Exemple #1
 def connect(self, sock, packet):
   resp = MQTTV5.Connacks()
   if packet.ProtocolName != "MQTT":
     self.disconnect(sock, None)
     raise MQTTV5.MQTTException("[MQTT-3.1.2-1] Wrong protocol name %s" % packet.ProtocolName)
   if packet.ProtocolVersion != 5:
     logger.error("[MQTT-3.1.2-2] Wrong protocol version %d", packet.ProtocolVersion)
     resp.reasonCode.set("Unsupported protocol version")
     respond(sock, resp)
     logger.info("[MQTT-3.2.2-5] must close connection after non-zero connack")
     self.disconnect(sock, None)
     logger.info("[MQTT-3.1.4-5] When rejecting connect, no more data must be processed")
   if sock in self.clients.keys():    # is socket is already connected?
     self.disconnect(sock, None)
     logger.info("[MQTT-3.1.4-5] When rejecting connect, no more data must be processed")
     raise MQTTV5.MQTTException("[MQTT-3.1.0-2] Second connect packet")
   if len(packet.ClientIdentifier) == 0:
     if self.zero_length_clientids == False or packet.CleanStart == False:
       if self.zero_length_clientids:
         logger.info("[MQTT-3.1.3-8] Reject 0-length clientid with cleansession false")
       logger.info("[MQTT-3.1.3-9] if clientid is rejected, must send connack 2 and close connection")
       resp.reasonCode.set("Client identifier not valid")
       respond(sock, resp)
       logger.info("[MQTT-3.2.2-5] must close connection after non-zero connack")
       self.disconnect(sock, None)
       logger.info("[MQTT-3.1.4-5] When rejecting connect, no more data must be processed")
       logger.info("[MQTT-3.1.3-7] 0-length clientid must have cleansession true")
       packet.ClientIdentifier = str(uuid.uuid4()) # give the client a unique clientid
       logger.info("[MQTT-3.1.3-6] 0-length clientid must be assigned a unique id %s", packet.ClientIdentifier)
       resp.properties.AssignedClientIdentifier = packet.ClientIdentifier
   logger.info("[MQTT-3.1.3-5] Clientids of 1 to 23 chars and ascii alphanumeric must be allowed")
   if packet.ClientIdentifier in [client.id for client in self.clients.values()]: # is this client already connected on a different socket?
     for cursock in self.clients.keys():
       if self.clients[cursock].id == packet.ClientIdentifier:
         logger.info("[MQTT-3.1.4-2] Disconnecting old client %s", packet.ClientIdentifier)
         self.disconnect(cursock, None)
   me = None
   clean = False
   if packet.CleanStart:
     clean = True
     me = self.broker.getClient(packet.ClientIdentifier) # find existing state, if there is any
     # has that state expired?
     if me and me.sessionExpiryInterval >= 0 and time.monotonic() - me.sessionEndedTime > me.sessionExpiryInterval:
       me = None
       clean = True
     if me:
       logger.info("[MQTT-3.1.3-2] clientid used to retrieve client state")
   resp.sessionPresent = True if me else False
   # Connack topic alias maximum for incoming client created topic aliases
   if self.topicAliasMaximum > 0:
     resp.properties.TopicAliasMaximum = self.topicAliasMaximum
   if self.maximumPacketSize < MQTTV5.MAX_PACKET_SIZE:
     resp.properties.MaximumPacketSize = self.maximumPacketSize
   if self.receiveMaximum < MQTTV5.MAX_PACKETID:
     resp.properties.ReceiveMaximum = self.receiveMaximum
   keepalive = packet.KeepAliveTimer
   if packet.KeepAliveTimer > 0 and self.serverKeepAlive < packet.KeepAliveTimer:
     keepalive = self.serverKeepAlive
     resp.properties.ServerKeepAlive = keepalive
   # Session expiry
   if hasattr(packet.properties, "SessionExpiryInterval"):
     sessionExpiryInterval = packet.properties.SessionExpiryInterval
     sessionExpiryInterval = -1 # no expiry
   if me == None:
     me = MQTTClients(packet.ClientIdentifier, packet.CleanStart, sessionExpiryInterval, keepalive, sock, self)
     me.socket = sock # set existing client state to new socket
     me.cleanStart = packet.CleanStart
     me.keepalive = keepalive
     me.sessionExpiryInterval = sessionExpiryInterval
   # the topic alias maximum in the connect properties sets the maximum outgoing topic aliases for a client
   me.topicAliasMaximum = packet.properties.TopicAliasMaximum if hasattr(packet.properties, "TopicAliasMaximum") else 0
   me.maximumPacketSize = packet.properties.MaximumPacketSize if hasattr(packet.properties, "MaximumPacketSize") else MQTTV5.MAX_PACKET_SIZE
   assert me.maximumPacketSize <= MQTTV5.MAX_PACKET_SIZE # is this the correct value?
   me.receiveMaximum = packet.properties.ReceiveMaximum if hasattr(packet.properties, "ReceiveMaximum") else MQTTV5.MAX_PACKETID
   assert me.receiveMaximum <= MQTTV5.MAX_PACKETID
   logger.info("[MQTT-4.1.0-1] server must store data for at least as long as the network connection lasts")
   self.clients[sock] = me
   me.will = (packet.WillTopic, packet.WillQoS, packet.WillMessage, packet.WillRETAIN) if packet.WillFlag else None
   self.broker.connect(me, clean)
   logger.info("[MQTT-3.2.0-1] the first response to a client must be a connack")
   respond(sock, resp)
Exemple #2
 def connect(self, sock, packet):
     resp = MQTTV5.Connacks()
     if packet.ProtocolName != "MQTT":
         self.disconnect(sock, None)
         raise MQTTV5.MQTTException(
             "[MQTT5-3.1.2-1-error] Wrong protocol name %s" %
     logger.info("[MQTT5-3.1.2-1] Protocol name must be MQTT")
     if packet.ProtocolVersion != 5:
         logger.error("[MQTT5-3.1.2-2-error] Wrong protocol version %d",
         resp.reasonCode.set("Unsupported protocol version")
         respond(sock, resp)
             "[MQTT5-3.2.2-6] must set session present to 0 with non-zero connack"
             "[MQTT5-3.2.2-7] must close connection after connack reason >= 0x80"
         self.disconnect(sock, None)
             "[MQTT5-3.1.4-6] When rejecting connect, no more data must be processed"
     logger.info("[MQTT5-3.1.2-2] Protocol version must be 5")
     if sock in self.clients.keys():  # is socket is already connected?
         self.disconnect(sock, None)
             "[MQTT5-3.1.4-6] When rejecting connect, no more data must be processed"
         raise MQTTV5.MQTTException("[MQTT5-3.1.0-2] Second connect packet")
     if len(packet.ClientIdentifier) == 0:
         packet.ClientIdentifier = str(
             uuid.uuid4())  # give the client a unique clientid
             "[MQTT5-3.1.3-6] 0-length clientid must be assigned a unique id %s",
         resp.properties.AssignedClientIdentifier = packet.ClientIdentifier  # returns the assigned client id
         logger.info("[MQTT5-3.1.3-7] must return the assigned client id")
             "[MQTT5-3.1.3-5] Clientids of 1 to 23 chars and ascii alphanumeric must be allowed"
         if False:  # reject clientid test
                 "[MQTT5-3.1.3-8] server rejects clientid - may return connack"
     if packet.ClientIdentifier in [
             client.id for client in self.clients.values()
     ]:  # is this client already connected on a different socket?
         for cursock in self.clients.keys():
             if self.clients[cursock].id == packet.ClientIdentifier:
                 logger.info("[MQTT5-3.1.4-3] Disconnecting old client %s",
                 self.disconnect(cursock, reasonCode="Session taken over")
     me = None
     clean = False
     if packet.CleanStart:
             "[MQTT5-3.1.2-4] discard existing session when cleanstart set to 1"
             "[MQTT5-3.1.4-4] server must perform clean start processing")
         clean = True
             "[MQTT5-3.2.2-2] session present must be set to 0 if cleanstart is 1"
         me = self.broker.getClient(
         )  # find existing state, if there is any
         if not me:
                 "[MQTT5-3.1.2-6] no existing session and cleanstart set to 0"
         # has that state expired?
         if me and me.sessionExpiryInterval >= 0 and time.monotonic(
         ) - me.sessionEndedTime > me.sessionExpiryInterval:
             me = None
             clean = True
                 "[MQTT5-3.1.2-5] resume an existing session when cleanstart set to 0"
         if me:
                 "[MQTT5-3.1.3-2] clientid used to retrieve client state")
             logger.info("[MQTT5-3.2.2-3] session present must be set to 1")
     resp.sessionPresent = True if me else False
     # Connack topic alias maximum for incoming client created topic aliases
     if self.options["topicAliasMaximum"] > 0:
         resp.properties.TopicAliasMaximum = self.options[
     if self.options["maximumPacketSize"] < MQTTV5.MAX_PACKET_SIZE:
         resp.properties.MaximumPacketSize = self.options[
     if self.options["receiveMaximum"] < MQTTV5.MAX_PACKETID:
         resp.properties.ReceiveMaximum = self.options["receiveMaximum"]
     keepalive = packet.KeepAliveTimer
     if packet.KeepAliveTimer > 0 and self.options[
             "serverKeepAlive"] < packet.KeepAliveTimer:
         keepalive = self.options["serverKeepAlive"]
         resp.properties.ServerKeepAlive = keepalive
             "[MQTT5-3.1.2-21] client must use server keep alive if returned on connack"
     # Session expiry
     if hasattr(packet.properties, "SessionExpiryInterval"):
         sessionExpiryInterval = packet.properties.SessionExpiryInterval
         sessionExpiryInterval = 0  # immediate expiry - change to spec
     # will delay
     willDelayInterval = 0
     if hasattr(packet.WillProperties, "WillDelayInterval"):
         willDelayInterval = packet.WillProperties.WillDelayInterval
                 "WillDelayInterval")  # must not be sent with will message
     if willDelayInterval > sessionExpiryInterval:
         willDelayInterval = sessionExpiryInterval
     if me == None:
         me = MQTTClients(packet.ClientIdentifier, packet.CleanStart,
                          sessionExpiryInterval, willDelayInterval,
                          keepalive, sock, self)
         me.socket = sock  # set existing client state to new socket
         me.cleanStart = packet.CleanStart
         me.keepalive = keepalive
         me.sessionExpiryInterval = sessionExpiryInterval
         me.willDelayInterval = willDelayInterval
     if me.delayedWillTime:
         me.delayedWillTime = None
             "[MQTT5-3.1.3-9] don't send delayed will if client connects in time"
     if me.id in self.broker.willMessageClients:
     # the topic alias maximum in the connect properties sets the maximum outgoing topic aliases for a client
     me.topicAliasMaximum = packet.properties.TopicAliasMaximum if hasattr(
         packet.properties, "TopicAliasMaximum") else 0
     me.maximumPacketSize = packet.properties.MaximumPacketSize if hasattr(
         packet.properties, "MaximumPacketSize") else MQTTV5.MAX_PACKET_SIZE
     assert me.maximumPacketSize <= MQTTV5.MAX_PACKET_SIZE  # is this the correct value?
     me.receiveMaximum = packet.properties.ReceiveMaximum if hasattr(
         packet.properties, "ReceiveMaximum") else MQTTV5.MAX_PACKETID
     assert me.receiveMaximum <= MQTTV5.MAX_PACKETID
         "[MQTT-4.1.0-1] server must store data for at least as long as the network connection lasts"
     self.clients[sock] = me
     me.will = (packet.WillTopic, packet.WillQoS, packet.WillMessage,
                packet.WillProperties) if packet.WillFlag else None
     if me.will != None:
             "[MQTT5-3.1.2-7] the will message must be stored if the WillFlag is set"
     self.broker.connect(me, clean)
         "[MQTT5-3.2.0-1] the first response to a client must be a connack")
         "[MQTT5-3.1.4-5] the server must acknowledge the connect with a connack success"
     respond(sock, resp)