def test_nufft_adj(xp, mode, phasing, verbose=False): """ test nufft_adj() """ N1 = 4 N2 = 8 n_shift = [2.7, 3.1] # random shifts to stress it o1 = 2 * np.pi * xp.array([0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.9]) o2 = o1[::-1].copy() omega = xp.stack((o1, o2), axis=-1) st = NufftBase( omega=omega, Nd=(N1, N2), Jd=[8, 8], Kd=2 * np.array([N1, N2]), Ld=1024, n_shift=n_shift, phasing=phasing, mode=mode, on_gpu=xp != np, ) data = xp.arange(1, o1.size + 1).ravel()**2 # test spectrum xd = dtft_adj(data, omega, shape=(N1, N2), n_shift=n_shift, xp=xp) data_3reps = xp.stack((data, ) * 3, axis=-1) xn = st.adj(data_3reps) if verbose: print("nufft vs dtft max%%diff = %g" % max_percent_diff(xd, xn[:, :, -1])) xp.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(xp.squeeze(xd), xp.squeeze(xn[:, :, -1]), decimal=4) return
def test_nufft_2d(xp, mode, precision, phasing, Kd, Jd, order, verbose=False): Nd = (16, 16) Ld = 1024 n_shift = np.asarray(Nd) / 2 omega = _perturbed_gridpoints(Nd, xp=xp) rstate = xp.random.RandomState(1234) rtol = 1e-3 atol = 1e-5 A = NufftBase( omega=omega, Nd=Nd, Jd=Jd, Kd=Kd, n_shift=n_shift, mode=mode, Ld=Ld, precision=precision, phasing=phasing, on_gpu=xp != np, order=order, ) x = rstate.standard_normal(Nd) x = x + 1j * rstate.standard_normal(Nd) # forward y = A.fft(x) y_true = dtft(x, omega=omega, shape=Nd, n_shift=n_shift) xp.testing.assert_allclose(y, y_true, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) # multi-repetition forward if order == "F": x_reps = xp.stack((x, ) * 2, axis=-1) sl1 = (Ellipsis, 0) else: x_reps = xp.stack((x, ) * 2, axis=0) sl1 = (0, Ellipsis) y_reps = A.fft(x_reps) xp.testing.assert_allclose(y_reps[sl1], y_true, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) # adjoint x_adj = A.adj(y) x_adj_true = dtft_adj(y, omega=omega, shape=Nd, n_shift=n_shift) xp.testing.assert_allclose(x_adj, x_adj_true, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) # multi-repetition adjoint if order == "F": y_reps = xp.stack((y, ) * 2, axis=-1) sl1 = (Ellipsis, 0) else: y_reps = xp.stack((y, ) * 2, axis=0) sl1 = (0, Ellipsis) x_adj = A.adj(y_reps) xp.testing.assert_allclose(x_adj[sl1], x_adj_true, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) if verbose: print(mode, precision, phasing) print(f"\t{max_percent_diff(y, y_true)} " f"{max_percent_diff(x_adj, x_adj_true)}")
def test_dtft_adj_3d(xp, verbose=False, test_Cython=False): Nd = (32, 16, 2) n_shift = np.asarray([2, 1, 3]).reshape(3, 1) rstate = xp.random.RandomState(1234) X = rstate.standard_normal(Nd) # test signal X = X + 1j * rstate.standard_normal(Nd) # test with uniform frequency locations: om = _uniform_freqs(Nd, xp=xp) xd = dtft_adj(X, om, Nd, n_shift) xl = dtft_adj(X, om, Nd, n_shift, useloop=True) xp.testing.assert_allclose(xd, xl, atol=1e-7) Xp = xp.exp(-1j *, xp.asarray(n_shift))) Xp = X * Xp.reshape(X.shape, order="F") xf = xp.fft.ifftn(Xp) * xp.testing.assert_allclose(xd, xf, atol=1e-7) if verbose: print("loop max %% difference = %g" % max_percent_diff(xl, xd)) print("ifft max %% difference = %g" % max_percent_diff(xf, xd)) if test_Cython: import time from mrrt.nufft.cy_dtft import dtft_adj as cy_dtft_adj t_start = time.time() xc = cy_dtft_adj(X.ravel(order="F"), om, Nd, n_shift) print("duration (1 rep) = {}".format(time.time() - t_start)) print("ifft max %% difference = %g" % max_percent_diff(xf, xc)) X_16rep = xp.tile(X.ravel(order="F")[:, None], (1, 16)) t_start = time.time() cy_dtft_adj(X_16rep, om, Nd, xp.asarray(n_shift)) print("duration (16 reps) = {}".format(time.time() - t_start)) t_start = time.time() X_64rep = xp.tile(X.ravel(order="F")[:, None], (1, 64)) xc64 = cy_dtft_adj(X_64rep, om, Nd, xp.asarray(n_shift)) max_percent_diff(xf, xc64[..., -1]) print("duration (64 reps) = {}".format(time.time() - t_start)) # %timeit xd = dtft_adj(X_16rep, om, Nd, n_shift); return
def test_dtft_adj_1d(xp, verbose=False): Nd = (16, ) n_shift = np.asarray([2]).reshape(1, 1) rstate = xp.random.RandomState(1234) X = rstate.standard_normal(Nd) # test signal X = X + 1j * rstate.standard_normal(Nd) # test with uniform frequency locations: om = _uniform_freqs(Nd, xp=xp) xd = dtft_adj(X, om, Nd, n_shift) xl = dtft_adj(X, om, Nd, n_shift, useloop=True) xp.testing.assert_allclose(xd, xl, atol=1e-7) Xp = xp.exp(-1j *, xp.asarray(n_shift))) Xp = X * Xp.reshape(X.shape, order="F") xf = xp.fft.ifftn(Xp) * xp.testing.assert_allclose(xd, xf, atol=1e-7) if verbose: print("ifft max %% difference = %g" % max_percent_diff(xf, xd)) return
def test_nufft_3d(xp, mode, precision, phasing, order, verbose=False): ndim = 3 Nd = [8] * ndim Kd = [16] * ndim Jd = [6] * ndim # use odd kernel for variety (even in 1D, 2D tests) Ld = 1024 n_shift = np.asarray(Nd) / 2 omega = _perturbed_gridpoints(Nd, xp=xp) rtol = 1e-2 atol = 1e-4 rstate = xp.random.RandomState(1234) A = NufftBase( omega=omega, Nd=Nd, Jd=Jd, Kd=Kd, n_shift=n_shift, mode=mode, Ld=Ld, precision=precision, phasing=phasing, order=order, on_gpu=xp != np, ) x = rstate.standard_normal(Nd) x = x + 1j * rstate.standard_normal(Nd) # forward y = A.fft(x) y_true = dtft(x, omega=omega, shape=Nd, n_shift=n_shift) xp.testing.assert_allclose(y, y_true, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) # TODO: fix case with multiple additional axes at start or end # (multi-repetition forward with 2 additional axes at start or end) if order == "C": # x_reps = xp.stack((x,) * 4, axis=0).reshape((2, 2) + x.shape) x_reps = xp.stack((x, ) * 4, axis=0).reshape((4, ) + x.shape) sl1 = (0, Ellipsis) else: # x_reps = xp.stack((x,) * 4, axis=-1).reshape(x.shape + (2, 2)) x_reps = xp.stack((x, ) * 4, axis=-1).reshape(x.shape + (4, )) sl1 = (Ellipsis, 0) y_reps = A.fft(x_reps) xp.testing.assert_allclose(y_reps[sl1], y_true, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) # adjoint x_adj = A.adj(y) x_adj_true = dtft_adj(y, omega=omega, shape=Nd, n_shift=n_shift) xp.testing.assert_allclose(x_adj, x_adj_true, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) # TODO: fix case with multiple additional axes at start or end # multi-repetition adjoint with 2 additional axes at start or end if order == "C": # y_reps = xp.stack((y,) * 4, axis=0).reshape((2, 2) + y.shape) y_reps = xp.stack((y, ) * 4, axis=0).reshape((4, ) + y.shape) else: # y_reps = xp.stack((y,) * 4, axis=-1).reshape(y.shape + (2, 2)) y_reps = xp.stack((y, ) * 4, axis=-1).reshape(y.shape + (4, )) x_adj = A.adj(y_reps) xp.testing.assert_allclose(x_adj[sl1], x_adj_true, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) if verbose: print(mode, precision, phasing) print(f"\t{max_percent_diff(y, y_true)} " f"{max_percent_diff(x_adj, x_adj_true)}")
def _test_mri_multi( ndim=3, N0=8, grid_os_factor=1.5, J0=4, Ld=4096, n_coils=1, fieldmap_segments=None, precisions=["single", "double"], phasings=["real", "complex"], recon_cases=["CPU,Tab0", "CPU,Tab", "CPU,Sp"], rtol=1e-3, compare_to_exact=False, show_figures=False, nufft_kwargs={}, navg_time=1, n_creation=1, return_errors=False, gpu_memflags=None, verbose=False, return_operator=False, spectral_offsets=None, ): """Run a batch of NUFFT tests.""" all_err_forward = np.zeros( (len(recon_cases), len(precisions), len(phasings)) ) all_err_adj = np.zeros((len(recon_cases), len(precisions), len(phasings))) alltimes = {} if not np.isscalar(navg_time): navg_time_cpu, navg_time_gpu = navg_time else: navg_time_cpu = navg_time_gpu = navg_time for i, recon_case in enumerate(recon_cases): if "CPU" in recon_case: navg_time = navg_time_cpu else: navg_time = navg_time_gpu for j, precision in enumerate(precisions): for k, phasing in enumerate(phasings): if verbose: print( "phasing={}, precision={}, type={}".format( phasing, precision, recon_case ) ) if "Tab" in recon_case: # may want to create twice when benchmarking GPU case # because the custom kernels are compiled the first time ncr_max = n_creation else: ncr_max = 1 # on_gpu = ('GPU' in recon_case) for ncr in range(ncr_max): ( Gn, wi_full, xTrue, ig, data_true, times, ) = generate_sim_data( recon_case=recon_case, ndim=ndim, N0=N0, J0=J0, grid_os_factor=grid_os_factor, fieldmap_segments=fieldmap_segments, Ld=Ld, n_coils=n_coils, precision=precision, phasing=phasing, nufft_kwargs=nufft_kwargs, MRI_object_kwargs=dict(gpu_memflags=gpu_memflags), spectral_offsets=spectral_offsets, ) xp = Gn.xp # time the forward operator sim_data = Gn * xTrue # dry run tstart = time.time() for nt in range(navg_time): sim_data = Gn * xTrue sim_data += 0.0 sim_data = xp.squeeze(sim_data) # TODO: should be 1D already? # print("type(xTrue) = {}".format(type(xTrue))) # print("type(sim_data) = {}".format(type(sim_data))) t_for = (time.time() - tstart) / navg_time times["MRI: forward"] = t_for # time the norm operator Gn.norm(xTrue) # dry run tstart = time.time() for nt in range(navg_time): Gn.norm(xTrue) t_norm = (time.time() - tstart) / navg_time times["MRI: norm"] = t_norm if precision == "single": dtype_real = np.float32 dtype_cplx = np.complex64 else: dtype_real = np.float64 dtype_cplx = np.complex128 if "Tab" in recon_case: if phasing == "complex": assert_equal(Gn.Gnufft.h[0].dtype, dtype_cplx) else: assert_equal(Gn.Gnufft.h[0].dtype, dtype_real) else: if phasing == "complex": assert_equal(Gn.Gnufft.p.dtype, dtype_cplx) else: assert_equal(Gn.Gnufft.p.dtype, dtype_real) assert_equal(sim_data.dtype, dtype_cplx) if compare_to_exact: # compare_to_exact only currently for single-coil, # no fieldmap case if spectral_offsets is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "compare_to_exact doesn't currently support " "spectral offsets" ) nshift_exact = tuple(s / 2 for s in Gn.Nd) sim_data2 = dtft( xTrue,, shape=Gn.Nd, n_shift=nshift_exact ) sd2_norm = xp.linalg.norm(sim_data2) rel_err = xp.linalg.norm(sim_data - sim_data2) / sd2_norm if "GPU" in recon_case: if hasattr(rel_err, "get"): rel_err = rel_err.get() all_err_forward[i, j, k] = rel_err print( "{},{},{}: forward error = {}".format( recon_case, precision, phasing, rel_err ) ) rel_err_mag = ( xp.linalg.norm(np.abs(sim_data) - np.abs(sim_data2)) / sd2_norm ) print( f"{recon_case},{precision},{phasing}: " f"forward mag diff error = {rel_err_mag}" ) assert rel_err < rtol # TODO: update DiagonalOperatorMulti to auto-set loc_in, # loc_out appropriately if xp is np: diag_args = dict(loc_in="cpu", loc_out="cpu") else: diag_args = dict(loc_in="gpu", loc_out="gpu") diag_op = DiagonalOperatorMulti(wi_full, **diag_args) if n_coils == 1: data_dcf = diag_op * data_true else: data_dcf = diag_op * sim_data # time the adjoint operation im_est = Gn.H * data_dcf # dry run tstart = time.time() for nt in range(navg_time): im_est = Gn.H * data_dcf t_adj = (time.time() - tstart) / navg_time times["MRI: adjoint"] = t_adj if hasattr(Gn, "mask") and Gn.mask is not None: im_est = embed(im_est, Gn.mask) else: if spectral_offsets is None: im_est = im_est.reshape(Gn.Nd, order=Gn.order) else: im_est = im_est.reshape( tuple(Gn.Nd) + (len(spectral_offsets),), order=Gn.order, ) if compare_to_exact: im_est_exact = dtft_adj( data_dcf,, shape=Gn.Nd, n_shift=nshift_exact ) ex_norm = xp.linalg.norm(im_est_exact) rel_err = xp.linalg.norm(im_est - im_est_exact) / ex_norm all_err_adj[i, j, k] = rel_err if verbose: print( "{},{},{}: adjoint error = {}".format( recon_case, precision, phasing, rel_err ) ) rel_err_mag = ( xp.linalg.norm(np.abs(im_est) - np.abs(im_est_exact)) / ex_norm ) if verbose: print( "{},{},{}: adjoint mag diff error = {}".format( recon_case, precision, phasing, rel_err ) ) assert_(rel_err < rtol) title = ", ".join([recon_case, precision, phasing]) if show_figures: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pyvolplot import volshow if compare_to_exact: volshow( [ im_est_exact, im_est, im_est_exact - im_est, xp.abs(im_est_exact) - xp.abs(im_est), ] ) else: volshow(im_est) plt.title(title) alltimes[title] = times if return_operator: if return_errors: return Gn, alltimes, all_err_forward, all_err_adj return Gn, alltimes if return_errors: return alltimes, all_err_forward, all_err_adj return alltimes