at the same time as sat_vel)
        sat_vel (Vector3D): velocity of satellite (at the same time as sat_pos)
        q_max (float): maximum orbital radius
        m (int): interval offsets (number of days after initial condition)

        Returns 4 numbers representing times at which the orbit is tangent to the viewing cone,

        ValueError: if any of the 4 formulas has a complex answer. This happens when the orbit and
        viewing cone do not intersect or only intersect twice.

    Note: With more analysis it should be possible to find a correct interval even in the case
        where there are only two intersections but this is beyond the current scope of the project.
    lat_geoc = (lat_geoc * mp.pi) / 180
    lon_geoc = (lon_geoc * mp.pi) / 180

    # P vector (also referred  to as orbital angular momentum in the paper) calculations
    p_unit_x, p_unit_y, p_unit_z = cross(sat_pos, sat_vel) / (mp.norm(sat_pos) * mp.norm(sat_vel))

    # Following are equations from Viewing cone section of referenced paper
    r_site_magnitude = earth_radius_at_geocetric_lat(lat_geoc)
    gamma1 = THETA_NAUGHT + mp.asin((r_site_magnitude * mp.sin((mp.pi / 2) + THETA_NAUGHT)) / q_max)
    gamma2 = mp.pi - gamma1

    # Note: atan2 instead of atan to get the correct quadrant.
    arctan_term = mp.atan2(p_unit_x, p_unit_y)
    arcsin_term_gamma, arcsin_term_gamma2 = [(mp.asin((mp.cos(gamma) - p_unit_z * mp.sin(lat_geoc))
                                             / (mp.sqrt((p_unit_x ** 2) + (p_unit_y ** 2)) *
                                              mp.cos(lat_geoc)))) for gamma in [gamma1, gamma2]]

    angle_1 = (arcsin_term_gamma - lon_geoc - arctan_term + 2 * mp.pi * m)
    angle_2 = (mp.pi - arcsin_term_gamma - lon_geoc - arctan_term + 2 * mp.pi * m)
    angle_3 = (arcsin_term_gamma2 - lon_geoc - arctan_term + 2 * mp.pi * m)
    angle_4 = (mp.pi - arcsin_term_gamma2 - lon_geoc - arctan_term + 2 * mp.pi * m)
    angles = [angle_1, angle_2, angle_3, angle_4]

    # Check for complex answers
    if any([not isinstance(angle, mp.mpf) for angle in angles]):
        raise ValueError()

    # Map all angles to 0 to 2*pi
    for idx in range(len(angles)):
        while angles[idx] < 0:
            angles[idx] += 2 * mp.pi
        while angles[idx] > 2 * mp.pi:
            angles[idx] -= 2 * mp.pi

    # Calculate the corresponding time for each angle and return
    return [mp.nint((1 / ANGULAR_VELOCITY_EARTH) * angle) for angle in angles]
Exemple #3
def redshift_factor(radius, angle, incl, M, b_):
    """Calculate the redshift factor (1 + z), ignoring cosmological redshift."""
    # TODO: the paper makes no sense here
    gff = (radius * mpmath.sin(incl) * mpmath.sin(angle))**2
    gtt = -(1 - (2. * M) / radius)
    z_factor = (1. + np.sqrt(M / (radius ** 3)) * b_ * np.sin(incl) * np.sin(angle)) * \
               (1 - 3. * M / radius) ** -.5
    return z_factor
Exemple #4
 def integrand(theta, phi):
     evals[0] += 1
     qab = q * mp.sin(theta)
     qa = qab * mp.cos(phi)
     qb = qab * mp.sin(phi)
     qc = q * mp.cos(theta)
     Zq = KERNEL_MP(qa, qb, qc)**2
     return Zq * mp.sin(theta)
Exemple #5
def sec_der(x_val: Real) -> mp.mpf:
    """Define the actual second derivative."""
    x_squared = mp.power(x_val, 2)
    return (
        + (-4 * x_squared) * mp.cos(x_squared)
        + -2 * mp.sin(x_squared)
        + mp.sin(x_val)
Exemple #6
def f2(x):
    Another angular integral in electron noise calculation.
    term1 = 2*x**3 * (2**x)
    term2 = 2*x**2 * (mp.cos(2*x) - mp.cos(x))
    term3 = x * (mp.sin(2*x) - 2*mp.sin(x)) - (mp.cos(2*x) - 4* mp.cos(x)  + 3)
    return (term1 + term2 + term3)/(12 * x**2)
Exemple #7
def get_rotation_matrix_north_pole_to(theta, phi):
    from numpy import array, matmul
    from math import sin, cos

    Rx = array([[1, 0, 0], [0, sin(phi), cos(phi)], [0, -cos(phi), sin(phi)]])
    Rz = array([[sin(theta), cos(theta), 0], [-cos(theta),
                                              sin(theta), 0], [0, 0, 1]])
    rotation_matrix = matmul(Rz, Rx)

    return rotation_matrix
Exemple #8
def go_down(phi, r):
    # It returns the orbit new_phi which is below phi and has distance r
    #  (on the sphere on which our directions are located)
    from math import asin, sin, pi

    if sin(phi) - r >= -1:
        new_phi = asin(sin(phi) - r)
        new_phi = -pi / 2

    return new_phi
Exemple #9
    def plot_basic(self):
        x = numpy.arange(0.0, float(1/mpmath.sin(mpmath.pi/3)), 0.01)
        t = []
        for l in numpy.nditer(x):
            if l < (1 / (2 * mpmath.sin(mpmath.pi/3))):
                t.append(float(mpmath.tan(mpmath.pi/3) * l))
                t.append(float(1 - mpmath.tan(mpmath.pi/3) * (l - 1/(2*mpmath.sin(mpmath.pi/3)))))

        pylab.plot(x, t)
Exemple #10
def S_double_hol_conn(x1, x2, t, s, b):
    v1, v2, vb1, vb2 = v(x1, t, s, b), v(x2, t, s, b), vb(x1, t, s,
                                                          b), vb(x2, t, s, b)

    deriv = (pi**(-4)) * Dw(v1, s, b) * (-Dw(-vb1, s, b)) * Dw(
        v2, s, b) * (-Dw(-vb2, s, b))
    if s < 1:
        conn = (s**2) * sinh(pi * (v1 - v2) / s) * sinh(pi * (vb1 - vb2) / s)
        conn = sin(pi * (v1 - v2)) * sin(pi * (vb1 - vb2))

    return re(log(deriv * conn**2)) / 12 - log((x2 - x1)**2) / 6
Exemple #11
def getAntiprismVolumeOperator(n, k):
    result = getProduct([
                sqrt(fsub(fmul(4, cos(cos(fdiv(pi, fmul(n, 2))))), 1)),
                sin(fdiv(fmul(3, pi), fmul(2, n)))
            ]), fmul(12, sin(sin(fdiv(pi, n))))),
        sin(fdiv(fmul(3, pi), fmul(2, n))),
        getPower(k, 3)

    return result.convert('meter^3')
def FDoubleConn(x1,x2,t,s,b):
    inside of log() for connected HEE. We take single interval subsystem A=[x1,x2].
    v1 = v(x1,t,s,b)
    v2 = v(x2,t,s,b)
    vb1 = vb(x1,t,s,b)
    vb2 = vb(x2,t,s,b)
    F = (pi**(-4))*Dw(v1,s,b)*(-Dw(-vb1,s,b))*Dw(v2,s,b)*(-Dw(-vb2,s,b))
    if s<1:
        return F * (s**4)*((sinh(pi*(v1-v2)/s)*sinh(pi*(vb1-vb2)/s))**2)
        return F * (sin(pi*(v1-v2))*sin(pi*(vb1-vb2)))**2
Exemple #13
def Diagonalizzazione(I):
    α = AngoloDiRotazione(I)
    Iη = I[0]
    Iξ = I[1]
    Iηξ = I[2]
    if α != 0:
        Iy = Iη * mpmath.cos(α)**2 + Iξ * mpmath.sin(
            α)**2 - 2 * Iηξ * mpmath.cos(α) * mpmath.sin(α)
        Iz = Iξ * mpmath.sin(α)**2 + Iξ * mpmath.cos(
            α)**2 + 2 * Iηξ * mpmath.cos(α) * mpmath.sin(α)
        J = [Iy, Iz]
        return J
        return I
def FDoubleDisc(x1,x2,t,s,b):
    inside of log() for disconnected HEE.
    We take single interval subsystem A=[x1,x2].
    This has very complicated minimizasion because the configuration of boundary surface Q
    varys by Hawking-Page transition.
    v1 = v(x1,t,s,b)
    v2 = v(x2,t,s,b)
    vb1 = vb(x1,t,s,b)
    vb2 = vb(x2,t,s,b)
    h1 = v1-vb1
    hp1 = h1+j*s/2
    hm1 = h1-j*s/2
    h2 = v2-vb2
    hp2 = h2+j*s/2
    hm2 = h2-j*s/2
    F = (pi**(-4))*Dw(v1,s,b)*(-Dw(-vb1,s,b))*Dw(v2,s,b)*(-Dw(-vb2,s,b))
    if s<1:
        g1 = min([re(sinh(pi*hp1/s)**2),re(sinh(pi*hm1/s)**2)])
        g2 = min([re(sinh(pi*hp2/s)**2),re(sinh(pi*hm2/s)**2)])
        return F * (s**4)*g1*g2
        m1 = (sin(pi*hp1)*sin(pi*hp2))**2
        m2 = ((sin(pi*hp1)*sin(pi*hm2))**2)*exp(2*pi*s)
        m3 = ((sin(pi*hm1)*sin(pi*hp2))**2)*exp(2*pi*s)
        m4 = (sin(pi*hm1)*sin(pi*hm2))**2
        return F * min([re(m1),re(m2),re(m3),re(m4)])
def analytical_H2_N2_impedance_Kulikovsky(sigma_e,sigma_p,L_CL,Cdl_vol,frequency):
    omega = 2*np.pi*frequency
    k_sigma = sigma_e/(sigma_p+1e-14)
    Omega_tilde = omega*Cdl_vol*L_CL**2/(sigma_p+1e-14)
    p0 = cmath.sqrt(-1j*Omega_tilde*(1+1.0/k_sigma))
    q0 = cmath.sqrt(-2*k_sigma*(1+k_sigma)*Omega_tilde)
    tmp1 = complex(mp.fmul(1j*q0,complex(mp.sin(p0))))
    tmp2 = complex(mp.fmul((1+k_sigma**2),complex(mp.cos(p0))))
    tmp3 = complex(mp.fmul((1j*q0-(1+1j)*p0),complex(mp.sin(p0))))
    tmp31 = complex(mp.fadd(2*k_sigma,tmp2))
    tmp32 = complex(mp.fmul(1+1j,tmp31))
    tmp33 = complex(mp.fmul(k_sigma,tmp3))
    tmp4 = complex(mp.fdiv((tmp1+tmp32),(tmp33+1e-14)))
    Z_Kulikovsky = 1000*L_CL/sigma_p*tmp4
    return Z_Kulikovsky
Exemple #16
def calculate_coordinates(input_angles):
    # Constants
    scalling_const = np.sqrt(.3)
    f = 195 * scalling_const * math.power(10, -3)
    t = 375 * scalling_const * math.power(10, -3)
    coord_list = []
    for angle in input_angles:
        T_1 = angle[0] - np.pi
        T_2 = angle[1] - np.pi
        x = float((f * math.cos(T_1) + t * math.cos(
            (T_1 - T_2))) * math.power(10, 3))
        y = float((f * math.sin(T_1) + t * math.sin(
            (T_1 - T_2))) * math.power(10, 3))
        coord_list.append([x, y])
    return coord_list
	def __ln_expansion(self,u,n_iter = 50):
		from mpmath import ln, pi, sin, exp, mpc
		# TODO: test for pathological cases?
		om1, om3 = self.periods[0]/2, self.periods[1]/2
		assert(u.real < 2*om1 and u.real >= 0)
		assert(u.imag < 2*om3.imag and u.imag >= 0)
		tau = om3/om1
		q = exp(mpc(0,1)*pi()*tau)
		eta1 = self.zeta(om1)
		om1_2 = om1 * 2
		retval = ln(om1_2/pi()) + eta1*u**2/(om1_2) + ln(sin(pi()*u/(om1_2)))
		for r in range(1,n_iter + 1):
			q_2 = q**(2*r)
			retval += q_2/(r * (1 - q_2))*(2. * sin(r*pi()*u/(om1_2)))**2
		return retval
Exemple #18
def family_graphical_combination(t, c, angle_alpha_prime):
    Aberdeen family of graphical operators
    if not (isinstance(t, Opinion) and isinstance(c, Opinion) \
            and t.check() and c.check()):
        raise Exception("Two valid Opinions are required!")

    if mpmath.almosteq(angle_alpha_prime, -mpmath.pi / 3, epsilon):
        new_magnitude = c.get_magnitude_ratio() * (
            mpmath.mpf("2") * t.getUncertainty() /
        #new_magnitude = 0
    elif mpmath.almosteq(angle_alpha_prime,
                         mpmath.mpf("2/3") * mpmath.pi, epsilon):
        new_magnitude = c.get_magnitude_ratio() * (
            mpmath.mpf("2") * (mpmath.mpf("1") - t.getUncertainty()) /
        #new_magnitude = 0
    elif mpmath.almosteq(angle_alpha_prime,
                         mpmath.mpf("1/2") * mpmath.pi, epsilon):
        #new_magnitude = 1 - t.getUncertainty()
        new_magnitude = 2 * t.getBelief()
        new_magnitude = c.get_magnitude_ratio() * (mpmath.mpf("2") * \
                                                (mpmath.sqrt(mpmath.power(mpmath.tan(angle_alpha_prime), mpmath.mpf("2")) +1 ) /
                                                 ( mpmath.absmax(mpmath.tan(angle_alpha_prime) + mpmath.sqrt(mpmath.mpf("3"))) ) ) * \

    new_uncertainty = t.getUncertainty(
    ) + mpmath.sin(angle_alpha_prime) * new_magnitude
    new_disbelief = t.getDisbelief() + (
        t.getUncertainty() - new_uncertainty) * mpmath.cos(
            mpmath.pi / 3) + mpmath.cos(angle_alpha_prime) * mpmath.sin(
                mpmath.pi / 3) * new_magnitude

    if mpmath.almosteq(new_uncertainty, 1, epsilon):
        new_uncertainty = mpmath.mpf("1")
    if mpmath.almosteq(new_uncertainty, 0, epsilon):
        new_uncertainty = mpmath.mpf("0")

    if mpmath.almosteq(new_disbelief, 1, epsilon):
        new_disbelief = mpmath.mpf("1")
    if mpmath.almosteq(new_disbelief, 0, epsilon):
        new_disbelief = mpmath.mpf("0")

    return Opinion(1 - new_disbelief - new_uncertainty, new_disbelief,
                   new_uncertainty, "1/2")
def calc_t_r(qr, r1, r2, r3, r4, En, Lz, aa, M=1):
    delta_t_r in Drasco and Hughes (2005)

        qr (float)
        r1 (float): radial root
        r2 (float): radial root
        r3 (float): radial root
        r4 (float): radial root
        En (float): energy
        Lz (float): angular momentum
        aa (float): spin

    Keyword Args:
        M (float): mass

        t_r (float)
    pi = mp.pi
    psi_r = calc_psi_r(qr, r1, r2, r3, r4)

    kr = ((r1 - r2) * (r3 - r4)) / ((r1 - r3) * (r2 - r4))

    rp = M + sqrt(-(aa**2) + M**2)
    rm = M - sqrt(-(aa**2) + M**2)

    hr = (r1 - r2) / (r1 - r3)
    hp = ((r1 - r2) * (r3 - rp)) / ((r1 - r3) * (r2 - rp))
    hm = ((r1 - r2) * (r3 - rm)) / ((r1 - r3) * (r2 - rm))

    return -((En *
              ((-4 * (r2 - r3) *
                (-(((-2 * aa**2 + (4 - (aa * Lz) / En) * rm) *
                    ((qr * ellippi(hm, kr)) / pi - ellippi(hm, psi_r, kr))) /
                   ((r2 - rm) * (r3 - rm))) +
                 ((-2 * aa**2 + (4 - (aa * Lz) / En) * rp) *
                  ((qr * ellippi(hp, kr)) / pi - ellippi(hp, psi_r, kr))) /
                 ((r2 - rp) * (r3 - rp)))) / (-rm + rp) + 4 * (r2 - r3) *
               ((qr * ellippi(hr, kr)) / pi - ellippi(hr, psi_r, kr)) +
               (r2 - r3) * (r1 + r2 + r3 + r4) *
               ((qr * ellippi(hr, kr)) / pi - ellippi(hr, psi_r, kr)) +
               (r1 - r3) * (r2 - r4) *
               ((qr * ellipe(kr)) / pi - ellipe(psi_r, kr) +
                (hr * cos(psi_r) * sin(psi_r) * sqrt(1 - kr * sin(psi_r)**2)) /
                (1 - hr * sin(psi_r)**2)))) / sqrt(
                    (1 - En**2) * (r1 - r3) * (r2 - r4)))
Exemple #20
 def get_angle_alpha(self):
     if (mpmath.almosteq(self.getBelief(), 1, epsilon)):
         return mpmath.mpf("0")
     return mpmath.atan(
         (self.getUncertainty() * mpmath.sin(mpmath.pi / mpmath.mpf("3"))) /
         (self.getDisbelief() +
          self.getUncertainty() * mpmath.cos(math.pi / mpmath.mpf("3"))))
	def P(self,z):
		# A+S 18.9.
		from mpmath import sqrt, mpc, sin, ellipfun, mpf
		Delta = self.Delta
		e1, e2, e3 = self.__roots
		if self.__ng3:
			z = mpc(0,1) * z
		if Delta > 0:
			zs = sqrt(e1 - e3) * z
			m = (e2 - e3) / (e1 - e3)
			retval = e3 + (e1 - e3) / ellipfun('sn',u=zs,m=m)**2
		elif Delta < 0:
			H2 = (sqrt((e2 - e3) * (e2 - e1))).real
			assert(H2 > 0)
			m = mpf(1) / mpf(2) - 3 * e2 / (4 * H2)
			zp = 2 * z * sqrt(H2)
			retval = e2 + H2 * (1 + ellipfun('cn',u=zp,m=m)) / (1 - ellipfun('cn',u=zp,m=m))
			g2, g3 = self.__invariants
			if g2 == 0 and g3 == 0:
				retval = 1 / (z**2)
				c = e1 / 2
				retval = -c + 3 * c / (sin(sqrt(3 * c) * z))**2
		if self.__ng3:
			return -retval
			return retval
Exemple #22
def ln_expansion2(wp, u, n_iter=25):
    from mpmath import ln, pi, sin, exp, mpc
    # TODO: test for pathological cases?
    om1, om3 = wp.periods[0] / 2, wp.periods[1] / 2
    assert (u.real < 2 * om1 and u.real >= 0)
    assert (abs(u.imag) < 2 * om3.imag)
    tau = om3 / om1
    q = exp(mpc(0, 1) * pi() * tau)
    eta1 = wp.zeta(om1)
    om1_2 = om1 * 2
    retval = ln(om1_2 / pi()) + eta1 * u**2 / (om1_2) + ln(
        sin(pi() * u / (om1_2)))
    for r in range(1, n_iter + 1):
        q_2 = q**(2 * r)
        retval += q_2 / (r * (1 - q_2)) * (2. * sin(r * pi() * u / (om1_2)))**2
    return retval
Exemple #23
def sin(arg):
	This function is a wrapper around a lower level function. If the argument is a standard *float* or *int*,
	the function from the builtin :mod:`math` module will be used. If the argument is an :mod:`mpmath`
	float, the corresponding multiprecision function, if available, will be used. Otherwise, the argument is assumed
	to be a series type and a function from the piranha C++ library is used.
	:param arg: sine argument
	:returns: sine of *arg*
	:raises: :exc:`TypeError` if the type of *arg* is not supported, or any other exception raised by the invoked
		low-level function
	>>> from .types import poisson_series, polynomial, rational, short
	>>> t = poisson_series(polynomial(rational,short))()
	>>> sin(2 * t('x'))
	>>> sin('y') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
	Traceback (most recent call last):
	TypeError: invalid argument type(s)
	if isinstance(arg,float) or isinstance(arg,int):
		import math
		return math.sin(arg)
		from mpmath import mpf, sin
		if isinstance(arg,mpf):
			return sin(arg)
	except ImportError:
	from ._core import _sin
	return _cpp_type_catcher(_sin,arg)
    def test_onaxis_match(self):
        # set fixed radius
        self.paramv['R'] = 0.1
        groundtruth_levels = self.plotdata['onaxis_db'].tolist()
        all_obtained_raw = []
        for alpha in self.alpha_values:
            subdf = self.by_alpha.get_group(alpha)
            this_alpha_set = []
            for kaval in tqdm.tqdm(subdf['ka']):
                self.paramv['alpha'] = np.radians(alpha)
                self.paramv['a'] = self.paramv['R']*mpmath.sin(self.paramv['alpha'])
                self.paramv['k'] = kaval/self.paramv['a']
                onaxis_value = d_zero(self.paramv['k'], self.paramv['R'], 

            this_alpha_normalised = np.array(this_alpha_set)
        all_obtained_raw =  np.concatenate(all_obtained_raw)
        all_obtained_db = 20*np.log10(all_obtained_raw)
        difference = all_obtained_db - groundtruth_levels
Exemple #25
 def __call__(self,t):
   with mp.extradps(self.prec):
     t = mpf(t)
     if t == 0:
       print "ERROR:   Inverse transform can not be calculated for t=0"
       return ("Error");
     N = 2*self.N
     # Initiate the stepsize (mit aktueller Präsision)
     h = 2*pi/N
   # The for loop is evaluating the Laplace inversion at each point theta i
   #   which is based on the trapezoidal rule
     ans =  0.0
     for k in range(self.N):
       theta = -pi + (k+0.5)*h
       z = self.shift + N/t*(Talbot.c1*theta/tan(Talbot.c2*theta) - Talbot.c3 + Talbot.c4*theta)
       dz = N/t * (-Talbot.c1*Talbot.c2*theta/sin(Talbot.c2*theta)**2 + Talbot.c1/tan(Talbot.c2*theta)+Talbot.c4)
       v1 = exp(z*t)*dz
       prec = floor(max(log10(abs(v1)),0))
       with mp.extradps(prec):
         value = self.F(z)
       ans += v1*value
     return ((h/pi)*ans).imag
Exemple #26
def get_ang(pos_1, pos_2, pos_3): = 30
    x1, y1, z1 = get_each(pos_1)
    x2, y2, z2 = get_each(pos_2)
    x3, y3, z3 = get_each(pos_3)
    cosb = (x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 + z1 * z2)/(mmp.sqrt(x1**2 + y1**2 + z1**2) * mmp.sqrt(x2**2 + y2**2 + z2**2))
    cosc = (x1 * x3 + y1 * y3 + z1 * z3)/(mmp.sqrt(x1**2 + y1**2 + z1**2) * mmp.sqrt(x3**2 + y3**2 + z3**2))
    cosa = (x3 * x2 + y3 * y2 + z3 * z2)/(mmp.sqrt(x3**2 + y3**2 + z3**2) * mmp.sqrt(x2**2 + y2**2 + z2**2))

    sinb = mmp.sin(mmp.acos(cosb))
    sinc = mmp.sin(mmp.acos(cosc))

    cosA = (cosa - cosb * cosc) /(sinb * sinc)

    return mmp.acos(cosA)
Exemple #27
def BSLaplace(S,K,T,t,r,sig,N,phi): 
        """Solving the Black Scholes PDE in the Laplace domain"""
        x   = ln(S/K)     
        r = mpf(r);sig = mpf(sig);T = mpf(T);t=mpf(t)
        S = mpf(S);K = mpf(K);x=mpf(x)
        mu  = r - 0.5*(sig**2)
        tau = T - t   
        c1 = mpf('0.5017')
        c2 = mpf('0.6407')
        c3 = mpf('0.6122')
        c4 = mpc('0','0.2645')        
        ans = 0.0
        h = 2*pi/N
        h = mpf(h)
        for k in range(N/2): # Use symmetry
            theta = -pi + (k+0.5)*h
            z     =  N/tau*(c1*theta/tan(c2*theta) - c3 + c4*theta)
            dz    =  N/tau*(-c1*c2*theta/(sin(c2*theta)**2) + c1/tan(c2*theta)+c4)
            eps1  =  (-mu + sqrt(mu**2 + 2*(sig**2)*(z+r)))/(sig**2)
            eps2  =  (-mu - sqrt(mu**2 + 2*(sig**2)*(z+r)))/(sig**2)
            b1    =  1/(eps1-eps2)*(eps2/(z+r) + (1 - eps2)/z)
            b2    =  1/(eps1-eps2)*(eps1/(z+r) + (1 - eps1)/z)
            ans  +=  exp(z*tau)*bs(x,b1,b2,eps1,eps2,z,r,phi)*dz
            val = (K*(h/(2j*pi)*ans)).real
        return 2*val
def forward(base, humerus, radius, angleL, angleR):
    E = two * radius * (base + humerus *
                        (mpmath.cos(angleR) - mpmath.cos(angleL)))
    F = two * humerus * radius * (mpmath.sin(angleR) - mpmath.sin(angleL))
    G = base * base + two * humerus * humerus + two * base * humerus * mpmath.cos(
        angleR) - two * humerus * humerus * mpmath.cos(angleR - angleL)

    if G - E != 0 and E * E + F * F - G * G > 0:  # avoid div by zero, sqrt of negative
        lumpXminus = (-F - mpmath.sqrt(E * E + F * F - G * G)) / (G - E)
        lumpYminus = (-F - mpmath.sqrt(E * E + F * F - G * G)) / (G - E)
        xMinus = base + humerus * mpmath.cos(angleR) + radius * mpmath.cos(
            two * mpmath.atan(lumpXminus))
        yMinus = humerus * mpmath.sin(angleR) + radius * mpmath.sin(
            two * mpmath.atan(lumpYminus))

        return [xMinus, yMinus]
	def Pprime(self,z):
		# A+S 18.9.
		from mpmath import ellipfun, sqrt, cos, sin, mpc, mpf
		Delta = self.Delta
		e1, e2, e3 = self.__roots
		if self.__ng3:
			z = mpc(0,1) * z
		if Delta > 0:
			zs = sqrt(e1 - e3) * z
			m = (e2 - e3) / (e1 - e3)
			retval = -2 * sqrt((e1 - e3)**3) * ellipfun('cn',u=zs,m=m) * ellipfun('dn',u=zs,m=m) / (ellipfun('sn',u=zs,m=m)**3)
		elif Delta < 0:
			H2 = (sqrt((e2 - e3) * (e2 - e1))).real
			assert(H2 > 0)
			m = mpf(1) / mpf(2) - 3 * e2 / (4 * H2)
			zp = 2 * z * sqrt(H2)
			retval = -4 * sqrt(H2**3) * ellipfun('sn',u=zp,m=m) * ellipfun('dn',u=zp,m=m) / ((1 - ellipfun('cn',u=zp,m=m))**2)
			g2, g3 = self.__invariants
			if g2 == 0 and g3 == 0:
				retval = -2 / (z**3)
				c = e1 / 2
				A = sqrt(3 * c)
				retval = -6 * c * A * cos(A * z) / (sin(A * z))**3
		if self.__ng3:
			return mpc(0,-1) * retval
			return retval
Exemple #30
def rotate_point(x, y, degrees):
    radians = math.radians(degrees)

    cos_theta = math.cos(radians)
    sin_theta = math.sin(radians)
    return x * cos_theta - y * sin_theta, \
           x * sin_theta + y * cos_theta
	def sigma(self,z):
		# A+S 18.10.
		from mpmath import pi, jtheta, exp, mpc, sqrt, sin
		Delta = self.Delta
		e1, _, _ = self.__roots
		om = self.__periods[0] / 2
		omp = self.__periods[1] / 2
		if self.__ng3:
			z = mpc(0,1) * z
		if Delta > 0:
			tau = omp / om
			q = (exp(mpc(0,1) * pi() * tau)).real
			eta = -(pi()**2 * jtheta(n=1,z=0,q=q,derivative=3)) / (12 * om * jtheta(n=1,z=0,q=q,derivative=1))
			v = (pi() * z) / (2 * om)
			retval = (2 * om) / pi() * exp((eta * z**2)/(2 * om)) * jtheta(n=1,z=v,q=q)/jtheta(n=1,z=0,q=q,derivative=1)
		elif Delta < 0:
			om2 = om + omp
			om2p = omp - om
			tau2 = om2p / (2 * om2)
			q = mpc(0,(mpc(0,1) * exp(mpc(0,1) * pi() * tau2)).imag)
			eta2 = -(pi()**2 * jtheta(n=1,z=0,q=q,derivative=3)) / (12 * om2 * jtheta(n=1,z=0,q=q,derivative=1))
			v = (pi() * z) / (2 * om2)
			retval = (2 * om2) / pi() * exp((eta2 * z**2)/(2 * om2)) * jtheta(n=1,z=v,q=q)/jtheta(n=1,z=0,q=q,derivative=1)
			g2, g3 = self.__invariants
			if g2 == 0 and g3 == 0:
				retval = z
				c = e1 / 2
				A = sqrt(3 * c)
				retval = (1 / A) * sin(A*z) * exp((c*z**2) / 2)
		if self.__ng3:
			return mpc(0,-1) * retval
			return retval
Exemple #32
  def __call__(self,t):
    if t == 0:
      print("ERROR:   Inverse transform can not be calculated for t=0")
      return ("Error");
    # Initiate the stepsize
    h = 2*pi/self.N
    ans =  0.0
    # parameters from
    # T. Schmelzer, L.N. Trefethen, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 45 (2007) 558-571
    c1 = mpf('0.5017')
    c2 = mpf('0.6407')
    c3 = mpf('0.6122')
    c4 = mpc('0','0.2645')
  # The for loop is evaluating the Laplace inversion at each point theta i
  #   which is based on the trapezoidal rule
    for k in range(self.N):
      theta = -pi + (k+0.5)*h
      z = self.shift + self.N/t*(c1*theta/tan(c2*theta) - c3 + c4*theta)
      dz = self.N/t * (-c1*c2*theta/sin(c2*theta)**2 + c1/tan(c2*theta)+c4)
      ans += exp(z*t)*self.F(z)*dz
    return ((h/(2j*pi))*ans).real        
	def sigma(self,z):
		# A+S 18.10.
		from mpmath import pi, jtheta, exp, mpc, sqrt, sin
		Delta = self.Delta
		e1, _, _ = self.__roots
		om = self.__periods[0] / 2
		omp = self.__periods[1] / 2
		if self.__ng3:
			z = mpc(0,1) * z
		if Delta > 0:
			tau = omp / om
			q = (exp(mpc(0,1) * pi() * tau)).real
			eta = -(pi()**2 * jtheta(n=1,z=0,q=q,derivative=3)) / (12 * om * jtheta(n=1,z=0,q=q,derivative=1))
			v = (pi() * z) / (2 * om)
			retval = (2 * om) / pi() * exp((eta * z**2)/(2 * om)) * jtheta(n=1,z=v,q=q)/jtheta(n=1,z=0,q=q,derivative=1)
		elif Delta < 0:
			om2 = om + omp
			om2p = omp - om
			tau2 = om2p / (2 * om2)
			q = mpc(0,(mpc(0,1) * exp(mpc(0,1) * pi() * tau2)).imag)
			eta2 = -(pi()**2 * jtheta(n=1,z=0,q=q,derivative=3)) / (12 * om2 * jtheta(n=1,z=0,q=q,derivative=1))
			v = (pi() * z) / (2 * om2)
			retval = (2 * om2) / pi() * exp((eta2 * z**2)/(2 * om2)) * jtheta(n=1,z=v,q=q)/jtheta(n=1,z=0,q=q,derivative=1)
			g2, g3 = self.__invariants
			if g2 == 0 and g3 == 0:
				retval = z
				c = e1 / 2
				A = sqrt(3 * c)
				retval = (1 / A) * sin(A*z) * exp((c*z**2) / 2)
		if self.__ng3:
			return mpc(0,-1) * retval
			return retval
Exemple #34
 def get_angle_beta(self):
     if mpmath.almosteq(self.getDisbelief(), 1, epsilon):
         return mpmath.pi / 3
     return mpmath.atan(
         (self.getUncertainty() * mpmath.sin(mpmath.pi / mpmath.mpf("3"))) /
         (mpmath.mpf("1") - (self.getDisbelief() + self.getUncertainty() *
                             mpmath.cos(mpmath.pi / mpmath.mpf("3")))))
Exemple #35
 def P(self, z):
     # A+S 18.9.
     from mpmath import sqrt, mpc, sin, ellipfun, mpf
     Delta = self.Delta
     e1, e2, e3 = self.__roots
     if self.__ng3:
         z = mpc(0, 1) * z
     if Delta > 0:
         zs = sqrt(e1 - e3) * z
         m = (e2 - e3) / (e1 - e3)
         retval = e3 + (e1 - e3) / ellipfun('sn', u=zs, m=m)**2
     elif Delta < 0:
         H2 = (sqrt((e2 - e3) * (e2 - e1))).real
         assert (H2 > 0)
         m = mpf(1) / mpf(2) - 3 * e2 / (4 * H2)
         zp = 2 * z * sqrt(H2)
         retval = e2 + H2 * (1 + ellipfun('cn', u=zp, m=m)) / (
             1 - ellipfun('cn', u=zp, m=m))
         g2, g3 = self.__invariants
         if g2 == 0 and g3 == 0:
             retval = 1 / (z**2)
             c = e1 / 2
             retval = -c + 3 * c / (sin(sqrt(3 * c) * z))**2
     if self.__ng3:
         return -retval
         return retval
Exemple #36
    def getRadialMatrixElementSemiClassical(self, n, l, s, j, n1, l1, s1, j1):
        #get the effective principal number of both states
        nu = n - self.getQuantumDefect(n, l, s, j)
        nu1 = n1 - self.getQuantumDefect(n1, l1, s1, j1)

        #get the parameters required to calculate the sum
        l_c = (l + l1 + 1.) / 2.
        nu_c = sqrt(nu * nu1)

        delta_nu = nu - nu1
        delta_l = l1 - l

        gamma = (delta_l * l_c) / nu_c

        g0 = (1. /
              (3. * delta_nu)) * (mpmath.angerj(delta_nu - 1., -delta_nu) -
                                  mpmath.angerj(delta_nu + 1, -delta_nu))
        g1 = -(1. /
               (3. * delta_nu)) * (mpmath.angerj(delta_nu - 1., -delta_nu) +
                                   mpmath.angerj(delta_nu + 1, -delta_nu))
        g2 = g0 - mpmath.sin(pi * delta_nu) / (pi * delta_nu)
        g3 = (delta_nu / 2.) * g0 + g1

        radial_ME = (3 / 2) * nu_c**2 * (1 - (l_c / nu_c)**(2))**0.5 * (
            g0 + gamma * g1 + gamma**2 * g2 + gamma**3 * g3)

        return radial_ME
Exemple #37
def ln_expansion(wp,u,n_iter = 50):
	from mpmath import ln, pi, sin, exp, mpc
	# TODO: test for pathological cases?
	if wp.periods[1].real == 0:
		om1, om3 = wp.periods[0]/2, wp.periods[1]/2
		om1, om3 = wp.periods[1].conjugate()/2, wp.periods[1]/2
	tau = om3/om1
	q = exp(mpc(0,1)*pi()*tau)
	eta1 = wp.zeta(om1)
	om1_2 = om1 * 2
	retval = ln(om1_2/pi()) + eta1*u**2/(om1_2) + ln(sin(pi()*u/(om1_2)))
	for r in range(1,n_iter + 1):
		q_2 = q**(2*r)
		retval += q_2/(r * (1 - q_2))*(2. * sin(r*pi()*u/(om1_2)))**2
	return retval
Exemple #38
 def Pprime(self, z):
     # A+S 18.9.
     from mpmath import ellipfun, sqrt, cos, sin, mpc, mpf
     Delta = self.Delta
     e1, e2, e3 = self.__roots
     if self.__ng3:
         z = mpc(0, 1) * z
     if Delta > 0:
         zs = sqrt(e1 - e3) * z
         m = (e2 - e3) / (e1 - e3)
         retval = -2 * sqrt(
             (e1 - e3)**3) * ellipfun('cn', u=zs, m=m) * ellipfun(
                 'dn', u=zs, m=m) / (ellipfun('sn', u=zs, m=m)**3)
     elif Delta < 0:
         H2 = (sqrt((e2 - e3) * (e2 - e1))).real
         assert (H2 > 0)
         m = mpf(1) / mpf(2) - 3 * e2 / (4 * H2)
         zp = 2 * z * sqrt(H2)
         retval = -4 * sqrt(H2**3) * ellipfun('sn', u=zp, m=m) * ellipfun(
             'dn', u=zp, m=m) / ((1 - ellipfun('cn', u=zp, m=m))**2)
         g2, g3 = self.__invariants
         if g2 == 0 and g3 == 0:
             retval = -2 / (z**3)
             c = e1 / 2
             A = sqrt(3 * c)
             retval = -6 * c * A * cos(A * z) / (sin(A * z))**3
     if self.__ng3:
         return mpc(0, -1) * retval
         return retval
Exemple #39
def f1(x):
    An angular integral that appears in electron noise calculation.
    term1 = x * ( - 0.5 **x))
    term2 = -2 * mp.sin(0.5 * x)**4
    return (term1 + term2)/x**2
Exemple #40
def  test_talbot_with_more_complicated():
    """test for Talbot numerical inverse Laplace with sin"""

    a = Talbot(f=f4, n=24, shift=0, dps=None)

    #single value of t:
    ok_(mpallclose(a(2, args=(1,)),
Exemple #41
def test_odefun_harmonic():
    mp.dps = 15
    # Harmonic oscillator
    f = odefun(lambda x, y: [-y[1], y[0]], 0, [1, 0])
    for x in [0, 1, 2.5, 8, 3.7]:    #  we go back to 3.7 to check caching
        c, s = f(x)
Exemple #42
def getAntiprismVolume( n, k ):
    if real( n ) < 3:
        raise ValueError( 'the number of sides of the prism cannot be less than 3,' )

    if not isinstance( k, RPNMeasurement ):
        return getAntiprismVolume( n, RPNMeasurement( real( k ), 'meter' ) )

    if k.getDimensions( ) != { 'length' : 1 }:
        raise ValueError( '\'antiprism_volume\' argument 2 must be a length' )

    result = getProduct( [ fdiv( fprod( [ n, sqrt( fsub( fmul( 4, cos( cos( fdiv( pi, fmul( n, 2 ) ) ) ) ), 1 ) ),
                                   sin( fdiv( fmul( 3, pi ), fmul( 2, n ) ) ) ] ),
                           fmul( 12, sin( sin( fdiv( pi, n ) ) ) ) ),
                           sin( fdiv( fmul( 3, pi ), fmul( 2, n ) ) ),
                           getPower( k, 3 ) ] )

    return result.convert( 'meter^3' )
Exemple #43
def error(coefs, progress=True):
    (a, b) = coefs
    xs = (x * mp.pi / mp.mpf(4096) for x in range(-4096, 4097))
    err = max(fabs(sin(x) - f(x, a, b)) for x in xs)
    if progress:
        print('(a, b, c): ({}, {}, {})'.format(a, b, c(a, b)))
        print('evaluated error: ', err)
    return float(err)
Exemple #44
def sph_yn_exact(n, z):
    """Return the value of y_n computed using the exact formula.

    The expression used is .

    zm = mpmathify(z)
    s1 = sum((-1)**k*_a(2*k, n)/zm**(2*k+1) for k in xrange(0, int(n/2) + 1))
    s2 = sum((-1)**k*_a(2*k+1, n)/zm**(2*k+2) for k in xrange(0, int((n-1)/2) + 1))
    return -cos(zm - n*pi/2)*s1 + sin(zm - n*pi/2)*s2
Exemple #45
 def rotate(self, identifier, angles, step=1):
     ang_num = 2*math.pi/360
     rotateZ = [math.cos(angles[0]*ang_num),-math.sin(angles[0]*ang_num),0,math.sin(angles[0]*ang_num),math.cos(angles[0]*ang_num),0,0,0,1]
     rotateY = [math.cos(angles[1]*ang_num),0,-math.sin(angles[1]*ang_num),0,1,0,math.sin(angles[1]*ang_num),0,math.cos(angles[1]*ang_num)]
     rotateX = [1,0,0,0,math.cos(angles[2]*ang_num),-math.sin(angles[2]*ang_num),0,math.sin(angles[2]*ang_num),math.cos(angles[2]*ang_num)]
     antirotateZ = [math.cos(-angles[0]*ang_num),-math.sin(-angles[0]*ang_num),0,math.sin(-angles[0]*ang_num),math.cos(-angles[0]*ang_num),0,0,0,1]
     antirotateY = [math.cos(-angles[1]*ang_num),0,-math.sin(-angles[1]*ang_num),0,1,0,math.sin(-angles[1]*ang_num),0,math.cos(-angles[1]*ang_num)]
     antirotateX = [1,0,0,0,math.cos(-angles[2]*ang_num),-math.sin(-angles[2]*ang_num),0,math.sin(-angles[2]*ang_num),math.cos(-angles[2]*ang_num)]
     #self.command("transform "+identifier+""+"{ {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} }"%tuple(rotateZ))
     self.command("transform "+identifier+"."+str(step+1)+"{ {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} }"%tuple(antirotateZ))
     #self.command("transform "+identifier+""+"{ {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} }"%tuple(rotateY))
     self.command("transform "+identifier+"."+str(step+1)+"{ {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} }"%tuple(antirotateY))
     #self.command("transform "+identifier+""+"{ {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} }"%tuple(rotateX))
     self.command("transform "+identifier+"."+str(step+1)+"{ {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} {%s %s %s} }"%tuple(antirotateX))
     for i in range(0,3):
         self.orientation[i] += angles[i]
Exemple #46
	def __init__(self, resource_handler, voxel_handler,
	             world_dimensions = (64, 64, 16),
	             voxel_dimensions = (72, 36, 36),
	             active_layer = 0,
	             visibility_flag = ONLY_SHOW_EXPOSED):
		self._world_dimensions = world_dimensions
		self._voxel_dimensions = voxel_dimensions
		grid_length = world_dimensions[WIDTH] * world_dimensions[HEIGHT] * world_dimensions[DEPTH]
		self._active_layer = active_layer
		self.visibility_flag = visibility_flag
                #The unprojected length of the horizontal side of each voxel
                self._side_length = mp.nint(self._voxel_dimensions[WIDTH] * mp.sin(mp.pi / 4))
		WorldBase.__init__(self, resource_handler, voxel_handler,
		                   grid_length, (0, 0))
Exemple #47
def Hypergeometric1F1(a,b,t,N):
#   Initiate the stepsize
    h = 2*pi/N;  
    c1 = mpf('0.5017')
    c2 = mpf('0.6407')
    c3 = mpf('0.6122')
    c4 = mpc('0','0.2645')
#   The for loop is evaluating the Laplace inversion at each point theta
#   which is based on the trapezoidal rule
    ans = 0.0
    for k in range(N):
      theta = -pi + (k+0.5)*h
      z    = N/t*(c1*theta/tan(c2*theta) - c3 + c4*theta)
      dz   = N/t*(-c1*c2*theta/sin(c2*theta)**2 + c1/tan(c2*theta)+c4)
      ans += exp(z*t)*F(a,b,t,z)*dz
    return gamma(b)*t**(1-b)*exp(t)*((h/(2j*pi))*ans)
Exemple #48
 def g(theta,phi):
     R = abs(re(spherharm(l,m,theta,phi)))
     x = R*cos(phi)*sin(theta)
     y = R*sin(phi)*sin(theta)
     z = R*cos(theta)
     return [x,y,z]
Exemple #49
from pylab import *
import mpmath = 50     # higher precision for demonstration
a = [mpmath.sin(2.*mpmath.pi*n/Nv) for n in range(Nv)]
b = array(a)
print - Nv/2

b32= array(a,dtype=float32)
b64= array(a,dtype=float64)
b128= array(a,dtype=float128)

print - Nv/2.
print - Nv/2.
print - Nv/2.

print mpmath.norm(b) - mpmath.sqrt(Nv/2)
print norm(b32)  - sqrt(Nv/2)
print norm(b64)  - sqrt(Nv/2)
print norm(b128)  -sqrt(Nv/2)
Exemple #50
def agnesi(x):
  return dtheta/((x/aa)**2+r1)*mpm.sin(l*z)
def sin(op):
    op = convertToRadians(op)
    return mpmath.sin(op)
 def ftot(t):
     return mp.cos(mp.cos(t)) * mp.sin(t) * mp.exp(1j * omega * mp.sin(t))
Exemple #53
TEST_YELLOW = pygame.Color(255, 0, 255, 255)#-16711681
TEST_BLUE = pygame.Color(0, 0, 255, 255)#-65536

#Visibility flags

#135 degrees
THETA = 3 * mp.pi / 4

#Isometric Unprojection
UNPROJECT = mp.matrix([[1,  0, 0],
                       [0, -1, 0], #NOTE: the y coordinate has to be inverted because my
                       [0,  0, 1]]) #grid coordinates are a bit weird

UNPROJECT *= mp.matrix([[ mp.cos(THETA),  mp.sin(THETA), 0],
                       [-mp.sin(THETA),  mp.cos(THETA), 0],
                       [             0,              0, 1]])

UNPROJECT *= mp.matrix([[1, 0, 0],
                        [0, 2, 0],
                        [0, 0, 1]])

class OutOfIt(Exception):
	def __init__(self, msg, value):
		self.msg = msg
		self.value = value
	def __repr__(self):
Exemple #54
 def eval(self, z):
     return mpmath.sin(z)
Exemple #55
 def g(theta,phi):
     R = abs(re(a*spherharm(l,m1,theta,phi)+b*spherharm(l,m2,theta,phi)))**2
     x = R*cos(phi)*sin(theta)
     y = R*sin(phi)*sin(theta)
     z = R*cos(theta)
     return [x,y,z]
Exemple #56
def ExactIntegrationOfSinusKernel(t, a = None, b = None):
    with precision(300):
        if a == None and b == None:
            return 0.5 * math.pi * math.sqrt(t) * (mpmath.angerj(0.5, t) - mpmath.angerj(-0.5, t))
        if a == None and b != None:
            a = t
        elif b == None:
            b = 0. = True
        pi =
        pi = +pi
        fcos = mpmath.fresnelc
        fsin = mpmath.fresnels
        arg_a = mpmath.sqrt(2 * (t - a) /
        arg_b = mpmath.sqrt(2 * (t - b) / 
        return mpmath.sqrt(2 * * ((fsin(arg_b) - fsin(arg_a)) * mpmath.cos(t) + (fcos(arg_a) - fcos(arg_b)) * mpmath.sin(t))
Exemple #57
	def cart_state(self,tau):
		from mpmath import cos, sin
		xi,eta,phi = self.state(tau)
		return xi*eta*cos(phi),xi*eta*sin(phi),(xi**2 - eta**2)/2
Exemple #58
def solveCubicPolynomial( a, b, c, d ):
    if mp.dps < 50:
        mp.dps = 50

    if a == 0:
        return solveQuadraticPolynomial( b, c, d )

    f = fdiv( fsub( fdiv( fmul( 3, c ), a ), fdiv( power( b, 2 ), power( a, 2 ) ) ), 3 )

    g = fdiv( fadd( fsub( fdiv( fmul( 2, power( b, 3 ) ), power( a, 3 ) ),
                          fdiv( fprod( [ 9, b, c ] ), power( a, 2 ) ) ),
                    fdiv( fmul( 27, d ), a ) ), 27 )
    h = fadd( fdiv( power( g, 2 ), 4 ), fdiv( power( f, 3 ), 27 ) )

    # all three roots are the same
    if h == 0:
        x1 = fneg( root( fdiv( d, a ), 3 ) )
        x2 = x1
        x3 = x2
    # two imaginary and one real root
    elif h > 0:
        r = fadd( fneg( fdiv( g, 2 ) ), sqrt( h ) )

        if r < 0:
            s = fneg( root( fneg( r ), 3 ) )
            s = root( r, 3 )

        t = fsub( fneg( fdiv( g, 2 ) ), sqrt( h ) )

        if t < 0:
            u = fneg( root( fneg( t ), 3 ) )
            u = root( t, 3 )

        x1 = fsub( fadd( s, u ), fdiv( b, fmul( 3, a ) ) )

        real = fsub( fdiv( fneg( fadd( s, u ) ), 2 ), fdiv( b, fmul( 3, a ) ) )
        imaginary = fdiv( fmul( fsub( s, u ), sqrt( 3 ) ), 2 )

        x2 = mpc( real, imaginary )
        x3 = mpc( real, fneg( imaginary ) )
    # all real roots
        j = sqrt( fsub( fdiv( power( g, 2 ), 4 ), h ) )
        k = acos( fneg( fdiv( g, fmul( 2, j ) ) ) )

        if j < 0:
            l = fneg( root( fneg( j ), 3 ) )
            l = root( j, 3 )

        m = cos( fdiv( k, 3 ) )
        n = fmul( sqrt( 3 ), sin( fdiv( k, 3 ) ) )
        p = fneg( fdiv( b, fmul( 3, a ) ) )

        x1 = fsub( fmul( fmul( 2, l ), cos( fdiv( k, 3 ) ) ), fdiv( b, fmul( 3, a ) ) )
        x2 = fadd( fmul( fneg( l ), fadd( m, n ) ), p )
        x3 = fadd( fmul( fneg( l ), fsub( m, n ) ), p )

    return [ chop( x1 ), chop( x2 ), chop( x3 ) ]