Exemple #1
def djtheta(n, z, q, nd=1):
    For an integer `nd \ge 1`, computes the `nd`:th derivative with
    respect to `z` of the Jacobi theta function `\vartheta_n(z,q)`::

        >>> from mpmath import *
        >>> mp.dps = 15; mp.pretty = True
        >>> djtheta(3, 7, 0.2)
        >>> diff(lambda x: jtheta(3, x, 0.2), 7)

    For additional details, see :func:`jtheta`.

    z = mpmathify(z)
    q = mpmathify(q)

    if abs(q) > Q_LIM:
        raise ValueError('abs(q) > Q_LIM = %f' % Q_LIM)
    extra = 10 + mp.prec * nd // 10
    if z:
        M = mp.mag(z)
        if M > 5 or (n != 1 and M < -5):
            extra += 2 * abs(M)
    cz = 0.5
    extra2 = 50
    prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec += extra
        if n == 1:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _djacobi_theta2(z - pi / 2, q, nd)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _djacobi_theta2a(z - pi / 2, q, nd)
                res = _djacobi_theta2(z - pi / 2, q, nd)
        elif n == 2:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _djacobi_theta2(z, q, nd)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _djacobi_theta2a(z, q, nd)
                res = _djacobi_theta2(z, q, nd)
        elif n == 3:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _djacobi_theta3(z, q, nd)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _djacobi_theta3a(z, q, nd)
                res = _djacobi_theta3(z, q, nd)
        elif n == 4:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _djacobi_theta3(z, -q, nd)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _djacobi_theta3a(z, -q, nd)
                res = _djacobi_theta3(z, -q, nd)
            raise ValueError
        mp.prec = prec0
    return res
Exemple #2
def jtheta(n, z, q):
    Computes the Jacobi theta function `\vartheta_n(z, q)`, where
    `n = 1, 2, 3, 4`. The theta functions are functions of two

    * `z` is the *argument*, an arbitrary real or complex number

    * `q` is the *nome*, which must be a real or complex number
      in the unit disk (i.e. `|q| < 1`)

    One also commonly encounters the notation `\vartheta_n(z, \tau)`
    in the literature. The variable `\tau` is called the *parameter*
    and can be converted to a nome using the formula
    `q = \exp(i \pi \tau)`. Note the condition `|q| < 1` requires
    `\Im(\tau) > 0`; i.e. Jacobi theta functions are defined for
    `\tau` in the upper half plane.

    Other notations are also in use. For example, some authors use
    the single-argument form `\vartheta_n(x)`. Depending on context,
    this can mean ``jtheta(n, 0, x)``, ``jtheta(n, x, q)``, or possibly
    something else. Needless to say, it is a good idea to cross-check
    the definitions when working with theta functions.


    The four Jacobi theta functions as implemented by :func:`jtheta`
    are defined by the following infinite series:

    .. math ::

      \vartheta_1(z,q) = 2 q^{1/4} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}
        (-1)^n q^{n^2+n\,} \sin((2n+1)z)

      \vartheta_2(z,q) = 2 q^{1/4} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}
        q^{n^{2\,} + n} \cos((2n+1)z)

      \vartheta_3(z,q) = 1 + 2 \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}
        q^{n^2\,} \cos(2 n z)

      \vartheta_4(z,q) = 1 + 2 \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}
        (-q)^{n^2\,} \cos(2 n z)

    For `|q| \ll 1`, these series converge very quickly, so the
    Jacobi theta functions can efficiently be evaluated to high

    **Examples and basic properties**

    Considered as functions of `z`, the Jacobi theta functions may be
    viewed as generalizations of the ordinary trigonometric functions
    cos and sin. They are periodic functions::

        >>> from mpmath import *
        >>> mp.dps = 15; mp.pretty = True
        >>> jtheta(1, 0.1, 1/5.)
        >>> jtheta(1, 0.1 + 2*pi, 1/5.)

    Indeed, the series defining the theta functions are essentially
    trigonometric Fourier series. The coefficients can be retrieved
    using :func:`fourier`::

        >>> nprint(fourier(lambda x: jtheta(2, x, 0.5), [-pi, pi], 4))
        ([0.0, 1.68179, 0.0, 0.420448, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    The Jacobi theta functions are also so-called quasiperiodic
    functions of `z` and `\tau`, meaning that for fixed `\tau`,
    `\vartheta_n(z, q)` and `\vartheta_n(z+\pi \tau, q)` are the same
    except for an exponential factor::

        >>> tau = 0.3*j
        >>> q = exp(pi*j*tau)
        >>> z = 10
        >>> jtheta(4, z+tau*pi, q)
        (-0.682420280786035 + 1.5266839997214j)
        >>> -exp(-2*j*z)/q * jtheta(4, z, q)
        (-0.682420280786035 + 1.5266839997214j)

    The Jacobi theta functions satisfy a huge number of other
    functional equations, such as the following identity (valid for
    any `q`)::

        >>> q = 0.3
        >>> jtheta(3,0,q)**4
        >>> jtheta(2,0,q)**4 + jtheta(4,0,q)**4

    Extensive listings of identities satisfied by the Jacobi theta
    functions can be found in standard reference works.

    The Jacobi theta functions are related to the gamma function
    for special arguments::

        >>> jtheta(3, 0, exp(-pi))
        >>> pi**(1/4.) / gamma(3/4.)

    :func:`jtheta` supports arbitrary precision evaluation and complex

        >>> mp.dps = 50
        >>> jtheta(4, sqrt(2), 0.5)
        >>> mp.dps = 25
        >>> jtheta(4, 1+2j, (1+j)/5)
        (7.180331760146805926356634 - 1.634292858119162417301683j)

    **Possible issues**

    For `|q| \ge 1` or `\Im(\tau) \le 0`, :func:`jtheta` raises
    ``ValueError``. This exception is also raised for `|q|` extremely
    close to 1 (or equivalently `\tau` very close to 0), since the
    series would converge too slowly::

        >>> jtheta(1, 10, 0.99999999 * exp(0.5*j))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: abs(q) > Q_LIM = 1.000000

    z = mpmathify(z)
    q = mpmathify(q)

    # Implementation note
    # If z.imag is close to zero, _jacobi_theta2 and _jacobi_theta3
    # are used,
    # which compute the series starting from n=0 using fixed precision
    # numbers;
    # otherwise  _jacobi_theta2a and _jacobi_theta3a are used, which compute
    # the series starting from n=n0, which is the largest term.

    # TODO write _jacobi_theta2a and _jacobi_theta3a using fixed precision.

    if abs(q) > Q_LIM:
        raise ValueError('abs(q) > Q_LIM = %f' % Q_LIM)

    extra = 10
    if z:
        M = mp.mag(z)
        if M > 5 or (n == 1 and M < -5):
            extra += 2*abs(M)
    cz = 0.5
    extra2 = 50
    prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec += extra
        if n == 1:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _jacobi_theta2(z - pi/2, q)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _jacobi_theta2a(z - pi/2, q)
                res = _jacobi_theta2(z - pi/2, q)
        elif n == 2:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _jacobi_theta2(z, q)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _jacobi_theta2a(z, q)
                res = _jacobi_theta2(z, q)
        elif n == 3:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _jacobi_theta3(z, q)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _jacobi_theta3a(z, q)
                res = _jacobi_theta3(z, q)
        elif n == 4:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _jacobi_theta3(z, -q)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _jacobi_theta3a(z, -q)
                res = _jacobi_theta3(z, -q)
            raise ValueError
        mp.prec = prec0
    return res
Exemple #3
def jtheta(n, z, q):
    Computes the Jacobi theta function `\vartheta_n(z, q)`, where
    `n = 1, 2, 3, 4`. The theta functions are functions of two

    * `z` is the *argument*, an arbitrary real or complex number

    * `q` is the *nome*, which must be a real or complex number
      in the unit disk (i.e. `|q| < 1`)

    One also commonly encounters the notation `\vartheta_n(z, \tau)`
    in the literature. The variable `\tau` is called the *parameter*
    and can be converted to a nome using the formula
    `q = \exp(i \pi \tau)`. Note the condition `|q| < 1` requires
    `\Im(\tau) > 0`; i.e. Jacobi theta functions are defined for
    `\tau` in the upper half plane.

    Other notations are also in use. For example, some authors use
    the single-argument form `\vartheta_n(x)`. Depending on context,
    this can mean ``jtheta(n, 0, x)``, ``jtheta(n, x, q)``, or possibly
    something else. Needless to say, it is a good idea to cross-check
    the definitions when working with theta functions.


    The four Jacobi theta functions as implemented by :func:`jtheta`
    are defined by the following infinite series:

    .. math ::

      \vartheta_1(z,q) = 2 q^{1/4} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}
        (-1)^n q^{n^2+n\,} \sin((2n+1)z)

      \vartheta_2(z,q) = 2 q^{1/4} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}
        q^{n^{2\,} + n} \cos((2n+1)z)

      \vartheta_3(z,q) = 1 + 2 \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}
        q^{n^2\,} \cos(2 n z)

      \vartheta_4(z,q) = 1 + 2 \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}
        (-q)^{n^2\,} \cos(2 n z)

    For `|q| \ll 1`, these series converge very quickly, so the
    Jacobi theta functions can efficiently be evaluated to high

    **Examples and basic properties**

    Considered as functions of `z`, the Jacobi theta functions may be
    viewed as generalizations of the ordinary trigonometric functions
    cos and sin. They are periodic functions::

        >>> from mpmath import *
        >>> mp.dps = 15; mp.pretty = True
        >>> jtheta(1, 0.1, 1/5.)
        >>> jtheta(1, 0.1 + 2*pi, 1/5.)

    Indeed, the series defining the theta functions are essentially
    trigonometric Fourier series. The coefficients can be retrieved
    using :func:`fourier`::

        >>> nprint(fourier(lambda x: jtheta(2, x, 0.5), [-pi, pi], 4))
        ([0.0, 1.68179, 0.0, 0.420448, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    The Jacobi theta functions are also so-called quasiperiodic
    functions of `z` and `\tau`, meaning that for fixed `\tau`,
    `\vartheta_n(z, q)` and `\vartheta_n(z+\pi \tau, q)` are the same
    except for an exponential factor::

        >>> tau = 0.3*j
        >>> q = exp(pi*j*tau)
        >>> z = 10
        >>> jtheta(4, z+tau*pi, q)
        (-0.682420280786035 + 1.5266839997214j)
        >>> -exp(-2*j*z)/q * jtheta(4, z, q)
        (-0.682420280786035 + 1.5266839997214j)

    The Jacobi theta functions satisfy a huge number of other
    functional equations, such as the following identity (valid for
    any `q`)::

        >>> q = 0.3
        >>> jtheta(3,0,q)**4
        >>> jtheta(2,0,q)**4 + jtheta(4,0,q)**4

    Extensive listings of identities satisfied by the Jacobi theta
    functions can be found in standard reference works.

    The Jacobi theta functions are related to the gamma function
    for special arguments::

        >>> jtheta(3, 0, exp(-pi))
        >>> pi**(1/4.) / gamma(3/4.)

    :func:`jtheta` supports arbitrary precision evaluation and complex

        >>> mp.dps = 50
        >>> jtheta(4, sqrt(2), 0.5)
        >>> mp.dps = 25
        >>> jtheta(4, 1+2j, (1+j)/5)
        (7.180331760146805926356634 - 1.634292858119162417301683j)

    **Possible issues**

    For `|q| \ge 1` or `\Im(\tau) \le 0`, :func:`jtheta` raises
    ``ValueError``. This exception is also raised for `|q|` extremely
    close to 1 (or equivalently `\tau` very close to 0), since the
    series would converge too slowly::

        >>> jtheta(1, 10, 0.99999999 * exp(0.5*j))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: abs(q) > Q_LIM = 1.000000

    z = mpmathify(z)
    q = mpmathify(q)

    # Implementation note
    # If z.imag is close to zero, _jacobi_theta2 and _jacobi_theta3
    # are used,
    # which compute the series starting from n=0 using fixed precision
    # numbers;
    # otherwise  _jacobi_theta2a and _jacobi_theta3a are used, which compute
    # the series starting from n=n0, which is the largest term.

    # TODO write _jacobi_theta2a and _jacobi_theta3a using fixed precision.

    if abs(q) > Q_LIM:
        raise ValueError('abs(q) > Q_LIM = %f' % Q_LIM)

    extra = 10
    if z:
        M = mp.mag(z)
        if M > 5 or (n == 1 and M < -5):
            extra += 2 * abs(M)
    cz = 0.5
    extra2 = 50
    prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec += extra
        if n == 1:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _jacobi_theta2(z - pi / 2, q)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _jacobi_theta2a(z - pi / 2, q)
                res = _jacobi_theta2(z - pi / 2, q)
        elif n == 2:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _jacobi_theta2(z, q)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _jacobi_theta2a(z, q)
                res = _jacobi_theta2(z, q)
        elif n == 3:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _jacobi_theta3(z, q)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _jacobi_theta3a(z, q)
                res = _jacobi_theta3(z, q)
        elif n == 4:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _jacobi_theta3(z, -q)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _jacobi_theta3a(z, -q)
                res = _jacobi_theta3(z, -q)
            raise ValueError
        mp.prec = prec0
    return res
Exemple #4
def djtheta(n, z, q, nd=1):
    For an integer `nd \ge 1`, computes the `nd`:th derivative with
    respect to `z` of the Jacobi theta function `\vartheta_n(z,q)`::

        >>> from mpmath import *
        >>> mp.dps = 15; mp.pretty = True
        >>> djtheta(3, 7, 0.2)
        >>> diff(lambda x: jtheta(3, x, 0.2), 7)

    For additional details, see :func:`jtheta`.

    z = mpmathify(z)
    q = mpmathify(q)

    if abs(q) > Q_LIM:
        raise ValueError('abs(q) > Q_LIM = %f' % Q_LIM)
    extra = 10 + mp.prec * nd // 10
    if z:
        M = mp.mag(z)
        if M > 5 or (n != 1 and M < -5):
            extra += 2*abs(M)
    cz = 0.5
    extra2 = 50
    prec0 = mp.prec
        mp.prec += extra
        if n == 1:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _djacobi_theta2(z - pi/2, q, nd)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _djacobi_theta2a(z - pi/2, q, nd)
                res = _djacobi_theta2(z - pi/2, q, nd)
        elif n == 2:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _djacobi_theta2(z, q, nd)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _djacobi_theta2a(z, q, nd)
                res = _djacobi_theta2(z, q, nd)
        elif n == 3:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _djacobi_theta3(z, q, nd)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _djacobi_theta3a(z, q, nd)
                res = _djacobi_theta3(z, q, nd)
        elif n == 4:
            if abs(z.imag) != 0:
                if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
                    mp.dps += extra2
                    res = _djacobi_theta3(z, -q, nd)
                    mp.dps += 10
                    res = _djacobi_theta3a(z, -q, nd)
                res = _djacobi_theta3(z, -q, nd)
            raise ValueError
        mp.prec = prec0
    return res