Exemple #1
    def start(self):
        self._start_called = 1
        self.devices, self.device_addresses = self.findall()
        if self.running:
            raise EAlreadyRunning()

        # Inform in msglog the number of devices on the dallas bus and their addresses (CSCtl81599)
        if(self.devices == None ):
        msglog.log('broadway',msglog.types.INFO,'There are %d devices found on "%s" bus' %(no_of_devices, self.name))
        if no_of_devices:
            for addr in self.device_addresses:
                addr_str=addr_str+' '+dallas_bus_addr
            msglog.log('broadway',msglog.types.INFO,'The device addresses on "%s" bus : %s\n' %(self.name,addr_str))
        # Start the thread to read the dallas bus irrespective for whether the devices are
        # present or not (CSCtl81599)
        self.running = 1
        thread = Thread(name=self.name,target=self._queue_thread,args=())
Exemple #2
    def start(self):
        self._start_called = 1
        self.devices, self.device_addresses = self.findall()
        if self.running:
            raise EAlreadyRunning()

        # Inform in msglog the number of devices on the dallas bus and their addresses (CSCtl81599)
        if (self.devices == None):
            no_of_devices = 0
            no_of_devices = len(self.device_addresses)
            'broadway', msglog.types.INFO,
            'There are %d devices found on "%s" bus' %
            (no_of_devices, self.name))
        if no_of_devices:
            addr_str = ''
            for addr in self.device_addresses:
                dallas_bus_addr = address_to_asciihex(addr)
                addr_str = addr_str + ' ' + dallas_bus_addr
                'broadway', msglog.types.INFO,
                'The device addresses on "%s" bus : %s\n' %
                (self.name, addr_str))

        # Start the thread to read the dallas bus irrespective for whether the devices are
        # present or not (CSCtl81599)
        self.running = 1
        thread = Thread(name=self.name, target=self._queue_thread, args=())
Exemple #3
 def _discover_children(self, force=0):
     if force:
         self._been_discovered = 0
     if self.running == 1 and not self._been_discovered:
         # do a find_all irrespective of whether there are ny devices found previously (CSCtl81599)
         self.devices, self.device_addresses = self.findall()
         # get a list of addresses in existing children
         existing = self.children_nodes(auto_discover=0)
         existing = filter(lambda dev : hasattr(dev,'address'), existing)
         existing = [dev.address for dev in existing]
         for addr in self.device_addresses:
             if addr not in existing and not self._nascent_children.get(address_to_asciihex(addr), None):
                 if ord(addr[0]) in (0x28,0x10): # need to add new types
                     # add a new instance to the _nascent children
                     t = Temperature()
                     t.address = addr
                     t.model = _models[family_name[ord(addr[0])]]
                     self._nascent_children[address_to_asciihex(addr)] = t
         # self._been_discovered = 1 #disabled to allow new objects to be discovered
     return self._nascent_children
Exemple #4
 def _discover_children(self, force=0):
     if force:
         self._been_discovered = 0
     if self.running == 1 and not self._been_discovered:
         if not self.device_addresses:
             self.devices, self.device_addresses = self.findall()
         # get a list of addresses in existing children
         existing = self.children_nodes(auto_discover=0)
         # filter out any non-dallas nodes, like calculators or periodic drivers
         existing = filter(lambda dev : hasattr(dev,'address'), existing)
         existing = [dev.address for dev in existing]
         for addr in self.device_addresses:
             if addr not in existing and not self._nascent_children.get(address_to_asciihex(addr), None):
                 # look for temperature sensors
                 if ord(addr[0]) in (0x28,0x10): # need to add new types
                     # add a new instance to the _nascent children
                     t = Temperature()
                     t.address = addr
                     t.model = _models[family_name[ord(addr[0])]]
                     self._nascent_children[address_to_asciihex(addr)] = t
         # self._been_discovered = 1 #disabled to allow new objects to be discovered
     return self._nascent_children
Exemple #5
    def _discover_children(self, force=0):
        if force:
            self._been_discovered = 0
        if self.running == 1 and not self._been_discovered:
            # do a find_all irrespective of whether there are ny devices found previously (CSCtl81599)
            self.devices, self.device_addresses = self.findall()
            # get a list of addresses in existing children
            existing = self.children_nodes(auto_discover=0)
            existing = filter(lambda dev: hasattr(dev, 'address'), existing)
            existing = [dev.address for dev in existing]
            for addr in self.device_addresses:
                if addr not in existing and not self._nascent_children.get(
                        address_to_asciihex(addr), None):
                    if ord(addr[0]) in (0x28, 0x10):  # need to add new types
                        # add a new instance to the _nascent children

                        t = Temperature()
                        t.address = addr
                        t.model = _models[family_name[ord(addr[0])]]
                        self._nascent_children[address_to_asciihex(addr)] = t
            # self._been_discovered = 1 #disabled to allow new objects to be discovered
        return self._nascent_children
Exemple #6
 def _discover_children(self, force=0):
     if force:
         self._been_discovered = 0
     if self.running == 1 and not self._been_discovered:
         if not self.device_addresses:
             self.devices, self.device_addresses = self.findall()
         # get a list of addresses in existing children
         existing = self.children_nodes(auto_discover=0)
         # filter out any non-dallas nodes, like calculators or periodic drivers
         existing = filter(lambda dev: hasattr(dev, 'address'), existing)
         existing = [dev.address for dev in existing]
         for addr in self.device_addresses:
             if addr not in existing and not self._nascent_children.get(
                     address_to_asciihex(addr), None):
                 # look for temperature sensors
                 if ord(addr[0]) in (0x28, 0x10):  # need to add new types
                     # add a new instance to the _nascent children
                     t = Temperature()
                     t.address = addr
                     t.model = _models[family_name[ord(addr[0])]]
                     self._nascent_children[address_to_asciihex(addr)] = t
         # self._been_discovered = 1 #disabled to allow new objects to be discovered
     return self._nascent_children