Exemple #1
 def test_uri_parsing(self):
     self.assertEqual(is_uri('notauri!'), False)
     self.assertEqual(is_uri('they://did/the/monster/mash'), True)
     self.assertEqual(is_s3_uri('s3://a/uri'), True)
     self.assertEqual(is_s3_uri('s3n://a/uri'), True)
     self.assertEqual(is_s3_uri('hdfs://a/uri'), False)
     self.assertEqual(parse_s3_uri('s3://bucket/loc'), ('bucket', 'loc'))
Exemple #2
 def test_uri_parsing(self):
     self.assertEqual(is_uri('notauri!'), False)
     self.assertEqual(is_uri('they://did/the/monster/mash'), True)
     self.assertEqual(is_s3_uri('s3://a/uri'), True)
     self.assertEqual(is_s3_uri('s3n://a/uri'), True)
     self.assertEqual(is_s3_uri('hdfs://a/uri'), False)
     self.assertEqual(parse_s3_uri('s3://bucket/loc'), ('bucket', 'loc'))
Exemple #3
def _candidate_log_subdirs(fs, log_type, log_dir, node_log_path, ssh_host):
    """Yield lists of subdirectories to look for logs in.

    Currently, this means first SSH (if *ssh_host* is set), and then *log_dir*
    (if set).
    # first, try SSH (most up-to-date)
    if ssh_host:
        yield _ssh_log_subdirs(fs, log_type, node_log_path=node_log_path, ssh_host=ssh_host)

    # then try the log directory
    if log_dir:
        if is_s3_uri(log_dir):
            relative_path = _S3_LOG_TYPE_TO_RELATIVE_PATH.get(log_type)
            relative_path = _LOG_TYPE_TO_RELATIVE_PATH.get(log_type)

        if relative_path is not None:
            yield [posixpath.join(log_dir, relative_path, "")]
Exemple #4
def _candidate_log_subdirs(fs, log_type, log_dir, node_log_path, ssh_host):
    """Yield lists of subdirectories to look for logs in.

    Currently, this means first SSH (if *ssh_host* is set), and then *log_dir*
    (if set).
    # first, try SSH (most up-to-date)
    if ssh_host:
        yield _ssh_log_subdirs(fs,

    # then try the log directory
    if log_dir:
        if is_s3_uri(log_dir):
            relative_path = _S3_LOG_TYPE_TO_RELATIVE_PATH.get(log_type)
            relative_path = _LOG_TYPE_TO_RELATIVE_PATH.get(log_type)

        if relative_path is not None:
            yield [join(log_dir, relative_path, '')]
Exemple #5
    def simulate_progress(self, jobflow_id, now=None):
        """Simulate progress on the given job flow. This is automatically
        run when we call describe_jobflow().

        :type jobflow_id: str
        :param jobflow_id: fake job flow ID
        :type now: py:class:`datetime.datetime`
        :param now: alternate time to use as the current time (should be UTC)
        if now is None:
            now = datetime.utcnow()

        if self.simulation_iterator:
            except StopIteration:
                raise AssertionError(
                    'Simulated progress too many times; bailing out')

        job_flow = self.mock_emr_job_flows[jobflow_id]

        # if job is STARTING, move it along to WAITING
        if job_flow.state == 'STARTING':
            job_flow.state = 'WAITING'
            job_flow.startdatetime = to_iso8601(now)
            # instances are now provisioned and running
            for ig in job_flow.instancegroups:
                ig.instancerunningcount = ig.instancerequestcount

        # if job is done, don't advance it
        if job_flow.state in ('COMPLETED', 'TERMINATED', 'FAILED'):

        # if SHUTTING_DOWN, finish shutting down
        if job_flow.state == 'SHUTTING_DOWN':
            if job_flow.reason == 'Shut down as step failed':
                job_flow.state = 'FAILED'
                job_flow.state = 'TERMINATED'
            job_flow.enddatetime = to_iso8601(now)

        # if a step is currently running, advance it
        steps = getattr(job_flow, 'steps', None) or []

        for step_num, step in enumerate(steps):
            # skip steps that are already done
            if step.state in ('COMPLETED', 'FAILED', 'CANCELLED'):
            if step.name in ('Setup Hadoop Debugging', ):
                step.state = 'COMPLETED'

            # allow steps to get stuck
            if getattr(step, 'mock_no_progress', None):

            # found currently running step! going to handle it, then exit
            if step.state == 'PENDING':
                step.state = 'RUNNING'
                step.startdatetime = to_iso8601(now)

            assert step.state == 'RUNNING'
            step.enddatetime = to_iso8601(now)

            # check if we're supposed to have an error
            if (jobflow_id, step_num) in self.mock_emr_failures:
                step.state = 'FAILED'
                reason = self.mock_emr_failures[(jobflow_id, step_num)]
                if reason:
                    job_flow.reason = reason
                if step.actiononfailure == 'TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW':
                    job_flow.state = 'SHUTTING_DOWN'
                    if not reason:
                        job_flow.reason = 'Shut down as step failed'

            step.state = 'COMPLETED'

            # create fake output if we're supposed to write to S3
            output_uri = self._get_step_output_uri(step)
            if output_uri and is_s3_uri(output_uri):
                mock_output = self.mock_emr_output.get(
                    (jobflow_id, step_num)) or ['']

                bucket_name, key_name = parse_s3_uri(output_uri)

                # write output to S3
                for i, bytes in enumerate(mock_output):
                    add_mock_s3_data(self.mock_s3_fs, {
                        bucket_name: {key_name + 'part-%05d' % i: bytes}})
            elif (jobflow_id, step_num) in self.mock_emr_output:
                raise AssertionError(
                    "can't use output for job flow ID %s, step %d "
                    "(it doesn't output to S3)" %
                    (jobflow_id, step_num))

            # done!

        # no pending steps. shut down job if appropriate
        if job_flow.keepjobflowalivewhennosteps == 'true':
            job_flow.state = 'WAITING'
            job_flow.reason = 'Waiting for steps to run'
            job_flow.state = 'COMPLETED'
            job_flow.reason = 'Steps Completed'
Exemple #6
 def can_handle_path(self, path):
     return is_s3_uri(path)
Exemple #7
 def test_is_s3_uri(self):
     self.assertEqual(is_s3_uri('s3://a/uri'), True)
     self.assertEqual(is_s3_uri('s3n://a/uri'), True)
     self.assertEqual(is_s3_uri('s3a://a/uri'), True)
     self.assertEqual(is_s3_uri('hdfs://a/uri'), False)
Exemple #8
 def can_handle_path(self, path):
     return is_s3_uri(path)
Exemple #9
    def simulate_progress(self, jobflow_id, now=None):
        """Simulate progress on the given job flow. This is automatically
        run when we call describe_jobflow().

        :type jobflow_id: str
        :param jobflow_id: fake job flow ID
        :type now: py:class:`datetime.datetime`
        :param now: alternate time to use as the current time (should be UTC)
        if now is None:
            now = datetime.utcnow()

        if self.simulation_iterator:
            except StopIteration:
                raise AssertionError(
                    'Simulated progress too many times; bailing out')

        job_flow = self.mock_emr_job_flows[jobflow_id]

        # if job is STARTING, move it along to WAITING
        if job_flow.state == 'STARTING':
            job_flow.state = 'WAITING'
            job_flow.startdatetime = to_iso8601(now)
            # instances are now provisioned and running
            for ig in job_flow.instancegroups:
                ig.instancerunningcount = ig.instancerequestcount

        # if job is done, don't advance it
        if job_flow.state in ('COMPLETED', 'TERMINATED', 'FAILED'):

        # if SHUTTING_DOWN, finish shutting down
        if job_flow.state == 'SHUTTING_DOWN':
            if job_flow.reason == 'Shut down as step failed':
                job_flow.state = 'FAILED'
                job_flow.state = 'TERMINATED'
            job_flow.enddatetime = to_iso8601(now)

        # if a step is currently running, advance it
        steps = getattr(job_flow, 'steps', None) or []

        for step_num, step in enumerate(steps):
            # skip steps that are already done
            if step.state in ('COMPLETED', 'FAILED', 'CANCELLED'):
            if step.name in ('Setup Hadoop Debugging', ):
                step.state = 'COMPLETED'

            # allow steps to get stuck
            if getattr(step, 'mock_no_progress', None):

            # found currently running step! going to handle it, then exit
            if step.state == 'PENDING':
                step.state = 'RUNNING'
                step.startdatetime = to_iso8601(now)

            assert step.state == 'RUNNING'
            step.enddatetime = to_iso8601(now)

            # check if we're supposed to have an error
            if (jobflow_id, step_num) in self.mock_emr_failures:
                step.state = 'FAILED'
                reason = self.mock_emr_failures[(jobflow_id, step_num)]
                if reason:
                    job_flow.reason = reason
                if step.actiononfailure == 'TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW':
                    job_flow.state = 'SHUTTING_DOWN'
                    if not reason:
                        job_flow.reason = 'Shut down as step failed'

            step.state = 'COMPLETED'

            # create fake output if we're supposed to write to S3
            output_uri = self._get_step_output_uri(step)
            if output_uri and is_s3_uri(output_uri):
                mock_output = self.mock_emr_output.get(
                    (jobflow_id, step_num)) or ['']

                bucket_name, key_name = parse_s3_uri(output_uri)

                # write output to S3
                for i, bytes in enumerate(mock_output):
                    add_mock_s3_data(self.mock_s3_fs, {
                        bucket_name: {key_name + 'part-%05d' % i: bytes}})
            elif (jobflow_id, step_num) in self.mock_emr_output:
                raise AssertionError(
                    "can't use output for job flow ID %s, step %d "
                    "(it doesn't output to S3)" %
                    (jobflow_id, step_num))

            # done!

        # no pending steps. shut down job if appropriate
        if job_flow.keepjobflowalivewhennosteps == 'true':
            job_flow.state = 'WAITING'
            job_flow.reason = 'Waiting for steps to run'
            job_flow.state = 'COMPLETED'
            job_flow.reason = 'Steps Completed'
Exemple #10
    def _simulate_progress(self, cluster_id, now=None):
        """Simulate progress on the given cluster. This is automatically
        run when we call :py:meth:`describe_step`, and, when the cluster is
        ``TERMINATING``, :py:meth:`describe_cluster`.

        :type cluster_id: str
        :param cluster_id: fake cluster ID
        :type now: py:class:`datetime.datetime`
        :param now: alternate time to use as the current time (should be UTC)
        # TODO: this doesn't actually update steps to CANCELLED when
        # cluster is shut down
        if now is None:
            now = _boto3_now()

        cluster = self.mock_emr_clusters[cluster_id]

        # allow clusters to get stuck
        if cluster.get('_DelayProgressSimulation', 0) > 0:
            cluster['_DelayProgressSimulation'] -= 1

        # this code is pretty loose about updating StateChangeReason
        # (for the cluster, instance groups, and steps). Add this as needed.

        # if job is STARTING, move it along to BOOTSTRAPPING
        if cluster['Status']['State'] == 'STARTING':
            cluster['Status']['State'] = 'BOOTSTRAPPING'

            # master now has a hostname
            cluster['MasterPublicDnsName'] = 'master.%s.mock' % cluster['Id']

            # instances are now provisioned
            for ig in cluster['_InstanceGroups']:
                ig['RunningInstanceCount'] = ig['RequestedInstanceCount']
                ig['Status']['State'] = 'BOOTSTRAPPING'


        # if job is TERMINATING, move along to terminated
        if cluster['Status']['State'] == 'TERMINATING':
            code = cluster['Status']['StateChangeReason'].get('Code')
            if code and code.endswith('_FAILURE'):
                cluster['Status']['State'] = 'TERMINATED_WITH_ERRORS'
                cluster['Status']['State'] = 'TERMINATED'


        # if job is done, nothing to do
        if cluster['Status']['State'] in ('TERMINATED',

        # if job is BOOTSTRAPPING, move it along to RUNNING and continue
        if cluster['Status']['State'] == 'BOOTSTRAPPING':
            cluster['Status']['State'] = 'RUNNING'
            for ig in cluster['_InstanceGroups']:
                ig['Status']['State'] = 'RUNNING'

        # at this point, should be RUNNING or WAITING
        assert cluster['Status']['State'] in ('RUNNING', 'WAITING')

        # simulate self-termination
        if cluster_id in self.mock_emr_self_termination:
            cluster['Status']['State'] = 'TERMINATING'
            cluster['Status']['StateChangeReason'] = dict(
                Message='The master node was terminated. ',  # sic

            for step in cluster['_Steps']:
                if step['Status']['State'] in ('PENDING', 'RUNNING'):
                    step['Status']['State'] = 'CANCELLED'  # not INTERRUPTED


        # try to find the next step, and advance it

        for step_num, step in enumerate(cluster['_Steps']):
            # skip steps that are already done
            if step['Status']['State'] in ('COMPLETED', 'FAILED', 'CANCELLED',

            # found currently running step! handle it, then exit

            # start PENDING step
            if step['Status']['State'] == 'PENDING':
                step['Status']['State'] = 'RUNNING'
                step['Status']['Timeline']['StartDateTime'] = now

            assert step['Status']['State'] == 'RUNNING'

            # check if we're supposed to have an error
            if (cluster_id, step_num) in self.mock_emr_failures:
                step['Status']['State'] = 'FAILED'

                if step['ActionOnFailure'] in ('TERMINATE_CLUSTER',

                    cluster['Status']['State'] = 'TERMINATING'
                    cluster['Status']['StateChangeReason']['Code'] = (
                    cluster['Status']['StateChangeReason']['Message'] = (
                        'Shut down as step failed')

                    for step in cluster['_Steps']:
                        if step['Status']['State'] in ('PENDING', 'RUNNING'):
                            step['Status']['State'] = 'CANCELLED'


            # complete step
            step['Status']['State'] = 'COMPLETED'
            step['Status']['Timeline']['EndDateTime'] = now

            # create fake output if we're supposed to write to S3
            output_uri = self._get_step_output_uri(step['Config']['Args'])
            if output_uri and is_s3_uri(output_uri):
                mock_output = self.mock_emr_output.get(
                    (cluster_id, step_num)) or [b'']

                bucket_name, key_name = parse_s3_uri(output_uri)

                # write output to S3
                for i, part in enumerate(mock_output):
                        {bucket_name: {
                            key_name + 'part-%05d' % i: part
            elif (cluster_id, step_num) in self.mock_emr_output:
                raise AssertionError(
                    "can't use output for cluster ID %s, step %d "
                    "(it doesn't output to S3)" % (cluster_id, step_num))

            # done!
            # if this is the last step, continue to autotermination code, below
            if step_num < len(cluster['_Steps']) - 1:

        # no pending steps. should we wait, or shut down?
        if cluster['AutoTerminate']:
            cluster['Status']['State'] = 'TERMINATING'
            cluster['Status']['StateChangeReason']['Code'] = (
            cluster['Status']['StateChangeReason']['Message'] = (
                'Steps Completed')
            # just wait
            cluster['Status']['State'] = 'WAITING'
            cluster['Status']['StateChangeReason'] = {}

Exemple #11
    def simulate_progress(self, jobflow_id, now=None):
        """Simulate progress on the given job flow. This is automatically
        run when we call describe_jobflow().

        :type jobflow_id: str
        :param jobflow_id: fake job flow ID
        :type now: py:class:`datetime.datetime`
        :param now: alternate time to use as the current time (should be UTC)
        if now is None:
            now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        if self.simulation_steps_left <= 0:
            raise AssertionError("Simulated progress too many times; bailing out")
        self.simulation_steps_left -= 1

        job_flow = self.mock_emr_job_flows[jobflow_id]

        # if job is STARTING, move it along to WAITING
        if job_flow.state == "STARTING":
            job_flow.state = "WAITING"
            job_flow.startdatetime = to_iso8601(now)

        # if job is done, don't advance it
        if job_flow.state in ("COMPLETED", "TERMINATED", "FAILED"):

        # if SHUTTING_DOWN, finish shutting down
        if job_flow.state == "SHUTTING_DOWN":
            if job_flow.reason == "Shut down as step failed":
                job_flow.state = "FAILED"
                job_flow.state = "TERMINATED"
            job_flow.enddatetime = to_iso8601(now)

        # if a step is currently running, advance it
        for step_num, step in enumerate(job_flow.steps):
            # skip steps that are already done
            if step.state in ("COMPLETED", "FAILED", "CANCELLED"):
            if step.name in ("Setup Hadoop Debugging",):
                step.state = "COMPLETED"

            # found currently running step! going to handle it, then exit
            if step.state == "PENDING":
                step.state = "RUNNING"
                step.startdatetime = to_iso8601(now)

            assert step.state == "RUNNING"
            step.enddatetime = to_iso8601(now)

            # check if we're supposed to have an error
            if (jobflow_id, step_num) in self.mock_emr_failures:
                step.state = "FAILED"
                reason = self.mock_emr_failures[(jobflow_id, step_num)]
                if reason:
                    job_flow.reason = reason
                if step.actiononfailure == "TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW":
                    job_flow.state = "SHUTTING_DOWN"
                    if not reason:
                        job_flow.reason = "Shut down as step failed"

            step.state = "COMPLETED"

            # create fake output if we're supposed to write to S3
            output_uri = self._get_step_output_uri(step)
            if output_uri and is_s3_uri(output_uri):
                mock_output = self.mock_emr_output.get((jobflow_id, step_num)) or [""]

                bucket_name, key_name = parse_s3_uri(output_uri)

                # write output to S3
                for i, bytes in enumerate(mock_output):
                    add_mock_s3_data(self.mock_s3_fs, {bucket_name: {key_name + "part-%05d" % i: bytes}})
            elif (jobflow_id, step_num) in self.mock_emr_output:
                raise AssertionError(
                    "can't use output for job flow ID %s, step %d " "(it doesn't output to S3)" % (jobflow_id, step_num)

            # done!

        # no pending steps. shut down job if appropriate
        if job_flow.keepjobflowalivewhennosteps == "true":
            job_flow.state = "WAITING"
            job_flow.reason = "Waiting for steps to run"
            job_flow.state = "COMPLETED"
            job_flow.reason = "Steps Completed"