Exemple #1
def calculate_examplemixtures(sigma=1):
    n = 200
    dim = 4
    beta0 = [2, -1, 1, 0]
    beta0 = mrc.normalize(beta0)
    x = np.random.normal(3, 1, [n, 4])
    epsilon = sigma * mixturenoise(.3, 2, 1, -2, .5, n)
    Ix = np.dot(x, beta0)
    y = (Ix + epsilon)

    #### solving the ori
    beta_ini = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dim)
    beta_ori, tauback, iterations = mrc.ori(y, x, 4, 200, beta_ini)
    Ixback = np.dot(x, beta_ori)
    #plt.plot(Ixback, y, 'o')

    #solving the glm
    xx = sm.add_constant(x)
    Gaussian_model = sm.GLM(y, xx, family=sm.families.Gaussian())
    Gaussian_results = Gaussian_model.fit()
    beta_glm = mrc.normalize(Gaussian_results.params[1:])

    cos_glm = np.abs(np.dot(beta0, beta_glm))
    cos_ori = np.abs(np.dot(beta0, beta_ori))
    deltacos = cos_ori - cos_glm
    return (cos_ori, cos_glm, deltacos)
def calculate_example1(sigma=1, n=100):
    x = np.random.normal(0, 1, [n,4])

    #### solving the ori
    beta_ini = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 4)
    beta_ori, tauback, iteration = mrc.ori(y, x, 4, 200, beta_ini)

    #solving the glm
    xx = sm.add_constant(x)
    Gaussian_model = sm.GLM(y, xx, family=sm.families.Gaussian())
    Gaussian_results = Gaussian_model.fit()
    beta_glm = mrc.normalize(Gaussian_results.params[1:])


    return(cosori, cosglm,deltacos)
Exemple #3
def compute_example(sigma, trials):
    dcorr = np.zeros((trials, 3))
    dcos = np.zeros((trials, 3))
    for i in range(trials):
        print(sigma, i)
        x, y, Ix = data_example_1(sigma=sigma)
        d = x.shape[1]
        betaini = mrc.normalize(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, d))
        beta_ori, tau_ori, iter = mrc.ori(y, x, betaini=betaini, limit=0.0001)
        beta_glm, tau_glm = mrc.glm(y, x)

        Ix_ori = np.dot(x, beta_ori)
        Ix_glm = np.dot(x, beta_glm)

        cor_ori = np.corrcoef(Ix, Ix_ori)[0, 1]
        cor_glm = np.corrcoef(Ix, Ix_glm)[0, 1]

        cos_ori = np.abs(np.dot(beta_ori, beta_ini))
        cos_glm = np.abs(np.dot(beta_glm, beta_ini))

        dcorr[i, 0] = cor_ori
        dcorr[i, 1] = cor_glm
        dcorr[i, 2] = iter

        dcos[i, 0] = cos_ori
        dcos[i, 1] = cos_glm
        dcos[i, 2] = iter

    all_ori = dcorr[:, 0]
    all_glm = dcorr[:, 1]
    all_iter = dcorr[:, 2]

    return dcorr, dcos
Exemple #4
def data_example_1(n=100, beta0=beta_ini, sigma=.5):
    dim = 4
    if beta0 is None:
        beta0 = [2, -1, 1, 0]

    beta0 = mrc.normalize(beta0)
    x = np.random.normal(0, 1, [n, dim])
    epsilon = np.random.lognormal(0, sigma, n)
    Ix = np.dot(x, beta0)
    y = (Ix * epsilon) / (1 + np.exp(-Ix + epsilon))
    return x, y, Ix
def calculate_examplebehav(sigma=1):
    xc = np.random.uniform(0, 10, (n, 4))  #xc = x continuous
    beta0 = [1, 1, 1, 1]
    beta0 = mrc.normalize(beta0)
    I0 = np.dot(xc, beta0)
    y = 1.5 * (I0 - 8) + np.random.lognormal(0, sigma, n)
    y[y < 0] = 0
    y[y > 10] = 10
    #plt.plot(I0, y, 'o')
    tau_real = st.kendalltau(np.dot(xc, beta0), y)[0]
    x = xc.astype(int)
    #y = y.astype(int)
    #   x[abs(x)<2]=0
    #   x[abs(x)>5]=5
    tau0 = st.kendalltau(np.dot(x, beta0), y)[0]
    I00 = np.dot(x, beta0)
    beta_ini = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dim)
    beta_ori, tauback, iterations = mrc.ori(y, x, 5, 100, beta_ini)
    Ix = np.dot(x, beta_ori)

    xx = sm.add_constant(x)
    Gaussian_model = sm.GLM(y, xx, family=sm.families.Gaussian())
    Gaussian_results = Gaussian_model.fit()
    beta_glm = mrc.normalize(Gaussian_results.params[1:])
    tauglm = st.kendalltau(np.dot(x, beta_glm), y)[0]

    # for n=100, d=4, shape1= 8.336884  , shape2= 51.11006  . Think if these estimates apply.
    shape1 = 8.336884
    shape2 = 51.11006
    pval = 1 - bt.cdf(tauback, shape1, shape2, loc=0, scale=1)

    cos_ori = np.dot(beta0, beta_ori)
    cos_glm = np.dot(beta0, beta_glm)
    deltacos = cos_ori - cos_glm
    return (cos_ori, cos_glm, deltacos)
def calculate_cauchy(sigma):
    x = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (n, dim))
    beta0 = [2, 1, -1, -1]
    beta0 = mrc.normalize(beta0)
    noise = cauchy.rvs(loc=0, scale=.1, size=n)
    I0 = np.dot(x, beta0)
    y = I0 + sigma * (noise)

    beta_ini = np.random.uniform(-1, -1, dim)
    beta_ori, tauori, iterations = mrc.ori(y, x, 2, 500, beta_ini)
    Ix = np.dot(x, beta_ori)
    beta_ori = mrc.normalize(beta_ori)

    xx = sm.add_constant(x)
    Gaussian_model = sm.GLM(y, xx, family=sm.families.Gaussian())
    Gaussian_results = Gaussian_model.fit()
    beta_glm = mrc.normalize(Gaussian_results.params[1:])

    cos_glm = np.abs(np.dot(beta0, beta_glm))
    cos_ori = np.abs(np.dot(beta0, beta_ori))
    deltacos = cos_ori - cos_glm
    return (cos_ori, cos_glm, deltacos)
def gradient_descent(x,
    dim = len(x[0, ])
    if beta == None:
        beta = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dim)
    if alpha == None:
        ib = i
        x0 = x[i, ]
        xb, yb = Openball(x, y, x0, alpha)
        ib = np.where(xb == x[i, ])[0][0]
    if theta == None:
        sdmax = max(np.std(x, axis=0))
        theta = 4 * sdmax
    trials = steps_max
    betadisc = np.zeros((trials, dim))
    taudisc = np.zeros(trials) - 1
    beta_t = mrc.normalize(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dim))
    for k in np.arange(1, trials):
        beta_t = step_gradient(x, y, ib, beta_t, theta, learning_rate)
        betadisc[k] = beta_t
        taudisc[k] = st.kendalltau(np.dot(x, betadisc[k, :]), y)[0]
        if taudisc[k] < taudisc[k - 1]:
            learning_rate = learning_rate / 2
            theta = theta + .1
            #print('new lr at k=', k, " lr=", learning_rate)
            beta_t = betadisc[k - 1]
            betadisc[k] = betadisc[k - 1]
            taudisc[k] = taudisc[k - 1]
        if k > 10:
            if abs(taudisc[k] - taudisc[k - 3]) < threshold:
                k_final = k
                #print('convergence at k=', k_final)

    return (betadisc[k], taudisc[k], k)
def step_gradient(x, y, i, beta, theta, learning_rate=1):
    beta_next = beta - learning_rate * gradient_i(x, y, i, beta, theta)
    beta_next = mrc.normalize(beta_next)
    return (beta_next)
def orthonormal(input_v, base_v):
    v_orthogonal = input_v - np.dot(input_v, base_v) * base_v
    v_orthonormal = mrc.normalize(v_orthogonal)
    return (v_orthonormal)
Exemple #10
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mrc_functions as mrc
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

beta_ini = mrc.normalize([2, -1, 1, 0])

def data_example_1(n=100, beta0=beta_ini, sigma=.5):
    dim = 4
    if beta0 is None:
        beta0 = [2, -1, 1, 0]

    beta0 = mrc.normalize(beta0)
    x = np.random.normal(0, 1, [n, dim])
    epsilon = np.random.lognormal(0, sigma, n)
    Ix = np.dot(x, beta0)
    y = (Ix * epsilon) / (1 + np.exp(-Ix + epsilon))
    return x, y, Ix

def graph_example1():
    x, y, Ix = data_example_1(100, beta_ini, 1)
    f = plt.figure()
    plt.plot(Ix, y, 'o')

def compute_example(sigma, trials):
Exemple #11
import mrc_functions as mrc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from scipy.stats import beta as bt


#### We Create the Data set ###

n = 100
sigma = .5
beta0 = [2, -1, 1, 0]

beta0 = mrc.normalize(beta0)
x = np.random.normal(0, 1, [n, 4])
epsilon = sigma * np.random.lognormal(0, 1, n)
Ix = np.dot(x, beta0)
y = (Ix * epsilon) / (1 + np.exp(-Ix + epsilon))

#### solving the ori
beta_ini = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 4)
beta_ori, tauback, iteration = mrc.ori(y, x, 4, 200, beta_ini)
Ixori = np.dot(x, beta_ori)

#solving the glm
xx = sm.add_constant(x)
Gaussian_model = sm.GLM(y, xx, family=sm.families.Gaussian())
Gaussian_results = Gaussian_model.fit()
beta_glm = mrc.normalize(Gaussian_results.params[1:])
Exemple #12
    epsilon = np.zeros(n)
    for i in np.arange(n):
        k = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1)
        if k < klimit:
            mu, sigma = [mu1, sigma1]
            mu, sigma = [mu2, sigma2]
        epsilon[i] = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 1)
    return (epsilon)

sigma = 1
n = 200
dim = 4
beta0 = [2, -1, 1, 0]
beta0 = mrc.normalize(beta0)
x = np.random.normal(3, 1, [n, 4])
epsilon = sigma * mixturenoise(.3, 2, 1, -2, .5, n)
Ix = np.dot(x, beta0)
y = (Ix + epsilon)

beta_ini = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, dim)
beta_ori, tauback, iterations = mrc.ori(y, x, 4, 200, beta_ini)
Ixback = np.dot(x, beta_ori)

plt.plot(Ixback, y, 'o', color='steelblue')