Exemple #1
def get_lonlat(satscene, row, col):
    """Estimate lon and lat.

    conf = ConfigParser()
    conf.read(os.path.join(CONFIG_PATH, satscene.fullname + ".cfg"))
    path = conf.get("modis-level2", "dir")
    filename = satscene.time_slot.strftime("thin_MYD03.A%Y%j.%H%M.005.NRT.hdf")
    filename = os.path.join(path, filename)
    if(os.path.exists(filename) and
       (satscene.lon is None or satscene.lat is None)):
        data = SD(filename)
        lat = data.select("Latitude")
        fill_value = lat.attributes()["_FillValue"]
        satscene.lat = np.ma.masked_equal(lat.get(), fill_value)
        lon = data.select("Longitude")
        fill_value = lon.attributes()["_FillValue"]
        satscene.lon = np.ma.masked_equal(lon.get(), fill_value)

    estimate = True

        lon = satscene.lon[row, col]
        lat = satscene.lat[row, col]
        if satscene.lon.mask[row, col] == False and satscene.lat.mask[row, col] == False:
            estimate = False
    except TypeError:
    except IndexError:

    if not estimate:
        return lon, lat

    from mpop.saturn.two_line_elements import Tle

    tle = Tle(satellite=satscene.satname)
    track_start = tle.get_latlonalt(satscene.time_slot)
    track_end = tle.get_latlonalt(satscene.time_slot + satscene.granularity)

    # WGS84
    # flattening
    f = 1/298.257223563
    # semi_major_axis
    a = 6378137.0

    s, alpha12, alpha21 = vinc_dist(f, a,
                                    track_start[0], track_start[1],
                                    track_end[0], track_end[1])
    scanlines = satscene.granularity.seconds / satscene.span

    if row < scanlines/2:
        if row == 0:
            track_now = track_start
            track_now = vinc_pt(f, a, track_start[0], track_start[1], alpha12,
                                (s * row) / scanlines)
        lat_now = track_now[0]
        lon_now = track_now[1]
        s, alpha12, alpha21 = vinc_dist(f, a,
                                        lat_now, lon_now,
                                        track_end[0], track_end[1])
        fac = 1
        if scanlines - row - 1 == 0:
            track_now = track_end
            track_now = vinc_pt(f, a, track_end[0], track_end[1], alpha21,
                                (s * (scanlines - row - 1)) / scanlines)
        lat_now = track_now[0]
        lon_now = track_now[1]
        s, alpha12, alpha21 = vinc_dist(f, a,
                                        lat_now, lon_now,
                                        track_start[0], track_start[1])
        fac = -1

    if col < 1354/2:
        lat, lon, alp = vinc_pt(f, a, lat_now, lon_now, alpha12 + np.pi/2 * fac,
                                2340000.0 / 2 - (2340000.0/1354) * col)
        lat, lon, alp = vinc_pt(f, a, lat_now, lon_now, alpha12 - np.pi/2 * fac,
                                (2340000.0/1354) * col - 2340000.0 / 2)

    lon = np.rad2deg(lon)
    lat = np.rad2deg(lat)

    if lon > 180:
        lon -= 360
    if lon <= -180:
        lon += 360
    return lon, lat
Exemple #2
def get_lonlat(satscene, row, col):
    """Estimate lon and lat.
    import glob

    conf = ConfigParser()
    conf.read(os.path.join(CONFIG_PATH, satscene.fullname + ".cfg"))
    path = conf.get("modis-level2", "dir")
    geofile_tmpl = conf.get("modis-level2", "geofile")

    filename_tmpl = satscene.time_slot.strftime(geofile_tmpl)
    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, filename_tmpl))

    if len(file_list) > 1:
        raise IOError("More than 1 geolocation file matching!" + filename_tmpl)
    elif len(file_list) == 0:
        logger.info("No MODIS geolocation file matching: " + filename_tmpl
                    + ", estimating")
        filename = ""
        filename = file_list[0]
        logger.debug("Geolocation file = " + filename)

    if(os.path.exists(filename) and
       (satscene.lon is None or satscene.lat is None)):
        data = SD(filename)
        lat = data.select("Latitude")
        fill_value = lat.attributes()["_FillValue"]
        satscene.lat = np.ma.masked_equal(lat.get(), fill_value)
        lon = data.select("Longitude")
        fill_value = lon.attributes()["_FillValue"]
        satscene.lon = np.ma.masked_equal(lon.get(), fill_value)

    estimate = True

        lon = satscene.lon[row, col]
        lat = satscene.lat[row, col]
        if(satscene.lon.mask[row, col] == False and
           satscene.lat.mask[row, col] == False):
            estimate = False
    except TypeError:
    except IndexError:

    if not estimate:
        return lon, lat

    from mpop.saturn.two_line_elements import Tle

    tle = Tle(satellite=satscene.satname)
    track_start = tle.get_latlonalt(satscene.time_slot)
    track_end = tle.get_latlonalt(satscene.time_slot + satscene.granularity)

    # WGS84
    # flattening
    f__ = 1 / 298.257223563
    # semi_major_axis
    a__ = 6378137.0

    s__, alpha12, alpha21 = vinc_dist(f__, a__,
                                      track_start[0], track_start[1],
                                      track_end[0], track_end[1])
    scanlines = satscene.granularity.seconds / satscene.span

    if row < scanlines / 2:
        if row == 0:
            track_now = track_start
            track_now = vinc_pt(f__, a__, track_start[0], track_start[1],
                                alpha12, (s__ * row) / scanlines)
        lat_now = track_now[0]
        lon_now = track_now[1]

        s__, alpha12, alpha21 = vinc_dist(f__, a__,
                                          lat_now, lon_now,
                                          track_end[0], track_end[1])
        fac = 1
        if scanlines - row - 1 == 0:
            track_now = track_end
            track_now = vinc_pt(f__, a__, track_end[0], track_end[1], alpha21,
                                (s__ * (scanlines - row - 1)) / scanlines)
        lat_now = track_now[0]
        lon_now = track_now[1]

        s__, alpha12, alpha21 = vinc_dist(f__, a__,
                                          lat_now, lon_now,
                                          track_start[0], track_start[1])
        fac = -1

    if col < 1354 / 2:
        lat, lon, alp = vinc_pt(f__, a__, lat_now, lon_now,
                                alpha12 + np.pi / 2 * fac,
                                2340000.0 / 2 - (2340000.0 / 1354) * col)
        lat, lon, alp = vinc_pt(f__, a__, lat_now, lon_now,
                                alpha12 - np.pi / 2 * fac,
                                (2340000.0 / 1354) * col - 2340000.0 / 2)
        del alp
    lon = np.rad2deg(lon)
    lat = np.rad2deg(lat)

    if lon > 180:
        lon -= 360
    if lon <= -180:
        lon += 360

    return lon, lat
Exemple #3
def get_lonlat(satscene, row, col):
    """Estimate lon and lat.
    import glob

    conf = ConfigParser()
    conf.read(os.path.join(CONFIG_PATH, satscene.fullname + ".cfg"))
    path = conf.get("modis-level2", "dir")
    geofile_tmpl = conf.get("modis-level2", "geofile")

    filename_tmpl = satscene.time_slot.strftime(geofile_tmpl)
    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, filename_tmpl))

    if len(file_list) > 1:
        raise IOError("More than 1 geolocation file matching!" + filename_tmpl)
    elif len(file_list) == 0:
        logger.info("No MODIS geolocation file matching: " + filename_tmpl
                    + ", estimating")
        filename = ""
        filename = file_list[0]
        logger.debug("Geolocation file = " + filename)

    if(os.path.exists(filename) and
       (satscene.lon is None or satscene.lat is None)):
        data = SD(filename)
        lat = data.select("Latitude")
        fill_value = lat.attributes()["_FillValue"]
        satscene.lat = np.ma.masked_equal(lat.get(), fill_value)
        lon = data.select("Longitude")
        fill_value = lon.attributes()["_FillValue"]
        satscene.lon = np.ma.masked_equal(lon.get(), fill_value)

    estimate = True

        lon = satscene.lon[row, col]
        lat = satscene.lat[row, col]
        if(satscene.lon.mask[row, col] == False and
           satscene.lat.mask[row, col] == False):
            estimate = False
    except TypeError:
    except IndexError:

    if not estimate:
        return lon, lat

    from mpop.saturn.two_line_elements import Tle

    tle = Tle(satellite=satscene.satname)
    track_start = tle.get_latlonalt(satscene.time_slot)
    track_end = tle.get_latlonalt(satscene.time_slot + satscene.granularity)

    # WGS84
    # flattening
    f__ = 1 / 298.257223563
    # semi_major_axis
    a__ = 6378137.0

    s__, alpha12, alpha21 = vinc_dist(f__, a__,
                                      track_start[0], track_start[1],
                                      track_end[0], track_end[1])
    scanlines = satscene.granularity.seconds / satscene.span

    if row < scanlines / 2:
        if row == 0:
            track_now = track_start
            track_now = vinc_pt(f__, a__, track_start[0], track_start[1],
                                alpha12, (s__ * row) / scanlines)
        lat_now = track_now[0]
        lon_now = track_now[1]

        s__, alpha12, alpha21 = vinc_dist(f__, a__,
                                          lat_now, lon_now,
                                          track_end[0], track_end[1])
        fac = 1
        if scanlines - row - 1 == 0:
            track_now = track_end
            track_now = vinc_pt(f__, a__, track_end[0], track_end[1], alpha21,
                                (s__ * (scanlines - row - 1)) / scanlines)
        lat_now = track_now[0]
        lon_now = track_now[1]

        s__, alpha12, alpha21 = vinc_dist(f__, a__,
                                          lat_now, lon_now,
                                          track_start[0], track_start[1])
        fac = -1

    if col < 1354 / 2:
        lat, lon, alp = vinc_pt(f__, a__, lat_now, lon_now,
                                alpha12 + np.pi / 2 * fac,
                                2340000.0 / 2 - (2340000.0 / 1354) * col)
        lat, lon, alp = vinc_pt(f__, a__, lat_now, lon_now,
                                alpha12 - np.pi / 2 * fac,
                                (2340000.0 / 1354) * col - 2340000.0 / 2)
        del alp
    lon = np.rad2deg(lon)
    lat = np.rad2deg(lat)

    if lon > 180:
        lon -= 360
    if lon <= -180:
        lon += 360

    return lon, lat