def __dip__(self, p: int, kmax: int, f: LambdaType, x: list,
                eps: float) -> tuple:
        Calculates the df(s) = (s-1)-th derivative of f at O , for s = 1 .. p+1. Uses k-th degree polynomial for some k
        satisfying p <= k <= kmax. If the relative change in df(s) from k - 1 to k is less than eps then this determines
         k and success is true. Otherwise k = kmax and success is false.
        :param p:  maximum derivative to calculate; p <= length(x) <= kmax
        :param kmax: maximum degree of the interpolating polynomial
        :param f: function to derive
        :param x: array of values around 0
        :param eps: desired tolerance
        :return: array of derivatives at 0
        self.C = mp.zeros(1, int(kmax * (kmax + 3) / 2) + 1)
        df = mp.zeros(1, p + 1)

        for k in range(0, kmax + 1):
            self.__update__(int(k), int(p), x, f(x[int(k)]))
            if k < p:
            self.r = mp.mpf(1)
            for s in range(0, p + 1):
                if self.r:
                    self.r = mp.mpf(
                        mp.fabs(self.C[k - s] - df[s]) <= eps *
                        mp.fabs(self.C[k - s]))
                df[s] = self.C[k - s]
            if self.r:

        for s in range(1, p + 1):
            df[s] = mp.factorial(s) * df[s]

        return df
Exemple #2
def my_forward_subst(L, i):
	This function performs the forward substitution for solution of the system
				Lx = e_i
		L   - is a lower triangular matrix with 1s on the main diagonal
		e_i - i-th identity vector

	All the computations are done exactly with MPMATH

	L - n x n lower-triangular matrix with ones on the diagonal
	i - index for the canonical vector

	x - n x 1 vector of the solution

	n = L.rows
	x = mpmath.zeros(n, 1)

	e = mpmath.zeros(n, 1)
	e[i, 0] =

	x[0,0] = e[0,0]

	for i in range(1, n):
		x[i,0] = e[i]
		for j in range(0, i):
			tmp = mpmath.fmul(L[i,j], x[j,0], exact=True)
			x[i,0] = mpmath.fsub(x[i,0], tmp, exact=True)

	return x
Exemple #3
def zero_matrix(rows, cols=None):
    if cols is None:
        cols = rows
    if mode == mode_python:
        return np.matrix(np.zeros((rows, cols), dtype=np.complex128))
        return mpmath.zeros(rows, cols)
def KMR_Markov_matrix_sequential(N, p, epsilon):
    Generate a Markov matrix arising from a certain game-theoretic model

    N : int

    p : float
        Between 0 and 1

    epsilon : float
        Between 0 and 1

    P : matrix of shape (N+1, N+1)

    P = mp.zeros(N+1, N+1)
    P[0, 0], P[0, 1] = 1 - epsilon * (1/2), epsilon * (1/2)
    for n in range(1, N):
        P[n, n-1] = \
            (n/N) * (epsilon * (1/2) +
                     (1 - epsilon) * (((n-1)/(N-1) < p) + ((n-1)/(N-1) == p) * (1/2))
        P[n, n+1] = \
            ((N-n)/N) * (epsilon * (1/2) +
                         (1 - epsilon) * ((n/(N-1) > p) + (n/(N-1) == p) * (1/2))
        P[n, n] = 1 - P[n, n-1] - P[n, n+1]
    P[N, N-1], P[N, N] = epsilon * (1/2), 1 - epsilon * (1/2)
    return P
Exemple #5
def iv_P_norm_expm(P_sqrt_T, M1, A, M2, tau):
    Bound on P-ellipsoid norm of (M1 (expm(A*t) - I) M2)  for |t| < tau

    using the theorem in arXiv:1911.02537, section "Norm bounding of summands"

    @param P_sqrt_T: see iv_P_norm()
    P_sqrt_T = iv.matrix(P_sqrt_T)
    M1 = iv.matrix(M1)
    A = iv.matrix(A)
    M2 = iv.matrix(M2)
    # coerce tau to maximum
    tau = abs(iv.mpf(tau)).b
    # P-ellipsoid norms
    M1_p = iv_P_norm(M=M1, P_sqrt_T=P_sqrt_T)
    M2_p = iv_P_norm(M=M2, P_sqrt_T=P_sqrt_T)
    A_p = iv_P_norm(M=A, P_sqrt_T=P_sqrt_T)
    # A_pow[i] = A ** i
    A_pow = _iv_matrix_powers(A)
    # Work around bug in mpmath, see comment in iv_P_norm()
    zero = iv.matrix(mp.zeros(len(A)))
    M1 = zero + M1
    # terms from [arXiv:1911.02537]
    M1_Ai_M2_p = lambda i: iv_P_norm(M=M1 @ A_pow[i] @ M2, P_sqrt_T=P_sqrt_T)
    gamma = lambda i: 1 / math.factorial(i) * (M1_Ai_M2_p(i) - M1_p * A_p ** i * M2_p)
    max_norm = sum([gamma(i) * (tau ** i) for i in range(1, IV_NORM_EVAL_ORDER + 1)]) + M1_p * M2_p * (iv.exp(A_p * tau) - 1)
    # the lower bound is always 0 (for t=0)
    return mp.mpi([0, max_norm.b])
Exemple #6
			def qr_solve_lsq(M, b):
				Vt = mp.qr_solve(M, b)

				V = mp.zeros(M.cols,1)
				for i in range(M.cols):
					V[i] = Vt[0][i]

				return V
Exemple #7
def test_poincare_dist():
    x = mpm.matrix([[0., 0., -0.4]])
    y = mpm.matrix([[0.0, 0.0, 0.1]])
    o = mpm.zeros(1, 3)

    assert poincare_dist(o, y) - poincare_dist0(y) < TOL
    assert poincare_dist(o, x) - poincare_dist0(x) < TOL
    assert poincare_dist(o, x) + poincare_dist(o, y) - poincare_dist(x,
                                                                     y) < TOL
Exemple #8
	def test_mpf_matrix_fsub(self):
		A = numpy.matrix(numpy.random.rand(5, 5))

		AA = mpf_matrix_fsub(A, A)
		Z = mpmath.zeros(5,5)
		self.assertEqual(AA, Z)

		AA = mpf_matrix_fadd(AA, A)
		self.assertEqual(AA, python2mpf_matrix(A))
Exemple #9
def rotate_mp(pts, x, y):
    out = mpm.zeros(pts.rows, pts.cols)
    v = x/mpm.norm(x) 
    cos = mpm.fdot(x,y) / (mpm.norm(x), mpm.norm(y))
    sin = mpm.sqrt(1.-cos**2)
    u = y - mpm.fdot(v, y) * v 

    mat = mpm.eye(x.cols) - u.T * u - v.T * v \
        + cos * u.T * u - sin * v.T * u + sin * u.T * v + cos * v.T * v
    return mat
Exemple #10
def cauchy_eigen(mu, dps):
    mu = np.atleast_1d(mu)
    n = len(mu)
    with mp.workdps(dps):
        mu = mp.matrix(mu)
        M = mp.zeros(n, n)
        for i, j in product(range(n), range(n)):
            M[i, j] = (mu[i] + mu[j].conjugate())**(-1)
        ewL, QL = mp.eighe(M)
        return ewL, QL
Exemple #11
def test_add_exact():
    A = numpy.random.rand(5, 5)
    A = MPFMatrix(A)
    B = MPFMatrix(mpmath.zeros(5, 5))

    C0 = A.add_exact(B)
    assert C0.equal(A)

    C1 = A.add_exact(A)
    C1 = C1.sub_exact(A)
    assert C1.equal(A)
Exemple #12
def python2mpf_matrix(M):

    if not isinstance(M, numpy.matrix):
        raise ValueError('Expected a numpy matrix, instead have %s' % type(M))

    n, m = M.shape
    Mmp = mp.zeros(n, m)
    for i in range(0, n):
        for j in range(0, m):
            Mmp[i, j] = mp.mpf(M[i, j])

    return Mmp
Exemple #13
def subspace_angle_V_M_mp(mu, lam, dps=100):
    r"""Multiprecision implementation computing the subspace angle between V(mu) and M(lam) 
    n = len(mu)
    lam = np.atleast_1d(lam)
    m = len(lam)

    with mp.workdps(dps):
        mu = mp.matrix(mu)
        lam = mp.matrix(lam)

        # Construct the Cauchy mass matrix
        #M = mp.zeros(n,n)
        #for i,j in 	product(range(n), range(n)):
        #	M[i,j] = (mu[i] + mu[j].conjugate())**(-1)
        #ewL, QL = mp.eighe(M)
        ewL, QL = cauchy_eigen(mu, dps)

        # Construct the right hand side Mhat matrix
        Mhat = mp.zeros(2 * m, 2 * m)
        for i, j in product(range(m), range(m)):
            Mhat[i, j] = (-lam[i] - lam[j].conjugate())**(-1)
            Mhat[i, m + j] = (-lam[i] - lam[j].conjugate())**(-2)
            Mhat[m + i, j] = (-lam[i] - lam[j].conjugate())**(-2).conjugate()
            Mhat[m + i, m + j] = 2 * (-lam[i] - lam[j].conjugate())**(-3)

        # Construct the interior matrix
        A = mp.zeros(n, 2 * m)
        for i, j in product(range(n), range(m)):
            A[i, j] = (mu[i] - lam[j])**(-1)
            A[i, m + j] = (mu[i] - lam[j])**(-2)

        ewR, QR = mp.eighe(Mhat)

        AA = mp.diag([1 / mp.sqrt(ewL[i])
                      for i in range(n)]) * (QL.H * A * QR) * mp.diag(
                          [1 / mp.sqrt(ewR[i]) for i in range(2 * m)])
        U, s, VH = mp.svd(AA)
        phi = np.array([float(mp.acos(si)) for si in s])
        return phi
Exemple #14
def sarkar_embedding_3D(tree, root, **kwargs):
    eps = kwargs.get("eps",0.1)
    weighted = kwargs.get("weighted", True)
    tau = kwargs.get("tau")
    max_deg = max([1]

    if tau is None:
        tau = (1+eps)/eps * mpm.log(2*max_deg/ mpm.pi)
    prc = kwargs.get("precision")
    if prc is None:
        prc = _embedding_precision(tree,root,eps) = prc
    n = tree.order()
    emb = mpm.zeros(n,3)
    place = []

    # place the children of root
    fib = fib_2D_code([root])
    for i, v in enumerate(tree[root]):
        r = mpm.tanh(tau*tree[root][v].get("weight",1.))
        v_emb = r * mpm.matrix([[fib[i,0],fib[i,1],fib[i,2]]])
    while place:
        u, v = place.pop() # u is the parent of v
        u_emb, v_emb = emb[u,:], emb[v,:]

        # reflect and rotate so that embedding(v) is at (0,0,0) 
        # and embedding(u) is in the direction of (0,0,1)
        u_emb = poincare_reflect0(v_emb, u_emb, precision=prc)
        R = rotate_3D_mp(mpm.matrix([[0.,0.,1.]]), u_emb)
        #u_emb = (R.T * u_emb).T

        # place children of v 
        fib = fib_2D_code([v])
        for w in tree[v]:
            if w == u: # i=0 is for u (parent of v)
            r = mpm.tanh(tau*tree[w][v].get("weight",1.))
            w_emb = r * mpm.matrix([[fib[i,0],fib[i,1],fib[i,2]]])

            #undo reflection and rotation
            w_emb = (R * w_emb.T).T
            w_emb = poincare_reflect0(v_emb, w_emb, precision=prc)
            emb[w,:] = w_emb
    return emb
 def example_matrices(self, include_singular=True, random=100):
     examples = [
         iv.matrix([[1, 2], [4, 5]]) + iv.mpf([-1, +1]) * mp.mpf(1e-10),
         iv.eye(2) * 0.5,
         iv.diag([1, 1e-10]),
         iv.eye(2) * 1e-302
     for n in [1, 4, 17]:
         for i in range(random // n):
     if include_singular:
         examples.append(iv.diag([1, 1e-200]))
     return examples
Exemple #16
def comp_pw_coal_cont(m, Ne_inv):
    """Function to evaluate the coal. intensities for the given 
    migration and effective population sizes, in the time window 
    of t generations. Here we use compute an infinitesimal rate 
    matrix Q from the migration rates and population sizes and use
    the exponentiation of this rate matrix to compute the transition
    numdemes = len(Ne_inv)
    if np.shape(m) != (numdemes, numdemes):
        raise Exception('Migration matrix and population size vector indicate different number of demes.')
    nr = numdemes * (numdemes + 1) / 2 + 1
    Q = mp.zeros(nr, nr)
    rnum = -1
    demePairs = {}
    for p1 in xrange(numdemes):
        for p2 in xrange(p1, numdemes):
            rnum += 1
            demePairs[p1, p2] = rnum

    for dp1 in demePairs.keys():
        if dp1[0] == dp1[1]:
            Q[demePairs[dp1], nr - 1] = 0.5 * Ne_inv[dp1[0]]
        for dp2 in demePairs.keys():
            if dp1 == dp2:
            if dp1[0] == dp1[1]:
                if dp2[0] == dp2[1]:
                elif dp2[0] == dp1[0]:
                    Q[demePairs[dp1], demePairs[dp2]] = 2 * m[dp1[1]][dp2[1]]
                elif dp2[1] == dp1[1]:
                    Q[demePairs[dp1], demePairs[dp2]] = 2 * m[dp1[0]][dp2[0]]
            elif dp2[0] in dp1:
                if dp1[0] == dp2[0]:
                    Q[demePairs[dp1], demePairs[dp2]] = m[dp1[1]][dp2[1]]
                    Q[demePairs[dp1], demePairs[dp2]] = m[dp1[0]][dp2[1]]
            elif dp2[1] in dp1:
                if dp1[0] == dp2[1]:
                    Q[demePairs[dp1], demePairs[dp2]] = m[dp1[1]][dp2[0]]
                    Q[demePairs[dp1], demePairs[dp2]] = m[dp1[0]][dp2[0]]

    for dp1 in demePairs.keys():
        Q[demePairs[dp1], demePairs[dp1]] = -sum(Q[demePairs[dp1], :])

    return Q
Exemple #17
def test_construction():
    A = mpmath.zeros(5, 5)
    Amp = MPFMatrix(A)
    assert (Amp.almost_close(A))
    assert A == Amp.matrix

    A = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros([5, 5]))
    Amp = MPFMatrix(A)
    assert (Amp.almost_close(A))

    A = numpy.zeros(5)
    Amp = MPFMatrix(A)
    assert (Amp.almost_close(A))

    B = MPFMatrix(A)
    assert (B.almost_close(A))
Exemple #18
def divided_diff_coeffs_all_mpmath(x, y):
    Function to calculate the divided differences table
    n = len(y)
    coeffs = mpmath.zeros(n)
    knots = mpmath.matrix(x)
    # the first column is y
    for i in range(n):
        coeffs[i, 0] = y[i]

    for j in range(1, n):
        for i in range(n - j):
            coeffs[i, j] = (coeffs[i + 1, j - 1] - coeffs[i, j - 1]) / (knots[i + j] - knots[i])

    return coeffs
Exemple #19
def converge_pops(popDict, scramb):
    """Changes the scrambling matrix appropriately upon
    the merging of populations.
    npop = scramb.cols
    npop = int(np.real(np.sqrt(8 * npop - 7)) / 2)
    nr = scramb.rows
    nc = len(popDict)
    nc = nc * (nc + 1) / 2 + 1
    temp = mp.zeros(nr, nc)
    temp[:, -1] = scramb[:, -1]
    ptc = pop_to_col(popDict, npop)
    for j in xrange(nc - 1):
        for k in xrange(len(ptc[j])):
            temp[:, j] = temp[:, j] + scramb[:, ptc[j][k]]

    return temp
Exemple #20
def compute_pw_coal_rates(Nes, ms, ts, popmaps):
    """Given a list of population sizes and the migration matrix,
    one for each time slice, compute the expected coalescent rates
    for all possible pairs of lines. Uses the comp_pw_coal_cont 
    function to do this for each time slice.
    The lists ms and Nes must be ordered from most recent to most 
    ancient. Here ts is the list of time slice lengths - in the same
    order. popmaps is a list which tells which pops merge back 
    in time at the beginning of this time slice. Each entry
    of popmaps is a list of arrays or tuples with all pops that 
    merge into one
    numslices = len(ts)
    numpops = len(Nes[0])
    nr = numpops * (numpops + 1) / 2 + 1
    exp_rates = mp.zeros(nr - 1, numslices)
    P0 = mp.eye(nr)
    for i in xrange(numslices):
        Ne_inv = [ 1.0 / x for x in Nes[i] ]
        mtemp = ms[i]
        oldnumpops = numpops
        numpops = len(Ne_inv)
        m = np.zeros((numpops, numpops))
        cnt = 0
        if len(popmaps[i]) == numpops:
            P0 = converge_pops(popmaps[i], P0)
        elif len(popmaps[i]) > 0:
            raise Exception('Population map and other parameters do not match ' + str(i))
        for ii in xrange(numpops):
            for jj in xrange(ii + 1, numpops):
                m[ii, jj] = m[jj, ii] = mtemp[cnt]
                cnt += 1

        Q = comp_pw_coal_cont(m, Ne_inv)
        eQ = expM(ts[i] * Q)
        P = P0 * eQ
        exp_rates[:, i] = P[0:nr - 1, P.cols - 1]
        P0 = P0 * conv_scrambling_matrix(eQ)
        for r in xrange(exp_rates.rows):
            for c in xrange(exp_rates.cols):
                if exp_rates[r, c] < 0:
                    exp_rates[r, c] = 0

    return exp_rates
Exemple #21
def test_mul():
    A = numpy.random.rand(5, 5)
    I = numpy.eye(5)
    Z = numpy.zeros([5, 5])
    Impmath = mpmath.eye(5)
    Zmpmath = mpmath.zeros(5, 5)
    A = MPFMatrix(A)

    C0 = A * I
    assert C0.almost_close(A)

    C1 = A * Impmath
    assert C1.almost_close(A)

    C2 = MPFMatrix(I) * A
    assert C2.almost_close(A)

    C3 = A * Z
    assert C3.almost_close(Z)

    C4 = A * Zmpmath
    assert C4.almost_close(Zmpmath)
Exemple #22
    def remezStep(self, control):
        # eval at control points
        fxn = mp.matrix([self.evalFunc(c) for c in control])

        # create linear system with chebyshev polynomials
        size = self.order + 2
        system = mp.zeros(size)
        for n in range(self.order + 1):
            for i in range(self.order + 2):
                system[i, n] = mp.chebyt(n, control[i])

        # last column is oscillating error
        for i in range(size):
            sign = -1 if ((i & 1) == 0) else +1
            scale = 0.0 if i in [0, size - 1] else 1.0
            system[i, size -
                   1] = sign * scale * mp.fabs(self.evalWeight(control[i]))

        # solve the system
        solved = system**-1

        # compute polynomial estimate (as Chebyshev weights)
        weights = vzeros(size - 1)
        for n in range(size - 1):
            weights[n] = mp.fdot(solved[n, :], fxn)
        #print(f'  weights: {weights}')

        # estimate error
        # self.weights = weights
        # est = [self.evalEstimate(x) for x in control]
        # print('  est:', est)
        # print('  fxn:', fxn.T)

        return weights
Exemple #23
    def initRemez(self):

        # constants for domain
        (xMin, xMax) = self.domain
        self.k1 = (xMax + xMin) * 0.5
        self.k2 = (xMax - xMin) * 0.5

        # initial estimates for function roots (where error == 0.0)
        size = self.order + 1
        roots = vzeros(size)
        fxn = vzeros(size)
        # \todo [petri] use linspace
        for i in range(size):
            roots[i] = (2.0 * i - self.order) / size
            fxn[i] = self.evalFunc(roots[i])

        # build matrix of Chebyshev evaluations
        system = mp.zeros(size)
        for order in range(size):
            for i in range(size):
                system[i, order] = mp.chebyt(order, roots[i])

        # solve system
        solved = system**-1

        # compute Chebyshev weights of new approximation
        weights = vzeros(size)
        for n in range(size):
            weights[n] = mp.fdot(solved[n, :], fxn)
        #print(f'  weights: {weights.T}')

        # store roots & weights
        self.roots = roots
        self.weights = weights
        self.maxError = 1000.0
Exemple #24
def eqn42_solve( geom, Nmax ):
    # eqn 4.2 
    NMAX = Nmax         # where to truncate the infinite system of eqns
    S = geom['S']
    distanceqp = geom['distanceqp']
    thetaqp = geom['thetaqp']
    phiqp = geom['phiqp']
    radii = geom['radii']

    # coefficient matrix
        CM = mpmath.zeros( S*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1) )
        CM = np.zeros( (S*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1), S*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1)) )

    for sprimei,sprime in enumerate(range(S)):
        for nprimei,nprime in enumerate(range(NMAX)):
            for mprimei,mprime in enumerate(range(-nprime,nprime+1)):

                # row index
                ri = sprimei*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1) + nprimei*(2*NMAX+1) + mprimei
                # row prefactors
                prefac = (-1)**(nprime+mprime) * radii[sprimei]**(nprime+1) \
                         * 1./factorial(nprime+mprime)

                for si,s in enumerate(range(S)):
                    if sprimei != si:
                        for ni,n in enumerate(range(NMAX)):
                            for mi,m in enumerate(range(-n,n+1)):

                                # column index
                                ci = si*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1) + ni*(2*NMAX+1) + mi

                                f1 = distanceqp[sprimei,si]**(-(n+1))
                                f2 = (radii[sprimei]/distanceqp[sprimei,si])**nprime
                                f3 = factorial(n-m+nprime+mprime)/factorial(n-m)
                                if USEMPMATH:
                                    f4 = mpmath.legenp( n+nprime, m-mprime, \
                                                        np.cos(thetaqp[sprimei,si]) )
                                    f4 = scipy.special.lpmv( m-mprime, n+nprime, \
                                                             np.cos(thetaqp[sprimei,si]) )
                                f5 = np.exp( 1j*(m-mprime)*phiqp[sprimei,si] )

                                CM[ri,ci] = prefac*f1*f2*f3*f4*f5

        CM += mpmath.diag(np.ones(S*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1)))
        Qs = mpmath.zeros(S)
        CM += np.diag(np.ones(S*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1)))
        Qs = np.zeros((S,S))              

    for si in range(S):
        if USEMPMATH:
            rhs = mpmath.zeros( S*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1), 1 )
            rhs = np.zeros((CM.shape[0],))
        rhs[si*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1):(si*NMAX+1)*(2*NMAX+1)] = radii[si]
        if USEMPMATH:     
            sol = mpmath.lu_solve( CM, rhs )
            sol = np.linalg.solve( CM, rhs )
        #print sol[::(NMAX*(2*NMAX+1))]
        Qs[si,:] = sol[::(NMAX*(2*NMAX+1))]
    return Qs
Exemple #25
def QSsqZeros(sz):
        return np.matrix(np.zeros((sz, sz), dtype=np.complex128))
        return mpmath.zeros(sz)
Exemple #26
def nashEquilibria(A,B=None,select='all'): 
    ''' Calculate all extreme equilibria or one
        equilibrium of a bimatrix game.
        A and B are list of lists.'''
    if B is None:
#      zero-sum game        
        A = np.asmatrix(A)
        return (minimax(A)+minimax(-A.T))
    if select =='all':   
#      complete vertex enumeration with Avis-Fukuda (lrslib)       
        m = len(A) 
        n = len(A[0])   
#      generate rational fraction game string 
        g = str(m)+' '+str(n)+'\n\n'
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range (n):
                aij = fract(A[i][j],asfloat=False)
                g += str(aij)+' '
            g += '\n'
        g += '\n' 
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range (n):
                bij = fract(B[i][j],asfloat=False)
                g += str(bij)+' '      
            g += '\n'       
#      write game file to disk   
        f = open('game','w') 
        print >>f, g
#      invoke nash from lrslib          ['setnash','game','game1','game2'],
        p2 = subprocess.Popen(['nash','game1','game2'],
#      collate the equilibria        
        result = []; qs = []; H1s = []   
        line = p2.stdout.readline()    
        while line:
            if line[0] == '2' or line[0] == '1':  
                line = line.replace('/','./').split() 
                if line[0] == '2':
                    p = map(eval,line[1:-1])
                    H2 = eval(line[-1])
                    for i in range(len(H1s)):
                        result.append( (p,H1s[i],qs[i],H2) )
                    qs = []  
                    H1s = []  
            line = p2.stdout.readline()    
        return result
    elif select=='perfect':
#      select the normal form perfect equilibria        
        eqs = nashEquilibria(A,B,select='all') 
        perfect = []
        A = np.asmatrix(A)
        Bt = np.asmatrix(B).T
        for eq in eqs:
            P = np.asmatrix(eq[0])       
            Q = np.asmatrix(eq[2])
            if undominated(P,A) and undominated(Q,Bt):
        return perfect   
    elif select=='one':
#  Lemke Howson algorithm for one equilibrium.
#      setup tableau with np matrices
        A = [ map(fract,row) for row in A ]
        B = [ map(fract,row) for row in B ]
        a = np.matrix(A)
        b = np.matrix(B)
        m, n = a.shape 
        m = int(m)
        n = int(n)
        smallest = min(np.min(a),np.min(b))
        A = a - np.ones((m,n))*(smallest - 1)
        B = b - np.ones((m,n))*(smallest - 1)
        k = m + n
        M = np.bmat([ [np.zeros((m,m)), A],[B.T, np.zeros((n,n))] ])
        T = np.bmat( [-np.ones((k,1)), M, np.eye(k)] )
#     convert it to mpmath matrix
        T = mp.matrix(T)
#     initialize       
        beta = range(k,2*k)
        s = 0
        br = -1
    #  complementary pivoting
        while (br != 0) and (br != k):      
            tmp = mp.zeros(k,2*k+1)
            r = leaving(T,s)
            for i in range(k):
                for j in range(2*k+1):
                    tmp[i,j] = pivot(i,j,r,s,T)
            T = tmp
            br = beta[r]
            beta[r] = s
            if br >= k:
                s = br-k
                s = br+k       
        Y = np.zeros(2*k)
        for i in range(k):
            Y[beta[i]] = -T[i,0]
        P = Y[0:m]
        P = Matrix(P/np.sum(P))
        Q = Y[m:k]
        Q = Matrix(Q/np.sum(Q))
        H1 = np.array((P.T*a*Q)).astype(np.float64)[0][0]
        H2 = np.array((P.T*b*Q)).astype(np.float64)[0][0]
        P = list(P)
        Q = list(Q)
        return [(P,H1,Q,H2)]
Exemple #27
def comp_N_m_mp(obs_rates, t, merge_threshold, useMigration):
    """This function estimates the N and m parameters for the various time slices. The 
    time slices are given in a vector form 't'. t specifies the length of the time slice, not
    the time from present to end of time slice (not cumulative but atomic)
    Also, the obs_rates are given, for each time slice are given in columns of the obs_rates
    matrix. Both obs_rates and time slice lengths are given from present to past.
    FTOL = 10.0
    PTOL = 1e-20
    EPSILON = 1e-11
    RESTARTS = 10
    FLIMIT = 1e-20
    numslices = len(t)
    nr = obs_rates.rows + 1
    numdemes = int(np.real(np.sqrt(8 * nr - 7)) / 2)
    print 'Starting iterations'
    P0 = mp.eye(nr)
    xopts = []
    pdlist = []
    for i in xrange(numslices):
        bestxopt = None
        bestfval = 1e+200
        print 'Running for slice ', i
        if i > 0:
            x0 = xopt[0:nr - 1].copy()
                xopt = mp.findroot(lambda x: compute_Frob_norm_mig(x, t[i], obs_rates[:, i], P0, make_merged_pd(pdlist)), x0)
                fun = compute_Frob_norm_mig(xopt, t[i], obs_rates[:, i], P0, make_merged_pd(pdlist))
                bestxopt = xopt
                bestfval = fun
            except ValueError as e:
                print 'Error:', e.message

            for lll in xrange(numdemes * (numdemes - 1) / 2):
                x01 = x0[0:nr - 1].copy()
                x01[numdemes + lll] = 0.0099
                    xopt = mp.findroot(lambda x: compute_Frob_norm_mig(x, t[i], obs_rates[:, i], P0, make_merged_pd(pdlist)), x01)
                    fun = compute_Frob_norm_mig(xopt, t[i], obs_rates[:, i], P0, make_merged_pd(pdlist))
                    if fun < bestfval:
                        bestfval = fun
                        bestxopt = xopt
                except ValueError as e:
                    print 'Error:', e.message

        reestimate = True
        while reestimate:
            pdslice = make_merged_pd(pdlist)
            print 'pdslice:', pdslice
            N0_inv = np.random.uniform(5e-05, 0.001, numdemes)
            m0 = np.random.uniform(0.008, 0.001, numdemes * (numdemes - 1) / 2)
            x0 = [ mp.convert(rrr) for rrr in N0_inv ]
            for zz in range(len(m0)):

            lims = [(1e-15, 0.1)] * numdemes
            lims += [(1e-15, 0.1)] * (numdemes * (numdemes - 1) / 2)
                xopt = mp.findroot(lambda x: compute_Frob_norm_mig(x, t[i], obs_rates[:, i], P0, make_merged_pd(pdlist)), x0)
                fun = compute_Frob_norm_mig(xopt, t[i], obs_rates[:, i], P0, make_merged_pd(pdlist))
                if fun < bestfval:
                    bestfval = fun
                    bestxopt = xopt
            except ValueError as e:
                print 'Error:', e.message

            N0_inv = np.random.uniform(5e-05, 0.001, numdemes)
            m0 = np.random.uniform(1e-08, 0.001, numdemes * (numdemes - 1) / 2)
            x0 = [ mp.convert(rrr) for rrr in N0_inv ]
            for zz in range(len(m0)):

            nrestarts = 0
                xopt = mp.findroot(lambda x: compute_Frob_norm_mig(x, t[i], obs_rates[:, i], P0, make_merged_pd(pdlist)), x0)
                fun = compute_Frob_norm_mig(xopt, t[i], obs_rates[:, i], P0, make_merged_pd(pdlist))
                if fun < bestfval:
                    bestxopt = xopt
                    bestfval = fun
            except ValueError as e:
                print 'Error:', e.message

            print nrestarts
            while nrestarts < RESTARTS and bestfval > FLIMIT:
                N0_inv = np.random.uniform(5e-05, 0.001, numdemes)
                m0 = np.random.uniform(1e-08, 0.001, numdemes * (numdemes - 1) / 2)
                x0 = mp.zeros(len(N0_inv) + len(m0))
                for zz in range(len(N0_inv)):
                    x0[zz] = N0_inv[zz]

                for zz in range(len(m0)):
                    x0[zz + len(N0_inv)] = m0[i]

                    xopt = mp.findroot(lambda x: compute_Frob_norm_mig(x, t[i], obs_rates[:, i], P0, make_merged_pd(pdlist)), x0)
                    fun = compute_Frob_norm_mig(xopt, t[i], obs_rates[:, i], P0, make_merged_pd(pdlist))
                    if fun < bestfval:
                        bestfval = fun
                        bestxopt = xopt
                except ValueError as e:
                    print 'Error:', e.message

                print nrestarts
                nrestarts += 1

            print bestfval, i, bestxopt[0:numdemes], bestxopt[numdemes:]
            Ne_inv = bestxopt[0:numdemes]
            mtemp = bestxopt[numdemes:]
            popdict = find_pop_merges(Ne_inv, mtemp, t[i], P0, merge_threshold, useMigration)
            reestimate = False
            if len(popdict) < numdemes:
                print 'Merging populations and reestimating parameters:', popdict
                print bestxopt
                P0 = converge_pops(popdict, P0)
                reestimate = True
                numdemes = len(popdict)
                nr = numdemes * (numdemes + 1) / 2 + 1
                lims[:] = []
                bestfval = 1e+200
                bestxopt = None
                modXopt = [ 1.0 / x for x in bestxopt[0:numdemes] ]
                cnt = 0
                for ii in xrange(numdemes):
                    for jj in xrange(ii + 1, numdemes):
                        modXopt.append(bestxopt[numdemes + cnt])
                        cnt = cnt + 1

                Ne_inv = bestxopt[0:numdemes]
                mtemp = bestxopt[numdemes:]

        m = np.zeros((numdemes, numdemes))
        cnt = 0
        for ii in xrange(numdemes):
            for jj in xrange(ii + 1, numdemes):
                m[ii, jj] = m[jj, ii] = mtemp[cnt]
                cnt += 1

        Q = comp_pw_coal_cont(m, Ne_inv)
        P = expM(t[i] * Q)
        print 'est rates', i
        print np.real(P0 * P)[0:-1, -1]
        print 'obs rates', i
        print np.real(obs_rates[:, i])
        print 'Min func value', bestfval
        P0 = P0 * conv_scrambling_matrix(P)
        ist = raw_input('Waiting for input...')

    return (xopts, pdlist)
Exemple #28
    'agm': [
        [lambda x, y: mp.agm(x) if y is None else mp.agm(x, y[0]), None]
    'matrix': [
            lambda x, y: mp.matrix(x) if isa(x, Vector) else mp.matrix(x)
            if y is None else mp.matrix(x, y[0]), None
    'matrix-ref': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: x[y[0], y[1], [0]], None]],
    'matrix-set': [
        [lambda x, y: matrix_set(x, y[0], y[1][0], y[1][1][0]), None]
    'zeros': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.zeros(x), None]],
    'ones': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.ones(x), None]],
    'eye': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.eye(x), None]],
    'diag': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.diag(x), None]],
    'randmatrix': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.randmatrix(x), None]],
    'matrix-inv': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: x**(-1), None]],
    'norm': [
        [lambda x, y: mp.norm(x) if y is None else mp.norm(x, y[0]), None]
    'mnorm': ['primitive', [lambda x, y: mp.mnorm(x, y[0]), None]],
Exemple #29
def Gauss(mat, prec, piv, pivT):
    título("Eliminação de Gauss", "=")
    # Precisão de Dígitos = prec

    # Número de Variáveis
    nV = len(mat)

    # Matriz A
    matA = []
    for l in range(nV):
        for c in range(nV):
    matA = mm.matrix(matA)
    # print("Matriz A")
    # print(str(matA))

    # Matriz B
    matB = []
    c = nV
    for l in range(nV):
    matB = mm.matrix(matB)
    # print("Matriz B")
    # print(str(matB))

    # Matriz
    mat = mm.matrix(mat)

    # Matriz Fatorada
    matFat, index = fM(mat, prec, piv, pivT)
    print("Matriz Fatorada")

    # Matriz X
    matX = mm.zeros(nV, 1)
    for d in range(nV - 1, -1, -1):
        sub = mm.mpf('0.0')
        for c in range(d + 1, nV):
            sub = mm.mpf(sub + (matFat[d, c] * matX[c]))
        matX[d] = mm.mpf((matFat[d, nV] - sub) / matFat[d, d])
    print("Matriz X")

    # Erro
    matE = mm.residual(matA, matX, matB)
    print("Matriz Erro Residual")

    # Resposta e Resíduo
    resp = "Eliminação de Gauss:"
    for l in range(nV):
        resp += "\nx(" + str(int(index[l])) + ") = " + str(matX[l])
    ress = "Resíduo:"
    for l in range(nV):
        ress += "\nx(" + str(int(index[l])) + ") = " + str(matE[l])

    return resp, ress
Exemple #30
def nashEquilibria(A,B=None,select='one',s1=0): 
    ''' Calculate all extreme equilibria or one
        equilibrium of a bimatrix game. 
        A and B are list of lists.'''
    if B is None:
#      zero-sum game        
        A = np.asmatrix(A)
        return (minimax(A)+minimax(-A.T))
    if select =='all':   
#      complete vertex enumeration with Avis-Fukuda (lrslib)       
        m = len(A) 
        n = len(A[0])   
#      generate rational fraction game string 
        g = str(m)+' '+str(n)+'\n\n'
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range (n):
                aij = fract(A[i][j],asfloat=False)
                g += str(aij)+' '
            g += '\n'
        g += '\n' 
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range (n):
                bij = fract(B[i][j],asfloat=False)
                g += str(bij)+' '      
            g += '\n'       
#      write game file to disk   
        f = open('game','w') 
        print >>f, g
#      invoke nash from lrslib          ['setupnash','game','game1','game2'],
        p2 = subprocess.Popen(['nash','game1','game2'],
#      collate the equilibria        
        result = []; qs = []; H1s = []   
        line = p2.stdout.readline()    
        while line:
            if line[0] == '2' or line[0] == '1':  
                line = line.replace('/','./').split() 
                if line[0] == '2':
                    p = map(eval,line[1:-1])
                    H2 = eval(line[-1])
                    for i in range(len(H1s)):
                        result.append( (p,H1s[i],qs[i],H2) )
                    qs = []  
                    H1s = []  
            line = p2.stdout.readline()    
        return result
    elif select=='perfect':
#      select the normal form perfect equilibria        
        eqs = nashEquilibria(A,B,select='all')
        perfect = []
        A = np.asmatrix(A)
        Bt = np.asmatrix(B).T
        for eq in eqs:
            P = np.asmatrix(eq[0])       
            Q = np.asmatrix(eq[2])
            if undominated(P,A) and undominated(Q,Bt):
        return perfect   
    elif select=='one':
#  Lemke Howson algorithm for one equilibrium.
#      setup tableau with np matrices
        A = [ map(fract,row) for row in A ]
        B = [ map(fract,row) for row in B ]
        a = np.matrix(A)
        b = np.matrix(B)
        m, n = a.shape 
        m = int(m)
        n = int(n)
        smallest = min(np.min(a),np.min(b))
        A = a - np.ones((m,n))*(smallest - 1)
        B = b - np.ones((m,n))*(smallest - 1)
        k = m + n
        M = np.bmat([ [np.zeros((m,m)), A],[B.T, np.zeros((n,n))] ])
        T = np.bmat( [-np.ones((k,1)), M, np.eye(k)] )
#     convert it to mpmath matrix
        T = mp.matrix(T)
#     initialize       
        beta = range(k,2*k)
        if s1 > k-1:
            s1 = 0  
        s = s1
        br = -1
    #  complementary pivoting
        while (br != s1) and (br != k+s1):
            tmp = mp.zeros(k,2*k+1)
            r = leaving(T,s)
            for i in range(k):
                for j in range(2*k+1):
                    tmp[i,j] = pivot(i,j,r,s,T)
            T = tmp
            br = beta[r]
            beta[r] = s
            if br >= k:
                s = br-k
                s = br+k       
        Y = np.zeros(2*k)
        for i in range(k):
            Y[beta[i]] = -T[i,0]
        P = Y[0:m]
        P = Matrix(P/np.sum(P))
        Q = Y[m:k]
        Q = Matrix(Q/np.sum(Q))
        H1 = (P*a*Q.T)[0]
        H2 = (P*b*Q.T)[0]
        P = list(P)
        Q = list(Q)
        return [(P,H1,Q,H2)]
Exemple #31
        print(times, mpmath.nstr(new_norm_r / init_norm_r))
        if (new_norm_r <= (rtol * init_norm_r + atol)):

        p = r + beta * p
        old_norm_r = new_norm_r

    return times, vec_x

# 行列サイズ
str_dim = input('正方行列サイズ dim = ')
dim = int(str_dim)  # 文字列→整数

# (1)
mat_a = mpmath.zeros(dim, dim)
for i in range(dim):
    for j in range(dim):
        mat_a[i, j] = mpmath.mpf(dim - max(i, j))

mat_a = mat_a.T * mat_a
# print(mat_a)

# x = [1 2 ... dim]
vec_true_x = mpmath.matrix([i for i in range(1, dim + 1)])
# nprint(vec_true_x)

# b = A * x
vec_b = mat_a * vec_true_x

# CG法実行
Exemple #32
 def get_unary(self, item):
     return {
             k: calc2.UnaryOperator(s, f, 80)
             for k, s, f in [
                 ('abs', 'abs', abs),
                 ('fac', 'fac', mpmath.factorial),
                 ('sqrt', 'sqrt', mpmath.sqrt),
                 ('_/', 'sqrt', mpmath.sqrt),
                 ('√', 'sqrt', mpmath.sqrt),
                 ('ln', 'ln', mpmath.ln),
                 ('lg', 'log10', mpmath.log10),
                 ('exp', 'e^', mpmath.exp),
                 ('floor', 'floor', mpmath.floor),
                 ('ceil', 'ceil', mpmath.ceil),
                 ('det', 'det', mpmath.det),
         }, 'pcn':
         calc2.UnaryOperator('a%', lambda x: x / 100, 80),
         calc2.UnaryOperator('(+)', lambda x: x, 0),
         calc2.UnaryOperator('+/-', lambda x: -x, 80),
             'conj', lambda x: x.conjugate()
             if isinstance(x, mpmath.matrix) else mpmath.conj(x), 80),
             'conj', lambda x: x.conjugate()
             if isinstance(x, mpmath.matrix) else mpmath.conj(x), 80),
             '[O]', lambda x: mpmath.zeros(*OpList.__analyse_as_pair(x)),
             '[I]', lambda x: mpmath.ones(*OpList.__analyse_as_pair(x)),
         calc2.UnaryOperator('[E]', lambda x: mpmath.eye(int(x)), 80),
             '[diag]', lambda x: mpmath.diag(OpList.__analyse_list(x)), 80),
             'logbA', lambda x: OpList.__log(*OpList.__analyse_pair(x)),
             '[T]', lambda x: x.transpose()
             if isinstance(x, mpmath.matrix) else x, 80),
             k: calc2.UnaryOperator(k, (lambda u: lambda x: u(self._drg2r(x)))(v), 80)
             for k, v in {
                 'sin': mpmath.sinpi,
                 'cos': mpmath.cospi,
                 'tan': lambda x: mpmath.sinpi(x) / mpmath.cospi(x),
                 'cot': lambda x: mpmath.cospi(x) / mpmath.sinpi(x),
                 'sec': lambda x: 1 / mpmath.cospi(x),
                 'csc': lambda x: 1 / mpmath.sinpi(x),
             k: calc2.UnaryOperator(k, (lambda u: lambda x: self._r2drg(1 / v(x)))(v), 80)
             for k, v in {
                 'asin': mpmath.asin,
                 'acos': mpmath.acos,
                 'atan': mpmath.atan,
                 'acot': mpmath.acot,
                 'asec': mpmath.asec,
                 'acsc': mpmath.acsc
             k: calc2.UnaryOperator(k, v, 80)
             for k, v in {
                 'sinh': mpmath.sinh,
                 'cosh': mpmath.cosh,
                 'tanh': mpmath.tanh,
                 'coth': mpmath.coth,
                 'sech': mpmath.sech,
                 'csch': mpmath.csch,
                 'asinh': mpmath.asinh,
                 'acosh': mpmath.acosh,
                 'atanh': mpmath.atanh,
                 'acoth': mpmath.acoth,
                 'asech': mpmath.asech,
                 'acsch': mpmath.acsch
Exemple #33
def sarkar_embedding(tree, root, **kwargs):
    Embed a tree in the Poincare disc using Sarkar's algorithm 
    from "Low Distortion Delaunay Embedding of Trees in Hyperbolic Plane.
            tree (networkx.Graph) : The tree represented with int node labels.
                  Weighted trees should have the edge attribute "weight"
            root (int): The node to use as the root of the embedding 
        Keyword Args:
            weighted (bool): True if the tree is weighted (default True)
            tau (float): the scaling factor for distances. 
                        By default it is calculated based on statistics of the tree.
            epsilon (float): parameter >0 controlling distortion bound (default 0.1).
            precision (int): number of bits of precision to use.
                            By default it is calculated based on tau and epsilon.
            size N x 2 mpmath.matrix containing the coordinates of embedded nodes
    eps = kwargs.get("epsilon",0.1)
    weighted = kwargs.get("weighted", True)
    tau = kwargs.get("tau")
    max_deg = max([1]

    if tau is None:
        tau = (1+eps)/eps * mpm.log(2*max_deg/ mpm.pi)
    prc = kwargs.get("precision")
    if prc is None:
        prc = _embedding_precision(tree,root,eps) = prc
    n = tree.order()
    emb = mpm.zeros(n,2)
    place = []

    # place the children of root
    for i, v in enumerate(tree[root]):
        if weighted: 
            r = mpm.tanh( tau*tree[root][v]["weight"])
            r = mpm.tanh(tau)
        theta = 2*i*mpm.pi /[root]
        emb[v,0] = r*mpm.cos(theta)
        emb[v,1] = r*mpm.sin(theta)
    # TODO parallelize this
    while place:
        u, v = place.pop() # u is the parent of v
        p, x = emb[u,:], emb[v,:]
        rp = poincare_reflect0(x, p, precision=prc)
        arg = mpm.acos(rp[0]/mpm.norm(rp))
        if rp[1] < 0:
            arg = 2*mpm.pi - arg
        theta = 2*mpm.pi /[v]
        for w in tree[v]:
            if w == u: continue
            if weighted:
                r = mpm.tanh(tau*tree[v][w]["weight"])
                r = mpm.tanh(tau)
            w_emb = r * mpm.matrix([mpm.cos(arg+theta*i),mpm.sin(arg+theta*i)]).T
            w_emb = poincare_reflect0(x, w_emb, precision=prc)
            emb[w,:] = w_emb
    return emb
Exemple #34
def QSsqZeros(sz):
        return np.matrix(np.zeros((sz, sz), dtype=np.complex128))
        return mpmath.zeros(sz)
Exemple #35
def czeros(n):
    """Returns a numpy array with n repetitions of mp.mpc(0)"""
    return np.array(mp.zeros(n,1)) * mp.mpc(0,0)
    title = 'base = ' + str(base) + ' humerous = ' + str(
        humerus) + ' radius = ' + str(radius)

    for angleL in anglesL:
        for angleR in anglesR:
            if forward(base, humerus, radius, angleL, angleR):
                [x, y] = forward(base, humerus, radius, angleL, angleR)
                if x >= base / 2:
                    ax.plot(x, y, 'o', color='blue')
                    ax.plot(base - x, y, 'o', color='blue')

baselineX = mpmath.linspace(0, 10, 100)
baselineY = mpmath.zeros(100, 1)

xMin = -10
xMax = 15
yMin = -5
yMax = 30

plotArea(10, 5, 10)
ax.plot(baselineX, baselineY, color='black')
plt.xlim([xMin, xMax])
plt.ylim([yMin, yMax])

plotArea(10, 10, 5)
ax.plot(baselineX, baselineY, color='black')
plt.xlim([xMin, xMax])